xt7cc24qng92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qng92/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-03-18 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 25,  March 18, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 25,  March 18, 1915 1915 1915-03-18 2015 true xt7cc24qng92 section xt7cc24qng92 I
• ’
University of Kentucky t
V()|,, VII, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 18, 1915. Nm 25_
  |JUNt01t mom ro tm S I'- P- A- CONTEST i e
l The mon bmt of an mem { The date on which the prohibition!
7         even {_ M M mm_|_y H me       0.........   .... be ...... ....      
· {Junior Prom. Each year the Juniors been permanently umd but Ap"' 2 is
.....4 _ or the school hold thas trstttttenst and "'° '"°”° ‘"°°"°"’ dm '° ""' ““d W"' ""
Practice Dall! 0¤ Front formal tame ln honor ofthe manet. Lose Only Om? G¤m€- "° "°“"° "° “°‘°°‘°"· "`“° °'"°°"“ °' Receive Unanimous Decis-
Campus; Promising ins class and they spare no expense Champs of TCIIDGSSGQ ;;8p;;::r;§qt;eTp;]:: (:1;; nfiztms im] of Judges in An-
Material, °" ‘""‘°“"’ '" """” ‘° °°""'° “" and Kentucky. me mum wm be mmhtea by nual C t t
_... dances that have ever preceded tt. ···—— two lists of judges one set of judges On es ·
` The Juniors who do not meet the obll- ' *‘
The balmy spring weather has been umm of can dues and forego the N°"°" *’l“"° uw f¤m°“¤ NYS °Y Bess grading on thought and composition The Kentucky debluug te-m won
most enticing to the baseball uplrants pleasure of tm. dance wm cmmly I Hayden, Mttrv Rl¤<>¢l¤¤ ¤¤d HWY *"l°m· ¤¤d the other on oral delivery- ln ¤r- their eleventh snnust debate from
and forty candidates are out for feel cheap and lonesome on me mgmllttz has the ’K. S. U. floor been Kflced der that the flrst set of judges may (;90,-getown College on last Pridly
berths. On the front campus any at- of April mm, when the Hpmmn wmlwlth a zlrls basketball team such as have time to look over the oratlons, mgm The record of Sum in the
  ternoon the mound artlsts can be seen be given at the Phoenix Hom. ,thet et this year, Lech end every one these wishing to enter the c0¤l€¤¢ We Kentucky Association, has remetned
4 ,_ • In rliht "Dert" practice with the president Hundle)" of the Junior on the team was arstar and their team- asked to have their speeches ln type-aunbmken for the put mgm yea"' Om
  honohme spun dns, announces um them wm be work was just as good. written form ln three copies and ready I or these eleven debetes the trntvet-stty
; The mum-. il very 1,,0,,,;,;,,8 as twenty dances on this memorable 'l`h¤Y “'*>¤¢ lh¤‘°¤8h the ¤°¤¤°¤ “·'“h io htwd to R- E- L· M¤¤‘Dh>’· ¤l’€¤ld<*¤* let Kentucky hes been defggggd {w|cg_
t the °“m`° t°°m °f Int yur h b°'°k‘ night and that the favors will be beau- only one defun which took place in of the club` March 2g` I The ¤¤¤<>ci¤tl¤n l¤ composed of
E ¤¤v·*·r· -¤·¤ Pm uw ¤¢·* ¤*¢¤*·¤*· tnuny ensraved shttmst. an nu. "°"'""'° "‘"‘ """""“"’ °' '*°“‘* " ‘“ °“""°“"’ "°"°" "‘“‘ “ '“'“*’ Georgetown College, central umm.
; huurtes and tm. leaves the pttemng by an umm; committee mmm 0, ¤¤r¤—>¤ Md tlw ¢<>-¤¤¤ ¤¤<=¤ l¤ tlwlr test and that s good omtor wlll be se-ISM, University of Kenmckx hm
{ N'! ¤¤ Yu “¤‘*°°*d°d bm *h°"’ i' belng distributed evenly among the usual good form lected to represent State Umvcmty in year our team deteued Centre,] gud
. good mated;] to pick {rem, members of the Om"` l Notwithstanding this defeat their the State contest to be held MFSY L Mlpanvme and Georgswwn won Over
. _ Grubbn. of Mt. Stcrllns fume and M· .¤l¤l¤¤ tv the Kentucky and '1‘¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ‘V"m°'°- KY- §Transylvanla. The wnmers of last
» Thomas, the only port side hurler, arel ··—····•·•·•——-— !t‘lt¤mDl0¤¤hlD is without E shadow of  T lyear met ln the chapel last Friday
‘ the only pltehers ot last years squad,} JUNIQR MEC]-IANICALS IB doubt. and no other team ln the two ON LYCEUM COURSE mgm ud the mm, compmcd enmely
but Anhum Qogch ··Lu||e" Gegeegel       states should have any legltlmate of mmm society members, upheld the
ggyg gem, er the new uplrants. towltz * —- 8"°““d f°" cmming uw h°“°" °"°"! James Speed, of Louisville, will be lrecord of debating, Transylvania will
• Ireland, of LaGrange, and Clsco, from! The J\1¤l0l" CIM! of the M6¢h•lllC¤l the K. S. U. l¤¤¤i6S. The only ¤¤’¤¤8;the next speaker on the Lyceum meet Central at Danville March 26.
Welt L|b€|’\Y. ¤¤d ¤6V€l’¤| °¥h°*`¤ ireland El°°"i°°l Enginwring D°p°*"' me whlch *h°Y dld not play “'“ thelcourse program at the University. lec· The Kentucky team wlll next meet
ghqwfgg geed etun. Jlmmy Server,;m€¤¥ left T“9¤d¤Y Y°*° D¤Y*°"· Ham"' T*‘¤·¤¤Yl"¤¤l’· °¤° but this team w“|turlng in the chapel Saturday evening, the winners or that Isgomgchy
who hn returned, wm be out tn un].! ton and Cincinnati, on their annual ln- considered no stronger than the Louis- Nlarch 20_ Mn Speed is widely known The Mention for discussion of the
form in me next {ew days and qutm uispectlon trip, under the supervision of ville girls, which no unbiased mind can |as B lecture,. on Mmm Subjecm and I K€muCky_G(_0rg9tO“'n debate was MRP-
blt ls expected or mm, ··t)mch··; Proressor J. J. Curtiss. These tours say was the equal qt State. is Bam to be especially [Emma, wml Solved. Thu the Bute Of Kemuck
Schrader, of third hue fame, has been I ¤l‘€ DBN of the l‘6€¤l¤¥' work. the °b‘l Only flve of the squad were awarded the habits and life of birds. His let-- dghould Adopt the ltmcameml Syst";
gwnchgd [9 the mound and Il b00k9d;jcct Mins to bri"! the young men into} K,'s this year and they are the Teglbltures at the University will be illus·;0f Governmenth. {
to show something. as well as F‘ranklln§¢0¤¤\€¥ with the lmmmltv °f wel-` lars of the team: Misses Hughes, | treted wtth lantern gl|d3g_ and will be; The Mmm t. h I b K I
Corn, of last years’ squad. l¤€€l'l¤S m¤¤¤Y¤°Y¤¥'*"l·¥· twood, Heller, Taul and Innes. ;entltIed "Red Head," and "The Haunt I State was rt; we, ul; gt:) y cmuckb
The Infield will present little, lf 8llY,l The class arrived in Dayton at 7:30 This season witnesses me lust autor the Great Blue Hamm, ! S (`Qmbs C $\¥:€*;?¤u€ ydltgesgrs. S.
change from last season, and thellttesday evening and went directly to penance of two of the best players Of! This may be the mst of the Lyceum   m· r Th ·   b- H BY BD . · . Far-
strtng ot catchers presents some of thelthetr headquarters at the Phillips; the memorable machine- Capt- Flop! course lectures, and an studentsipezéct ($:5 [9 ¤::l‘¤i¤¤t up an almost
• beet college material to be found l¤}H°‘°'· Y°S""`d“Y they "sned the ence Hugpet., won her fourth and l3gt!$ll0Uld be present to hear Mr. Speed.; superb nacihuld ber main "Ork Mu
the country. Curt Park and "Z0ble"|works of the National Cash Reglsterl K this Season and is without doubll He is highly recommended by thetnevér goum A greaiellusiig SMG U18!
Rnd wlll D|'0b¤blY mild d0W¤ thi! blHtC°mP““Y· and the plum Of [hetone of the most exceptional co-ed bas-`Dapers in eltles where he has tnade'me Umversn on th l tr represent
put of me receiving Mug. “|[h0ush'Bl‘0\\’!l€" Company, manufacturers othketbau performers ever in Kentucky-|addr€Sse8_   ‘ y 8 p° °rm·
Tinker H·yd°n' · Freshman of George ` QIIQHIBB Rnd b0u9rs·   Nliss Nag \V()0]j. who has also WO!] h€¥`!   .('€0rget0wn chose the negative and
(‘•lvl¤'¤ ttttomsv. is llwvluz tw WGH: This m°l-mug they wm go to Ham`; fourth K on the team, has played a ’ BOARD OF COMMERCE Us represented by Messrs; J~ A. Neal,
cm. ttmmy rut-. wrw t·¤¤ ¤><+¤¤·***°¤ wd **8** the NM ml "'°’k¤·*mn.tStent game the wt.0»e ttm, but' vtgrrs UNIVERSITY t ll H"°°"° “"° R w" ”°“T"" “‘°
rather lll for the past few weeks, has ¤¤d ihé Dltilll of Long & Allgtgttyrr her best work was done this year; Shy ——__ heorgetown debaters began dtscusalng
returned to school, to the Joy or thejmanufarturers of heavy vunvltltta and is one O., me Scrappiest Mme guurdsl The ttesrd or Commerce »·1sttt—tt the “ """““°“ 0* g°"°'""¤°¤¤ with tl¤¤¢
fans. and though unable to do any Nllearing lUB('hin€¥`y· rrhut has played at "Old State'., Thesel l’lli\'(’l'Sl[)' “Y€(][l€Sday at l\0()[] QI] ()[](> reverence presented by tlteoloelansi
pm.hmg_ wlll be wen Cayo,-Mug around They wlll leave for Cincinnati this No Vacancies cause 8 large gap “_m(_h _ of mm- ttwktt- ··;_pue _p,u,.n8yS_·- mn. t Tltc tenth made a good presentation of
tn (me of the gm·d9nB_ afternoon and tomorrow they will in-I _m be hard mlml next year. nt·r was served to the members at Uk Tub-’°°t and ¤t»l·•=¤¤ the good mmle
..__..,.,,.,..t spect the American 'l`00l Works, the The record for the season follows; :State Hall and after this they vlsitediTl’ (‘*i°rg°t°w"· Uwugh *’·"c‘~’mP&m€‘d
O       Cincinnati Milling (‘o., the Cincinnati State GMS 27 University of Louisnlmost of the bulldlngs on the campusl ttru small number of brother students.
        hicktord Ilrlll (‘o., and the Cincinnati vmo 16. ' Iwhere they were given an opportunity I wifi: iudses we"? M€?”"'8· (`harlell
— I Planer C0- State   40, Covington     (_. to i[lBpéc[ [hQ work of [hg Vgrfgug dg   “'h e\•I 0;·|st0nvI"e·’        
Pwr. C- R. Matcher, of me Modem, Saturday wlll be spent in vlsltlngltxr gl Ipartments. They were escorted: I"' ‘ to °t*"`u“g· RYL- *****1 [*4d*m
Language Department, has resigned uslthe Triumph Electric and Ice Machine Suite umu 26, Wesleyan College mt through me building by me {Mum. I tiaitrlest ot Lexington, ky. Then de
president of me Lexington Board Of'Company, at Norwood, and the Union Sum cms lg. vanderbilt 5. Iwho explained what the students were'flfTi;:a‘;;'; '**¤d€'°d “"*""'“°u” for the
Education. preparatory m mmouncmgwas and blectrlc Company station on Sum: Girls S. Umvemny of L0uiS t|ulng_   -
ml tmndidacy for the Democratic nom Plum Street, under the charge of J. vme ul r The commercial relations of thei ———-•.—-%
hmmm for me omce of sum Superlm lt. Duncan, of the Electrical l·}nglneer· Slam Girls wi Wesleyan College 9. i Vniverslty to the city were dlscussed!SNEAK    
tandem of Public lnnrucuom lng Department. Tom'. 136; Opponents. 66. in a series of talks given by membersl      
In his resignation Professor Member, The party wlll return to Lexington, lot the faculty, whlle the luncheon wast
seld that his interpretation of the law|S·mrd"y uhhh The students “'h°‘ _""—°'°'°1; Mm! Served li! Shiv HHH- As lllewi 'l`he rooms of tmurles 1-,,;,-tp and
· made lt impossible to retain his mem. Went on the trlv are: u. L. Crerry, tc. BATTALION PARADE lttere favorably received and as Nw. l·<>¤¤¤t llrevtl. of llovklhsvllle. and K.
bershlp on the board and become a H· m“rk’ (" K‘ Du""· W" H" mx· J‘ nl ON     U°¤¥‘d of C0¤¤¤16l‘Ce seemed very well } l‘. Howe, of Ellzavllle, at the old dor—
cldmuw for Omw but the other mem Garrett, W. M. Glenn, A. ll. Huff, pleased _wltlt what they saw on the} mitory, were entered through it urn,.
ben of ma board disagreed with mm H. E. Melton, E. R. Pursley, K. G. _—— ·l'L\lll|)\S it is believed that this willsdow Saturday night, by a sneak thief,
and lu opinion from me Atmrnay GMP Pulllam, M. S. Sullivan, T. C. Taylor, The cadet battalion wlll paradelhelp materially ln malntalnlna the; who took two suits or t-|utht»s_ tppttp
Gul wm be secured. .1. w, Thompson, l·‘. Whltely, H. \\’or- along the downtown streets tontorruwltzood feelings of the cltlzens toward! pairs ot shoes, three razors und est.
Professor Member wm make formal sham, ta. w, wttrwtek. afternoon. The cadets wlll be in bat·|the students. Icrst pairs or punts. The toss su,. rt-.
announcement of hls candidacy as ”——"’°°' " ‘” liillllll l'0!'llt¤ll0ll and wlll arrive 0ll` The Members t‘ouncll announcetll ported to the police and a sult ot
won as this question is www- Judge W. T. Lsnerty, dean of the Main Street near the vladuct at 324f»lthat the llourd would later ln the seas-; clothes and a pair or trousers belong.
ILaw College, went to Columbus, Ohlo, o’t·Iot·k. (‘ommundant Underwood has`on make "l.lttle Journeys" to the Ex—| lng to Petrie were located by l)elt-pg.
lenlors, ord•r your lnvltatlons and, last week to act as one of the judges been whlpplng them lnto shape, wltlt I perhnent Statlott and to the hog chol-`tivts ltuptup and Syed-an in ,M.0"d_
up end gown at Unlv•r•lty Iookiin a debate between the Ohlo and In· ttrlll every afternoon and expects them  eru serum plant on the experlmentf hand shops Tuesday. No clue to lp,.
gt"., 'dlana State Unlversltles, to make a creditable showlttk. tfarm. tother articles have been found

 O •
2 T H E 1 D E A
 -•-••--—·- »— · -----— :1·-•—i>—-·  **""‘ """‘*‘ ‘ " 0 ****1 ·-· ·-
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go': Go.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°"°° #
Me At Admission 10c
I     have been given to The IDEA.   &  
I __-_;______ I
1 Published every Thursday throughout the Colton you by tho student bod! wt, note that a book exchange ht mI |ucc•••or to IARIIO A CO. • •
, ot th• State University of Kentucky, tor the benetlt ot the undor- 107 W Main St
I mann", slumnt and neun, ot ut. lnsuutusn. be <>v•¤¤<1 ¤¤¤¤r the ¤¤··v*¤¤· 0* the · •
l ,-_.s-—----—»-   ·--an       —-e»»—-Tr: runny on the campus or the unlver- UNT •°¤A WUNTMN W TNI
    I THE IDEA In the otnctal newspaper of tho University. lt ls tnuod with sity of Mtcmgam Such B movement UTY- Fm! GANNN
Itho view ot furnishing to lu subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, _____ ___
»tog•th•r with a digest ot ltemn ot lntoroat conoornlng tho u¤lv•r•It|•• ot mlsht **9 3 ¤¤°°€¤¤ und"` Y¤°“l*Y ¤“‘ S
    Iothor states and Canada pervision, but past experlenve shows  
_' ___i _ I __ _ r _ _' __ _ H , , 'j,, _ 'L ';”;i.T"I  U I H 1 I
2 NEW 8 IUIICRIPTION, our oottn nn vnn. nv: cnn nn corv "‘“ ‘"‘°“°""" "‘° ""°*‘“““° ” °°“ luniversity
8 ' '     ' ' 3 Entorod st Lexington Post Otllco u second cla; mul matt"-, tt‘0ll€d by the students, they generally
Y.; _..s ., .:. - - . 7;;.1,.. ;._;*;.;;..·..:r;-_:;.·:·:$i’;;r:.····?·· rz.;   to IGIVO thé other    
EDITORIAL ITAFF 1|14-1|16. .-L·-•-•---—-
ma MA]-INEE Inc ctymc P. rnruon .................   ................. Editor-In-Chlet *E*°‘-U"'°N° °" “°’E°"`· K
c KENNETH DORIQ _....... . ....... . ................... Managing Editor The faculty of the College of M9   • ·
      IJ. OWEN REYNOLDS ............... . .................... A••t•t.a¤t Editor chamcnl mid Electrical Engineering, Often free tuition in an dep I
I Aoooolato Edltoro. State University of Kentucky, were tl h
  Lncsumrrrm BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. and Bloc. called an speenn session at 9 s. m., men t° t ° K ra d u * t ° B
IA. B. LEIBOVITZ ........... Atln1•t1c•IG. C. ROGERS ............... `klnlng Mm-ch 10, 19l5_ and passed the follow- of Kentucky High Schools who
  lll. W. ROTH ............. Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange ing resolutions;
¤ are prepared to enter the Fresh-
......._.. Whereas, The father of our Dean,
‘  c  I LESTER W. BRADY ................................... Bannon M•.¤•;•rIpmf“sm. F_ Paul Andm.B0n_ died at mlm C].“_
I J. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subscription Manger ms home in Moline imno,. on Mm,
s s..»~44-s   as e   Y   ———e --—»»_.e——-—_I ' ' Each county in the State is
  ’"*"“"" M"   ’”"’ "     A   `" A"`"' Iday, March Sth; be it resolved,
I(‘oIlege of Mechanical and Electrical ,
M  peace Ann r>n:l=•AnA1·toN ron wAn. lEngm€e,,ng_ State University 0, Kem tl°¤» m¤t!‘i¢¤]¤U0¤. laboratory • •
‘i‘ Itucky, express ln this way our Bl¤0€T€`8I'1d other feel one Ot mol'! lp-
Elsewhere in the columns of The IDEA ls found an article pertaining tomympathy wml professor Anderson I ’ _
an address delivered by Ur. Louis Lochner, of the University of Wlsconslmland the members of his mmm. In meh, Pomuel
pertaining to peace. He is working for international conclllatlon and be-I|OBS_ I Necessary expenses moderate
I .
AN       lleves that this great neutral nation should take the lead ln disarmament. I SGc0nd_ That 9, telegram expressing . · ·
It is apparent that the need of the man behind the gun has been urgent I our Sympathy and a copy of them reS_ F0? fllu 1!1f0l’!!18t10n 1‘¢g||’d·
tn the past. Philosophers contend that might ls right and that power shall ioluuons be Sem to professor Ando, ing appointees, courses of ltudm
U, ~ Kt- _ ever be dominant. Never have rulers and statesmen made so many loving_S0n_ _
I  3;i_,:j‘  .  speeches as within the last decade. Nothing has flourished within the present I Thh.d_ That A copy of these ,.es0lu_ 008t of board, etc., apply to
'* **7  A2 · _`. ·. generation so much as the campaign f0|’ D¢·‘t1<‘f‘-€X<‘€D\ the manufacture of I gong be entered on the minutes of the °
, .   ··  e . t 1 H S BARKER
I ,  -·"‘·",.7,1 ; , • •
‘ -<"Q.·—'·..yr_gw<}~ · armament. rg·acu|gy_ ·
  I All men with love for their brethren are opposed to the wholesale slaugh-; Fourth, That the Lexington dam. Prelideuts
_   ter of soldiers. The power of reason appeals to the sane mind as the pr0perI papers and the University IDEA be r(,_I Lllihfton, Ky.
 ·    { tribunal to Same an dtgputeg, Should men and kings be able to conflde in queswd to publish these ,-9s0;um,nB_  
one another and but forth the principle of` brotherly love as did the Nazerlne,   · ·
1 Signed.
by `· there would be no occasion for di8D\1tP. JOSEPH DICKER’           S
~? lt seems as if one nation becomes mighty in war because lt fears theI A_ L_ WILHOITE, C
__ aggression of another. This is emphasized by the present European conflict W_ E_ FREEMAN, TAB!-ETS AND FINE
»· . Q which can not be descrlbed evcent by that art *****1* ls °"’" ““‘“ ‘““"""“"·I C°‘““‘"‘°°‘ I STATIONERY
I, The people of America are opposed seemingly to a strong military props- ’
\_ ` ganda. Columbia University has started a campaign for peace, declaring thatI I JOHNSTON S CANDY
G |;_ the soldier unsheathlng the crimson sword has too long been our tavoritel      
  ., x harry And today it is souls and not soldiers that we want. I       E  
' The history of the nations is little more than the history of war. Man *‘-""‘ ° °  
on ».
CHQ il is a warllke being and conflicts are lnevltable until some substitute ls given B· H· Mitchell. ¤ student ln the 30. W"` Mlm ·"“‘
. . to me peoples Oy the Gang {Horticultural Department, has been
To Inspect the new   _______;..;........_..; Iemployed by the Board of Education *' *""'   •
Sgykg in + + + + ,., ,|, ,·, 1, ,., .., ,·, ‘, + Vandy ,.M,dS ha". now gone in towns supervisor of home scholo gardens .
HUM OF THE GADFLY 4- i d b .· h u. or th, pdurlng the summer. He will have
Hatq * n oor the 8 <‘0\1¥`t*€ ey I I f I d i I I Y HAVE YOUR
’ * ·I· ·|• •|· •l· § O O O I- •I• O 0 ·|·`lm\’e the usual positions ot catch-lm,`C*m`$€ 0 UQ ga" EUS n a Bcloo let
·r»-as News an mma. pttcmm, mst basewomsn, etc. Ito be selected by himself and super-   I
  ______ llntendent Cassidy, of the public FOR THE   `
Shrrtse ‘Al C°l°¥`¤d0 ¤thl¤¤¢ **1199 The girls of Transylvania and Ham·{’°h°°‘8· MADE AT N I
  Govern student publications, Hton held {lm,. mst mack UWM lull He will begin his work about thei I
And ¤ varsity msu was wounded is week and tt mss Mahoney carried ss~**r¤t 0* the m¤¤th end W"' V¤t*> the uumphrcy’S   0 I
’ _ The hght among the nations. the honors. Muay ter the lrlsh!" ““"“°°““ each “"’°k and **11 °f SMI `
  t     » one hundred and titty Seniors here l ;._. urday as long as the gardens require 341 w_ Ian SL p.°“1635_x
Th   I:   Are their diplomas seeking: I A eertatn student whose name we 'm°“u°°· I .....,,
e   e   At K¤¤¤¤B U·· wouldn't tell under any circumstances `tm __` H ` K V 1 ` l` `— Q" ` ` ` `wvwm" ` " wr" "' "'
S0V€¤iY·iW0 Iwants to get his picture ln the annual Q 4
. , 1 A
Pglm Buch Sung   50__$9 Women take public speaking. Iand is looking for Someone with 8   AM I GOING?
ull. tu umn ; Ipanoratnic camera. To
(‘olumbla'lI have a football team, ;___,.
  <   The studéms have S0 voted.   lletgiun professors left without l>0¤i·      
Q For ¥6¤ YGUB Dui ih°Y'V€ l¤<'k€’d hltions because ot the war are coming
'l6V€¤ Ito the United States, says a news  
& 4 O I And F6! Ulf? school is noted. Iitgm_ Thug dogg me wm- throw great     l
• Miami gives her mld-year DIHY. hardships upon American college stu-
"°°"°""‘ I W*·*c*·   may       WELSH & M U RRAY
The College Fellows' Shop The J¤¤i<>r "Me¤l¤¤" I
  ATB YU from L°*·· ° The Georgetown supporter who
Wllllé this YOU M6 D€l‘¤¤l¤8- Isent the debating team a note reading,   N I   ( O.
u n ; I .. , _ _ · ·
I cxington C§ar CO. get your watch thalns ready for the incur Onmt
gun", The Franklin High School exchange medal," at the debate Friday night, I I
M.”uf"w,.•,.• cf refers to The IDEA as "the breezy, failed to vonslder the posslblllty that
_ windy weekly." Why windy? States walrh chains had already been ‘
Th R ° h N ' ’
nxctustvnm ____ mm md,. e lg t Ow Servrce I
13. wggy MMM ··|-ally lt‘s a wise student that knows his ; ,,4
;;;-;; ,  
own mall after its been in the mall We take this means of notlfylnt; the
DR_ J_ D_   Ibex tor a day.——(‘lncy News. IM. A. (‘. llolcud that the poem "Dead," I
sv;. EARiP?;%?EL:nd 1·•-•n0A·r ···——· |<·rlsi·¤¤ll>’ uvveuruns in this paver and COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
UT I Things to worry ub0llt€ All i¤l¤tY¤¢‘· lreprlnted ln their issue ot March 8,
mn". Grmmd `° ord"' tor at Vanderbilt will publish u I was the work ot J. F. (Torn a Junlor A ‘ . ' I
u¤c¤•u•»»¤ nuumng. lp i N xt T · _ · 124-128 North mmestone Lexington, Ky.
cmu nm". •“_x n“|‘•M• "•_x ers an grammar souls 1110 IW Y€¤ V ll. student here, and due credlt should
° 1

 ' ’ r ¤ 1: to n
A •
,L,_,,,O,, 6,,,5, OUT lSENl0R INSPECTION TASHOF AND BARR _i___ ,
,,,,L,,A,, ,~,O,M,,,O,,) TRIP ITINERARYI IN EXTENSION WORK Youn Men , S , St I
M . . "` . " S T1?} QS
{ At R rp pm mwmm of mp bond of The Senior Mechanlcals, thirty-me Professor I- P- Tuhof and Pwr- T. g p g y
r (' _ '
in numb"' wm go m (hh`“° from J. Barr, of the College of Mines and     at
trustees of the Unlverslty of llllnola Ilpxlngton Sundmu March ZL for the
th r was ttl orlyed thc ttstabllsh Memnurm" are engaged in dpuvprmg L • q B
° " ‘ ‘“ ‘ J t ‘ ··¤··¤··l Saw l¤·¤·>·¤ll¤¤ l*l¤· The lt .,.,n... or rms. ln the tm··~·~· of ° S
t r Mult tntorn tt i oivt- ‘ l ` ex"] ton 8 7 est tore
""‘" ° " ‘"’ ‘"   “ —··rlt all ba ·¤·~¤l l¤ *¤·¤¤¤·*¤·= ml ...9  w».M.M..,,.,t.....~.... g gg
lllll lll  l6‘ * t
v pany, \vpBtprn Fileotric shops and (iludp \V|n(YI]PS'Pr,   Starling: Ash. l '  
mmmandunt, Major l·‘. lt. \\ehster, mh,,,,,_ I 1 (_ U tt h M m d . H
fl , . . , . . 4
lnf. ll. S. A. The tlttrtlose of tht- dl- rtetniqnarters wlll he at the Palmer R ( R P Q um mw P an { other make SU U "l’·
Loulnn. ln earh tmc of the towns leo- · ’
vlslon ls to "<·omplle lmpnrtlal lnfor- Hmm, whs'-,. any mall should be ad.
tures will ho given before the hlgh `
m¤U0ll llllflll llll lllll\l"l`*l l‘°ll°"l`lllll¤ dressed. The party will travel over
mmmry and mlm} mlpstlom of what. the Q & (` and mg Pour In A spedal srhool students on mlnlng and the ·
` 1 l · · ` t 1 t t t. s . . l
ever cltarut-ter and to hnpnrt lt to th:-, puuman m n ng ndmmy n th q mm Thp ' Hart Schannut Q Marx
unlversltv oommnnltv and to all othersi mms wm he mugtmtcd by lantern Y S r n 5 `(g d T C
who mav ·tpplv" 'I:he tmlvernlty has. Saturday mgm, March 27° me Stu`!**ll(l*?$· Tltls ls the first year that an , p ' 9 w 9 on OP Oats
` ‘ `· A i ldgms wm be guests at A banqumlelaborate program of these lectures ' Q Allll 0th€l‘ lllih-grade Clothes
p • set aside sufflclent funds to pay three given bv the Sum, llniverslty Alumni `
‘ thas been planned and many towns ln $12 50 to $3,3 00
m°mb°"** of mp tadat "‘"`l’“· Om S"“‘ Assoclatlon of Chicago, the president} _ ’ " ' '
nddltlon to those mentioned will be·
lor to serve as ohlef of the dlvlslon, -vf which this year is PI H_ Lowry mt l
l ‘ ’ ` " vlslted during the year. t .
and two Juniors to serve as assistants.} np tom ct,,B,_ l I New Shirts, New Neckwear. New Vollars and all the
  "‘“"°° °°“"‘l**’°" °' the "lll W"' Expsstnem sums NOTES [ other New Things for young men.
M N   lbs malled the Lexington papers daily. I
~ t lly L. H. Nelson.
{   “AG ,,   J. H. Carmody, of the Experiment;     C0.
° `Statlon, ls ln Bowling Green this
A I 'l`llG Agrlcultural Soclety héld ltS   week lnstltutlng a large number of ter-,
jr F6}-$ul8l' m€€ll¥l$ Monday MEM Wllh Nl btlllzer tests on strawberries. The ___ __" _, V v_ 7
` V4 interesting Dl'08l‘¤m. Prof. E- J- Kl¤·.pe0ple ln the Bowling Green neighbor-l ————— ---—-;—..-.- .. . .~ .-.. . _____
• • A   ll€Y. of {lll? A8l`0!l0mY l)8D¤l'tm€llt.|l10od have a Strawberry Growers As-\ P
\ gave a talk ln which he pointed outlsoclatlon only a few years old. This I-I O E N · X I-I O E L
  the duty of the Asflvultuful C0ll68€lassoclatlon has grown rapidly untll lt   _ , 7
¤_LmTTpgABQ¤Ygc°_TRQyN! graduate as producers ol' good seed. now ships 100 to 250 cars of stra\vber· C
  g I b
  lle said that the lnqulries coming ln ries this year, its ttmbtttcn is to ntgke u Breakfasts frorn I Sc to 60C
T T to the Experiment Statlon lndlcate\the best better, both as regards yields l`OOndaY L\.II`\Ch€0I'I lI·0(j to 55c
    that the demand ls Buch as to Wv·l‘l‘¤¤l and quality and the growers ln this   _ T e . den.   .   ,7,, _..
one man in every county in Kentuckyl l tt l’ l ll th l d, . . . , l
nn I T   · a°”°° ° an are um Sl rr E an The new Grill is the mo•t beautiful room in Central Ken- 1
• · • ‘¤ devote hls entire time to good Seed labor and bearing the necessary ex- .
, I tuclxy, decorated with Rockwood Pottery.
· 127 Cheapsrde rlroduotlou- Professor Klnnoy alsolpense to conduct these investigations. Q
d A l l 1 C ll d-, ——‘__*_*·"——··~···~·~·—··——-—·-—————— -·
nate to try to keep out of teaching and Prot', T_ R, Bryant ig at present gt-.  u-_.”_.__,______________
_`-' -__' A" __•_ 4- — agricultural work 88 mUCh HS D0¤¤lbl€, tively engaged ln an alfalfa growing "_—_- _Y_Y-wr, * rr-V   U _-—A —_*;_; —`-l l
r     Q und go back to the farm where he vunlcampalgn ln Harrison County. Plots         t `
‘· O — ___g__;____,....,-   loud an lndepétldétli llfé tllld be 8blPll1ave been selected on sixteen indlvld- I p      
·   _ m;;;,1,l,,:`,, ;0r,:;1,;,,;;€ 8 [Short ms iual rar;nSl;n;f»·t»t;i;»l;·ro¤¤ one tn t<~¤_   SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SUPPLIES    
.... · . · acres o a a a w e rown, a »e~ . l
` { UF D t U ,, H _ K _ _ t AT WHOLESALE PRICES lg
+_ ) _ 3 Q*~,7_ wry ° “"“ ‘*m°“S "** °“· 9 ing conducted as directed by the hx. I . ' —- - i
"` ·   "EXT' emphasized the neresslty of combining periment Station. This is the twelfth ' SUPPIICS fUT PGTUQS. Banquets, Etc. I l
’ U`RT§§ ;,?i   X `lltoty Wllll lll‘llPll¢€· ==llS0 the l'¤l¤¤bl€ alfalfa <·lub organized in the State the ’ Phone 483 or 1690-y, gap for Solicitor l I
*~`l$ 7 " ~ service that filflll d€ltl0¤Stl`lill0¤|tv\·elve clubs comprising 148 members, l l __,_ _______r _ _ l
        \ work has l'€lld6l‘€d tht! f¤l'm€l'· A- N·! During l·`armers‘ Week these members  “"""" "‘_"""t ‘* "
LxC[PT SATURDAYS. `{)|‘d()n· Ong of the l3s[ year'}; arts and und Others intprkxsted in alfalfa pr0du(._  
I TURKl$H.$l‘lOwER &l’L¤lN `  science graduates, and now taklniz` tion organized the State Alfalfa Grow-;
_;__ O B~£’mT&?§|NiI0~ KV   vvork in the College Of Agr|Cu]tur(;"·I,S• ASS0(,i8ti0l" with   F. Shousew J• J• Graddy   Ryan T- C. BFICHQY J||, T, M¢C|f'{y
i BA'.l*lU*ll · ’ I
.-i ~--.-~ --·-- - ·~—~—»—·~r ' Rave 8 llletwlug talk 0ll "ANS and AK ‘·`ztyette County, president; L. L. llor-L I I 0
_____r i____ ___ t‘lCultut‘P." l‘€0l\l¤8 B¤<*0ll`S ESSKY Olll y. Anchorage, Ky., vlce-president; 'I`,   `    
• . Ionkart A Fotoch, Pr¤pr|•t•r• Studies to illustrate the point of l1isl|{_ m·y8m_ Oy the Expgrinugnt Station   CO.
l B b   talk. lsteretarytreasurer. The members of CON§2)r:?S;;lNG
  c       ——-——••·•···;·· this association are almost uniformly PATTERSON. RYAN & McMARTY AND GRADDV Q, BRAQLEY
L opggznsomt :*lr:::::n;°::{•;:“k METAL TESTS MADE Stn-eesstni and have succeeded tn grow- Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Tailoring
` ` L,,d,,°,,,,_ Ky_ BY M- & E- COLLEGE lllg aood alfalfa in places where it had l l’h¤¤• 903 140 wut Mm, 5;,-,,;
l FIRST-CLA88 WORK GUARANTEIDI The Department of 1\lechanlt·s of|“l'“°“t lalled °“ l”`°"l°“S trials- 1
··-· ' I Materials of the College of Mechanical; ———— .
M“t M' Af"' un Gun. n luna l·:lectrlt·al Engineering has just Totitty Messrs, ll. lt. slutle_ \\‘. ll.  
ha ’ ` completed a series of tests to d··tt·r· Nichols, Mark J. snnth, mss nary   U • ·
  5 {mint- the efllvlellvy of el€<‘tl‘li‘2lllY wel- Sweeny, l’rt)fessors \\'_ S, Andel‘s0n,` c      
wh"! ·u i.   md   ltléd $[891 and C8Sl. lI”OI]. The IGSIS Sidnpy Adagus und '|`_   Bryant \\`ill` corner Limc·`°ne and Wlnllqw
1. C d d I {were made for the (`. N. 0. & 'l`. l’· go to North Middletown, Ky., to take?
Q {   Ch°c° k' ·n y ·¤ cugrailroatl, which does a great deal Ofl part in a two days' farmers institute., Full Lille of   and  
Ielectrlcnl welding at its modern shops ________•_____ _____   LUNCH COUNTER OPEN S V N D
D1'.  Edward GO1‘d0I‘1_ttt Ferguson. Ketttttrky. l The Free l,lve Stock lcxclntiige, Q E E AVS AND NIGHT"
DENTIST l The bl`€l=lkllll< SU`€¤Sill of ill? lllllld I started less than a year ago and main- ’ ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY
liar was compared wlth that of a but tained bv the Experiment Station une l W ( , m
• • I `
    of llli-F Skilllé BlZB and Ul8[t·‘l‘ll1l but elec- der (hg charge of Pr()fggggr [Kry3|t[_ { · F.     CO.
G0 To tt‘lt‘ull>' W€ld€d· 'l`ll€ bars W€l`f* bl`0k€‘ll reports encouraging success. lt has l
i , D   on the ltll'l4€ 200.000·l0ll il·‘Sllllt·i llllljbeen responsible for an enortnous vol- ` ___ _ ———{ P L W U _ L _
Johns rug °r€•l`lllll<‘· 'l`llt* €l'l`l€l9¤¢‘Y of ills wolds ume of sales in spite of the demorallz-
N•x‘ to P°·` °fn°• ! \\'(·‘l‘8 f0l1lld to VHl`y f!'0lll {U |)t*I‘ t'l*ll[ to I ing effects of the war and the fggt and
P0! h'¢$Ul#u0¤$, Slluonuyp Swal nearly ltltl per cent. the largest varltr mouth tliseuse. The purpose of this l I
w],t¢f, (lun'], HWS and GKUS tion being lll lllv Putt!. ll‘0ll welds. exchange is to act as a tnedluxn be-   SPEClAL ROUND 1-R": FARES 1-0
·"""""_"‘*“"‘”""'_“ " l   ‘ V" l tween prospective buyers and sellers. \
° ° K' k d C l C ‘BI°l‘0GICAl’ °LUB *”·· ·‘·* ~·····*¤*°*‘**>‘ lr ¤~·¤ mel by the    
lll ¢¤ 03 0-; Mmcrrso romotmow . . . to
  ‘ · ' eselntnge tut the) put into counnun —l ANI) T0 ALL 0-{HER RESORTS OF THE SOUTH.
, Al\thl‘8Clt0 Blld Blt\Il\\ll\0\lI 'l`ll*‘ lll‘ ttwllllls ill " ll`l‘llll‘k- | t·|nn·geti ttntt the hope that this set·viee`          
  l’l'0l”- l‘}· V- l"lll'lllllllllU`· will l*‘<‘lUl`•‘ would be of benetit to stockmen hats
‘ __ __ l FoPut°l•AltA
    T[AcII[R$° AGENCY on "'_l‘he |·llet‘allll¤* lll *·‘l**ll*‘*‘· tlllll been wry larsvly l‘¢*¤ll¤€ll» ·;·;cL [itat pigdo ny
PRuMl*'l‘ RELIABLE I:il·`I-`lt‘lEN'l` Mr. t`. Sidney Adams will tulk on "'l`he` ...—....•...---..-—   • •n °r na
The Way to The Best Positions in (· I -. .| y 1 -, · ;.   | Matty tt mlsgultletl youth itnogines ’ ’
· l Tm N°"h· w"“‘ “'“l M“l‘"" W°“* \i|.lll:_ul2: bu fu;im_;I_;? lcvmsifgwd U that u girl is interested ln his welfare, ROUTE u' c'   Pm I and Tlckel  
· IALBERT F· Pnoult Pm tiluatcd *V"· I I I ( B ( ( H ‘ ` ` when ln reality she is lnter