xt7cfx73vf3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73vf3v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1933 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 05, 1933 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 06, no. 05, 1933 1933 1933 2012 true xt7cfx73vf3v section xt7cfx73vf3v   A I u m n u s V  
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  February I933 Q 
  Vol. 5 *··· llc. 6 i    
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  A“ `  $7      1.1  7
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7  7, 1 Alumru Assocmhon io Honor mcmorq
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Q _    of Dr. James K. Paiicrson
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1 7 7 1 llur ,\l11111111 .\5S()(`l2lll(>l]. ll'lCll(l$ 11111l l:1c11l1)7‘ wnll ()l)5(Tl`\'(E N
5  _ 1 1l1c i1‘1l1 ol 1l1c lillnf _|;1111cs li. l)2lllCl'S()ll. W
   , l)l`CSl(l(jl1l ol` 1lm Ulll\`Cl`Sll\` <1I` l{L’lllll(Tli\' l`l`(>l]l i1> l>ugi1111i11g;
1 7 , u11L1l l€)l(). llm (`ClCl)l`llll()ll mll he 111 1l1c l<>l`ill ol :1 (llll`
? °_ I 11c17;11, 7 <>'<7l<»c7k. S;11111‘¤¤ P¤iis¤s¤¤= Dm F· Paul A¤- gl Q
Sarah Blending, '23 . . . Vice-President qerson Of the College of Enmneer"    
James Shropshire, ‘29 . . Secretary_Treasurer ¥_]§m;;dFl;qrri€n?;_;rn§f tie   i    
;‘T"’1t" ‘*‘* T ""E*;:   1913 at the University, and author   §_
` EXECUTIVE CQMMITTEE of P1'·9Sld€Dt PalJlL€1‘SOI'l’s bl0gI‘EilT;lh$g€ l it
P t f th ' * ‘
W. C. Wilson, 'l3 Marguerite McLaughlin, '03 broggcgsi thrsuggrzigiggn V¢trHAS_ Q  
Wayland Rhoads, '15 Maury Crutcher, ’1'I LOuiSVi]]€_ from the gxtgnsign stu- · 5   __
V E. lt;. Elliott, *02 Dr. G. Davis Buckner, *08 ding at this University of 'Kgntucky j _
Lu ¢ I-·¤€¤¤i ’13 Lee McClain. *19 which will set un remote control Q l
Walter Hillenmeyer, ’11 Mrs. T. R. Underwood, ’19 connections with the L8.f?lV€tlG€ h0-   · ._
L. K. Frankel, ’00 Guy Huguelet, *14 tel for the c?r€m0r1l€S. MT. L. K. in
  Frankel. former urssidsui uf the B g i 1
Alumni Association is chairman of gil t ,
ALUMNI CLUBS the committee on arrangemgnts     · ,
and Mrs. Thomas Unrlerwoo is . g .
.‘\FlllilII(l Alumni Club .......,............. I. Snead Yager. President Chairman of the banquet commit-   I 
’ Atlzlntn Alumni Club .........,.............. Ed. Danforth, President tezlu fh dpmik On armngpmnnfs    
. it -¤1·   . I  
llcll County Club ................... Mrs. George- W. McKee, Presidrnl win bn moan Dublin as soon as they t   j
Birmingllam Alumni Club ................... ]. M. Sprague, P7`('SldI’lIl ggpr aV°;3h1€éh131`{rU1:’;iIi$    1  
c Jauu in. . ·. ·
Bowling Green Club ........................ Charles Tavlor, Pw·.vidr·vzt __,_...*l.-——  
llullnlo Alumni Club ............,......... ]ohn W. Gudgel, President LOAN   IS LOW · `  
» Cllifngo Alumni Club ....................... H. M. Nichols. Prruirleut The Student Loan fund ls {3*80- l, l
Cllliinnnti Alumni Club ......... . ......... john R. Bullock, President   $;;q;;S;;dé;;1;2;`dé?EtrEg @:3- »   A
s . · · · = s
Cleveland Alumni Club ....... . .............,. R. E. Clark, President dent Loan Fund committee. N0   j
` Lexingmn Alumni Club __.......... ll'I(IT`§1lt’7`ll(’ MrLm4ghliM· PTPiiFl<’l'l §;g*;j1b‘:}ig§§a‘Q§;§,§§§§ mglvaigm-E; l  
_ _ . n : 1
» Louisville Alumni Club ,..,_....,........... Ben Garr King, Presirlvrwt Of income is the navmeni; of money §_ L
Kansas Alumni Club ....,.... . ........... C. G. Blakely, Prrsirlvnl bO*`E"';W€§0 lglgucgggggtgér lggggogg   _
. ‘ a e V a
` N€W York Alumni Club ........,.......... Samuel A. Smith, Prc’sldr‘llf miceived by the committee every   f
Paducah -*\lllI'l'll'll Cllll) ....... , .,... , ,.,,___ Curtis Sanders, P·rg5i(I(e1pt l7WO tVl§BkC’;' Qléddthe monigegn hand  
. _ V1 e amon . . ,
Philadelphia Alumni Club ......l........... L. C. Davidson, Preszdrnt mus   , '
lllgshington Alumni Club . ................. Elmer D. Hayes, Prcsidmll RADIO STATION ON CAMPUS   ` 
, , erallv known that there is located g ,
Il lou IVANT INF()RM,·\Tl()N CONCERNING MEMBERSHIP IN OH the 'University camuus n radio I   i
· ANY CLUB, WRITE TO THE ALUMNI SECRETARY, telecrranhic station which 6311 00m-    
- UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY mnnicate with any state in the ; _ l
·   ___ United States or with any country} _ ‘
~ ”"`""T" ’’“' ;T7T;7§:’TTT""   Of the w.·n—]d_ This station, loca .e `·
Mall wday your check for $3-your dues of loyalty to the University in the electrical lg}1•or;at0rV cftizick; y < , 
_ and Asso · K _ er hall. is accessl e to any s u en. j g
Clution. U, K. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, Lexington, Y in the Universitvi and messages wm i  
  be Sent free   charge.   V A
l `  
W i
‘ __.  *,__J,l-»-‘·‘ ._

 . ’ ¥ :nv` ` il l  
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  i   Cl.1 OTIEI S
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i     l' ALUMNI LOYALTY FUND wilt; lmiws linh amiigiast constructive THE ATHLETIC INVESTIGATION
  3 an iep u c a. . _ . . . ·
 g.= ; li _ - - , t_ Alumm are still mukmg inquiry
  . At 3, recent mcctmg of Alumhl W°  ns to what has finally come nutty A
-     Secretaries from C0lIBg‘cS and UI11- the recent, Athletic Investigatim Agric
 if   ». versities in District V ef the Amer- THE NEW MEMBERS OF THE The answer to this query is dtub.
U , . . . l the U
 gg Q . im;] Alumni Council, held m Cm- BOARD OF '1`RUSTEES ful. maugu
 li   ; cimnati, much time was devoted to —T- Several of the chzmzes suggested Dome
`     . (liS(}llSSi0l'l of   Funds: This Rcc€ntlv’ Governor   Lanoon by the StudgnFS ha.‘*g been. adopted mcul; J
in t j subiect means little to UHIVBTSIUI made Hvéappointments to the Uni- by the council. A committee gp. me E)
.   ¤ ‘ of Kentucky alumni. but to alumni · T,-us- pointed by President McVey hasn. {
, , _ , . versity of Kentucky Board of take
  I . of inst *“*i°¤S °f higher I"""“¥‘g tees. His selections are commend- veiled ¤¤ ¤=¢¢>¤lS found ln ilielih- i ip, R.
  l ‘Z in 0**0 Indlanai Michlgim W‘S` able and the Alumni Association, l¢¢i<= Business office. and madvrw Seine-:
    ° ¤<>¤Si¤· mi Illi¤°iS~ it m°i*”S 2* gmt through the Auimiiiis. wants to ex- ··m¤¤¤¤¢i¤¢i·>¤S for mimi changes [itu ¤
  ; deal- _ _ _ mes deep appreciation to the Gov- Some of which the ¤<>¤¤¤iiwi1ip¤>i- me
    Uiwh `!l¢a·1‘5 at il Speclhc umei ernor for his thoughtful action. ab; ta‘:;Pt· it t_ f th an Gig
· · ° · S ua IOH. S0 R
 is 5 i E,‘I,‘§?§rti§°,i‘i‘lT$Sl2”%t£‘£if¤&l“2“'tZZ the naming or ew graduates yd ii..i$eisii§ is concerned. 'iS“Sin'§ §f"t§’,§
. { General Fund or foundation, zmd th'? men deeply ‘P**°"€‘t°‘l In °.u' charmed and while the council . Law W
L i   '4 encniirnze alumni at all t’.meS. to mltloll and the Unlvfirslty ls an }n` nromiscs some further changes in type O
‘ ` l _ manifest their interest and their qlciltloll tha·t· even m tlxse twmz nolicy, it is doubtful if it complete M
1 4  Y imiiv *0 me University and me Z$°§i.23§1‘°’€h£`J.Z"i$ til iiu.Z"EY°tSil$ i"`.? “°{‘S"“§"!° ’°F$i“?““€i°“ ““I  
    I 4 gsxsiation by making cash d0na.— Ship nf  tam are anxious to see Fzhtgor $3; e ore a in e mei A . mg GI
i ‘ ~ ` " . . . the Uuiversitv weather thc storm “‘l€"_
i Your editor. through the Editorial nf economic depression Without b8_  ——·——i iiamec
_  I   Columns of the Alumnus. is solicit- my submerged JAIVIES K. PATTERSON um cl
L  rl T ing your advice regarding the GS- " 4 ` i fifth Al 1913 e.
1     fablishment of some such fllhd at   M31`Ch the WQU Y- V -llllllll· {lgl`lCll
i  ' { . the University of Kentucky. V NNE friends and faculty will gather yles;
  ; i After ieevine the universitv. we GRADUATES DI R e*·<>u¤d the ba¤¤¤el¤_i¤ble l<> h<>¤<>i sou,
_  `Q soon lose contact with our fellow In HDB with its mam, other cOm_ thitmemomg ef Ptglldent Jtlmeihli . W“‘l‘=
‘ .  · students because the lack of funds. mendahle undertakings the Alumni P9., €?I'SOI1.   tEL11f1¤EdR<;i11l1S Hi to xxl
I   “°” °""' d“""“ °h" “d°“”°“i°“” ¤=S<><=i¤ii¤¤ this Veer is S¤¤¤S<>¤·i¤¤ §x?h§;l1int`li;)ulInixlei·sit;no? iggiiiilli  » 332;.
l ~  years but at all tunes, prohibits our the annual dinner being given in hog Dmgrgssed these many Wm.- . mn  
j  _ _ seud·ng· out buletms and news le — hnnm, of the mid_V8m, Emdlmtmq V _d _
A . , - To those of us that have folloiie m thi
V ers to anv except those who nav 1 Q T qq tha. d t k- f _ _ ,
i h ' :1 ' th A ' Fo W C 3 ‘S‘ 0 Q me " In er a mg ° since the passing of this man there wltui
 ‘ t ""` '"ls '“ " °°"°""' “· ° siicress. ohiicers of the association · ·· { ll .
 . descends a r1ch heiitaee 0 it oi the
` = §"".`,§`,,Q}I$ ‘§§',§‘g "{.,"‘,§’e{{,‘°‘Q,$;i,f{zQ§ eek time ¤u Univeisitv stan mem- mms gchcmly and md, hmm e mw
I  5 (.,,,;t.,ct with alumni l"*" attend- about through his buildine Of. will ple oi
Q ‘= “ ` The emriuetinq class dinner af- influence on the University. and li
j  Q All °f us have pr°m’€d by the forrls a nresent evamnle of the mood These that knew him, and th<>s¤ Wg;
z 1 A forethought of those who went be- wm which its ghlmm cmgmnuv nf us thqt know his memory are gn. Lever
' f(lY€ HS, The YO\!th of today needs diqnjqv fn?.   TT“ivEY.qitv·   “/(-nnd ing. to do honol. to   on the (mg. funds
   j the Sam'} cme He Wm have the seem that persons no longer matric- hundredth anniversary of his blflll- pgngji
L —_  """l;:";‘S ."( t"m°l`H°“g aml Z" thl'};" iiletinq at an educational institu- Busine¤s associates. faculty will was S
=  — °E"’ ”“""“’i “”‘ ° °’ ‘l““‘ Y tion would lose interest in their sfudent associates win come from farm
  i‘   fn; 2,00   FMf:1nev   S(lh0rl1·   llh'°ll` loveltv llO“’9·l`rl fa? Rnd ]]PQ_1v‘ tf) do   hOI]OI`. · and
 ‘ -`   A ya Y lm cou ?p their Alma Mater wmilrl hecome Alumni and interested 01}°i by H
i   lh° ‘ dE:t':"t ¥’°"’“ Fu"] by l”`°"d' dimmed and less brilliant throuvh throughout the country will li? §ll" had
’ . . mz “ "mal “’°"€y·_ the wear of years. Such a. condi- en and onnoviiinity to time in Qi Kem
` i , In 1924- the elumm Svivnsvred ¤~ tion would be almost excusable be- the banquet nmwram and live Hliillll ext-en
._ ` i G*°°at°l` Kenlilclw Fund drive for cause of the outside inteuests that the nld davs on the cammis- Wllill Y tensil
  _`  ‘ YYIOHBV. All imhual period of Elvmg jneviteblv occunv an alumnus time. President Patterson. was the ll`*V?llll° all ti
- ' ` · f°l' °°“°tl`“°t]VF Ilumoscs W0¤ld Dm- But the condition does not exist. {md yinmimtipoi rimire at the Svlllll At,
i   i m"t€ fll*‘_ S¤l¤'i¢ 0i` h€l¤l`i1l¤€SS imil Alumni activity elves nroof to the Limestone Institution.   agen
i Z a·DPl`€clatlQll _t0‘V¤¤`d OUT Alma lub thought. Universitv graduates re- L-——-—-— agen
{ L t€l` and Rlilhlhilté SD3Sm0l’ll0. high- main steadfast in their loyalty tow- THE WILDCATS ll'l9lll
; ~ pressure drives for funds. ard the institutionv ____ with
E § l · From up funds r°°°,w°d m °ur As 9. i‘P°Ult of the nature of its Coach Rum) and the Wl_ldC’ll bal · Oivll
i if 1 annual d"“’€· Ol"` “SS°°mtl°n °°“ld snon·=o1·shin. erarluatine students at- ketball team are on the“' WW ll A *lE;l`1<
L   he €l1d0Wc€1 and the spark of fra- {-ending the Aiumni dinner dOubt_ Atlranfqa and, We hope. st ch2i1TlDl0ll' l`lli`al
E $ · . tcrnal sph"? d“’°lll“g in the heart less will be embued with this nne shin crown. { Sul]?
g of 821Ch AIIIITIIIIIS, oftcn could. be gnirit towglrd their University which The team fghgf Sports the bll1€   $[1801
i. i fmmcd t° afmmeithat °th"S mlght emone alumni has become tradi- the Universitv is one. if hot li CWD?
  1 benefit as we have and our sch°°l tlOI1&l. OH béhalf of the student greatest that has worn tllé c<}l0YS Of $l'l9€
 . ·I ‘ Wmtld b°°°m° grcatcr in its Sphere body. the mid—year graduates, and the school. 'I'h·eir recofd tlllstggg; mall
‘ i of "‘Hu‘m°°· the University. The Kernel wishes is excellent. while hevim lost my Og?
{ t . If some who read this will start to thank the Alumni association for games they have Dlaf/Gd a cmom mu
. i- ‘ toward such et magnanimous goal. its undying interest in student at- ionship brand of ball in all the
 A l your Assolciaticnt and University. fairs.-The Kentucky Kernel. ers. »
` it; l
;. $1 ` .l

 > *  ‘   . 7-
F 1  
—.·  , •     '_
Agricultural Extension ls ei Part ag g a
  t= } t
’ • .. l 3
— of the llmvcrsihg of Kc-zniuckq   r
l'l‘IGATIO¥ it { *
l V _L1;t E 1 V
rmg inquirv   i E
=»me_0..r.;, . By HELEN KING E r ; —
w°§t'KW0n. Agricultural Extension work at ence, home management, foods and guggeetigns of tho oormty agB¤tS_   ~
ry is d0¤bt· _ the Unlversluy OI zxB11DuCKy, Was C10Khil'1g· Garmints made from flour sacks by { i
mmlgulaiec 111 19*0 w11€r1 111-: Work among the farm boys and 4·H Club girls; exhibits or canned ig I 1
>S Suggested Dum; oi control UI the mxpem- girls has been pursued with the re- and preserved goods at the State il
°€¤_ advpted ` mem 5;aiion" made provision 101* sult that the rural young people Fair, each of which had won first Q?
nmliiee ap- = me Experiment station no under- o1' the state carry on practically all place in county exhibits previous tl
*Y¢Y has re. me mrs wom and directed Prof. the branches of work provided for to the state exhibition; labor-saving i  
in the Ath. T_ R_ Bryant, ‘uzs to orgamze DDC their parents. Through the depart- devices. born of necessity and satis- c EY ‘
5 made ree. s€mc.3_ kentucky nas me distinc- ment of Agricultural Extension iactorily utilized; healthy crops;   I
9* Ghanzvs [ron of being among me c=11·11e1‘ 23.000 farm boys and girls have been healthful cattle made possible by a l 1
*1} will prob. Smeg to rmoerpake mis work in enrolled in 4-H clubs with each veterinary service from the Agri- EF
gu 0l'gHDiZ€d \V3.y, HS   O1`gB.IIiZ3·   3.SSlgl'l·9d {O ORB Of more dgfin- cultural Extension division, and     I ·
f¤1_=1sth¤ non gceurred your years in BGVHHCC ite problems in the fields of agri- many other inspiring illustrations   ;
ld- is little t Oi the passage of the smith-Lever culture or home economics. Their of the improvement programs which   ? A
the COUHCU i Law which g3_V€ F€d€1'8al   to       `
ghanml 11 type of extension teaching, · . · ;   V ;
. °?m°°_‘° in 1912 the first agricultural ” _   " ‘
5¤1¤=?1<>¤ WU agcnts were appointed, the msc D0- WI I t_,,,,, , .      
ln he next mg emprgyeg lll cooperation \V1t¤ _    A rr M'? L A A
` iserea uouege. The second agent A it ·· · ` · __ -- , ` _
"“é ugmed, was appointed L0 Mander- —\‘ ‘ .  (__ `»·· · _i; ` ij " " Qi .
ERSON sou county and by the spring of e 'J ¤· ‘ _ ·  _, · LZ- ·;__ _, r ` __
Th A] _  · 1913 eight counties in kentucky nad ,.9:** i;i_-»q;%~;_»Ei·- i __g_{ ;; Vs  _,     , ..y_ _ ` _`·. __ __>_ It r»,_ 2;: » :3_ 1; l
- _ Umm {{gl`lCll1Llll'3.l agents, Christian, D3-   J.  =T-$ sp -·  V  __ _.  1 `  -  __:-;;.i».,,,__,.  _;  _ EQ Z A
  gather A vlgssa H@]]dQfS0]]y J€i`I€I`§OI`l, lVI3.¤1·     V '€;jji$ji·`Q,;;.~j? _  ‘  .. . `>;  J}, >;r     
*16 to honor _ Sou, Metgalfe, Muhlenberg and V  A é J" '   }·’1` · , 9*     `  ’ ,,1       .;
‘t J?m€5K- v Warren counties being the eign;  _·`§_,·»..g¤»_$g;y,,,> ,= _· _ {és         ‘==~ — =*  ;»#,?;*;§,}§3 —   j
e¢111¤s1h¤1 [0 which these agents were sent,  ·    .. ,é w·;.=§» '   ·  if - § ` . l
IBUOUS UD011 seen thereafter there were appoint-  wx ` T 3, L   · _ · ,’ '° `i _ _ __ _·    . ?   ‘ i
‘f K€D1ZUCkY gd several wgrnen hgme d€I'[]()I'lSC1'&- le ,.—   V`. _` <,~— {   A {5   ` ·1` . " V  `V  E i `
my Wm- . ` hon agents and certain speciausps é;{ · .— ·- _         · V4   g f;; ,_  é ·  _ 
1v€f¤¤<>v¢¤<>¤¤¤11¤S- " *2 `       1   iA’‘    ;§"*ii¥*”??-?`=  ri
. and thor with the passage or me Smith-   e Fravvitijfii  _-       ""’*V     l 1 ~
wrv aresn- L . · A   · · *1-=1~v¤ ·~:r?‘me —~L<¤»i.    ‘ ·  {My    ¥#v“»»¤¤   l
onlthe one- "V"‘ Mt by C°“g""sS.m May- 191*  *9*   Q  ·—-° ‘  B   l
xi.     ` funds \V·dl`E I`I13d€·&V2_ll3blg f()I' BX- J -· ·. · ~ . < . ... ss E:  
i if and ¤¤¤S1<>11, and vvmle at fust there _ . ,.._   .» _ ir
acu Y A was some reluctance on the part, of btatc Clizmipum (¤l`Ull]) ol »l—H (lub jC1>C) HUHCIS j l ‘
come mm fafm people to accept the advice .   i
h°“°r· Hlld services of extension wgrkerg, symbol, **4-H" stands for develop- the depaitinent of Agr1cu1tura1Ex- v _ ;
"‘$"’d Om by the time the Smrthrovor Act ment oi Head, Hand, Heart. and tension fosters among the farm folk li
Wm b? gil" ` had been passed tho situagjgn ju Health and is an inspiration for of Kentucky.   .
tum m QU Kemucky had changed no such an improved personal habits as well as The division of Agricultural EX" { l
d me mm · €Xt€11t that never since has the ox- the development of natural re- tension 3; the University of Koo- r   A
'“”“S· “'h°H _ tension service been able to answer sources. According to Prvf. T· R· Lucky has successfully enlisted the 1 1
th‘*1‘“"’bl all the calls which have bsorr made Bryant "0ver 80 per cent of fh€S€ cooperation of school boards, com- -1 :
whe 50111 _ At the present time 8-; county boys and girls enrolled in 4-H clubs m-ercial clubs, banks, railroads, bus · ;
agents Hlld 28 home dernonsiyrgjion C3l`1`y i?h·€i1` Dl`Oj€Ct5 th1`OuSh to ]l11€S, l1€\‘.’Sp8.pE1`S, S€YViC€ clubs, { 3
··· agents are employed by the depart- satisfactory completion" N0© 011ly business concerns and farm organ- · f
TS mem of Agricultural Extension, do these clubs foster industry, but ryrrtrorrs among numerous other , i Z
_ ' With each countv forwarding its €11C0l11`3€€ S0€i21l G011tP1G@S which ai`? business and professional organiza- .; ‘
V·_ldc¤tbai·  1 own plan fgy mg jmpygvemgnt of invaluable to the rural v<>u11e lm- tions. and the results have been I ¥
le"' WY to i Plgriculture, home economics and ple of the State- generous gifts Of m01`1€Y and Sel`- ‘ i ‘ 
champion. Ym`31 life. The county agents are The annual report, of the EX- \’lC€ $h1`0llgh the 5{€?U`$ of its d€' ` § ]
¢ supported by 21 staff of traveling tension division of the College of velopment. In addition there have ; l [
The blue   y SD€c1aliSt$ lll the problerng Of Soils, Agyjculigure is as inberesljing {ls H12 b€E‘l1 ll101`€ than 8.009 VO1UU}Z€€l` ; , I
lf not    » c1`°DS· d6i1`Yi1lg, poultry, beef cattle story of "Alice in VVOnder1;4nd" in- leaders enlisted in various :1gr1cu1— · { 2
he colors gr ` Sheep, Suriney hOrticultu1·€’ fa1~m   as     the thiljgs \\'1']_l(_l`l ][`lll`H1 GDt€1`l71`iS9S. \Vic1.1OuY “~h0S€ co" , `   4
d thistgiee mEmaE€m€HE, marketing, entgmol- have been 3e(;0mp1is11edbythefa1‘m 0p'3l‘i»lFl0I`l 011]}* il f1'2iUZ1OI1 of thi?   y  
  wet] mU_ , °gY· I&¤dSC&pe improvement, agri- men and women, and boys and D1‘€SGYl£ _D1‘0g1`9»11'1 Cmild have b€€“ 1 {  
;1*?’t%€aOth_ °¤1t1¤1·a1engme€ri¤g, veterinary sci- girls th1`Ough ’Gh€ directions and accomphshéd Q 1 {
» l, 1 _ tl_.
_ __ e M_ ___ ____     i me ,..  ..1-- ».

 .4 _ _ : _,/1 *  il T!
 v .   is ». ii'
‘ » ·§ · *   ~ ·
— x   if
_   "l     LIUII or Lllc lliad left out a veibm
r     ' ° ul.: iuunlilg, UL All nm Liaiisqgii •
t ‘  fl     Portraits       inc machinations oi Llld iiiulxhn F11]
if  i   university as rroiessor Neville im
I  _]j§ } 1 _ 1 l _ _ eu upon tne scene even 4U ym
i     ii By 1*.     C()n€gC of EIlgl1`l€€I`U`lg ugo W.c·i·€ 3 series OI JOKES per- _
·_ ri · - · . ,
  [ tBroadcast January 23, 1933 from tions oi learning on this western l;‘;3I:;;ig1_mNg$i1;1‘“§§d§;Stg*g§Mg.
 `?€   . the University Station over WHAS.) continent. mum and umex but ne G nt  
 i ti Je ~· · - · · · - · the Thomas Arn- · K1 nu; _.~,;;;;;;,;i
 .;  ’Io be deeply rooted in a place rattcisoir was ‘ A D cumpumcnd a, boam O1 hum` i ii V4____  
I   ‘     Ineallmg 1S     Oiu Lypo   §F:[1O91II}aSh€J" I1"   A1 uUmmL~L.cc ci_·j_L]_‘y]_1]g   an Ou;  
ig   = best gut a Child can have-. iz that neveu in piayel and discipline. mm Emu Madea Dy Lwnmu UH   iii
 i    ptiiafiiiic§’°§“3a§“2‘t§§.-éi"`tE“is§’£ §iil€?E"l  sfiféi riltyttiit 5333   ¤ri¤¤» we m¤·<·¤g M   r  
  E `1 gnawares that sense of identity every student attended and listen- W m°p€‘{% mecuypeum y¤F=·¤fl1llgm  
 ·l Al E with this physical earth which is GG to aomonitions that were good mc Om b M? Omg? *{‘°?_°”* rattersons prayers new luem was the Same Om pmuk; (  
i ij, { i ]n1;u1t10n5_ litelaiy gems Wulcll 116 BlWz1yS 1€3.(1, _ _ N um m the bac A .  
it ' ‘ ~ · · - · -y·· _ keepmg one eye on the manuscript momssol ev K 01 ln:  
   3, , , 'Ihus Lhristophei Moiley intio _ _ _ room with eyes closed ustenmgw §;;a;;;;;
  A   duces us to John Mistletoe, por- {um we Omm On the Fwdems &P' che tinlorous pupiis, Om, by Om ,  
I  ii   , traymg his undergraduate days at >€‘mb{€d-_ {*6 KIRW €Y€1_Y S¤¤$1€¤¤l;¤ ,1 ne comlmmee Stood about at mm 1  
qi i E 1-laverrord College, who I suspicion lm? Jumoi and SEIUOQ Ci¤¤$€S Y tary attention for Sometime, mom  
 §’ * i is recording this same lvlorleys own ‘}a’T*°· S21 Om? "c°;S1°n£h3*¥”€r   paying any mimi EO mg gum _  
"   . ` University days and their miluence §m*mY 3 SWE in W €“_ me *:11 UOuy_ Einaiiy mg), Std1·t€(1L0l€a\»€_  
.   i On his mg A rillh arterma 1 0 _a Iwagoln 011 U   m_0Ie¤°m_ Neville Opened ms em  
` .2 , _ The Alumni Association of the memum and 2} flying dec Of Caldf came w1.Wa1.d mm sam: ..Lam  ~
  i n U¤iverSi*>y Of Kentucky has asked Whig th? Bib]? WF'- Opened {qi the next time you Call, I sugge; =?
_ `· me in this broadcast to go back mommg 1€g car technique but they will new . ear
L State, Ncrthrup of Minnesota, Van will not be one hundred years old forget or lggg that cosmic charge fac;
Y · Hise of Wisconsin, Smart of Purdue until five months later. Kentucky Of deigrmiiiaiioii to play the gang — goi,
‘ 3 3 and James of Illinois. alumni everywhere will honor the iaiiiy and dashingly, or as he saw — Nei
,  {_   TWO iiiuminating biographies Of memory of the man who builded one day iii a bit Of his Own eharm· I me
' , · James K. Patterson have been writ- b€tt€Y than he knew- ing verse: _ _ to
· ` ` * , ten, one by Mrs. Mabel Pollitt John Henry Neville, "Jack" as the "'1‘he patient strength to do hits con
Q · Adams, rather widely placed in the old boys secretly, but most loyally simpler- tasks, he
2 libraries of this country; one by spoke of him, was the most charm- The faith to see in all s0m€ F€‘ · brc
{ V: Dr. William B. Smith, existing as ing and delightful satirist I have compense." Q" , era
  4 yet Only in manuscript. Both of ever known. To comment on his Joseph Dicker — Joe to ev€1l0l·*; dus
é l these biographies will prove of in- scholarly attainments would be of- What a man! A physica.l Hercules. _ fro
V   · terest to Kentucky Alumni for they frontery supreme. Years before, 40 a spiritual light of matchless sqft He
l { I tell of the heroic struggle against years ago, Professor Nleville dis- ness. I am sure I do not exaggtiigi tee
i   poverty and physical handicap of carded the Greek and Latin text- when I say that he exerted cul; our
’ ti this man who was almost without books for he knew them all by greatest number dennite i¤il¤€“€·  , Sill
,   peer in ornate scholarship and ac- heart and never used them in his creating well-rounded character “‘ 1
L   complishment in the laying of an instruction. He listened, with his students of a third of a ce¤t¤Yl'“g°* ` we
 -   academic foundation on which there eyes closed, to the callow youth re- than any other man ever on tm wil
 —   ` has been built by wise and able cite, as he sat cuddled up in a seat teaching staff at our old C0N~9E€·_ - Tr
i t administrators a super structure of in the back of the room. But be- J. Irvine Lyle at a dinH€¤'g1}°§ ere
Q Y I a University that has taken a ware of that rebuking professorial in New York a few years ¤E° Jur ua
  { worthy place among the institu- out—burst if the student’s transla— (Continued on Page Tm)
, l
sr ' .
.1,* ' V

 1   w ·
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e . ’   E  
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, ° tc   1‘€l21,t11l" to the 11111H€d13.t€ ieedb t ;
ul *l_V9¤‘b111 _ . dh b L ulliluc LllllVEé1'S1l·,V. A     < , 
  ‘‘°‘   Fwc APP¤1¤i<·> H G°V· a °°¤ UL. me   wueon       E; e
I:;‘;ui;¤1y nay   .
no ¤¤¤ nm   trustees oi the University oi Ken- x;··:;;1)‘*1ifé1_;i° 111**358 zggigieang   { ,
0* `lfusleel  $3% *  .·  `  Lucky were Hlled by Gov. Ruby Lai- _ _ sz L .
out al ‘ :;.:.g;;;§';:        nm g;,;])cI'1€1.1n,v: do I1€d.(,1 of {IDB Alum- Q V
mm.? °“" ‘   4 s;;;. Y   *¢»   p `‘V` `   iooo Yooonmy- nl »·ee<><=¤¤¤o¤ ne would bo m o Po·   li
lg. ALS °;:)uL$   ·___     Dr. George H. Wilson, 0f Lexing- mam; no renuer a S31`V1C€ Lo me m-     ;
wucnmg m   mn, an alumnus, was appointed to ¤¤1~¤¤0¤· h e {
‘mc·y em.   serve oom Joooofy *» *”““· “· “’· m°§11a`°l€;l;;€1;i€tgé gglgeéealiui E ll
G· —  2’§_‘Q¤·=   , , _ · , _ . . - . _ ».