xt7cc24qnk11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnk11/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2004 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers text 2004 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers 2004 2004 2019 true xt7cc24qnk11 section xt7cc24qnk11 33 ..-~ 33 L-e-—~ 3 _ _ . . . .., . ’1 - 7,
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_ - . » - , . - . 5 1- {£71

 Page 2 - 2004 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers
~ , ; , , » _ : , County News, Jessica Bratcher News, Craig Duncan County Voice, James David Fugate,
w E E K L Y Well-written, good organization, A fitting tribute to a great accom— D.A. Collier
: , good use of quotes, but only one plishment. Writer doesn’t hide the Lots of work to write this series, but
C L A S S 1 source. A second opinion would’ve fact he admires the subject. judge a bit overwhelmed by the
" ' l I ' " been welcome. amount of entries.
Category 1 - Best Editorial Category 8 - Best Sports Feature Honorable Mention - Edmonton ‘
First Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Category 4 - Best Feature Story Story Herald News, Judy Wright
Guy Townsend First Place - Hickman County First Place - McLean County News, Good stories. That it could happen
I love the way he takes on the right- Gazette, Gaye Bencini Jonna Spelbring Priester to your child was a good story.
eous religious right. Reporter’s ability to get inside the Loved the way the writer contrasted
Second Place - Flemingsburg head of a man with bipolar is uncan— a look at a retiring coach on the Category 11 - Best On-
Gazette, Chuck Hamilton ny. Good colorful lede and decent court and at the banquet. Well done. Going/ Extended Coverage Story
It took courage to write his Views on quotes throughout. Good man, good story. First Place - Campbell County
the war in Iraq with a son serving Second Place - McLean County Second Place - Leitchfield Record, Recorder, Liz Carey
there. News, Jonna Spelbring Priester Angelia Hawkins A gripping story that sounds like a
Third Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, The subject is truly one that stand- Interesting subject matter. Good plot for a movie. The writer remem-
Charles Maddox outs from the rest. Good find. Good quotes. bers to inform readers of the motiva- .
Honorable Mention - McLean story! Third Place - McLean County News, tion behind the financial problems
County News, Jonna Spelbring Third Place - McLean County News, Joshua Brown of this church. This was a delicate
Priester Jonna Spelbring Priester situation to write about, but the
Good story and ability to relate the Category 9 - Best Enterprise or style of the writer addressed it suc- _‘
Category 2 — Best Spot News struggles of living with lupus to the Analytical Story cinctly.
Coverage reader. Reporter has great ability to First Place - McLean County News, Second Place — McLean County
First Place ~ McLean County News, get inside of head of subject! Jonna Spelbring Priester News, Jessica Bratcher
Joshua Brown Honorable Mention - McLean What an original lead paragraphl! This was an endearing story series.
Lightning strikes 911 dispatcher at County News, Jessica Bratcher The dilemma of this fire department This writer revealed details such as i .
courthouse. That’s a story you don’t Colorful lede. Predictable, but still was thoroughly explored. This was the dog with wax in his ears. What a
find often here, and calls came to the good. Good story of a complex fami- quite an original story about a very hootl! I like the personalized writing
center during the ordeal. Reporter 1y. serious issue. and how Ms. Bratcher obtains ordi—
use of quotes are good. Good story Second Place - McLean County nary, but interesting revelations
all together. The victim truly faced a Category 5 — Best Column News, Jessica Bratcher from people. _ .
‘ close call to death. First Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, A very down-to-earth story of how Third Place ~ Leitchfield Record, "‘ ,3
Second Place - Leitchfield Record, Charles Maddox teachers go beyond mere teaching to Stephanie Hornback » vfiifig M M
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,s 4 N ““4254 1w 534,4», M M Mes M - M M
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' /;«7

 Page 4 - 2004 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers
S‘ Continued from page 2 Second Place - McLean County this story once you see the graphic. First Place - Flemingsburg Gazette,
‘ News, Jessica Bratcher Third Place - Beattyville Enterprise, Guy Townsend
: tion to the event. Pleasant play on Some strong images, needs tighter Edmund Shelby Most interesting writing and content
: words. it jUSt fit- edit and one dominant image. Simple bar graph does what story of all the papers. Visually it’s a bit
Third Place - McLean County News, alone could not hope to do as effec- too tight, but consistent in type size
\: Keith Bratcher Category 18 - Best Sports Picture tively. Demonstrates drop-off in reg— and leading, and easy to read. Good
} Catchy and very playful. Liked it First Place — Menifee County News, istration numbers. choice of images. I imagine this
» immediately. Denver Brown paper is a real asset. '
Second Place - McLean County Category 22 - Best Sports Second Place - Bourbon County
l . Category 14 ' Best SPOt News News, Jonna Spelbring Priester Page/ Section Citizen, Rebecca Lawyer '
. Picture Third Place - Menifee County News, First Place - McLean County News, Good layout and use of white space. .
f FirSt Place - McLean County News, Denver Brown Jessica Bratcher Good use of images, even though
V? Jessica Bratcher Clean, well-balanced pages that are black and white. It’s visually attrac- ’
i GOOd moment. Photographer Will- Category 19 — Best Sports Picture easy to navigate. The schedule and tive. Interesting stories. Good local
ing to get into the middle 0f it- Essay calendar are nice breakouts that give coverage.
Second Place ' Edmonton Herald First Place - McLean County News, readers a quick hit on information. Third Place - Leitchfield Record,
_ News, Craig Duncan Jonna Spelbring Priester The photographers brought some Stephanie Hornback
; Making the best Of What you haVe- Head and shoulders above the com- really nice pics to the pages. All in Visually very clean. Good use of
‘S A great shot with less than great petition in this category. Good lay- all, these are just elegant eye—catch- white space. Stories are very dry for '
equipment. out and variety of photos. ing pages. most part.
,_ Third Place - Beattyville Enterprise, Second Place - McLean County Second Place - Leitchfield Record, -»
: Edmund Shelby News, Jonna Spelbring Priester Angelia Hawkins . - g» ; '
Inmates riot! GOOd story- COUld Nice layout. Pages are consistent, making good w E E K L. Y
have used some quotes for added Third Place - Campbell County use of just a few photos. Stories are . . ‘
I color. Recorder, James Weber interesting. Angelia does a terrific C L A S S 2
Third Place - Grayson Journal Too many photos. Decent variety. job balancing photos on the page, " "
Enquirer, Myra Hogan sizing and placing them well. Category 1 - Best Editorial
g Great moment. T00k guts to run on Category 20 — Special Sections Third Place - Grayson Journal First Place - Boone County