xt7c862bcj6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862bcj6k/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-04 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, April 1986, volume 9 number 3 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, April 1986, volume 9 number 3 1986 1986-04 2020 true xt7c862bcj6k section xt7c862bcj6k  

3‘3 Kemoeky



VO/. IX APRIL 1986 NO. 3


Next Year in Jerusalem Passover—Pesach

But This Year I" D a

At Victorian Square

A multiemedia ehow about the beauty , -~-- y enter the
of Israel and its people will be pre—
eented April le£8 at ”ictorian Square.

the recent
A gala opening ceremony and celebra“ eeential egpresgion

tion ie echeduled for Saturday EvEfliHQy .erywhere. But.

April 19, . . at Victorian Square. . g . of our concern i directed
The entire . :o Pehtucin Jewish


. in the So iet Union.
to attend. Local : i ' were 1.000 synagogues
new e;na-
20 yeare.





the term
who have
_ but have
Several times. .

academic degr
efld ECEWEV . In V '— r'wded. Some have been

Pfihiblf ,~. Va "‘:2 or more.

StEiEV‘ ”Prieonere of CooECIehce” are the men
{Pblih aud women ~- Currently about 20 —A who
ha»e been tried and convitted of eocour»

5h0“” aoihq emigration or raiEth Jewieh
, 13. 4"“ *V 5- 95*5’51 gohecicuene: among other Jews. The

echouie aui religioue and foim‘l that 95 were ”he
wiC group; that requeet to see ii. ”Dafaeitlsm" or even ‘ Thev
9o one who would like to arrange a group haue been Jailed; Eviied Siberia,
whowiug ehould (antact the CRJF office. brutall. treated. But , w pergjet,

1e eeatibo {hr 40 to 50 people for The; are our

Hlfih fihflw



"”t‘””9d on DLQE 4' Paeeover.......continued on Dane E.






April 24—May 1, 1986 Nisan 15-22 5746

The Bread
of Affliction

' The Matzah
of Hope

‘ “In everygentamfl'om
every few must fee[
as if He fiimsefi‘
came out q‘Efmvt."

. NCSJ‘ _

After reciting "Ha Lac/ma Anyg"
_ ”Tfiis L9 t/ic aw‘oquflwn,"
tfie Mr oft/i2 Seder raises tfie matzafi again



lte nwwzws or our flHuPlQ iv thal wF
hit? always been able to transform the
bread of atfliction into the Halsah of
Hope. In a solitary*cohfinemeht cell.

Anatolz Scbarahsly dveamed of a ”we 1
vea: in Jerusalem.“ This year he is
there. celebiatihg Pesach with his

beloved wife Avital and friends.

But we hawe not faiootten those who
are hot wet free. As the leaders of the
Uhited States and the SOVlEt Union
preoare for the second Summit, we pledge
ourselxes to work for the release of
those Soviet Jews who are silent. who
are EXIlPd. who are imprisoned ~- whose
Oflly crime is a love of the Hebrew
language and a desire to live ih Israel.

He will urge those in power to
tzahscehd their limitations and respect
the yearnings and traditions of an

anCJeht people.

As we raise this Matzah of Hope once
more. let us resolve that someday all
our people in the Soviet Union Hlll be
reunited with their families, repatriat~
ed to their ancient homeland, Israel.
Today they recite “Next year in Jeiosa~
lem“ in teats: tomorrow. May they 55? it

in Jov

/ .

5; minim. M313; mags #59:? "I we x90? R?
3;; \rj'c'a M9911 ‘0’: The 5; 55:11 n‘? we“.
we??? 97:? x329”? 52:1??? saris: ma m5"?

min ’3: new

This is the b ead of artlitt n; wlich
ocr ancestors ate in th: ‘act or Eo pt.
Let all Hho aie huhoi r:we ~wd eat.
ce‘ «ll rho are ih heec come ahd cele—
brate Passo er This .ear we a>e he e


next year; in thel
year we are slaves: next year. we are


“u 7-:--r

431x32; Sim-11%;} wimp: mm yon-m
wig-mt) mmpip 4395513 mm

May the all Merciful One break the
yoke from our neck and lead us upright
to our tand‘

2413.7: 797:1 @797: who

They that sow in tears shall reap in
jO", .







0n Honda,~ “aft“ 31‘ 15% 990519 and exchange which has aIreadv begun as r
prufessionaIs from seven states gathered E95U1t DE 5
1H finiihnafi. Ohio to ie iew Ihe ’: 5t the 11m“
hacmwund aid to plan action or: behalf bar's?” ”‘5
of Soviet Jewry. Titled ”IO Summit 5m1gr5119“
II...And Beyond”, the first midwest 15V915-
regional c0nference was sponsored by the 9150 1WC1UdEd 1” Eh ’9 COQEEEE”CE were
jgwigh Co mmunit Relations CounCiI Of a series of AdvocaCy Seminars —— work—
EinCinnati 1h Cgoperatjgn With the shops directed toward Mn Iemertatio of
National Conference on Soviet Jewry and action PE0915WS 5559 d 0“ W15 515
the National Jewish Community PeIations PEESEDEEG 5t the CC “EEVE CE-
Advisory CouriCiI (NJCRAC). The confer— Ohio Governor Pichard 5919991“?- 8
ence prowided a comprehensive overview QUEEt 5P55VEE 5t 1E9 15HC'-EQ“ ”h15h
of the whole issue Of Soviet Jewry. featured a number of Ohio Iegisiatcrs.
Representing CkJF were Gail Cohen, chair COHQEESEmE“ and OtEE OEE1CEE E51591“-
Qf the Community Relations Committee The occasion was the announcement of the
sub committee on So iet 3 Depressed formatior 5f Ohio Pit} c thiciais for
Jewr and CKJF Qdministrator Judv Sage. Sowet Jewrv» an organization which has
Plenaz; sessions featured maior the EUDDEEE DE 555/ Of the trp ”EF151515
national speaters such as Albert Of the State 0‘ Oh10-
Chernin, E'51“t1569icecihairmah, Go ernor CeIeste avd others spoke
NJCPAC: Joshua Pratt of the Embassy Cf E1OQUEHtlY Of our Am merican h5r1t599 5“
[Erggl: jerfw hegdmah‘ Efleeuf1,e Direc- sf responsibilit/ to uphoid human rights
Rationai Conference on Saviet ”hEEEVEE thev m5? be 5EU555-
aha auyaham J, ga,ey‘ Director. The gcals cf this grwi 5.; to
jnnd} C nmission 5f NJCDQC. encourage puinc offiCiaIs to adoot a
In.efl ”a; E iahu Essas. FECEOtlv Srviet 7’amin write letters in time of
refugefgk whn nnw ngldeE jp crisis, ahd increase public awareness of
1 the caucitizn of SCviEt Jewi,. Ohio is
ie :hestere ha e 1_1+ed the the fcqrth state a create sucr an
Ufiibfl‘ and eac. one related 9E’5E135E1Ofl-
’ezsjnai ehaficnters with aetuseniks. E115h5 E5555 emphasized Eh5t t”?
’he speakers were Uhanimous in their E959“t r519559 OE several notaaie
:udoement that there is no future for E5EU§5W1LE 3595 ”01 ‘51C5t9 5 Ch5 ‘35 1”
jewe ]h the USSR. Therefore, the basic SOviet policy. In the past 20-15
emphasis rf hur acti.ities most be to ’55”5 there “55 5991 5 change W1Ih1“ the
EDEfl the gates Of em gratiow for all Hessian Jewish communit-I. Increasing
rhl J5me ”we ”Rah tr iea e. and thy numbers axe iCIltE y seeking to rein—
numbe> »h the hundreds Of thgueahde. force their Jewish identity by educating
j shna Pzatt reuiewed the his‘or; :‘ IhemseI es iw JeWish hIStDEVV rciture-
antz~3emitism in the Soviet Uhion in the 5”d the HEbEEW 1509U599-
:flih renfuiu, gtreggifiq khet many of Essas said we must turn cur effo'ts
these Jews Iive in smaII communities and toward influenflpi DUbilr LDifilD“ 30‘
:re fearful of sppIylug {gr a ‘353 {Q the U.E. admi‘wsvvation ii tre Frawe~
enidrate. wort o‘ :cnfrontation and coId war we
AIhert Fhernin painted out that 5h511 0‘ 559 5*v ‘EEU t: 1“ E:
recent hiEtoiy shows puinc eressure E15”9”01t CE CCWE3EUCt1V5 “595t1511055
‘uflngurtg 5o.iet afitigifu‘ It is we can achieve mach more than we “Iread
imp 'rtaht for us to take an activict ”5'9-
oIe in protesting the treatment of Iew: EEEEEE1VQ t3 the 55'07'5Ch of
in the Sowiet Union. At the same tim~ P5EEUVEI‘ Aloert Lhe‘“1° SQUfldEd 5
we s OLiId euphnit a more open relation “DDEEU1 ”Cte‘ 55i1flg- ”the m1 thv hand
ship between the two cxuntries‘ as. tow 5: the :EEEECtiVE W111 Of the JEWIEb
e amhie‘ in the area of reiterai DEOP1; ia vet D'.7Q the SC ret 3;»; *
ct tordaoe to i‘eedom.”





 ANOTHER ISRAEL" ............. conthmed

“ANOTHER lSRAEL” will be shown
between 10 a.m. and A p.m. on Sunday,
April 80; and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday

and Tuesday, April 81 and 88.

The government of Israel commissioned
”Another lsrael” in hopes of countering
the images of strife that often are
presented to the general public in the
United States.

The paesentation of ”Another Israel“
in Lexington is Sponsored by CKJF in
conjunction with B nai E’rith. the

Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs.
Lexington Chapter of Hadassah. _exington
Havurah, Ohavay Zion Synagogue and its
Sisterhood. Temple Adath Israel and its
Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Mitzvah
Corps. and the University of Kentucky

APRIL 19- 22, 1986

Victorian Square







A parcel of land next to Jacobsen
Park will be the site for this summer’s
Camp Shalom. The Bé-acre site at the
intersection of Athens~Boonesboro Road
and Nalnut Hill-Chilesburg Road has been
made available by Steve Caller, Irving
Rosenstein and Robert Rosenstein.

Mark Scarr, who will be returning as
camp director, is working on the program
for the three—week camp, and details
will be announced soon.

The session will begin Monday, June 9
and continue through Friday. June 87.

The half—day session (9 am to 18:30
pm) is open to children who will be A by
September 30 and 5-year—olds. The cost
is $90. The full-day session (9 am to 3
pm) is open to children 6-8. The cost
is $135. Scholarships are available
through CKJF.

A brochure describing the camp will
be sent to all CKJF members and an
application will be included, but for
more information now call Carol Veal at

Camp Shalom is one of the continuing
projects of CKJF made possible by your
contributions to the CKJF~UJA fund
raising campaign.







The guest speaker at an Israel Bonds
dinner honoring former Governor Albert
”Happy” Chandler Will be Vosef Yaakov,
Israel’s consul general in Washington.

The dinner, co-sponsored by the
Central Rentucky Jewish Federation,
Ohavag Zion Synagogue, and Temple Adath
Israel, in conjunction with the State of
Israel Bond Organization, will be held
at the Temple on Sunday, May 18.

Yaakov will speak on the importance
of bonds to Israel and current events in
the Middle East.

Chandler, 87, has a long history of
public service, having served two terms
as governor as well as having been a
U.S. senator, lieutenant governor, state
senator and commissioner of major league
baseball. While in the H.S. Senate, he
was a strong supporter of Israel.

”This tribute dinner gives us an
opportunity to pay tribute to an out—
standing community and national leader
and at the same time to help Israel’s
economic development,” said Charles
Stern, chairman of the CKJF Israel Bonds

Yosef Yaakov





Governor A.B. “Happy” Chandler

Israel Bonds are a major source of
capital for Israel, having provided more
than $7.5 billion since the program
began in 1951 to help build every aspect
of the nation‘s economy.

Yaakov has served Israel in many
capacities over the years. He was born
in Shanghai and served as a correspon—
dent for United Press International
during the Chinese Civil War. After
emigrating to Israel, he served in the
prime minister’s office and the foreign
ministry. He has been part of Israel’s
delegation to the United Nations as well
as counselor at the Israeli embassies in
Ottawa and London.

He has also been acting director of
the diaspora affairs division of the
foreign ministrv and deputy director of
its North American Affairs Division. He


was appointed LO his present post in


The cost of the tribute dinner. which
is being catered according to Jewish
dietarx laws, will be $25 per person.

The dinner is open to the entire commu-








During our three weeks in Israel
(March, 1986) we visited a number of
projects supported by CKJF. Our first
report concerns Sela, a slum neighbor—
hood (Shikun) of Netanya, which Lexing-
ton and Louisville help rehabilitate
through Project Renewal.

Sela is a community of prefabricated
concrete block buildings built in the
19505. It is now surrounded on two
sides by the main Tel Aviv—Haifa highway
and the off ramp to downtown Natanya.
The population of Sela is about 600
families, approximately the size of the
Lexington Jewish community.

Most of these families came from
Libya around 1950. Those families who
have been financially successful have
left Sela leaving a community where over
50% of the adults have less than an 8th
grade education, few children go on to
high school, and those adults who are
employed hold menial jobs.




Sela has made striking progress since
the last visit from a Lexington delega—
tion! Most obvious is the bright yellow
balconies and clean grounds of the newly

remodeled apartment buildings, which
clearly outnumber the drab and worn
older buildings. There is also an

expanded Health Center, a new, bustling
Senior Citizens Center, and the contin—
ued construction of park and play areas.
All have been built by Project Renewal.
Nissim Buchar, the project manager,
was quick to point out that the major
change is the programs which Project
Renewal has helped to bring about.
These are improving the quality of life
for a group of Israelis who had been
left behind as the country advanced.


With the expanded Health Center there
is now a full time public health nurse
who does well-baby care, provides
nursing services for the elderly and
disabled, etc.

For the last year there has also been
a half time early childhood stimulation


Specialist, Leah. who is working with
mothers who have children under one year
old. Leah is teaching them about normal
development and how to enrich their
children’s lives. She would like to be
funded full time if the money could be
found, because she finds the mothers
quite receptive. Leah would like to be
able to organize more mothers’ groups
and to be able to make home visits.





Several mothers, trained by the
Project Renewal staff, run mini-day care

centers in their apartments. Each
center serves 3—5 preschool children
whose mothers are away at work. All

Sela children in kindergarten (ages 3 -
6 years) attend a special enrichment
program in a remodeled bombshelter.
This is intended to ensure that young—
sters with limited resources at home
will be successful first graders.

All the children are inv1ted to
attend the sports and recreational
programs which Kushi runs at the Commu-
nity Center. The Center has a lending
library at which 300 children each pay
NS 1 (I new shekel = $.70 US) to be able
to borrow books for the next 3 months.
The demand for books always exceeds the
supply —— a good sign for the future of









Project Renewal spent $9000 last year
to send children from Sela to summer
camp and spent $IQ,OOO for tutoring for
go high school students. Children from
Sela have seldom graduated from high
school; the tutoring program wants to
change that. Nissim requested $85,000
for tutoring in the 1986—87 budget if
the additional money can be raised.

He also needs $40,000 for the pur—
nhase of Commodore computers and soft-
ware {or the local elementary school.
Surh computers are coming into wide—
spread use in Israeli schools and he is
concerned that the children fxom Sela
will soon be left behind.



The Day Care Center for the Elderly
has only been open for three months but
already it is serving 300 residents.
Some of the older residents would
previously spend days without leaving
their homes.

The renter plQildES breakfast for
those who can‘t male the1r own and
pen ides a large group lunch for e ery—

one who wants to attend. There is also
a bath (for thoses who need assistance),
physical therapy. and a social worker to
help with personal and Family problems.
The Center has a daily recreational
program for all senior riti1ens in Sela
plus a sheltered workshop for those who
wish to earn additional money.



\ \\\\\



fill of the above projects are funded
in part by your Project Renewal contri—
butions. One of the strengths of the

PFUJECt Renewal program is that it
provides matching funds to help bring in
worlers and programs from various
government ministries. Thus. each

dollar that is contributed has a multi—
plier effect.

There axe other Project Renewal
activities in Sela such as vocational
teaining, adult education, community

liday celebrations, etc., which we did
not have an opportunity to observe.

PFOJECt Renewal is a good example of
monies going directly to help those in








. When Your Phone Line
Becomes a Lifeline

The fcuzth annual CkJF‘UJé Super
GUQLBV was held March 83. Again‘ a
i5tfl€ , mip uf valunlee:e joimed togethe
er {0: a very euccessful effort and

gleat fun daing it.
The Central keptuLL» Jewish community

reepd Wided 55 expected with DCElthE
euprpzt end record~eetting pledges to

the Fund raieznd campaign.

B; the end of the day 303 people had
made pledges to the 1986 Super Sundav
campaign totalling $lé‘683s compared to
£19.db€ pledged um Supex Euuday 1985.
Of theee 303 gifts; 78 were firetitime

But Super :aunda = 15 not ever until
everyone has been mes hed. Letters to
thoee people who we;e not at home are on
thexr wa/. There is etill time for
ei member of thie community to make a
E} 1/6 ree; cnee to the 1986 campaign.

llhe: DJUr letter Jrriwee... PIEQSE LET

HTirh for+ thethranal iuier Sunday {igbn(/Bhflu CEZ¢ARL pészH
3‘ e In neat men 5 news e Ver. 2? tiéu \ J, _ .
.7 r M W/W 4&7



Sunday co-chaire UlHNlE

and JOE ROSENBERG and all the KZLQZ¢ICééhv ‘ ‘kkéb up

, 5 eye commended for their égAAw'%fi4{wV;+—~ WA

putetauding efforte and a job well done! >42¢9 fiflhmfigj jéflw ,X/;

% m. “(/9 XQKLMZZL 4,4, {W'
- . . or»

ddxn;Q_ r—Zkagfl'LJ‘L) fgc; 741 1;} [0 ill _[>

1'1] til (i) - i

:1 E
3 1


NISAN - lYAR S7116 APRIL— MAY, 1986


13 111 15 16 l7 18 19
9:h5 TAI Brotherhood 10:30 am - Ohavay Zion 12:30 Hadassah Book
Annual Meeting, Sisterhood Luncheon Discussion at Esther
at the Temple Hoskovitz's
6:30 Hadassah Art Auction, 8 pm Hadassah DiSCUSSiOT 8 pm _ GALA OPENING OF
ArtsPlace 8:15 pm CKJF Camp Shalom 8 p.m. CKJF Board meeting, Group, Elayne Crystal 5 ”ANOTHER ISRAEL“
Committee Meeting, at the CKJF office

at Victorian Square
at Carol Veal's


20 21 22

9 am TAl Sisterhood board
meeting -- CKJF office closed —-


5 pm - Israel Bonds Tribute 6:30 pm TAI Sisterhood's
Committee meeting, First Annual Seder
Security Bank Building EREV PESACH

ist Seder


27 28 29 30 l 2 3

-- CKJF office closed ——



3 pm - Combined Executive 7:30 pm CKJF Social
Committees meeting, Services Committee mtng
ArtsPlace at CKJF office
8 pm CKJF Search/Execu— David Liebman Bar Mitzvah
tive Committees mtng. Temple Adath Israel
7th DBY PegaCh at Gloria Katz's
Li 5 6 7 8 9 10
6:30 pm Hadassah closing Melinda Mersack Bar Mitzvah
6 pm TAI Annual Congrega- . meeting Temple Adath lsrael
tional Dinner 8 pm — TAI board meeting
— OZS board meeting
11 12 13 15 16 17

TAI Spring Retreat,
Natural Bridge State


8 pm - Havurah Membership
MOTHER'S DAY Annual meeting, at

Charlotte Baer‘s,
985 Maywick Drive

Central Kentucky
Community Celebration
of Vom H'atzmaut













99909 Ax 'uomuxm







MAY 14, 1986