xt7cc24qnn9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnn9t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1985 1985 1985-01-28 2020 true xt7cc24qnn9t section xt7cc24qnn9t W
S‘ficmrffifiéwataroi‘wss 7th .MJES ,. ‘ ‘ , :2 "12:2: 2 :2 was: 2:.-,. “mar . ' ,: 44.34.: a: .4 - cos: . . a '
Em “ii-Er- or...“ .31“: 3'" - ~: ' scion... ; “ ' ‘ :'-' -’ ‘ '- ' ‘ ‘ ' “W T ' “'7' ’ " "'5
Student’s research to focus on crime vict'ms 3
By TIM JOHNSON women 20 will be victims of rape while the other 1) lein said “Also if the - - - - - : .. -

4 _ 4 . 4 4 2 4 4 . , y (Victims) feel they had a part in course work and exams and her dissertation is the l t
Semor Staff Writer ml: mdnzurslal’n Olmllheulzm Qua]: V"; the arrest and the sentencing of the criminal, if he was step before my doctorate. as ' ;

a assua ,w e r m senten - 4 - - _ n _ . ~ ~ , : .

Victims4of violent and non-violent crimes often have bevictims of burglary. tion." m then they WEE “38' m control 0‘ the 5mm Megs: filer! gal/:22: Xfiimftgffir? 42414445144342: '

‘° °°P° 4‘3"? ”“1"“ 1‘3‘ "59‘3"” fie; 3?"); {9° “1 will interview the victims one week after the crime lllmelein will also study Positive copinll mechanisms a Community Mental Health Center as training psychol- - : - - '
m; E8438 Egénwagvg— V: mull occurs as well as three months after," she said. “There "l am going to tl'y4and find out what different coping ogist. Ideally, I’m interested in an academic career. - . ' ' -'. E

d ng c“. s pe, obh my, are certain stages of recovery and I want to find out mechanismsthe Victims {59 and who they blame. teaching at a small college and dOlllS some more re- . E , E' , ' ' " -
an hirslary,remalnunlinown. what they are exactly and how the victims cope with 4“The traditional reaction of the Victim’s family and search.“ ' ‘ : ,3

But with the aid of a $104110 grant ”an the National each stage.“ friends is4to4 say, ‘Oh, don t blame yourself,‘ when a lot “It (the grant) was a substantial honor for her," said ‘ ,‘ . ' .
Institute of J‘Bfice in Washington, DC, Melissa Hime- 4 _ 4 4 of times it is the Victim who could learn something if Mike Nietzel, director of clinical traini in chol .4 . ' ' ,

liimel did tkn tl ha woul - - - "g ”5’ °gl - -
lein, a UK graduate student in clinical psychology, her reseealgch b3 thEditelxah: Y W tslwh m In theblame fallsononeoftheir behavmrial problems. “Her receiving the grant was a very competitive situa— ' ‘ 4 '- ’. , '
4 hopes to prowde someamwersintheseunknownareas. her study “So far Sal] I’ve do: flea“ mm?) “If it is something like locking doors, a behavior prob- tion 32°de many “he" fields than psychology were - 3 3'

“I will be researching the victims of both violent and find out if the methods are sensitive and accurate. I've 1% that they CE." get control of,4 then the blame is conserEi-gearch will answer questions and bring togeth- E 3 ' . 3
non-violent crimes and see what different factors affect done research with police, district attorneys and other g , "She said. They can change ‘t and 9mm“ the” er several individual problems which are usually not to- - .. ‘ - . ‘.
them, how they cope with the different factors, and how judicial officials," she said. “1"” gether .. Nietzel said. “It not only will help the' victims - ' E- ‘ .
the Justicesystemaffects them,”shesaid. 4 4 “If the victims feel they havea lot of peopletotum to Himelein, who graduated from Brown University in understand their situation, but could possibly find re« 1 , I, '

; 4Himeleln, who starts her research today, will inter- and if the response of the police and attorneys are semi- Providence, R.l. in 1981, received her master's in clini- sults which will help those responsible for dealing with ' '» . . ’ ,

. 4 54 View 80 subyects — 40 men and 40 women. of the tive, that‘s going to be very positive, of course," Hime- cal psychology from UK in 1983. She has finished all thevictims.“ V . 7 ‘
° SGA sends m L' ' ' ”
o 7 . 4 ibrary selence has -

delegates to a» 0 en . b k t
, or" .: : p JO mare,
convention i: 4 d t d . 2: 4.
Students exchange ‘ a” ‘3 4 44 i 4‘ E 344444 say can ’ S u ents E 43 .
. . . 4 .. 4.: 7‘ ‘ a- e. ;" , _—————————— ' - '
Ideas, information ._ . .4 2 A. c . 31%;ch JAMES .. . - _
N R C ‘~.S 1V.- . b r P° I open the Chronicle ' ‘ .
gnhmisimfimggls . 7.4 . 4 4 lg 4. . 4 " Almost 100 percent of the grad- on Higher Education - ' ‘
‘ “gr - uatesoftheCollegeofLibrary and d h , I .

President W3 inauguration E : g; l .. Information Science’s master‘s pro- an t ere S a ways four 7 4 .

:. c 4 . i . . . : .
was not the only news event in . ‘ 4 7.1:; «2.4 3:344 flflcgdgmzmfirfnfihfa; pages 0f library jObS '
was’ll'lglm 135‘ week: tr- 4 ‘ E‘ ‘\ i :9“ l mu, 'dean ammonites every week. And that’s . ' '

OffiClals representing more than . \i 4 ‘ t4 .7 44 ,6- :4 The. college keeps in contact with 4 .

“Iiiudent 892/64mlfllelllsagel m u“: 'E 3 § " ‘ 3 ‘E 4 its graduates Sineath said checking onlyfor academic

nal 4s caplo or 4 4 annua .4 4 J “‘4 . ‘ ‘ , v 4. . . - - n ‘

{American Student Assomation meet- 4444444; 4’4 ’ as - 5 , 4 3:0an agglogfiatsignuaug; 5‘4: libraries- 4 . . 4

:08 71K hicéudlngt gvee mernbeAl: . 4 £74.“.744x-444S. 3:75;. ; : 4 : 4 never below 85 percent within 5.4x Amy Algier,

SSSSSSS-i :2: ~ ~ . So“ : S Siam: smashes:- S'“""“’““‘"’"’ : ~

wsgffi‘lggmd mtmmgmflrd‘" 7 1‘: ‘441: ,2» \ , - .. : . 4 fore graduation, Sineath also attrib- -

m. .lohn Fish senator at large' m. S‘ ‘95 754;? 1.7.:: 1‘“ . ‘ " 4 uted the high employment rate to a mand for information professionals. .
I 9 v ‘s. a, -...—_- .- .~ : 4m 4 . . . . . , 44

and Cl . Greenwell, intergovern- ( 4.. new 44 42:1 ~ » 4 444 : strong alAilmm assoctia51014.4 4h 4 zineaegh hsaid these changes re- ,

mental relatiom 4chairrnan: could ‘S‘S' EE \ 3 c 4 iegESEind géféifieisit" ofinthl: migry piE-Etgparet 2:333:32? acogfgaedtta? 3

mgmhimhgm‘m .. ‘ ‘ . . cmcmsmmcm scccc scuccm 0r .mmccm mmmacm cmmmmcms. .

UK “SS SSS" i" "'S mania » : . : . $3:§§12“S§?i$£$fii§i “if: *“fi‘mimg-Almmi“ "’3 “NEW ‘
sinceit was roundedinim, hutthis the}. . 7- , fl 3 We“; 4 . ls .fi flunk mm :d l“ “5 ”’1‘ “mall?“ cemelfsv “‘dex' -
was the first time SGAhas sent rep- ‘ ' 222-1, ' ' . . »- :2" . ‘3'»?ch ! SITE: ‘4 4 “g, t 5:”? 4444424: "Eng. End-abSE‘Eamng ”mm“ ar’ ' :
resenatives to the natimal conven- . 41:24:24.4 .. 44 4 : 44:..4 1,4. we. . 414: 40 we g thgu l l g] t c4 ves, library networks. commer-
tion. Greenwell said he Wt it 1.4.14. 44 44 4 .4 44 . - 7W 4 4 ,» ad 705 theause ret was a n1 cial information serVices and other
was important for UK‘s voice to be E" H e... 24.» -. : i. c»: “emails: .' f 23mg: 4 Sam :hmnizlerejn ‘mmtmmate‘j °rgamuu°ns
heard at the convention, which dealt 3 ”sic. . E,‘ ..3 EEfS‘EEE‘ WE .. . ' . i ' 3
primarily withstudmt issues. 7 ‘ Sim: . ""h‘". “"0““ fifmi-b‘fe’eS-O‘L: In 1982 "SS College of library Sci-

'lhe group “sticks straight to edu- ‘ Se... . . ‘ ' . - . so: 4. - ways 0“; P35544484, Erna? l ence changed its name to the Col-
cation issues," Greende said, so it ' .. sic ' mi..4,.44e‘;:4’§.4;;4:,..;" $4; every Y? -. ,_ 5 0 y or aca- lege of Library and Information Sci- ' 4 ‘ .
was important to have student rep— 44 4444 3 . 7. 4 7 ..4444444 2 “3544;444:2215. industry schools enceasaresultofthese changes. . . 4
resenatives from UK present at the .7 tic-Woo"; '5 - 23.3 _7 ifi, - . . . . I '
convention. Through the association, 44744444 “awn” 4774.4; _.-.44- $444434 academitcifreslegrch faCilitlesh—4- such The college‘s master‘s program, , 4 .
SGA gets ”more of a lobbying effort i si"*S.:1?2EI3¢w ’e -..3 SE E E ‘Em as suen 'c ‘ ranes or S" “'5 _ which requires its students to have a ‘ '
- - - - . o cw- --> S wt: was as well as him libraries are all » -

. in Washington —- if its handled 42‘ ”4‘"-=;;§E€'Sm« »_ 3”” t 4 Emma inf t' bachelor‘s degree, requires 36 hours ' . _ 7
right," he said. “We need a lobbying 4 ‘j 75913.54; $§§w€fik " 44 .4 :44 “43E (femp4 Well: 0 e orma 10" pro- of coursework. Course topics range '7 .
voiceonthehill." 4 ,it EX” 44.444? . - S *2 figs; figm estimated the academic from librarianship and children's lit- 7 ' '

Kentucky State University and 4 . 5.”: ' ,. -. ES: demand to be the greatest. hiring fifflgfiggy‘m‘m and ”m .-
Cumberland College also were rep— tremg.i.,»;;§i._ ‘ '. $.53- 5‘13: about 40 percent of the graduates ‘ ' , ' . - .
resented attheconvention. gin :: 3:?" 2‘ ,4 -4; : drafiéit from the program. special groups — . . , . , '

43 as???“ ..4 ..eeggxwfic- 21444444 4 4444 4444 EWEE including government and industry In addition to a bachelor 5 degree, - 4 . . 2 ,
Greende was elected as chair- 2¥Ei§yiE ‘ : . x -' » 4 4444 122s _ 4;. Egan's? _ hire about 30 rcent of the grad- many students in the college have '4 .- - . '4
man of ASA‘s 8th district, whjd, in- ~;;SS:;,;- ’ - - ‘ “2m emfwn.‘ .. . .. ... . . SE2. "§ uates while 20 pf'cent g o with pub- master's degrees in other areas. Al- 7 - ' 4 .
eludes all members from North Car- . ALANLEssm/Krmelmn lic libraries anp: 10 percent with gier has degrees in Spanish and : " .
olina. 4 Tennessee. Virginia, West Rampbunctlous schools. Russian. ”I couldn‘t find any way to : . . . -.
VirginiaandKentucky. S h C . . . . . C' 4 d d There are numerous job titles in goombine fith‘mh any thing. I ' _. ‘ ‘ 4 .
Fish said ASA is going through a ct arriero, ll, son of Hetty and Joe Carriero, slid down a hill on Clifton irc e yester ay an each of these information environ- 4 ught a i rary and "rpm-me. 4 4 4 .
. . ,, : took a lump on a ram that he and his friends had built on Saturda . 7 “0" “lence- The more 1 89¢ "“0 ll : ’
“reorganization period so the p y merits. Some general ones are 11- .. ,.
4 4 . _ . . . . . the more opportumtles i see. She .
meeting also dealt with ways to 4m. brarian, archlVist and information said she expects to find a job in a , . 4 .
prove the group. 0'“? of the ideas professional, according to a facts “1thme n library - 4'
discussed at the meeting, Fish said, ' ‘ 9 brochure the college offers to inter- ‘ . , _ : 4
was installing a central computer to 0 premlere eaven e p S . ested students. Specifically. there Kai Schn 'de .4 .-
which all association members are several types of librarians m- I] l‘ hoe1414r, a student of the 4 4 4 4
would have a link. This would come f eluding university, public, school 004 age w4 w1_ 4gra uate in May, 4
in handy when UK‘s SGA wants to Sta “elm” comedy 0‘ adolescence “(5‘3 C44! in “Cat People,” play the priests media andspecial librarians. said he thinks Its good to4combine 4 4 4
collect information on how other stu- . . . “Dimitri-file film. We“ '8 set In who encourm and — occasionally In the information industry there “98’, e?“- “9 has a bachelor‘s degree ' - . ,
dent governments run certain pro sew “Exam“ ”l‘g‘mmhandia 3W3"? “‘ “'9 6°5- “5 5"“ °“ 1° — rebuff theboys. are opportunities available in the !" “y‘culm’f and a "“5“?” degree - -
grams hesaid. the general alIGUISh 0f pa 1 (33th m Mordsn’yvesant and Dana Barron and Yeardley Smith communication and publishing in- In forestry. l4would be likely to be 4
' 4 4 h schools are the themes 40f “Heaven Manhattan, NY. play the romantic interests from the dustries, as well as indexing, abs- offered .a variety .°f 3d,)? dealing '
Cellettl, lv‘is and Greenwell4 at- Help Us: a 'n'i-Star Pictures film The mythical St. Basil’s School is mu), mythical girl's affiliate of tracting and computer based infor- Withenwronmental issues, hesaid. S

tended W°4ksh°l5mand fittest“! which Will be shown tonight at 8 in the backdrop for the antics of a St. Basil‘s, the Virgin Martyr mation services. Inadditiontothese -

on student oans, '9‘“ rtzation theWorsham'l‘heater. 81'0“!) 0f young misfits played by School. areas, many information profession- “You should have subject exper- ' . ’

of the “'9’?” Education Act, lead- Mfr” premiere ‘5 ”om?“ by Patrick Dempsey, Kevin Dillon, Ml- Tickets for the premiere will be als choose to freelance, serving both tise in another area and couple it .

min“ 9 $1434? and leather oval“: tllesuidmtAcovmesBoardeuna chael Dunn, Malcom Dame and distributed on a tirstcome, first- theprivateandpublicsectm's. with this degree,“ Schneider said. . . .-

om. added I 'he Committee, wl'ld' “gs 39°30”! SWGeOfmys- serve basis at the information desk The college has made many ad- “People don‘t care about the library . '

leamed a I“ by talking '0 “he” “l“ otharfllmiiranieres "“3 yell?- Veteran film star Donald Suther- in the Student Center Addition, be- justments and improvements to except as a meals to other informa- '

gbfivfmml leaders and 9’" “Heaven Help US" Clll‘OlllClell the land and John Heard. who appeared ginning at 10a.m.today. compensate for this increased de- tion.”

“We found out what they're doing .


m Faculty, staff members who prefer laps over lunch make a daily splash at Memorial Coliseum pool

. VHS is e. ; = : ByCllRlswm-ZLAN Veggies also formed a women's

.flV‘sfivfi‘“ .» ..- . memes team which Mldflw in "3 ln'
4 -- Sm; :. Eva-S uamtn'alcornpedtionandaleowon. b
~ 4: ,:4444.:. - 4 ‘nurty to w faculty and staff Competira in the intruml'ale, Ba- ‘ <~ \
r. .4, 2.: ,:. 4 IllIll'lllll'l '1 “y '4'"! lllldld to m.“ "id, “1' M m '4 m , k , a0
. , lklp lunch and swim away their we're all older and it's fill toswtm \ \ - e 4) \
4 ' limchhoinatMemorial Coliseum. againstyoimgeronesandwtn.” \ i g \ . -' ‘ \
«:44. . 4 -- . ‘niepool is “usully packed" dur- Bateman said that he med to , . \ .
. :: c .. :. mg the time, said Tami Hockaden. swun‘ comnetltivoly in hill! m E - "‘0 \\ ~ . .6
"‘ " ' alumtholleannllfegtl-rd. anddurlmhisfiuhmanyeerincol- Q \\4 K 7 "’"
7 .. ~ Aecorrhmtoseveraloftheswim- legebutnowswimstonayln O °4 Q \\\ \.)\ ‘3’ \
‘ ‘ ' ‘ . men thlt frequent the pool, swim- shape. “Became i sit all day, it’s 0.0 M J\, 4 min; on their lunch hour is a regu- nlce to44¢et up at noon and move w
' ’ ' ' " “'ch W- 4:092, rs ‘ W
Brad lemon, an lmtnicta- of {New truths, mat edit:
“.111“ economies and statistics, sold he or “www.mone
Mmeboutandle‘mmnllyevery themmenwhoparttctiltedlnthe malarlimchhousreman- muchuhetudtobecaueoffoot mflmtou-ytowlmacoqile
3 ’ - ' ' day." fallswimnieet.unhel'ealdeheabo has of the Vania. Patricia Y. injuries. dunno-week.
~_ ' Betunanahowumpouiblefor medtoswlmcompetltlvelylnfllh animwtmdcmwthdndcme, municlltlmenimmingisoiuy
.7 - themamolmvm,a mohhuttheintnmalmpeu- anecommlagnll, saidehe Ineddltlmtotheregulnrswlm- mfwf-cfltymmflmm:
mdfacultyandstaffmben tlonwasheronlyreenteompetlttve swlmbeeemeot bedbeck. mentheremsleoeomemcom- ”hwhmbmm
' " ' _ whoflwmtormedateam swimmlm. mm.mmm ”.mmmygardenandm Mlmmmwylm
' topartldpateanK'elnti-emwal mwummm ofplamlmandbuaetnaldhetrl- m,bothbldqyetaffinunhen, mmmo ti
:. windiest. eva-yrhy.“ltnlahuthem toswimtwoortlreetlmuawet ”nonmagnetic-it'll: p-In-Indllor-tobothmon
hymen-mum» eeeiertofaee."~eflhd. juttoheepinrhspesa-tmuldhe “countryman-gunman “WMShto-mandsllr
m.”meald.1‘lhyeartln m.ontyafewwlloswlm nbrnooeeslmlly.butnota wining-tenement“ ”NOW-m-
e ‘ '

 z-Kmvxmmma 1‘
intormation on this calendar at events is collected
Otlice. 208/204 Student Center. University at Ken-
tucky. The intormotion Is published as supplied by the
on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake oi clarity at expression. For student orga-
nisations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calender form must be filled
out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
0 Movies: Heaven Help Us; Free; Worsham ° ACOdOMi€31 L0” day ‘0' payment °l “9'" ° Sports: UK Adult Fitness Program; Call 7' ° Movies: The Exorcist; ”‘75; Worsham
Theatre: 8:00 p.m. tratian and/or housing and dining tees in 3695 Theatre; 7:30PM .
0 Sports: Sign-up for UK Adi)" Fl'nOSS PI’O- ofd.f to OVOld conc.l of [.9_ and/or mwl card . COMOm: Th Magnificent MAZOWSZE, $10 . Sports: UK BOIkOTbO" VS. LSU, RUPP AI’CDO:
‘ ’ grami-Deadline Jan. 29; 203 Seaton; Call 7- 0 Movies: Police Academy; $1.75; Worsham PUP" 5"“ '° UK "“59""? Center '0' "1. Arts; 73A
v 3695 Theatre; 7:30PM 8 PM: Call 7-1378 0 Meetings: Snow Ski Club Meeting; Final
e Recitals: Faculty Rgcflal; Phyliis Jam... 3 0 Movies: The Exorcist; $1.75; Worsham deadline for Colorado Trip: 228 SC: 7:30 PM;
Lucien Stark; Center for the Arts; 8 PM: Call 7- Theatre; 7330 PM CPI'7'76“
' 4900 0 Sports: Fitness Through Weight Training 0 Other: How To Read Body Language-Din-
‘ e Sports: Entry deadline for Intra. Racquet- Clinic; Free; Seaton; 7PM; Ca|l3928 ner following/21 and older; 412 Rose; 5:30 PM;
‘ ball (0); 135 Seaton; 4 PM; Call 7-3928 C0" 254-1881
. 0 Sports: Entry deadline for lntra. Mixed
Doubles Racquetball; 135 Seaton; 4 PM; Call 7-
. 2898
' ' 0 Sports: Entry deadline for Mixed Doubles
‘ Racquetball tor Fac. 8 Staff
0 Sports: Entry deadline for UK Adult Fitness
Program; 209 Seaton; Call 7-3695
0 Meetings: Cosmosolltan Club Meeting; 205
SC: 7 PM; Call 7-8846
1 0 Exhibitions: Table Cloth 8 Schroil Paint- ' SPOT“? UK Basketball vs. Auburn; Auburn; '_l°c'“"”‘ Basically 3°C“ 5.7509 SPIONdld 0 Other: Ticket Distribution-Alabama Game-
ings; Center for Contemporary Art; 12-4:30 TBA DOS'QO- Free; Center for the Arts; 2 PM; Call 7- Free to full time Stu; Memorial Coliseum: 9
. pM; Call7-8143 0 Sports: Bluegrass lnvl. Wheelchair Basket- 490° AM-4 PM; 7-1757
e Recitals: Faculty Recital: Skip Gray, Tuba: ball Tourn/Si .50; Seaton;7PM; Cail7-1623 0 Recitals: Bach Cantata 202 and concertos- 0 Movies: The Natural; $1.75; Worsham
Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-4900 ' MOW”: The Natural; $1.75; Worsham Fr”: C00?“ for the Arts; 3 PM: Call 7-4900 Theatre; 7:30 PM
0 Sports: Bluegrass lnvl. Wheelchair Basket- "190'"? 7130 PM ' Recitals: FOCU'W ROCWILDOVid Elliot, Horn; 0 Other: Schedule a Free Therapy Marriage-
ball Tourn./$l .50; Seaton; Call 7- 1623 0 Other: UK Tuba-Euphoniun Day; Call 7- Cont-rtorthoAm: 8PM: Call 74900 /Family Seminar-Free: Funkhouser Bldg.
. Movies: The Natural; 31.75; Worsham 8182 0 Other: Ticket Distribution-Ole Miss Game- e Workshops: summgr Job Search
Theatre; 7230 pM 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminists Press Ff” *0 '0" time 510: Memorial Coliseum: 1 Workshop; iwA Mathews Bldg.; 1 PM
0 Exhibitions: Last day for the Garry Bibbs Meeting; ”1 5C? 12Noon;Cal|254-2946 PM“ PM? Call7-1757 ’
Art Exhibition; sc; :1 AM-S PM; Coll255-7850 ' $P°m= ”Worm lnvl. Wheelchair Basket-
. ball Town/$1.50; Seaton; 11 AM; Call 7-1623
0 Movies: The Natural; $1.75; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30 PM
' e ’ \
‘ ‘ . ‘— MOVies Arts 8. Concerts 1g} intramural and Athletic Events
. 1/28: Heaven Help Us; FREE; Worsham Theatre: 8PM 1/3): Concerts: The Magnificent MAZOWSIE: 310 Pub., Free to students; Cen- 1/2.; sign...” for an Adult Fun... Prooroml-Doodlin. Jun, 29; 2m 5.0m;
, i ’29; Police Academy; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM terlortheArts: 8PM; Coin-1378 Comm
, v, l 30: The Exorcist; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 2/5: The Prague Symphony Orchestra: $14 Pub/$8 UK Stu. B Sr. Cit; CFA Con- 1/29; Entry “an. fofln'rg, Racquetball (o); 135 semen; 4 PM; “117.3923
1/31: The Exorcist: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM cert Hall: BPM:7-4929 1/29: Entry deadline for intro. Mixed Doubles Racquetball; 135 Seaton: 4 PM;
. 2/1: The Natural; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7230 PM 2/7: Central KY Concert .- Lecture Series-87.50; Center tor the Arts: 8 PM; Call Call 7.2g”
. . 2/2: The Natural; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 72:!) PM new 1/29: Entry deadline-Mixed Doubles Racquetball tor Fac. 8 Staff
~ - ' 2/3: The Natural; Si .75; Worsham Theatre; 7:1!) PM 2/ 1: Exhibitions: Table Cloth B Schroil Paintings; Center for Contemporary Art; 1/29: Entry deadline tor UK Adult Fitness Program; 200mm; Call 7-3695
* * 2 '4: The Natural; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM l2-4:fl PM; Call 7-8143 1/30; UK Adult Fitness Program; Call 7-3695
. 2/1: last day tor the Garry Bibbs Art Exhibition; SC; 11 AM-5 PM: Call 255- i/m: Fitness'i'hroughWeight Training Clinic-Free: Seaton; 7PM; Cain-3928
‘ 7350 1/31: UK Basketball vs. LSU: RuppArena: TBA
. 1/29: Recitals: Faculty Recital: Phyllis Jenness I Lucien stark; Center for the 2/1;'Imglml,whgglcholrfloeketbollTourm/SLSO;Sooton;CgII7-1623
. . I Arts: 8 PM: Call 749m 2/2: UK Basketball vs. Auburn: Auburn; TBA
. i _ 2/1: Faculty Recital: skip Gray, Tuba; Center iortheArts: 8PM; Call7-49m 2/2: Bluegrass lnvl. Wheelchair Basketball Toum./$1.50, Seaton; 7 PM: Call 7-
‘ . . 2/3: Bach Cantata m and concertos-Free: Center for the Arts; 3 PM: Call 7- 1623
', ‘ ‘m 2/8: Bluegrass lnvl. Wheelchair Basketball Tourn./$i .50: Seaton; 11 AM; Call
. 2/3: Faculty Recital-David Elliot, Horn: Center ior the Arts; 8 PM; Call 74900 7-1623
. . . h
‘ ’ _' . Meetings and Lectures g“ SPOClOl Events Locking A and
I l. ‘ I . . - - . - - _ . . 1/29: Academics: Last day for payment at registration and/or housing and . .
. y . g :M}E:'I|i’r7f:9(:iomc°"y Bach Series Splendid Design Free, Center for the Arts, diningtees in ,0 av aid l olreg. and /or meal ca rd :fidiw' Last day to change grading option(Credit to Audit/Audit to
I' 1991 WWW“ Cfimm'm’" ('05 Mutino: 2065C: 7 PM; Call 7-8846 ”3‘: Other: H" '° R.“ Body menm following/21 ‘ dd." “2 2/5: Academics: Last day to drop a course w/out it appearing on the student’s
i 31; Snow Ski Club Meeting-Final deadline tor Colorado Trip; 228 SC; 723) :z’bitmflécmm Call7 8182 transcript
, PM: Caii7-7644 1 “ “" i ' 2/6:Sports:UKl. K n .Tennes r h; Memorial Cali ;1:30 PM
' 2 /2: Emergence Feminists Press Meeting; 111 SC; 12 Noon; Call 254-2946 fzglc'krmollrab‘égm 8.5.7 Ml“ “NF". '° N" time 5"“ Memorial Cd' 2/7; Concerts: crmrmncw infect?" Series- 9,”;mm lor the Arts;
. V ' _ 2/4: Ticket Distribution- Alabama Game-Free to lull time Stu.: Memorial Col- glsMSpcglerasketballvs V iit- ilie: TIA
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 RWY!" autumn 1.4
.. i e our ~ 0 e K ‘
. no .1, ' . . 0
Brooks Tennessee , » , , ~ . * Georgia outSWlmS U i
, . aura»-
' i * ’ t d' t 5 2 (1
too much for UK' Stilt" ., ml cam “’5 ° ' rem" ' '
’ 2 4 ‘ e - A , I By cvmuamwimo Despite Georgia’s solid victory, ' ,
o ' a: l .. Staff Writer Kentucky coach Wynn Paul was . . -
' ., pleasedwithhisteam's efforts. . -
1 ca S rop 0 - ' ’i. . ‘ j 5'. The Georgia Bulldogs have had “We swam real well with no .
i. _ fl!" . " . ‘" quite a bit of success over the Item rats," he said. “We haveIhad four II
By WILLIE HM" “We knew that defensively we ,‘i g ' . ' tucky Wildcats lately, and the Bull- good weeks of solid traimrg smce ; I '
Staff Writer were breaking down, being lethargic T a t = ‘ ’ dog swim team added its name to coming back from the Christmas - ', ' .
in our zone and not getting the hus- . ‘- I?) 3 «,3 . ' . the list of Cat sisters Saturday af- break I . ,. fl
KNOXVILLE. 'Denn. — By beam! tie and anticipation we had early in I..:.; " I\ \ I3 tel-noon. . Frida ni t, the Lad Katfish de- . .
“9'“ka 8145 Yesterday, Tm- the year" "a“ said- “we"? 1‘“ K“ or \ '"‘ ' . “‘9 Georgia teem “m "'0 feated 5&5: College. lv-si. Sooho . ' ' .‘ '
see showed that a team can get by psychologically flat. it's effecting all 4.. ’ i Q . KatfishIa 66-46 loss in a dual meet at more Meredith Wingard set a new 1 . . . .
in the Southeastern Conference on phases of our game. Where I notice ’ ' Memorial Coliseum. The loss tam record in the Low-yard fm_ - . _-I ‘ - ~
good Brooks alone. it mostisinourdefense." . , , . ' dropped the Catfish Ito 5-2 on the sea- style. Marci Sammartin won the m I . . ., . , I,
Sophomore guard Michael Brooks' Nonetheless, with 13m left in the “a If” son while Georgia improved its re- and 500-yard {mtyle and Diane .I . I I- ' I
34 points on Mot-21 shooting pushed game, UK pulled within two. 52-50, . f cord tow. Morgan won the 50-yard “.th 'I .. . .
Termessee's home-court record to on a layup by Kenny Walker. But on 3,, The Bulldogs took control of the for UK. “We had some pretty good . - . I '2
12-0 this season (14-6 overall and 5-3 the next trip down the floor, UT's , .’ 3‘ meet from the outset and cruised to swims,"Paul said. ' , . ' , '
in the SEC) and perpetuated what Anthony Richardson hit a 10-footer Z. - 9‘ - ,3 gt. lofirstplacefimsheslnn starts. , . 1-
some call the Stokely Athletics Cen- in the lane, was fouled by Robert , .I'I “ . (to. - ~, Even so, Kentucky swam close in Both the women's and men's ' . 'I g , '. -
ter jinx on the Cats. Who dropped ‘0 Dock, and hit the free throw to com- .I ’ 31;" . . ff! -. almost every race, narrowly miss- teams will travel to the University . . ' -. '
9-soverall andHintheoonference. plete the three-point play. Devoe 33;”. .. :. . , ing first place finishes insix events. of Cincinnati fora meet Saturday. 'I ~ .' _ . .
In Coach Joe B. Hall's era at UK, called this the turning point in the :5?” - .15.“. ‘I . , . .. .
12-of-13 trips to Knoxville have been game. .; .- ' ' » g -'
0...... m. mam” m... m... it. a... m. cm . it . ymnasts break record ~ - ' -
backwithswin. wiledtowithinthnepoints,thelast -' "a . we 7’ .
“No jinx," Brooks "id’ correcting coming 0“ a James Blackmon jump- ' l‘ " it?” . . 5“" I"390?“ her team excells, the team's overall _ ‘ ' ' - ' .
a sportswriter after the game. “It's er in the lane with 11:36 left in the . e i 1 ' " a. scorewasanewschoolrecord, I . . I’
just that we beat them every year. game. . .i r I" is ‘ ' v‘ COLUMBIA, Mo. — The UK wom- Kentucky placed three gymnasts . ‘ .“vI.
'lhey come here with high school “Even thwgh we weren’t playing ‘ . i, ., , \ en's gymnastics team placed fifth in in the individual competition Satur- ‘ . ‘ . ‘ ' 'I
All-Americans that everybody wants well, we were (only) three down and 3 . 31‘ . the team competition at the Purina day, Nagging injuries caused Joce- ' '. - , .
amwelmwmm "an" it looked like we had 3 m ‘0 . . . Cat Classic Friday night with a lyn Armstrong. who had qualified on . .
BI'OORS. who appears as uninhi- keep it close and make a “m at the 4" . M 177.05, just .35 behind fourth place the floor exercise and the balance » . é .
bited off the court as he is on, had 24 end,"Hall said. " g ’ ” IE finisher ISU and less than five beam. to withdraw and Kendall » . ‘, .I 1-. : -
first-half points, most of those com- The Volunteers, however, staged 5': , . “a? m. t‘i-‘I , points behind top finisher Penn Lucas, a qualifier on the uneven . ' .~
ing fromtheperimeter. an 3-0 spurt behind several UK turn- ' ‘ ‘ ' "Eu smm‘mls‘m State. bars and the beam. to perform only . . > ‘ -
“No one respects Brooks more overs, capping it of! with a dunk by , . . . Even though the Wildcats scored on thebars. Lucas finished fourth on . . .- ;
than me." Hall said after the game, Rob Jones on a pass from Brooks at UK 5 Kenny Walker ’goes up for two of his team-high 23 pomts low on the floor exercise, an event bars while teammate Michelle Re- . I . .3
“unfortunately my defense doesn‘t 735, From that point on, the Volun- yesterday in Kentucky 5 81-65 loss to Tennessee. where UK coach Leah Little said mark placed fourthon the beam. , . _
respect him." teers stretched their lead, with the ‘ . ‘ . -I
One stretch in "E first half saw final score Ring the largest margin m ——-—-—— g; «a has 9:15. 3:75” iiilwrsr‘ ”w w. . .
Brooks hit four straight jumpers — ofthegaxne, We 3 :3 3, 3“ (“a . . I- . .
two 12-footers and two from the top Walker, who entered the game aV- Advertise in The Kentucky Kernel. 210 5'??? t ”a
0f the key ‘ on successive "i“ eraging 22.6 points, had 23 POlnt-S 0" lournalism Building, Univer- if“: "g.” 3. iii-1'. ’I ’3 .. '. n . ' ».
downthefloor. u-of-is shooting despite a clinging. The Kernel! Slty of Kentucky, Lexington, a... e. e.- , '.
“Other than getting the ball inthe and frmtrating, defense by senior (1.11 257-2871 Ky. aosoeooaz, room 257- ” Fl M , . '
basket, be controlled UR tempo of Kirk Nala', Classifieds 2871, is published class ' 1-. 3‘ yI 3 . . ’ i I , . I.
the game," Tennessee Coach Don “Kenny Walker wasn’t himself in days during the academic ' ’3 'M ’5. II ' ii; 5’» ‘ II
Devoesaid. this particular game and an reason or year and weekly during the i a g If. ‘9 .“f3 I m ft ' ~
Hall, who first called attaltion to he wasn’t was we did a great job 0‘ Call 257-2872 summer session. Third class it". '3. is” gm ‘ ‘ ‘2 .7' I I f .
UK's waning defame after the loss defending him imide after the first Display pmge paid 3, Wm“, 2...], .2. a... 1-. ,, «,3 .
to Georgia. once again touched on four minutes of the game," Devoe Ky. 40511. subscription .
thetopicafterthegame. said. “ rates: $30 per year, $15 per ‘
semester mailed. The Ken- J&H ARM Y- A ~ .
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