xt7cfx73vf1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cfx73vf1p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-09-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1929 1929 1929-09-27 2012 true xt7cfx73vf1p section xt7cfx73vf1p Best Copy Available


Will He Taken from





U. K.



U. K. Archeologist






Favors a Larger

Photographs for Year Book
Will Be Taken from


Building Program for the





to 16





Large Increase in Attondjince
Is Commented Upon By
Executive Committee



Special Sections Will Be Featured by Kcntuckian Editor

Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the University, brought out as a
chief point In his annual report at
the quarterly meeting of the board
of trustees Tuesday afternoon
contemplated building program for
Among the chief
needs Dr. McVey listed was ahew
engineering building, a structure to
house the home economics department, administration and commerce
buildings, a science laboratory, and
a highly modernized heating plant.
Gov. Flem D. Sampson,
chairman, attended ttc meeting.
New officers were elected for the
coming year. Judge R. C. Stoll, of
Lexington, will head the body with
Col. John
title of vice chairman.
Skaln was elected treasurer, and Dr.
Wellington Patrick was reelected
secretary. The executive committee
appointed Includes R. C. Stoll, R. O.
Gordon, J. B. Andrews, James Park,
and Senator H. M. Froman.
The result of an alumni ballot for
six nominees to fill a vacancy In
the board membership was announced. Lewis Hillenmeyer, E. M. Heav-rl- n,
N. Gray Rochester, W. C. Wilson, William Rodes and Thomas R.
Bryant were chosen. James Park
received one of the largest votes,
but his participation
was disregarded, since he already holds a
membership. Three of the six nominees will be elected on another ballot, and Governor Sampson will apar
point one of the three to a
term, beginning January, 1930.
Included In Dr. McVey's report
were matters pertaining to attendance, building construction, fraternities, traffic regulation on the campus and finance.
Suitable action was taken by the
board in regard to the Increasing
number of cars parked on the roadways through the campus, and work
was started on the drafting of a
code of regulation. This may consist of a system of permits for parking", or of restricting
to certain ftrpas
: .i.TlhUr.Wto
.n,Mj 11 i. - r 11--' .
yuue 01 tne university Buildings
now Is $4,110,737, as compared to a
total of $1,548,107 In 1919. Appropriations from the state legislature
in the ten year period has amounted
to approximately $600,000. The remainder has been made up through
the income and the savings In management in the university.
As to attendance, Dr. McVey reported that to date 2,801 students
have registered for the first semester of the school year, as compared
to 2,450 a year ago. Since 1919 the
enrollment at the university has
shown an increase of 167.7 per cent.
Members of the board present at
the meeting were: Gov. Flem D.
Sampson, pr. Frank L. McVey, J.
B. Andrews, Lewis Hillenmeyer, E.
B. Webb, Judge R. C. Stoll, W. C.
Bell, James Park, Newton Bright
and Robert G. Gordon.

Work on the 1D30 Kcntuckian,
University senior annual, was started last week by Virgil L. Couch, editor,, and the staff which he has selected to assist him. Photographs
will be taken from October 1 to 16
In the room to the left of the west
entrance of the Men's gymnasium.
Seniors are requested to come in
for their pictures during the second
week. The first has been reserved
for fraternity groups which are asked to be present at the time specified below by Editor Couch. The
photographer will not return to the
campus for future pictures. Those
falling to have their pictures made
will not appear In the Kentuckian.
Professional and honorary frater
nities reserving a page In the Kentuckian are not listed in the list be
low. Members of these organizations
not In a social fraternity group may
come for a sitting at any time dur
ing the photographer s stay here.
and sororities will
meet in groups for pictures on the
following dates: Tuesday, Oct. 1,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Gamma
Rho, Alpha Delta Theta; Wednesday, Oct. 2, Alpha Sigma Ohl, Alpha
Tau Omega, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Thursday, Oct. 3, Delta Chi, Delta
Tau Delta, Alpha XI Delta; Friday,
Oct. 4, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma,
Beta Sigma Omicron; Monday, Oct.
7, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau,
Chi Omega; Tuesday, Oct. 8, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha,
Delta Delta Delta; Wednesday, Oct.
9, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Beta
XI, Delta Zeta; Thursday, Oct. 10,
Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Kappa Del
ta; Friday, Oct. 11, Triangle, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Zeta Tau Alpha.


For Freshmen
Is Distributed

The "K" Book, published annually
by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., and
more commonly known as "Frosh
Bible," made Its appearance upon
the campus last Tuesday. This 'publication is published with the idea
of transforming freshmen Into true
"Kentucky" boys and girls.
The reason for the annual appearance of the "K" Book, according
to Morton Walker, editor of this Issue, is the need freshmen feel for
a knowledge of University traditions,
organizations and methods. "The
freshman 'Dictionary' contains the
easiest and quickest way of becoming one of the student body of the
University of Kentucky.
There has been a "K" Book to
guide the "Frosh" every year since
1921. During the World War,
there were no publications to
adorn freshman pockets.
This year's Issue Is divided Into
nine sections. The first in' combination with the one called the "Frosh
Dictionary," is meant to give the
freshman class a better idea of the
responsibility of being "my own
boss." It also sets forth the moral
principles which are upheld by the
Y. M. and the Y. W. O. A.
The remaining sections of the
"Bible" discuss In detail the organizations, publications, scholarships,
athletics, school songs and yells, and
last of all, a diary with the complete
schedule for the ensuing year.
Freshmen who failed to obtain a
"K" Book may procure one by calling at Mr. Bart Peak's office In the
Beginning September 30, the time
for broadcasting programs from the
University remote control station of
WHAS will bo changed from
to 12:45-- 1 o'clock. The night
programs will be given from 10 until
11 o'clock.

and Staff




Above is a picture of Dr. W. D.
Funkhouser, dean of the University
graduate school, and noted
who has been exploring
ancient mounds In Logan county
this summer. Dr. Funkhouser discovered several mounds containing
evidences of prehistoric races in
Kentucky which will be of Interest
to the scientific world, and rediscovered the site of a mound which
was. once worked by Raflnesque, the
noted educator of olden time at
Transylvania University.

Prof. Harold J. Laski and Hon.
Vincent Massie May Speak
At University Convocations
Pan Politikon, student interna
tional relations organization, at a
meeting with President McVey on
Tuesday, decided to send invitations to Prof. Harold J. Laski and
the Hon. Vincent Massle to address
the student body at Pan Politikon
Professor Laski Is professor of political science at the University of
London, and is now in this country
as a visiting professor at Yale University. Educated at Oxford, a lecturer for a time at Cambridge, Professor Laski. is, very widely known
as an economist . and political
IfWn-Politiko"as-- well , as'-- ' author,
Is able to secure Professor
Laski he will present his lectures
some time in November in connection with that month's subject,
A Commonwealth
"Great Britain
of Nations."
The Hon. Massle is the first Minister Plenipotentiary from Canada
to the United States. He gave the
commencement address here at the
University two years ago. At that
time he was awarded an honorary
LL. D. degree by the University.
He will speak in regard to "Canada," Pan Politikon subject for the
month of March.
The personnel of Pan Politikon is
as follows:
Executive committee: Nicholas W.
Williams, chairman; Edwards M.
Templin, vice chairman, and Mrs.
Lola Robinson, secretary.
F. Leland Howard, commerce; Katherine Davis, English;
Katherine Graves, Art; Imogene
Helm, Music; Jesse Logan Collins,
Law; Richard C. Haynes, Physical
Sciences; Roy Owsley, Social Sciences; J. W. Pennel, Engineering
and Frances Elizabeth Skinner, Education. Prof. E. F. Farquhar Is fac'
ulty adviser.
Mr. Bart N. Peak, secretary of
the University Y. M. C. A., announces that students can get their "K"
books at his office on the second
floor of the Armory building. Due
to misinformation, last week's paper
stated that the books would be
placed In the postofflce boxes, and
The Kernel takes this means of rec
tifying the error.






Y. W. Secretary



A Proud Parent!


Wildcat Captain Is



Rehearsals of "Mary, Mary,
Quite Contrary" Began at
Theater Last Night

Extension Studio Puts Two-HoProgram of Music
On the Air

"Idolizing" Papa
Will Ed Covington, student


the University and captain of the
Wildcat football team, has been
admitted to the mystic realms of
the paternal order of "Idolizing"
Will Ed was Interrupted from
his peaceful slumbers Tuesday
night by a long distance call
from his mother who Informed
him that his wife, formerly Miss
Charlcne Davis, of Mayfleld, Ky.,
had given birth to a bouncing
baby girl, weight seven pounds.
Both the mother and child are
doing well, his mother said, and
it was not considered necessary
for him to return home.
The opinion of grandstanders
will held no terrors for the blue
and white general this year because he knows that he has an
excellent cheering section at
home. While the University band
is emanating a collection of peppy school songs the newly elected
father will probably be crooning
the sentimental strains of "Yes
Sir, That's My Baby."
When told about the birth of
Gamagc, who also has a baby
daughter,sald, "Well, I'll be dog- goned. Will Ed and I ought to
get along fine."


Musicians Will Appear at All

Major Sport Events;
Leura Pettigrew
Is Sponsor


The University band, "the best
band In Dixie," under the direction
of Elmer G. Sulzer, will be bigger
and better than ever this year. The
band has been drilling and practicing many new formations recently
that will be displayed at the opening
football game.
Besides furnishing the music for
all athletic events, the organization,
with ninety members, will soon begin broadcasting concert programs
over the radio, extension- station, ofj

W.&L.,U.K. Game


of Dramatic Talent
Greets Director Fowler
At First Meeting

An exceedingly large number of
classmen and
townspeople displayed their Interest In dramatics when they beseig-c- d
the Gulgnol theater for try outs
last Friday afternoon to exhibit
their stage abilities to Prof. Frank
Fowler, director of dramatics at
that unique little play house.
Much dramatic talent was present
In the spontaneous outburst of ell
glbles which greeted the youthful
director who Is anything but pessimistic regarding the success of the
approaching season. With the ad
dition of several newly discovered
"finds" to the matured personnel of
an abundant
the organization, Is on hand.
wealth of material
casting of "Mary, Mary, Quite
Contrary" has been completed and
rehearsals were begun last night and
until the
will continue regularly
opening' of the show on the evening
of October 28. The cast includes
Mrs. J: M. Durbin, as Mrs. Consldine; Mary Sidney Hobson, as Sheila; Russell Duncan, as Geoffrey;
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, as Sir Henry
Consldine; Claude Walker, as the
Rev. Canon Peter Consldine; Mrs.
Foster Krake, as Mary Westlake,
Robert Thompson, as Mr. Hobbs;
Evelyn Gall, as Jenny; Ann Calli- han, as Miss Mimms; and Clarence
Rothenburg, as Mr. Beeby.
Season tickets are now available
and may be purchased from sales
men on the campus or at the theater
ticket office. A season ticket entitles the purchaser to Ave seats at
any time during the season. Tne
regular price Is Ave dollars, but stu
dents may secure them at a spec
ial rate of three dollars.


The University men's glee club,
under the direction of Prof. Carl A.
Lampert, held its first rehearsal last
Monday night. About forty men
tried out for the organization and,
according to Prof. Lampert, much
excellent material was present.
The size of the club will be reduced to twenty-si- x
men This
means that quality instead of quantity will be stressed this year and
competition Is keen for the various
Rehearsals will be held every
Monday night at 7:30, and there will
be no delay in the prearranged musical schedule.
Such numbers as
"The Bells of St. Mary's," "Blue
Danube," "The Mulligan Musketeers," and other favorites are included In the concert repertoire.
The folowing men compose the organization at the present time:
Second basses, A. M. Osborne, Ben
Cooper, Morris Smith, J. K. Keys,
E. R. Michel and J. M. Perry. First
basses, W. C. Scott, D. F. Weaver,
A. G. Mason, D. S. Glbbals, D. R.
Mulljuo, J. H. Eurlng, R. L. Bradbury, E. C. Barber, H. G. Kelley, E.
T. Suryenne, J. C. Lyne, W. A. Luther, Ray Mays, G. W. Heffner, A. H.
Frazler, J. C. Smith. Second tenors,
C. H. Struble, H. C. Willamson, J. C.
Casslday, Joe Garten, B. M. DeGar-i- s,
C. W. Schuermeyer, J. W.
C. T. Stone, J. W. Guyn,
Joe McGurk, D. F. Peyton, K. L.
Larlmee, A. G. Sublett, V. M.
Chandler, K. A. Paterson and W. R.
Duncan. First tenors. M. L. Benell,
J. F. Conley, Laurence Alexander
and Martin R. Glenn.

Excellent Reception Shown hy
Many Congratulatory
The music building of the University assumed the aspects of a cosmopolitan radio broadcasting sta-HL
WpHnnsrfnv nltrht whnn the ml- jcrophones of the extension studio
'of WHAS broadcasted the Lexing
Miss Margaret Lewis, secretary of ton Radio Night program from nine
Classical music,
the University Y. W. C. A., Is known to eleven o'clock.
ns thn votinirpst spprpfnrv nf V W dance music and selected solos con- rpsMp.. i stltuted the two hour entertainment
onranl7.at.lnnR in thn smith
The master of ceremonies from
conducting her office in a most cf- flcient manner, she will be remem-- I nlne unt11 ten o'clock was Scott
bered as a leading light in Gulgnol Kevs' wno, announced the program
theater productions last year, when of ,tne University Salon Orchestra,
she received the plaudits of those wh,ch was under the Personal direc- tlon of Prof. Carl A. Lampert.
who saw her characterizations.
The program opened with the orchestra playing selections from the
"Mikado," by Gilbert and Sullivan,
the English composers. Then follow
ed a group of selections by the late
Victor Herbert, "Ballet House,"
selections from "The Bohem
"Emian Girl," "Valse Suite," and
to Alpha Delta erald Isle."
The guest artist of the first hour
Sigma National Meeting
was Mrs. Hansen, of Lexington,
Will See Maryville
who sang "Tender Ties," "Dreaming
Time," "Curly Head" and "Then
Night Game
Love Comes Stealing."
From ten o'clock until eleven VirLOCAL CHAPTER HOST gil Couch, student In the College of
Commerce, presided at the "mike"
and introduced the Kentucky
The members of the Desha Brecka popular dance orchesinridge chapter of Alpha Delta Sig- tra under the direction of John Sal-le- e.
ma, national professional advertisThe dance program consisted
ing fraternity, will be hosts next of "Futuristic Rythm," "Love Me or
Friday and Saturday to the nation- Leave Me," "Head Low," "Way
al convention to be held here at the Down Yonder in New Orleans,"
University. President Frank L. Mc- "Sleepy Valley," "Sposln,"' "PanaVey will welcome the delegates at ma," "Am I Blue," and other popthe first business meeting, Friday ular favorites.
morning. An unofficial opening will
George F. Buskle, Jr., student at
take place Thursday night In the the University, whose lyric tenor
form of a smoker to be held in Dick voice won the radio audition con- - .
er Hall.
test last year, was the soloist of the
Alpha Delta Sigma was first or second hour. His selections were
ganlzed at the University of Mis "On Life's Highway," by Bertrand
souri in 1913, the Kentucky chapter Brown, and "Dear Little Boy of
was established a year later. It was Mine." The words to the latter t -the third formed in the United number were written byBootri
State. There are .twenty.ichapjtqrsj Tarkingtont andthasna; vidktaf-w-k
lri'exlstencif'at present, and at leasti merly featured by Ben Alexander in .
fifty delegates are expected to at- "Boy of Mine."
tend this convention.
The entire program was sponsored
A feature of the convention will by Lexington radio dealers. Excelbe an advertising display by Dr. J. lent reception of the program is evi
B. Miner. All the meetings will be denced by the many congratulatory
held in the ballroom of the Phoe- messages received.
nix, with national officers In charge.
The program follows:
Thursday night, smoker in Dicker
Hall; Friday morning, business
meeting, Phoenix Hotel; Friday
noon, luncheon at University Commons, Dr .Bassett, toastmaster; Friday, afternoon, business meeting;
Friday night, dance, 2,
Hotel ballroom; Saturday morning,
business meeting; Saturday afterjuts driving automobiles are
noon, tour of inspection of Lexington and vicinity, under auspices of rat jted to refrain from opening
Lexington Chamber of Commerce; cut-ou- ts
and unnecessarily sounding
Saturday, 5:30 p. m., banquet, Phoe- hams when within the quiet zone
nix Hotel, Prof. Grehan, toastmas- of the Shriners' Hospital for Cripter; Saturday night, Maryvllle-Ken-tuck- y
pled Children at Maxwell street and
football game at Stoll Field, Harrison avenue. The noise Is exathletic department as hosts.
tremely annoying and disconcerting
Active members of the local chap- to children who are patients at the
ter Include: W. L. Valade, president, hospital.
Joe Ruttencutter,
secretary and
Following is a letter from Mr.
Gene Royce,
Phillip John G. Cramer, chairman
Glenn, James Shropshire, Virgil local board of governors, to of the
PresiCouch, and George Hlllen. Profes
sor Enoch Grehan and Mr. Gerald dent Frank L. McVey:
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 24, 1929
Griffin of the department of Journalism, Dr. J. B. Miner and Dr. G. Dr. Frank L. McVey, President,
C. Bassett of the psychology deDart- - University of Kentucky,
ment, and Professor R. D. Mclntyre Lexington, Ky.
With the opening of the Univer
of the College of Commerce are facsity our hospital Is on the main
ulty members.
highway of youthful Joyriders, to
KERNEL REPORTERS whom noise of to behorn and muscut-oappears
ic to the ear, regardless of its effect
All students who wish to trv out on sick
children not accustomed to
for the news staff of The Kernel such sounds.
are urged to do so at once. AppliWe believe the majority of this
cants should see Martin R. Glenn, particular
Kernel news editor, at the office on young men kind of noise Is made by
in a thoughtless effort to
the ground floor of McVey hall.
overcome their feelings of homesickness, who do not realize the annoyance they cause others. As it
Is now the universal custom to give
consideration to "Quiet Zones" surrounding hospitals, we believe If at
tention could be called to the location of the Shriners' Hospital for
colegiate footwear in a conspicuous Crippled Children, at Maxwell street
and Harrison avenue, they would
white coating.
put the soft pedal to work while
Of course when the cement has riding in automobiles in its neighdried, it is Jolly nice walking, but borhood.
Our board of governors will be
when It's wet well, It's ALL wet I
you may do
Being a Pollyana by nature, may to relievefor anything
this condition.
we point out to those of you who
With highest regard,
will not be comforted, the extremely
Very truly yours,
Improved and beautiful campus?
Fortunately, It doesn't rain every
day, but an unusually hard rain or
two, might drive some of you to
drink and others to detour toward
Castle Hall, and view McVey Hall
from the front, Instead of the back
The executive committee of the
Whereupon, you will be rewarded by a sight of one of the Alumni Association of the Univermost beautiful expanses of green sity will hold Its first meeting for
the year 1929-19with Wayland
sward that ever delighted the eye.
Rhodes at his home on the Nicholas-vill- e
your aesthetIf the scene moves
road Monday, September 30.
ic sense, force your feet to take you Dr. Davis Buckner. president of the
to the Memorial building, and from University Alumni Association, is
this point of vantage, give the cam- chairman of the committee and tho
pus another once-ove- r.
You will other members are: Miss Lulle Loimmediately forsake Journalism for gan, Dr. George Wilson. Dr. Cron-Ie- y
art, psychology for canvass, and
Elliott, Wayland Rhodes, W. C.
mathematics for a brush and smock. Wilson, Walter Hillenmeyer and
Art will receive you unto her bosom, Raymond Kirk, Dean Sarah Bland-ln- g
and the bootblack will get a quarter
and Miss Marguerite McLaughInstead of a dime.




Sing "Don't Get the Blues, for I
Shine Your Shoes When It Rains"
By Sara Elvovc

If some enterprising

would establish a shoe shining stand
at the head and foot of the path
which leads to McVey Hall, he could
earn a small fortune each time it
With the slogan,
"Don't get the blues,
For I shine your shoes
When It rains."

a hard working young bootblack
ought to be able to rival Mr. Rockefeller at the end of the year that
Is, if the rain continues to pour down
In profitable quantities.
Students who complained with vocal exclamations or facial grimaces,
Students dropping classes after of the mud and cinder path of last
Monday, September 30, wll lrecelve year, And their troubles have douban E In the course droped, accord- - led since their favorite (by necessilug to an announcement Issued ty) path beaten path has been covfrom the registrar's olflce. Any ered with a soft cement or
student who wishes to drop a course
When it
after that date must obtain special becomes sprinkled with November
permission from the dean of his, showers, It disobligingly forms a
oozy grey slime, which hardens on





All men InterThe first convocation for engin ested are requested to report to
eering students during the present Prof. Sulzer at the music building
school year was held at 10 o'clock at 7 o'clock.
The roster of the band Is as folWednesday morning in Memorial
lows: Sponsor, Miss Laura PettiHall with Prof. Carl A. Lampert as grew; drum-majo- r,
Wallace Hoeing;
guest speaker and soloist.
Dean Anderson, after making an- Personnel Andrew Howard Poole;
Shaver; tromnouncements introduced Professor bones,
Wilbur Wortman, Beryl
Lampert who stated he would arLorelle Taylor, W. M. Holtz-clarange a series of musical programs
J. D. Arthur, Kendall Holmes,
for the engineering convocation Griffin Sublett, Elden DuRand; barthroughout the entire year. After itones, David Walsh, B. Pearlman,
leading the students in the singing Charles Gaines, Wm. Henry Young;
of "On, On U. of K." Professor oboes, Gussle Miller, Griff Morsch;
Lampert played a violin solo,1 "Ser- bassoons, Robert Holt, Earl Michael;
He was ac- piccolo, Walter Williams, Irman
enade," by Mosowskl.
companied on the piano by Mrs. Fort, Robert Klaren, Paul Goodloe;
saxophones, Harold Rltter, John F.
Dean Anderson announced that Young, Jr., John Vaughn, Hubert
three Wednesdays out of each Warren, Ray F. Hahn, Edgar Heath-ma- n;
cornets, Norman Halnsey,
month will be devoted to lectures
by eminent men in the technical Robert T. Jennett, Jr., Arthur Fraz-ie- r,
Joseph B. Vaughn, Harris Sulliand educational world.
Mr. Driscoll, considered the fore- van, Joe Gurtin, Edgar Bagshaw,
(Continued on Page Five)
most structural engineer In America today, is one of the convocation
speakers already selected. Mr. Driscoll has designed many of the
world's largest structures, including
To Be
the Union Central Life Insurance
building in Cincinnati, the Palmer
Second Game on 'Col Card
House in Chicago, the Woolworth
building, and the new Waldorf-Astor- ia
Will Be Announced From
Hotel, now under construction
Stadium Press Box
in New York.
The game between Washington
and Lee and the University
scheduled for October 12 will be
A meeting of Sigma Delta Chi will
broadcast over the remote ocn-tr- ol
be held Wednesday afternoon at 3
station of WHAS from the
o'clock in room 53 in McVey Hall.
press box in thjj stadium on
All members are urged to be present.
Stoll field, according to an announcement from the publicity
bureau made yesterday to The
This will be the first time that
a game played on Stoll field has
ever been broadcast. There will
be a special announcer and memMiss Dorothy Chapman, another
bers of the reserve squad will be
Chi Omega, was chosen May Queen
In the box to help keep the
for the year 1926. At the present
names of the playeds and their
time she Is teaching school at her numbers straight.
home In Unlontown.
The local station was installed on the University campus last
The year 1927 saw a
spring and the first program was
girl, Miss Martha Mlnlhan, leading
broadcast April 1. Since that
the list of beauties at our University. Miss Minlhan, whose home Is time members of the faculty have
In Lexington, is teaching in the given talks from 12:45 to 1 o'clock
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
graded schools of this city.
Thursday and Friday. On WedFrom all accounts Miss Charlsey
nesday night there has been a
Smith, May Queen of the year 1928, one-homusical program precaused more fluttering hearts among
sented by members of student
the eds and more envy among the
such as
co-ethan any other damsel. Miss musical organizations, Men's Glee
the University band,
Smith, a member of the Alpha
Club, and Women's Glee Club.
Gamma Delta sorority, was graduated in 1928, and Is now teaching
in the public school system of LexFINAL "DROP" DATE SET


Will lie Held Sunday In
Memorial Hullding

SEPTEMBER 27, 1929

will be held tonight.

And the last, to date, but not
the least, was Miss Martha Crouch
Reed, who led the parade last
spring and soon thereafter was In
turn led to the sacred altar by Mr.
Glenn Roberts. Mrs. Roberts was
a member of the Alpha XI Delta
sorority, and Is now living in Belle-vu- e,




ErofCarLA..Lairipert, Holds
ofc,. Music. Department
First Rehearsal; Present
Entertains U. K- - Engineers f week engagement at the Kentucky
Roster of Men's OrganizaEminent Speakers Sched- State Fair this 'year.
Tryouts for assistant
tion Announced.
uled by Anderson.


University May Queens Are Traced
Since Leaving Halls of Alma Mater
By Lois Purcell
Our lovely May Queens
become of them? These beauhas
ties, chosen by the stronger sex
each year, soon And their places in
the limelight taken by more recent occurrences.
In rummaging through The Kernel files of some years back one
traces the pathways which have led
them away from Alma Mater.
In the year 1924 Miss Anne Shropshire was elected May Queen by the
men students, and was the first to
gain the honor in this way. Prior
to that time the Queen was selected
from the sophomore gymnasium
classes, and very little Interest was
taken in the choice. Miss Shropshire, whose home was In Versailles, was a member of the Chi Omega
sorority. She Is now Mrs. Raymond
Kirk, and Is living in Lexington.
The following year, 1925, an Alpha
Gamma Delta won the coveted honor, and was crowned with due ceremony. Miss Annelle Kelley, of the
cluss of "25 was the recipient at this
time, and is now staying in Lexington where she is a teacher in the
public schools.







'Quiet Zones'
Broken By U.K.
Auto Drivers


� J:






Visit Us Weekly on Your Way Uptown

"Gifts That Laft"


Scptmbcr In a golden gown thrills

the hills and valleys;
The fragrance of the wild grapes
Is clinging to her hair;
All the heavens bend to her their
blue and shining chalice,
Brimming with a beauty that Is
laughSnir at despair.


Ooldenrod Is sighing In the way
that she Is singing;
Milkweed bursts to glory in
globules white as snow;
And upon the hillsides purple mists
nrc clinging
Like an Incense lifting from the
flaming hearths below.

Authorized Retailer for Elgin National
Watch Company Products

127 W. MAIN ST.

sell Duncan, Covington, Ky.; Russell Stcgucr, Louisville, Ky.; Peyton
Ellis, Louisville, Ky.; Edward Mono-haSt. Matthews, Ky.; Robert V.
Hall, Madlsonville, K.; Robert Ncw- ton, Somerset, Ky.; Edward Caddcn,
Greenup, Ky.; James w. ooraon,
Pulton, Ky.; William Moore,
Ky.; Zack Shields, Taylors-vlll- c,
Ky.; Harold Bradwcll, Bellc- vue, Ky.; and James r. sumvan,
two shades of blue, and a delicious Frnnifort, Ky.
menu wus scrvca.
guests were presAbout flfty-flv- c
The members of the Beta Sigma
sorority were hostesses at a bridge
party, Friday afternoon at the
on Grosvenor avenue.
the Chi Omega sorority, of the Uni- house rooms were decorated with
versity, entertained Saturday with
...... t tl..
.nlfi.. nnt fooftrf!


girls of the University.
The table was decorated In the
sorority colors of cardinal and
straw, and with roses and candles.
There were about seventy present,
including members of the sorority
Cornfields lean toward her and and their guests.
Later in the aftcrnoonthe soror
numDklns turn their faces
the same guests
To catch the last, fierce rapture, lty entertained
with a tea dance in the ballroom of
the music of her feet;
And there comes a whisper from the Phoenix hotel.
Another ChKOmcga event of last
far secret places
week was the progressive afternoon
As the orchards kiss her mouth
tea with which the Alumni of the
so radiant and sweet.
sorority entertained the members
harkenlng as Sep- of the sorority and the new girls
All the trees are
of the University.
tember passes,
For her eyes are gleaming with
the dreams she
Luncheon Tea Dinner
And Snntember whlsDers to the
withered grasses
Promises of Spring's return when
the Winter goes I
Edgar Daniel Kramer,
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, of
the University, entertained with an
afternoon bridge at the Chimney
Corner Friday, in honor of the new
girls of the University. Attractive
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth
of miniature hat
Glascock to Mr. Roy Allen Hodges favorscandy were given to boxesguests.
of Cincinnati, took place Saturday
prizes were powder compacts.
at the First Presbyterian church in The
Maysvllle. Rev. Robert von Thorn served to the refreshments numbered
guests, who
about thirty-fiv- e.
The bride is a graduate of the
afternoon a cabaret
University, where she was a mem- party was given at
the chapter
ber of the Chi Omega sorority. She house on East Maxwell street. The
is talented and attractive, and has rooms were converted Into a typical
many friends in Lexington.
cabaret scene.
Mr. Hodges is in business with
About thirty guests were present.
the brokerage firm of Dominick and
Dominlck, as legal advisor.
FRESHMEN GIRLS ENTERwas graduated from Northwestern
University of Evanston, 111., and
Friday evening a delightful din
Harvard Law School. He Is a mem- ner bridge was given by the mem
ber of the Sigma Chi fraternity. bers of the Delta Delta Delta sororThe couple will make their home in ity in honor of the new girls of the
Attractive favors were given the I