xt7cfx73xq39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73xq39/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-05-20 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 34,  May 20, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 34,  May 20, 1915 1915 1915-05-20 2015 true xt7cfx73xq39 section xt7cfx73xq39 Q ——·  -—·—————-—   - -—·-—··· -—-———··——;· ·—————————— -——————-—-— —-~ -- ——-—————-—- -
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University of Kentucky
  VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, KEN'l‘UCK,Y ·MAY 20, 1915. V Nm 34_
° Hi h F' I ‘ I 1 `
x . Lexmgton g rrst n i 91 5-1 6 Staff Selected
nt¢T8C 0 G8 1C OUTT1 y I OT QC! and 8171211
l I h I ¢° '1't lllll AI [I|l[F[A'I]I F ‘Id ’ M
I   _ ` ¥TY* 
’ First With Total of 34%/2 Points; Louisville Male Hlgh Tricky Chinese Take the Sk€tCh€S Of Staff Members Who Will Assist in Getting
' H •
. Second Wlth 32%/2 Counters, 8Yld Score of Other Long End Of 3 640.4 Score Out   IDEA" Next Y83!‘ Indncate That
........ - ’ ' . . ‘ M
High Schools Bflllg   UIC Rear . In an Interestlng. Game P3p€l'   Be 3. Hummer"
Stoll Field this season the Hawalleus **1
1 Hl h B h l t k that   ·—~—-—~r~-———-——·— T
A Lex nsw!. I c oo 00 won out over the Wildcats 6-4. It was l he stan of THE IDEA for next
    "°"°‘‘ "‘     "°“’   °’‘°“° ""‘“ FIVE llllllllllllll IIEEIIEES hard * Ough ·         ·· ·~ Mlllllll BAMPIIS |IIH{Z|1S’ ’i“'   °°°“     '” “
  T°¤'¤•¤*°¤t which ‘"' h°'d h°"° time was the game sate for either lfouowsi `
  Thursday, Friday and Saturday of lent team. The Wildcats led ol! wlth the t EDITORIAL STAFF-
: w••k. The   score in the t0ur¤a_ lscoring in the fourth,   three   Franklin C0ru......Edltor·in-Chief
. w , a ee more . . . n · ·- · ·
l •·, ....... t... l,..,...,t.,.. 35 ..5 .,.....t..\ ~gg;·_gy;6g*;et,;j·;;;jg°*j; jg? M €`l.‘2'§L‘ §`;.EZ.'“é2'lg;;°‘X`IZF‘§£Zf EZIIZI
Louisville High, 32%, l¤d I NON °YIMgn to Rqc?]VQ D€(§I‘€€S In me sixth.   Ul PFIZQS to be Given; Kenneth Doris ...... Paragraph Editor
°*h°"' *° uw "°*"· I I-Ia,veA1I V1S1t,€d the Ol- Mcclcnmd me mm S rmheld Entry LlSt Closes lll Miss Rebecca smnn ··c0.ednm···
TM ¤·¤¤¤ w·· ¤¤¤ ¤·¤¤¢ ·¤•=¤···*··*.°* lege This Year '· Y ·° ° K Next Few Days mmm s sl Uni,} s Ed.
‘ lad, started the game and Hung a good » y nr son .... e c tor
its klnd ever held ln Lexington endl -- —_
wom one hundred high school pup". The faculty or State University de- game untll the sixth heme, when he The annual Campus Circus wm bel Bart N· Peak -···-··· A¤¤l¤t¤¤t Editor V
. from an over the Sum were in Lax clded at an meeting last week to award was touched up for several blngles. given ln a mammoth ten; on the uni. DEPARTMENTAL 3*rApp_
muon for the toumunem Gold s"_ live honorary degreeswo men of dis- T0 the joy of the fans. Captain Jimmy { versity campus Tuesday, June 8th, and J. T. Gooch .......,., Loca]; and Lgw
wr md Mono medus were awarded tlnctlon at the comlng graduation ex- Park made his lnltlal appearance on some of the best talent ln the ingtitu- J. Wolf ....... . .....,.,, Mechanics]
Wim winners md Maw every mmol erclses ln June. the mound when he started the sev- tion is being made ready to make lt] S. J. Csudlll ................ Mining
` umuea one trophy . The men upon whom degrees wllllenth. In his three innings nlne men . the best "clrcus" yet. James McConnell, Jr, ,,,_ Agrjculturg
Léxmgmu got l long lad on me be conferred are Henry S. Breckln-lfaced hlm without a hlt. The score This year's "coicus" wlil inclndelhee McCl•.l¤ ........,.. Fraternities
other schools in me mu·ic·l‘·nd 0n_ ridge, Assistant Secretary ot War; Dr.|by innings: • humorous "take offs" on everyday Mlm Martha Willi; ..,,,,. Sororigigg
mrmu contuu held Thunday md Prederlck Sheets Jones, ot Yale Uni-I First Innlng—Ayau flled to Spald- items. a sure `nuf mlnstrel show with Miss K. Mitchell .... Home Economicg
· FHd·, Icormz thru ant. mr · mtu versity; Dr. Aqullla Webb, ot Louis- lng, Lal hit a hot one to Turkey, but end men, the interlocnmr and the inev- Miss Elsle Heller .....,,,_ Education
of nnuumomu md It wu tm. had vlue; Col. Bennett H. Young, all ot wu an easy out at first; J. Chln out, ltable bones, _a stun} with a menageriog gEpORTER8_
I mn g·" Morton High the necessary whom will be given the honorary de- Dutch to Squlrrelly. of wild animals thatwlll make you Est"] wood.
musiu io wm our Louhvmo N me grse nr Doctor of Laws; and David Schrader walked; Waters tanned; Sit up and take notice. and other fen- }{_ J_ Evms_
Fun (my hd. were   Munn in Francls crawrerd, president or the Turkey hlt safely between first and tures. all of which are calculated to w, ·r_ C0;n¤ghsm_
me tuck and new event. hold S·mr_ Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who second, but was forced at second,ltivkle your rislbilltles and work on M_ (3_ Finney
uy utomoon will be given a degree of Doctor of when Curt hit to J. Chin; Rusty wa1k—l>‘<>¤¤r huuzhproducinz mechanism until Mrs, Mndmd -I·,yl°,._
; Thu"d“_,s pmgnm included the Engineering. All or these men have.ed, soaking the basesybut Squlrrelly's You could take a 20—mile rlde in a mss Msrssm; gsssgdy_
I dramatic réldmn for gm. piano visited the unlverslty and the lastllong lly to left tailed to materialize. l·`ord and still feel good. BUSINESS STAFF.
          P]'QsidQnt CrawfQrd' delivered! Second lnning*hiarx out, \vat,€rS to T0 m?\kP the Circus   interest-'       . , . . ,    
was victorious in two of mc", Min a. series of lectures before the Col-lSqulrl‘elly; Ylm singled to center and im: to the participants, the alumni of
Lucme Blnnhm winning me Nldmglnese or Mechanlcsl and Electrical En- went to second on a wild throw by The unlv<—rsity have donated $100, This starr which will sssums
s contest and Sidney Freeman tukinglglnogring during the past school year, Chlfbkéll; Lee fulllled; Yap out, Schrad— “'hl(`ll will be glV€Il BS follows: charge at the bgginnjng gf the fall
I I that place in tha violin content. Tha! The rating of students to recelveléf to Sq\llN‘6UY· FO" the best 0¤€·3·€t C0m0dY to D6 term next September, was selected
uno solo contest was won b Missicommencement honors was defined for Spaldlng DODD€d 0\1t to Ylmi Reed Pr0dUC6d· $25- after careful consideration and
v v \
Mary           th€ nfst tifna in 8, ]'Q§0l\][i0['| pa§Xd4drGw 8 pass  Mcclelland   incr the best clown. $5- thought, and ls believed to r9pr9S€nt,
Huh School. In the Num: contest by the faculty at the meeting, The and Schrader flied to Ayau. For the best quurtette, $10. the best talent In this uns In {ns un;.
won by Mus Bannister Mis- wma tlrst law reads as follows: Third luning—Let out, McClelland For the best character song, $5. versity
messy we mesa and me Mase The uw. im “`““‘°‘ °‘ C“‘“ "°‘°“ ‘°' “ “‘““l° '“ Y"' "‘° bm ‘“"‘”"" ““" “°'°"“‘· '* **1* be ¤¤¤¢¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ ¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¢¤· or
Manatee third. Thornton wat"! mb 1. To be eligible for ucommencei left, but was forced when Ayau hlt to $10- radical changes have been made ln
l....,.. ..,.,.,..d ln s..ves.. Colm »¤¤|..,.,m  ·- E. stud t t I S°"'“""" ’“““ ""'“'€" “"“°"‘“ L"‘t ”"" ""`   “`$$“"'""   "°‘ "‘*‘ “S"°‘ m¤¤°m·*¤· 0* me M
. en mus mve r _ _ Y ·
in me Dum num Min Rm Ron wd bam in attendance M the university out, J. Park to Tuttle. _   The Wllldlnlllg $·*" “m be ¤w¤rd¤¤ These changes have been made ln ac-
msg May ar-mk named second and mm, mu ysm_ éJiW“;°'; di’“b'“ ‘° '°“ md ‘““°"¥ NT ;"h‘“’;l S‘“"‘S· ”“"h°’ malls °' cordancc with the intention or running
umd. r“D“¤"ly_ 2. No Student Shan be eligible {Off nnblal; h t a.J slow one to Lal, who ; \\ is lf Wl agpelsr next week. next yemss paper Ou a smcuy sysw
On Fridn, mgm. Mus Duane md_ ucommencemem honursyn if he Shun um e , and lm was site, Waters ro essor . . Weaver who is in umm, and buslneswuke policy, It is
com. of Lexington High. wu given i advanced; Uhicken sacrinced to [,ee_`charge of the event, announces that a believed that the arrangement for
g have incurred a condition nor unless Form W wry W i ht _ d I rmlmber H, mm _ l _1 d b
the decision ofthe judges in the vocallhe Emu have maintained a mimmumlbfu 8 an   nl; nllsse tle A K, it b es lnve s res y gen next year wm be an improvement on
solo contest lud WSI awarded U Kold standing of 50 per cent. A’s, 40 per! A three umm', 'lutue tripled to : rtw \H'· ut that anyone with a that of the past' in that the work wm
medal Over six other contesting. com- RIB. 10 por cent. CDB- rls:;lt,lscorl`1;g {lm. and chulked l1ll¤¤·l;‘·*'*l:;* hue flu? mw Participate lY»be so divided that no one person will
Ruby ¤...,.., ot swam. we we That .1,.,   of sm., students “*’h, “‘°“l “' ‘°‘ °f‘° ‘° "" { "Q, §“"`       "““‘°‘““‘°"‘ "" '°°""°° *° do wy**·*¤=· ¤·¤· me
and and um Margaret Lyle, or Stan- whose scholarship words would make °“'"‘ ““‘“g_J· ‘J"*“ °“‘· J· *’**'“, “" "° “““°' W*’“"f"· work will be divided evenly among s
V1 . 1 · _ `  
mn, mud. mom eligible for ucoummncemem to luttle, Mark tiled out to bthrader.       number of persons. In this way, the
lil the b°Y¤' d°°l¤·m¤U°¤ °°m“t· honors" be submltted by the Regis- Ylm popped to Tama     ••RUTH•v paper wm b° impl-°v°d °“d no °“"
Hugo Faustlne, of Loullyllle Mile- {rar to the tacultles o! their respective Njctéfslansv mmm]; Schrader medl t ——-—- person wm b° °v°r'W°"k°d·
                            to ° ul     3 Scratch d0\vnl Last       (`hural S0.!   is           be
gon County }-H']. 8ch°°|' gcq¤d' ggd of each faculty to consider carefully third; J' Park ined out to Sai' ivlely of Sluts I`|\iver;·;i[y presented thai ll\!`g8l' next year [hgn gygp before and
A, B, Weaver, of Louisville Ml¤¤¤l· the character and personality of each Huh .:l¤_:}¤g—Lé° Peat out u Slow lmmum Mmuhn [www A large and ap` Space wm bo given to R number of
[bird. ’ candidate lad to report In writing               [N`\*('iHuV9 BUdl€Il\‘t* ill [ht) university [ ua", features,     be H,[1l]0u]]cQd
A Klfli Q\ll¤'l·¤t [Wm M*Y¤Vul° wu the Registrar its selection of honor , I El·lmpel` Tha may was given pm“ar`llmH` one of these wm be A su"
judged for urn honurs over two mlxod ` students- heat out a built to MC(l9Ul¤\l1d» till-   ny in honor of the students fl‘01l1 thélmm "‘·’m"0H€d €X€l\1BlV8l)’ by the "<‘0—
quartets from sprlngngld and Cyn- mg he b“*’“· (· ( hm mm Out ul ·’· l .lm'crent hlgh schools which were hold— » *>d¤" Mid lh ellsrse of hte "(`o·ed"ltor.
-.,-_. * » `
mmm, and a male quuwm, from ———••-•-— lurk. and Aysu hlt one to J. Park., s A joint schslsstic mss; usps Miss Rebecca Slllith. The Glrls’ Issue
(tys;ms¤s_ Professor J- 'I`. V. Noe. uf the Ue- f°"°l"g LW M h°"'°· but (mn Parkl Under the able direction ot Protes· this year was such a success, [hat 1;
Loulsvllle Male had only one entryipartuleut of Education, addressed the missed °"° and YW “"°"°d: 1***1 h“`sor llurlowe F llean, Alfred uanrs was thought advlsable to turn nyu- s
ln they eeenta and he carried ol! the H [U ML S li S, to ¤°hr°d°r’ who fuulbmd Md 1*** sau·r‘+· ¢¤l9¤t WHS shown **’““¤ ¤*H*‘¤- hm! Whetller this section
' “‘“"°°“· tl h tm 1 ~-1 - ll. l~ za: ·
Trnk md Phu ‘"”“' 1¢`oluu1bls the next nlaht to deliver the (‘urt Para hit nn; Yap and xvnshl mms ou 0 em N pu unuunw M Q Mw e 0 Womans gunna or me
The mama Hem wu me tau audi U lull who participated. fall fashions will depend on mss
4 vu-.- ,('0|llll\8l1UOI1l8|lt address to the gradu· l**>Pl>•=‘d W Y¤P· luttle walked wld |l•·t·u.us4· nr' lrs length the program Smith IDG her &¤s0¢|¤t0¤.
wuuumwd on Pue Th"`) {ating class of the high school ’ wumlnued on Page Two-) lnnnot be given here. r ·   ~uu— P·—;; TWUJ
. . ` `

 2 THE IDEA__-__________•________·_l___l______l ,
• • |
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures (io Where thc Gos Go.
‘”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°““°  
Me At Admission 10c
FIRST-CLAS! IN IVIRY APPOINTMENT J. H. ITAMPER. Jr., Owncr and Mana •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
*,15*,16     and Miss Mnrthn \\'llll¤, n Kappa Rap-   ...,   ended the fray trying to steal second.
l lC0mlnn sss Onsll pa Gamma, the sormstly nells. [ lone`. l Th,. Mol-,. follows;
. » Ml" K“'h°"l"° ‘1“`h° * °"° 0 Announcement has been made of thcl§l.\\VAll AB R H P0 A E Q
· ,l_ Pranklln (`orn, Edltor—ln-(`hlef; next year's seniors lll "'1`he lk~part· _ n \ ss \ l. wonlllo _ _
_ l _ tngag ment of .ll .la tha y. Alsll_ ss_ ___4_ _l l 0 4 3 0
lll N_ lnoslo Asllstant pldltolhhhd W_J_ ment tsn-called in the hlrls Issue), nl Sln_llls.`,llln nnd Rnborl llnwson Isl nb 4 0 0 2 1 0
    llnrrls_ Business Manager, were elect-   n'("“;`h";:ls°:s 'll:;n(;‘l(;"‘:sc;°l¥?`.llnwklns. of Lexington. The marriage ll     '``‘ 4 l I 4 2 0
' "* · ` · · fJune.l‘· '  
lnn snms llmn nnn nv THE llllllnl Y lwlll take plate the latttr part o
t · lng one of the best known depart- lllss ws lll , l l, lvor_|lllll.ll l. 4 0 l 7 l 0
l _ _ I l  aeysaormerun.l· .. ......
lllonrd of (ontrol. All of the rcmllh llnentn ln the nnllerslty and this news nlll. nlrl nno nllonood Sllllo lol two Ylm, rl. .l44'·_ ll o l ll o o
  lln members of the staff have beenlshould furnish interesting reading! . . _
I! . lyears. where the romance of the cou lloo ll 4 l l .l o o
  _ , 8 chosen since then.  npxt yeah lple began. W UU". I
3 "   I h R Marsh nl `lnvsvllls wnnl The Department of Education news Mn llswlslns ls lns son nl, Mn nnd Yah. lh. ...... 4 2 l 7 0 0
`0 n ' ' I ` ` wlll be handled by Miss Elsie Hellenlslrs lo ll Hnwlllnn of Ennl Hlgn Let, cf. ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0
wm be the Managing Ednon is al Ml" H"""" l“ WPI] ‘“`q““lm°d wmwStr·;et. land. will graduate in Meehan- (`. Chin. p. .... 4 0 1 0 1 0
Juntor major English, student l¤ the the work or one department. and wlll lssl and slsslllsnl lsnslnslln
I00 MATIIIEE I00 · , . - e one _._.__
.. t. 1 d " " f tl . sltl n. .
c Arts and Science Departmen l reqs: goo uma: lorf lonpolndorlllas llonn Totals HUU34 6 8 27 8 I
      The posltlon of Assistant Managing · X " "’ *°" 0 ‘ Q ‘ S', _..__.,.•.,,__ _.. _ _
Enllnl, wss orsnlod whsll lhs, ollllls lorlmen in the Journalism Departmentlmlss MARIE BECKER WINS IN STATE- All R H PO A E
'next year were being formulated andth8"‘“ b°"“ ’l"l*"`l‘*d tc all ral' "*’l’°l'l€” ANNUAL DEcl_AMA.l.lON CONTEST Schrader, ss. .. 4 0 0 3 4 1
Und•r Enulmly ~•* I•nn|•m•nt grhen   was dgpided to issue a ]8rgerl·On 0llT DPW  YIF‘Xt] {PB`:. Ehesle -_-__. \v8t9r8'   l I l   I 2 5 1 0
. , _ : E till \' s, of ’n<· nar; . .
p°·p°r· ll “" beumpd that the Man lam`, S som . · _ ln the Phllosophlan Literary S0- J· Park 3b'p· · " 2 3 2 4 1
Ia ln Fdltor should have someone tol·l· l‘·‘“"”· cl l"`*‘“kfO"'· “· T· (mm"?
  **1** lll   h dun the seattllnm of Pnlrlnl Ml (wl Plnnnv of Fl,nnk_ (·l9ty`g gnnug] dgglgmgtory contest |l·l (`_ Pgrk_ (;_   4 () 1 5 1 0
“;$0”fltsl OT ;_.n;`l, ;_.l:`;ll ll; lll, lg so lrort; Miss Mildred reyter and Mtn rlwvrl lm ~~‘<·<—k· Miss Mme B¤¤l·¤r· wrlsm. cr.   4 0 1 1 0 0
K d vllns Anlln Crnhho of Lolllsvlllsllhlargaret Cassidy, both of Lexlngton.`°f l’°ulSvm°· wm] U"` pHm· R Bet °f Tuttle, lb.   4 1 1 10 0 0
an A I {bl l'! All of the members of next year’s b°°ks relucd et $10 Her ”“b·l°°t was S lol If 4 0 l l 0
was chosen for this respons e pos- t ls S lown above are rs uQst€dl..,l.lls Gssnsn Scene from Mary Snr pau ng, .. 0
tlon. Although Mlss Crabbe is a B ll · “ sl · · ‘l 5 .. Mcclellah ll _ 2 0 0 0 2 0
to meet thls afternoon Thursdav at`“"· Misses virginia smut and vi' ' ` ’
lFr°°hm°n’ she has had extensive 6x` · U vlan llelaln were th oth r ont t Reed rf-3b 3 0 *0 0 0 1
erlence In newspaper work before en- 3:30 D- m-- ln the Department cf J°“"'¥ / 9 8 C es - ` ' "
lfenng seneet and ls one or the t»e¤tl¤¤ll¤m· The ¤l¤¤¤ for MM Mr wl1¤,““;‘l n bs S nn l P d n °'“"*· "· --··· 1 ° I ° ° °
' _ _ be outlined and your attendance is; Ss 8 °°“ m • ° “ “°°· ———-——
cn "’°°' ";"’l°°"’ff°"°'° ’“ "‘° D°°°" ,,,,l,,.,,.,,,,,,, lf ,0,, expel, to be 0,, ,l,,,l»~·en the essay contest on the subject Town 36 l 10 27 12 3
lmigt ° th°;')r"? sm} DI on who ls nnnol, ·of "Thc Influence of Literary Socle-   S
€¤¤€ O" ¤· 0 " · ` ltles ·· Score by Innlngo.
l   ' ‘
:‘;'s°n°;"n:° l;};l0°:uv°;$;;t;s°;nt;;:l°s gig; All atudenta who have s copy eel Miss Lois Ammerman read ner wln- {Howell ......... 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0-6
· 8 8 · ll,_Rnsh,, ln lnslr nsssesslnn most rssnrnlnlng essay of the contest held somelglnle ___________ 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1..4 l
° ‘ Sum as Psmagmph Edmm H9 rtl ;tlme ago ln the Horace Mann Liter-l .
c     owlcontlnue ln charge of the paragraph l it to the Bualnen Agent’• office im-lnrv Snclsly learned Runs—State, 2; Hawaii, 3.
' lt€r¤ will- . Mt-ttletlen to Tuttle. nenter medel, ln chapel Monday night.
beginning of the school ycar last full. the basketball team, ls a member ore , , . ..
\ V l lleed out, Lal to Yap; (,rum singled b. S. Combs, whose subject was The
' but he has Bh°“n decided mmm ""Alpha Zeta the honorary agrlculturall ·
¤_ llllln llne nnd glnee gnlng on The Her., _ ’ _ {over first; Schrader popped to Yap; Evolution ot Peace," was returned the ·
\ l_ lald, two months ago, has done someltrmemny and R member Ot Lamp and-\\'atcrs rolled to Ayau, forcing Crum winner over the other candidates, B.
; |€X€9ll9¤l work ln Wrlllng me “¤l"°"‘| Hr°SS’ the Senior honorary fmtemmx lat second. U. Sartln, who spoke on "Force, the
W ¤ v l   `
cmo lSlt;l:$*;':'i;·s news of the dmerem       Seventh lnnlng——Jlm Park pitching. Arbitration of Nations/' and Thomas
- · ‘ 1 ZAyau got hit; Lai hlt to Schrader, tlreekmore, whose speech was on "The
To ITIS ect the new Spflfl t t tlll th h the h nds' A N
P g|£;"sm;';l?ss`;msni;l Erllltgs nsxl 3ssl ; NEW MA AGEMENTll·t»rt·1¤lg Al-eu; J. Chln int lnte e deu- American Splrit." Judge w. T. nat-
Styks rn »l—hls oosllloll wlll ho held by W_ gl <`aptaln A. E. Wells, who. has been ble, Schrader to Waters to Tuttle. ferty, Professor J. T. C. Noe and Dr. •
Shlnnlck, who ls also a reporter onltnanaging the university dining hall J, Park singled; C. Park popped out; J. J. Tigert were the judges.
H 1: — l
a Sq 'lhc Hcmld ill lh? l>l°98€¤l llme- Mr-letut-e its inauguration last fall, handed Wright rolled one to Ayau, torolng J. President Barker, who is the donor
h Shmmck has been d°mg n°wSp°'p°r ln his resignation last week, and will Park at second; Tuttle flied out to of the medal glven Monday ulght,
OBS, work for a number of years, both in
_ nn; home town and ln Lsxlngsnn and leave to accept the superlntendency Ayau, made a speech ln which he highly
Shrrtsq llc emlnently capable or taking this cf ll ltctel lil llluc Rldglh North CMO- Eighth lnnlng—Mark out, J. Park to complimented the speakers and also
  posltlon. lllna, May 25. Tuttle; Yim fouled; Lee out on a liner said that he would endeavor to work
I l‘}¤€h Oli? cf lhé d€’D¤l‘lm9¤l ¤°W¤~ Miss Mary E. Fisher, who has hadlto Waters, up oratory, to a higher standard, ln
, . l"~r::;; sygrgsi?°n°;\2B:2:;rtl;’a;i;lwll?;1charge of the culinary department atl Spalding hit out to Yap; Reed out; the untverstty next year. It has been
  t   B€hInd,§snnrsm€nll J lll Gnncn nl. Hanson l’all¢*rS0n llall, look t·harge‘ of {hell'. t‘hln to Yap; (Drum walked; Schrad- suggested that a chair of oratory be
lwlll ho lll olllllso ol tho Law llollhrl, (‘afeterla Monday and wlll manage it er whlffed. established ln the university, but thls
      ‘ment news and wlll also be ln chargelthe rest of the year. Miss Fisher hasa Ninth 1nning·—--Yap tlied out to ls not probable for next year.
cf ¤ll "l°°¤l¤·" TMS wlll l”°'“d°l°"`l¤ud charge ofthe gtrls‘ dormitory forlschreder; Let and tx trntn tanned lu At the conclusion or the meeting.
P||m B··c|l sung $7.50__$9 ;3;;u;(’;u:;°;‘T:;n_ST‘a:in ;ls:‘n;_r:n0e;; several years and is an expert ln foodlorder. at which J. T. Gooch presided, the g o
Mu]. fg unl.; __;__i nsssnnnls nows nl, lns lnlsssnllsslnls preparation. l Waters struck out; J. Park doubled new officers of the soclety were in-
eontosts and other campus news, ;‘—°·*•*—_·‘ llo left; (`urt Park singled to right, stalled. I). L. McNeill was elected
Gr ( Q Julius Wolf. of Lexington, has b6€¤!KY,       lscorlng Jini; Reed singled; Tuttle for president; F. P. Mayo, vice presi-
    “"`m“g hls class “"’“'“ every Yea"     LIBRARY»th•·n hlt a slow one to Ayau, who dent, and Thomas Creekmore, treas-
Smce he entered School and is welll " ”‘ "‘ lcaught (‘urt trying to go home· Tuttle urer of the society next year
¤tt<—>¤ tc tckc ccntrcl cf thc Mcchsnl 'l`he extnun ot"about two nundredl ’ “
cal Department news. l _ _ l. K _ls Y, l l_l "_
O. S. J. Caudill, of Cannel Clty, wllolcanvuheb U_ emu y B nut ve Mt b S'
l,,,,l,,,,l,“ lwlll wslls {ns nllnlns news lss lnslat the Lcxtngton Public Library thls      
l ·l—l.llllsll lloxl l·olll._ hlls also been soy week has inet with the generous~
The College Fellows Shop cured to take charge of this depart- praise of all who have viewed thel Q  
  nie"! of     sta’n• \\`()l‘k_ Tllp Kplllupky Ar[   hl ul
The "ag" news wlll be handled by mnwlnsnl ln .
l pursuance ot the found-
. . James Mctlonnell, Jr., of Arlington, _ _ _ _   Ma    
Ilcxjngton Cigar CO. wlln wlll no ono nl next ysnns ssnlnrs tug ol a museum for Lexington and y, y { 9
|•••r••n••• lll lllls llslllll.lllll,lll_ Mh McConnell ls given under the auspices of the
· k ' I ' ·l, ¤ l r· A .
llANl§'fl{{j{}§“i{'};‘fGARS lL‘5,I.‘L`ff§.T..“.`i.'d .Z2.."A‘i.3.f"l2`lZI.'.2‘.§1'2‘l.‘3.lQ}",',’,§*§§,‘,§,_Q,‘“,'; ,,,1}",.s_§’f,‘§“2f“f,_§'Q’ffl llllllllll lll? $1- 5 0 Flllll lllllllllll l
  mh? position _ ltlluslastlc promotion of Mrs A. (YI SPECIAL RAINS L VE L X ‘
'I he lle“·ln Ut tho, frutvrllltles andl T EA E     An Mn and 7tZs Al MI
ill WEIT MAIN ITRIIT snrnrlllns wlll no nlvsn n lnrsol, nlscnl Zonlbrod. A prize of one hundred dol-: _..;.... _
it I rv 7-* _P-_”~‘ _ next year (hg]; |l•_·rp[()f()r(·»_ |[ lg llupgdl l2U`l* will l)t‘ H.\\til`dt‘ll to tllv V\`Ul`k I I Tlck•· A'•nt for P.'tscul.'· ""*
DR. J. D_   that the lllt*llll)(*l'S of the various se—Z choscn as thc bcst by the judges.  
. . · l , l "_
svg, gan. Nos: and Trtnoar |";"l;":i‘:"lfl“"°?:‘ “‘l' “*3‘°l “l" *”'*’l'”‘ The exlnbltlon will connnue lllflbuglll H C KING P _ an Tl n sn N
•P·°lAL-NTD make nl; :l:Ts;:enl:: sizing]; :ll·`rlduy evening and possibly through   ° ° ' ul! c ° g.
GI••••• Ground to rd•r. ‘¤* · · · ‘» . ; I _ lol!. sm l SL Lal s K _
“°cl•n.”d nnnnlnll Knooll Alnlls snll Alnlln llolls Slsnlsl saturday, being open to tht publlt l l •¤ » hg 0n. y l
`moo phono —·,x Rau"`.- y»x wlll have charge of the fraternity news lwlll ll ¤- lll. lllllll lll lt. Ul, » -—————-—·-—————1= o
% si
V9 ,-•~. 4

T H E I D E A 3
I mn; pun" K M· lr Zerfoss Ash-lt, ' M A    ··  WL—UW>m _"  `·' A N   A-
      lparrled on the prlgg wlth g mtg] of lllll ‘ ’ Erlanger John Rramlage. I 120·Yard Hurdles.
TO   ALUMNl]2T 1-A polnts, Lexington wg; ggqgnd llelllll ll l l lll ll l l4exlngton·-·Wllllam Prewltt, Joseph Lexlngton—-Pendleton Roberts, Gus
ace — .ex n on rs ·
....;.. lem, tgtdl lnd pdducdh .nd Sanford ' ‘ Morrls. Everett Elsey. Gay, Smith.
* S l fl ld. . ; K. M. .
Ofllcsra of Alumnl A••••IatI•r• Wlll flnlshed thlrd and fourth, wlth 18 and lllillllns llell "mnd I umd l·¤Wl‘*‘¤¢*>b¤l'I~W•|ll¢6 Wllll0¤· Al'ld9l'¤0¤ (?0ll¤lY—-Ell‘¤ SDBPFOW-
e- : .
lg ||"s•d Jam; ssh, pwlng 14, nespeetlvely, llll lllllllll ll l l lllll lll ll Tl l K. M. l.—.l. F. Graham, W. S. Gardner. Stanford—S. Embry, J. Embry.
Commencement Weak. That the meet was close ls evi- ll la ll. llyll el? lll ll: 3 lla n' S0mef‘set··B. Gooch. Somerset--H. Lowenthal.
* 9 • r 1 * • s l
...- danced by the rgct that the winner of llc Sl lg on- ll llymnll lrct Paducah—W. Rhodes, G. Lehnhard. ·’udu<·ah--J. Wllhelm, F. Shaw.
*’•“°*• "*"• '•·“°" M°'"'•’ ’° *"•** the tnetvntnst medal, s. smsty, of l“;’ll’l‘lllll"““· :l‘:l"°’ll ll °l‘· ll"“'·lspr•n¤ne1¤-Allen sessttt. mvsre vt...et...
· l s Q lll .
• }lI“"°;'ny num;]. bgll se°r°l"ylJ‘ Dl Stanford, had a total of only ten polnts gl: lllllflllltliro lllllllllllllll Zllllllllllz ` g2g.y.,·d pnhl LexIngton—Waller Rodes. Roberts.
‘ lll“’;l‘l"ll‘l:"‘°"""l;ll7ll °ll“;“‘l;";l°" ° ent er 117, he belng the only msn to lllllllll lllllll ’ llllllllll lllll lll lll ll`1.ex1ngtnn—w11ns1n Prewltt, Joseph Andersen ¤¤¤¤¢v—-Wnllece Wllson-
l . lllllt; rlson. lll, an . . rown· wlll two flrst places. Slmmons, or Alllllll. Sllllllll Clll llll ll.Al llll lgllllll Mllllllll llllllllllll llllllllll Model High Schddll Hlchmdhd-R0b.
M' ’ er pm! em °f m° Alumni Rlchmond, was second, wlth nlne ' _ '_ pp pl ' M,nwpenceburl;—}»,,.,; vmghhl ert Simmons.
hnutzmvzzlthl  M:en`:mtmd Mr? °°“““’"‘ ragnngltfeegttzztzaztelsy e....n......"*"'""'”""“‘°"‘ "°'“’°"°· ”‘““'°'“"”· "’"""’· ·’· E""""·
ar a e ess ng or v ce pres- ·· _ _. _
llllllll ll ll lllllllllllll llllll lllll ll l No records were broken at the Mllllllllllll lllllll Mlllllllllll llllllllllllllll Rlm¢l'¤¤¢-H- I·¤W¢¤Ul•l-
mt ' " ° l°°° H°°1"" 1902* unlverslty and both Dr. W. L. Ander- y ', bltt. l’¤d¤¢¤h—S. Rosrk, F. Shaw.
Arthur I‘°°v°"h°‘"' 1898* md J°h" B‘ son and Professor C. P. Weaver, who Bark"` lSomerset—Herman Lowenthal. High Jumps
Hutchings, 1903, were suggested on the Releree—R. T. Hinton, Georgetown. · ‘
were instrumental ln carrylng lt out. Loulsvllle Male——CharIes Stoll. Lexlngton—Gus Gay, Thomas Vogue,
ballot from whlch two members will W Sl!"'¥€"··‘Cl'\ll¤¤» Y- M- C· A- l
_ ere dellghted wlth the success of the ladscah—Walter Rhodes, Spencer Arthur Smlth, J. Sldener.
bg gg|gc[gd to   [hg p|·cg· on the V llll ll The lll ll nl nd l ll J\|d§€B It Fhl|lh···PTOf. C. P. WOIV- R l
l lllllll lll lllcllllllll ll ll e u e. co es a s a vs - llll Slllllll Slllllllll Y M C Al lllllll oark, G. Lehnhard. Anderson County—0llle Hawklns, Ez-
Zfcm V; :l°ml;°C ’ llllll ll ‘ ‘ ors were entertained by the alumnl lll'll Gllllll Sl.lll` ```` ' ' K. M. l.-W. S. Gardner, J. F. Gra- ra Sparrow.
°n ln ' ‘ lmp W °°° t°"°° with slghtseelng trips over the clty, J` ` ' ` ham, R. N. Park. Stanford——C. E. Coleman, Harry Far-
gxpjrg nut montlhl ll lll ll l lll lllllllll ll wl lll ll Clerk-Dr. W. L. Anderson, State.
lllll an e c n a , , as g e A l Cl ll_B ll ll S l 44g.yd,.d pnhl mer, J. Embry, S. Embry.
e ballots wlll be returned to See- lll lllelll lllllllll Slllllllllllll lllllll lll ss stant er en ot , tate. . llllllllllll _ ll ll Sll l l ll l ll
retary Turner before June 9 on whlch Flsld J¤d8¢ll·—A- Roth. Bfltlvll. H- I Lexington _ Jomph MON"' P°gu°’ e 0 n Op wg" B p
' chapel by the Choral Club of the unl- pluck Otten.
date the annual election of offlcersllllllhllll !Sc0l¢. Gl‘¤bf¤|d¢l'. l"l‘¤ll¤l‘- ll lll ` T l llllllllllllllll Mlllll_Ell llllllll
will be held at State untverstty. ‘ Tlmer¤—R- T. Hlnwn. Geersetewnz ‘ "" °“ ‘ °‘ D'°°‘“°"· J· C` ‘ ‘
Nearly one hundred medals were Mdthdwsl Somerset-Ray Reid, E. Boute, C
Pyqlrgmg of the gygngg of cqm. DI'. J. J. TIQOTI, SLIM; LIGIIIEDBHI
lll l lll ll kl lll awarded. Three were glven ln each llllllllllllllllll Sala Some,-,€l-Ll,dhm·d Hdhdhl Edward Curtls.
°n°°m°n er mu °n ee °8° er event for flrst, second and thlrd places. ' ` pllhldl lsp.·tngt1e|d-A_ gobmtg
with a letter from President W. L. .l.h l S°°l'€*`—R· Mnchelh SUN- 5
• erwl l¤·llvl¤¤·l v¤l¤l vl¤¤¤r stentere-s. Embry e. Hume 1.n ssese Jump
Bronaugh have been sent out vvttn the 'l`e¤¤l¤ Releree¤—K· Zerlees. K. · ·   ·
me slvell · ¤¤l¤ ¤¤¢l wmen. mextngten-rnemss vogue v Meme
C ballots. Mr. Bronaugh urges, ln hls llllllllg lhll lllllnll lllllllhllll lll lllllllll Pllllllm. SUNG. ll Lo l z l ’ ‘ ‘
letter, the attendance of alumni at the l ll ll l lll l ll Inspector of Tennis — MBYh8Wl,1 ' °v“°_ w' i°'m“t°'· ;A"d*”"°“ C°““tY“Em°“· C"*h““·
"°°° ve “ C ‘mV °n' P wp ° ° S Sprlngfleld—Mannlng Slmms, Allen` Floyd Shely.
exercises ln June and their co-ope1-a- llllhllllll llllll yell To llll llllllllllllll tate. lll ll l D l l
llllll lll lll lllllllllllllllll lll ll gllelllllll llllllllllllllllllll ll lllllll llll wllll llll lllc The hlgh Schlllllll llhll lhllll, lllllrlllll llll lo lb tt,llll lxle Barlow.   Somerset—Ray Relhl, B. Gooch, H.
. llllll llllllllll lllllllllllllllll lll lhll llllhllc lllllllllllllg llllll llllllllclll, usvlle ale——Charles Stoll. l Lowenthal.
“m° “°h°°l "“`°° “m“· llvlllllll lllllllwl {Anderson County-—Wallace Wllson. lStanford—-C. E. Coleman.
  THE FRATSl TM '°°"° °f *h° dm°’°m high Dhlllhlllhlllllll Paducah—G. Lehnhard. Bellevue——Ralph Otten.
....... ¤¤l¤eel¤ l¤l=l¤s wl l¤ the ¤¤¤l¤ meel llllllllllllll llllllllll_ll_ ll_ Wlllllll _ll__ x. M. 1.-n. .4. Mecnn-e. Erlanger—I-Iarrls cneste.
’ Th° L‘mbd‘ L·mbd°' Ch°pt°r °f f°“°w’: J C Nllmlllll E H Chlllllll Rllhli Half-Mile Run. lRlchmond—Robert Slmmons.
Sigma Chi Fraternity of State UD}- Louisville MIIB, 27 1-5; LGXl¤8t0¤» Gllll Llalll bell I · I • ‘l.exlngton—.Iohn Drummy, Williams, Paducah—S. Roark, F. ShaW.
verslty, held lts annual banquet Sat- 19 1-5; Paducah, 18; Stanford, 14; ll l lll ll: l `lll lll ll L H Shlllllle Slll.lllghlllll_A Bllhlllll D Bulllw
ousv e ae- uo aus ne. ‘ ‘ · ·· ·
urday evening in the prlvate dlnlng Rlchmond, 9; Sprlngfleld, 6%; Ander· llllllllllgllllllllll lla; llllllllllll Allllll Ahdllrllllh C0llhll,_Rlllhlll.d Clllchllll Plllh vhlllll
"°°m °f uw Ph°°mx H°t°l· Wn C°““'·Y· 6 I'5? H°·"dm“b“'$· 57 Bllhhlllll ' Stahford-—W. Wood, L. Proctor. Lexlngton—Arthur Smith, Dawson
Dean F. Paul Anderson was toast- K. M. 1., 5; Bellevue, 41-5; Somerset, Sl l ll lll lll ll lll lll Hdhdvlle_L€wlll Zlllllmlllsllll. Call Lambert
an or — er nan a eny. · ·
llng rasponsas were made. The leadlng lndlvldual stars and llll l l lll ll llllll` .h.hlhgel.__Dll,l.ld Chdlllll wllllllllllly
x n on- vere e . ‘ ‘ ·
"0•i¤s i¤¢¤ ltlle Mlrl‘¤r-"—R- L- the score