xt7c862bch38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862bch38/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 2001 2001 2001-09-06 2020 true xt7c862bch38 section xt7c862bch38 CAWOOD QUOTES




I don’t quite
support you
give the
program. I
do know
this: the
University is
lucky to
have you.”
- Cawood

on UK football'fans,
Sept. 1, 1980.


NCAA rules.
can’t play an
opponent in
the spring.
Maybe it’s
against the
because it
makes too
much sense.
why they‘ve
never tried

— Cawood.
on a proposal to
play a game at the
end of spring

football training,
June 3, 1983.

bounce back
quicker than
the players
do. In fact,
back at the
hotel, one
Wildcat fan
was busy
getting a
petition to
replay the
second half.”

- Cawood,
on UK fans after the
Cats lost to .
Georgetown, 53-40, I
in the i984 l
Final Four. '


Source- Cawood’s
Garments: 39 years
of Notes, We: and

THE 411


8.9 6.5

Maybe it will rain,
maybe not. We'll hope
for sun. If it doesn't
come, we’ll wait.

VOL. 8108 ISSUE $312


News tips!




play host

to OSU
Buckeyes I to


ill unforgettable voice

Breaking down the walls: For 39 years, Ledford told it like it was for UK football and basketball


By Steve lvey


(‘awood Ledford. the legendary “Voice of the Wildcats." died at
3:30 am. Wednesday at Appalachian Regional Hospital in Harlan.
He was 7.3.

Ledford had a career that spanned five decades. Known for such
phrases as “Hello eveiybody. this is (Tawood Ledford." he spent 39
years broadcasting UK football and basketball games. He began
working for WLEX radio in 1953 broadcasting UK games without
a color analyst. He went to work for WHAS Radio in Inuisville in
1956. where he would spend 22 years. He returned to Lexington
in 1978 and founded (Tawood Ledford Productions. His company
published “(‘awood on the Cats." a weekly publication covering
UK athletics.

His first broadcast was a UK football game in 1953 when
l’aul “Bear" Bryant still coached the team. His final broadcast
came March 28. 1992. when Rick Pitino's “Unforgettables” lost
to Duke in the East Regional Final ofthe NCAA tournament.

lxxdford's‘ reputation preceded him. He was honored as Ken-
tucky Sportscaster of the year 22 times. He broadcast 17 Final
Fours for the NCAA Radio Network. more than any other an-

nouncer in history. He was also named the

lies! college basketball announcer in the na» mmfi

tion four times. and the best in history by '

the (lannett News Service. Students respond
UK fans were not the only (mes
familiar Wlill ledford's voice, ()ne of 10 death I 3
the most renowned horse racing
broadcasters. he called the Ken-
tucky Derby for 22 years He won
the Englehard Award. the highest
honor given to thoroughbred
racing broadcasters. He also received the “Silver
Horseshoe" honor and the “Dean Eagle Award" for his

coverage of the “Run for the Roses."
Though he was best known for calling basketball and
football. Ledford called the World Series. the Masters golf
tournament and heavyweight boxing. including coverage of

Kentuckian Muhammad Ali.

I'pon his retirement in 1992. UK retired his jersey. which depicted
a microphone. He was the first non-player or non-coach to receive such
an honor Also in 1992. the Lexington HeraldLeader named him Ken-
tucky Sportsman of the Year. He then became the fifth announcer to
be inducted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame in 1994.

Ledford graduated from (‘entre College in 1949. The author of nu-
merous books. he received honorary degrees from UK. Centre College
and (‘uml'ierland College. He is survived by his wife. Frances; his

brother. Jim: and sister. Eloise.

UK began the (Tawood Ledford Scholarship Fund to as-
sist fomier student-athletes who had completed their eli<
gibility but had not completed a degree. The Ledford
family has asked that donations be made to either the
(‘awood Ledford Scholarship Fund at UK or the Ca-
wood Ledford Endowed Scholarship at Cumberland
Funeral arrangements and a Lexington
memorial service are pending.

scholarship I 3

Ledford an ‘ambassador' for UK

Former UK guard Richie Farmer: 'For years
and years he was the eyes and ears for the fans'


SFfiDAILt whoa

More than any other Universie
ty of Kentucky personality or im-
age — alumnus. athlete. coach.
president or even governor Fa-
wood Ledford's voice epitomized
UK and brought to life the univer-
sity and athletic
events many nev-
er had the chance
to witness.

The leg»
endary UK play-
by-play announc-
er did more than
just call basket-
ball and football
games for 39
years. He was an
ambassador for
the university. despite never at
tending UK. And he was the most
recognizable link to not only UK
athletics. but the entire university
for most of the state.

“For years and years he was
the eyes and ears for the fans."
said Richie Farmer. a former UK
guard who grew up in (“lay (‘oun~
ty. “To them. he was Kentucky
basketball. especially for those in
eastern Kentucky. who couldn‘t af-
ford to go to games,"

Patricia in Paducah or the
Parkers in Pikeville might not
know who former UK presidents
Otis A. Singletary or Charles
Wethington were. but by God.
everybody knew Cawood.

In many respects. Ledford had



Call 257-1915 or e-mall

as much influence on the rapid
popularity growth of basketball in
the Bluegrass as the Wildcats did.

“When you talk about Ken
tucky sports. Adolph Rupp is a leg»
end. but (‘awood was right up
there with him." said Ky le Macy
Morehead State basketball coach.
former ['K point guard and broad

Farmer said Ledford lived up
to the expectations of those who
idolized him.

"I was a kid who grew up in
Kentucky and got to llH' out a
dream." Farmer said "I listened
to (‘awood and turned down the
sound on the television.

"(7awood was a hero of millt'
The best compliment I could give
him is that sometimes ~\oti meet a
hero and they disappoint you. but
he was still my hero once I got to
know him."

Former Lexington lleral 1‘
Leader and Louisville (‘ourier
Journal colum-
nist Billy Reed.
who with Ledford
wrote a book
called Hello
fit-eri‘Md)" This is
(‘aicood Ledford.
said fans flocked
to bookSignings
to finally get a
glimpse ofthe leg-
endary man be-
hind the dial.

“Many didn't even buy a
book." Reed said. “They just want
ed to shake his hand and meet him



Let’s talk
UK play-by-play announcer Cowood Ledford Interviews former UN coach Rick
Pltlno before thousands of UK tans during their weekly rodlo show "Big Blue
Line," in 1992.

or get an autograph on a piece of
paper "

Kentuckians grew up listen-
ing to his I'K radio broadcasts.
Macy said even Bob Knight. the
former "enemy" and Indiana
coach. told stories of listening to
I/‘dford‘s broadcasts as a child.

In fact. few people outside of
the state didn't know Ledford. or
at least his voice He called the
Kentucky Derby 22 times and the
Nt‘AA Final Four 17. including
lTK‘s championship seasons of
19.38 and l978.

After his last UK broadcast in
the quarterfinals of the NCAA
Tournament. Ledford was con-
gratulated for a distinguished ca-

reer by a humble Duke coach
Mike Kryzewski. who instead
could have been celebrating a
last-second win and a trip to the
Final Four that ended Ledford's

Ralph Hacker had the unenvi-
able task of replacing a living leg-
end who fans still longed for.

“I couldn‘t replace Cawood
Ledford." Hacker said in an inter-
view with WKYT. “No one could
replace (‘awood

“Without question. he was a
great ambassador for not only UK
sports. but the University of Ken-
tucky. His reach was far beyond
the bounds of UK and the state's





Graduated from

Centre College
in Donvllte









Married Frances Johnson


Won the Eclipse Award
for Local Television Achievement



Won a second Eclipse Award
white working for




lMucted into the
Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame













The Low-down

Destiny is
no matter
of chance.
It is a
matter of
choice. It
is not a
thing to be
waited for.
it is a
thing to be

- William
Jennings Bryan
secretary of
state, 1912-1915

UK, church join to tight Alzheimer's

LOUISVILLE A church that is housing
people stitferiiig from .-\lzheinier‘s disease and re
lated ailments Will combine their efforts With the
University of Kentucky The $7 million. 52~bed
home that Will sit adjacent to the Episcopal
Church Iloriie is scheduled to open in late 3002.
When the home opens. doctoral students from
l'K‘s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging Will begin
studying whether the building's special design
and the staffs care giving concepts make a differ
eiice for people Who have a disease With no
known cure About halfol all people over 8.3 have
.»\l/heimei“s disease. a form of dementia. accord
trig to the national .»\l/.heinier's .»\ssociation.

Prosecutors seelt tougher gun laws

LEXINGTON Federal and state prosecu
tors are promising they Will get tougher on crini-
inals who tise
Anthain Heatty said liis department has already
confiscated ltiti weapons believed to be used in
crimes this year Acting l' S Attorney Frances
Cairon said her office is cooperating With state
prosecutors to ensure that criminals who use
guns face the harshest penalty possible in either
state or federal courts Thus far. only Fayette
Couutj among the
Kentucky has obtained .r federal grant to hire ad
ditional prosecutors

Parents arrested for team's party

NEW CASTLE. N \' The parents ofa high
school football player were arrested for allegedly
holding a team party With beer. marijuana and a
stripper Who let students as young as if» lick
Whipped cream off her body. Robert and Rochelle
Wieii were charged With endangering the welfare
of a child and unlawfully dealing With a child.
The offenses carry tip to a year in jail. Police said
they Were responding to a noise complaint Satur
day when they found the n iked Woman on the
\\i ns patio (tit icers sai id 0' to iii students. in-
cltidiii: some gii ls. Were at the party. Detective
Sgt iltlllii‘s Carroll said the stripper Was about
halfway through an hour-long act When officers
arrived An officer said the stripper apparently
was hired by some students The woman was not
charged The party marked the end of summer
training camp for the team from Horace Greeley
High School in Chappatiua,

Lawsuit says ecampus guilty of fraud
LEXINGTON A laWsuit filed in Tennessee
alleges that a group of investors in former Gov
Wallace \\'ilkin.son‘s ecamptiscom Internet book-
seller Were the victiins of securities fraud when
they bought stock in the company in T900 The ‘31
investors are seeking damages of at least $100
million from nine defendants. including Wendy's
restaurants founder Dave Thomas. Hazard btisi

guns New Lexington police Chief

areas in tire eastern district of


James Bond's
briel relationship
with German cars
is over and Agent
007 IS once again
embracmg British
engineering in
the 20th
installment of the
spy tilm
franchise Atter
drivmq BMWs in
his first three
Bond movres.
Pierce Brosnan
wrll drive an
Aston Martin V-lZ
Vangutsh in the
next mowe, his

The two-seat.
aluminum and
carbon fiber body
Vanqutsh has a
$228,000 price
tag. ”it‘s gutte a
car in its own
right and putting
it in the movre
makes it even
more collectible,
Dick Messer,
director of the
Museum, said last
week. "it's really
a turnaround for
the British, who
weren't happy
when the BMW
came along in
Bond films."





nessman L.D. Gorman. Lexington banker Elmer
Whitaker and the law firm of Frost Brown Todd
LLC. The lawsuit is similar to one filed against
Thomas in June by 17 Tennessee investors. said
Martin B. Bailey, attorney for the 21 investors.
New allegations and defendants were added after
lawyers investigated the case Bailey said. Flori

da investors have made similar claims in a sepa-
rate lawsuit ecampus. com is at Lexington Inter-

net bookseller launched by Wilkinsori. who filed
for bankruptcy protection in February along
With his flagship business. Wallace's Bookstores.

Transsexual sues United Airlines

CHICAGO A transsexual is suing United
Airlines claiming he was ordered to get off an
airplane and change into men's clothing before
ie- bo ir ding Richard Ward. also known as Sarah
West. was on a flight from Omaha. Neb. to Chica-
go. Where he was scheduled to take a connecting
flight home to London. When Ward showed Unit-
ed staff his British passport identifying him as a
in in United employees told him to get off the
pl me and change into men's clothing according
to the l iwsuit tiled Tuesday in Cook County Cir-
cuit Court. Ward says he showed United staff a
letter from his doctor that explained it was nor-
mal for him to dress as a woman because he was
undergoing treatment for "male to female trans-
sexualism.” But Ward claims he was told he
would not be able to fly until he looked more like
his passport photo. United spokesman Joe Hop-
kins on Wednesday said the airline would not
comment on the lawsuit. The lawsuit seeks more
than 8:30.000 in damages.

Senate seeking to import medicine

WASHINGTON , wPharmacists and drug dis-
tributors should be allowed to obtain U.S.-made
medicines from Canada. where they are cheaper.
and resell them to American consumers at a re-
duced price. senators said Wednesday, They said
they would pursue legislation despite con—
tenuous by the Bush administration that it can-
not guarantee the safety of drugs brought back
into ['nited States from other nations. Legislav
tion enacted last fall allows drugstores and med
tcal distributors to buy ITS-made and approved
drugs in certain countries Where they are sold
more cheaply and then resell them here. Howev-
er officials with the Food and Drug Administra-
tion have declined to carry out the measure. ar-
guing that counterfeit or altered medicines could
slip through I' S. borders. An FDA deputy told
Congress \t'ednesday that even limiting the ex
change to Canada would not protect Americans
from worldwide counterfeiters Willing to sell
harmful or ineffective medicines to a lucrative
l' S. market. He even brought bags of fake drugs
seized from a Washington-area airport and a
Chicago drugstore.

Terry Nichols may get death penalty

OKLAHOMA CITY The new district attor»
ney Ill Oklahoma City said Wednesday that he
Will prosecute bombing conspirator Terry
Nichols on state murder charges that could bring
the death penalty.

Speaking at the site of the Oklahoma City

Cindi Berger, a
publicist for Maria
Carey, said the
singers interview
with ABC's

Walters was
because the
singer "needs
more time to
rest." Berger
refused to say
whether Carey
had been re


Beatles fans will
soon be able to
book themselves
into Liverpool's
Hard Day's Night

The hotel,
scheduled to
open in 2003, will
feature 120
rooms, each with
a mural relating
to the Fab Four.
"Every mural will
be based on a
member of The
Beatles or an
important song or
place assooated
with the band,"
said Shannon, the
Los Angeles'
based mural
commissioned to
decorate the

bombing, District Attorney Wes Lane said he
would pursue 160 first-degree murder charges
and other counts against Nichols. Nichols. 46. is
serving a life sentence for conspiracy and invol-
untary manslaughter convictions following a fed-
eral trial. But he has appealed. and Lane said he
wanted to make sure Nichols did not escape puir
ishment. In a letter to the Tulsa World. Nichols'
attorney. Brian Hermanson. had said Nichols
was willing to end his appeals and accept his fed-
eral life sentence in order to avoid the state trial.
Lane said a court order prevented him from com-
menting on the offer. Nichols worked with his
former Army buddy. Timothy McVeigh, to steal
and purchase bomb ingredients and pack the
bomb inside a Ryder truck the day before the
April 19. 1095. bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building The blast killed 168 people and
injured hundreds of others. Nichols was convict-
ed at a federal trial in Denver of conspiracy and
involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of eight
federal agents. McVeigh was also convicted: he
was executed June 11 in Terre Haute. Ind.

Bush may invoke executive privilege

W.-\SHING'I‘ON President Bush is pre-
pared to invoke executive privilege if Congress
demands to see documents about prosecutors‘ de-
cisions in three Clinton-era cases. administra-
tion officials said Wednesday. The claim. if made.
would be Bush‘s first known use of executive
privilege, a doctrine recognized by the courts to
ensure presidents can get candid advice in pri-
vate Without fear of it becoming public. White
House Counsel Alberto Gonzales recommended
that Bush make the privilege claim if a Republi»
can-led House committee subpoenas the memos
or seeks to question Attorney General John
Ashcroft about them. The House Government Re-
form Committee prepared subpoenas demanding
the disputed documents and planned to serve
Ashcroft on Thursday. setting up a possible legal
showdown. The officials said the administration
has researched at least fotir other instances in
which executive privilege was cited involving
similar documents.

Racially charged fliers sparlt debate

STATE COLLEGE. Pa. ~ Black student lead-
ers at Penn State want an apology from a retired
professor who distributed fliers with a racist epi-
thet, Which the professor says was just an at-
tempt to show that students are treated poorly.
The incident comes just a few months after black
student leaders reported receiving death threats
and students staged a sit-in to protest the univer-
sity‘s racial climate. The 300 fliers. for Julian He-
icklen's campaign for Centre County jury com-
missioner. noted that very few students serve on
county juries. “The students are being treated
here the exact way the blacks were in the 1950s
except for the lynching." said Heicklen, who is
White. The 300 fliers contained the headline “PSU
Student As Nigger." Heicklen said he has long
championed the rights of Penn State students
and insisted the use of the word was logical.

-Compiled from wire reports



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' Donations to help future
Cawood Ledford scholars

By Andrea Ulide


Upon his retirement. UK sports commentator (‘awood
Ledford announced the birth of a scholarship in his name.
one that will continue to live on even after his death Wednes-
day at age 75.

The Cawood Ledford Scholarship Fund began in 1992
with the proceeds Ledford had from his lifetime activities.
The scholarship aids athletes who have finished their athlet-
ic eligibility but have not received a degree.

The athletes can return after pursuing a sports career.
and have the option to work to pay for schooling until a de-
gree is achieved. Common work projects include working for
UK Athletics and community outreach projects,

The scholarship is an endowment fund and its interest is
used to help the athletes. said Bob Bradley of [7K Athletics.
He said the fund is the only of its kind for UK sports.

The amount of money assessed to students depends on
their needs. and athletes from any sport are eligible. James
Blackburn. Sonny Collins and Steve Hricenak were all UK
athletes who were able to attain their degrees under the

Kathy DeBoer. a Senior Associate Athletic Director. said
Ledford cared deeply about UK and the students.

"Cawood was very. very close to our program and not
only tremendously interested in what kids were doing on the
court. but how they were doing in the classroom." DeBoer

Friends of Ledford confirmed he started radiation and
chemotherapy treatment for cancer last December. Within
that time. DeBoer said Ledford spoke with his wife. Frances.
and decided any donations after his death would go toward
the scholarship fund.

DeBoer said Ledford worked to gain support for the
scholarship whenever possible.

“He felt that the athletes who competed here (at UK)
gave a tremendous amount to the university." she said.
"Ledford decided to give back to them."

Donations made will go directly to the scholarship fund.
The larger the fund gets. the more scholarships may be allots
ted. DeBoer said her office and other offices on campus are
already receiving a number of interested donors

Most of the donations. she said. have come from individ-
uals who had relationships
with Ledford. One donor. a
man from Michigan. began
making donations after listen
ing to Ledford during UK bas-
ketball games on the radio.

DeBoer was a long—time

Scholarship fund

Donations to the Cawood
Ledford Scholarship Fund
should be sent to Kathy



Ledford with his wife, Frances, at the ceremony where his banner

was hung in the Roma Arena rafters. He was the first
non-player, non-coach to receive the honor.

friend of Ledford. a man she
said was one of a kind. “

“We‘ve lost a Kentucky
hero today." she said.

DeBoer, Memorial Coliseum,
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.. 40506.




Week of’September 3 - 9, 2001

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities Registered Student Orgs. and UK

Depts can submit information for FREE orilivie ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information IS to
appear at' http://www.uky.edu/Campus Calendar. Call 257-8867 for more information.

Thurs 6

*CRU, 7:30pm, Worsham Theater
*DevotionsniLunch, 12:00pm, BSU,
$1.00 admission

*Freshmen Focus, 8:00pm, BSU

*MSA General Body Meeting,

6:30pm, Student Center

*Resume Workshop, 5:00pm, Career

‘internship Information Sessions,
3:30pm, Stuckert Career Center, for
more info, call 2573632

* ShaolinvDo Karate classes, 5-
6:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft


WRFL Lawn Concert, 12Alpm,
Student Center West Lawn.
also Bowl Party, 4—6:00pm, W.T.
Young Library

Fri 7



NEW additions & renovations
Clean, friendly atmosphere
Lighted basketball court

5 minutes from campus
Celebrdt our 20th Anniversary!



GAME, 1:30PM,

*Tae Kwon Do practice, 11»1:00pm,
Alumni Gym Loft



‘Nubian Council Dance, 9~1:30pm,
Student Center Ballroom

‘The Panoply Academy Legionnaires,
with The Speedtrain and Chester, 10
pm, Detour

iniInAMURALsmEanAJion 8"“9
’UK Aikido CIUb, 1-3200PM, Alumni

Gym Loft

*UK Judo Club, 5-7pm, Alumni

Gym Loft


"Ruben Bancrofft, "Extraordinary

Architecture in Cuba", 5:30pm,

Pence Hall

UK vs. Ball State

mm" ricotta | THURSDAY, scarier {2651 l g“


Students shocked
by Ledford's death

Reflecting: Many students were kids when Ledford

was calling games, but they know his legend
By Kelley Sears


His voice still rings in the heads of many students

(‘awood Ledford. the Voice of the Wildcats. died
Wednesday morning alter a long struggle with cancer.

As students learned of his death. they had varied
responses. but most seemed saddened.

When (‘had Schwalliach. an integrated strategic
conmuinicatlon senior. learned of I.edfoi‘d\ death he
bowed his head. drew in a deep breath. hesitated and
whispered that he was shocked.

Scl‘iwalhach recalled game days when he was a
kid. His father would turn down the volume of the
television and [NH] up the radio to hear Ledford's

"My dad said (‘awood told it like it is.‘ he said.

Most who recalled Ledford did so with distant
looks on their faces. They were seemingly transported
to living rooms. garages or cars packed with family
and friends intently listening to the radio. with lied
t‘ord‘s voice ringing out plays by Rex Chapman. Richie . ,
Farmer or Travis Ford. I dldn t

Zack Moxlev a computer science senior. said his
family used to do the same thing as Schwalbachs even

Moxlev said he's Ulad Ledford lived as long as he
(in, ‘ " " know be

"It's kind of better he retired several years ago.
rather than ldyingl during his career." he said ”It was
would have been a lot more tragic.” Sick “

Although some students were too young to re- '
member listening to Ledford, or weren't from Ken-
tucky. they did understand the great admiration so
many hold for him.

"I don't really know a lot. but i'w'ervone looked up
to him because he knew a lot about sports." said
(‘hristy (‘ongletoir a family studies senior. 'l’eople re-
spected him because of that."

'1 know he announced something] said Do
miiiiuiie {\lyrick. a social work senior. "That's all I
know about him. The man really worked hard."

Ledford did work hard. and because of that. he
will not soon be forgotten

lie is definitely a legend around hech said
.lustm (‘apel a business sophomore. ‘l'm shocked .. I
didn't even know he was sick "

()ther students seemed to have been ready for the

‘lle‘s been sick for a long time. (D kind ofexpected
it.‘ said (‘an Kenimer. a plant and soil science senior

(li‘si sad to see him go‘

The Ledford era is over. but his legend lives on ill

the hearts and minds of his devoted fans

a legend
here. I’m

- Justin Capel,

llll Students: _
Saturday, Sento'mlie

__ ' free limited Edition
Ilisors to the first _
lllllll students entering late 1.

lllso listen for your seal
in he called during
the game to win a

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SGA unofficially changes name

Alterations: Student Government Association representatives say
new name is a symbol of improvement, and many changes to come

By Andrea Uhde


The Student (liw'ernnient
.-\ssociation. commonly i'es
l'erred to as S(‘..~\. has lllloIiik‘ldI-
ly altered its name to Student

The new name. which is
featured on this year's logo de-
sign, was a decision made by
President ’l‘iiti Robinson and
other members who want to
transform the student represen-
tatiye body

"We think that the SUA has

some negative connotations
from the past few years." said
Robinson. who calls the new
name a symbol of the improve-
ment the ol‘gilllllllilon is truth
mg this year.

"We really Just want stu
den's to see that there are
changes coining." said Robin
son. who plans to rebuild the
gm’erninent with a direct locus
on unity. sery'ice and advocacy

Robinson said that I‘t‘it‘l‘
ring to the organization as Stu
dent (loyerninent will help
identify them because l‘ew stu»


dents know what SGA stands

The Student (ioyerninent
has also remodeled its office.
adding seyen work stations.
and changed the colors from
baby blue and black to blue and

Zach \Vebb, .‘l senator lor
the t‘ollege ol Arts and Sci-
elices. saitl that while the name
change him be considered a
symbol it ls not the most iinpor
taut issue "'l‘he locus this year
is not about the name change.“
he said "I‘ll" students care

about what kind of representa-
tion they‘re getting I think
what we‘re really going to be
Judged on is not so itiiich a
name change biit what we'll get
done this year "

Webb said that it. the Stu

dent (i(i\'t'l'IlIllt‘IIi has a lot of

potential this year. then “the
ball is in 'l‘iin's court" as far as
how the rest of the year will go.
“We‘ve got a lot ol‘ dedicated
people who really care.” he

Robinson has high hopes
t‘or this year and plans to focus
as much as possible on the stu-
dents ”You say student when
you say Student (loy'ei'tiiiit-iit."
he said. “It piits the student
hack into ll,“

, 3%
Ladies’ Fest

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Police officers are
assigned to a resi-
dence hall in the UK
Police Department's
program. At the
beginning of the
semester, a UK
police officer talks to
students in Kiman
Tower about safety
issues, and the role
of the UK Police

adopt cops to teach campus safety

® ..

Breaking down the walls: Officers attempt
to lessen stereotypes about campus police

By Kelley Sears