xt7c599z3g7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z3g7v/data/mets.xml La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 France La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 1797-06-17 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de Crapart  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 29) 1 7June, 1797 text Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 29) 1 7June, 1797 1797 1797-06-17 2023 true xt7c599z3g7v section xt7c599z3g7v  



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Jo'lrnaf 1/: l’ari; , 115:1.2'1‘61171 16.

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:l‘n- M111; i! ’11 [mint d’ 11111112136 , mais (la justiae,
. 1111111111111 cl‘am (111111 1111111101 CL Labial :, UL 110111
'(- M [6.9 17011111.; 511111.711” , il 111111, (111": 1171111313511 (l‘aussi
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1'111517111111l1l1js (11:1 1'écl11111s‘11l
1: (l(‘ llln'rh? 1'.1l»..11111:1l>l<*.


T1.7.11'1'1‘11l11111f , 111111111 s111:1l;l11,u111l<-11xll5_;11118,1111<3111110511111,
huh; sallsos 1‘1 11111‘111131“l1.-1111‘1;l-3. (30 (1115111 111112151 {hymn—1:165 [1’
n11.7111' (L111: [11111 131‘ (1111115 11;. ‘ 41.5117: {'13 111' .1111111' [a 111117111
<‘.’Hz:‘<‘, (lans 111111, 5" 13 (1:;cnpll1111. Si jné ue (:mis [1:15 dm‘uir
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In _ lc 1:1:114 , lo 11:15:11 ('1 l1',l(‘lll{3‘ll' : 111. {(11115 (1:11 111(3—
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ust (rm-r, l1: [1-1‘19111' 11’11‘1111’1111 1111111111111 21
1:1)11s1l111111rr; 1‘1. {1219 El 1'1551111111111‘ du pulls 1171111 Ill. Puc—
i1111l1-111i111‘? L1" l1‘119:1r11"\' tivnlmit 11M , 111 mi 11011
plus. Jv 111- 111'111'1'1'11' ([11:11', [,11111' [C r 2,113 (11' llul'liclo, mm

, , v , I‘ . , . l .. ' ' ‘ ' .
.111 p|11u111111111 ;. 11.11.11 1:111 1111121”! ; 111.115 l’capurc 1111551 11111111



1171 111‘ 151- 111:1 (1.311113%? 111 , 1:1 lufiwu‘: 111.- 1l11111C1‘1 1111», {lo 111:1
l) 12111“ 3'11 , «[111 11'1':;l: 11111311111111.1111}. cellt- (l1: M. linulwrwr.

u‘ (Trust l1 lilr‘rré 11’1111 fcult»: I‘ve/1:11.” (jut: (lk’jllzunll'ut his
:7 11mm; 3110:1913, 11' 11.111 L1 libcm'; du bruit 12L J1; {’élm‘. n
Jpnmu.’ 1/: I’M/‘1'“.

.1: In,“ 1'1111111'11151- iti (ilit‘ lo. gmml 11111.55 PL 11) growl, éclut
("g/11:11 1111 111:11‘ll1- 1:11 \‘Llld‘gw {1 l1). 1111-550 01 :1 “Mums.
C1 L1 1 inn-H1111 vi 110 11.111 so (:11111'ilim' 11w”: [1: rECIIEi![(?-
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cc ll n’n]1pnrtier1tq11’.l l’r’mfihkxnment przl‘fz'c ale remplir
[’111'1' 1i'11/1 bruit 111111110, (fun/nu! 1/1, Pans.)

lci lmlt scroll rculzu‘q'lxublv, 11111! 1111,1110 égnlvmvnl «l'mL
11111‘utln11. U11 1111111, ulxivllvr (:c Mylo, 1.11 slyh- b.1111" [11111415,
[l1] 11mins (Luis 1111 :111111- 111115 (inc lc 11(‘111'0. L11 15111/1111'31‘111111
11111 r:-111}2/1'1 [’111'1~ .‘Z‘un 1711111! A 1111i 1'! apparcicnt 1/1: 101141111
fair, MC ! 1.;1 l»; 111- Unm- 111111 J11 51:,l1- Ilzs 5(,'.'1.’('1.'u('v.'4‘-1
11-511‘, jvmoyuis jiL‘uih’lLl 111w l1: tulle dL-s 1l12;~11t'11l'\11191131111 5
de L; nulinu (-1111! queuinn (tlmsv (l0 pll/H’ZC , (fins/#1 151111-11;
011 111111: ,-< 11L! chinamé 1111i11‘1 5111‘ 1011:. [vs 1111115. JP 1:1‘1111113
1116-11112 (111.11 (911111 11111.1,2wil1lw qu’nn (:11110 1101111, I‘iLS P"’[’!l")
21 11mins (111711 m‘ 11H fil-llwulu [1111‘ lH; 11,115, 1‘1 1O 11-11111) at
1212111111. .lc “mural: 11: .


1 - . . . 1
10 :1l11‘1' jl"‘jlll1L (:1'011‘1'1glexl ml, (1115

. .. , , ,, . . . .
lu'nu (.6 1611511111 0.1111111; 111111;: 111:. 11:1 :11111 11.1,»; 1111,1111; 1111115


,. I . . ‘ . .
51111:; 11111111: 1.11. Jlu'rlcl't'x' 11111 0511111 111111115 (l') l;1 111111: ('1‘:
r 7 . “l .. 1
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111.121 ['émb/z'su1.11::11121[1111,1119 11'6 11'111j/11' /'11:r 11’1111111'111'1‘ [HUI/C,
:u‘lwvmu l1; leum m Imus 1111 11‘(.~111l1';11l1111s 1.1 smuflulv 1211119

1 Q , - ~ ‘1 » - 1

1x,- 511 scltlcflfk. , .‘1 (1111 ll appu/‘L‘zeni dc ICIIIFIH‘ lazr 111.11: 1117113

Uqwzls (1111‘ la constitution :1 1161' 1113; l:1 lll;(‘1‘l§

. . . . r( A
1 7 " .' .
3) (ll) 11,1115 ,ll'S (“1115 (’t X'.\'H.LJ1$LIJ!:


6 :11111111, Pussy: (l0:
:3 (lxvl'bcsm: J110111 plus 21111,;11‘11‘1111‘3‘1 l‘ligllak'D). ./1).‘1rna1'1[cir’a//x.
Run, 511115 Ll<111lc , car (:11 Italy: (Ls (r/u


my bat 11111: lmriic
1111131111111), 111: cc 1311111- 11“.; ml 1111‘11115; 1:1 51 ls: 1711110 (=1 16%

- - ' - .- 1 v, .1
12115, (:0 111111311 L111 1111110 L‘:;SL‘11'11(Ell(:, 111111 1“:




11117.1' :1. 11111:, xle lughiuu....... 1:5111/11:1'v:/111.zz'1‘13. lit 011 H11 51‘-
1'i<:11s—11;>11.~,, lmu 1111111 (pau'drm, NT. flaxlerc‘r, d: llvxcl -
11121111 11: 1721111515 [1;gucrz1ii) 5 ”1‘1 (111 serious — nous, jc 1'1':p(:1‘1v,

5 la 1115111110 r61 ohmic/1111:1114? Sims clle, (1m: (lt“.'l“‘ '
lu: 112115118125 1l11 1l119doir9 6L ale Jllc1'1111,ei lL‘b l1111' 411115 l 9
11711511114, 111, [L5 1111113111112; (111 5.111111111‘11111‘111? Sum (1115,
1119111 Unllluul, aurmil—il 1111511111113 vichz'iuusm.u)1.l 131111111: ill”,
11mlii:1'é‘s, (111111119. 3.11.. Km lurcr cnzxix‘u ll's' (Lubes? (1,1111va


l fill-11:





. . \ , . 1. ‘ ‘
TONE 1111-11 (1"; 1‘0111111C01‘, 111011 0121111111 11- 1:1111'1121115113: 5:111.)

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cllc, V0128 1115 11111»: 11:15 [11115 mi l11‘11:1, 121

lu1'5 1.11110


[1'11 1rd Cm fx'lctz, 1111c nus cloths 11.111 1});11 11i1jw111'1l‘1'1111 11
Paris. I

[17:11.13 11.1‘8' 11:15 11ml plucé : il SOIHlllC (1111’. \‘0115 voullflz
(luclrgucbis «léxim‘. (11111111113111 Swirl \ruux‘ 111111111 fhr: 1117:
11111: [11 1:501:35 d: {(1 paruLsxa'c 11121111115311, 1.73113 5111751171 1'15‘1’."1111-,
[13.1 7111111717111" , [as morn, [(35 111121111333

11/11 3311-1! [1, 112-6178 1’51“: mar: 15' 115::31‘1.’

; \11115 .1j111111122 11:11}
. Suva—111115 (1111* (‘1 ln
l‘riw 1111;:111‘10 crmlrc-ré'z'n/Iztionn112's?ll 111111 11111-11111» 511“";5
tw'rihl .(‘11L 51‘11'1lc Vuh‘u 101'1‘il1l13 1':':;H:l.1ilo;1, 1111111" l1.1~a11' ._
5 (lo (st-[11.1 nature. II 11‘)’ 11‘]
lllll‘lH‘let: (its (‘lm‘umld 110111 ((11:11an mvlllm; 111'118 [71.1
11"«si (,111’il 11’}? a 121 rlvn «lv s.1'-1‘i(111:; : “1111‘ 11111 1’:st 1:11;].111111
lJL‘I “1:111:11, il l’t-sl 1111?;5111vncorc 1111:1111l 111115 zljfllilwz 11m: n1:
SHlLl; 1111C I11'111-115111'111 1111 I101] (lil'lflrvnha, (:1 W11» 531111111111,

[1015111111311’;:ti(?111l:111 : u .51 111111017115 «l9 5,111,111lr13111'51ms111M355


1.11.111 LlC‘ 171111—3111: uni
A l


rlrs 11'




5111' his (11111'111‘1'511115Vuluienl 1111s c111:01vz11'1911x.u

Oh! 110111 If." 5'1‘1'1171/03 011111115 11/110665 sur 1:1; ciao/211m, is:
suis :1l1sol111111‘111 1101111111: 115511111111 (lPs 1:111111'3 «lll’lzuniliwt
pmzr [as penis Tun 12.9, (Ini 10 limnt 11111‘; 11710, 10111 511l121‘1
(“I’ll <':[r1iI', (lulil zziljugvn 113 1111:; (l11 11mm? 1111 [11111011 (18
' 51:1; sullnu, 11‘ 1:9


'JH‘filflsonrlv. alumni. 51 11ml , (1111 111* $1: 1 ‘
(lois 1111.5 1'11‘0 111) 111111 1311:1113 U11- 111513711111 55' 111371181- ,111'.'1'11',s':s.11f
[133' 6/11 hem/1'11 THUS (‘11 1111111111109 our, buns :HH‘ sultan, 1211
grand l1<1sn1l11 Llc 1111-, rrt szs 1:1‘111’K‘Z


.(ll'l3lll5 lUll‘g-Llllnl‘fl . .
1'1111'11'11'511 l0 51111551. . . . . {11.115 1111 MM)“. .1‘.'l‘Z~-V\JHS danr [11:3
005 gram!“ or 12s" .111r [as clue/Gun? ll {21111 11101111 (1110 (Wu
p/Li/usop/zrs 51:21 111119521111; (lc l;}1~z1 1M; 11111113911118; Ila ‘mus :11-
ranscuc L165 01511:: ct llCS #0011er 10:11 001mm: (165 gamer-











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1'11 1..~I 11:14
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filmy: 111-;

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113.5 '312'1'111‘ Pup-11:; (-1. l"; 1'1"111J!
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‘11'1115 1,11i 1121111.,

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11115111. .111l111',.l113 112111, I'L 1'1. 'i'1is Irv-.211: (i111 1051.1: '.1 2-0111.“
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11111111, L, 11111.11111' 11'11111i,1i1-\ >5 J1.- 111110511105 1- 1'1 (:1) 1;.1111f,
c1 ”.1... 1". . 11.111511z1 ‘11'111. 1111 j..\' , 11 1'1- 11‘111111'6
(tiIIIHI. '11j12111"11 111.1 )1: (112111111'111'1' 1L 112'1211' '.111 {1..-'1 1.21:. Lie
inibir, I‘L ii 1111' i1111'1' 1:1 1121111125121. I11: 1212111: 1111.- 111:1' 31.1:1'; 11':
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111115 Chums 11.1.


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1111311135), 1113i. 511' . .. .
111-21'1110 0121111; 6' 1.1111; 1.1111, ,‘1I.II1'121::
6t \.)'11‘1.'. p.1ztv‘.311'11


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1212111'1‘112i1121111i» 1‘1411 11. 'or' _
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-5152 s. Ii 111' i. L.I.I'1'.' 1 112111 11.1.1 11.11: 111.11,: 111.5

1 1

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mILIi ..'; 1':: 51-1-11
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111111, 131 6211'u.'1.1'1'- 131111'11'1 1 ~ ‘
(‘2;2-Lft‘. 11in n; I201“ I'ILS i‘IIL‘ Lil 91:11, 1111,121I1'11 12111 1.11:
\111= s c'I- Ii::11 :ICJ‘L c1111, 1111135 \1211; 111'
1:.2-1111-12 101.5, ,i'. 11 1.11 12.15 ‘1.-1:51.2i'1 1113111: -111211‘111 :1 12:111'

1.11;. BIL-1111,12». L. 11.



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5117‘ 11711? PI'12/2051/i12r1 (.71: :‘11'. 1"111172’11111'.


lire. '.’;1-\;i1'111~ . 1‘.-1115 \12'1-1'1:

J6 \III- :15. 111 ,
j11111,11111- 11.121i111 1'11
1i1'1's: .si (‘i‘1:1'.1.I 11-111: 11111: VIHI'.)

1171-111i21111- 1211s, 111311101111101L 5:1..11..A2L..11L11. 1.11.1111... 121.-



21'.1i'1= :11: 2'1Lu5.11.111.1‘. , c1; 1
.111 1'1111'.121'..1."., 1:11.111111: jo


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H s‘u"2'11'_toyc 111112.211] 5111'11‘. sm'I1i1-s;


Ilim‘s, 1111113, 1'1 1'1111






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('1‘: 111-, 1'01.1ni 1112,1111! .1113 .‘t’L; . :1 ('.1 1111-1 111,
C151 1:111 5111-31105 r11' 11‘1 .12: 1:1111- 1111M. 1111-. II :....Il11 1'11:~11111-
. 1
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.. 1 ' ...
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1111' 121-14111111iI211;1111111il11'111 .

131.1111 jI.1.~11..'.2I.1\ 1321.1111‘15, (1211:1111: II. 11 ..I-. 1111

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111 1'0 .Iz'1'1'1'1/s 7'1): 71:


m mos-'1‘!


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. W, 1211115;
1111111 111.: \12II'1- 111111" , V.I.11i2‘..".12." , 11.1- 1".21'1- 11i—
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accuslcmnf [:111I‘

doivc'nl (11'1'1151'1' , 15t (311” ('1.-I.


Li'UI‘I'IIIIC' i1!li.i'1'l':(‘. (. ml ;111:.' -.~

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1'12.1L 11:15 [1‘s 3.1111.1_;s111y'a 111: ~
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ll 3/ 8/1 a 1’). HAHN/[J pt'i'rm cur
(II-I: 1\..L'11i11 , \11111 (Le " IiiinIuil
‘.i1.1:. C' 11111: 11111 111L110 1111s
.v‘..'1'13112z11.s (’.1i.1111111:11.112s, iCS Smyil- 11- .132; 1212111'511i11-1; 1.1:.3
11.2115 1'1 1115 iiiirith; LL 1.1-.

'11:. dell ' 111:1. 1' l1.- s c10.1I2I.-1'5 [93112111135 1i1- i'1.21..
L:I>.(' 1:111:2i11' 512191:E;Ii1.'1111'1:t 111111

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.175 111iIII: i-v.

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(:1 uni-ii-

\1()‘llikl (”"18 (II)
11i1;11;.i.'21'111':,. 11 in .111 1'1'1 110's
1‘:-111's \‘11111I1i105 CI [(31118 Ivmus. 1‘.-'1 1112113 113:“.
:1\1'1', IIL‘HS 011 511.2119 111211.21'105' , :i 1112'.
i=3r'10'1 , 5'11 1:1'0111- -2'.211’1-ils 1111115 11,110 [as 11'sz (11111.1.713'11
"0.1‘ u/,1[1I1':"—\r2115,u (I crut: loL’cnur u c 58'; 0t.U .1 i 12.1 1.1,
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211'11i511'1;5'?1‘/.111is (1111 cc 1"...111111121111: 1'1-51112115111iiim .1 1'11:
1'1. '121II'1' ('11:; a. :01'1'1111 b111iL, '.ucc 11.211I135 lc-s iuIIiII'c-s 131;
171-1.».11'110'11‘1' 11-1'21111i1I1111.1i1c , LL JCS 1112,2111udi.s1‘n11'11:1 11c 1':-s
111:11. 11.. s 1'I2i 1.3112i1-21L SI squnh's cu 1111.1111‘1‘. ,1-1‘11'13ii3inrz , 1'11
112111.: 111-12111.- 1;1.' 1 01111.1, 1211 11".1 02112111 (11101.111i1111i1'1111i1211
‘1'. 1.1115 i1111‘1 1..19 (1' 11111111131'1-511221:.111)'iiIL'-, 1121111119 1121' s 1111
a 51:1;11‘10 dim-1 it 1211‘11t [01:12111111'11'1?

1.1.1. 5 1111 (if: 111-11-2111-

i12I’('(‘-11S '21 1112113


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:11, 11'. now-1:111- i- 12 :110 ,
I. 11: (1111i (1111112111. v ' ,11 121' 151211110 11.1 (11.1'1'5121211mi1l1; , 1211111.:
11I.L'- '1.. 112i 119 1'1 .2121151Il2iii1 1.- 11- L13111i5312it 9111112111 111- ci1.11'1111
11111: '1 “-1211 51:1' 1201'I1311111-.:‘.i1'. (indie 121251: VI '.11111. 11L \IIL'
11-1. 111i1isI1'1's, 1,1.0 11-. 1211-1111'1' 1' 1111i 1.1 ViniCl’il, soil: rCsIIun-



.~..-:I'IL'2 11011 1111d11'1-1.L12i11-1,11i iv 012111'1'i1r11ic iOIILC 1’1111112'11111'
:1LI.‘.1ILI 11:11": .11 , 11. -Iis 1111112151-i1111; 1.1 nation , 1111
'5 \'1)ii"III’: CL 13151'1111x1311 . $111215 jc 01‘11i1'11i (1111-. 112 1!1"1..'11
'1' '11' , (721.112 [L‘I/(j-‘IL‘I'.
:20. Lug [11111111 11"'r..L1.56".018':-t F111: [.1 n1’;’-"g.1'nccln’('.v cw!-
111151.33. LIL-1111‘ 1.11i:;.111f1-1'iI". 11 1'-'III-1<. 111111111, 11111-1
11111.111IIICLIH..1' "II'IL [11f01‘p.."/Izz. m:
'15 mi - .151'2.1‘1..ii.1111I2i.-5 <11 1':-1.1105

1'I1.- 51:11 111.:


113-11112 i:
([11 11H 11'










1's I't‘IIiiI‘I‘S. 1101\1 1.1— 1.1

31' ['.13'11' ;_,121.1'.'1.211'1'I1'1:L 1" 1'1: “\‘1 "12111-0; 1'1'121I 51212:—
.. I "." 14.11 13-. L.;

(I I 1':,1. 0111‘: 1 .L.‘ ..ILII‘ IL”. (.ZUIS .MIZI.
. . . . . .

1:1'1'1211' , 5.’ k. 21'. L'I ~111 \' .11' V. 1' 21:11'-11t 11111‘1'11—


II...\H \'.'.....‘..
I21 .1111. 2:13, ..1.-)I.blf.1ll, .1111111111/1

. 1 .
'.12'1' 111131'1 11'1"


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1.112110 \1‘1‘1I'1- 1..-I; 11 . II 1‘." 1:111'C IJII: . 11";11'111‘ il‘ :1118 5'12:-
12112i—2111'-:1.1'. 1'


'"'1111. 11:». 11' -'1' 111i1 1' . 111 1211111135,.111101011, .


111is :1 in 11- '.21111'11211. 11111' .
(.1110 1' [-111'11111; 11.112121111112I9'11 1‘.-1111'1'11'iz'11; 1'! i'.
{1111! 1141,0111: 1-11 1'1'-'.1.'Iii1' 1". 131:11111-1111111' : ()11 [1'5 1'1:-:- 121'»
V " “MILL {11-11' 12'1\'1‘1".(s111'111'1: a 11r-ii11uirus . 121:
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