xt7c862b9d0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862b9d0t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-04-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  2, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  2, 1935 1935 1935-04-02 2013 true xt7c862b9d0t section xt7c862b9d0t i





Best Copy Available



Squad of Seventy Works Out
Under Coach Wynne In

Spring Practice

Although handicapped (lightly by
Mveral rainy days, Coach Chet
Wynne la satisfied that his Wildcat

football candidates are gradually
rounding into shape after a little
more than two weeks of spring
drills. Coach Wynne announced
that the first practice game of the
training season will be held on
Friday, April 13.
More than 70 aspirants for berths
oa next season's grid team are
working out dally at the practice
field, many of whom have had no
college experience.


none of these boys Is expected to
step Into a regular position In the
fall, several of them show promise
for future teams.
The regular training routine Is
still being followed except that
scrimmage sessions now wind up
the dally program. All the candidates get an opportunity to display
their ability and it gives the
coaching staff an Idea of the material that will be available for
next season.
It appears now that the whole
team will be stronger and more
experienced than It was last season. Only a few of the regulars
were lost through graduation and
the majority of the players will
nave at least a year's experience
behind them.
One of the major difficulties last
season was the lack of capable end
replacements. Among the meet
likely candidates for the Jobs this
year are Captain Jimmy Long,
Oene Bryant, Jim Goforth, "Duke"
Ellington, Joe "Red" Hagan, and
"Andy" Anderson, captain-ele- ct
Wildcat basketball team.
The tackle positions should be
well protected by Stan Nevers,


Olah, Joe Bofjse, J. Franklin Wallace, Skaggs, "Dusty" Rhodes, Waller Rodes, Wade and Lancaster.
Nevers, as a sophomore last season
gave promise of being one of Ken-

tucky's greatest linemen and stands
out as the best of the candidates
for his position.
Two guards, who have seen
plenty of action, Joe Huddleston
and Sam Potter, will again be
available for duty. Lexio Potter
and Prank McClurg, along with
Homer Nicholas and Charlie Johnson, are all helping to ease Coach
Twomey's worry about the guard
The center position may be the
strongest spot in the Wildcat line
if present Indications mean anything. Oene Myers, the
sophomore, is the leading pivot
performer, his previous experience
giving him a decided edge. Hlnke-bln- e,
of last year's freshman team,
and Pete Kurachek, a converted
guard, have been showing up well,
aa has Dick Mead, an A&hland
"Bo" McMillan, Wes Taylor, Bob
Sherman, Jay Luclan and Dick

Robinson are all getting an opportunity to call signals and the
position seems to be wide open at
this time. From the 1934 Kitten
squad. Bob Davis, the Dayton
flash, Red Simpson, Sonny
and Jimmy Wadlington, bid
fair to make the grade, among

News Flashes
1 (INS)
Constitutionality of the whole recovery act became a major issue


today to the Administration's fight
to have the NRA extended another
drive detwo years. A
veloped in the Senate to force the
Government to test the constitutionality of N. I. R. A., before Congress acts on President Roosevelt's
request for a two-year




Strong Team for 1935 Seen
As Cats Round Into Form
After Two Weeks of Drills





Berlin, April 1 (INS) At the
rate of several hundred a day,
young men have been pouring Into
the German army in advance of
the reintroductlon of conscription,
It was learned authoritatively today. Conscription is not expected to
be Imposed until after the
conference on European rearmament at Stresa, April
11. and youths, by enlisting before
April 13, have the privilege of
choosing their own detachments.

British-French-Itali- an

Professor O. S. Crouse, of the
College of Engineering, will address
the Irvine Garden Club on rose
culture on the evening of Monday,
April 8th at Irvine. Ky. Professor
Crouse has grown rosea for IS years
in Kentucky and la an authority on
their culture.

Campus Vocal Contest
to Be Broadcast

Association Plans to Engage

Tibbett for Next
Year's Series



Program Slated to Begin at
Eleven O'clock Wednesday
Morning in Memorial

young American

baritone, presented the final concert of the seriea sponsored by the CONTEST SPONSORED


Petitions to nominate officers
for the Women's Self Government association must be in the
office of the dean of women by
noon Thursday, April 4. Officers which will be elected are
tary, treasurer, and town representative.
Each petition must be signed
by at least 30 women students.
Only girls who are registered as
Juniors this year are eligible for
the presidency.
The election will be held from
9 until 12 and 1 until 4, Monday,
April 8, in White hall.





Friday night at Mmorial hall.
One Independent Group from
Contest To
A plan was devised by Prof. R. Extemporaneous
D. Mclntyre, of the University facBe Held Thursday MornEach of Men's Dorms to
ulty and secretary of the associaing at U. of K.
Be Eligible for



Baritone HIGHSGHOOLSTO Lexington Leader Trophy
WINNERS TO GIVE Is Presented On MEET AT UK FOR Is Won by Kernel for Best
Kentucky College Paper

Entire Program of New "All

WSGA Petitions
Due on Thursday





Intend to Join the association may
Permission to broadcast on a hear six concerts instead of the
special program the winning boys' five scheduled for next year. Those
were guests at the
and girls' group in the
Sing over WHAS has been ob- Evans concert.
Among the artists who are betained from Elmer O. Sulzer, head
of the WHAS extension studio, by ing given consideration for the
a representative of Cwens, sopho- next season by Prof. Mclntyre include Richard Crooks, tenor; Nino
more women's society,
Martini, tenor; Lawrence Tibbett,
of the affair.
According to Mr. Sulzer, the en- baritone; Nathan Mltetein, violintire sing will be broadcast over ist, and the Vienna Choir boys.
WLAP, local station, when it is
given April 10. This will be the
first time this affair has ever been
Copies of the rules for the sing
are being distributed this week to
all fraternities and sororities and
to the Independent groups which
are eligible to compete.

New UK Flying
Club Receives
Primary Glider


The Kentucky High school speech

tournament will be held at the University from Wednesday through
Saturday of this week under the
sponsorship of the department of
University extension, with Lewis
Clifton, acting director, in charge.
Opening at 11 a. m Wednesday,
the program will begin at Memorial
hall, and at 1:15 p. m. the first
round of debating for all teams
entered will be held. At 3:30 p. m.
the second round is scheduled, and
an laformal reception for all visit
ors will be held at 7 o'clock in Pat
terson hall, under the sponsorship
of the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M
C. A., followed by a picture show

Petitions for Queen Must Be
in By Wednesday Noon of
April 3; Election to Be Held In addition to the rules printed
April 4
last week ia that competition is Members of Organization to The extemporaneous
open to one Independent group
Begin Preliminary Train
contest will be held In the UniverThe annual Junior Prom will be from Bradley hall, one independing This Week
sity Museum at 10:30 a. m. on

held In the Alumni gymnasium
April 17 from 8:30 until 12 p. m.,
according to plans decided upon at
a meeting of the prom committee
afternoon. Leo
Relchert and his Aristocrats, currently playing at the Greystone ball
room in Cincinnati, will play for
the dance.
Petitions for the Prom queen
must be turned in to the Dean of
Men's office by Wednesday noon.
Each petition must be signed by 50
Juniors with no names repeated.
The Men's Student Council will
meet Wednesday afternoon to pass
on the petitions and the Council
will conduct the election on Thursday from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m. on
the main floor of the Administration building. Only Juniors will be
allowed to vote.
The court of the queen this year
will be composed of two representatives from each sorority and one
from two independent groups, making a total of 20 girls, and one representative from each fraternity
and one from two Independent
groups, making 20 boys. Candidates
for the court must be Juniors. Nominations for the attendants must be
turned into Charles Zimmer at the
Phi Delta Theta house by noon
This year all Junior men will receive one date and one stag bid

ent Klnkead hall group, and one

The committee

in charge urges
be submitted

that all applications

with the list of people who will
sing in each group to a member
of the committee on or before
April 1.


Barbara Smith was elected president of the Y. W. C. A. Dutch
Lunch club at a meeting Friday,
March 29, in Patterson hall. Elizabeth Ann Kriegel was elected program chairman and Dorothy Perkins was elected treasurer. The
new officers will be installed Friday
by the retiring president, Nancy
Becker, and the program chairman,
Patricia Park.


Arrival of


glider from Cleveland Saturday marked the official beginning of a University of
Kentucky; Aeronautical association,
will begin preliminary training in
the glider this week.
The glider, a Northrup primary,
Is now on the Kelly farm, two
miles out on the Tate's Creek pike,
on which location the flying will
be done.
The glider, purchased from the
Case School of Engineering, Cleveland, has a wing spread of 30 feet,
and is some 15 feet in length. This
type of glider has been used for
many years in both the United
States and Germany for the training of pilots. The controls are the
same as those used in an aeroplane. Instead of wheels, the plane
is equipped with a landing skid.
It was announced at the last
meeting of the organization that
a sponsor will be elected in the

near future, and that an attempt
would be made to arrange an inWINNER tercollegiate glider contest with
Purdue University for sometime In
the future.
Exhibitions in glider flying will
Medal Awarded to Maysville


Student Following Block be given everyatSunday by associamembers
the flying field on
and Bridle Livestock Judg- tion Creek pike.
ing Contest Held Saturday
and all senior men one date and John W. Clarke, Maysville; HarTO BEGIN APRIL 8
one stag bid. Both senior and Junior lan Veal, Lexington, won principal

women will be given one date and Kurtz, Lancaster, won principal
honors Saturday in the annual live According to an unofficial anone stag bid.
stock Judging contest at the Uni- nouncement that was made today,
versity, on the Kentucky Experi-em- Battalion parades will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 4
Station farm.
Mr. Clarke, who is a senior, won to 5 o'clock and Regimental parades
the senior medal, for which former will be held every Friday, beginmembers of the University
live- ning April 8. Major Brewer said
stock Judging teams compete, with that plans had not yet been ap
568 points out of a possible 600. Mr. proved by the President's office.
Students who have to work in the
Veal, a freshman, won the freshman cup with 569 points, and Mr. afternoon or who will be otherwise
Pledges Are Inducted Sunday Kurtz, a sophomore, won
engaged will have to get excused
Morning at Camp Daniel
cup with 530 points. from the parade. These parades are
Boone After Night of Mil- Eight rings of stock, two each of held in preparation for the annual
beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and dairy spring field day to be held May 22
itary Tactics
cattle, were Judged by the 43 con- The battalions will be under the
command of the cadet officers.
Pershing Rifles, honorary mili- testants.
tary fraternity, held their annual Presiding Judges of the various
initiation Sunday, March 31, at rings were Prof. E. 8. Good, beef
Camp Daniel Boone on the Ken- cattle; Prof. E. J. Wilford, hogs;
Professor Paul H. Clyde, of the
tucky river. Active members and Prof. L. J. Horlacher, sheep; and History Department, will address
Prof. Fordyce Ely, dairy cattle.
drillmaster. Captain I. O. Scudder,
Eugene Culton, Parksville, a Block the International Relations Club of
were in charge of the initiation.
Bridle member who has won Centre College at Danville next
Members of the organization are and cups
Judging in past Thursday at 7:30 p. m. He has been
chosen for their ability to drill and contests, was stock
in charge of the con- invited by Professor Charles E.
are required to pass three-fourttest and was assisted by three other Allen of Centre's History and Poliof their subjects with a grade of members, Albert Sham, Lexington; tical Science Department to dis"D" or better. Members who were Dan Brame, Pembroke, and Wind- cuss "Recent
Japanese Foreign
Initiated last Sunday are: W. D sor Cravens, Utica.
Barlow, J. E. Barton, J. R. Bush,
F. Chllders, R. B. Congleton, E. E.
Collins, S. G. Dondero, E. W. Down-ar8. B. Featherstone, F. F.
Flowers, R. O. Freeburg, F. M.
Gaines, R. E. Garrison, J. W. Holt,
C. E. Hurd N. P. Judy, J. Keaton,
O. C. Landrum, F. McCormlck, 8.
M. McDonald, C. W. McNash, 8.
The discussion of the University investment in land and horses of
Nisbett. R. B. Olney, H. Pierce, A.
represents approxiW. Turner, T. B. Parry, W. B. Par-d- of Kentucky's activities in the horse these breeds
B. O. Robinson, J. B. Turner, breeding industry of the state which mately forty million dollars and
appeared under "Student Opinion" provides employment for a large
D. Wallace, and A. L. Wilholt.
Officers of the Company are in a recent edition of the Kernel number very people. breeding
Interest The
Captain, Oscar P. Reuter; first has aroused students of the Univer- the world is concentrated stock of
among the
Lieutenant, Milton M. Magruder; sity. "Student Opinion" made the the Bluegrass section. Manyhere the
second Lieutenant, Dave Dlfford; statement that the University of stallions that are found here have
second Lieutenant, John L. Car- Kenucky existed apparently "un- cost from fifty to one hundred
ter: and first Sergeant, Harry Bul- connected with the horse breeding thousand dollars, while a few of
activity of the state," to which them are purchased at even higher
The Initiation started with the President McVey replied on March figures and still others are so valmarch at Camp Daniel Boone Sat- 19, stating there are men in the uable that money cannot buy them.
urday night. The pledges were given College of Agriculture who are na- With such a concentration of vala problem in military and after- tionally and internationally known uable breeding stock, it is only nawards were put on guard duty the for their work with horses.
tural that much scientific Investiremainder of the night. They were Perhaps few student know that gation would be necessary to conformally initiated Sunday morning. our Experiment Station's investiga- trol disease.
One of the most costly diseases
tion and research publications on
the horse are authorities on the sub- which the horse breeder must fight
ject and exceed those of any other la that of contagious abortion. This
J. B. Byars, Smlthvllle, Tenn., Experiment Station of this country disease has been present in Kentucky since 1893 but now la kept
who graduated from the College of or the world.
Kentucky has long been noted as under control by meant of a vacEngineering, department of mechanical engineering. In 1933, has ac- the leading state lu the Union In cine which was discovered by Prof.
cepted a position m draftsman with the breeding of thoroughbred, stan- - E. 8. Good, head of the department
dardbred and saddle horse. The of Animal Industry. Tina vaccine
the KERA in Liberty, Ky.






Thursday. The discussion contest is
scheduled for 10 a. m. in Memorial
hall, and the poetry reading will
take place at 10 a. m. in the
Guignol theater.
Thursday afternoon the oral in
terpretation and oral declamation
contests are slated for 1:30 p. m.
in the Guignol theatre and Memorial hall respectively. The fourth
round of debating will be held later
In the afternoon, followed by a dinner at the University Commons and
a special presentation of "Romeo
and Juliet" by the Guignol players
in honor of the visiting high school
The final debate will be held at
7:30 p. m. Saturday in Memorial

Representatives Will Speak at
Owensboro and Henderson
High Schools

Representatives of the Committee
of 240 will make a trip to Owensboro and Henderson next Thursday to acquaint the students of the
two high schools with the advan
tages of attending the University.
Those to make the trip are Dean
Sarah G. Blanding, Miss Helen
King of the publicity department,
James Hunt from Henderson and
first year law student, and William
Weill, sophomore in the college of
Commerce from Owensboro.
Dean Blanding will speak to the
seniors of Owensboro High school
Friday morning at 8:15, and to a
general convocation of the high
school at 9:15. Then at 10:05 she
will talk to the seniors of Daviess
County High school.
Plans are being made to go to
Henderson in the afternoon and
speak to the seniors of the Henderson High school.
The trip was arranged under the
direction of Frank WhittinghilL
the committee representative from

Robert Griffith, Fred Moore, and
Percy Lewis, members of the University band, took part in a program Friday at Ashland. The program was conducted
by Frank
Simons and John Lewis, Jr.

U. of K. Contributions to Horse Breeding
Industry AreEmployed All Over the World
nearly 100 percent effective in
preventing abortion and its contin
ued use has had a great deal to do
with stamping out this costly diIs

sease. Professor Good's discovery
has been worth many thousands of
dollars annually to the breeders of
Kentucky and other states. Professor Good Isolated the germ that
causes contagious abortion in 1911
and after making an exhaustive
laboratory study he began to prepare vaccine and to use it on mares
In 1916, when one stud of 50 mares
were Immunized against the disease.
The use of this vaccine Increased
year by year until in 1928 it was
used on 2titU mares in 88 studs.
Prof. W. 8. Anderson is an authority on the causes of sterility of
males and the vigor of reproductive cells. If his technique and
recommendations are followed, sterile males can be discovered and isolated before excessive losses are
sustained and by proper treatment
(Continued on Page Four)






Editor of Kernel, Elected
Head of K.I.P.A.

To Be Wednesday

The Kentucky Kernel was Judged
the best college newspaper in the
by the faculty of the school
dance state
The second
of Journalism at the University of
be held in the Alumni gymwill
Missouri, and as such was presented
nasium Wednesday night from
the Lexington Leader cup at the
8 to 10:30 o'clock. The dance is
under the general supervision of Association Intercollegiate Murray,
Deans Jones and Blanding, the
March 29 and 30.
Men's Student council, and W.
At the concluding session of this
S. O. A.
Shinny Herrlngton's orchestra convention Norman Oarling, associate editor of the Kernel, was
will play and all students of the
elected president of the K. I. P. A.
University are Invited to attend
as well as the members of the for the ensuing year. Other officers
chosen were: Ken Osman, Transylstaff that care to come. AdmisArchie Prye,
sion will be 25 cents per couple.
secretary, and Paul
Huddleston, Western, treasurer.
Keys were awarded to George
town, Eastern, and Murray. Ernest
Bailey, Murray, was made an hon
orary member of the association.
Bowling Green was chosen as the
site for the next convention which
probably will be held in November.
Resolutions were adopted by the
Feature of Program Will Be K.I. P. A. "condemning the method
K. I. P. A. "condemning the
the Pledging of New Memmethods of intimidation which
bers to Various Womhave been used by William Ranen's Organizations
dolph Hearst through his press in
college and university
COMMITTEES SELECTED problems with and denouncing the
menace of methods used ay Hearst
The aanual Woman's banquet, in encroaching upon the liberties
sponsored by the Woman's Ad- and privileges of the colleges and
ministrative Council, will be given universities by the creation through
at 6:30 p. m., April 8, In the Uni- propaganda of a mythical
versity Commons.
were, adopted
Also resolutions
A feature of the program will be "condemning any war to be fought
pledging of new members to on foreign soil," and reoj testing the
the various women's organizations
to permit student stari
on the campus. The decoration members of college papers to obtain
planning to trans- employment under that agency.
committee is
At the first business session, held
fer the Commons into a spring
garden and the program commitFriday afternoon, a round table
awards, and discussion was held and the rep
tee is planning stunts,
glee club numbers. Lucy Jean An- resentatives of the eight schools
(Union College did not send a dele
derson will preside.
The price of the dinner is fifty gate) gave short talks on topics
may be made relating to newspaper work. Mr.
cents. Reservations
until 10 a. m. Monday, April 8, in Elliot Mitchell, editor of the Padu-ca- h
was the prin
Dean B landing's office.
The committees appointed in cipal speaker at the banquet held
in Wells hall.
charge of the banquet include:
Publicity Dorothy
Virginia Robinson;
Program Jean Fox worth, VirHolmes,
Fannie Herman, Sarah Whittlng-hil- l;






Debating" Team Is

Mary Helzer, Elizabeth Hardin;
Decoration Anne Payne Perry,
Mrs. T. T. Jones, Marjorie Wiest,

In Novel Debate
Against Vermont

Wallace Sw ink and Marvin
Moore Represent UK; Was

Margaret Warren;
Printed Program Marie Boit-not- t,
The University debating team took
Ritchie Baker;
the negative against a strong UniTicket Takers Anne Jones, An- versity of Vermont team in a novel
ita Gardner, Ruth Hallmark.
form of formal debate in McVey
hall Friday evening.
Instead of the two regular conTO HOLD structive speeches and two rebuttals for each side, the first speaker
of each team presented a constructive argument, and the second
speaker subjected his opponents to



First Floor of
Building Will
of Balloting
to 4

Become Scene
From 9 a.m.
p. m.

Elections for officers of the Y. W.
O. A. will take place today from 9
a.m. to 4 p. m. on the first floor of
the Administration building. A
special ballot box will also be placed
in Boyd hall for the convenience of
dormitory women.
The nominating committee, composed of senior members of the Y.
W. C. A. cabinet, have named the
following candidates: Martha Fu
gett for president, Frances Kerf
and Betty Earle for
Marguerite Ooodfriend and Betty
Moffett for seceretary, and Charlotte Coffman for treasurer.
Martha Fugett Is chairman of the
Y. W. C. A. Worship group, a member of Delta Delta Delta, Phi Beta,
the W. A. A. council, and plays in
the University orchestra.
Frances Kerr is chairman of the
Y. W. O. A. Membership-Financ- e
committee, and a member of Strollers, Alpha Gamma Delta, Phi Beta,
council. The
and the
other candidate for
Betty Earle, Is chairman of the Y.
W. C. A. Sophomore commission, a
reporter on the Kernel, and a member of the Y. 8. G. A. council, Kappa Delta, and the publicity committee of the W. A. A.
Marguerite Ooodfriend Is chair
man of the Y. W. O. A. Finance
projects, a member of the Pit
kin club and W. A. A. council. Betty Moffett is chairman of the Y. W.
O. A. Hobby group, president of the
French club, and a member of Clil
Omega, Phi Beta, and the Spanish
Charlotte Coffman is treasurer of
the Y. W. O. A., and a member of
Strollers and SuKy.
Installation services will take
place three weeks after election.
This year's officers were Sarah
Whlttinghlll. president; Betty Dl
Lucy Jean
Anderson, secretary, and Charlotte
Coffman, treasurer.

both sides concluding with a summary of the
points they had established.
Members of the Vermont team
were F. W. Furnerman and E. R.
Greenmore, affirmative. Kentucky
was represented by Wallace 8 wink,
Lexington, and Marvin S. Moore,
Burlington. The debate was a

Suky circle will meet at five o'clock this afternoon in the Alumni

There will be an important meeting of Omicron Delta Kappa at
five o'clock Thursday afternoon hi
White hall.
There will be a meeting of the
Senior Ball committee at seven
o'clock tonight at the 8. A. E. house.
The French club will meet at 3
In Patterson hall

p. m. Wednesday

W. A. A. council meeting Thursday at 4:30 p. m. in the Woman's

Commission meeting
p. m. in Patterson
hall. Mrs. Tom Marks will speak om
"Social Service As a Profession."

Thursday at


Men's Student council will meet
5 p. m. Wednesday, April 3, in
the Dean of Men's office. Very im-



W. S. O. A. Council will hold a
meeting at 5 p. m. Wednesday, instead of 5 p. m., Tuesday, in the
Boyd hall Reading room.
Suky will meet at S p. m. today
in the basement of the Alumal
gymnasium. Everyone is urged to be
present as it Is an important

� Best Copy
Tuesday, April 2, 1935


Tage Two
poslte belief. One of the opposition'.
favorite statements has been that

The Kentucky Kernel

report that Dick Chauvet Is rery
worried about ft certain picture that
one of the brothers took.... Dick




He says,
now pleads with us
this publication Is leaning toward
Please now, I have a sister In this
Communism. This is merely ft crude Dear Editor:
Mercury will pay
The American
school",... Okay, Dick, you win....
firm of ridicule, which, when more t500 for the best essay submitted
The identity of the picture shall go
Lrtlnfton Board of Oommre
carefully considered, proves to be by an undergraduate of any Ameriunpublished so far as we are con
National oxter Prr Aocltloa
on the
pitiful misinterpretation. Democerned.
tntwr tnefrollelU Trtu AiwoclMlon cracy Is basically sound. AU It needs can college Got The subject: "The
Country into
IntemMlonal Hfwi Brnie
We Can Oct It
Squirrel Food
This may take on the appearance
In International situations like This Mw: But
deny the
PublicThe college crowd says to the of a free advertisement, but we no
A BmM of tht M)or Oollfft
applica- Out." No sane man will
those existing today Is the
truth of the first part of the above Slgmanus. "One of the better tice that Jimmy Westbrook and his
ation, tvrffni4 br A. J. Horrli H1U Co
CH: ,M W' tion of common ene such as Sen- statement Washington, D. C. Is to- dances of the year".... the orches buddy, Thomas, have set up a
.. Ww Tor
stand in the gym opposite
ator Nye so nobly advocates and day overrun with recently unem- tra was "really there," so to speak
t.. OMewra; 1064 nd Are.,
now embedded In
and will
have thought
tl: 1MI BrolwT. Loi Anrti: Cll which the Kernel Intends to pro- ployed professors payrolls. Every of- theyBut they must for a dance In from the cloak roomthe dances. disperse drinks during
were playing
Bid., 0o rrnclro.
mote to the full extent of Its the
or Mexico City.... Their rumbhaa were
fice holder Is an LL.D., a
a D.D.S. and even the meanest countless and we all had the Es- - "Hank" McCown Is happy....
stenographer boasts an M.A. Realis- panol fever before the night was Well, why shouldn't he be?.... His
Cincinnati "Betty" is coming to
ing that no one knows what a pro- over.... For the eleventh consecuIs trying to say or do as well tive time we lament the fact the town this week-enSubscription tl.OO
Ter. Inured at
After much controversoy the Am fessor undergraduate. The Amerl Lepere has departed from our fold
as an
Utlnftao. K.. PoitoBlot Ai Second
someone recently saw, l;oii
erican Newspaper Guild can rest can Mercury makes this appeal to
It Doesn't Pay to Skip
OUM MU Mtttor
First, Glrdler
Several days ago two couples,
assured of having a successful union the students of the nation for a man you're next"
Le feeling the call
spring, decided to
Into leaves us in the lurch and
rfmc HKA1X THIS KERNEL ALL for editorial workers. Tills came solution to formerdifficulties have pere....Ye' editor, eunny, thentear- cut a Journalism oflecture and go for
STUDENTS RIGHTS MAINTAIN about last week when Lucius T, which their
la a spin In the country.... arriving
ing his hair because this column
beyond recall.
Russell, publisher of the Newark sunk us almost
To" bell,
Furthermore, it is about time that continually late, but It canx oe back aU the "Tenice cream licking
Manmffing tditof Ledger, was forced to come to an
nonchalantly on
youth of the nation had some- helped.... Here www
gayly flourishing some stolen
Ati't. Uqt. ttitot agreement with the Guild after his the
thing to say in the regulation of
Jonquils, they tramped back into
The Rose of the Week
our affairs. The powers of governstaff had gone on a strike.
To Buck Bower, the diminutive McVey hall expecting to see their
ment have been for too long in the
The labor trouble, which was the
mythical fellow students gloating over the
palsied fingers of greybeards. The Tridelt, goes this week's
fortunes of the two couples. .. .but
Senator Nye's speech made In first of any consequence to touch American Mercury is perfectly will- token of something or otner
Lexington Saturday should prove newspaper editorial workers, began ing to see the national government mostly because she is a cute little imagine the consternation of "The
sne Four" when they discovered
She s a nne aancer
to be an Inspiration for all those last October when The Ledger's taken over by a competent student possesses a nice personality and she the pro! had only called the roll
welfare of the skeleton Guild chapter started council and is prepared to support Is a friend of J. B. crou.
Interested In the
and dismissed the class.
legislation toward that end. The
United States to know that there negotiations for a contract with boys certainly
can do no worse than
Not long ago Phldelt Jimmy Gil
That's Yon. Ernie
are some In the Senate who are Publisher Russell to govern hours the oldsters have already done. Obll
to his
viewing the International war and wages. At the very beginning viously, no man should be allowed dance the sat at the same table with bert aJourneyed he had basement to
placed there
cat that
threats from a sane and practical he refused to hear the Ouild's de to assume the mantle of office until Ernie Janes and his true love, Lil for use later in his zoology labormands, and on November 3 put a he is eighteen years of age; but Holmes.... Without thinking that atory experiment. . . .Upon arriving
The North Dakotian, from all In- notice on the office bulletin board: obviously also In the face of what this Item would ever appear in print in the basement he found that his
dications, Is greatly feared by the You can go to all the Regional now goes on, no man should be Lil breaks forth with a revealing cat had a family. . . .Okay, Jimmy,
allowed to sport the mantle after confession, or must we say, "an why not commercialize
on your
munitions racketeers. He Is a man Labor Boards you d n please and he passes forty. If this were law toenlightening prophecy"?. . .She tens good fortune and sell the Kittens
of action as well as of words when you will get no relief from the day, the Senate would have sent that she will Dr