xt7cfx73w465 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73w465/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1964 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 2, Autumn 1964 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 2, Autumn 1964 1964 1964 2014 true xt7cfx73w465 section xt7cfx73w465 jeuutiee 3Burziug éerhiee
®uaeteelp {Bulletin
Volume 40 Qlutumu, 1964 ééumher 2

 The cover picture of the baby with the yellow curls warm-
ing his hands at the fire, while he dreams of the things he will
find on Christmas morning in his red stocking, is taken from a ri 
picture nearly ninety years old. It is a picture that my mother ‘ 2
cherished as a young woman because she thought the baby looked ‘i z
like her oldest child. The baby looked like my little son, and for B
that reason I keep the picture in my room. It was printed on the ‘
cover of the Autumn Quarterly Bulletin, 1945. We kept the origi-
nal cuts, so that we do not have to go to the expense of having ,
new cuts made. Some of you older friends will remember this
picture, but most of you younger ones have not seen it before. _
Mary Breckinridge
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Lexington, Ky. i
Subscription Price $1.00 a Year  
Edit0r’s Oiiice: Wendover, Kentucky   ,
  I ~
voLUME 40 AUTUMN, 1964 NUMBER 2   `
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., i
under Act of March 3, 1879." ‘
Copyright, 1964, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. g ‘
l ,
l Q
i Q
, 1
- 1

A Courier’s Letter Home Derrick Anne Vanderwaart 30
A Letter We Like Theodore Waltuch, M.D. 14
American Association of Nurse-
Midwives, Inc. Helen E. Browne 32
; Beyond the Mountains 49
Qi Il, Christmas Pageant at Wendover A Photograph Inside Back Cover
3* Courier Conclave—1964 Marion Edwards Shouse Lewis 15
. . Editor’s Own Page 7
Field Notes 57
Frontier Nursing Service World
Outreach Greta Wiseman 3
Gov. Edward T. Breathitt and
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge A Photograph 8
In Memoriam 45
Just Another Day Anne Cundle 40
Little Boy Blue (Verse) Eugene Field 2
Mary Breckinridge Day Kate Ireland 9
Mary Breckinridge Handicraft Fair Marion G. Beasley 11
Old Courier News 23 _
Old Staff News 33
Reminiscences Christine Irwin and
Eleanor Jones 20
\Vork With a Smile Betty Lester 43
A Bit About Associate Editors 68
_ A Farmer Wanted To Use His
Q Party-Line . . . Modern Maturity 29
Qi A Fence of Trust (Verse) M. F. Butts 62
¥ 4 A Man Who Never Changes
` His Mind . . . Contributed 42
A Parson Was Consoling . . . Modern Maturity 39
  A Six-Year—O1d Lad . . . Contributed 31
" Charles Steele Cheston III A Photograph 22
  Deaf Aid The Countryman 6
  Disappearing Wildlife and
{ Growing Deserts in Jordan Oryx 44
 `   sound Over All Waters . . . (Verse) John Greenleaf Whittier 19
t    When East Meets West They _
 Y   Speak Pidgin Science Digest 55
 g { White Elephant 56

2 FRONTIER. NURSING smwxcm __  
The liTTle Toy dog is covered wiTh dusT. {
BuT sTurdy and sTanch he sTands.  
And The liTTle Toy soldier is red wiTh rusT.  
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When Hwa G r b hi H1 + ·} vern if H d O + b r I h am + Wendove { { a
ovenor rou esae c men o en coe ,ec eo rore.
This picfure 0*F fha Governor and Mary Breckinridge was iaken ihen. I
Phat0graVph by Bert Brahman

  Cleveland Courier and Trustee
I The Third Annual Mary Breckinridge Day was proclaimed
ig by Governor Edward T. Breathitt for Saturday, October 3, 1964.
4 People in both Leslie and Clay Counties had worked hard during
  the preceding weeks creating imaginative and clever floats, deco-
y rating trucks, practicing the songs they were going to sing,
  preparing delicious foods for the "dinner on the ground," and
i generally showing great enthusiasm for all the planned festivities.
J; There was some apprehension as to whether the rain which had
  been falling all week would be kind enough to hold back on this
  very Special Day, so everyone was relieved when the sun shone
  brightly from early morning until evening.
;` As some of us couriers rode the horses and our mule through
i town to the Elementary School, we could see that Hyden was
W already buzzing with excitement and people were lining the ‘
  sidewalks in readiness for the spectacle which they knew from
1* previous years was well worth a trip to town to see. There was
  great activity in the school playground, the finishing touches
V.; were being put on the iloats, while Mr. Woodrow Sizemore was
jé trying hard to get everyone in position before the parade started
xi at 10:00 a.m. Finally all were in their places and Mr. Shannon
  Moore got the parade underway.
j f The first part of the parade was planned to honor those who
’ had been active in this area in the early days. Ninety-six-year-
E old John Wooton, led the parade playing his fiddle. Then came a
  jolt wagon pulled by two handsome mules. In this were girls
l, representing those who had lived at the dormitory run by Miss
  Mabel and the late Miss Lila Byers under the auspices of the
  Presbyterian Church. Gabrielle Beasley, dressed up as Miss Zil-
  pha Roberts, riding side saddle confidently on her pony, followed
 jj the jolt wagon. And after her rode Carol Banghart and Mabel
  Turner dressed in long split riding skirts, representing Miss Jean
,%§ Tolk and Miss Ruth Huston. They were followed by Miss Betty
. R

 10 FRONTIER mmsmc smnvxcm _ 
Lester looking handsome in her FNS uniform on Kimo, a good-  
looking grey horse who has never missed a Mary Breckinridge  A
Day Parade. Ray and Cassie Howard were a colorful sight riding J
double on the mule, George, and some older children came walk-  
ing along behind them carrying a very small child lying on a  
homemade stretcher. Mrs. Leona Morgan, who had given much
of her time as a nurse at the Hyden Hospital in its early days, ·
was escorted in a jeep. Mrs. Martha Cornett, Public Health Nurse lg
for Leslie County, was driven in style in a Model A Ford. _y
The many and varied floats and colorful FNS jeeps came  
next. Beech Fork had built a new frame house, a change from  
their log cabin of previous years, and Wolf Creek, with its painted  
grey wolf and family scene with father playing his guitar, broke  
into song as they passed the reviewing stand. Red Bird, as usual,  
was most attractive, decorated with greenery and the clever I
model of a Kentucky cardinal. Camp Creek depicted the history '
of its name with an Indian family grouped around their teepee,  
and Brutus had designed a family tree of two generations of ig
FNS babies all of whom were riding on the float. There were  
many others who participated in the Parade; the FNS Ford gs
station wagon-ambulance with a patient receiving an IV, the  
Bookmobile, the Library Club, the 3-Ups float showing the activi—  
ties of the High School Debate Club, the Hyden Elementary  
School float, the Glee Club, the Hospital Employees festive truck, :2
the Fish and Game Club float, and many young outriders on small S!
vigorous ponies. Mrs. Breckinridge reviewed the parade, sur-  
rounded by friends. J
Everyone gathered around to hear the program. Messages   ,
were read by Colonel T. C. Sizemore from President Johnson, , W
Senator Goldwater, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Senator John l i
Sherman Cooper, Senator Thruston B. Morton, Congressman  2
Eugene Siler, and Congressman Carl D. Perkins honoring Mrs.  
Breckinridge. Colonel Sizemore also presented Mrs. Breckinridge Q  
with a certificate from Governor Frank G. Clement making her  
an honorary citizen of Tennessee.  
The high point of the program was when Mr. Hasty W.  $1
Riddle gave Mrs. Breckinridge the Kentucky Hospital Associa- Q
tion Award, which follows:  

 _? In recognition of noteworthy service in the interest
  of the health of Kentucky’s citizens
  I Mrs. Mary Breckinridge
l is deemed worthy of special commendation for time
- and effort devoted to endeavors which have mean-
, ing to the well-being of so many, and as pa token of
  grateful appreciation is hereby granted this
if Award of Merit
  Dated this 3rd day of October, 1964
  B. R. Brewer
2 Kd iYi”—"Yi  
  Hasty W. Riddle
y "Yi iY'Y—YY E{»§iDi1E-;?Ei*"_
{ Mr. Paul Cook presided over all the ceremonies.
  Mr. Donald Duff, a legal counsel for the Highway Depart-
  ment at Frankfort, made the speech of the day.
  Mrs. Breckinridge thanked everyone who had taken part in ·
ig the day.
  Following the ceremonies a picnic luncheon was served on
  the high school grounds. Mrs. Ottis Roberts, chairman of the
l lunch committee, feels that it was a wonderful success. Over
,i five hundred people were served and all the food was volun-
i tarily donated. The Lewis Supermarket was very generous as
T were many private individuals. Ham, fried chicken, green beans,
    chicken and dumplings, potato salad, several different kinds of
i bread, cakes, cookies, Kool-Aid and coffee were served. Because
' of wise and careful planning, while there was an abundance of
 E food for everyone, little was left over.
fl; ....
 is by
 A  For weeks, Mrs. Ed Farmer, chairman of the Women’s
  Auxiliary of Hyden Hospital, and I jounced in the jeep up Greasy,

slithered down Slippery Rock, over Thousandsticks Mountain  
and down to Dry Hill to visit craftsmen in our area. We did not  
begin to reach all, but we were pleased with the response to the  
idea of coming——not only to display and sell, but each one was Q
eager to show how the article was made. Mrs. Breckinridge had  
encouraged us with the idea of holding a handicraft fair on the
festive day. —
I learned much while touring. Like many urbanites, or I
transplanted urbanites, I have lost the art of sitting and listen-  
ing to matters which do not directly relate to the problem at hp.}
hand. I would have roared the engine, come to a screeching
halt, rushed in, shouted "howdy," and asked them to come and g
help make the Mary Breckinridge Handicraft Fair a success, and »
then I would have departed. Not Fay Farmer! I quickly learned  
to take my cue from her. After introductions, we would sit and
admire the pear tree laden with fruit, discuss the gardens, admire
the "younguns," and finally discuss the fair. This was to be  
different from the usual County fair to exhibit produce in com- A
petition. This first Handicraft Fair aimed at renewing interest
in handicraft among the older generation and in creating interest ·
in the younger group by demonstrations. yl
On the day of the fair, the Youth Council of the Leslie
County Development Association helped arrange the High School »,
library and cafeteria chairs and tables, made posters, set up a Q
quilting frame, so Edna Mae Lewis could quilt a completed _,
double—wedding—ring quilt top, and helped Johnny Salyers move *€_
a portable forge so he could turn mule shoes. A a
Maude Caudill of MacIntosh had dismantled one of her looms
and had put it back together at the school. The school boys
watched in amazement while this petite, white-haired lady took . I
what looked like 50-odd assorted sticks and with one hammer  
rebuilt the loom, restrung it and sat down to weave.  
Mrs. Grover Sizemore came, not to sell, but to share her  A.  
experiences in making braided and hooked rugs. She brought a  Q}
basket of wool strips and a partially completed rug on which  all
she worked throughout the afternoon. {
Jasper Baker, who is in his 8()’s, came and made a large,  B}
sturdy basket. Children and adults enjoyed his pleasant talk 5
while watching his fingers weave strips of wood.  *

 '  `
  Many women brought quilt tops, pillow tops, afghans, and
lz Men’s skills were not confined to chair making, baskets,
  iishplugs and kitchen novelties. Ray Pennington from Causey
i brought placemats and lovely quilts featuring embroidered birds
4 of each state.
, The Evangelical United Brethren school at Beverly (Bell
si County) came with a display of ceramics, both free forms and
  molds. They encouraged the children to experience the fun of
  taking a lump of local blue clay and rolling, squeezing and mash-
_ ing it into a form.
f Sarah Hall, from up Slippery Rock, made little Frontier
- Nursing Service nurse-midwife dolls in uniform with black
  boots, blue uniforms and holding a wee baby. She made them
all from corn shucks with the hair being made of corn silk.
' Other craftsmen, whose exhibits included many lovely things,
“ were the following:
Dorothy Blair Astor Morgan
~ Elizabeth Burns Cecil Morgan
yl Paul Cook Sidney Muncy `
Q Marjorie Cundle Bobby Pace
W Chester Francis The Pine Mountain Settlement
The Hound Dog Hookers School
Ance Howard Jimmy Sizemore
gl Edna Mae Lewis The Stony Fork E. U. B.
`   Celia Marcum Women
i Bob Melton Peggy Woods
All the craftsmen had an enjoyable and entertaining time
T exchanging ideas and admiring each other’s work.
  We hope this will be the first of a number of bigger and
 j better Mary Breckinridge Handicraft Fairs.
f  Looking forward to seeing you at the next one!

 14 FRONTIER NURSING smavicm  .g
The writer, a senior resident in surgery under Dr. Ben Eiseman, was  
so obliging as to spend eight days with us to relieve for Dr. Beasley’s  :
absence during this time. We liked him, his wife, and his young son, Philip, ih
so much that we are glad to know that they liked us too.  
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 * 
October 28, 1964 ,4 p
Medical Center  l
Department of Surgery j
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge  V
Director, Frontier Nursing Service  
Wendover, Kentucky g
Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:  ?
This is just a short note of thanks to you and the wonderful  °
people in your organization for giving me the opportunity to i
_ widen my medical horizons and to "do my part." The extraordi- g
nary warmth with which we were received by everyone was quite  ;
overwhelming and lingers on now in a warm glow of remem-  Q
brance. The enthusiasm and patience of the personnel at the ·; 
Hyden Clinic made what could have been a Herculean task into  
an exciting and edifying personal and professional experience.  _
I hope that some day I will have the opportunity of surrounding *
myself or becoming co-mingled with people whose attitude  
toward their work and to life in general is so exuberant and  y
sincerely motivated. - ,
. . . I hope some day to enjoy again the conviviality of Wen- . (4
dover and until that time I remain yours with admiration.  .,
Sincerely yours,  
Theodore Waltuch, M. D. if
Resident in Surgery  A

 . by
  The first courier chairmen conclave, brain child of Agnes,
  was held at Wendover during the first week in October. If one of
44 p the invited chairmen was unable to attend another courier from
. that area was invited in her place. That this date encompassed
; Mary Breckinridge Day was by design, not accident, for it was
 ._ felt that the large turnout for this gala, and now, annual occa-
_,  sion would afford those couriers, returning to the hills after long
  years of absence, a unique opportunity to renew many of their
cherished, but lapsed, associations with old Kentucky mountain
` Kate Ireland was on hand as official resident courier to greet
 “ and direct all the returning voyageurs. First to appear was Peb-
j ble Stone, who arrived by motor on Wednesday, September 30.
g Leigh Powell flew in to Lexington from New York the same day
 ; and was met and driven to Wendover by Peggy Elmore. On ‘
 3 Thursday, October 1, Jane Haldeman Tyrrell drove up from
g  Louisville, stopping at the Lexington airport to pick up Franny
 ` Baker MacAusland, who flew down from Boston, and Mary Bulk-
 _ ley Wotherspoon and Margie Watkins, who flew in from Detroit.
i* Friday afternoon Freddy Holdship arrived. She had flown down
  from Pittsburgh, hiring a car in Lexington for the trip to Wen-
i I, dover. And on Saturday morning, Carm Mumford Norton, who
- , iiew down from Washington late Friday, arrived at Hyden in
l time to join forces with the others at the High School for the
 (4 Mary Breckinridge Day festivities. This completed the roll of
 Q those able to attend.
 i Friday morning everyone gathered at the barn for the usual
 ’; courier duties, then went by jeep on the regular Hyden shopping
 f trip; an innovation since the da