xt7c862bcb7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862bcb7v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals 2001 Fall Contest text 2001 Fall Contest 2001 2001 2019 true xt7c862bcb7v section xt7c862bcb7v r— 7AA?
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 Page 2 - 2001 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest
; : RECORDER, Lori Cossens Good project of localizing the terror— NEWS, Kelley Warnick
l “Yoekl Stepping Up? Great headline. ist tragedy. Simple Shot, but it is tricky to shoot
l ' / / 1, Third Place — MCLEAN COUNTY in foggy conditions. This one tells it
l «‘ 5 Category 5 - BEST COLUMN NEWS, Teresa Revlett all.
‘lass I First Place — GALLATIN COUNTY Nice package on residents becoming
l ' ‘ ' NEWS, Kelley Warnick missionaries. Category 18 - BEST NEWS
YT" T— I l l Warnick has a great ability to look at Honorable Mention - FULTON PICTURE ESSAY
E’E‘EESEY} ' 121:3} ETPIIN‘TT)UNTY life and everyday happenings with a LEADER, Janey Tyner First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY
VIEWS {If} CW] . 4k ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ unique style. NEWS, Kelley Warnick
2, * ‘ 1h are“ d. "-l ,,t _ Second Place — CAMPBELL COUN— Category 12-BEST SPOT NEWS Second piac0 - CENTRAL CITY
[‘“1‘3”; ‘0 fh‘ l":‘1‘f ”f’““,‘.“‘ ‘1‘” TY RECORDER, Dave Niinemets PACKAGE TIMES ARGUS, Mark Stone
)o (‘ (:3qu ‘ to :1 (f “EN”: o‘wmus y Fun reading with some interesting First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Third Place — HICKMAN COURIER,
PU“ er u. ‘11:”:de 0 t.; .50“ “”3“th observations. NEWS, TON‘SB Rt‘VlCtl John O'Neal Jones
“,””‘§””' if“? ““2, jiml‘fltf‘ ‘ Third Place — MCLEAN COUNTY Only entry that really qualiticd as a
T121 LR}: of t 2 “Sit“ Ell?” tdu Eta“: NEWS, Teresa Revlett “news package" but that doesn’t take Category 19 _ BEST FEATURE
£5,213): :lrlipj); :3? h,(II,/(;:,nm(i(; ”3: Nice, easy. personable writing style. ilWilY from “US. PICTURE
facts behind the editorial. Well done? a . 1 a V . FlrSt Place ' GALLATIN COUNTY
g D d Pl' .. (‘AMPBFI I (‘OllV- Category 6 - BEST SPORTS Category 13 - BEST BUSINESS NEWS, Kelley Warnick
ficggcofigfgp 6.1,, , Nil-[J01 ts d COLUMN 0R AGRIBUSINESS STORY Nice feature picture. Simple, big,
(a ,g") H d: blbt’r Id] m: L'hv Certificate of Merit - FULTON First Place ’ HICKMAN COURIER probably even better in color, to set
Tiffji'hié $130; that]: hi hi “Fm-q; LEADER, Scott Rich John O'Neal Jones mood
tr‘ating ti) small communities y ‘ GOOd lead and nice wrap. Second Place ' GALLATIN COUNTY
Third Place — FLEMINGSBURG Category 7 ' BEST SPORTS second Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS, Kelley Warnick
GAZETTE, Danetta Barker STORY Y NEWS) Dana EhlSCh‘de Good humor here, a wonderful story,
\ humorous but unch handlinT of FM“ Place ' FL LTON LEADER’ More paraphrasmg, few less quotes i500.
f V l bl “ ’pth th): "t _( S "l Scott, Rich COUld have made a difference. Third Place _ HICKMAN COURIER
1:“,r:t11n§:0 (m “I t u ‘V c Hm“ Great story on the “two Jennifers.” Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG John O’Neal Jones ’
Honorable Mention - GALLATIN Sewn“ Place ’ GALLATIN COUNTY GAZETTE camly“ C' SChYVartz Good story. Focus could be sharper-
COUNTY NEWS (‘lav Warnick NEWS, Kelley Warnick Too many quotes for a first place
Proof that a small newspaper that is if“? Elurwdbsm‘geflhiag that’s got 5“” Category 20 - BEST FEATURE
UV, ,, , ~ _. aseta or asea. enucy as T
gut.) enough, xcan havt an impact) in auto racing? Category 14 - BEST HEADLINE PIC‘ URE ESSAY
as lltIl( as int paragraphs if th( Ldl— . . First Place FLEMINGSBURG
., , . , ,, , , , Third Place-TIE-MCLEAN COUN- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG
torial is Wi‘lttt.“ vu ll (nough and tht . GAZETTE, Danetta Barker
, , . . , , , TY NEWS, Teresa Revlett GAZETTE, CETOIYD C~ Schwartz - -
facts art thtre , i S x d Pl . MCLEAN COUNTY Beautifully executed for such a tragic
Honorable Mention - CAMPBELL Th‘rd Place ‘ TH“ ,' CENTRAL CITY “on aw — . theme. Very well done. Tasteful and
. . i r i , , TIMES ARGUS, Richard Deavers NEWS, Dana Ehlschlde
(i()l INTY RECORDER. Dave , Third Place _ MCLEAN COUNTY thoughtful.
Niinemets Himmble Mention ~ EDMONTON NEWS T>r Rev, tt Second Place - GALLATIN COUNTY
(iOUd use of census data. HP‘RALD NEWS’ Clay 8C0“ _’ c )esa . e _ NEWS, Kelley Warnick
Honorable Mention GALLATIN All photos were interesting Each
(‘ategory 2 - BEST SPOT NEWS ggfggg: ' BEST SPORTS COUNTY NEWb‘ Kelley Warnick had an excellent story to tell. Most
STORY 4 ' t :t' h t I f t f '
First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY Elm PW“ - (‘ENTRAL CITY TIMES categm'y 15 ' BEST GRAPHIC/ :fiairffialfegsfenoiggssm:tics]? y 8”
Warnlck does a great yol) of describ~ JUSt 1‘ great story on Patrick Sparks. FYirst‘Place' — MCLEAN COUNTY GAZETTE Carolvn C. Schwartz
ma 1“,. scom. ,,_\. ,, takes Dim. Second Place — MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS, Angle Gilbert We“ balan’ced théme
sciond Place — (‘AMPBELL COUN— NEWS Tm“! Revlon REWSi 11,3130" 'RM?LEAN COUNTY ‘
TY RECORDER, Gina H( lt Every golfer‘s dream: a hole in one. . '~~ ”“53 9V ‘3“ 7 _
(iHlltl. straighttin‘ward stOl‘y on three Every NOH‘S'ES nightmare: ”0t being Th‘ird‘Place _ MCLEAN COUNTX SEC¥8EyE21 BEST SPORTS
~ tragic (loaths- “b“f ‘" ”1““ ”- , , , _, , , NEWS’ Teresa Rem“ First Place - CENTRAL CITY TIMES
Third Place » I\I(‘I.EAN COUNTY Third l’lW‘ ‘ I‘lthll’llN('SBl«lRG . . ARGUS paulG Mom.
NEWS. vam “(,th GAZETTE. (.‘zlrolyn Schwartz Category 16 ‘ BE‘ST GENERAL Nice Sliot under tV ’i’allv tou h
(iood story on impact otll'agedv of 9- NW“ “(”1" about “TAM”- NEWS PICTURE ‘h - T d" .p Lf N G Ed
11-01. ~ - First Place _ FULTON LEADER, b {mt/1% f0“ ”15”};5- ]_ _ 00
Honorable Melit ion — lllCh'MAN Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE Jam)" Tm” Scum lm‘idtt bt(ixryCaLnEAilingC1)CIlItNTY
(‘OI'RIER John “,le Jones OR ANALYTICAL STORY Nice spot/general news Shot, tells a NEW); g llceW'dii _ t ’
ram wmnwtvk. First Place — CAMPBELL COUNTY complete story , a y. 1 ““g 0“ .
- ' RECORDER, Tom Williams Second Place - CAMPBELL COUN- Excellent action shot. Good impact.
Category 3 - BEST GENERAL Williams takes a great insight into TY RECORDER Dave NiinemEtS , Third Place ' MCLEAN COUNTY
NEWS STORY the area‘s local economic problems. GOOd general news ShOt' Close, WIth NEWS’ Teresa Revlett ~
First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Second Place - CAMPBELL COUN- g°9d ‘mPaCt- When “Xe SP8.“ 0f capturmg the
NEWS Dana Ehlschide TY RECORDER, Gina Holt Th‘rd Place ' GALLATIN COUNTY moment til“ Is What we mean‘ very
Ehlschide does good story on how Consumer beware! And H0” alerts NEWS’ Kelley Warnick clean shot.. .
$100 000 grant will help the commu- them to area scams. Nice news feature photo. GOOd Honorable Mention - MCLEAN
nity.’ Third Place - FULTON LEADER, Impactand emotion 933:3 1:33;? $2123 £331,011
Second Place - HICKMAN COURI- Glen Ivey ' '
ER, John O'Neal Jones Nice story on potential issue with 1- Category 17 ' BEST SPOT NEWS derful?
A coin toss determines a political 69. P.1CTURE '
race? Unbelievable. FlrSt Place ' LAKE .NEWS’ Category 22 . BEST SPORTS
John O'Neal Jones STORY OR SERIES Very nice picture. Big, gloomy, lots of First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
Sad story on two churches closing, First Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY Impact Very SWINE Tells 8‘ complete NEWS, Teresa Rem“ TR L CITY
but the story is well done. RECORDER, Gina Holt story. 1 Second Place ‘ CEN A
Honorable Mention _ EDMONTON GOOd 100k IntO gas problems In Second P ace ' EDMONTON HER- TIMES ARGUS, Sara Jones ‘
HERALD NEWS, Clay Scott Newport. Hopefully this is resolved. ALD NEWS’ Clay SCOtt Th’rd Place ’ GALLATIN COUNTY
Honorable Mention — FULTON Second Place - CAMPBELL COUN- N1“ dEYt‘me “’9 Sh“ Very g°°d NEWS’ Kelley Warmck
LEADER Rita Mitchell TY RECORDER Gina Holt composmon. Good story told here. Honorable Mention — CENTRAL
Northern Kentucky University pro- Third Place - GALLATIN COUNTY CITY TIMES ARGUS, Paul G. Moore
Category 4 - BEST FEATURE fessor facing tough road. " ' ' ' '
STORY 9 0 0
First Place — HICKMAN COUNTY Category 11 - BEST ON-GOING/ . D011 I forget to 1)le up extra COPIES ,
Second Place - CAMPBELL COUN~ First. Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY l
TY RECORDER, Lori Cossens RECORDER. Gina Holt l 0 t e conteSt ta or t e reSt l
Good headline and subhead. Great Great series. ‘
lead. Layout good too. Second Place - CENTRAL CITY l 0f your Staff! . ‘
Third Place ~ CAMPBELL COUNTY TIMES ARGUS, Richard Deavers l-_c,a,___H,~,-,_,.,- ____WM , fl _ _ ,_ _, 7 ,, ., . , 7 “WWW“;

 ‘r i; ';'; '
’ 2001 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest - Page 3
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Top 5 In the Weekly Class 1 C 0 mp etltton, ' M % “‘29?” ' if ..
Janey 75/7187) of The Fulton L eader ’ cap - if}? " ’ 2%
tu red first place in the General News 2'2 a:
. . . . «r #3352“ 5:)“
Plcture category wlth thls shot. Rtght: Paul fie , #13:“);2- -'
G. Moore, of The Central Ctty Tlmes Argus, ,,..gig12;}1.3.331:}:ffjféff‘fiffi532-255-3222.:2 2; e” ‘ :
. . . . " e" 4-5:; . -
was the first place wlnner tn the Sports g @2122 . . '.
Picture category. The newspaper finished I M 2&2» :2
‘ ' - 2 <22.
t h” d tn the Ge neral Excellence C 0 mp 9t 1' z "i j ”2"?" 1. ' .
tion. Below: Gina Holt 0 The Cam bell . 2W ' ~~. 2
- : 2 - *2 .‘ c "s-éiiiiiéiiii"33:.2353322523253' "535 :2“ wff' .
County Recorder, was the JUdges ple In 1‘ V “ 3' 8;.“ «v. 1 g ’f‘3 ~=-':..;21;;,”;_1-_2§:;$§r
. «a 1 ' ' "
the Ongomg-Extended Coverage Story cate- - ' ~ 2°
gory. The wzn helped the paper land a tze . ' .. 1?
" “’3‘
fO" second place General Excellence. 1.2 2 '2 .2
22"" 2 » . . , z"
I_5,€-;§:§3g:;:3:3:3. ' ._.- 55; ' 12:2: " "32135335353352}'EIE-:-£1353:15'“‘"""24" '
-~‘ w ‘ 2' ;: ".‘5253Egi3353;35§?" .
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from its six-~Iru'mifiet3kl- plum... midi-hay *2“ - .' = . -* ‘ Rug-mat]. l (menial-Ml: 2.2m: m,- mu
Wars! ilswmwik ' ' ' 1 “WWW"‘.f'ifiifi.....§,ff.;.j'.f."'; ' ' .. 2 . ' mvmrmh {hm the plum 2. 2.322.:msm ,2.
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be” (WW ~95???"7‘32"";’sqgliflV‘Thm gunfiY 1617mm. an ~2me reside-m. retained by the tefiidcma. will the NW ,, ’."jw’t fins"- :11»: 3'." ”h”: .. ”if:
Wit-2615; «Jifietfilhgm {efimflllfi £20.“)? who 1(3th gilygr agave. YORKMMS in suit C(‘mld be expanded in”, g, (In-“- :jifu',” m: wyx s2. ..2..s;-,.m, m2. Hun-,9
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omen};(fiat-2122:2122!has;WNW! med Brush Creek Landscaping Supply nml lawsuit is twingpmpm-M mvulvmg .. 1d ”';‘/p”("1"‘4’1'3113i’"i; ‘2‘ ~" ‘2
9 =-"&§W§b¢f§fld133%”ng"‘GICWWWW and Service in" Silver (3mm: until the company that built Um lie'u‘urgz‘ “”11, '.‘H‘f'j’ M’f‘I‘.‘ 3,"; , ,1 fl .
2 fyfixwagfijabsflax WW""¢« WWW" recently and claims that actions by plant 1‘ “:r W- ' 2 2" - "M 21-22:]. |
2 mipgfmgiivcrmmc "W’W" ""1” ““:’" Laifix’r‘gé mused him to gt.» out of bani» “H invulvcs a damn armour mum: La! _ 2
2 ’éié'iiiiiifwirmmimt-y i‘ar‘gnnimiimls. mess. . maiden-:32 ‘m the area." said minimalism". _. urge
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V' 1, '
Page 4 - 2001 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest -
Y Good "issue" stuff. NAL, John Shindlebower/Sharon JOURNAL, John Shindlebower
“(.0le Honorable Mention - SPRINGFIELD Dodson Great composition.
. .x 7/ .y SUN, James Roberts Excellent local coverage of national
~‘ ., . events. An issue to save. Category 18 _ BEST NEWS
‘ ‘ . - CT ‘PORTS ‘ .. .. ., _ a
'i ‘ slabs 2 235%“ BEE b figfifig‘gfil‘g‘tfm. LAUREL NEWS PICTURE ESSAY
L FIFSI Place - HARDIN COUNTY Good mark on a “special edition" FlrSt Place _ BEREA CITIZEN’ SCOtt
Category 1 ' BEST EDITORIAL INDEPENDENT Martin Hepner after a tornado, that, from the look of Powell , ,
First Place — ()WENTON NEWS The gmmig We“. well written and the photos, probably affected the Good photos, nice graphics and
HERALD. Patti ('lark overall excellent. news staffas well. . design.
MW” illlil. Pllllt'llfi' Nlllm‘lill With Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SI'N, Third p12,“. - ()WENTON NEWS Second Place ~ LAL'REL NEWS
llllpormnt facts. Gail M. Mastin HERALD. inmi (Hark/Natasha Allen JOURNAL, John Shindlebower
S‘T‘m‘l 1’11““ ‘ (‘ADIZ HECORIL Vt‘l'." interesting I“ 50“ {1 female llt‘r' You covered it all. Good team effort. Tells the story.
Tom Beri"\' . , spective on racing. ‘ V ‘ V V Third Place - PROVIDENCE JUL.ch
WW “l‘_l?';‘}jl““‘i" "‘ l":“f"lf””” ”“f‘ f} Thlffil ,l’lim - LAUREL NE“ 5 Category 13 . BEST BUSINESS NAL ENTERPRist: Dehhic
I‘t'll'illlllttl i‘aitY i:.ltiOii.i t \i ills llIIlhltt .]()I [\NAL. Les Dixon OR AGRIBUSINESS STORY Throgmoi‘ton
Third(illlinii-L-l-AH— Hlir\'l-'Y COI'NTY ("itegorv 7 BEST SPORTS 1:er {iliis IIJAM'PIZN‘OIYNTY HER- MM‘V Sh”?
» . I“ ~ ‘ - ' . ‘ 4‘ * ‘ 4 ,' i ’.', iII1(lii (lrlit‘f‘

l.°~ was .‘
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4.5 in.) ut be] ng fleeced e33“ .- :
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1 ilfivi’ifii 3 1%} 3‘4 Hwy :0 mum-r w .801th yfifijflgig ' 3 4% 3e I
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I hath-K; K. i 2.1“ 1.3.9! Ewen (lorries?instead for new if 17 35: 4 ’5‘ " ' 32' w -:j ,
i ( __ f , 1 , (urine. This}; were intrmiucmi . v‘w
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: {2:34.}, SJNUQ i-i-Wimfifi but. lixitefmzsta {if their skew . " 55”
I {'iii‘iii‘f' Nutter}fiction, they are still i: QWjQng .5 _
i ., . , ‘ " ""”"‘..”“'i"”~‘i“i w”: ii .-. hle‘“ww§f § i
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i 3 3' ‘1 ’ '3 ‘ 3” ‘33 ”3(73'3‘53‘3’3'3 2: in me "i Inked. states-hm the x3” ' ' - i
3 sir‘mzimi fut? their fleece is , 7 i, . I. < " ‘ 3
i is. texi‘i. $343243 E's-2e: 2‘21: intestine: ;:;'<‘>zs-"iz‘t§:f {fixiib’l thanks 1:0 a W 0 l l- . j
E 8333-1331:;4'2PM:2it} m, sii, )"ijer’zifi‘aét'rii i!‘)§..~i:ii"t.z§;t in natured 3*” 3* ’ :
i 5%. ihfi'it‘rri :3331ie strum?)i'u'tiiii‘i fiber-cs WW {Lit-43w Whi ‘3} Mxmw‘ 3% ”a“? i: i
1 ' " ’ ‘ ‘ "‘"3 L} .i?i-Z€:E:::::»-:E::r-:E:i'3'.i.E"E:i'1.3=3=£:£4£:.~:32213:' ,i‘333*5:3:v;E51:E;E:E:?;S;E::fgijz\:ig5§$W 1-443!4559-1553:; 4:33;; >. 1::fiiigsizu ‘
Isis: wees eff-sing it) maxim: live mmes in. 32 shmies a?" white. ;. 4. 4. ' . ?
F‘ 339% three years eggs). 3-3333 brown. beige emf! ems. wee: *3 ., 1 "I. T - .
’333333? 33133333393133 mdehw’fi ..nhsa,riaei:13«iiici :fi‘nr lump mystfl W . . WW ':
3333“13§3“‘3W¥’WW3WW t1:3333415358catfissidm’eiti finer-mi} ,. shows by Lines. gees-er i
i333333Wh3iishsfindhwhus1mite:'ihaiiiiiiiishm(3134’, “YW“ Kathy flaming shows ”‘3‘ her 3‘9““ ”9°33” I
w‘w’fimfip‘”mm:msmfimm““‘¥m {3333'3333313331333331 . mieflainaflwi semis ,
Mi’Wfimm‘imwmfifwfihflWW Niniéfmii ' 1 TheHenmngenew’mi - '
333333333333333‘333333333mmmbsmkmimiidfw " '~” ' " mflsemmeeiewe
-_ . . :3 . .4 4 Top: The judges liked this entry from Linda Parker,
, ' Editorii, of the LaRue County He rald-News, in the
4 . . ":: 1": 2:12:21; 3 €24.33? £32215 B usiness / Agribusiness category for Weekly 2 papers.
; - ime to make teaChel' It won first place and helped the newspaper secure a
' . . .. f ' second place in General Excellence competition. Left:
pay a Priority in SChlS The Owenton News-Herald’s Patti Clark wrote the
‘ ' ' ’$553:g:;:§§:;;§;g.;;{ first place editorial which urged area school districts
:3; geogetmdjsagreethatmach-.ers'are‘iifzdef‘wa wheat to make teacher salaries a priority. Below: Shorty
O t e a . -. ' ‘ ~ . . ,
i Every day, Eh gsw alk into schoolmdihinanyhatsin weir ,. La33iter, of The Springfield Sun, took top honors in
hands asking filemselves what fie mew play may“ _ the Sports Picture category with this entry.
teacher or disciplinaxian, drug abuse comb or 513me} .
advisor, fi'iend or foe, parent or poncemetiivmase Huey must
don the hats for an of the above and mare before their dav is W
_ ., 4..54;:2;I:.4;4..;:;:;.;:;$_.<;:;53;.-.,4,;4:444;:4;:4:;;::;;::;:;;;:,:;:::,:;;;;52:54:54.:55444gages-4.44:;2:23;:;:;:;:::;:;.;:;:::;:;::r;:zz;2:2;2;::zi::;::§:g;;:g:::::=::;:;:::z: "-':::‘<5:;.i:125:5-»:'-..:.5.::~:."f-::35:52:33::2:3:3:5:1:3:6£'=:1:5:€:£:E::’:=:9==*‘-?“-§4231;255:913$451.5
i done. . . 4. _ f ' .- . . biggie;
And yet, a new teacher just out ofmllege walks mes door ’ Q». V4.
making less than $26,000 in OwenCountyIttakas'E’? years ie‘s%3\é ~
. experience and a masters". ', degree. beforemmeache 1 "r the 3W’W’3"
5. $50,000 in pay. Those numbersmmefinmflleOwenCmmty $4:
' Despite efl‘orts in recent ymté'iiupmemhemaythems . e5;
sun 8 $5,000 gap bemeen the memgesazmeereeaeheem es?" 4 4.9 '44 "
I Kentucky and their peers in other statesflnaregonal com- ”Eek. é $9 is
. are 933d an average °f$3$9°9 mafia? :.- ' . ' T .. 4.4.“M fiew‘
.l ' have other statesfmvelve WWWMMWM 3 Q- " ‘3’" M
! began, the 533mm ofwmmxwmmfim N 44. f
g cenwme nameavemeesyxmmewememe " 4.
4 4- 88 percentofthe average ; . 'g i: ‘ . ‘3‘ -
' It’s no wonder set-{ml syWhave ahardmnemngandi [ - 2 i' ' ""4..;::.“” 3
keeping teadxexe. ' ' . - ” ... We
? It’s time for lawmakmmwsmfititaa pianflmmiim - E 1422;33:44 .: ‘ ' "
_ teacher seams new e... nammmemmsmeem. 333333 ..e’ 434.44
in ”3‘3 state {WW WWW Smfimbem I 4.. .ige" .4“ 3‘ 4%.».
Zine with-the nahmalavetmby,mwemm j . 44.2.? '93 :42 .
mimemwwwedeeamememae e444 3 /
Mathews waywmmmfimeveme 3 4
”WWW WWWWWWWW Me ‘A “fighhii‘eese...
1 wwsewewe.“
E . :’ “Exit'ri'b- -, .-, .-....:;iiz.i2.:E‘Eji3._:..J;I:1::;::~ri:.:;.;i.5;E555353152253325325;..::Eggzifsij’s'-'i-53144;:.::.r.-.-;'I-1:.252555535555255555335.;..‘e""""fii=:~-1??"35;"'1=i*"':3:555“""-”‘Iii§;:;:.2:'*::.i ..fissfir‘Es-ifi'fi? ':::::-'~5Yi".’~'¥“":?"77.5327‘4FTK4:33.”?”I;::Z~§"\?‘3‘:§v5'2:sis:"3i~“f¥"‘->.:.‘"~..;<‘-"i5:‘”-‘3f'~.v-534:»v“=7‘---‘il~'-*ISE=~'?.1£?14-:1i:“"':i'~33§’-:"5. 5"5‘.'i3335:."'" 57.3 "3 " ‘
4s ......W m ; $3.... ..1 * ~ ““3334‘34‘Mi3

 .-. ' ; . 4:1,?
L. ’ gv'gsJL.
Page 6 - 2001 KPA Fall Newspaper Contest , ‘
: Y —j Very, very close call here. Really. NEWS, Missy Rogers NAL, Trent Knuckles
f . “leekl l Third Place — GRANT COUNTY Honorable Mention — CASEY COUN- Second Place — CORBIN NEWS
l y l NEWS, Wayne Yeager TY NEWS, Donna Carman/Linda JOURNAL, Eddie Arnold
l : Do you guys have all of the good writ- Carmicle Third Place - ANDERSON NEWS,
. ‘ E" ‘ ' I) .
1 Cl 53 3 l ers in Kentucky. ‘ Don White
I, ‘ a l C BES ORTS gitgggg - BEST SPOT NEWS Honorable Mention - CASEY COUN-
T M 7 7 W -. 77 WE'VV' ' l “a ategory 6 ' T SP TY NEWS, R (1 11V ht
C???“ 1‘ ’ BEST EDITORIfiI‘ COLUMN First Place — JESSAMINE JOUR- 3” 3 aug
3”“,“3‘9 ‘ CASEY COL TY First Place - GRANT COUNTY NAL - Zoya Tereshkova/Lisa Category 18 _ BEST NEWS
NEWS Donna Carman
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . b . ‘ NEWS, Wayne Yeager King/Mary OPOOSEOW PICTURE ESSAY
Well expressed concerns for usmess, Very well written. These three and the news staff did a _
c * PP * . . , Second Place - GRANT COUNTY greatiob of locallzmg a tragedy that
conducted out of the ubliC View. - NAL, Trent Knuckles
‘p NEWS, Wayne Yeager happened hundreds of miles away. S (1 Pl JESSAMINE JOUR
Good watchdog role of the newspa- Third Place _ CORBIN NEWS JOUR— Second Place _ CASEY COUNTY NfifinRan358PAtrjck -
per. . NEWS, D C /L' d , ’
323:1“; Plgcep- tJEiSAMINE JOUR— NAL, Trent Knuckles Carmickle onna arman in a 33d 1311398 £0111le NEWS JOUR—
‘ ’ an y a “C . Th t e rters make a ood , 1e no
Excellent treatment of a serious g;§§;ry7 BEST SPORTS “33:? wo r p0 g Honorable Mention - CORBIN
grow‘h Emblem W‘U‘ very g°°d First Place — CORBIN NEWS JOUR- Third Place - HARRODSBURG HER- NEWS JOURNAL, Eddie Arm”
examples. NAL, Trent Knuckles ALD, Rosalind Turner/Kelli
Th‘rd Place ' ANDERSON NEWS’ Second Place - JESSAMINE JOUR- Elam/Debbie Jenkins Cook Category 19 - BEST FEATURE
Missy Rogers _ N AL, Jim Easterwood Another good job by a weekly staff on PICTURE
A good call for more compaSSion than Third Place _ CASEY COUNTY 9—11-01. First Place - BRECKINRIDGE
SCEOO‘S hymn“) correct a Problem NEWS Donna Carman Honorable Mention - CORBIN COUNTY HERALD NEWS, David
With a Simplistic hard and fast rule. Cute le’ad. NEWS JOURNAL, Mark White W. Hayes
ESBEGSXIIE: gens-’10}? - JESSAMINE Nice job With both stories on meth Good use of perspective.
A we“ reagojé‘d {6,1322 a problem Category 3 - BEST SPORTS lab- Second Place - SCOTTSVILLE CITI-
that seems to have a simple political FEATURE Cat 0 13 _ BEST BUSINESS ZEN TIMES’ BOb PItChfmid .
, I ~ First Place - ANDERSON NEWS, eg ry Excellent focus on the child With the
it? Utlon'bl M t HARRODS JOhn Herndon OR AGRIBUS SS STORY SOR baCkground.
BURUTTERAL? 112215131.in Turner What a great angle. Well written. £2.13}; Ilj'laclii- JESSAMINE JOUR' Third Place - GRANT COUNTY
An exc llent call ,for tolerance Great Sthf' ’ isa ng - NEWS, Jason Feldman
e ' Second Place - CASEY COUNTY Feallydgwd story 011 Cal gmfitlE-hHg Perfect shot
Category 2 - BEST SPOT NEws EE‘S’S, Donna (Carmen gag]: at a ”mg age a“ t a a Honorable Mention — LEBANON
t t t' . '
:TOiuPl GRANT COUNTY TE?YdSPl§Z§OUOEUF§nNEUg JOUR- sewnd Place ' ANDERSON NEWS’ g§ciflE§lE§dsc§’:c€iirdisglgzezzspturing
irs ace - .
NEWS Rebecca Russo NAL' Trellt Knuckles D9!) White the joy on the child’s face.
Y - ’ - Well written but could be more Nice story on J'R' COX'
Lnlike other entries, reporter was at h G d l , from d'ff t Third Place _ GRANT COUNTY
the scene and obtained live quotes. punlc g“ s 0:“ piece a 1 eren NEWS, Jamie Baker-Nantz Category 20 - BEST FEATURE
Second Place - ANDERSON NEWS, TibigrablepMefi-tion - G T COUN- Sounds like a bright future for PTCTURE ESSAY
Don White _ TYNEWS Wa ne Yealehrm Williamstown. First Place - CASEY COUNTY
liltllceddagoroach Wéngfiokégslgcgym ’ y g Honorable Mention - JESSAMINE NEWS, Donna Carmen
1r ace ' . JOURNAL, Zoya Tereshkova There are no misfires in this collec-
NEWS’ Jam‘e Baker-Nantz/Rebecca ggflfigrr?cfirsfi%€¥§PRISE Honorable Mention - CORBIN tion of prom pictures. The essay,
Russo . - NEWS JOURNAL, Eddie Arnold however, would benefit from a strong
Honorable Mention - CASEY COUN- Egafspllecde é CASIEY COUNTY Honorable Mention _ LEBANON “friend, shot
TY NEWS, D na C , in a armic e . '
on arman Second Place - ANDERSON NEWS, ENTERPRISE, Amanda ““59 gringo“? ' JI