xt7cc24qk544 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7cc24qk544/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-08-sep24. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-08-sep24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-08-sep24. 1929 1929-08-sep24. 2011 true xt7cc24qk544 section xt7cc24qk544 

    Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for Tuesday, September
24, 1929.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
in regular quarterly session in the President's office at the
University on Tuesday, September 24, 1929, at 11:30 a. m.
the following members were present: Governor Flem D. Sampson,
Superintendent W. C. Bell, Newton Bright, Judge R. C. Stoll,
James Park, Robert G. Gordon, Louis Hillenmeyer, and E. B.
Webb.   Meeting with the Board were Frank L. McVey, President
of the University, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the

     The minutes of the Board of Trustees for the June meeting,
at which there was not a quorum present, were on motion, duly
made and seconded, adopted as the minutes of the Board at
this meeting, and approved .as published.   The minutes ox
the Executive Committee since the June meeting of the Board
were approved as published.

     (1) Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the
Business Agent was read and ordered received and filed and
recorded in the minutes.   This report was as follows:

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                      Month of August, 1929



To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation     42,750.00
  State Tax
  Student Fees                117.10
  Student Fees - Sum. Sch. 33,595.70
  Student Fees - U.H.S.         10.00
  Student Fees - U. Exten.   1,619.90
  Miscellaneous Receipts       349.84
  Gen. Ed. Bd. ,-New Ed.Bldg.
  Rentals                      250.00
  Ments Dormitory            1,315.00



1,734. 55


60,626. 30

56, 325.46


213 981. 44



Instruct ion
Adm& Expense and MafTi.
Additions and Betterments



39,198. 18

Excess of Expend. ovex

Patterson Hall Income
  Room Rent - Summer School

Additions & Bettetments

Excess of Income over Ex-

General Pund Income
GenetA2l Pund Expenditures

(61.5307?56) (54.996.21)

    135o,0    43030.50


.. -.O 9506


( i 2Q93.e4) _    _4_____


60 761i 30


Excess of General Pund Ex-
ponditures over Income        8

Excess of Expenditures over Re-
ceipts for General Ledger
Accounts                      2

,668.66  (63,60100) (54i,92;34)

O770.55    (5,574.09)  (t*803.64)

1928-1929 Accounts Payable Liqui-
dated During Current Year   C7,261.52)

Excess of Expendituxes over
Rec. for fiscal year to date-
General Fund                4_,117,_69

Excess of Expend. over Rec,
for the fiscal year to date
General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1929
General Fund
Cash in Bank August 31, 1929
G1eneral Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
           Total Receipts

  Student 1?oten

96.9 54


-(8.110.47) L15(371,87)

           g 739107. 87)



Q - 0. 0
Q   Q1-20

  213 .05

- 1-303.27_.


- 2 357. 31



Excess of Receipts over


Excess of Receipt s over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
Trust Fund
Cash in Bank Auzust 31, 1929 -
Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
Hatch - Federal Appro.    3,750.00
Milk and But-tber - Cash
   Receipts                 1,372.34
 Beef Cattle Sales         3,079.36
 Dairy Cattle Sales           35.00
 Sheep Sales                 188.98
 Poultry Sales               308.50
 Farrm Produce Sales          74.44
 Horticultural Sales         260.71
 Seed Test
 Rentals                     201.73
 Miscellaneous Receipts
 Fetilizer -- Fees        ,312.50
 Feeding Stuffs - Fees     5,037.00
 Adarms - Federal Appro.   3,750.00
 Se rur - Sales              513.65
    - Virus Saleru         34.95
        - Supply Sales         33.90
    H  -   ~Miscellaneous Rec.  4.35
  Creamery - License Fees   5,196,00
    B     - Testers' Lic.  1,164.00
    H     - Glassware Test.  126.12
  Purnell - Fed. Appro.    15,000.00
  State Appro. - Patter-
  son Farm Purchase       20,000.00
  Nursery Inspection -
  Fees                       155.00
  Nursery Inspection - St.
  Cream Grading               475.00
  Abortion Test               175.00
         Total             61,248.59

Add. and Betterments



   335. 73

  . 26.60
  74. 31





   38-8.c 8




75,303. 32








Excess of Expend. over

15 - 908. 59



Excess of Expend. over
  Inc. for the fiscal year
  to date - Experiment Sta-



Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
Experiment Station
Cash in Bank August 31,
1929 - Experimnnt Station

Extension Division Income
Federal Smith-Lever       76,120.65
  Fedcral Supplementary     27,321.28
  Federal Capper-Ketcham    18,645.97
  County and Other             215.75
             Total         122,303.65

  Expense                   21,089.79

  Excess of Income over Ex-
  penditures             101,213.88

  Excess of Income over Ex-
    pend. for the fiscal year
    to date - Extension Div.

  597.95        813.74
  597.99    122.901.64

31,340.42'    52,4130.21

(30.742.43)    70 $4-71.43


Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 -
Extension Division

Cash in Bank August ~1, 1929 -
Extension Division

  General Fund Income
  Trust Fund Income
  Experiment Station Inc
  Extension Div. Income

  General Fund Exnend.
  Trust" Fund Expend,
  Exp. Station Expend.
  Ext. Div. Expend.

 61,20 48.59
 122,303. 35
 341 ,282.2

 149,9641. 98
 215.436. 77

 72 ,419 9l. 15


  - 213.05
  72 ,1'2.34



75 046. 64



Excess of Income over



Excess of Expenditures
  over Rec. for Gen.
  Ledger Accounts

2,770. 55



Student Loan Fund -

1928-1929 Accounts Pay-
  able liquidated during
  Current Year            (7,261. 52)

Excess of Expenditures over Rec.
  for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund   121,506.68

Excess of Expenditures
  over Receipts for the
  fiscal year to date
  Cormbined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand
July 1, 1929 - Combined
Cash in Bank and on hand
August 31, 1929 - Combined







105,679. 72

Abstract of item shown on Statement
of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
of Expenditures over Receipts for
General Ledger Accounts $2,803.54."


Accounts Receivable



Insurance Paid in Advance  359.05

Sundry Accounts


26,840. 33

24 .036. 79








     (2) Audit of University Accounts.   President McVey report-
ed to the Board that following its custom for several years
for an external audit of the accounts of the University, that
tue firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Comlpany, of ChicaNo,
had made an annual audit of the Univeisity's accounts and had
presented its report, the facts of which will be made known
to menbers of the Board and remain open for public inspection.
On motion, duly made and seconded, the report of audit was
ordered received and filed and the bill of this concern for
mak ing the audit, amounting to $700.00, was ordered paid.

     (3) Insurance on AM en's Dormitories.  On motion duly -made
and seconded, it was ordered that insurance be placed on Kin-
kead Hall and Breckinridge Hall, two dormitories for men just
being completed.

     (4) Insurance on Dairy Building.   On motion, duly made
and seconded, it was ordered that builders' risk insurance
to the amount of $25,000 be placed on the Dairy Building.

     (5) Salary of Business Agent.  On motion, duly made and
seconded, it was ordered that the salary of D. H. Peak, Bus-
iness Agent, be increased by `337.50 for one month during t-he
year, to offset premium paid on his bond as Business Agent
of the University.

     (6) Loss of Governr.ient Check. The Business Agent report-
ed to the Board that a check for S4,322 being transmitted by
mail from the State Auditor's office to the University Treas-
urer, covering the semi-annual and endowment payments from
the Federal Government to the University under the Morrill
Act, had been lost in transit.   He reported that payment on
tAe check had been stopped, and that the State Auditor required
that he execute a bond to cover this item before reissuing
thle check.  A motion was made, seconded and adopted, authoriz-
ing the Business Agent to execute such a bond.

     (7) Payments to Security Trust Company on Dormitories.
A bill from the Security Trust Company, covering interest on
rmoneys advanced for erecting two dormitories, rental for one
year, and other items covered in the Board's contract with
them, was presented.   A motion was made, seconded, and car-
ried that t' e bill be examined. and, if found correct, it
should be paid.



     (8)  Sale of State Warrants.  The Business Agent made
inquiry of the Board regarding the sale of state warrants,
indicating that he was holding warrants in the amount of ap-
proximately $125,000.   The Board expressed the opinion that
the warrants should be held for the present.

     (9) Quarterly Report of the President.   President McVey
made a brief, oral quarterly report, in substance as follows:

     (a) Attendance.  At the present tine, September 24,
there are enrolled at the University 2801 students, pointing.
to a total enrollment of about 2,900 students for the semester.
This is an increase of 16756o in a period of ten years.  The
total enrollment at the same time a year ago was 4437,for the
entire year including the summer session was 3,782, and in-
cludingn University Extension students, was 4,951.  The number
of graduate students enrolled last year was 483, which shows
a considerable development in the Graduate School.

     (b) Housing.   The construction of two new dormitories
for Glen, under the amortization plan authorized at the last
session of tho-Legislature, has been corpleted.  This mak-es
a total of three ments dormitories, and these will now hriouse
274 students.   These are only about 805% full at the present
time, due largely to the fact that the buildings were not
finished when the University opened.   The worae-n' s dormiitories
are full and very crowded.   At the present time there are
about 1,000 women enrolled in the University.

     (c) Fraternity Houses.   The fraternity house situation
has improved somewhat, but most of the houses are inadequate.
It is nossiole that tihe University should consider a plan for
improving the situation, such as that carried out by North-
western University and elsewhere, whereby the University
would build fraternity houses and rent them to students, eventu-
ally resulting in the students owning the houses.

     (d) Construction of Buildings,   Progress on the construction
of buildings may be stated briefly as follows: The Marmorial
Building has been completed, dedicated, and used for various
purposes.   McVey Hall has been completed and is now occupied.
The Education Building is about 70%FQ completed.  The excavation
has been made for the Library Building and the foundation put
in.   The Dairy Products Building is about two-thirds completed.



     (c) Repairs. During the sumraer repairs have been made
to the old heating plant.   New boilers were installed there.
The old ones had been in for thirty-eight years and toey
were no longer regarded as safe by the insurance authorities.
New. boilers have been installed in the Agricultural Building,
with heating facilities to take care of the Memorial Building.
Chlanges have been made in the basement of the Adninistration
Building to provide offices for the Dean of Women.

     (f)  Traffic Problems.   The traffic situation on the
Unive:-sity carapus has become serious. Some 400 cars are
parked on the campus daily.   Some betterment in traffic con-
trol has.been made by closing the rain road across the campus
and ,mak/19one way traffic Provision on the front drive.
The w.hole problem demands study and suitable regulations pro-
inulgated by the Board of Trustees.  (At this point the situa-
tion was taken up and discussed, and a motion was made, second-
ed and carried, authorizing suitable regulations to be drawn
up and issued in the name of the Board of Trustees).

     (5) Educetional Problems. Several educational problems
are before the University at the present time.   These nrobleras
are:  (1) The study of a quarter system of instruction for the
University;  (2) A survey of the Registrar's office; (3) A
study of the possibilit' es of a personnel and appointrnent bu-
reau;  (4) There is also the problen of evening classes in
the City of Lexington; and (5) The problem of rearrangement
of the schedule.   Too miiany classes are scheduled for morning
hours, making congestion in the work.    It seems that we
should distribute the instruction more evenly throughout thle

     (h) Financial Matters.   When buildings now under con-
struction shall hawe been finished, the present building pro-
gram will come to an end.   Our audit reports show that the
total assets of the University are now 14,110,735.    In 1919,
tihe assets were shomn as Al 548,107.  aDring that period the
Legislature has provided s860,0o0 for the construction of
buildings.   The difference in value, $2,552,628 represents
what has been added to the value of thie plant during the decade
just passed.   This has been made possible by careful mnanage-
zinent and careful handling of funds.

      (i) Nced for Buildings.   Additional buildings for the
University are needed and should be provided in the near future.
I may montion the following: (1) An Engineering Building;
(2) A Home Economics Building;  (3) Laboratories for science
work, particularly Botany, Zoology, Geology and Psychology;



(4) An Adr:inistration Building;  (5) A Commerce Building;
(6) A general heating plant; and (7) A maintenance building
where general equipment- of the University nay be housed.

     (j) Legslative Requests.   We shall have to make requests
in the cor.ing session of the Legislature for several items.
Among these are:  (1) A provision for raking payments on land
purchased four years ago; (2) The annual appropriation of
$10,000 for the summer session should be increased as the suri-
mer session is growing rapidly; (3) Equipment for the new
Education Building will cost about 30,000 and we should ask
for that; (4) A continuation of the present income should be
provided.   Other requests will depend upon the general legis-
lativo situation and the financial condition of the State.

     (k) Work in Anthropology.   Much interesting work in the
field of anthropology has been done in Kentucky by Professor
Webb  and Doctor Funkhouser.   A great deal of interesting m:a-
terial has been uncovered in the State which has an abundance
of evidence of a race of people living here antedating the
Indians and the Columibian period.  Nork has been carried
along on an inexpensive basis and valuable results obtained.
It behooves us to asserfble this material and care for it before
collectors from outside the State take possession of it.

     (1) Gift from General Education Board.  The General Ed-
ucation Board, which has given the University $150,000 for aid
in erecting the Education Building, has notified us that it
wants to clear its records of this account by Dlecember 31.
That Board will make payments to the University only as evidence
of expenditures is shown.    It will not be possible for us
to spend all of this money by December 31 and the Board should
pass a formal resolution asking for an extension of time.

     This, gentlemen, is all that I have to present in the way
of a report.

     The matter of the gift from the General Education Board
was discussed, and a motion was made by Mr. Gordon, seconded
and carried, authorizing a suitable resolution to the General
Education Board, asking for an extension of time.    The resolu-
tion was as follows:



         Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
    University of Kentucky meeting in the President's of-
    fice, September 24, 1929, that the Directors of the
    General Education Board be requested to extend the
    time for the utilization of the gift to the University
    of Kentucky for the erection of the Education Building
    to May 15, 1930.

         The building provided for by the gift of the
    General Education Board and the Legislature of the
    State of Kentucky is now under construction and about
    seventy per cent finished.   The remaining portion of
    the building will Ad completed in the next six months.
    In order to meet delay caused by cold.weather the Uni-
    versity of Kentucky by its Board of Trustees respect-
    fully requests that the time be extended to May 15,

         (10) Alu.-mi Election.  The Secretary reported to the
Board that nominations for an Alumni election, under the reg-
ulations of the Board, had. been forwarded to Alumni of the
University and that the ballots for this election were to be
presented at this meeting.   Whereupon the Board appointed
the following alumni to canvass the returns: Raymond L. Kirk,
Sarah G. Blanding, W. R. Hansey, Mrs. J. C. Grable.     This
committee canvassed the returns in accordance with the regu-
lations and reported the highest number of votes received
by persons nominated as follows:   (A large number of other
persons received scattering votes)

                                             Number of
     Louis Hillenmeyer .................  ...    34
     E. M. Heavrin ...13
     James Park           ...           ... 12
     N. Gray Rochester ....................    11
     W. C. Wilson .........................       9
     William Rodes      ...................      9
     T. R. Bryant .9
     R. M. Holland ........................      8
     W. H. Grady ...................              6



     Mr. James Park, being at present a member of the Board,
was declared ineligible for nomination, and a motion was
made, seconded, and carried that the following persons be dc-
clared nominated:   Louis Hillenmeyer, E. M. Heavrin, N. Gray
Rochester, W. C. Wilson, William Rodes, and T. R. Bryant.
The Secretary was instructed to have ballots prepared and
mailed to alumni in accordance with the regulations prornul-
gated by the Board.

     (11) Election of Officers.   The by-laws of the University
and statutes provide for the annual election of officers of
the Board at its June meeting.    A quorum was not present
at the June meeting, and the election of officers was deterred
until the September meeting.   On mition, duly made and second-
ed, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

     Vice Chairman, Richard C. Stoll
     Treasurer, John Skain
     Secretary, Wellington Patrick
     Executive Committee
        R. C. Stoll, Joraes Park, J. B. Andrews, Robert G.
        Gordon, H. M. Froman.

     (12) Tire Protection at Robinson Sub-exeeriment Station.
The matter of fire protection in the forest areas of the Rcb-
inson Sub-station was discussed, and a motion made, seconded
and carried approving of the plan, but with the suggestion
that Mr. Pardee, owner of adjoining land, be.requested to cc-
operate in a plan for mutual protection and that the Universi-
ty assume no responsibility for fires which may originate
on his property.

     (13) Construction of Sewer.   President McVey reported
to the Board that thd sower in Scovell Park, where the Educa-
tion Building is being erected is giving trouble to residences
in the neighborhood and that the City of Lexington has askcd
the University to bear half the cost of a sanitary sewer across
Universityr property, the cost of one-half applroximating
*$l,300.  The matter was discussed and a motion made, seconded,
and carried authorizing the expenditure.



     (14)  Printing Matters.   President McVey brought to
the attention of the Board the matter of delays experienced
in nrinting University publications, particularly bulletins
of the Experriment Station where the expenditure of federal
funds is involved.   The matter was discussed and a motion
was made, seconded, and carried, authorizing the President
to direct a letter to the Sinking Fund Commission asking that
they authorize such publications to be sent direct to the
printer without the formality of pasping them through the
Sinking Fund Commission.

     (15) Request of Kentucky Firemen Association.     A commun-
ication of the Kentucky Firemen's Association requesting that
the University organize short courses for the instruction of
firemen and recommending an appropriation from the Legisla-
ture of $5,000.00 for this work was read and referred to the
Executive Committee.

     (16) Ex-Service Men.   A communication from two ex-service
men stating that they had failed to make application within
the required time as required by law and asking for free
tuition and room rent, was presented to the Board.    Thle matter
was discussed and a motion was made, seconded and carried
authorizing that their request be granted.

     (17) ApDointments, Promotions, Resignations and Leaves
of Absence.   The following list of appointments, resignations,
and leaves of absence was presented andon motion, duly second-
ed and approved.

     Appointment of William R. Pearce as part-tire department
secretary in the Department of Psychology at a salary of $350
for the year.

     Appointment of John Bagwell as laboratory assistant in
the Department of Psychology at a salary of $550 for the year.

     Continuation of employment of H. K. Gayle, county agent,
Union County, at a salary of 1216-2/3 a month from August
16, 1 29, to August 15, 1930.

     Appointment of John Sigsbee Loyd, assistant county agent,
Graves County, at a salary of $100 a month, from August 12
1929, to December 31, 1929,

     Appointment of Troll Young, assistant county agent, Todd
County, at a salary of $100 a month, from August 12, 1929,
to December '31, 1929.



     Appointrment of Miss Elizabeth Graddy, field agent in
club pork, at a salary of S150 a r:onth frorn August 10, 1929,
to June 1, 1930.

     Appointiment of Miss Frances Stallard, home demonstration
agent, Madison and Rockcastle Counties, at a salary of :125
a rionth, frori August 10, 1929, to Auogust 31, 1930.

     Appointmnent of Miss Lois M. Husebo, hor:ne demonstration
agent, Boyd County, at a salary of t175 a month, from August
12, 1029, to Decermber 31, 1929.

     Continuation of emiployment of Blunie W. Fortenberry,
county agent, Pike County, at a salary of $150 a m-,ionth, fror:
July 3, 1929, to June 30, 1930.

     Continuation of employment of Frances Wiese, horme demon-
stration agent, Christian County, at a salary of $150 a month,
from July 1, 1929, to Decer.iber 31, 1929.

     Appointment of Florran Cox Ewan, assistant county agent,
Graves County, at a salary of $100 a month, fron July 1, 1929,
Uo September 30, 1929.

     Continuation of oraployment of Dora May Duncan, hore dem-
onstration agent, Ballard County, at a salary of $150 a month,
from July 16, 1929, to December 31, 1929.

     APpointment of Miss Leura Pettigrew, as student reader
in Spanish, at forty cents an hour, for the first semester,

     Appointment of M1iss Elizabeth Skinner, as student reader
in French, at forty cernts an hour, for both seriesters, 1929-

     Roy Moreland to be promoted fromn Associate Professor of
Law to Professor of Law.

     Anpointment of Bruce Poundstone as student assistant in
the Deepartment of F%= Economics at a sal.ary of ,120 a nonth,
effective Septer.mber 13, 1929.

     Appointment of Malcolm H. Filson as assistant in Chemistry.

     Appointment of Mrs. Margaret Crutcher as matron o  .en's
residence halls at a salary of $75 a month on a twelve months'


     Appointment of J. Philip Glenn as research assistant
in the Bureau of Business Research, College of Coomrirce, at
a salary of 1600 for the year 1929-1930.

     Appointment of Miss Esther Cole as instructor in Polit-
ical Science at a salary of `2200.

     Appointment of G. S. Stamatoff and Robert H. Baker as
graduate assistants in the Department of Chemistry at a salary
of $500 each.

     Appointment of Clifton J. Bradley as assistant in Market-
ing, at a salary of $2600 a year, effective when he reports
for duty.

     Appointment of Ruth Boyden as assistant in Hom:.e Econorlics
in the Experir.ment Station at a salary of `2000 a year, ef-
fective when she reports for duty.

     Miss Sophia Combs  clerk in Agricultural Extension Di-
vision, to be transferred to the Department of Farra Economics,
at a salary of 395 a month, effective October 1, 1929.

     Temaporary appointment of Kenneth Brabant as assistant
in the Department of Farm. Economics in the Experiment Station,
at a salary of $125 a month, effective July 15, and termi-nat-
ing August 16.

     Appointrment of Miss Florence Crowder and Miss Elizabeth
Peters as assistants in English, at a salary of $400 each.

     Mr. E. M. Johnson, assistant Plant Pathologist ,to be
granted a leave of absence frorm September 26, 1929, to Jan-
uary 1, 1930, for the purpose of study.

     Mr. Karl Schneider, mechanic in the Department of Physics,
to be given leave of absence on pay for the sumner, 1930, for
tihe  urpose of visiting relatives in Germany.  Mir. Schneider
is allowed to use his vacations for two years for this pur-

     Appointmtent of Mrs. J. E. Lewis in the Department of Ger-
man, at a salary of  Ul200 a year.

     Apppointnent of Mr. Anton Grassel as instructor in German
for 4the year 1S29-1930 at a salary of $1600 a year.

     Temporary appointment of Mrs. Margaret Baker Williams
as assistant in typewriting in the Journalism Department at
the rate of fifty cents an hour.



     Appointment of M1r. Clyde B. Crawley as student assistant
in the Physics Department for one year at a stipend of 1400.

     Appointment of Dr. F. C. Thomas in the Hygiene pDpart-
rment on one-hlalf-time basis to do eye work at a salary of
:$1800 .

     Appointment of Dr. E. C. Yates in the Hygiene Departmeirt
on one-half-time basis to do the ear, nose, and throat work,
at a salary of '1800.

     Mr. Z. L. Galloway, assistant in Farm Management, to be
put on one-half salary during the year and assigned to cey-
tain definite duties in connection with the Department with
tChe understanding that he rmay study part timle at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota.   This cancels the previous provision
for leave of absence granted in April.

     Appointr-ment of Miss Dukie Barber as assistant in Botany
for the year at a salary of $600 on a ten-months' basis.

     Appointment of Edward W. Rannells as Professor of Art
and Head of the Dcpartr:,Qnt at 14000 a year on a ten monthst

     Appointment of Sid Robinson as Assistant Professor of
Physical Education and Head of the Department at $2700 for
the year 1929-1930.

     Appointment of Paul W. Walp as Instructor in Political
Science for the year 1929-1930 'at a. salary of )2300.

    Mrs. Lafferty's employment changed to a twelve months'
basis at $150 a month.

    Appointment of Elg-an Brooks Farris, Instructor in Me-
chanical Drawing, at a salary of t1800 a year.

    Appointm.nent of Alvin Lee Charmbers as Assistrtnt Professor
of Testing M.Iaterials at a salary of $1800 a year.

     Appointment of Thorm.as Alexandor Kendall as laboratory
assistant in Mechanical Engineering at a s2lary of 11200 a

    Appointment of Ga.yle 11ohney and Roy H. Owsley as student
assistants in Political Science at a salary of $400 a year



     Appointment cf M1r. S. H. 11cGuire as a-ssistant in the
College of Educ-.tion.

     Appointriocnt of Miss Frances Portor as stenograp h eir
in tile Burerlu of School Service at a sP:rlary cf 170 a moalcth.

     Appointment of R. W. Jennings and F. L. Howard as read-
ars in tae College of Coonaerce %t ?., salary of )30 a month
each, on a ten imlonths' basis.

     Resignation of rT. P. H. Wilson, county agent, CaIloiwray,
County-., effcctive Seote:':bcr 7, 192G.

     Resignation of .x . Harry A. * W!rd, extension agant in
the Depart-ment of Fanr.; - conoraics, effective July 31.

     Resiglnation of M! r. J. R. Srmyth, field agent in Poultry
Hiusb'anudry, effective August 31, 1329.

     Resignation of Miss '1Mary IC. Ledbetter, home denonstration
agent in Rockcastle and southern IMi^dison Counties, effective
August 31.

     Resign.atiion of Mr. Harry Lindberg, University gardene-r,
effective Octobor 1, 10929.

     Resignation of Hiss Leslie Calloway, hornc demonstrvlicn
 ,gent in Magoff in County, effective September 1, 1929.

     Resignation of Mfliss Mabel IoKinsey, home damonstration
agent, effective July 15.

     Resignation of rs. 'Mary Ellen Skidmore, home deraonstra-
tion agent, effective July 20.
    Resignation of M.iss Bernice Ca-r',ter, home demonstrat-ion
agent, effective June 30.
                              Respectfully submitted,

                                  Wellington Patrick