xt7cc24qkw9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qkw9n/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1939 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIV, No. 4, Spring 1939 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XIV, No. 4, Spring 1939 1939 1939 2014 true xt7cc24qkw9n section xt7cc24qkw9n O
The Quarterly Bulletm 0f
The Fr0r1t1er Nursmg Serv1ce, Inc.
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Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexixfgion Ky.  It
"Entered as second class l1;n`%1g;;:rtg§1i§c§06[19€[4;I‘  gliclggst Office at Lexington, Ky.,  
Copyright 1939 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

 ? soNG
 · When all the world is young, lad,
·  And all the trees are green;
 T And every goose a swan, lad,
Q  And every lass a queen;
it  Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
 _ And round the world away:
5 Young blood must have its course, lad,
 I And every dog his day.
Q  When all the world is old, lad,
l And all the trees are brown;
  And all the sport is stale, lad,
  And all the wheels run down;
 - Creep home and take your place there,
The spent and maimed among:
i God grant you find one face there
 l You loved when all was young.
 t Water Babies

A Lesson of Faith Margaret Garry 11 l·
Beyond the Mountains 33
Courier Cow Care Eleanore W. George 6
Field Notes 44
In Memoriam 25
Kentucky State Association of Midwives 19
Mare Gives Birth to Twins Courienjortrnal 23
One of Our Days in Hyden Hospital Betty Lester 27
Pavilion of Democracy New York Times 17 V
Pellagra fohn H. Kooser, M. D. 7
St. Patrick’s Day Twins Ethel Miekle 3
The Dame’s Spinning Song Charles Kingsley 1 _
The Dark Road Ethel Clifford 24
Twins Marcus and Martha Elizabeth Harriman 16
Urgent Needs ‘ 29 L
Blessed Are They _ S:. Francis 24 l =
. From a Friend in Hartford, Conn. 23
From the Mother of a Courier 24
From a Trustee in Ardmore 10 ·
God and the Senators Golden Legend 43
Spring The Aneren Riwle 43 ‘§—
The Early Fly Contributed 28 I
To Protect Babies The Osaka Mainiehi Ci? The
Tokyo Nichi, Nichi 24
Wanted:—One New Leg 15 l 

 FRoN*r1E1z NURSING smnvicm s
By ETHEL MICKLE, R. N., s. C. M.
Mrs. Marion Stewart (Lula) was an old patient of the
Service. All three of her babies had been delivered by "the
nurses," and when she found that a fourth was arriving she
decided that again they must ofiiciate. Meantime she had moved -
some miles out of our territory, so made arrangements to move
into district a month beforehand, and until then to meet the
nurse regularly at a half-way point for pre-natal care. And she
· kept her bargain too—even to getting her husband to swim the
mule across Red Bird River when it was in tide, whilst she
crossed in a boat, mounting the mule on the other side. She
did realize that these regular examinations were necessary, espe-
cially as we had decided that she would have twins, and she
showed slight symptoms of toxemia which needed treatment.
. A month before full-term Lula sent the expected summons.
= Knowing that she would probably have a quick time I hastened
to get into uniform and made as quick a trip as possible, but
with the roads in their present muddy condition, and the long
steep hill up to the Flatwoods, the five miles take up a consid-
` erable time. As I alighted from my horse I heard the cry of a
new-born baby and found that the first twin had put in an
appearance three minutes ahead of me. His brother was in
a hurry too and was born two minutes later. They were twins
to be proud of, weighing 7 Mi and 7 pounds respectively.
All was well, and after making mother and babies comfort-
I able—the latter snugly wrapped up and in a dresser drawer by
  the fire with hot bottles—I left for home.
` About 8:15 p. m. a very anxious husband arrived at the
L Belle Barrett Hughitt Nursing Center saying that his wife had
  had two "fits" and he knew that unless something could be done
  quickly she would die. Luckily our telephone was working, and
  we got in touch with Dr. Kooser who advised us to bring her

to Hospital if her condition permitted—otherwise to the Nursing gr
Center at Brutus and he would ride the twenty-mile trip over. i`
He had already made it once that day having held a clinic at L
the Center in the morning.  
I sent the husband ahead to collect men to help stretcher  
the patient, and Minnie and I both went up to get treatment ”
started as quickly as possible. Horses seem to know when we ,
are on a hurry call and both of them went along briskly and E
surely in the dark. We arrived about 10.00 p. m. and found that ‘  
Lula had had three more convulsions. Whilst we treated her, {
her friends cut poles and stitched quilts to them to make a i
stretcher, and gathered as many men as they could from the  
few scattered houses in the neighborhood. It was going to be L
a rough trip out, for the Flatwoods are on top of the hills and  
every way out means a steep and rough journey down.  
By 12:30 a. m. we were ready to start. Lula had had only  
one more "tit" since treatment was started and her condition  
was improving. The babies were well wrapped up in blankets  
and two men carried one each. They went on ahead to gather  
yet more help on the way, as so far our stretcher-bearers were l,
too few in number. The patient was surrounded by hot bottles  
so that there was no fear of her getting cold. My associate,  
` Minnie, had to return to the Nursing Center to be on call for  
other deliveries, so a boy escorted her back as I began the long i
trip to the Hospital with the patient and her babies. '
The first part of the way was down a mile-long steep moun- _Y
tain trail. The recent flood-rains had made deep fissures and R
holes and it was diflicult to manipulate a stretcher. It must
have been a terrific strain on the bearers, but they were cheer-
ful about it. After a while we greeted with relief first one man  
“ and then another appearing out of the darkness with lanterns, M
to take their turns in relieving the stretcher-bearers. The two  
men with their white bundles containing babies had made good »
time visiting various houses on the way to line up the extra  j
men. At intervals they came back to me to see that the babies  
were all right, only to disappear again to collect more men and l'
to arrange for boats at the ford. `

  E Fnomiiun muasme snavicia 5
{ At the foot of the mountain we struck the road along Red
,= A Bird River. Here we had to make many detours over fences,
t through fields, the yards of houses (cutting barbed wire where
4, necessary) to avoid wading the river and the many stretches of
‘ deep mud left by the flood.
· At 3:00 a. m. we arrived at a point on the river where we
  had to cross by boat. While the men were nailing two boats
E alongside each other, we went into a nearby house. The occu-
g pants had already been aroused by the advent of the babies,
  who were getting quite a lot of attention. A good fire was p
  burning, so we heated water to refill our hot bottles, and gave
,. the patient some more "shots." Then we paddled across the
i river in relays, for we were about twenty in number now. The
  dark flowing river with overhanging trees, the numerous lan-
i terns, voices calling and the swish of the paddles, made an un-
it forgettable picture—very beautiful but somewhat eerie.
B Arrived at the other side we trudged off once more, first
  up Laurel Branch and then down onto Goose Creek. Laurel
  Branch was bad in parts. We had to wade in the creek as there
  was no side path. It was rocky, with big stones and fallen trees.
  The men were getting weary and had to change every twenty
Y, to thirty yards. But at last we reached Goose Creek, on the
3 other side of which was the State road. A high swinging foot-
I" bridge had to be negotiated. It had numerous slats out under-
  foot and we had to crawl very slowly across. The men said
Q that it was a "good" bridge. Hope I don’t ever have to cross a
7 "bad" one. A small cornfield to cross and then we all thank-
‘ fully deposited our burdens in a house to await the arrival of
`, the truck sent by Dr. Kooser to take us the remainder of the
way. It was now 5:00 a. m. and a bitterly cold March morning
trying to snow. Once more we refilled hot bottles. By this
  time our truck with a small bed in it had arrived. One man
. with the twins rode in the cab, and the patient’s husband and I
  went in the back of the truck with the patient.
ga Not until we sat down did we realize how cold it was. Walk-
  ing had kept us fairly warm, but now our wet feet began to
‘  freeze and throb and cause us acute pain. The patient was be-
  coming more comatosed and was quite blind-—so we made all
  the speed we could and arrived at Hyden Hospital at 7:15 a. m.

.  {
The first sight of that little Hospital on the hill was one of the V 
most welcome that I can remember.  
Before I left the Hospital to return to the Nursing Center  
at Brutus, my patient was making good progress and has since  
made a good recovery. The babies are iine.  
· By ELEANORE W. GEORGE, Courier from Sewickley, Pa.  Q
When the organ of Whiteface most essential Z
Ceased in parts to be providential V
And local vets said "fomentations" j
There were many vital indications 2 
The human young were so increasing  
To replace the old deceasing `
That the midwives could not nurse a cow . 
Or the mountain stork would cause a row. ‘_ 
So Agnes her new courier sent p 
To Confluence, on nursing bent .
She greatest willingness professing '”`` 1
But she no bovine skill possessing.
All day she let the water boil Q
Whether for tea or whether for toil;
She filled the bucket and held the cloth Q
_ And sat and dreamed in happy sloth.
Whenever a rider stormed the gate ‘ .
The courier shook with a wave of hate, " 
For Whiteface was a curious soul g 
And to barn window she must stroll  Q
And spilled the bucket with perfect aim ?
And she rushed to welcome all who came. Q
Against the covv‘s side did the courier lean  i
While she tenderly plied the vaseline; Z
A long tongue with taste buds pricky A
Did make the c0urier‘s neck all sticky; "
But then if she wanted to sing all day  
A patient ear let her have her way; (ri
Or when an old story she’d retell Vi
Whiteface would listen and listen well. {
The udder softened in due time,
Then the courier knew her skill sublime:
" ’twas not wet heat that made her heal
’twas my massage that closed the deal."

'  Medical Director of the Frontier Nursing Service
  Among the problems of our people is that of foodstuffs.
 ‘ Food is literally the axis between health and disease. Because
 T  we are ever interested in an adequate diet for all our people,
 {  we think and speak often in terms of cows, chickens, pigs, gar-
  dens, and crops. Recently, our interest has been centered on a
. concrete dietary problem—pellagra.
` Pellagra is truly an old disease which has been renovated.
_  It was first described by a Spanish physician, Gasper Casal
·  (1691-1759). Francois Thiery was the Hrst to publish an ac-
_.  count of the disorder in 1755. Both of these men referred to
 ’ the disease as "Rose-Sickness". In 1771 an Italian physician,
l Francesco Frapolli, published a careful account of the disease
I giving it the present name of Pellagra which means, "Rough
Skin." It is also referred to as "Mal de la sol" because of its
z seasonal variation and resemblance to sunburn.
From the eighteenth century to the present pellagra has
`  undergone a number of interesting changes. Its separation
·.  from leprosy was a marked advance. For a long time it was
  thought to be a contagious disease because of its rash and the
,  fact that it frequently occurred in more than one member of
  the family. The search for the causative organism proved
  futile and pellagra was Hnally divorced from the acute eruptive
_Q fever group. Lombroso (1836-1909) introduced the "spoiled
_ 1 corn" theory and the men who thought pellagra was caused by
5, eating spoiled corn were called "Zeists." This marked the
1) beginning of the ultimate discovery that the underlying cause
  of pellagra had to do with food. Dr. Joseph Goldberger of the
United States Public Health Service (1912-1928) confirmed this.
This worker produced pellagra experimentally by feeding cer-
‘ tain individuals restricted diets. He also demonstrated that the
,§ same groups were promptly relieved of their symptoms by the
} '

addition of foods such as lean meat, eggs, milk, and fresh vege-  
tables. Here at last was proof that a dietary deficiency existed.  
A number of medical centers have carried on from this point.  
Dr. Spies and Dr. Blankenhorn (University of Cincinnati, ij
Cincinnati, Ohio) were successful in showing a food relation- {
ship in alcoholic pellagrins that was similar to the work of Dr. g
Goldberger. In addition they were able to cure severe cases V
because they could supplement diets with food extracts and _)
concentrates. Somewhere in the substances currently used in
the treatment—Brewer’s Yeast, liver, milk, meat, and eggs- A
there has to be a vitamin common to all, which would be the
equivalent of C (Scurvy) and D (Rickets) in the vitamin alpha-  ’
bet. The clue came from Elvejhem and his co-workers in 1937,  
who showed that "Black Tongue" could be cured by the admin- ;
istration of nicotinic acid. Black tongue is known as "dog
plague" in the south and was common in dogs attached to 4
pellagra households. Nicotinic acid has been known as such  _
since 1867 when it was prepared from nicotine. It was isolated  
from yeast and rice polishings in 1911, and in 1937 from liver, ' 
to cure Black Tongue. But would it cure human pellagra? 3; 
The Frontier Nursing Service comes into the picture at A
, this point. Our geographic location places us in the endemic I
pellagra belt of South Eastern Kentucky. A visit to us from  
Dr. Spies and Dr. Blankenhorn led to an extension of the Uni- _
versity of Cincinnati pellagra program—in the form of a pella- f 
gra clinic at Hazard in Perry County. This was started in April p 
1938. I
The clinic is one in which nicotinic acid is used in a com- ,
bined treatment and prevention study. As with all diseases  
undergoing a renovation, clinical and laboratory studies must  
go hand in hand. It is our good fortune to be a part of the  ,;
clinical phase. The clinic is held at weekly intervals at the  i
Perry County Health office, with the assistance of the staff;  '·
Dr. Buckhold, Miss Alexander and Mrs. Hale. Dr. Blankenhorn .
(Cincinnati, Ohio), and Dr. Collins (Hazard, Ky.), are consult-
ants. The nicotinic acid used in the first seven months of the
study was supplied by the Harris Laboratories, Inc., of Tucka- I

.3 Faomamn Nunsmc smwicm 9
  hoe, New York. Miss Marion Ross (the chief statistician of the
l Frontier Nursing Service), made a valuable statistical analysis
if of the findings and results.
’; ...... .
5 Pellagra is a disease confined in the main to the lower
f income groups, where people do not eat the proper foods, or
4 where the proper foods are not to be had. It is also found in
localities where the method of living has changed. To a lesser
extent it is found secondary to any number of chronic debili-
tating conditions. It is definitely linked with the personal
  economy of the home and the general economy of the commun-
ity, two factors which are non—separable both as causative and
I  as curative agents. Pellagra did not appear in this country
until cotton culture drove out the production of food on the
1, southern plantations; and not in pioneer countries, as among
[ the mountaineers, until all the game animals were killed off so
  that the meat supply became predominantly salt pork.
.  In Kentucky the pellagra pattern is similar to that of its
southern neighbors. It is found endemic in industrial regions,
 ‘ with a spotty distribution in the hill and farm country. From
  the county death rates (Vital Statistics Ky. ’37), the pellagra
area is found to be in the southern part of the state, with its
{ peak in the south east. Additional information shows an- aver-
age of 86 deaths per year (Vital Statistics, Ky. 1930-1937). In
_ this region the area covered by the Frontier Nursing Service
V stands out because pellagra, once endemic, is now rare.
I Classical pellagra begins in the early spring with loss of
  appetite, and loss of weight. Sore tongue, sore mouth, stomach »
  pain, nervousness, diarrhoea and rash follow. Occasionally
 ,  there is faulty ideation and incoherence. The disease is usually
 Q' in full bloom by May. After a period of weeks or months, the
 " disease may recede spontaneously and remain quiescent. There
· is a marked tendency for relapses and recurrences, and the dis-
ease may become chronic. Sometimes the disease shows psychic
disturbances which may progress to insanity. It is estimated
I that 10% of the inmates of the insane asylums in the south

are there because of pellagra. This is formidable when one ,1
reflects that pellagra is a preventable disease.  
The management of the pellagrin has all the customary iQ
variables such as age of the patient, the severity of the attack, l`
and whether it is recurrent, relapsing or chronic. Other sig-
ni1icant points are the present state of the nutrition, number ,
of dependents in the household, the source of the food supply, ’
as well as the amount of food-stuffs consumed. It is a mixed  v_
business with a generous share of the human element always ·i
prominent. T
In due time the Hazard clinic grew to 45 active patients V
with 20 more under observation. The futility of attempting any
changes which economy would not permit was soon apparent,  n
with the result that our concentration was on the use of the
new drug, i. e., nicotinic acid. (Needless to say we passed r
through a lengthy period of trial and error with each patient i
to establish the optimin dose per patient.) The patients were Q
very co-operative. They appreciated our effort to cure their
disease and were interested in the progress they made under the
medication. g
Our clinic continues through the courtesy of the Kentucky .
State Board of Health, who now supply the necessary nicotinic =
' acid. 'We will make additional studies on the role of the new  j
drug in terms of prevention. Sufiicient work has already been  ’
done to prove the curative value of nicotinic acid. .
l We want not only to cure this disease but to prevent it.
The status of nicotinic acid in this role will be ascertained in l
future work. With pellagra, a deficiency disease, foods are of Q
vital importance in prevention. Hence real prevention resides . {
in such homely items as cows, chickens, and gardens. Our  T
studies in prevention will therefore include the diets of our peo-
ple and that of our neighbors in the mining areas. But this is ` 
another chapter and will be covered in a later report.  Al
From a Trustee in Ardmore, Pennsylvania:  
"The Winter edition of the Quarterly Bulletin is full of courageous {
reports both of patients and nursing staff." -  

li `
i From "Parables from Nature," 1855
  "Let me hire you as a nurse for my poor children," said a
` Butterfly to a quiet Caterpillar, who was strolling along a cab-
i bage-leaf in her odd lumbering way. "See these little eggs,"
‘  L continued the Butterfly; "I don’t know how long it will be
Ei before they come to life, and I feel very sick and poorly, and
if I should die, who will take care of my baby butterflies when
  I am gone? Will you, kind, mild, green Caterpillar? But you
j must mind what you give them to eat. They cannot, of course,
live on your rough food. You must give them early dew, and
,` honey from the ilowers; and you must let them ily about only
· a little way at first; for, of course, one can’t expect them to
V use their wings properly all at once. Dear me! it is a sad pity
; you cannot fly yourself. But I have no time to look for another
“ nurse now, so you will do your best, I hope. Dear! dear! I can-
Y not think what made me come and lay my eggs on a cabbage-
leaf! What a place for young butterflies to be born upon! Still
 ° you will be kind, will you not, to the poor little ones? Here, take
.» this gold-dust from my wings as a reward. Oh, how dizzy I am!
=  Caterpillar! you will remember about the food———"
< And with these words the Butterfly drooped her wings and
 A died; and the green Caterpillar, who had not had the oppor-
 · tunity of even saying Yes or No to the request, was left stand-
  ing alone by the side of the Butterfly’s eggs.
 A "A pretty nurse she has chosen, indeed, poor lady!" ex-
} claimed she, "and a pretty business I have in hand! Why, her
 , senses must have left her, or she never would have asked a poor
» crawling creature like me to bring up her dainty little ones!
I Ah! how silly some people are, in spite of their painted clothes
ig and the gold-dust on their wings!"
ip However, the poor Butterfly was dead, and there lay the
  eggs on the cabbage-leaf; and the green Caterpillar had a kind
§ heart, so she resolved to do her best. But she got no sleep

. il
12 THE QUARTERLY Bunnmrin  
that night, she was so very anxious. She made her back quite  
ache with walking all night long round her young charges, for _ F4
fear any harm should happen to them; and in the morning says  
she to herself— i
"Two heads are better than one. I will consult some wise
animal upon the matter and get advice. How should a poor =
crawling creature like me know what to do without asking my
betters ‘?" _i
Now, in the neighbouring corn-field there lived a Lark, and  
the Caterpillar sent a message to him to beg him to come and  
talk to her; and when he came she told him all her diiliculties, li
and asked him what she was to do, to feed and rear the little .$
creatures so different from herself.  
"Perhaps you will be able to inquire and hear something  
about it next time you go up high," observed the Caterpillar Q}
timidly.  l
The Lark said, "Perhaps he should;" but he did not satisfy *
her curiosity any further. Soon afterwards, however, he went  ij
singing upwards into the bright, blue sky. By degrees his voice  
died away in the distance, till the green Caterpillar could not  
hear a sound. It is nothing to say she could not see him; for, {S
poor thing! she never could see far at any time, and had a diifi-  
culty in looking upwards at all, even when she reared herself  
" up most carefully, which she did now; but it was of no use,  J
so she dropped upon her legs again, and resumed her walk 1
around the Butterily’s eggs, nibbling a bit of the cabbage-leaf  
‘ now and then as she moved along.  
"What a time the Lark has been gone!" she cried, at last.  
"I wonder where he is! He must have ilown up higher than  
usual this time! How I should like to know where it is that  ?
he goes to, and what he hears in that curious blue sky!" I
And the green Caterpillar took another turn round the But- :
teri·ly’s eggs.
At last the Lark’s voice began to be heard again. The  K
Caterpillar almost jumped for joy, and it was not long before  
she saw her friend descend with hushed note to the cabbage bed. `€
"News, news, glorious news, friend Caterpillar!" sang the ,
Lark; "but the worst of it is, you won’t believe me!" W

  FRoN·1·1ER Nuasmc snavicm is
  "I believe everything I am told," observed the Caterpillar
_ rj hastily.
  "Well, then, first of all, I will tell you what these little
it creatures are to eat"—and the Lark nodded his beak towards
the eggs. "What do you think it is to be? Guess!"
, "Dew, and the honey out of flowers, I am afraid," sighed
the Caterpillar.
  "No such thing, old lady! Something simpler than that.
rl Something that you can get at quite easily."
  "I can get at nothing quite easily but cabbage-leaves," mur-
 —’ mered the Caterpillar, in distress.
i "Excellent! my good friend," cried the Lark exultingly,
  "you have found it out. You are to feed them with cabbage-
 Q leaves."
  "Never!" said the Caterpillar indignantly. "It was their
 1, dying mother’s last request that I should do no such thing."
I "Their dying mother knew nothing about the matter," per-
  sisted the Lark; "but why do you ask me, and then disbelieve
  what I say'? You have neither faith nor trust."
  "Oh, I believe everything I am told," said the Caterpillar.
Q "Nay, but you do not," replied the Lark; "you won’t believe
  me even about the food, and yet that is but a beginning of what
  I have to tell you. Why, Caterpillar, what do you think those
  little eggs will turn out to be‘?"
 i "Butterf1ies, to be sure," said the Caterpillar.
· "Caterpillars!" sang the Lark; "and you’ll find it out in
i time;" and the Lark iiew away, for he did not want to stay
  and contest the point with his friend.
  "I thought the Lark had been wise and kind," observed the
 Y mild green Caterpillar, once more beginning to walk round the .
Y eggs, "but I find that he is foolishiand saucy instead. Ah, it’s
 ` a pity when people who soar so high are silly and rude never-
 _ theless! Dear! I still wonder whom he sees, and what he does
l up yonder."
E "I would tell you, if you would believe me," sang the Lark,
*; descending once more.
  "I believe everything I am told," reiterated the Caterpillar
  with as grave a face as if it were a fact.
"Then I’ll tell you something else," cried the Lark; "for

the best of my news remains behind. You will one day be a .
L Butterfly yourself."  
"Wretched bird!" exclaimed the Caterpillar, "you jest with I
my inferiority—now you are cruel as well as foolish. Go away!
I will ask your advice no more." I {
"I told you you would not believe me," cried the Lark, .4
nettled in his turn.  it
"I believe everything that I am told," persisted the Cater- »
pillar; "that is"—and she hesitated-—"everything that it is rea-  f
sonable to believe. But to tell me that butterilies’ eggs are _
caterpillars and that caterpillars leave off crawling and get _
wings, and become butterilies!—Lark! you are too wise to be- f
lieve such nonsense yourself, for you know it is impossible." p
"I know no such thing," said the Lark, warmly. "Whether
I hover over the corn-fields of earth, or go up into the depths
of the sky, I see so many wonderful things, I know no reason
why there should not be more. Oh, Caterpillar! it is because
you crawl, because you never get beyond your cabbage-leaf, that
you call any thing impossible."
"Nonsense!" shouted the Caterpillar, "I know what’s possi- - i
ble-, and what’s not possible, according to my experience and
capacity, as well as you do. Look at my long green body and
these endless legs, and then talk to me about having wings and l
V a painted feathery coat! Fool!——"  _
i "And fool you! you would-be-wise Caterpillar!" cried the f
indignant Lark. "Fool, to attempt to reason about what you `.
_ cannot understand! Do you not hear how my song swells with  
rejoicing as I soar upwards to the mysterious wonder-world ?
above? Oh, Caterpillar! what comes to you from thence, re-  {
ceive as I do upon trust."  {
"How am I to learn?" asked the Caterpillar-  Q
At that moment she felt something at her side. She looked »
round——eight or ten little green caterpillars were moving about,  i
and had already made a show of a hole in the cabbage—leaf. I
They had broken from the Butterfly’s eggs! '
Shame and amazement filled our green friend’s heart, but
joy soon followed; for, as the first wonder was possible, the  
second might be so too. "Teach me your lesson, Lark!" she ·»
would say; and the Lark sang to her of the wonders of the in

 p earth below, and of the heaven above. And the Caterpillar
-l talked all the rest of her life to her relations of the time when
T she should be a Butterfly.
But none of them believed her. She nevertheless had learnt
the Lark’s lesson of faith, and when she was going into her
Qi, chrysalis grave, she said—"I shall be a Butterfly some day!"
I But her relations thought her head was wandering, and
they said, "Poor thing!"
i And when she was a Butterily, and was going to die again,
E she said—
» "I have known many wonders—I can trust even now for
_ what shall come next!"
. Among the one-legged people in our territory, are three who need im-
· mediate attention. Mrs. Clercy H. of Bowen’s Creek neighborhood, lost a
 A leg sometime ago and her sons with the utmost difficulty saved and saved,
out of nothing to save, and bought an artificial leg for her. It was carried
_ to her on muleback and it doesn’t fit and causes continual irritation.
. Lily Mitchell is a thirteen-year-old child whose leg was amputated
, in our Hospital years ago and who has been using crutches. She is not
_ comfortable and cannot get the exercise needed at her age, but it is too
  expensive to provide a series of legs for a growing child.
A Mrs. Lula C. of Leatherwood Creek is a one-legged widow who looks
 g after a house of little children and her garden on crutches, and manages
to eke out a living with help from her old father on the crops. Obviously
 I there is no possibility in that family of buying a leg.
 v_ We have worked out a plan for these three people through the gen-
if erous kindness of our friend, Dr. John A. Caldwell of Cincinnati. On
  passes given us by the L. & N. Railroad, we can take them to Cincinnati
‘ without cost. The Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati will take Lily without
; charge, and Christ Hospital has agreed to give Short-time hospitalization
‘ to the two women without charge. Dr. Caldwell personally will examine
 I Mrs. Clercy H. and have her leg re-fitted by an artificial limb maker. He
_ will also contrive a makeshift artificial leg that will tide Lily over for
the next couple of years. The only expense attached to these arrange-
ments is the need for one new artificial leg for Mrs. Lula C. A good one
“¤  can be had for approximately $150.00. Will one of you please send us
the money for this leg? A poor widow with children and a garden to
l keep and no assistance but what an old father and neighbors can give her,
J really does need a new leg when her natural leg has been cut off.

, I
` I I
NOTE: The mother of twins Marcus and Martha had died beyond our  
districts, and we were given care of the babies pending arrangements with
their grandparents to take them. The grandparents do live in one of our .
districts so an F. N. S. nurse visits