xt7cc24qnp51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnp51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-12-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1990 1990 1990-12-04 2020 true xt7cc24qnp51 section xt7cc24qnp51  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV. No. 82

UM of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Tuesday, December 4,1990

With 3 more gone, gulf crisis hits home

Senior Staff Writer

The gulf crisis means a lot more to
some UK students than rising gaso-
line prices — three of them are leav-
ing Thursday to train in North Caroli-
na, and will probably be in Saudi
Arabia within three weeks.

But Greg Ousley, Many Moore,
and Ben Greer — all juniors at UK
-— say although it means leaving
school early and missing Christmas
at home. they are willing to go.

“I joined the Marine Corps to serve
my country and do whatever I need
to do to keep the US. free," said

Moorc, a civil engineering junior
from Grayson, Ky.

“You can’t just let the dictator of
a country invade another country,"
Ousley said. “Saddam Hussein
should respect the (U.S.) president
enough and fear him enough that if
we give him an ultimatum he should
get out.

Three reservists would be going to
Camp Lejeune, NC. to train with
the Second Marine Expeditionary
Force, Ousley said

For security reasons, they have
not received definite orders togo to
Saudi Arabia. but Ousley said the
general consensus is that they will

UK pulls together
for ‘Circle of Love’

Staff Writer

UK’s main campus is pulling to-
gether for the third consecutive year
to give underprivileged children a
special Christmas.

The “Circle of Love" program,
which provides 700 children with a
gift from volunteers, got underway
last week and is seeking help from
the UK community to achieve its
goals. The children provide wish lists
from which the volunteers choose at
least one gift to buy and wrap.

Marie Wright, manager of the Stu-
dent Center and UK‘s Circle of Love
co-chair, said the program tries “to
give those children in this area who
normally wouldn‘t have one, a

The Albert B. Chandler Medical
Center started the program four years
ago and the rest of main campus
joined in and helped in its second

The Lexington Campus will do-
nate gifts to Fayette County children
and the Medical Center’s list consists
of children from surrounding

Last year the main campus donat-
ed 1,200 gifts to children.

Darlene Mickey, the coordinator,
expects the number to exceed that
this year. But they’ll need outside

“I really enjoyed working on the

committee last year," said co-chair
Betty Williams of the College of
Agriculture. She was asked by the
agriculture dean last year to help
and decided to help again this year.

The education college has been
involved with helping underprivi-
ledged children for many years. The
college saw the “Circle of Love” as
an opportunity to help more chil-
dren. “We saw this as an opportuni-
ty to stay involved with helping
children," said Barbara Threadgill
of the education college.

“It just makes my whole holiday
a little brighter to know that I
helped children who wouldn't have
has a Christmas," said Threadgill.

The gifts should be brought to
206 Student Center Wednesday or
Thursday between 8 am. and 6

The wish list should be attached
to the package and should not iden-
tify the volunteer.

Money can be donated, if a vol-
unteer neglects to bring a gift
Checks should be made payable to
Betty Williams. They can be sent to
the agriculture dean's office, 3-123
Agriculture Science Building
North, Campus 0091.

For further information, contact
Darlene Mickey at 257-1851, Marie
Wright at 257-6618, or Betty Wil-
liams at 257-4773.

be sent to Saudi Arabia after two
weeks of training.

The minimum tour of duty for re-
servists is six months, but if fighting
breaks out, Congress can extend that
time indefinitely.

According to UK records, eight
students have brought in the neces-
sary documentation and either willi-
drawn from classes or received cred-
it early said University Registrar
Randall Dahl said.

Students leaving after the 12th
week of the semester can receive
full credit with the grade they have
earned in each course at that time.
Before this time students were per-

mitted to withdraw from classes and
receive a full refund of the semes-
ter’s fees.

All three students leaving Thurs-
day say the growing protests against
US. involvement in the gulf are
frusuating to them, and detrimental
to troop morale.

Ousley, voiced strong feelings
about the protests that have been oc-
curring across the country, many at
college campuses.

“I'm putting my life on hold, I'll
miss Christmas with my family, I
might miss next Christmas I
have to believe in what I'm doing
and it hurts me when people


Yesterday was Ousley's 23rd
birthday, and he said what he fears
most about the protests is that they
could result in today’s soldiers be-
ing treated like those who fought in
Vietnam. “We all know how the
Vietnam soldier was looked down
on — that’s the only thing I’m
scared of."

Ousley said he thinks many pro-
testers want attention, and do not re-
alize the irony in exercising a First
Amendment right to protest that is
guaranteed by defensive forces.

“I'm willing to die so those peo-
ple can protest; it's people like me

who give them the right to do that."

Greer, a psychology junior from
Louisville, said many protesters are
not informed enough about the situ-
ation. “I don't think the average per-
son on the street knows what‘s go—
ing on."

Greer, Moore and Ousley, along
with several students from Eastern
Kentucky University, will leave
Blue Grass Field about 7 am.
Thursday. Ousley said anyone wish—
ing to show support would be wel-

“We‘re students like everybody
else — I don’t want to go but it’s
my job."





Students from several Kentucky public schools watched intently as a robotic arm picks up and drops building blocks. The tow. given by
staff engineer Robert Marshall, was held in UK's Robotics Center. Tours for the facility are held almost daily.





Students contribute to abandoned-pet problem

Contributing Writer

Off~campus students at UK and at
other universities are known to buy
pets or adopt them from local shel-
ters. But Lexington Humane Society
officials are concerned with what
happens to the pets during the holi-
day break.

Academic holidays like Christmas
vacation, spring break and summer
vacation pose special problems for
animal shelters.

Joy Ellen, an employee in the ed-
ucation and adoption departments
on the Lexington shelter, encounters
that problem.

“We don't see a dramatic increase

Even UK

Contributing Writer

Editor's note: the names in the
story have been changed to protect
the identities of the sources. This
article includes the writer's opin-
ions. thoughts and observations.

Imagine yourself in a cavern, a
place where you see nothing. Your
mind is clouded. The mirror reveals
a person you never knew you were,
and you don' t know how you got
there. You are alone, scared and

Welcome to alcoholism. Past the
social drinking stage, past the point
where the night becomes a blur.

The stereotypical alcoholic — a
40-ish man wandering the streets

(of abandoned pets) at Christmas
time, but we do see problems with
college students because they move
from semester to semester and (go)
on various breaks."

Philomena Liles, a receptionist at
the Norfolk, Va., Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
said the problem is especially bad in
the spring.

“May and June are busy months
amund here," she said. “One reason
is because students from the Old Do-
minion University and Norfolk State
are going home or on vacation and
don't want to bc hassled with what
to do with ‘Fluffy' and ‘Skippy,’ so
they end up here."

Nancy Patton, education director

for the Lexington Humane Society,
said students choosing pets should
think ahead about the health and
welfare of their pets.

Students who make impulsive de-
cisions choices in pets and behave
irresponsibly with them do more
harm than good, Patton said. Those
“misfit" animals usually end up nin—
ning loose on the streets or wind up
in animal shelters.

“People should choose animals
that suit their lifestyles and try not
to get ‘status symbol' pets," Patton
said. “They (the pets) should be
tagged and confined. They should
not be treated like occasional hob-
bies, because if owners don‘t protect
their animals, they are pan of the

death and killing going on."

Liles also recommends that stu-
dents think before they act on their
desire to have a pet.

“People, especime students, be-
cause they are always going here
and going there, should take into ac-
count the time and money that goes
into a pet before they decide to get
one. Then, if and when they are
ready, they should pick a pet that
fits into their schedule. If you only
have enough time to care for a harn-
stcr, get a hamster. A pet is a
pet," Liles said.

But students who own pets aren‘t
the only ones who contribute to the
stray animal problem. Many stu—
dents who see strays don't take the

time to call the Humane Society or
Animal Control to come pick them
because ot the negative reputation
shelters have.

”Lots ol pt‘oplc scc strays around
and just give them scraps of food,
rather than call Animal Control be-
cause they think the animals are bet-
ter off the streets where they won't
be put to sleep,” stud Heather Smith,
a University of Louisville medical
technology junior.

Patton said that misconception
about animal shelters has COIIIIIIJUI‘
ed to the problem.

“Students are lt‘IUL'lLlIII to call —~
we're the bad guys," Patton said.
“Animals on the \trcct run the risk
of being run over, attacked, sold to

can’t escape alcoholism’s ‘evil’ grasp


“I lost all direction...

I couldn't make decisions. I

had no desire and no motivation and no idea
what I wanted to do or why I was there."

Anonymous Source


and clutching a bottle of whiskey ——
is not applicable in today's society.
Now, alcoholics are often much
younger —- even college students.

UK students are not exempt from
the disease of alcoholism, which
knows no social, economic or gener-
ational boundaries. What follows is
the story of three alcoholic UK stu-
dents, their addiction and recovery.
Two people interviewed are 23-
year-old students, a third is planning
to graduate in the spring. She is in
her 403.


Alcoholics and drug abusers are
people who went past “fun" driiik-
ing long ago. They drink and use
drugs, not when they want to. but
when their bodies need them. With-
out them, they would have delirium
trcmcns (DTs) or cold sweats.

Some people jokingly say this is
drinking to live. In reality, it is
drinking to die. Recovering alcohol-
ics aren't joking when they say they
need a drink to keep from feeling

Marilyn, a recovering alcoholic,

said, “Becoming an alcoholic saved
my life." What she meant was that
through the rehabilitative programs
available to alcoholics, shc changed
her life. Without those, she said, she
would be dead.

Two other recovering alcoholics
said the same thing. If they had con-
tinued to dritik, they now would be

Susan, a recreational therapy ma-
jor, began drinking socially with
“drinking buddies," people whose
only shared interest is drinking. For
her, alcohol became a monster.

Before Susan went into recovery
she attended another state university
for two years. She had a 3.0 GPA,
but by her fourth semester she was
making C's and D‘s because of her
drinking. She began school as an art

major; by the Illnt‘ \hc qUit she was

”I lost all direction," she said. “I
couldn't make decisions. I had no
desire and no motivation and no
idea what I wanted to do or why I
was there."

She stayed out of school for two
years while going through recovery.
This is her first semester at UK, and
she said that if she does well on fi-
nals, she will have a 4.0 this semes-

“It‘s the only thing that's been
any sort of pride. You know, it's an
all-or—nothing thing. If I can't be the
best I don‘t want it at all,” she said.

But the road from alcoholism to
success has been long for Susan and

See ALCOHOL, Page 3

twttcr to
!' c

labs and going hungry it‘\
be here with a thancc it
.idoptcd than out

Since the Lexington illlllillltt‘ >-i-
CICIy IS a non-profit (‘Itllllll/lllliil‘i. Ii
depends heavily on tiitlldlltilis and

more on

See PETS. Page a


“Challenges to democ-
racy in Africa" is ‘he
topic of today’s z'ite'r _

national Tuesdaysfior i'.
um, held at the Peal '
Gallery in Margaret I. i
King Library NOI’Ih. i

Admission IS free. i








Sports. _. . .
Diversions. .
Viewpoint. ..






 z-Kontucky Kernel. Tuuday. Baum; 1900


UK breaks into Top 25 r; r
with victory over Irish

Staff Writer

While the UK basketball team is
ineligible for postseason play. it can
at least reap the prestige of being
one of the nation's best teams.

The Wildcats earned their first
ranking in the Associated Press’
Top 25 poll in two years yesterday.
just edging out their Saturday oppo-
nent, Kansas, for the No. 25 spot.

“Being on probation, you don‘t
have many things to look forward
to. To the players in our program.
who have been through so much and
worked so hard, this is very reward-
ing," UK basketball coach Rick Piti—
no said.

The Cats currently are undefeated,
having won two of their first three
games outside of Rupp Arena's
friendly confines. After having oust-
ed an outrnatched Pennsylvania
team, the Cats beat Cincinnati 75-71
before 13,176 screaming fans in
Shoemaker Center.

The Cats' last win came Saturday
during the Big Four Classic in the
presence of 38,043 fans at the H00-
sier Dome. The Cats scored 60
points in the second half, including
an impressive 12 of 26 three-point
goals, beating Notre Dame 98-90.

The last time the Wildcats earned
a ranking was the 1987-88 season
when UK officially finished 25-5.
That year. the school was ranked
No. l in the country. After losing
several key starters, UK slumped to
records of 13-19 in 1988-89 and 14-
14 in 1989-90.

“This is just the beginning for
us ” Pitino said. “I hope we can
maintain this level of play through-
out the season.”

UK joins three other teams in the-
Southeastem Conference in the Top
25. Alabama (12th). Georgia (13th)
and Louisiana State (18th) also rep-
resent the conference in the nation‘s

Tops on AP’s list were the Run-
nin' Rebels of the University of Ne-
vada Las Vegas. who opened their
season Saturday night with a deci-
sive 109-68 victory over Alabama—
Birmingharn. The Runnin' Rebels
have the opportunity to defend their
national title this season because the
NCAA recently reversed its deci-
sion to prohibit UNLV from post-
season play this year.

Arizona, behind the marvelous
play of former Wildcat Chris Mills,
is ranked second in the country with
impressive wins over third-ranked
Arkansas and Notre Dame.

MARK ZEROFI Kernel Staff

UK freshman Jody Thompson cheers on his team during the Big
Four Classic Saturday. The victory gave UK a Top 25 berth.





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2. Arizona

3. Arkansas

4. Syracuse

5. Duke

6. Georgetown

7. Indiana


9. Ohio St.

10. North Carolina
1 1. Pittsburgh

12. Alabama

13. Georgia

14. Connecticut
15. Southern Miss.
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Diver moves closer
to his quest for gold

Assistant Sports Editor

Last Friday. Matt Scoggin moved
a little closer to .ealizing a dream
that he's had for more titan 17 years.

That’s about
how long Scog-
gin has been ._ _ _
dreaming about "
going to the
Olympics. By
winning the
men's platform
diving title at the
World Team
Trials last week,
he has taken am scoeem
other step toward
Barcelona, Spain —- the site of the
1992 Summer Olympics.

Way back in 1972 Scoggin settled
down on the couch in his home in
Austin, Texas to watch the Olympic
games. He was just a kid — 11
years old at the time — and what he
saw changed his life.

He saw Mark Spitz, the hero to
millions of Americans at the time,
take home an arrnful of gold medals.
He decided that, someday, he want-
ed to know what that Midas touch
felt like.

That was the easy part.

What followed afterward has been
a constant struggle with pain and
disappointments that finally appears
to be paying off.

“I've made a lot of World Cups.
I’ve won some national titles. But
I’ve never made the second most
important team in a diving career —
the World Championships — the
next most important being the
Olympics," Scoggin said.

“This is the highlight of my ca-

But things haven’t come easily
for Scoggin. The road to the World
Championships has been long, and
there have been many sacrifices
along the way.

The one that immediately comes
to mind is that in 1979. he packed
up his belongings and traveled
3,000 miles to live with total strang-
ers. This, he did, just for the hope of
someday making the Olympic team.

Like so many other Olympic
hopefuls, he went to Mission Viejo,
Calif, a virtual Mecca for young
divers. He moved in with the family
of his new coach, Ron O’Brien, who
had coached Olympic gold medalist
Greg Louganis.

Luckily for Scoggin, he wasn’t
among strangers for long. His future


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wife. Rebecca, moved to California
a year later. They had only been
friends while on the same diving
team in Arlington. Va., but he joked
that “...We went out to California
and she took advantage of me."

By making the journey to Califor-
nia, Scoggin hoped to gain the train-
ing that would propel him to star-
dom. His coach in Arlington, who
had been in poor health, encouraged
Scoggin to make the move.

“It definitely took some dedica-
tion to leave my family and all my
friends that I’d been growing up
with for so long,” he said.

“My best chance to make an
Olympic team was in the sport of
diving and it was the best move for
me at the time. It was tough, but it
was worth it. I might not be here
right now if I hadn’t made that

Mike Brown, Scoggin’s coach at
the University of Texas and current
coach with the Longhorn Diving
Club in Austin, said his student has
had to face many sacrifices.

“There have been lots," Brown
said. “In terms of career and the
time he’s spent practicing, enduring
pain and setbacks, he has a great de-
sire to succeed.”

Some of the setbacks have been
the kind that make an athlete won-
der why he goes to all the trouble.
When your goal is to make the
Olympic team — an event that
comes around only once every four
years — you have to make each op-
portunity count. Unfortunately, luck
— the one variable that he cannot
control — Ins been Scoggin's
downfall in the past.

In 1984, while attempting to qual-
ify for the Olympic team, Scoggin
was suffering from an injury that
hampered his performance. His
fourth-place finish sentenced him to
another four years of training.

In 1988, he came into the Olym—
pic trials healthy, but for whatever
reason, he failed to perform well -—
again, another fourth place finish.

Brown said those two crushing
disappointments were enough to fin-
ish off many less determined ath-
letes, but not Scoggin.

“It was heartbreaking," Brown
said. “That's like four years of effort
focused on one day. You have to be
resilient to come back from that. It
makes some people more deter-
mined to do well. He’s one of

Memories of those trying mo-
ments returned recently for Scoggin.
A week before the World Trials, it
appeared that once again the wheels
were about to fall off for him. And
once again, he doubted that a gold
medal was worth all of the trouble.

“Last week was a great example.
My toes were hurting really bad. My
triceps were hurting really bad and I
got hit with a big cold," he said.

The injured toe came when his
foot hit the tower on dive in prac-
tice, a dive that begins with him
standing on his hands at the edge of
the platform some 33 feet above the

But Scoggin overcame adversity
that time and won the trial easily.
But still, he said. all the time and
hard work occasionally seem futile.

“Some things you can't control.
You get these little injuries that
come about. They drive you crazy.
You are going after something real-
ly hard and all of the sudden you
can’t move yom left arm. At times,
it‘s really tough.”

Platform diving is awe-inspiring
to those uneducated in the finer as—
pects of the spon. When someone is
standing on a cement platform 10-
meters above the clear blue water.
there is little room for error.

Scoggin, who’s never had a seri—
ous injury on the platform. has re-
spect for the danger.

“You don't want to hit thl’plat-
form," he joked.

“You want to go by the tower no
closer than a foot and a half." he
said. while holding his hands apart
as a reference to the distance.

“But I'm usually right there," he
said, as he widened that distance to
about three feet.

Through all of his difficulties, one
person more titan anyone else has
been able to relate to Scoggin‘s frus-
trations in a sport that requires per-
fection. That person has been Re-

“I was fortunate in that she was a
diver so she has some idea of what
I‘m going through. She supports me
tremendously and without her I

See SCOGGIN. Back page


Have you hugged





 ifQuake prediction
turns out faulty

Kernel Wire Services

NEW MADRID, Mo. — The joke

struck by a television satellite truck
. than you are an earthquake in the
. next few days.
p In the past few days this town of
‘ 3,300 has become cluttered with tel-
evision crews and reporters out to
scoop each other. It's getting this at-
tention because the town gave its
name to the New Madrid Fault,
‘ which devastated much of the re-
gion in a series of huge earthquakes
in 1811.

Friday the townspeople were tak-
ing in stride climatologist Iben
Browning's forecast that the fault is
set to go off in the next few days.

“I will be the most surprised per-
son in the world if it happens,” said
Carla Femmer, from Hap’s Bar on
Mott Street.

Femmer has been a New Madrid
resident for 48 years, and said she
has seen the sidewalks roll like

waves during some of the larger
no stock in Browning's projection,
and that a large quake could happen
any day at my time.

“This place is overrun with media
people —— it’s been a circus." she

Despite chiding from others at the
bar. Femmer said she has already
decorated for Christmas and is not
worried that her ornaments could be
destroyed in a major temblor.

Hap's Bar held a Shake, Rattle
and Roll party all day yesterday.

Owner Jack Hailey made his fa-
mous gumbo for the party and
KSHE radio out of St. Louis broad-
casted from the bar.

Down the road at the New Madrid
Museum, the atmosphere was a bit
more cautious. In the museum’s
earthquake display, recent aerial
photographs of New Madrid show
the remnants of sand boils, places
where the sand actually shot out of
the ground like a geyser.

D0607 BAG

:r (aw/1222p“ l I that we». exam out .. 9H t... l a»... w.


Wu bartender Mild South-no ""

(Wad Juan 0 Number oath! Mnfc‘tbodt’ Jacketshr told me how anc
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Muckyxmtfuuday, mum-s



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Museum Director Virginia Carl-
son said many people are leaving
the museum with a better under-
standing of the destruction caused


This Space Could Be Working for m!


by the giant quakes of1811. Their
moods, she said, aren‘t as jovial.

Carlson said that with the influx
of media and thrill seekers, the
building is seeing more activity than
it has since summer.

One science class in Texas called
Carlson to have her answer some
questions about the possible quake.



Continued from page 1

the other students interviewed.

Structure is important to recover-
ing alcoholics. Since an alcoholic’s
life is chaotic, structure and order
have to be releamed in rehabilita-

John, an undeclared major, said
that in the stringent program he
went through leaving a cigarette butt
in an ashtray would cost him smok-
ing privileges inside the facility.
This illustrates a concept he called
“consequences." An important part
of recovery for alcoholics is to learn
that their actions have consequenc-

Looking at each of the recovered,
they seem serene. That was the
word they used to describe the
peace of mind they all now possess.
Serenity, as opposed to chaos.

Marilyn is a well-dressed and
seemingly confident woman. There
is a soft look in her eyes, an under-
standing and interested look. The
overall effect is very comforting and
relaxing - she puts you at ease.

Susan, now, constantly smiles.
Her eyes reflect an inner strength
and peace, although she says her
strength is extemal.

She loves to exercise, and her
calm mind and trim body are sharp
contrasts to how she lived when she
was drinking.

“I cried over something every
day. I couldn't take care of myself. I
looked horrible,” she said.

John has an abrupt manner, and
although he rambles when he
speaks, it’s not hard to get caught up
in his stories. His eyes reflect the
bad times and wild times from be-
fore he went into recovery. It’s like
a storm that hasn’t quite gone away.

Recovery teaches the drinker or
drug abuser to love the self and oth-
ers, and have positive feelings.

Alcohol defined each person dif-


Continued from page1

volunteers. As of right now, there
are no UK student volunteers work-
ing at local shelters.

“We get very few UK volun-
teers,” Patton said. “I’ve written to
the fratemities and sororities be-
cause I know they are supposed to
do civic and community service
work and haven't gotten a good re-
sponse. In January, I'm going to try

The major problem with respect
to college students and their pets is a
lack of information — they have no
idea of the responsibility involved.

“We try to point out that it may be
a cute kitten or puppy now, but in
the future, it will be an adult dog
with needs. We try to explain what
the future will entail with the pet,"
Ellen said.


less calories

then cookies



ferently. Susan said it gave her love.
Love was something she thought her
family and friends could no longer
provide for her. John did cocaine
and drank for courage.

Marilyn said she drank because
“If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”
Her husband was an alcoholic. She
tried for years to stop his drinking
through pleading and all other possi-
ble means. Nothing worked. After
trying to fight his drinking unsuc-
cessfully, she decided they could
drink together.

Then it was all gone. The friends,
the courage, the husband. “Isolat-
ed,” “on the outside looking in,” and
“alone” were words they used to de-
scribe their helpless feelings. There
was nowhere to go.

Susan‘s mother told her, “You
have stripped my soul, and I have
nothing left to give you." Susan
wanted to die, but couldn't kill her-

John entered his fourth rehabilita-
tion program. He had 830, just
enough to enter the program. His
parents dropped him in Louisville
and said, “See you later."

Marilyn, Susan and John talk
about attending multiple Alcoholics
Anonymous meetings, sometimes as
many as three or four a day. Group
and individual therapy have given
them back what drinking had stolen.

Alcoholism creates an alternative
reality. Treatment and therapy deal
with integrating the whole person
back into mainstream society. The
process is gradual, and comes in
clearly defined steps.

When John went into the Jeffer-
son Alcoholic and Drug Abuse Cen-
ter (J ADAC), there were all kinds of
people there. “People you don't
even want to know. Ex-DEA agents
who were junked out, big drug deal-
ers from Miami and New York,
hard-core heroin junkies
(messed) up.”

In the halfway house he lived in,
there were six men to a room.

“You slept on a cot, and ate in a
soup kitchen sometimes. It was to

teach us to have no ego, we were no
better than anyone else. It teaches
humility. Sometimes, we’d go down
to the Volunteers of America bad
part of town drunks and junkies
all around and get clothes, or
they’d bring ’em to us some real-
ly crappy shirt; we’d all get excited
about it, like ’Cool shirt, man,” he

"It was a high point in the week.”

Before entering treatment, John
had a $250 a day cocaine habit He
drank heavily. The paranoia that co—
caine brings gradually took over. He
didn’t leave the house unless he had
to. He always carried a gun, and
people came to his house to buy
drugs — with guns.

He asked them, while pointing a
gun at the visitors, “Are you the
DEA?” John looked under the mgs
for listening devices; he thought the
phone might be tapped.

“Cocaine is evil,” he said, several

He also talked about all the fun
things he and his friends did, all the
wild parties, all the crazy fun. Why
then, since it seemed like such fun,
did he quit? “I looked in the mirror
and I didn’t know the person I saw.
I was skinny and strung out.”

John has just celebrated two years
of sobriety, Susan has been sober 21
months, Marilyn has been sober for
eight years.

In the spring, Marilyn will com-
plete a degree in social work. John
said he is hoping to start his own

Alcoholism is a private hell. and
recovery is a release, they say.

By sharing their stories with oth-
ers, alcoholics can disc