xt7cc24qnh6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qnh6v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1979-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture The Gayzette, February 1979 text The Gayzette, February 1979 1979 1979-02 2019 true xt7cc24qnh6v section xt7cc24qnh6v l I
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GSO is operating it's programs on finan—

This month we have several classroom cial contributions, a few money—making
speaking engagements coming up. We also benefits, and in—kind donations. We are in
will be conducting two important in—service need 0f funds to help support a number Of
training sessions for area professionals. . projects. Our most expensive endeavor is
On February 19, we will be at the Compre— the Gaygette. Because printing costs are
hensive Care Center in Winchester dealing 50 high, we have decided to purchase our
with ”The Needs and Problems of Gay Peo— own mimeograph machine. We also need to
ple.‘l On February 25, we will be with the purchase pamphlets, bibliographies, etc.
Division of Children's Services under the ' for our speakers bureau and in—service

’ Urban County Government to deal with the training programs. And, Of course, simple
issue of gay youngster. Supplies (envelops, stamps, paper, ink,

We hope to continue such services as EtC-) are always needed.
frequently as possible. If you are inter~ If YOU can make a contribution, Please
ested in taking part in such work, please mail it to G50, P-O- BOX 11471: Lexington,
let us hear from you. KY 40511. Your support is appreciated.


Doug Burnham, GSO President, will be The Gay Services Organization is spon—
conducting a workshop March 27 and 28 at soring a series of workshops and forums.
the annual conference of the Kentucky Co— The workshops are focused primarily toward
alition of Student Social Workers. The to- gay men and lesbians, but other interested
pic of his workshop will be ”The Gay Person person are welcome to attend.
in the Family.” He is looking for gay men, The following schedule is set and all
lesbians, and parents of gays who he could workshops will be held at the Unitarian
interview for his material. If you are in— Church, 3564 Clays Mill Road.
terested, please call Doug at 255—8173, or,
in Richmond, at 622—5269. February 23 — 2pm to 4pm

Legal concerns for gay couples and individ—

For the past two years, GSO has submit— March 8 — 2pm to 4pm
ted a grant proposal to the State Depart- Mental Health issues for gay men and les—
ment of Human Resources to develop a drug bians.
and alcohol prevention program for gay men
and lesbians. Both times, the proposal has March 29 _ 2pm to 4 pm
been turned down. Health issues for gay men and lesbians.

Well, let's try it again. The proposal
will be resubmitted this year. If the pro— We hope you will plan to attend. Future
P0831 is funded, GSO would be able to hire workshops on assertiveness training and
a full time director and one clerical per- self—defense are being planned. If there
son plus rent a space to develop programs are issues you would like to see addressed
and deliver services. Much of the services in a workshop, please send us your sugges—
would focus on education and counseling. tions and ideas.‘

At least 55 women were refused entry
into the U.S. from Canada during the week— Reversing an August decision to stop
A end of the Michigan Women's Music Festival, banning homosexual foreigners from the
AUSUSt 22-24- At Port Huron, MI GSPiCial- U.S., the Justice Department in late Decem—
' ly, Immigration and Naturalization Service ber notified the Immigration and Naturali—
officials turned back women believed to be zation Service that it is ”statutorily
lesbians or who were suspected of going to required to enforce the exclusion of homo—
the festival. Later, the INS officers said sexual aliens" under the 1952 McCorrah—
that they had not yet officially received Walter Act.
word of an August 10th policy directive The August decision, according to U.S.
concerning admission of "suspected homosex— Surgeon General Julius B. Richmond of the
uals." Under the new policy, lesbians and Public Health Service, was made to "reflect
gay men are "paroled” into the country, and current and generally accepted canon of
could be subjected to an examination to medical practice with respect to homosex—
"determine homosexuality” if INS lawyers uality,” and also because homosexuality
ever develop a standard test. Previously; could not be determined through a medical
homosexuality had been determined by medi— diagnostic procedure (sic).
cal examination, but after protests from Following the Public Health Service de— 1
the Public Health Service stating that no cision, the INS temporarily halted efforts
valid medical examination could possibly to deny entry to” suspected homosexuals,
determine sexual orientation, INS dropped pending a Justice Department review of the
these exams. INS is currently searching legal issues involved. David Crosland,
for a substitute procedure. The initial acting director of the INS, was advised in
reSponse from the INS to charges of policy late December by the Justice Department to ,
violation was, ”It was just a piece of pa— enforce the law.
per that got mislaid and we can't get ex— Foreigners will not be asked about their
cited every time that happens." sexual preference unless the immigration

While most women were not officially official, has some reason to suspect homo—

turned back, the majority "withdrew” their sexuality, Crosland said. Crosland indi—
applications for entry after official in— cated he believed the number of foreigners
timidation. In some cases, women's pass— to have been excluded from the U.S. because
ports were stamped "sexual deviate," a of homosexuality was very small. He said
label they must now carry into every coun— that the total number of people excluded
try they visit. Women were asked such for all medical and psychiatric reasons
questions as: When was the last time you from 1971 to 1978 was 31, of which homo—
slept with a man? DO you have negative sexuals would represent an even Smaller
feelings about homosexuality? Why not? How number.
can you tell me you are not homosexual? Why excerpted from
are you traveling with other women? Do you Dayton Daily News, 12/27/79
have a purse? Do you ever carry a purse?
Your friend (detained and interviewed sep—
arately) tells me all the women on this ve—
hicle are lesbians. . . Your friend has al—
ready informed us that you are a lesbian.
What do you have to say to that?

Incidents were also reported Of mothers The Michigan Supreme Court reversed two
who were separated from FhElr children; lower court decisions January 17, and re—
prescription medic1nes confiscated; baggage stored custody of 12—year—old Jillian Mil—
searched for festival literature; etc. ler to her lesbian mother. It was the first

_ OUt going INS Commissioner Leonard Cas— time the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in a
tillo has ordered an investigation into his lesbian parent's favor, establishing that
agency's dirECt violation Of this new pol— lesbianism alone is not grounds for refus—
icy. ing custody.

— Lesbian Connection, Nov. 1979
LNS, Jan. 26, 1979 (via £9)

Dear Gayzette: February 19 — In—service Training, Compre—
hensive Care Center, Winchester
: I was happy to see (in the December is— February 23 “ Forum, 2pm to 4pm, "Pegal
sue) that Joe Lincoln was not quite as sar- Concerns for Gay Couples and IndIVld_
' castic as he sometimes appears — either in ”€15,” Unitarian Church, 3564 Clays
the Gayzette or in the Kernel. It is obvi— M111 Road _ . _ .
ous Joe has talent as “5—y6ung writer _ I February 25 - In—serVIce training, Chil—
only wish he could be more direct with his dren's Services _
anger. Sarcasm (which always to me seems March 3 _ GSO Monthly. Meeting, 8pm’
to be an expression of hostility) is so Walton Avenue Comprehen51ve Care Center
difficult to understand. I'm never really March 2—9 - Women's History WEEk”
sure I got the right connotation. March 8 _ Forum, 2pm to APm’ Mental

I, too, feel some anger that has devel— Health Issues for Gay Men and Lesbiaish
oped into hostility — not an unusual exper— March 29 _ Forum, 2pm to apm,” Hea t
ience for a gay person, I think. Most any Issues for Gay Men and EeSblanS Dxrson
person from an oppressed minority can pro— March 27'29 T WOEkShOp’ TheCGailtfiC of
bably identify with Joe's anger, but I In the Family, Kentucky Callclog r—
think many of us have trouble identifying Student Soc1al Workers Annua on e

_ with it's expression in such a vague medi- ence.
um. I tend rather to simply ”turn off" and
thus a meaningful connection is never made.

I believe that, expecially for gay peo_, THE OPINIONS AND VIEWPOINTS EX—
ple, the experience of focused anger is a PRESSED IN THE WE ARE THOSE
very healthy experience and perhaps the OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS AND NOT
Gayzette could become even more a forum for THOSE OF THE LEXINGTON GAY SERVICE
that-—nwny oftmshavelflenty<fifreaanm to ORGANIZATION' YOUR RESPONSES AND

I hope Joe doesn't see this as an at—
tack, but simply as another gay person's
point of view. GAY LINE

Doug Burnham
Thursday and Friday, Evenings 7pm — 10pm
”Week in Review” Section
I am conducting research into the status
voids and vacuums wrestle for of gay people in the professions. I would
prominence in a pigs' trough like to find out which professions still
filled With pieces Of restrict or prohibit the entry of gay per—
yesterday's left—overs and sons via licensing laws, ”professional
SOUrEd jUiceS' _ guidelines," etc. I would also like to
the grunts and groans 0f their know the experiences and feelings of gay ‘
efforts attract and frighten men and lesbians in the professions. I am
the hogs, PUlling and expecially interested in the situation a—
rejecting their attempts mong gay professionals here in Kentucky.
to swallow the mUSh' If you have any information about this
being limited creatures the oafs or if you are in a profession and would be
sniffle and snort about . willing to talk with me about your exper-
the sweet SiCk b331s 0f llfe iences (confidentiality assured), please
but decide to go yet and write to;Birch, '
wallow in the mud. GSO
P.O. Box 11471
Doug Burnham Lexington, Ky 40511

”Lesbianism was only one of the several Tuxedo Junction — Take the A Train, Butter—
factors in deciding custody,” wrote Judge fly
George Cook in a Michigan Circuit court de—
4 cision awarding custody of 4—yearwold The second album by this group 0f female
‘ Jayson to his mother, Raelynn Smith. "It lovelies features more shimmering versions
is rather the kind of care, the quality of Of evergreens from the 30's and 40's. Some
care , , , , that are important. Thus, if of the song selections seem to be calcu—
two female homosexuals can give that kind lated for their camp value (especially "YOU
of care, it matters not that they are les— Gotta be a Football Hero” and ”Toot Toot
bians nor does it matter that the child is TOOtSie Goodbye"). But all the rest tran-
male or female.” In making his decision in scend corniness and are simply great songs
favor of the mother, Cook cited testimony performed With proper respect and funked UP
that lesbianism is ”not a disorder or a only slightly. Best CUtS: ”Begin the Be—
disease, but a variation of female sexual— guine," "That Old Black Magic,“ "StardUSt-"
Upfront (Via £9) £93
Louise Coffin — Kid Blue
A Federal Judge has awarded a year's
back pay and an allowance for lawyers' fees This second generation pop singer has
to six women fired in March, 1977 from the a style all her own _ leaning more to rock
Boise Police Department for alleged les— n' roll than to her mother Carole King's
bianism (EE- V01 111’ Issue l)' The women, craftsman—like pop. But they both have a
who have refused to deny they are lesbians, spare, basic approach that touches the lis—
were fired after an investigation resulting tener. In addition to several songs she
from complaints thatuthey made e0 secret wrote by herself, she also covers a pair of
Of their sexuality.. In an earlier deei— oldies: Lennon and McCartney's ”All I've
sion, Judge Ray McMichols declareg the flr_ Got to Do" and the Shangrilas' "Remember
ings were 'abysmal land the case cried out (Walkin' in the Sand).” Rather, like a
to be tried." The Judge declined to order Linda Ronstadt album, the music here moves
that the women be reinstated, however, be— effortlessly from bawdy, touch rockers to
cause he felt that the move. would be non— ballad laments like "Hurt by Love.” The
productive for a samll police department. punchy, tight band backup supplies just the
The women are suing. the elty of Boise for right amount of funk for vital, vibrant ma—
ten million dollars in damages.. P01se was terial. And yes, Louise's mom does back—
the scene Of a famous gay WLteh hunt 1“ the ground vocals on this album. Best Cuts:
19508' _ . . "Kid Blue," ”Hurt By Love,” "Jimmy and the
The BOdY 13011th (“a 39 Touch Kids" and "Singing Out Alone."
A move to declare AID (Artificial Insem- I am planning on a series of
ination by Donor) for lesbians unethical workshops on "The Gay Person in
has been defeated by the British Medical the Family." These workshops will
Association. The motion, which would have be presented to a variety of pro-
mandated expulsion for any doctor providing fessionals in and around Kentucky.
AID for a lesbian, was defeated by a major- I am interested in making Contact
tiy of the BMA at it's annual representa— with 1) gay men and lesbians who
tivermmting3U‘Livenxml' are parents, 2) parents who have
_ gay children, 3) gay people who _
GWJNews 0na.£g) live tOgether in a family constel-
lation. .

If you have about 30 minutes
and would be willing to talk about
your unique experience, please
contact me by writing:

Doug Burnham, GSO, P.O. Box 11471, .
Lexington, KY 40502 or call 255-