xt7cc24qnh7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnh7f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2006 text GLSO News, November 2006 2006 2006-11 2019 true xt7cc24qnh7f section xt7cc24qnh7f *-« ~ G ay and
‘r 413575;; =~'.-,.’.-‘,§-!r ' .
“5%,, 1,3,1,“ The GLSO NEWS
Vv’i Services , N ovember 2006
A Publication of the L‘exington (jar; and L‘esbian Services Urganizatitm
Volume 21 Number 11
Role Reversal Karaoke Nights

Join the imperial Court of Kentucky, Announcing Tuesday Night Karaoke
Emperor 25 John Ridener and members 0f Tunes-days in the Gilded Cage Showroom
the male line as they present Turnabout of the Bar Complex, hosted by Bill
2006 at the Bar Complex on November "Melater" Chandler and DJ B.T.J. (Boi Toi
15th. Doors open at8230 pm with the show Jeff), This event will be a weekly fund-
starting at 9:30 pm. Cover is $5 with raiser forthe GLSO Pride Center. You can
proceeds benefitting the charities of the help make it a success simply by coming
Imperial Court, including Moveable Feast out and singing a song or supporting others
Lexington,AVOL, GLSO, and Fairness. who do.

Roles will be reversed as our Audience members are invited to sing
traditional entertainers get to rest their feet their favorite songs; friends and other
and the male line members find out what it's audience members will be encouraged to
like to have theirtoes cramped upin not-so— tip_ The tips will go to help support the
sensible shoes. There will be fabulous raffle GLSO Pride Center.
prizes throughout the evening, including The GLSO Pride Center of the
cash,giflcertificates,originalart,T-shirts,a Bluegrass is located at 389 Waller Ave.
Jeff Stryker doll, and items donated by local GLSO‘s mission is to improve the quality of
businesses. life of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and

During the course of the past 5 reigns, Transgender individuals and their allies
the imperial Court Of Kentucky has donated through outreach, information access and
over$100,000 to localcharities so thatthey support, We advocate for GLBT people
may continue to provide much needed and organize to change attitudes on GLBT
services in our community. 99 Percent Of issues. To learn more about The Center
our profits go right back into the community please visitwww.GLSOPC.org.
so that our brothers and sisters have in addition to being the host of the
access to health care, shelter, hot, Karaoke Tunes-day,Bill"Melater" Chandler
nutritious meals, and the possibility of living is the Office Manager of The Pride Center
in a world in which we are all treated with the and would like to
dignity we all deserve. continued next page

For our 25th reign, we have set a goal ,
of raising $50,000 for our charities. This Sponsor ofthe Month
goal will not be met without your generous
support. Come, have a good time, and help
support agencies in our community that are .
fighting the good fight. u’r

GLBT Youth —Still at Risk pg 12 C a fé & coffee
Nov. 20 Transgender Day of ReroadS/reef— Maw” kY
Remembrance....page I4

 ”WM . GAY AND Karaoke Tunes-days .......continued
mm L E S B I A N thank everyone who has participated in this new
" :1qu fund-raising endeavor especially Jody Samons,
{3;} SERVICES The Bar Manager and Joey Brookshire, Owner.
e33, ORGANIZATION Bill encourages everyone to come out and join
Lexington, Kentucky the fun. " We have a small selection of music right
. . . . . now but folks are welcome to bring their own, If the
0L3" Ni“): event proves to be the success we hope it will be,
then we can foresee the collection of music
V0,. 21 No.11 growing rapid|y".
Published Monthly by: "We are also looking forward to developing
GLSO special theme nights suchJas cguntrly :ite, blues
nite, unnysongs nite, etc. oey r00 3 ire and l
Ramjelgéoigggggzgfig m have discussed some other ideas and one he's
www.glsopc.org open to is possibly a contest that would yield the
__ winner a Saturday night performance with the
News Editors Gilded Cage Showroom Divas."
. Bill concludes, "It is my hope that this event
Mary Crone & JaCk'e Cobern will lead to an even more successful Pride Idol in
2007. Those who are thinking about entering next
Pride Center Office Manager year, why not use this venue for exposure and
Bill Chandler practice”
859 253.3233 Act Out Auditions
—————— Act Out will be holding auditions for Lot's
GLSO BOARD Daughters, a three act drama by Rebecca Basham
that will be opening in January. The play is a
Tom Collins, President powerful love story about two women, Gertie and
Ben Salyers, Secretary Susa1nna, who lflatllin loveanApjpala'clhia ii; 1944.
- ryouts wi e on urs ay, ov. at 7 pm
JaCkle CObem and Sat. Nov. 11 at 2 pm at the Pride Center, 389
Mary Crone Waller Ave. There are four male and four female
Aaron Hutson roles in the play. The play uses the Biblical story of
Lindsay Matting|y Lot to explore the effect of religion on the lives of
Sondra Mellott these two “me”-
Terry Mullins Artfor L966
AVOL announces this year's Art for Life
GLSO Membership Auction to be held on December 2 at 4 pm at The
8: Newsletter Red Mile. This event is always an evening of fun,
Individuals/Couples beautiful art, and entertainment for everyone. It -
$20 per year also raises funds necessary for AVOL to continue
delivering its effective programs and services to
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are their clients and community.
those of the authors and don'tnecessarily AVOL welcomes two new employees to our
represent those of the GLSO Board. . . * . .
Submissions received after the deadline, which organization. Ashley Hudson is our new Director of
is the 15th ofeach month, maybe cut or not Client Services and Jutlanne Sutter jOined AVOi in
printed when space is limited. The staff the spring is our Director of Development and
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions Volunteer Services. Call AVOL at 859 225-3000
and ads. with questions about our services or to become a
GLSO page 2 volunteer.

 O O .
l ammum I] aim
1 Mr. Kentucky Leather 2007 Chosen Transgender Day of Remembrance
t Bill Howard of Lexington was chosen ,
3 as Mr. Kentucky Leather 2007 before a National 'Transgender Day Of
capacity crowd at StarbaseQ in Louisville, Remembrance '8 on Monday, NOV' 20th In
1 on October 21’ 2006. The new Mr. Ky commemoration, we Will be showmg the
’ Leather will represent Ky at the first episode of the documentary series
international Mr. Leather Contest to be TransGeneration at the Downtown Branch
: held in Chicago, IL over Memorial Day “the Lexmgmn PW”? ”MW at ,7 Pm- ,A
l weekend on May 2007. The event was moderated community discussmn Will
; produced byKY Leather Productions. TOHOW the mowe. (See page 14 for more
a The contest was sponsored by the informationaboutthisday.) , ,
. imperial Court of Kentucky and c0_ _ TransGeneration is a fascmating
’ sponsored by the Lexington Lyons, the eight-part documentary that follows four
l Louisville Nightwings, The Louisville C°”ege StUdentS ' Gabb'e' Lucas, Rac'i -
l Trailblazers and Mark England, Realtor. and ,T'S'," who are m the process 0f
t Don Palmore of Louisville was the First transmonlng from one sex to the 0th?“
I Runner-Up and Ray lrizarry of Louisville They wrestle mm a variety 0f issues:
was Second: Runner-Up. what to tell parents and friends, how to
Judges for the event were: Dan presentthemselvesoncampus,whetheror
Newman, Mr. Tri-state Leather 2001, ”Ot to take hormones and whether to
Mistress Tammy, Great Lakes Master undergo sex re-as3ignmentsurgery.
2004; Thomas Smith, Mr. International By allowmg cameras to follow them
Rubber 1999; Roger Spencer, Mr. through one year, these remarkable
International Daddy Bear 2003; and indlwduals help us to understand the lives
Donnie Ray, Mr.Kentucky Leather 2005. and difficultchoicesoftranssexual people.
Chuck Schramm was Den Daddy and Jack FLSO _w'” be showing several
Downswas Tallymaster. additional episodes at the Pride Center on
Larry Stanley, Emperor 22 of the Saturday, Dec.2starting at noon.
Imperial Court of Kentucky and Executive ...continued on page 14‘
Director of Kentucky Leather Productions,
was Master of Ceremonies. Net proceeds Dress and Gender Alliance
from the event will benefit the charities of The Lexington Dress and Gender
thelmperial Court ofKentucky. Alliance (also known as the Diversity in
Gender Alliance) is reorganizing. We
lCXiflQ‘i'Oh [WM leafher/levi Club meet on the first Saturday of each month
at a private location. For information email
~ The Lexington Lyons meet the second Cassie at cassiemtf@yahoo.com.
Monday of each month at the Pride Center, Lex DGA is a peer support group for
389Wa|lerAve.at7pm.Thatwil| be Nov.13 anyone that transcends gender norms.
this month. The Lyons are a group of This includes transsexuals, intersexuals,
friends WHO come together to celebrate cross dressers, drag kings, drag queens,
strength, unity, and diversityin orderto form gender queers, and people who are
a bond within a community that enjoys the unsure what their genderidentity might be.
Leather /Levi lifestyle. For more info visit This is not a therapy group but we offer
http://www.lexlyons.org. conversation and support.
page 3

 AIDS Memorial Quilt Qiirk Cafe &:Coflee
Fifteen panels 0f the AIDS Memorial Just fifteen minutes away from
QUilt, the largest on-going community arts Lexington, Quirk cafe & coffee is located on
project in the world,will be on display at the Railroad St. in Midway. We are now in a
Rasdall Gallery (located in the Univ. 0f_Ky beautifully restored building from the early
Student _Center) during regular operatlon 19003 which has original tin ceiling, brick
hours until November 10- and wood interior and a charming patio. We
NOW containing more than _ 40:000 serve great soups, sandwiches, salads and
colorful panels, the qUIlt memorializes the wonderful desserts. We offer a variety of
lives ofpeoplelosttoAlDS.Asthe epidemic gourmet French presspot coffees,
continues claiming lives around the world espresso, cappuccino & lattes.
as well as in the United States, the Quilt We are open Tues. _ Thurs 10 am _
continues. to grow and to reach more 4:30, Friday 10 am - 9 pm, Saturday light
communities W'”‘ 't3 messages 0f breakfast 9:30 - 11 am, open until 9 pm,.
remembrance, awareness, and hope. Sunday 11 am _ 4 pm
For more information about this event, We are pleased to announce our new
visit the University of Kentucky's Student Tarpas Menu featuring beef shrimp
Activities Boardwebsite atwww.uksab.org, chicken clams & more. Come try this out
. . . on Friday or Saturday, 5:30 - 9 pm. There
IS ive musmon most n a s.
SisterSoundanItation . l. . F .d y
SisterSound welcomes new members and ,. Quirk: is a great placeto hang 0U1Wilh
does not require auditions. Rehearsals are at6’ friends. We “0W have W're'ess in-temet.
pm eve ry Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland Odyssey B90“ '8 light neXt door. Enjoy a
. . peaceful drive to Midway and spend some
Presbyterian Church, 333 Redding Rd. For ti m e with u 8
information call Patti at 806-0243 or email ' (859) 846-4688
paowens@exclte.com www.kyga|lert.com/quirk
Scott Ackerman Real Estate Service With
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 Sponsor of the Month
: irii
e u /
café & coffeek‘v /’
,. Railroad Street in Midway, Kentucky
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Evening TAPAS Menu
with beef, shrimp, chicken, clams & more
Friday & Saturdays 5:30 - 9 pm
' Live Music on most Friday Nights
(859) 846-4688 www.kygallert.com/quirk
A great place to hang out with friend

 - O -
Pride L enter News
F 0 ' ,
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Mon. - Jl'l. Ill - 3 Sill Ill - 2
me Pr/de Cem‘er 1:9 mo open Tues. 5—7 Wed. 5 — 7 pm
Pride Center Actixfities 83mm“ Singles
7 nm [IOU 11
Agroup for Singles - women and men-
EVCI'Y Wed. 7 pm OPen to all will be held on the second Saturday of each
Jane: ladyjaneky@yahoo.com month at 7 pm at the Pride Center. The
purpose of this group is to give support to
lexihgfoh Insighf people who are single and would like to
. . meet other people.
P 07‘ 1”“ ””dD 186118810!) Gm”; Individuals who are new to our
Thanksgiving Poi luck community, recently coming out, single
again, or looking for new friends to
Dinner 0." Friday "a" '7 socialize with are welcome. Come help us
Everyone ‘3 welcome to attend plan some activities. We can plan to get
Please join us on any Friday night together for a movie or some other
_ . more information.
My Straight Ailliante' far Yell/tit
Aége'é 15, 9 23 » “Keep the love you find.
_ g , 3;; s. Get the love you want!”
Call Mary mam.
Renhfie PM? 6.8”” Jessica Bollinger LCSW
There are a number of evenings and Imago Relationship TheraPISt
weekend days when the GLSO Pride EMDR Trauma Work
Centeris not being used. We wouldlove to Couples, Family, Individual
lei“ ”"3 Space for $25 a hour' W'th you imagoconnection.com 552-6533
domg the clean up. If you are looking for a
space to have a party or reception, contact
ouroffice manager, Bill at 253-3233 Volunteer Opportunities
0 1. Keep the Pride Center open one Saturday
D &R f a month 10 am - 2 pm. Or one evening a
11 ES week 5 - 7. (call Bill at 253-3233) ~
2. Start a group for parents of GLBT youth.
“Everything or Something Could be affiliated with PFLAG or it could
for all our Gift Needs” be just a discussion group. (call mary 266-
y 5904))
502-868-963 5 3. Distribute this newsletter to a couple of
ddh3498@bellsouth.net locations. ( call mary 266-5904)
4. Write for this newsletter. (call mary)
Donny Hrdlicka & Russell Draper 5. Start a movie night (or afternoon) or other
social event at the Center. (call Bill)
GLSO page 6

 ’T we ! ' ~‘ '3 , ' t g _ g -. é 5 g g .t
>~ ° ‘4‘)
WT 2-9999. :wogmmk |————"' " l

 Kentuclky Fairness Alliance Scorsone and Deborah Hensley
- - workedhard to insure a massive fundraising
LGQISIOTIVG UdeTe dinnerto benefit KFA.

State Rep. Stan Lee (R-Lexington) pre- . Some 650 99°F"?! 'nCl.Ud'ng 5.9918 0f
filed legislatio non Monday that would Lexmgton s most .influential. politICIans,
prohibit Kentuckyis public universities from came-outforfine dining and a Silent auction.
extending domestic partner benefits to The night saw rousing speeches from Evan
families offaculty and staff. The Kentucky WO'fS°n* the Cha'r_°f KEAS board _J9dy
Fairness Alliance condemned the move. Cofer, and executive d're‘Ft‘" ChFISt'na
“The bill is disgraceful,” said Christina Gilgor. When all was said and done,
Gilgor, executive director. “Lee is Ernesto presented KFA With a check for
playing politics ratherthan acting in the best $101000 KFA .
interest of Kentucky’s families and So, now that , has experienced a
children." greatwmdfall, what IS on the horizon? _

The University of Louisville has rightly The B'Uegrass Chapter W'” hOId 'ts
committed to providing a fair workplace for annual retreat 'n November. bAt the ”We“:
all its employees and their families. Lee’s 5‘96””9 committee mem ers w'” do
proposed ban on domestic partner benefits strategic planning forthe upcoming year. If
would force Louisville to turn its back on anyone has comments or suggestions on
those families. ways the Bluegrass Chapter can improve

"Our state universities must compete our out reach toithe community, please
fortop minds against fair-mindedemployers C O n tact C ' n d y D o w n e y at
like Lexmark, UPS, Toyota, and others that ___g_@y____seecdesr n ahoo.com.
offer domestic partner benefits. The , .Also, a new committee has developed
freedom to hire top quality faculty and staff, w'th'r‘ KFA whose purpose '5 to dew”?
and to support those employees and their exusting and new chapters. , ,KFA W'”
families, strengthens our universities and dedicate time toward really bunlding up “5
gives our kids the best possible chapters and creating strategy to continue
opportunities and enhance grass roots organizing and

' community education.
. . Furthermore, KFAwiII be gearing upfor
Kentucky Fairness Alliance the new legislative season, which is right
CGleblClTeS MOSSIVG SUCCGSS around the corner. For ways on getting
. m , active and to learn the latest news, go to

October 7 turned out to be a hugely www.kentuckj{fairness.org.
successful day for the Kentucky Fairness
Alliance. The day began with a well-
received educational forum and ended with "T“ '”' ‘
afundraising extravaganza. A gl 2‘,

The Bluegrass Chapter kicked things . -
offat one o'clock with its educational forum j“ AUtU Ulllflfik SEFVlBE 3;;
Marriage Equality Matters. Approximately ' AVOlllee ’
40 people came to see the reading ofa new l 24 HBUFS - 7DBYS El WBEk ' '
play called Tying the Knot. Later the 3 . ii. . ,
audience was treated to speeches by Evan ; (Still) [35458 88
Wolfson of Freedom to Marry, Rep. Kathy [ F"
Stein, the Rev. Todd Eklof,.and local lawyer .- 4 ,
Dennis Stutsman. i~ " '

The ultimate Showstopper took place ,
later in the evening. Sen. Ernesto
Page 8




if; The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914

:n A Charity Organization

y g l



Scott Ackerman.

a For all your real estate needs....................................................(mobile) 338-8483




,n SisterSound 8060243 ‘

re Diverse music for all women

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a t Richardson Vision Center

3d 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201

35" Ernesto Scorsone

its Attorney At Law 2545766

1: Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448

or -

ht Kentucky Fairness Alliance

lg Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway

. Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244

1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431

I Page 9

 GLSO Newslefler calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ~_.
N OVEMB E R 2 o o 6 Visit us on the web at: wwwwebspawner.com/userslglsoqxnet \ . ,
Sunder Mendel 'l'uesdel Wednesdu Thursdu Frida Sulurduy
Y Y Y Y Y \
M RR (31";
Center Open 5p-7p Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ 7:30 LexDGA-PC
Panels from AIDS Memorial QUIIt on display ED GLSSCDISCUSSIOH the Pride Center Weekly A“Mr"..:
- r . . . .
until November 10th @ Rusdall Gallery -UK wig/Lesbian AA {eifir‘éfpiilc'g‘iflifi
Student Center. Call for place 948-3434 ' Mondays .
8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
. Discussion/SpeakeriCa/l for
I..,..-iicamammanemammmrmmera etgracersertwgtietaeetrrmW:wat- unmarknrwflrgfr Eamflfinzams‘ Location] 278—7 503
7 SA call or . . .
$53,335:? 5365555535055 prace 2655-5904) Center Open 5p-7p Center Open 10a-7p Tip Lexington insight @ center Open 10a 2p Tuesdays:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal 9p Karaoke Tunesday 7P GLSOCD'SWSS'm 7» Acton Auditions for @550”? 3f"? AA 2pAct0utAudiflonsfor 7pm - GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
@ The Bar Complex 65°"p'P . L055 ”WSW" @ PC i ' p ay es ran Lot's Daughters Q Pc 9pm - Karaoke Tunesday @
A Weekly B 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 948-434 The Bar Complex
The Pride w Call for place 948-3434 J 7p New Singles Support 4
5 :. ragga-so. WM... .
ain’t? stamens, aerate new “mtnnnmwwacmeremmgwarranties“WWWTNWCMTMWWWVY thwffitwmi £25: géiigsléfijsg (ES/Uri;
10:30 a Si. Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place I Dis i ,. Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ enter Open 10a-2p Location) 278-7103
SoulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 _ 266-5904) ‘rli'n C i the Pride Center
3: giggnéy u@dSFE. lilinéchaelis 7p Lexmgton Lyons-PC 9p Karaoke Tunesday ‘Il’ K ”fit! |Special Thanksgiving Fridays-
i r o n 9 area (27;? :i‘i‘ ero :i I . - .- r- .- -
6:00p Imperial Court Mtg. @ The Bar Complex A ,i5 Th ‘: ar :5. ':: filial LUCK EV ’5 r ; ,. 7pm- LeXington lnSight
. AWeekly Benefit for Milléi'it‘ltll‘ f i e °°m ; 2;; ~' - 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
' The Pride Center i 4 5W, .‘ \ (Call for Location} 278-7103
Newsletter Dead-line i " '
W.nirrrrm Saturdays:
10:30 a St. Mychal's National Transgender I 7p GSA (call for place 57D GLSO Discussion Center Open 10a-7p l 7p Lexington Insight @ en 9" ’ pen Ia- P
SoulForce Jamie 230-5625 255-5904 Group-PC (the Pride Center
( Day of Remembrance i 8 G /L b' AA . .
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's Stop the Hate 99 Kano e Tunesday icp II fay Ies 56353548 3434 THANKSGIVING 7530 p Gay/Lesbian AA Sundays:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal film: Trangggixration @ The Bar Complex a orpace - _ 150a” for place) 948-.434 9:000m & I lam _ UU Church
. i . .
Downtown Public Library A week'y Benefit for , -«- j " i WOIShID SGTVICGS-
Admission The Pride Center i- . . . .' i 10:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The Martyr.
Free 5 l ' ""'" ""‘“""‘-‘““ i 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
5*i'ir’ét'f’t5'ayzen’att5‘fimmletyftIKtVPra‘flsnrt‘v trirrartntrrmrtiwt Landsdowne Presby. Church.
9a and 11a UU Church 7:30p GLSO Board Mtg! 7p GSA (call for place 5 g) GLSSCD'SWSW" Center Open 103'7P
10:39 a 3" Myd‘als (New Date) 266'59‘ML l BagglLesbianAA _
6p SisterSound Rehearsal _ i 9P Karao e Tunesday Call for place 948-3434 ‘ Il-moltliy:
- @ The Bar Complex . . 69m ' The 'mFi’ieJl'O 903% 5625
AWeeIdy Benefit for i _ _ . , SoulForce -Ca amie -
The Pride Center 5 I
MOIII'IIIY Mil.“ More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
Mondays: Sell'urduy: Sundays: email the group to confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page.
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (4th Mon.) 7pm -LexDGA lst Sat.
7pm - Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) 7pm- Singles Support 2nd Sat. 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun} Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
4pm- Gen Y/ntegrity [3rd Sun]
Page 16 Page 1 1

 GAY YOUTH - 57m ATR/SK Josh
On Thursday, October 5, Josh, a 15
year old gay youth committed suicide at his 1 990 - 2006
home in Lexington. He only attended the ,.
GLSO Gay StraightAlliance (GSA) one time fiwkyffilmrm Will Milt be ffie'
but many of the youth that attend our . , , , , ’
supportgroupknewJosh. 93m?) WIt’HfllU’t «WU.
We all know that suicide attempts and _
deaths are high for GLBT teens, but this is We MISS you-
the first suicide that has occurred to one of
“our” youth since the start of this GSA in . _
March 2001. There was reportedly another GtLSO SsgfeeTwirkéng twrth itself: Purl?”
young man that took his life earlierthis year s u en 8. s u en 8 an . e" a ies
who attended Mary Queen School but we established GSAs at Bryan Station, Henry
have little information about him' none of Clay and Tates Creek last SChOOI year and
the teens we work with knew him ’ all three continue to meet this year.
Josh had been living in a rural group Layfayette students are also inthe process
home when he came to the GSA last spring ofSesLabllsgingelCéSS/X. k , rt t
andsocialserviceswasconsideringafoster , c 00 ase 8 ma e an mp0 an
placement. There was one gay and one difference In school atmosphere, even for
lesbian couple thatwere interested in giving students that. are ”Ct ready to attend
him a home but he eventually was sent back meetings. Havmg these groups established
to live with his father in schools as well as within the community
Josh was dealing with many issues in gives students options of where to turn for
addition to sexual orientation, suicide is support. Someyouth attend bOth meetings.
often the result of many difficulties. He There are also many teens that we are not
considered himself V\ficcan one of a reaching. Unfortunately, the teens that are
number of pagan traditions that has many the most isolated and fearful are less likely
followers in Kentucky. His parents were t°J°_'rnha G3,"; d , h k 'h
Jehovah Witness. in the obituary, the family ea u a vrsorsw owor W't teens
included Josh's religion as Wiccan, which at the Pride Center are often impressed by
may have been a difficult decision, and one the cloullage and “$0130” "1:36 335;?
that demonstratedarespectforJosh. 99993 ave t9 eac 0t .er an to
Josh will be remembered as a teen who actIVIsm. ThlS generation has already
claimed his own identity, flamboyantly and changed the dmorld, and there '8 more
proudly. Many will remember him from c ange aroun ecorner.
Rocky Horror events where he danced his WHAT you CAN DO
heartout. Wewrllmiss mm 1. One thing that would be beneficial is a
REPERCUSS/O/VS group for parents of GLBT or questoning
We know that a teen suicides can fuel youth. I mentioned ”1 last month's
suicidal thoughts and behavior in other newsletterthatwe need someone to restart
youth. Therefore, we have been actively a PEI-AG chapter. ‘3‘“ whether 't '3 PFLAG
offering support to teens and to the other or JUSt a discussmn group, we know a
teen GSAs. Students at Dunbar High number of parents that would like to talk to
School where Josh attended were hit other parents. You don't have to bea parent
particularly hard by his suicide. Some of to help W'thth's group.
them are channeling their energy into 2. Supporting GLSO with your financial
establishing a school based GSA. contributions helps support the work we do
Mary Crone and other advisors to the
...continued on next page
Pane 12

 with youth. Having a place to meet, work and it looks ideal for us at this time. i
materials to U39, snacks to offer, and adults would also like youth to have acccess to her
to interact with are basic to making this other books, Gender Outlaw: On Men,
work possible. Women and the Rest of Us and MY
3. You can donate new or used copies of Gender workbook, We do have teens
the following for resources. The books dealing with genderissues,
listed here can be found on Amazon or We would also like a copy or two of
other Internet sites and sent directly to us Leslie Feinberg's Transgender Warriors:
at: Making History from Joan of Arc to
GLSO Dennis Rodman. Other books by F einberg
PO. Box 1172 are also welcome.
Lexington KY / have seen good reviews of Finding
40588 the Real Me: True Tales of Sex and
Revolutionary Voices, A Queer Youth Gender Diversity by Tracie O'Keefe and 5
Anthology, Amy Sonnie, Ed. Katrina FOX ,editors.

I wish I could give every teen that . lfyou look around on Amazon you can
Revolutionary Voices is a multi-cultural manythatyou can buy cheaply. Oll°°k 0” .
collection of personal stories and poems your shelves and donate books that you
by teens and young adults. it is available knowyou W'” notreadasecondtime.
onAmazon forabout$10with used copies Finally, PFLAG has some great
goingforless pamphlets for youth and for parents. You

Kate Bernstein has a new book out, can orderofftheirweb site atwww.pflag.org
Hello Cruel World: 101 Alternatives to or send In a donatlén so we {Jan buy more
Suicide for Teens, Freaks and Other pamphlets including Coming OUt T0
Outlaws. l have not red it but I like Kate's Parents and Our Daughters&Sons.

i will print some more titles and some
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’ Page 13

 Transgender DOV of otherwise be forgotten. We take a stand;
we express love and respect for trans
Remembrance people in the face of national indifference
In 1999 the Transgender Day of andqfigedbay of Remembrance also
Remembrance was set aside to
memorialize those who have been killed reminds non-transgender people that we
due to anti-transgender hatred or are their sons, daughters, parents, friends
prejudice. The eventis held in Novemberto and'gvertslle b p g f r th D of
honor Rita Hester, whose murder on n we a e 0 e ay
November 28th 1998 kicked off the Remmberance, there is a list of unsolved
“Remembering Our Dead" web project. lrlnurdersd Elf l:nle diatht lilfted that
Rita Hester‘s murder, like most anti- appene '” '5 eow. en ”C y.
transgender murder cases has yet to be Timoth Blair Jr
solved. The web page can be found at L .‘ 'lly K t 9k '
http://www.genderorg/remember/day. D t :ulsswthaj Men 2; £005
Although not every person recalled aeo ea ' ay '
during the Day of Remembrance self. Blair,a19yearold crossdresser, died from
identified as transgender, each was a multiple gunshotwounds. It is believed that
victim of violence based on hatred of or Blairmethis killerin an lnternet chat room.
prejudice against transgender people. The
term transgender includes transsexuals TransGeneration.continuedfrompagea
(those people who feel they .were born in Gabbie and Raci were both born and
”:19 wrong bogy and at“: interesteg 'n raised as boys but realized early in their
C anging 9"” er), cross ressers, rag lives that they felt and identified as female.
queens or kings, and other gender-variant Sex-reassignment surgery is expensive,
pe°plill t ., l d but for Gabbie a welcomed step in
h etca egojrybcan me “he gay We" becoming herself. Gabbie has no problem
:V o are" argetel lac?” t :y larek" 0° telling her classmates she's transgender
emininle as we as es iansw o 00 too but does struggle to learn new social skills
masculine to the" attackers. Many of us as she learns to live full time as a young
believe that It 's 0w gender expressron, woman. Raci is deafand an immigrant from
{ether thfan ourt. orientaltion, that tls th: the Philippines. At one point she resorts to
rigger or an i-gay arassmen an purchasing female hormone shots off the
Vioelncet. d , ld k d t streetbecausethat'sallshecanafford.
b n O ays Yr.” ,twe ar: as e 0 Lucas and TJ identify as female to
Iecome $9.”? ”/8 0‘ an respect male transsexuals. Lucas a neuroscience
differenceswnhin the human race. Yet the major at Smith College is not always
assaults and murders 0f lfldl.Vldual§ who accepted by otherstudents atthiswomen's
are gendervanant are largely ignored. The college. He also worries that hormones
mecli'? dolesnbt often [epgrt (tjhem and ”hes could potentially shave years off his life. TJ,
wor 65° :2 for: andar 5' th anArmenian grad student, isaleaderon his .
ver e as eca e, “We an one campus but much less secure abouttalking
person per month has died due to with hisfamily
transgender-based hate or prejudice, TransGenerat/on will be shown at the
regardless ofany otherfactors in theirlives. Downtown Branch of the Lexington Public
Thistrendshows nosign ofabating. Library on Nov 20 from 7 to 9 More
So, thls Day Of Remembrance has episodes will be show at the Pride Center
been setasnde to serve several purposes. It on Dec 2 at noon l would also be great if
raises public awareness of hate crimes someone would buy us a copy for our
against transgender people. it is a time we LibrarylAmazon has used copies forsale.
Page 14
fi #:fi‘fi#“fi—

Join us for - '
WHAT: Showing of lst episode of documentary
WHEN: Monday, November 20th from 7—9PM