xt7cc24qnk0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnk0f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1946 Vol.18 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1946 Vol.18 No.1 1946 1946 2019 true xt7cc24qnk0f section xt7cc24qnk0f 2s a»
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S t- ' hth A | KPA M'd w' t C°'P”b“s“e’ Wy’me i
even y-elg nnua | - In er .Dies At Adairville l
M o . w. I I B Id J 6 Robert Hanaway, McKinney, 50 years old,
eetlng I e I le anuary I ‘I8 co-owner and associate publisher of the
T1 S _1 l 1 ,1 _ T 1‘ _ 1 1 l h .11 Adairville Enterprise, died November 15
1e €\'€nt’-€1”1t1 annua mic-wn r .7 i ,7 r V1 .
l D 1 te ,0 owing “6 unc ieon t? goup ‘ at the Veterans Hospital, Murfreesboro,
meeting of the Kentucky Press Association 5P11t for [11¢ weekly and daily programs. Tennessee following a sudden heart at-
will be held January 16-18 at the Brown J0? LaGoref, PadLIuflI} SunhDer-nocrath con1. tack. A navy veteran of World War I, he
hotel, Louisville, with an interesting pm- “anew“? 10?? He 1:5th istrict, 'm hm- was buried with full military honors.
- t . ‘ ’I‘Oul a an' 1‘ ari'aiir- .
gram being arranged. site it “C (’11) j” _e L S h Returning from war, he became asso-
_ _ ‘ _ mg the program which Wlll be announced . . . _
The DICCUIIO‘ “7111 start “nth the regular ‘ ‘ . . . _ . Cllltcd “’ltll lllS ClClCI‘ brother, \Vynne NIC-
O ‘t _ u later. Chairman James VVllllS Will prestde ,. . j . . 7.
open house for the early birds Thursday, . Ixinney, in iesuining publication of the En—
, , , , at the weekly group roundtable at which ‘ .
January 10. in the l’xPA headquarters. Fhe . . . . “311)1156 “’thh had been SUSPCHdCd [01‘
_ _ ' , _ ‘ _ , O. .5. \Vespe, LotiiSVille Courier Journal , 7 _
business session will open fruiay morning .. . . n . . ., “"0 yeals W110“ the two brothels were bOth
, , , and Times, Wlll discuss Building Classdied . y. ', . .
at ten oclock, with PreSident Harold Brown- .. ,, . ._ In SCHICC. He is surv1ved by one Sister,
, _ , . _ . Advertising. Manager Portniaiin Wlll dis- (1 , , _ . .
iiig presuliiig. Following the invocation, ,, . . -. n - - Gertru e, and two biothers, Ewmg and
" 1 , _ cuss National Advertismg and Virgil San- V . .
an address of welcome Will be given by E. , . . , Vynne, all Of AdairVille.
, , , . ders, lVEA committeenian, Will discuss the .. . . ,
Leland "Taylor, mayor of LouisVille. James . . ,. . , The Press 101115 the members of the Ken-
, _ 4 -_ Audit Bureau of Circulations progi‘ain., ‘ . . . .
‘VllllS. Brandenburg Messenger, chairman ) . . . '. UleY P1955 ASSOCMUOH 111 extending Sym-
, _ , . _ lresnlent Fred Hill Will present an illus- . . .
, ol the executive committee, Will give the A, , . , . ,, pathy t0 the suervmg YCIthlVCS.
. trated talk on Community bervice and
re; is . . . . , ____.._ _—__
5P0! e the work of the newly functioning “eekly .
T. A. Corcoran, business agent for the Newspaper (Research) Burlau. . Larry Gerald has been added to the
Courier Journal and Times, will then re- At five o’clock the Association will be force of the Scottsville News, edited by
view the print paper situation and fore- guests at a cocktail hour on the roof garden H. A. Ward. Gerald recently was separated
cast the newsprint picture for our American with the Courier Journal and Times and from the navy, in which he served in the
newspapers. President Fred Hill, National the Lexington Herald-Leader as joint hosts. PaCific.
L‘hmm‘l Assocmtion, Phthhel‘:Of the Ham- The annual banquet, floor show, and dance ———-—-————_—————_

' burg, 10““: RCPOHCT», “”11 discuss national will start at seven o’clock with the Brown President Browning will give the annual
PrObleh‘S- lhdhdlhg the NEA legislative ‘Hotel, Louisville Board of Trade, the Cour» official address and Manager Portmann will
program. and report on the 1947 program ier Journal and \VHAS as hosts. Everyone give his report. Reports will be heard from
0f the NhA- BOth :Jthese gentlemen are looks forward to this social occasion. committees followed by the election of oili-
lorceful speakers and the” messages W111 be fast will start at nine o’clock followed by the cers and adjournment.
of vital interest to CVCI‘Y state- publisher. The Saturday morning get-together break- The entire program is based on news-

Luncheon is scheduled for 12:30 o'clock will start at nine o'clock followed by the paper business trends and objectives and
for the entire group. Speakers at the business program with President Browning should prove to be of the highest interest.
luncheon will be Governor Simeon Willis presiding. M. R. Foster, district representa-- A convention fee of $4.00 per person will

- who will introduce the Honorable Arthur tive of the Graflex company will give an be charged which will include the cost of
'Welsh. Minister of the Department of address on “Newspaper Illustrations" and the luncheon and breakfast. Room reserva-
Travel and Publicity, Province of Ontario, photographic processes. He will be followed tions should be made immediately with the
Canada. who will discuss tourist promotion. by James P. Sullivan, chief information hotel of your choice.
His subject should be of interest to Ken-. division, “far Assets Administration, who The annual Kentucky Associated Press
tuckians, especially all interested in build- will outline the program for disposal of meeting will bellield Saturday afternoon
ing tourist travel in our own state.‘ surplus material in the Kentucky area. after the regular adjournment.

 i ‘ ‘5“
~ Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1946
‘ Broadcaster Pays Tribute _ Tbiiousilfflfom :13 ignorant: “Ed to do Too Many Single Wraps ‘-
. . a t ese t ings an more, year a ter year,
- ‘ TO Communlty Edl'l'OFS is something that only a country editor can DO NOT Pay OWn Way
'. . We have always had great respect for the possibly know. yet they do it and love it. Four times 52 is 208; 208 at $1.00 an hour“ I
' l country weekly editors and even more so Too, they are satisfied with their lot. They is $208.00; circulation at $3.00 it would takéi
since we have been dabbling in radio broad- are content to live out their lives in the com- 69 subscriptions to pay for taking care of-I.
i casting. There is something wholesome and munities of their choice and to be of service single wraps without counting wrapping
‘ ' ' substantial and splendid about the men who to their fellow men. paper and postage. .
. live their lives in the very presence of their Soon or late, the radio stations with their If a publisher does not have enough single;
. readers and yet manage to provide an effec- tremendous opportunities for service will wraps to take 4 hours each week, then tie-L
1 tual, intellectual leadership: It’s easy enough develop a viewpoint akin to that of the coun- duct; if the publisher is not paying $1.00 an1
. ‘ to carry on the day’s writings and to broad— try editor. They will have to. Listeners will hour, then deduct: if a publisher has more; 1‘
l ‘ . cast over a microphone when it is posmble grow to know whether their talk represents Single wraps than can be wrapcd in 4 hours‘
l for one to pass unnoticed in the crowd after a personal View and is well thought out, or then add; if he is paying more than $1.00 ail.
these chores are done. is a mere collection of words spread out for hour then add some more. Or if a publisher
. 1 With the country editor, however, it is them by hacks far removed and without the does not have a $300 subscription price then»
much more difficult. He spends his life after slightest knowledge of, or interest in, the use what he is getting per subscriber—that
. 1 . the manner' of a goldfish; having no privacy community receiving the broadcast. The will get answers for all.
» whatsoever. School children who pass his sooner we radio people catch the vision Take from the total number of paid sub-‘
1 printshop daily and observe him at work at which motivates the weekly editor, the SOOh_ scribers 69; Spread all other circulation costs‘
- his type cases (sometimes envying him his er we will win our way into the hearts of over the balance, then determine how much
I , ink-stained hands and forearms), know he our listeners, and become instruments of is being made off circulation; but do not
will leave his work to supply them a ten— genuine service.—Channing Pope in the At ‘forget to include in that balance all news-
cent writing tablet, if they request it. Fa- lanta Constitution. papers printed for which the publisher re~..'
natics of any breed feel prefectly justified in ceivcs no pay—such as exchanges, checking?
intruding upon the editor’s time and in tak- . copies, give-aways, and all other newspapers:
1 ing him to task for views expressed which it PCIYS To Wait! .« not being paid for in actual cash; but before
run contrary to those of the crank. How often, when it is too late, we wish stopping include bad debts on circulationlas.
' ' Any social reformer, perhaps a failure in we had kept our opinions to ourselves in— that mg}! have some effect in the answer.
' . . his or her personal adjustments to life and stead of saying something which hurts an- When thinking about circulation price,
thus eager to solve the ills of the world, has other. It seems to be human nature to add the first thought should be, is circulation pay:
I " no hesitancy in building a fire under the something to whatever is said in criticism of ing its own way; or is the publiser saddliiig
1 long—suffering editor and thereby forcing his another, but it is the mark of a wise and just a loss to himself or loading it onto his ad-
‘ * cooperation. Anyone with anything on his man to keep silent unless some good is to be vertiser? Should it be too great a matter to‘
mind, takes it for granted that the editor wrought by criticism. In the language of the think in terms that the subscriber should at
’ will respond with his valuable space if asked, character of the comic strip, Kayo Mullins, least pay costs of circulation, if the publisher
and goes about taking him for granted and’ “why don't I ever learn to keep my big is of a mind to feel he should not make any’
acting as though he had him and his views mouth shut!” . money from circulation? “ g '
tightly closed in his vest‘ pocket, and had Instinct seems to rom t us whenever we There could be publishers who treat circu-
. ,only to whisper to make him jump. receive a blow of wilfatevfr kirid to retaliate lation in. line with local advertising when not
‘ And then on Thursday or Friday (the instantly. A young boxer was given this ad— recognizmg there 18 a_ £0“ insellmg, serVic-j
l usual press day), the editor is presumed to vice by his trainer: lng, pr0v1ding mats and the like—so it could.
i bring forth a well-printed and newsy paper, “D ’t b ' a h r t ret unch be about Circulation, and if so then there is
I complete with book reviews, hints on health, You Oilve :ulfLeIf alga), ezer 3:1: Eu ef no need for all thls prattlel
, l advice to the lovelorn and the downcast, the . g y, y y y g -—-—---—.-———- , ,
. . into the ring. Every bay who boxes you , , , . .
i latest tricks of agronomy, entomology and k th tth th , h Microfilmmg Newspapers .
l, horticulture and finally, an editorial. nows. a e momen- e stings you, 6 may N E . O . ’
g‘ This editorial is something of itself. It expect you to rush him. He is all set for O'l' xpensnve peration i
: . . . . you, and knows exactly what to do. Dont . . . . . '
i must be timely, it must‘ present all pomts of do that Take a unch when on have to Its the coming thing—microfilming your.
1 view, and must finally arrive at a conclusion but don’t rush ripht in Feint an box and newspaper! _
. agreeable to a majority of his readers. Here- , - g ,, ' The same idea as V-mail is employed.
i in lies the genius of the country editor. He wait for fin op ening. _ , There are concerns in most of the larger“
i does the thinkin for the communit . Per- That 15 good adv1ce in every walk 0f cities who do this work. If our news apeL'
l U. . g" . y life as well as in the ring. It is a wise man . . y P
. haps interpreting is the better word. 'h h h t _ h b' _ . . files are microfilmed, you save a vast amount .
i He must be able to read the same papers in 0’ 1” en e meens Wit itter critic15m, of storage space and have a lasting record,
i . . says, no comment, and waits until the .
'1 and magazmes the others read, but unlike . _ that can bevstored in a fireproof place. ;
the others, he must interpret these facts, 1;;01) er. time to make a rep ly.——The Lion While we do not know just what the cost:
l . figures and fancies into a workable docu- agazme. ‘ would be in this section, back East the price}.
i ment of Plain, common sense, Moreover, he *“—‘—.———"f— was given: Eight standard sized newspapers;
l i must not get so far ahead of his readers as The Bedford Democrat subscription rate can be filmed on one foot of microfilm; theg‘
l,_ to lose them. Once the shepherd loses his was increased to_ $2 in the county and $2.50 Cost l5 111/2 CERES per f00t. Fifty-two issues-g-
1 sheep, he is done for. How the editor man— elsewhere, effective November 1. The Dem- Of an average eight—page newspaper can be:
ages to, set type, wait on the trade, deal with ocrat is published by Messrs. Charles W., microfilmed for a C05! of approximately $598? -
i the cranks, soothe the stricken, inspire the L. W., and Frank C. Bell. per year. “If:
31 . ' » , 2:
l , 7 ,5

 ’46 November, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three

00 an hour I

would take

ng (are of


nuglr single '

k, then dc-


r has more ‘x

in 4 hours

an $1.00 an » ' l

a publisher

1 price then *


>£ paid sub-

L1mm] com The effectiveness and growth of any organization, whether it be

how much neWSpaper or chain store, result from the ability, experience and loyalty of

but do not its employees.

‘6 all news-

ubh’sher re~ That is why A&P, its customers, and the communities in which we

as, checking' operate all benefit from the fact that 16,217 of our full-time employees, or / .

newspapers more than 20 per cent, have been with the company for over ten years. 1

; but before - , }

rculntior} as Of these, more than 3,700 have been employees for over two decades \

the answer. and more than 1,000 have passed the 25-year mark. l

rtion price, l

ulationpay- Since 1859, when A&P was founded on the principle of low-cost

ser saddling distribution, personnel promotions have been made from the ranks. Practi-

mto his ad- cally every director and officer of the company today started at the bottom. '

a matter to V l

:r should at , These men and their associates are trained public servants who have §

re publishcl ~ helped build the communities they serve by bringing better living to the , V

it make any families who live there. l


treat circu-V Their credo is simple and fundamental: 1

1g when not It is better public service to sell 200 pounds of food ‘ '

ling, servic- at 1c a pound profit than 100 pounds at 2c 0 pound profit.

—so it could. - :

hen there is I ' It is faithful adherence to.this policy during the past 87 years that i
has led to public acceptance of A&P and the company’s growth; and that 3

— today enables A&P's veteran employees and their co-workers to do the 3

‘rs ' ‘ nation's most efficient job of food distribution. » l

n .

rlming your \

‘. employed. ¥ ¥ ¥ . ‘

3 the larger , r

' newspaper .

vast amount ‘

;ting record. i


hat the cost. ‘

rst the price - ' '

newspapers? t . _ >

cro-film; the' ‘ ‘

:y-two issues'

aper can be A .

mately $5.98 r m

 Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1946
/7 Official Pilgblicatig: of :he Kentucky lisher does not know what it costs to produceiof
‘ _. e ress some. 1011 an inch of advertising or news. Walt Wilburfst
,.; " ' >3 SS ViCtOI‘ R- Portmann, Editor-Publisher Davenport Times-Tribune, could be getting» 6
. 3/91, _ —-—————- ' warm when contending that every publisher
I ' ..- Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton . _
should know how much it costs to produce .
an inch and the total of his newspaper; that“ 1
; . 1 he Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance it is not enough to know that after bills havcare
of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public been Paid the"? i5 50 ”mCh money 16ft as 2
. information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- . If there CV61” W35 3 time When PIOdUCtiOHPar
i sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates C05“ were "CCdCd this 15 that time. New A
g , strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- gas the: hhe" so many Changes 1“ the COStOfEIah
- tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It afiirms the obligation of a omgd usmess' To guess ‘5 a dangeroustel
. . . )roce ure- 0
newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects 1 . .
lit , , d th . ht , d. 'd l t t. i t' . Finding costs may be looked upon as diili-Ven
equa l y of opinion an e “g of every m ”’1 ua 0 par f5 pa ion hn cult; or as being not too hard. If a publisher[ W
the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in t e wanted to do a split-hairing job that couldthai
newspaper as a vital medium for Civic, economic, soczal, and cultural com- be difficult_ But it should not be necessary topos:
‘ munity development and progress. break down every item and segregate them this
, from other items to get at an accurate cost. pro
, _ An increasin numbe f ' , 311“
Volume Eighteen Number One duction at $1.50 a year—many publishers .. g. .r'o pnthhem are
, using the Franklin Printin Catalo as an iho
state that $2.50 barely covers the cost of . . . . g g
, ————.————-—‘“ roduction 31d In determining cost of commercial print.:10P
; Kentucky Press Association Officers P Even as. earl as 1940 ublisli rs ho ing. This book of information includes hourm l
‘ Harold A. Browning, President . . k t t y ’ p I: ’ w rates on all lines of printing production; C
VKhrtley 13311111111166? VZIUIameurg 1):}; 6:23:53 65:“ Eysféhs 0h wee y new: that does not solve the matter nor can it mas
» Fred B. Wac 5, First ice 1651. en UCI n as on an average 0 until the ublisher k ' adv
_ . ee 5 tr. k -
‘ Herald-Leader: Lexlngton many years, declared that the actual cost on h p . p .. 1C Of time spentrem
Tyler Munford, Second Vice President of producing an eight page newspaper ran eac operation enteiiiig newspaper pro.
; Union County Advocate, Morganfield between $7 50 and $10 00 a e _ Th' t duction. Such procedure would not takel-rou
: Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager . h b ‘ b ' Y al‘f ‘5 COS much time of the production stall and nothe
Unrversrty Of Kentuch" Lexmgton ZS to. _e metd Y two sources 0 revenue, more time to convert these time elements I
District Executive Committeemen :1 vertismg a; (flrcu'lhtmh' If ‘th: Cllgula- into hourly cosm Pal)
1 , Chairman, James M. Willis, Messenger, Bran- ion rate an a vertising rate is ase on C t - - , . abo
‘ j denburg, (Fourth); First, J09 La Gore, .Slm' cost»plus, this annual cost can be met. At OS finding m the larger plants should beang
. Democrat, Paducah; Second, John B. Games, that eriod advertisin as e tim ted 1 among the must things to he done.
i ‘ Park City News: B°W1ing Green; Thi’?’ J'VM' 'b . .p b ’ 6'7 g 3,7575 f ah ‘5 Once these costs have been found the pub-mill
‘ Wynn, Courier-Journal, Louisville; Fi th, ir- ringing etween o a an o o t 6 rev— -. , , . ing
gil P. Sanders, Sun-Democrat, Carrollton; enue, circulation the balance. lisher would haxe actual, factual baSIS formal
Sixth, Enos Swain, Advocate—Messenger, Dan— I . ff' ’h 1 his charges; he would not have to rely on
ville; Seventh, Norman Allen, Floyd ccdlcllnty 1 nl 1:11am] newspaper C.) mpg-Wit too- OW what others charge; what he inherited as a 0
Times; Prestonsburg; Eighth, J. W. He on, oca a vertismg rates, c1rcu ation was carry- , . . . . Prir
l Advocate: Mt' Sterling? Ninth! Kyle White' ing a heavier burden than 25%-30%. It rate stiuctuie, 01 the last resort Whit th.ebeC(
‘ ' head, Enterprise, Harlan; State-at—Large, Sey- _ traffic Will bear—for once that posmon 15'
, . mour B. Goodman, Enterprise, Elizabethtown; was sad’ hm true’ Perhaps true In many taken then the undergrounding becomes the“
' Immediate Past President, Chauncey Forgey, oflfices yet today, the job printing depart— d . . is si
an erous lace u )on which to be standui .
j Independent: AShland- ment was depended upon to make up the g p I g peo
+'——## _‘ ' difference in the loss in producing the . bus.
5 NATIONAL EDITORIAI newspaper. Many publishers are learning Newsstand Distribution film
i' \yi/ ASSOCIAT'ON that this economic system cannot prevail Pays Weekly Newspapers bus.
é umg‘fiym . much longer—the newspaper must carry its . _ ' are
3 #99 l I / own production costs. It is Just as important for weekly newness
; With readers surely “conditioned" to ris- papers to have newsstand distribution as for to [j
‘ ing costs in every commodity today, the dailies. 8V6]
' Three Papers Increase weekly publisher should not have difficulty Newcomers ‘0 the commumtl' an(1.11011'11105
; Rates On Cost—Plus BOSiS in justifying the increase in his own com- subscribers often purchase a COPY Of a Y
. modity—the newspaper, both in advertising newspaper at the newsstand and after .read- new
i Three more state newspapers increased and circulation. {hg an issue or two they become suifimently
E their subscription rates the last part of the Without fear of contradiction, the Press interested to become regular subscribers: T
5 month to $2.50 a year, the Wolfe County points out that the day of the $1 or $1.50 The newsstand price ‘should be hlgh WSW
1 News, Compton, The Jackson, Times, and newspaper, the day of the 20c or 25c local enough to permit subscribers to enjoy 5031195”:
1 the Greensburg Record-Herald. The new advertising, disappeared on Pearl Harbor savmg by HSUbSCUblhg by the year. If .eion
. rates are $250 a year, $1.50 for six months, Day. And the community editor, who doesn’t yearly rate for a weeklynewspaper, ff” mg
and $1 for four months. With print paper realize this, or refuses to face conditions ~ stance, ‘5 over $250, a Single COPY pI‘lCC'QV T
i .
1 advancing over 100% since 1941, and all today, will soon pass out of the publishing 1.0 cents would encourage annual subscrlp bee]
3 other costs, ‘material and labor advancing business. tions. P1“
5. in proportion, any weekly newspaper, ade— . ——— —-—-—.———— of n
‘, quately serving its territory and readers, It could be that because of recognized Write your Central Oflice for ABC appli’had
. cannot begin to reach even the cost of pro- surroundings the weekly newspaper pub- cations, or 165 \Vest Wacker Drive, ChicagOvJOd

 ’46 November, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five I
1-0 PrfilduW‘O-ffice Suplies Bring FlOWS Are Found what constitutes circulation to bring it
‘iiiitcVzéltzirg’Steody Increasing Revenue In Wage-Hour Low 3(1):”: SSESSZEEIPESOEinNormaHy’ Circula‘
. g those copies for
y publisher By M. E- BRAGG After almost eight years of supposedly which a subscription price is paid. This
to produce Prefident Tennessee Press ASSOCiation complete exemption from the tedious and “rould exclude COPlCS to advertisers, ex-
paper; that Ihave been thinking that some newspapers technical administration of the \Vage and changes and a few complimentary copies
r bills havcalte Still hesitating ‘0 handle office supplies H0111” ACt, publishers Of the nation’s 10,090 that are usually distributed. But the divis-
y left. as a sideline, or perhaps I had better say a weekly newspapers are discovering that to- ion has held that a free circulation news.
productionpnrt; 0f their bUSineSS- tal immunity is not possible when a gov- paper which distributes more than 3,000
ime. Never A few days ago the foreman in “W Phi“r ernment agency resorts to technicalities that copies is covered by the law so it must be
t the cost ofmlled my attention to the time I thought destroy the intent and purpose 0f the 121W- assumed that even a few free or complimen-
dangeroushe W35 W“ a “little 0ft" when he wanted US It is a well-known fact that the Federal tary copies distributed by a legitimate news—
IO handle a iCW odds and ends for the (TOY.- Fair Labor Standards Act was enacted in paper must be considered as circulation.
)on as dimvenience of our customers some 12 years ago. a period when unemployment was rampant, Even though common sense alone would
a publisher[ Will have to admit that the odds and ends that its purpose was to create more jobs indicate that the major part of the circula-
that couldthat I reluctantly accepted as oilering slight through shortening 0f the work week and t0 tion of every local newspaper is within the
necessary mPOSSibilitY have Come to mean that Out Of increase buying power through establishing county where it is published, inspectors are
egate them this department we get the bulk of Our net a fair minimum wage with extra or pen- now requiring proof of this, and under the
curate cost. profit and almost one-third of our gross rev- alty compensation for [ours worked beyond law and decisions of the United States Su-
)lishers are enue. This is something I absolutely know those SEt UP E15 3 normal work week. With preme Court they are entitled to have it.
;alog as an 1bout and am passing it on to you With the the exception 0f the fiYSt few years Of its Although there are not many instances in
ircial print-lope that you will consider its possibilities administration, the purposes behind the law which a weekly newspaper is printed in one
cludes hour in your plant. have been ignored and it has been USCd county and published in another, it is al-
production; Christmas is just a few W631“ away. Christ— primarily 10 create friction and bad feel- most certain that such a newspaper would
nor can it mas cards alone With a little 0f your own ins between management and 1313011 Un- not qualify for the exemption even with less
‘time spentadvertising space devoted to telling Y?“ reasonable and often ridiculous regulations than 3,000 circulation since the law speci-
spaper pro- readers that you have them COLlld eaSlly bring have served to cause distrust and discon- fies that the circulation of an exempt newsi
i not take you a “GE profit 0f several hundred dollars tent. R'lzrlmgement'is never free from fear paper must be within the county where the
all and no the first season. that a new, conflicting court decision will newspaper is “printed and published.”
1e elements I know that the editor of the average news- involve gt violation and bring penalties im- Publishers of weekly newspapers have
paper may think that I should be talking possible to bear. not given much thought to the effect of the
:5 should beabout improving the newspaper from his Publishers of weekly newspapers were Wage-Hour Law on their operations, chief-
e. ‘ angle, but I know that any improvement we justified in their belief that all their bus— 1y because of the exemption which suppos-
nd the Pub‘mnke in our newspapers come through hav- iness transactions, including commercial edly granted complete immunity to the
11 basis {tiring 1‘ little extra money that we can use to printing, wereexempt from the provisions weekly press. As inspections progress, they
to rely on make it better. . of the VVageHour Law. This was the Iim- are discovering that special privileges are
rerited as a Office SUPPHCS Will bring you more 10b pression from an official opinion issued by not as special as they might appear.—Indiana l
.t what the printing and more advertising becapse you the first head of the division. His succes- Publisher. i
position is become more and more essential to the busi- sor did not agree and a new rule was es- . i
becomes anesses in your community. The newspaper tabhshed that wrped out the statutory ex- Forty Years Old
)6 standing. lS snnply the most logical place for business emption when an employee ‘works_ more . .
people to go for office supplies and the more than 50 per cent of time on Job printing. The Grant County News, Williamstown,
_ business people you get into your house the This in spite of the fact that Congress celebrated its fortieth birthday, November
more advertising, job printing and kindred undoubtedly knew that job printing is an 15, with Editor R. L. Westover, who found-
'5 business you will have. I suggest that if you essential part of almost every weekly news- ed the paper, still at its head. Congratula-
are still questioning adding this to your Dusi- paper. Then in recent months,’ inspectors tions to both the newspaper and its editor
‘36le newS'ness that you bring your specific problems in Indiana and other states have sought for forty years of progressive service to the
ution as for to the attention of the writer and Iwill make to form a new rule that if the income from citizens of Grant County. }
every effort to be of some help in getting a commercial printing in a weekly newspaper ———-——-—O—————-— i
5’ and non— most profitable department started. plant exceeds 50 per cent of all income the Merchants of Salyersville, seeking to
COPY Of a Yours for a greater income and a better entire establishment is covered by the law, draw the county trade to that town, are 1
» after read- newspaper. . although there is not a single word in the engaging in an intensive advertising cam- "
7 sufficiently _______.____ entire law which would even infer that in- paign in the Salyersville Independent, ed 3
)scribers. The Paducah Sun—Democrat’s new 1,000- come is a factor in determining coverage. ited by Albert K. Moore. The campaign i
d be high watt radio station went on the air for the The exemption of employees on weeklies began with two full pages in a recent issue,
enjoy some first time on November 27. Edwin J. Pax- and semi»weeklies is not without its limita- with emphasis on the benefits to the com-
(ear. If the ton Jr. is station manager. tions. First, the circulation must be under munity as a whole if local people buy the
pen for m‘; ——— 3,000. Next, the major part of this circu- wares on sale in their home town stores.
’PY price _Of The Campbellsville‘ News-Journal has lation must be within the coupnty where —-—
la] SUbSCTlP' been removed to new and larger quarters. the newspaper is printed and published, The Campton News, published by M. H. ‘
Pictured in a recent issue was the action These limitations are now causing weekly Holliday Jr., of the Jackson Times, has been
_. of moving the 10—ton newspaper press which publishers no small amount of concern. increased to eight pages a week. Mrs. Roy
ABC appli-hfid been in the old building for 35 years. Inspectors for the Wage-Hour Division are M. Cecil is the editor of the News with
ve, ChicagO-JOdie Gozder is editor of the paper. tightening up on their i