xt7c862b9c7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c862b9c7c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-04-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  9, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  9, 1954 1954 1954-04-09 2013 true xt7c862b9c7c section xt7c862b9c7c best uopy Avanaoie

The Kentuocy ECeknel



UK Phi Bela Kappa
Takes New Members


hla:id. He is a member of Order
ol the Coif. Cmicron Delta Kappa,
treasurer of Phi Delta Phi and
of the Kentucky Law
Miss Coiner is an English major
from Maysville with a 2 7 standing.
She is a member of Young Demo- crats Club. Newman Club and for- merly a member of WAA and Eng- hsh Ciub.
Ramape. a history major from
Ludlow with a 2.6, is a member of
Phi Alpha Theta and on the execuA:


Music Majors
To Give Recital
In Lab Theater







Hrops Dciui



Nancy Lilly; Home Economics

Enrineers To Vie
For Speech Meet
will be
Three representatives
chosen today from a Civil Engineering speech contest to compete in
the Louisville American Society of
Civil Engineers speech meet, the Department of Civil Engineers has announced.

Prizes amounting to $25 will be
given by the UK student chapter of
ASCE to the local contest winners.
The first prize will be $7.
Subjects of the speeches will be
those of interest to engineers. Members of the Civil engineering faculty
and graduate students will judge


will lead

a discussion

the contest here.
The speeches will be judged on
delivery, effectiveness, arrangement
of material, originality and pro'
The meet with students from the
University of Louisville will take
place on April 23 and is to encourage engineering students in
speaking. The first prize will be $15.


campus organizations and activities
and an address by Dr. H. L. Dono- van, president of the University, will
be part of the Mother-Daughtluncheon in the Student Union Ballroom. A music and dance program
will be part of the entertainment.




y, "vvi










have warred against na-- 1
rush the belief that men
iice to live in the manlr choosing



Easter Vacation
To Start Friday
Faster vacation will begin
after the last class Thursday
and end at 8 a.m. Tuesday, April
20, the Registrar's Office has
No Kernel will be published
next week due to the holidays.
The next issue will be out Friday. April 23.

Cuijinol Announce
'Dream (Jirl' Cast
Miss Leila Sherman. Lexington,
will portray the leading role of
Georgina in the Guignol Theatre's

Spring production, "Dream Girl."
The play is scheduled for May 5
through May 8.
The cast, announced by Mr. Robert Challener, director, includes
Eleanor Crane, Lew Odom. Martha
Townsend. Jim Holloway, Bob Hicks,
Page Williams. Jane Perkins, Ben
Ardery, Franklin Tice, David Stull,
Don Topping, Jim Hurt, Bob
and Doug Grant. Many of the
actors play as many as five different
roles in "Dream Girl."
Chosen as one of the best plays
of the 1945 Broadway season.
"Dream Girl" was written by Elmer
Betty Field and Wendell
Cory played the leads in the long
successful run on Broadway and the
road. The play is written in a series
of scenes revolving
around the
dreams of Georgina Allerton. the
main character in "Dream Girl."












avi'li'l red












Memliers ol the Women
1" I'

iilin I, ilex- Ward. Hack





el ne

Ad 111 ii







I. Ii

'at '




hi1 S.


I.. id

lr w up


Time uppniiitmt'iits anil transfers in
command xvere approxrd Tuesday lix
Tliese eliaii'4es include:

Students Knlerinji


The question of whether UK needs
an honor system may be put to a
.student vote.
Alan Steilberg, chairman of a Student Government Association committee formed to study the question,
said in an interview Tuesday night
that putting the issue to a vote may
be the only way to settle it.
Steilberg said his committee has,
so far, written to five other universities requesting information concerning the various types of honor

PI liirinncv To File
who expect to enter the College
of Pharmacy in September. 1954,
must file applications in the
Office of the Registrar from today through Friday. Maple
Monres, assistant registrar, has



rese nt

(fi-oi- i

Alpha Mu chapter of Beta Alpha
Psi, national accounting fraternity,
will present a film in the Student
Union Ballroom at 4 p.m. Monday,
it has been announced. The title of
the film is "Accounting the Language of Business," recently released
by the American Institute of Accountants.
Eleven local accountants will be
present to discuss job opportunities
in the accounting profession and to
answer any questions that may
art e, Frank Slaton. president, said.
The fraternity held its annual
banquet Monday night at the La-fette hotel and eight members
were initiated. They were Joyce
Alley. William C. Hedden. Nellie
Jacobs. Georsie Jenkins. Joe Ocker-maThomas Parrott. Walter Schor-scand Patricia Williamson.



said it was working on the hypothesis that cheating, in certain instances, does exist.

!ir ki im

Ikiiiu iI this u i i k thul


'iinifilt' ' Ii t in a ;iM)ogf rmtrw
tillili ti t tliii
hm r ". in g,i eii In (
1nul11 I'tlur sliiilnilt in icri'idM'
irrr liiili gii cti tin' "v;i;7e ' cN.
nt. u lm iik il tluit lii itiitiu'
hr illilu Itl. uiil:





tliink it

lit ti'i


unfair fur



tt tiin

mimrigruri reiic



it liii h

im litilt'

Committee work, he said, is
ere7 ifiii timi llnit i on tin' trt
to studying the various iicn o tin' u joe iluw.
phases of different honor system.
c im think it's unfair for tin'
The findings of the commute, he Ii uin tin mln
In rt t t'it r cxtrtt
said, will be presented to SGA later.
in llif Inlnirutiitij r'io,
tinPeak Advises Study
inli tiir itntl iiitintt tire eitig
Steilberg also said that Bart Peak, 1'iiiil tut tin- ( nit i rsil if In li nt It et i
director of the UK Y.MCA. advised
fiiimihj inlciiil of
his committee to have the question illt iit'hin In tntr i Irrl ntt,i. Mu lt 111
studied by different campus organi- ti'iitit tin nihi l
zations before acting on it.
Asked if the committee had
Ail honor system was first sugchecked on allegations of cheating gested on M uch 1 in an SGA meetrecently made in SGA. Steilberg ing by John Y. Brown Jr. At that
time. Brown said that students
"think cheating is a game."
Explaining that the problem could
not be worked out immediately, because ol the need for careful study.
Steilberg said. "I don't know if we
should attempt to do it establish
an honor system this term or not."
lix plaining Called Problem
Ore of the main obstacles
Two scholarships totaling $41'0 will
the committee, he said, is
be awarded this semester to junior
men by Lances, junior men's leader- explaining what an honor system is
ship society. Each scholarship will to the student body. "A lot of people
don't know what one is." he said.
be for $Jl)0. Marvin W. Suit, presiAnother problem cited by Steil-oer- g
dent, said.
would be in putting the issue
The annual awards will be made
on the basis of scholarship, char- lo a student xote. The vote would
acter, and financial need.
Any not. he said, be representative if
noi.uh interest in the issue were
junior who has completed two semesters of work at the Universi!' k.i raised.
A lr.xrt by the committee will
may apply. Lances members ale 1101
iiob;:ll. be made at the next SGA
eligible for the aw aid.
Monday night.
Application information may be an
obtained at the olfac ol the Dean
of Men and should be turned in to
that office by April !.". The scholarships are good only t.a the school
xear 1U54-5Members ul the selection commitNew nil leers ol Theta Sigma Phi.
tee are Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
vice president of the University. lr ivoineu's joii: iialisin honorary, were
A. D. Kirwan. clean ol men. Dr. Karl installed at the weekly
Kautlmaii. faculty adviser, and two Tuesday. Jody Terney. retiring presi1. antes members.
dent. h.i. announced.
They include Debbie Schwarz
The money for these awards
president. Kathy Reynolds,
by the annual I ant es Cai ei-vice
and dance held last fall. The nresuient. Beth Gallivan. secretary.
treasurer, and
t j. ., Jiaiy Li slr.
lil'st Lances scholarship v.
O Koark, historian.
in 1940, Suit said.


history at the University, is the
author of a book recently published
by the Macmillan Company.
b:ok. "A History of the Southern
Confederacy." deals with the life
of the people of the South during
tile "War for Southern Independ-




H'trxard University.
He is a former Guggenheim
;is a Fulbright professor
.:! Manchester. England in 1!51-5In l!.i3 Dr. Eaton was awarded u
:Vn-!uResearch Council


Lances To Give
Tiro Scholarships
To Junior Men







top almiiiistr.itixr
Hoard of Trustees.



M ovie






According to advance notices given
by the Mactnillan Company, Dr.
Eaton's is the first book to give
to both the military
and the civil history of the Con-- h
In the preface to the book. Dr.
I ':. ton writes,
I have tried in
tnese pages to tell the truth and
'o be fair to both sides the Blue
and the Gray. . . Above all, I have
attempted to delineate the changes
which occurred in the society of the
old South miller the impact ol
Dr. Eaton, who is also the author
of "A History of the Old South."
I.ubhsiu-in 194SJ. relates that "one
(1 the pleasures of doing the research . has been reading the letters ol private soldiers and oi- ic
to their mothers, fathers, and
et Ilea its. I call still smell the
incense, of musty diaries .
ol relies ui Civil War days."
Di. E.iion has been in the UK
Department since h)4ii. He
leeeived his All at the University of
North Carolina and took his PhD


tin- -

University Provost creation of
University Provost.
ith Dean Elvis J. Stahr Jr. of the
College of Law named to the post.
2. Dean of Men
resignation ot
Dr. A. D. Kirwan as Dean of Stu-- !
dents and Dean of Men. with the
simultaneous temporary appointment of Dr. Leslie L. Martin, assistant director for counseling. University Personnel office, as Acting
Dean of Men.
3. Registrar
formal approval of
Dr. Robert L. Mills, former chief
administrative and finance officer
in the State Department of Education, as Registrar.
Appointed For Twa Years
Dean Stahr's appointment is effective July 1 and is for a two-yeperiod. In accepting the new additional position, the law - college
head will continue to serve as dean
but will drop all teaching assign- -,
The office of University Provost
will engage in
for funds from various foundations
and individuals. This financial assistance would be directed toward
desirable educational programs
which UK wishes to engage in for
which state funds are not available.
This office is considered high in
the administrative chain of command in many universities. UK has
never before operated under any
similar arrangement.
Prvitkt Will Make Contracts
President H. L. Donovan, in asking-thBoard of Trustees to create the
new Provost position, stated that
UK now would have an official to
make contacts with foundations and
wealthy individuals. These persons
would leave their property lor the
promotion of a worthwhile program here at the University.
"For some time I have been thmk- ing seriously about advising the
Board of Trustees to authorize the
apixiintmeiit of an individual who
could effectively carry out this proj- ect." President Donovan commented.
The exact duties of the University
Provost office were outlined by Dr.
The official will be
charged with
with the various college deans, heads
of departments, and professors who
are interested in establishing or promoting some worthy cause, he said,
t'rdrral Contacts Included
The Provost will also assist the
officials of the Kentucky Research
Foundation in contacts with the
federal government.
"In order to give the position the
prestige that a position of the
character which I have outlined
should have, and to give it official
status as representing the overall
University rather than a single college. I am recommending that, effective July 1. Dean Stahr be given
the title of Provost of the University." Dr. Donovan stated.
Dean Kirwan resigned his position
as Dean of Students and Dean ot
Men to devote full time to teaching,
historical research, and writing. Ht
has been assisting the History Department while serving as Dean.
Dr. Kirwan was promoted by the
Boari of Trustees from associate,
prole-so- r
lo professor of historv.
He was named to the Dean of Students' position in June. 1947. He 15
former head football coach at UK.
Kirwan Is Praised
President Donovan accepted the
resignation, commenting that. Dr.
Continued to Page 3i


Students May Vote
On Honor System

Eaton Writes
New Book
On South


Traditionally, dawn lias been a
symbol (jf arising truth, of the huh:
of truth shining to show men tie'




daw n.


professional award and
girl" award, presented by Barbara
Weesner and Sally Hoffman.
Alpha Delta Pi, award to outstanding organization on campus,
presented by Carol Dorton; House
Presidents' Council, presentations o(
awards for
i Continued
to Page 8,


ate n urdered and tortured to
:wisl tla ir convictions from their
Whole l.tces and populations h;ie
been dn imated because they believed that they were born with
obedience to no one save the Supreme Ecliig.
And yet, no one nation or man
h;.- - ever succeeded in crushing this
Ix'licl. this ideal of freedom.
Easter is the eternal resurrection
of man's freedom and ol his hopes
and ideals of freedom. It cannot
be destroyed.
Easter comes from an ancient
Sanskrit word, usra. meaning the


The Resurrection of Jesus of
Nazareth will be the topic of the
Palm Sunday broadcast of the UK
Rotindtable over Station WHAS.
The tape recorded discussion will be
broadcast from 10 to 10:30 a.m.
The discussion panel will consist
of Dr. George Turner, professor of
English Bible at Asbtiry Theological Seminary in Wilmore: Dean Albert Ruetz. C.R., of St. Mary's College, St. Mary; Dr. John Henry
Melzer, associate professor of philosophy at UK: and the Rev. James
W. Angell. pastor of the Second
Presbyterian Church in Lexington.
The program will be planned and
moderated by Dr. Jonah W. D.
Skiles, head of the Department of
Ancient Languages and Literatures.
The current series of discussions
by the UK Rotindtable has centered around the "Foundations of
Western Civilization." or the great
ideas which have contributed to the
progress of western civilization.
Dr. Skiles, who has planned and
moderated the entire series, said:
"The foundation of western civilization has been built on great ideas
that have set the course of western
civilization. One such idea is the
one of the dignity of man. This
comes from the Hebraic idea of man
in God's image and from the Greek
and Roman idea that man is a free
individual. Notice that the revelation and the rational ideas reach
the same conclusion."
Dr. Skiles said that the Resurrection brings immediately into clear
focus the immortality of man in the
same manner that the Incarnation
of Jesus brings into clear focus
God's interest in man.
"Both of these ideas have had
tremendous influence upon western
civilization," Dr. Skiles said. "Even
those who do not believe in either
of them will admit that."

Dr. Clement Eaton, professor of


Martin Is Named
New Dean Of Men,
Mills Takes Office

To Be Subject
Of lioundtahle

of scholarship awards, presented by
Miss Martha V. Shipman: Theta
Siema Phi. presentation of outstanding . freshman girl in Journalism,
presented by Jody Terney; Phi Beta,
presentation of awards to outstanding senior, including service award,


presentation of girl of the year,
presentation of outstanding initiate,
presented by Karen Kercheval; Phi
Upsilon Omicron, presentation of
Cornell Award, presented by Lou
Nell Pitchford; Future Teachers of
America, presentation of Miss F.T.A.,
presented by Jo Ann Anderson; Lexington Business and Women's Club
award, presented by Mrs. Helen
Phelps; Chi Omega, presentation of
economics award, presented by Kim
Sanford. "
Scholarship Awards Scheduled
Delta Kappa Gamma, presentation

M ii


Dean Stahr Becomes
University Provost,
A. D. Kir win Resigns

To lU'jihici Kii'xxiin


classes freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Awards will also be
given to the outstanding women in
various fields of scholarship.
Officers and new members of campus women's organizations will also
be recognized as part of the program.
The outstanding freshman woman
last year was Phyllis Scrivner: the
sophomore women recognized were
Margaret Holyfield, and Peggy Ma-gi- ll
mow Mrs. Peggy Lacyl; the
outstanding junior woman was Kim
Sanford: and the outstanding senior
was Carol Sue Caton.
Awards are presented to the sorority houses and residence houses
with the highest standings. The sorority with the highest over-a- ll
chapter, active and pledge standings
will be honored.
Registration Is Wednesday
"Mother Goes To College" is the
theme of the Mothers' Day program.
Registration for the mothers will be
in Patterson Hall at 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Sara B. Holmes, dean of

Easter is the springtime of faith
and hope. It is the time for the rea holiday or birth of hopes, beliefs, faiths, and
a commemoration of the life and the ideas.
It is the life and the resurrection,
Easter is the symbol iff mankind's a fountain of hope, and an anchor




The Blue Marlin aquatic show at
2 p.m. in the Coliseum will be followed by a tea in the Jewell Hall
lounge. The mothers are all invited to attend the "Stars in the
Night" program.
Students Write Skit
The skit for the evening program
was written by Kim Sanford, Deborah Schwarz and Mary Ann
Marston. The cast will be Page
Williams. Beth Gallivan. and Nancy
Most organizations will be presenting their new members or inOrganizations presenting
awards are the League of Women
Voters, presentation of citizenship
award, presented by Catherine
Campbell: Blue1 Marlins, presentation of outstanding new member,
presentation of outstanding old
member, presented by Barbara Russ-ma- n
and Ann Mcintosh.
Women's Athletic Association, presentation of outstanding
member, presentation of outstanding council member, presented by

Awards Will Be Given
Awards will be given to outstanding women in each of the four

Easter is more


.1 :


nr.. a. n. kiiiw.w

IM in


Easter Is The Symbol
Of Man's Immortality

way of li!e.
In old German, the word can be
traced to ustern. all old Teutome
goddess of the spring.
Spring is the symbol ol the
i,' iilc niter a si i jr,;:.- - j,r: :).:




Nation.i is to c
ni" born
lier of tin





The annual "Stars In the Night"
program, which honors the
women on campus, will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Memorial Hall, Pat Morrissey, chairman of the Women's Administrative
Council, has announced.
The Women's Administrative
Council, which is composed of the
presidents of all women's organizations on campus, sponsors this program annually in connection with
tne Mother's Day program, sponsored by the House Presidents'
Council, Cwens, sophomore women's
honorary, and Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's honorary.
Theme Kept Secret
The theme of the "Stars In the
Night" program is kept secret until
the night of the presentation. There
is a skit carrying out the theme
that unites the whole program.
Last year's theme was "Twinkle.
Twinkle Little Star" with Kim San-forchairman of the WAC last
year, as mistress of ceremonies.
New members of the campus
honoraries will be tapped during the
program. Mortarboard, senior women's honorary, Links, junior women's
honorary, Cwens, sophomore women's
honorary, and Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's honorary, will
choose their members.


for faith.
Flesh can be torn. Guns, knives.
fire, steel, atomic fury all can kill
aim maim.
But none of these forces can destroy the one. great, indestructible
heart of mankind the will arid the I
spirit to be free.
Easter is a symbol of the fight ol
tii" will to be free.
S:nce the beginning ol man's hi
toiy on earth, forces have always
ncted against this desire for free-



!), 1SJ54

'Stars In The Night' To Honor
Outstanding Women Students

United Students Party. Dutch Lunch
Club, and Mortar Board. She is a
topical major with a 2.5 standing
from Lexington.
Miss Winkler is from Anchorage
and has a 2.5 standing in mathematics. She is president of Eta
Shirley Fauquier,
Sigma Thi, treasurer of Cwens. and
a member of White Math Club. and Martha Anne Holbrook, pianist,
Mortar Board, FTA. Pitkin Club. will present a joint recital at 8 p.m.
YWCA. Interfaith Council. Jewell today in the Laboratory Theater of
Hall Council, and Kappa Delta Pi. the Fine Arts Building. The recital
Miss Patterson is a member of is a partial fulfillment of the rePhi Beta, Chi Omega, Mortar Board. quirements for the degree of BachChi Delta Phi. Cwens, Kappa Delta elor of Music.
Pi, Panhellenic. and publicity manBefore entering the University.
ager of Cuignol where she has been Miss Fauquier attended the Cincinin several plays. She is an English nati Conservatory of Music and the
major from Earlington with a 2.6 University of Missouri. Among her
activities at UK are Choristers.
Spivey is president of the AmeriTroupers, and Kappa Delta Pi, educan Chemical Society, and a mem- cation honorary society.
For the past two years Miss Fauber of Alpha Chi Omega and Westminster Fellowship. He is from Lex- quier has appeared as soloist for
ington, a chemistry major with a 2 7 the University's presentation of
Handel's "Messiah." She is studying
Miss Bell is a member of the voice at the University under Aimo
Titkin Club, American Kiviniemi. instructor in the Music
Chemical Society. Kappa Alpha Department.
Joan McGhee. senior music major"
Theta. Outing Club, Cwens. and
Dutch Lunch. She is a Lexington will accompany Miss Fauquier.
topical major with a 2.5 standing.
Martha Anne Holbrook of MillBarnett is from Lexington and is stone. Ky.. attended Mary Washa chemistry major with a 2.7 stand- ington College, "Fredericksburg, Va.,
ing. He is a member of Phi Eta before entering the University.
Sigma. Lances. Lamp and Cross,
At Mary Washington College she
and Alpha Tau Omega, vice presi- was a member of Mu Phi Epsilon.
dent of Alpha Chi Sigma and Phi music fraternity. At UK. Miss Holbrook is a member of Kappa Delta
Mu Alpha.
Lewis has the highest standing. Phi. education honor society. Fu2.9. ever made in the College of ture Teachers of America, and Kapiaw since its founding. He is from pa Kappa Gamma, social sorority.




Named UK l'roxost

tive council of BSU.
Mrs. Napps is a political science
major with a 2.9. She is from Cadiz
and Seligman. Mo. Her activities)
include Mortar Board, counsellor in
the graduate barracks, and candidate lor SGA.
Sanderson is majoring in philoso- phy and has a 2.6 standing. He is
a June graduate.
Ro.,e is a Lexington candidate lor
a Ph.D. degree and a major in
mathematics with a 2.9.








f," 4









P. Lewis.
Miss Caton is a chemistry major
from Lexington with a 2.5 overall
standing. She is past president of
Chi Delta Phi. president of Westminster Fellowship, student affiliate
of the American Chemical Society,
member of Pitkin Club. American
Chemical Society, Interfaith Council, and Alpha Lambda Delta.
Miss Moore is president of Wesley
Foundation, secretary of Chi Delta
Phi. treasurer of Theta Sigma Phi.
and a member of Pitkin Club, the




A total ol lo students liaxe heeii elected into l'lii Heta Kappa,
national honor, u socictx. 1'rol. Mutuant l. I Iinnplircx s. secretary
ol tlie L'K chapter, announced



National Society
Will Iniliale 13
The students were elected last
Friday, and initiation will be held
Tuesday, May 4. They were selected
lroin those seniors with at least a
2.5 standing and 90 hours or more
that are classified as liberal requirements.
The new members include Judith
Fauquier Napps. George Herbert
Sanderson. Carol Sue Caton. Lewis
Brinkley Barnett. Elaine Moore.
Catherine Clare Comer. Mary Car-lyl- e
Winkler. Mary Lewis Fattersun.
Mildred Scott Bell. Hymen Olin
Spivey, Thomas Warren Ramape.
Donald Clayton Rose, and Thomas


Si' Installs

A'eir Officers


Chi Delta Phi
To Hear Talk
On liest Sellers
"America's Best Sellers'" will be
toe sub lev t of a talk to be given by
I'roi. Victor R. Portmann to members of Chi Delta Phi. women
writing honorary, at 4 p.m. today
in Room 204 ol the Student Union,
il has been announced.
An 'assistant prolcssnr of joiir-- 1
ah in. Frol. Portmann will
01 he books winch have made
tne best seller list since colonial

tunes and the reasons tor their
The time and place lor the initiation and annual spring banquet fr
be held after Easter w.ll be decided
in a business meeting before tile






� Best Copy Available



Most Complaints About Infirmary
Are Groundless, Interview Shows
Complaints by UK students have been directed
against tht Infirmary tor some time. The subject
was brought np by SGA members at their last
meeting. Upon investigating tin matter, we have
found that most of the complaints were groundless.
The criticisms were that a lexer seemed to he
the only criterion for admittance, that nurses instead of doctors diagnosed the students, and that
son1 students were refused treatment.
Dr. John S. Chamlcrs. head of the campus
Health Service, stated this week that anybody who
looks sick or feels sick is welcome to stay at the
Infirmary at any time, lie added that there were
no barriers or restrictions to admittance at the In-

Stay In College?
Sure, Here's How!

Space For Hire
As Ball Of Fire
Rolls Over Earth

student were liv ing at home, it would be
difficult to contact a doctor and have him in the
home in the length of time it takes to get one at
the Infirmary.
We have no doubt, that, at times, the Infirmary
makes mistakes in its diagnoses or treatment. Hut
it would be impossible to name any doctor or
hospital which has not at some time diagnosed a
patient or patients incorrectly. The Infirmary stall
cannot always be right and UK students have no
right to expect them to be. Criticism can be constructive. but there's nothing worse than destructive criticism which accomplishes nothing.




In very few instances are Urv students refused
treatment at the Infirmary. However, it should be
recognized that any student requiring specialized
treatment would have to go outside the campus
for medical care. Major surgery and serious diseases, which would require that the student go
home, are cases of this type.
An incident brought np at SGA meeting last
week about a student who was refused treatment
to check bleeding following the extraction of four
wisdom teeth is an example of jieeded specialized
care. The student was instructed, naturally, to see
his dentist since the required treatment would
have involved more than general medical knowledge. To us. this seems to be a sound and logical
procedure. If the student had been treated at the
Infirmary by someone not qualified to do the work,
and complications had resulted, the situation would
have been worse.
In regard to the criticism about nurses diagnosing
the students, a doctor is on call at the Infirmary 24
hours a day. During the day, each student is required to see one of the doctors before receiving
any treatment. At night, any student entering the
Infirmary showing symptoms of illness is put to bed
and a doctor is informed if the illness is serious.

Massie Compares
Med School Cost
in two previous guest editorials we have tried to
point out the need for a second medical schxl in
Kentucky due to the falling numlwr of doctors in
practice and the increasing population in this state.
We have indicated that increasing health and accident insurance, and increasing and legitimate demands on the doctors by the public for special
services will make it necessary to have more doctors
per unit population than ever in the past.
We have quoted the figures show ing the cost of
building and maintaining a medical schxl at UK.
These figures were presented by the University's
own Committee on Medical Education. This Committee stated that by present values of material
and labor it would cost S15.T31,(KK) to build and
maintain such a school for the first nine years and
that the annual cost of maintenance thereafter
would be about $6SO.(KfO.K).
We have previously suggested how this money
might be raised by the State Legislature.
The present editorial is an attempt to outline the
position of the Fayette County Medical Society on
the probable cost of a medical school. With all due
respect to the studies of UK's Committee on Medical Education, we do not lx'lieve that SI 5.731. (XX)
for the first nine years of building and operating
a school will be enough to give us the 'sort of
school we want and should have. We base our
opinion on the costs of the new medical schools in
Florida, North Carolina. West Virginia, and Washington. These costs run lx 'tween 20 and 25 million,
with annual maintenance costs between $750,000.00
and S2,000,(XX).
The Fayette County Medical Society has been
active in planning and promoting a statewide committee whose members w ill undertake a campaign
for raising 10 or 15 million dollars from private
sources. When this project has been brought along
somewhat further, the plan is to employ a firm of
professionals to conduct a money raising campaign.
Our present idea is. therefore, to accept the figure
of $15,731,000 offered by UK's Committee, and in
addition go "all out" to raise an additional 10 or 15
million from private sources so that UK will have
a medical school equal to that of others.
Francis M. Massie. M.I").
Chairman, Committee on Medical Education
Favette Countv Medical Societv

The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky
Kentucky, ! second
Filtered at the Post Office at
rla&i matter under the Act of Man h 3, 1879.
Published weekly dnrmjr scIkk.1 cxcet hrihdas s and exam.
41.00 per semester




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Aniowz the ridiculous tUccu s is t'w
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a joke.
fi. Ask for outside reading. You don't have to
read it. Just ask.
7. If you must sleep, arrange to be called at the
end of the hour. It creates an unfavorable impression if the rest of the class has left and you sit there

alone, dozing.