xt7c862bbd6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862bbd6v/data/mets.xml North Carolina United States. Work Projects Administration. North Carolina 1940 Other contributors: Levitt, William H.; Salisbury (N.C.); North Carolina. State Planning Board. vi, 23 leaves including tables : frontispiece, maps ; 29 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number HD268.S345 A5 1940. books  English [Salisbury?] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Report of the Real Property Survey, Salisbury, North Carolina: 1939-1940; Work Projects Administration, O.P.  65-1-32-148; Sponsored by City of Salisbury, North Carolina State Planning Board, William H. Levitt, State Supervisor text Report of the Real Property Survey, Salisbury, North Carolina: 1939-1940; Work Projects Administration, O.P.  65-1-32-148; Sponsored by City of Salisbury, North Carolina State Planning Board, William H. Levitt, State Supervisor 1940 1940 2015 true xt7c862bbd6v section xt7c862bbd6v      
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The Real Property Survey  
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o. p. I;5-I-az-14a I T I
spowsoazu BY   I I `IA‘
Stcrte Supervisor  
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;—.» y R-—- ——    -·  E  --zmf-A».·,»»..   LM,     ».,  4  »-»» »·»~  ¤#¤»— ·   (.,_   · :. 4--·· “=·**¤’       ...  ,· — M ·····=‘  I -  
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NOl<'1`ll (JARO1,1 NA i·}'fA'i‘i;Z PLA NNI NG BLJIARD   A
John   Hitrroison, Chuirmaxn  .
T}·» ?*¤l·T`·. `·— J<.·.i.2so1., Sonsuit ,r:t ,*5 
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C. (U fxZrrGi.:i:‘zi,:x, State Amitinistrcitor Li 
. , 1-
E\i;1;.‘ E. Ca.r:ipL·e1l; State Director ;_ r
}’roi`~»;;siona1 anti Service Division 7 ’
Chair] io Huss . Stsito Supo rviso r  
R·;·s»· cz r ch anti Hocords Sec tion .
4  V
. Q ‘
Wi 11 ieur H. Levi tt . State Proj ect Supervisor r 
Jacob Lovin. Assistant Stuto Project Supervisor jj
Q 1
Exlinnu K. ,’\bt~rrit~thy, Di strict. Proj ec t Suporvisor  
Hudson C. Strxnsbury, District Project Su]iG·1‘\’iSOI` _ ~
H. 1. F. Nnnton, Smicrvisor, Negro Work , 4
I1- E':$t,h€1‘ King, Chief Clerk ~'
Cliar1··s li`. Rui snor, Jr. . Ci ty Project. Director L
Q ]
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IDLFUCZIICYTOH ...... . . . . . v£Lv·s .1
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V I- Lund Us·.~ ............, . , ;..=· fri
II- RM1] PT`O]**"l"K}’ · . .... . . . . . .... (3 11 V
IIT. Low Incom—~ Housing .............. l2-15   5
‘ Y · ·; ¤ i   T
(iiossiiry . ¤,........ , ..,....... lt}-17 $ \ ·
!\pp··ndj x - Summary Tables ........,.... 18-23 `; i
{Y `
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Id<·ntii`iceition ..i¤.... . ¤...... 1:pOnLiSpi,;C,_T    
Land Use ...........4 , . . . . Following pogo vi °
Lund Covoryigo ....°.....` » . . " " 1 V  -
C@UVk‘T`K*Q‘d StI‘L1CtuI‘(;5 . , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·· ·. Z;  P
· . .‘
Ago of` Structuros ........... " ‘ F2 · 
OWn·Pr-»Occu]¤nncy .........¢.. “ " 4 '·
1\IOrtg;1ggo Status . . ..... . , . . Q " " 4 ‘ `
Durzxtion of` Owner-O<·cu]»:1noy ...... " " 5 ;
Duration of Tenant-Occupancy ....¤ . " " 5 ,‘
Avcraxgv Rental . . . . . .... . . . . " " Q  I
Roco of Housohold . . . ..¤.... . " " 5
SUbst£1nd;:rd D\·.‘   **i'·—~¥Y 1 A
  ‘··`  - J Y  _  -..    ·-—·`
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Page V
Lund Usc ” F
{  "
I- f¤r~~ of Land by lisc ..¤,.¤.¤h°..,. i  
IT~ DiSKFibution of Land by Typo of Use . ¤.... 3 Y
III. Numbcr and Arca of Structures by Typo ..... 2 i
Real Propcrty ?
IV- Uwrllluq Un1i.S in \·%·.·d oi major Repairs or *;~ .i
Unfit for Usc us Porccnt of Each Aonthly $J
Rcntal Vuluo Group by Occupancy Status . . . 4 ii
Y . . .  1
V. bumhcr and Pcrccnt Distribution by Value of ly
Property of All Singlc-Fumily Owncr-Occupied g
Structurws, und Pcrccnt of Each Value Group il
Mortcugeu, and Pcrccnt in Nccd of M&jOr ini
Rcpoirs or Unfit for Use ........“. 5 ~'
VI- NLIITFBGF Of IVuticgueitc Dwollin; Units by M0nthly _`
Rcntnl and as Pcrccnt of All Dwelling Units E
in Buch Rcntul Vuluc Groun by Occupnncy . ‘
Stutus . ..,..= i G G c .,;.,.¤. G lr
VII. Dwclling Units in Nccd of Major Repairs or ( _
Unfit for Use cs Pcrccnt of All Dwclling i
Units by Occupancy Status by Plumbing _i
Equipmcnt I ..,l....=.¤...... 7 .
VIII. Porccnt of All Dwcllinq Units with Modern li I
Facilities in Each monthly Rcntal Valuc y A
Group .................... R i A
IX. Number unu Pcrccnt Distribution of All Occupicd V, r_
Dwclling Units, by Occupincy Status, by Rucc ¤
of Houscholu . . . ......¤.i.., M r]
X. Numbcr und Porccnt Distribution by Condition of It
All Occuhico Dwelling Units, by Occupancy I -
Status. hy Rico of Houscholu ........ IU I
XI. Dwclling Units with More Than Onc and Onc-Half _`
Porsons Pcr Room us Pcrccnt of All Occupied it
Dwclling Units in Each Group, by Occupuncy rl
St;;I,ug’ by R;i,.»·,_,,_ V,-_.,__»~ _ r·  _ __ ..,,_;.,,j,,... :3 V   HU ..... . ...»;- ·»  "r"" T   `i   __.,·, ;r. '_.·._,_ _ r· -—•-— N ···l•·-»-"··•·•·_—_:·, ·_
J t
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lhs CNY Qi $”li$*’U'>’» ictilcd in 1753 and incorporates trio years later, is the syn ct Rowan County   i
ind O”@ Gi the ¤l¤°i! l¤~h5 in thr Ficdmint suction of the sists. Tcday it is an injustrial center whose »
qromth parallels that rl cther Ind larger cities in the sane area. The manufacture cf such textile products A
.15 rcmh.-Q yirn, blilnkets, Anti cottin Qciidi, in which ll»;t¢.~cen Q,l',OQ arid EIOOO pérgeng ari EHZMQEG, is thé   .
principwl in1ustricl activity qt thc tain. The incnng frgn granite quarrying, uncther iwpcrtant industry in {
wliswry nh'! itu unvircns, iz ustirrutiec at nearly 4 mit nillisn dcllqrs annually. situezeq acjacent to V,
Spencer. 4 diviaihn p int rt thc b;uth,rn Railway) Salisbury is the hone vi Fany gt the 1,5OQ tc 2,0QC QQ;
perslns who are emplnytd in thc rcilr’2¤`2 ctficcs, rsundhnuses. and shzps. The t0~n is ali? 3 Cénief {TV ki
the transmiszi n nt ulcctricI| prmer tt irjustrixl enterprise; in thc r;gi¤n_ jv i
*lihZ¤¤i S3ll1hufy'i nu¤criC*l Wflmth ir populstién h2s nit reen sc great as that ct Gther cities in Ayi
i”* €V€¢, i5 {hi "li€wi¤} :zpulvti.n figures reveil, its grnath, as in thc case at the lcrqer cities, is
lrxceible t the develcpmcnt gf hydrnglectric peter ani tne industrlaligatizn rhich Fcllcnes in the :re2; l
Y¤*V Pcp;|¤ti;n Percent ct Increase H [ ‘
msc gum -- ` ”
M9? =,¤l¤ 52.6 L.
Lvvn 6_;vv 4.1 ii
1wIC 7,15j I¤.O i"] i
IQTC ;§.£;# QN.; J
I9jG I5 $5I 22.l
I9¤O IE.?55 LL.? l
The sicizl sigrificanc; ts the crnnunity ct .Je;u2tc néusing hardly needs re—cmph2sis here. ntr are I V
ren) icjividuels i;n·rlnt qi the gxistunce -f *;u;ing inzjsquzgy in the na’i;n's cities. lt hz; lsng iien L
r¢chQrire:, hrrevgr uy th ;_ rr sr? ;_ncern,1 with tl_ n using uritlgn gn; Are interested in its sclutirn. [ . i >
that Digi; {it; rrugt tirgt ng half., gv.;il3liI»_ ir _j,3{5il {wit actual Cjl’¤fliKiOF‘3 lhhlflil V·35iJ·?l"€i3l SCFUCYUTES,  il
1nA ¤:·ut the pnpulztlcn. inc;nu_ rents ini f1ciliti.s in attucted ireus. Such intsrnaticn can best be ?
ibtained xy nwkini 4 surv.y ,t resi ;r1;;rty. The lscl of funds ter research it tht nsturc ind scspe st 1 Y I
real prfxtrty survey hxs been 1 gre t fact r in rutsrjin; the gtt»ck an th; htusing prcblsn. The avail- ]Ni ·
ziility ot relief nirkcrs ;f thu Whitt c;ll;r clzss »h· c uid serve as enunerxtvrs and €3*¤i¤Y?V5 et ihi i
iusired sat. his pr.viJud ¤ uniqux hppcrtunity t= stein this vitxl inturmgticn. while €Jrnishing these i ‘
»;rk¤rs EO ¤ccu;1ti`n suitenle t their stxndzrds gnu training. A
Eec2us~ 3f th. grrwing denind rrr these fnctu I ilid in the part ft zmsheninj Civic Qriups, ind the a
HiCT~g¤iti"n t the need (nr irrpravigd lwéusing, thc Nnrth Czriling Stzte Planning Fiérd. in l93‘$, subnittec i »
l‘~r rzpprgvgl ty {hp {prk Prgjgigig Ajminigirjtign Q pr‘;ii_ct yrgpssirlg to 'llku A ctnplete STUCY ct lint? U$€,
r¤,| Ur.pprry_ kng lj“-imC¤mg fgmiligg in gcvgrgl n rth Cgrnlinx cities ind tgvns. ct which Ezlishury was cne. U S
F llcsinq the stxnjard prncgdure fsr real pr nerty inventsries. entitled Technique ter A Fini " l
Prtcerty iurvqy, the entire city has ~numur1tei hy hlrcks. A sheet was prenured tor uach blcck cn Ahich the
iran me.surements ind doscripticns st the use at ~very plct ·l land and qvery structure were listed. This ` `
inryrmsyjcn {urngghsd gn the blgcy ligfsy whim mippC1_ csnstitutgs the Iznn usc survey, and shruld he ut
vwluc TQ the cnmmunity in frrmuldting :¤ninq pslicieg. as well ns in the lccitisn if future cnterprisc and
cnnstructiwn. i
Every dwellinn unit in qjcn hl ck has ctnvissud ina i real property schedule tillud in ccvering j
tht tlctiilcd (lat; which, Ixtur r..r>ul_¤t.;d hy blocks ms! th-=n tr thu city ·=¤ i ivhflsy Swvvi   lhs ***5*   I ,
f°F Thv 1n1lysis uttwmptgj in thir rgyprt_ This c~nstitut,; th; Jwellinn survey. The tIhulatinn rf thu Jr;
intnrmatinn nn the rail property Scnsiuiug ria gggumrl d in *8 t¤h|us. ln uuJiti2n tc the inisrnnticn thus $ i
m*d@ Hriilablu {cr evhry bl~ck in th; city, is soil xs For the city is i wh‘|n. 2 scries .f naps wes pre- 3 L
pared in cunnuctinn with the nwclling survey. whiih ¤V*Phl€*llY P'*5*"i "Ch *{ lhs Siihlticihl hOUSing Y
tactnrs surveyud. E
.  ‘ `
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____r,,,..u. . ..i.. _  _ ,.....-·».r ,_,  _,.c.,..,  .·» , _......c.,.\l. _  ..~.u.,,,...i. c...., · ..
fH*$§'h I ifi V
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lh·¤ r·¤¤l prt r¤·‘ My i¤*‘l’l¤ ln   r»- cnccwf   a·.;·r> wz they  ne wuncratcc anu wml me fw fqctcrs  
whiCh whuld Avlifmlné Yh@ ‘U%l¤¤€y nr i¤¢¤@;¤3¤y ‘i · Wwallihq. Whiz: d~ell`nga cczignnted as inacequatc cr `Q
guhstnndnrd by this chuck were re- n¤mcrlt»i f»r 1¤t» in the fwniliez they nsuzcd. Fnllcying 2 separate l
. · . . , l . l , . _ L
t~chn•quo, »¤trtl&J Th~ L¤w ln¤’W. H uainn +rzw survey. the Déti t»rn¤;ned zy thus second cnuwcraticn were .
tr;;t,@ iT : zcpirsnn iurvqy. Thc inn-inccnc ?:mily zchednlag, after thcir anumeraticn hen agen checkel, j
%,r, c 1»d ;nd trun;criL»¤ tw d;t» cwrzn ircr which l%7 t Elf; .ere ecriygc. l i
Thy Hctl Vripqrty Swrv y sat uc tn {flac in $2li;tury in May lj}? ter the euratitn ;f the lard us; I
gurxey ·nd thc rnuncrwti n n‘ the 1¢c|linc ¤nc liu-inc we terily z;hcdu|e;, z; Nell as the prcliminary check- -/
lng n, wirz ~njii~d. Nr. C. F. Reianer acted as ltcal supervistr. The city nt l`·
l l
Qelicwcry ;r»wi1cd thc fficc 2,ec@, equiymcnt. ruxglicc, tirmc, and ctrer neccasary haterials. Ey the gi l 4
#i11!, ·f §c;tcmU~r this phase ¤f thw wzrv m;s czrplgted anu th; schedules sent ti the :;~¤yEs{· tiéli
;.nt.r ?~r rrqinz ;nl t;hqlati·n, frzm where they x.r; trarcrittcw ti Rzlcigh, state headqucfters if thc {
nurvgy, "r Fa;;in1 lnl qnilygig. l
Th~ izbul ii ng. pr-;»rcf in ¤.;@r+t; vvlumqg, crn j.ei:rci tc rrtscnt, in :2 lucid 1 mxnnar 35 l l
I l
;"2i;la, the hlxct ranulzz ·¥ thc ¤n¤~cr;tiin. An Attempt nn; been ntnc here tt present and analyze this j `
itmtistic l inf rw»tl_n in brig? ¤irr;?iv: ‘¤r#. K
4lJ;1;it¢‘n `t naigrvdls ind rcsultc *t the ,r;lqct I; Qs ~,ll,w>. 1
_ _ . . . ,. . _ . i‘
Fcgic echqzulrs L t' {cr r,2l ,r ycrty ENT l w-tncin. t&‘1ly vita ¢l|l ne llled Auth the city Z
”lCiT;' V; Etliazury. Eltrk t.hul;ti;n&` ipnqrul tz-ulztirn5_ en: A agt 5* csrralstizn tables 1griv¢d fr~m (
the qarcr I t;¤uI;ti:n; »iIl glgt r, icrn¤d :y_r t tn; City nangggr. Prgggntgtlnn ways ar: l%nd use ma;s W
will at xiv n t“c city ‘~r thc ust pt the city qnjlntcr. Chjics of the final r;;?rt will be tiled with `
invnr it;} yuzlic lc .rtwcnt2 .¤J inziituti ni. I `
|· ig nq;,1 {nxt ln; r gqltg 3F thi; gurvgy will esint in tnc tutur> glanrln; Jn: Jey¤lJrm;nt cv L
Szligfxry. is ncl! 5 ncl; lay tn. gr`un agri tgr the ,w;|iTrnticn ct thtse ;;cl;l ills céwwinly ccknrw— "l · y
It. ‘i·,f N t'\t c‘ H:/riitznts "‘ 2 niuanrvg ,r `T ltr?.  !
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