xt7cc24qk55q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qk55q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2000-01-jan25. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-01-jan25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-01-jan25. 2000 2000-01-jan25. 2011 true xt7cc24qk55q section xt7cc24qk55q 


                              Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                          1:00 P.M.
                                      January 25, 2000


Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1   President's Report to the Trustees
        A.  Report on University Computing

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A.  Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center

PR 4    Community College System (No items to report)

PR 5    Lexington Campus
        A. Appointment of Dean of the College of Law

PR 6    Medical Center
        A.  Proposed New Doctor of Nursing Practice
        B.  Proposed New Doctor of Public Health Program

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the Six
            Months Ended December 31, 1999
 2.    Appointment of External Auditor
 3.    Report of Leases
 4.     1999-2000 Budget Revisions
 5.    Patent Assignment Report
 6.    George and Betty Blanda Gift
 7.    Lexmark International, Inc. Pledge
 8.    Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation Gift and Pledge
 9.    Philip Morris Companies, Inc. Gift and Pledge
 10.    R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Pledge
 11.    Chris T. Sullivan Pledge
 12.    Gift from the Estate of Farrell R. Worley
 13.    Notice of Federal Interest Requirement
 14.    Resolution Approving a Financing/Lease Agreement for Approved Educational Building Projects

Ad Hoc Committee on Board of Trustees Committees

Board Resolution


       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
January 25, 2000.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1 :10 p.m., and the invocation
was pronounced by Dr. Elissa Plattner.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Ted
Bates, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. James Glenn III, Mr. Merwin
Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe
Miles (Chairman), Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Dr. Daniel R. Reedy, Ms. Marian
Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Mr. Russell Williams
and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. C. Frank Shoop and Mr. Billy B.
Wilcoxson. The University administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington,
Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell,
Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, and George DeBin; Dr. Juanita Fleming,
Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of Athletics, and Mr.
Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:14 p.m.

      C.    Approval of Minutes

      Mr. Miles said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on December 14, 1999 had been
distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Mr. Reed asked that the Minutes show his
presence at the Board meeting. Ms. Sims moved that the Minutes be approved as amended. Mr.
Chellgren seconded the motion, and it carried.

      D.    Board Resolution

      Dr. Reedy requested that the order of the Board agenda be changed and that the Board
Resolution at the end of the agenda be presented at this time. The motion carried. Dr. Mather
asked Governor Breathitt to come forward.


- 2 -

       Dr. Mather read the following resolution on behalf of Governor Edward T. Breathitt:

                                   Edward T. Breathitt

          Fifty-first Governor of Kentucky, 1963-1967, presided over enormous
          changes sweeping over the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

          The clamor for equal opportunities and justice for all along with
          education, labor, and working conditions, preservation of land and
          resources, cold field legislation, recreation and tourism, and health and
          welfare gave him a full agenda while Governor. The betterment of
          Kentucky and all its citizens were his motivation during his years of
          Governor and remain his lifetime commitment and joy today. To quote
          from Harrison and Klotter's History of Kentucky, "The major achievement
          in integration came about under the new Governor, Edward T. Breathitt,
          Jr. Attempts to pass a statewide public accommodations bill in 1964
          brought The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., The Reverend Ralph
          David Abernathy and Jackie Robinson to a March rally attended by
          thousands at the State Capitol in Frankfort. Backed by Governor Breathitt
          and legislative leaders, the Kentucky Civil Rights Act of 1966 passed
          easily and was signed into law at the base of the statue of Abraham
          Lincoln in the Capitol Rotunda. The first such act in the South, the law
          opened public accommodations to all races and prohibited discrimination
          in employment."

          Recently selected as President of the Kentucky Historical Society, this
          new role is a worthy successor to his leadership to his alma mater as chair
          and member of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees.

          It has been written that we are carved out of time at a time not of our own
          choosing. We are histories. What we create out of that time is of our own

          Governor Breathitt's contributions supported and encouraged by his
          talented family are generous and without boundaries and for this we
          express our sincere gratitude.

      Governor Breathitt was congratulated and received a round of applause. His wife, Lucy,
was recognized and asked to come to the front of the room to be with Governor Breathitt.
Governor Breathitt was presented a gift from the Board of Trustees, with the following
                                To Governor Edward T. Breathitt
                                  Chairman, Board of Trustees
                                     University of Kentucky
                     "Education is a journey to the land of a thousand harvests."


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       Governor Breathitt thanked the Board and said he was surprised and very grateful for the
recognition. He said he intended to continue devoting every ounce of his energies in support of
the University. Governor Breathitt received another round of applause.

       Mr. Reed then read the following:

          "Dear Governor Breathitt,

          In recognition of your lifetime service to the causes of civil rights and
          education, members of the Board have made a contribution to the Lyman
          T. Johnson Fund at this University in your name.

          With our good wishes,

          The Board of Trustees at the University of Kentucky."

       Mr. Reed added that he had sitting at home as a centerpiece on his mantel a
picture of Governor Breathitt shaking the hand of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when
Dr. King came to visit the State Capitol and to visit Governor Breathitt. Standing
behind Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is none other than Jackie Robinson and the person
that's at the center of that who was initiating it all and leading it all is our friend,
Governor Breathitt. He thanked Governor Breathitt very much.

       Governor Breathitt was honored with another round of applause.

       Governor Breathitt responded, "Thank you. If there's any justification for my
public career, not only in education, it is the role I played in the civil rights movement
in Kentucky. And I'm proud of this state. Thank you."

      E.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. According to the National Science Foundation research rankings, the University of
          Kentucky has moved among public institutions from 46h in 1997 to 32nd in 1998. It
          has also moved from 67th to 49th place among all public and private universities

      2. UK ranked 14th nationally among land-grant institutions, 22nd among public
          universities, and 38th overall in licensing income, and patents. UK reported $2.36
          million in royalties last year on 14 licenses.

      3. Sandy Isenstadt, Architecture, and Joanne Melish, History, have received National
          Endowment for the Humanities fellowships.


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       4. J. W. Patterson, Communication Professor and Debate Coach, has received the
           National Debate Coaches Association's Lifetime Achievement Award. Professor
           Patterson is one of only four coaches in the nation to earn this award, which goes to
           those who have spent more than 30 years of service to debate in our colleges and

       5. The Ph.D. Program in Nutritional Sciences, which is soon to be a graduate center, is
          one of only three programs in the country singled out to receive a fellowship from the
          U.S. Department of Agriculture. This fellowship is for two $22,000 stipends per year
          for three years to recruit top pre-doctoral students. Linda Chen has been the director
          of the program since it began in 1989.

       6. The UK Cheerleaders have won their sixth straight National Championship. The UK
          duo of Brooke Davis and Tim Passlacqua won the National Partner Stunt
          competition. This is very intense competition, and the cheerleaders are to be

       7. The College of Agriculture has been singled out for an "Excellence in College and
          University Distance Education" award. The award includes a $5,000 stipend for the
          college to strengthen and support distance education programs.

       8. The UK Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery opened this month. The Center will
          use interactive video technology to beam laparoscopic surgeries performed at UK
          Hospital to sites all over the world.

       President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to
appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Ms. Sims
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

       President Wethington continued his report with PR 3 and said that the Report on
University Computing would be at the end of his report.

       G.    Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Librara and Learning Center (PR 3A)

       President Wethington said that PR 3A is a recommendation concerning the Lucille
Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center. He said that Mrs. Little gave the
University $1 million to renovate what is unofficially called "King Library North." He said he
was pleased to recommend that this newly renovated "King Library North" facility be officially



renamed "The Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center." He said he was
pleased to recommend approval of PR 3A.

       Mr. Bates moved the approval of PR 3A. His motion, seconded by Mr. Grayson, carried.
(See PR 3A at the end of the minutes.)

       H.    Community College System (PR 4)

       There were no items from the Community College System.

       I.    Appointment of Dean of the College of Law (PR 5A)

       President Wethington said PR 5A is a recommendation for the appointment of a Dean of
the College of Law. He asked Chancellor Zinser to comment about the appointment of Professor
Allan Walker Vestal.

       Chancellor Zinser said it was a real pleasure for her to introduce Allan W. Vestal as the
new dean of the College of Law, effective July 1, 2000, pending the approval of the Board.
Chancellor Zinser recognized Bob Schwemm and Gene Gaetke for their extraordinary leadership
since the resignation of Dean David Shipley in June 1998. Professor Gaetke was asked to stand
and be recognized, following which he received a round of applause. Chancellor Zinser also
asked all the faculty, staff, and students from the College of Law to stand and be recognized,
following which they received a round of applause. She noted that Professor Schwemm was
teaching class and could not attend the meeting.

      Chancellor Zinser asked Professor Vestal to stand while she reviewed his credentials.
Professor Vestal is currently the Associate Dean and Professor of Law at Washington and Lee
University School of Law. He received his bachelor's degree and his J.D. from Yale University.
At the undergraduate level, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and was inducted into Phi Beta
Kappa. Following law school, he worked as an Associate for Foley & Lardner in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin and as an associate and partner at Shuttleworth & Ingersoll in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
He practiced in these two firms for over a period of ten years prior to going into the Academy.
He joined Washington and Lee University as a faculty member in 1989 and not long after that
was promoted into administrative assignments. He has also served as Visiting Professor at the
University of Maine Law School. He is a member of the American Law Institute. Professor
Vestal has focused his scholarly activities principally on partnership law. He is a nationally
known scholar in the area and teaches courses in a variety of areas. He has served Washington
and Lee as a committee member on the Strategic Planning Committee and on search committees
for the Computer Center Director and the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations. He
and his wife, Brenda, have two small children.

      President Wethington thanked Chancellor Zinser and said he was pleased to bring to the
Board the recommendation that Allan Walker Vestal be appointed as Dean of the College of Law
effective July 1, 2000. Mr. Reed moved approval of PR 5A. Ms. Sparks seconded the motion,
and it passed. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)


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       Mr. Miles welcomed Dean Vestal to the University of Kentucky.

       President Wethington welcomed Dean Vestal and said he was delighted to have him join
the faculty and the administration of the University of Kentucky.

       J.    Proposed New Doctor of Nursing Practice (PR 6A)

       President Wethington said that PR 6A is a recommendation that the Board of Trustees
approve the proposed new degree program, Doctor of Nursing Practice. He said that it is a
professional program designed to prepare nurses for senior leadership level positions in health
systems and that this proposed program, if approved by the Board, must go on to the Council on
Postsecondary Education for final approval. He noted that it had been reviewed and
recommended by the Senate's Academic Programs Committee, the Senate Council, and the
University Senate.

       President Wethington explained that this program is based at the University of Kentucky
but will serve the entire Commonwealth. He asked Chancellor Holsinger to comment on it in
terms of its statewide scope.

       Chancellor Holsinger noted that this particular program will have some components that
will be delivered by distance learning so that nurses across the state will have an opportunity to
participate in it. The program will be located at UK and will be a complementary program to the
Ph.D. in Nursing that already exists. He added that this is the practice degree to go along with
the academic research degree.

       Dr. Stumbo moved approval. Ms. Wickliffe seconded the motion, and it carried. (See
PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Proposed New Doctor of Public Health Program (PR 6B)

      President Wethington said that PR 6B is a proposed new degree program, Doctor of
Public Health. He explained that this is a professional practice degree designed to prepare
students for careers as senior level administrators, applied researchers, policymakers, and
educators addressing public health issues. He reminded the Board of the agreement distributed
at the last Board meeting noting the roles that the University of Kentucky and the University of
Louisville would play in public health in the state of Kentucky. The School of Public Health will
be relocated and accredited at the University of Kentucky. This proposal is in line with that
agreement. This proposed program must also go to the Council on Postsecondary Education for
approval. Mr. Stumbo moved the approval of PR 6B. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and
the motion carried. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.)

      L.    Report on University Computing (PR 1A)

      President Wethington asked Dr. Ben Carr to make the presentation on University
Computing. He explained that Gene Williams was out with the flu, and Dr. Carr graciously
agreed to give the presentation. President Wethington noted that this topic came up in a


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discussion with the Chair and Vice-Chair about administrative computing and the direction that
UK is heading in regard to administrative computing systems. Gene Williams and his staff
prepared a report dealing with the entire computing picture at the University of Kentucky. This
report is specifically focused on administrative computing and the changes for the future.

       Dr. Carr gave the following report:

       Information Systems (IS) is an important part of the University of Kentucky that involves
more than computing. Today I want to discuss the units within IS, and then spend most of the
time on administrative computing, and our plans to improve administrative computing at UK.
An important part of IS is Network Communications. The myriad of networks within the
University connect the various computing systems of the institution, and connect the University
to the outside world. The James F. Hardymon Networking Center when established will keep
the University on the cutting edge of this technology. But, we also have many older buildings at
the University, and we also need to communicate with each one of these facilities. The campus
infrastructure is in rather good shape. With the William T. Young Library at the hub of this
network infrastructure, we have a good cable, wireless and fiber optic network in place. UK was
one of the early participants in Internet2, which now includes 170 participants as of January
2000. We made the decision early on to use Cisco architecture for the UK networks. The
Internet essentially runs on Cisco equipment worldwide.

       Research computing has been an area of emphasis at the University. In 1999 UK's
supercomputer facility was ranked in the top 200 sites in the world; in the top 20 sites in all
public and private universities in the U.S.; and the upgrade planned for spring of 2000 will place
the facility in the top ten university sites. The supercomputing facility serves the obvious
disciplines in science and engineering, but also supports some areas that might not be so obvious.
One example is the UK Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, known commonly as "keyhole"
surgery. This technique is taught at UK utilizing an Immersive 3D training environment that
allows students to perfect intricate procedures before working on patients. Using three-
dimensional imagery and tactile feedback provides the realistic virtual world needed for such
training. Communications technology allows observation of the techniques via interactive
television or the Internet.

       Supercomputing is also supportive of the humanities and the arts. Another example is the
work being done by one of our own faculty members with Beowulf. Our only knowledge of
Beowulf comes from an eleventh century copy. This copy was badly damaged in a fire in 1751.
The copy was put between glass plates and displayed in a museum in England. Access to the
document for research purposes was limited, since this required removal from the museum
display, and public access was denied. Digitization of the document by a UK faculty member
allows access worldwide via the Internet. And computer enhancement has recovered hundreds
of words and letters previously lost due to crumbling of the charred edges of the manuscript.

       These two examples illustrate the versatility and importance of research computing.

       Another important area in IS is Instructional Computing. Currently, student computer
labs offer 1,300 seats with access to up-to-date network computers. The computers are replaced


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on a two to three year cycle, and software is updated to insure that students are using the latest
versions. This past summer all dorm rooms were wired to provide Internet access to residence
hall students. ResNet, as the system is known, is now fully operational.

       The William T. Young Library deserves some attention in the presentation today. We
could say that this library houses one of the ten largest networks in the Commonwealth and
serves as the hub of the campus network infrastructure.

       UK libraries currently have an American Research Library (ARL) ranking of 30. A
Strategic Indicator in the 1998 Strategic Plan update is to reach an ARL ranking of 28 by 2003.

       The Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) has standardized the library systems in
the State of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville provide
technology services for the rest of the state universities and the Kentucky Community and
Technical College System (KCTCS). UK currently provides electronic access for the collections
at Eastern Kentucky University, Northern Kentucky University, Morehead State University,
Kentucky State University, and, a recent addition, the State Library and Archives collection. The
University has also been asked to provide electronic access services for the Kentucky
Commonwealth Virtual Library.

       The Distance Learning Technology Center (DLTC) provides technical support for
distance learning activities at the University. Specifically, the Center provides support
mechanisms for a Web-enabled approach to distance learning. This Center provides a team
approach by bringing together instructional designers, graphic programmers, producers from
Media Design and Production, and faculty to produce and offer distance learning courses. The
DLTC has established a relationship with the Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual University and
supports UK faculty offering courses via KCVU. The Distance Learning Technology Center is
located in the William T. Young Library.

       The Publishing and Postal Services unit in IS may, at first, seem unrelated to computing
services. But this unit is heavily dependent on technology, and the future of publishing, printing
and postal operations is directly tied to networking, computing and the Internet.

       Before we talk about administrative computing at the University, I want to briefly discuss
our efforts to prepare for the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem. Vice President Williams gave you a
report in December on our Y2K efforts. Today's report is a follow-up to that report, now that
January 1, 2000 has come and gone. Our strategy, as you may recall, was to remediate our core
systems in preparation for Y2K. Our core systems include the Student Information System, the
Financial Resource System, the Human Resource System, the Supercomputer Research System,
the NOTIS Library System, and healthcare systems in the Chandler Medical Center. In this last
category (healthcare systems) we remediated the Patient Care, Patient Management and Patient
Acco.^ nting Systems.

      Why did we choose to remediate instead of replace our core systems? There were three
primary reasons: (1) since many other institutions were planning to replace legacy systems as
their Y2K solution, the price of software and consultants would be greatly increased; (2) the


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software was immature, and several key modules were not even available; (3) our systems were
operating and providing basic services. With remediation, we could continue operating until the
first two conditions improved.

       Now let's look at Administrative Computing, the remaining part of Information Systems.
In 1998 the Board of Trustees approved the Strategic Plan Update. Administrative computing
was an important part of that plan. An enabling strategy in the Plan was as follows:

       Provide administrative and management information systems based upon
       contemporary technology architectures that are cost effective and responsive to
       University needs.

       The Strategic Indicator was as follows:

       Implement a plan to acquire, install, operate, and support state-of-the-art
       administrative and management information systems.

       In July of 1998, President Wethington appointed the President's Committee on
Administrative Computing with members representing the various parts of the University. He
charged the Committee to:

       * Obtain input from a variety of sources and broadly share information with the
          University community.
       * Broadly identify opportunities to use new technologies to encourage changes in
          processes and functions, potential operational efficiencies and effectiveness
          improvements, improvements in the delivery of services, and competitive advantage
          and flexibility.
       * Provide institutional leadership and commitment in support of the implementation
          and operation of new information systems, by serving as an advisory group
          throughout the implementation.
       * Provide advice on appropriate implementation timelines and priorities consistent with
          institutional priorities.

       The committee worked for six months, visited several institutions, talked to vendor
representatives, and then submitted a report to President Wethington. The report included five

       1. The University should move forward expeditiously to replace the major
          administrative information systems.

       2. A single vendor should be selected for the replacement of the University
          administrative systems.

3. Customization of the purchased software must be kept to a minimum.


- 10-

       4. Consultant support during project implementation is critical to a successful

       5. The financial resources system module should be brought up first.

       Why did the Committee recommend a single vendor? Why not choose the best student
information system software, the best financial software, the best human resource system
software - the "best of breed" approach - and then connect these disparate systems? The answer
is that this approach will not work and will drive implementation costs astronomically while
making the implementation an endless task.

      What we want for the University of Kentucky is an enterprise approach - a single
relational database, integrated software, with no core systems outside this enterprise database.
The student, human resources, financials, development and advancement, and grants
management systems must use a single relational database. This enterprise approach will allow
us to develop workflow efficiencies, use web access for core system users, utilize simpler
reporting tools, and incorporate imaging as that technology increases in importance. This
approach is also known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). One enterprise database allows:

       * Central security
          Central staff to support database
       * Production integrity (24 X 7)
       * Disaster recovery
       * E-Commerce opportunities
       * Unmodified software

       The keys to controlling cost in implementing ERP is to:
             * Adopt the Enterprise concept for UK's data
             * Install unmodified enterprise-class software
             * Control the schedule

      I have now mentioned, "unmodified software" twice as being an important characteristic
 of implementing a new administrative system at UK. We realize that it is unlikely that we will
 make no modifications to whatever ERP software we purchase. What we must commit to is a
 thorough assessment of the current and future cost of any recommended modifications. We
 will pay the vendor or the consultants to make the changes, and then we will have a cost each
 time the software is upgraded (at least once per year) forever. We must minimize the
 modifications, and thus the recurring cost associated with any changes. Fortunately, the
 software systems are very flexible and should require few, if any, modifications. We may have
 to change some workflow or office procedures, but we should be able to use the software
 essentially as purchased.

      Other considerations in implementing the ERP system at UK:

      1. Information Systems staff will maintain the current (legacy) systems during
          new ERP system installation.


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       2. Staff will train and bring up their own skills to accommodate the enterprise
       3. Time = money when using consultants.
       4. Cost avoidance of replacing current mainframe.
       5. Chandler Medical Center ISIS project will depend on the ERP system
          installation, which should be installed in advance to coordinate the financial

       What will be the cost to the University for implementing this ERP system? There are two
answers to this question. First, we really don't know at this point in the process. Second, we can
estimate what the cost should be.

       The University prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the administrative system.
Vendors have responded. An evaluation committee, assisted by a committee of technical
advisers, will evaluate these vendor proposals to see which vendor best fits the requirements of
the University. We will negotiate with the vendors, and choose one vendor. Then we will
prepare an RFP for the consultant to assist us in implementation. That consultant will spend two
to three months on campus working with the functional area users of the software to see how
well the software will meet the detailed requirements of the institution and will develop an
implementation schedule and guaranteed maximum price for the implementation. At that point
we must make the decision whether to proceed or stop the process. If the cost estimate is too
high, or if the software is not a good fit with UK requirements, our RFP allows us to stop the
process at this point.

       Vice President Williams estimates that the cost of the software and consultants should be
about $14 million, spread across five years. This figure also includes some back-filling of staff
positions for those staff involved in implementation. We hope we can implement a new
administrative system in about two years, with few modifications, for about $14 million. Then
we can shut down our legacy systems, add additional software modules as needed and available,
and work with the vendor to incorporate new features in the core software as we gain some
experience in using the new system.

      In summary, Information Systems at the University of Kentucky plays an important role
in providing the technological support necessary to keep the University at the forefront in
teaching, research and service. Today I have discussed the role and responsibilities of IS and
spent considerable time on administrative