xt7cc24qkx0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qkx0x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-05-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 7, 1976, no. 127 text The Green Bean, May 7, 1976, no. 127 1976 1976-05-07 2014 true xt7cc24qkx0x section xt7cc24qkx0x   .~ 1 *
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20 April—20 May - Bertolt Brecht 6 R E E Q
exhibit - MIK South
L°'¤*>Y· B E A N
ll, 12 May - Staff Development
Series meets at Educa-
NEWSLETTER N0.127 5/7/76
· 13 May - Staff Development Series David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684
meets at Education Li-
brary - 1:30 PM.
14 May - Faculty Meeting - 8:30 AM, Gallery.
  I y
Notes on Library Staff Organization meeting 30 April, 1976:
Prior to the program, Terry Warth, President, reported on the
progress of plans for the May 21st reception for retirees. All
staff members are invited to attend the reception which will be
held in the Special Collections Department. More information
will be forthcoming via the Green Bean. Terry also mentioned a
suggestion made for a staff picnic. This was briefly discussed
but plans will be deferred until the fall.
Sharon Bale, Horticulturist, School of Agriculture, presented a
mini-course in flower-arranging, demonstrating several types
and sizes of arrangements. In the short time available, Sharon
gave us a step-by-step demonstration of the basics from which _
many kinds of arrangements can be made, with valuable comments
on considerations of color, line, pattern, and focal points.
Sharon also welcomed questions and gave us an opportunity to try
out our own arrangements while refreshments were served.
Summer Advising Conferences:
A few more persons are needed to help represent the Libraries at
the Summer Advising Conferences in July. See Larry Greenwood
or David Farrell if you’re willing to meet with freshmen and their
parents to discuss library resources and services at UK.
Canadian Books in Print, 1975 edition, has been missing from the
Acquisitions Department for about three weeks. we would appre-
ciate any knowledge of its whereabouts, and or the return of the
volume. Thank you.
S. McCargar
Steam boiler repairs scheduled:
The Physical Plant Division has notified the Libraries that their
boilers will be shutdown for annual maintenance on the following
Agriculture - 24 May · 1 June
Architecture - 16 Aug. - 25 Aug. .
Biological Sciences - 16 Aug. - 25 Aug.
Business - 16 Aug. - 25 Aug.

 i - 2 _ ‘  
Chem./Physics — 16 Aug. — 25 Aug. I ‘
Education - 11 Aug. — 19 Aug. ‘
Engineering — ll Aug. - 19 Aug. \\
Geology - 16 Aug. - 25 Aug.
King North & South — ll Aug. - 19 Aug.
Law — 16 Aug. - 25 Aug.
Mathematics · ll Aug. — 19 Aug.
Medical Center - 24 May — 1 June
.Music — ll Aug. - 19 Aug.
Pharmacy — 16 Aug. - 25 Aug.
According to the memo, steam is used for heating water, and some
cooking, sterilizing systems, and for air conditioning in Blazer
Hall and Alumni House.
The Athletics Association has notified the faculty and staff that
a limited number of seats will be available for those who do not
now have priority for season tickets. A drawing for the available
seats will be held 28 May 76 and those interested are requested to
send their names and addresses to: Basketball Ticket Office, Room 3,
Memorial Coliseum, Campus. The employee must be full time and there
is a limit of 2 seats_per employee. `
University regulations prohibit the use of UK facilities for meetings,
conventions, rallies or any campaign activities in support of a
candidate for public office, according to a memo circulating from
the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer.
This does not in any way prohibit meetings of registered campus
organizations which are not open to the general public, nor does it
prohibit members of the University from supporting candidates, pro-
vided University facilities (including the mail system) are not
Starting this fall, Ellen Baxter will be assuming responsibility for
working with the Home Economics faculty and students to build library
resources and services for that department.
Openings: _
Clerk-typist Grade 0014 in Special Collections (for July 3, 1976).
Library Tech. I - Special Collections (Archives). For July 3, 1976.
Library Tech IV - Press Room. (The position requires someone with
experience in hand press and book binding techniques.) Open July 3.
If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Chan es in Vacation Policy: There are two major changes in the use
of accumulated vacation which are effective immediately: 1) Employees _
may use their accumulated vacation after the successful completion of
probation (previously, an employee had to work six months before

using vacation) and 2) Employees separating from the University in
good standing (successful completion of probation) will be paid for
any unused vacation not to exceed one year's accumulated leave
(previously an employee had to work one full year before being paid
terminal vacation).
If there are any questions, please call Faith Harders.
Absence sli s: In order for University Personnel to keep accurate
records, it is essential that all absence and vacation slips be
turned in to the Director's Office during the pay period in which the
leave occurs.
Employment Termination:
when filling out the Separation Sheet on employees, please be very
specific as to the real reason for leaving. For example, 1) if the
person is leaving to return to school, what school? 2) if he/she
is leaving the area, where will the individual be going? 3) if the
person is taking a better job, what and where is the job? Also, it
is essential to have the correct last day worked. This infor ation
· is needed by University Personnel to comply with unemployment
compensation requirements.
University Personnel has also reminded us that when a problem exists
with an employee, the department should complete the necessary forms
immediately so that the problem and the fact that the individual
employee has been counseled are documented. If a supervisor in the
Library does have a problem with an employee, he or she should discuss
it with the Director‘s Office.
Susan McCargar will be leaving Acquisitions May 28 to return to
graduate school at the University of Michigan and Gail Kennedy has
been asked to assume responsibility for Acquisitions on an interim
basis. Susan will be on a one year leave of absence.
Normal library procedure is to post all vacancies——temporary and »
permanent-—in the Green Bean. However, Susan's plans were not
finalized until May 3. To place an announcement in the Green Bean
and then give people a week to respond would use up half of Susan's
remaining time: and it was felt that the library needed someone to
start work with Susan im ediately. Therefore, at a meeting of the
Director's Office staff and the technical services department heads,
this interim coverage was decided upon as the best possible solution
on such short notice.
This is not an “acting head" position, but is only a provision for
interim coverage until a more thorough study of the situation can be
made. This study has been begun by the technical services unit
heads. while Gail is devoting her attention to Acquisitions, Lynn
Shrewsbury has agreed to act as unit head for SOLINET.

I have a copy of the program for ALA (July 18-24 in Chicago) if
anyone would like to see it.
I also have the new ARL Spec Kit entitled User Statistics and Studies;
this includes information and documents from 18 ARL libraries on
the collection of reference and circulation statistics, catalog use
studies, the development of statistical models, etc. Anyone intemmtei
in seeing the kit is welcome to borrow it.
F. Harders
  A piece from May 1976 — BITS & PIECES — V
Bruce Barton, one of the original partners in the advertising firm
of Batten, Barton, Durstine, & Osborne, and author of a book about
Christ, THE MAN NOBODY KNOWS, tells the following true story: .
"One day on my first job as a young man in New York, a matter came
up about which I happened to have the facts. My·boss disagreed, and
though I put up a good argument, he somewhat abruptly overruled me.
"I was living those days in a room in the 23rd Street Y.M.C.A. for
which I paid seven dollars a week. His home was a fair-sized man-,
sion requiring ten servants. The morning after our argument, the u
telephone rang while I was dressing, and I wondered who in New York
could be after me so early. ii in
"To my amazement it was the boss. Said he: 'I have been thinking,
about our discussion of yesterday, and I just want you to know that
you were right and I was wrong.'
"The boss with an income of $100,000 a year, calling a $40-a—week
youngster to say, 'I was wrong!' He had been one hundred percent
with me; after that he was the biggest man in town.
"Years have gone by and I have known all sorts and conditions of men
in business, in the professions, and in politics. As an employer of
men and women in a modest way, it has interested me to observe how
they divide into two classes: those who feel they have lowered
themselves by admitting a mistake, and so try in every way to
rationalize it, and those who come out in forthright fashion and
admit the facts."
University of Kentucky:
`Architecture Librarian ·
·Curator of Rare Books: Librarian responsible for rare books,
coordination of Gallery exhibits and professional supervision of L_
Press Room activities. we do not plan to fill this position with
an external candidate; consideration will be given only to current
professional staff members who would be interested in a transfer.
If interested in either of the above positions, please see Faith

Head, Social Sciences Division. Auburn University. l Sept. 76.
f $16,000-$19,000.
Head, Administrative Services Dept. Center for Research Libraries.
Professional Project Position (Temporary) in cataloging. University
of California at Riverside. 15 May 76 — 14 May 78. $1l,472—14,964.
Undergraduate Librarian. Cornell Univ. 1 July 76. $14,500+
Head, Circulation Services. State University of New York at Albany.
1 June. $l2,749—$l6,887.
Social Sciences Reference Librarian. Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill.
15 June 76. $11,300+
Reference Librarian: Open July l, 1976. University of Kentucky
Medical Center Library. Minimum salary: $9,500. Send resume to;
Janet Stith, Coordinator of Public Services, Medical Center Library.

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