xt7c599z3998 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z3998/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 2008 2008 2008-12-02 2020 true xt7c599z3998 section xt7c599z3998 PACK YOUR BAGS

UK Hoops finds itself
on the road again

See Sports
page 6



llr'l Sl):\‘i l)l( IMBl l\’ 3,


By Hannah Ockerman
items a kyki'rn‘r-l l :irn

Rush week has traditionally
been llL‘lkl ttt lllc lall sctiicslct Ul
the atadeiiric war. and the l is
l’anhellcnic (‘ouncil recently de-
cided it \soiild stay that “at

\ltci‘ some questions \scte
raised ahotit clraiieine the (iii-ck
recruitment period to the Spirire
serrrestci. the council iiirarrrrrioiis
It ruled to keep recruitment in the
tall. said l’airlrellerric ('ourrcrl

It ll l8


votes down spring rush

President Jttltt‘ hlt‘iitltil'

.'\leador said the 1K Student
\ltairs x\tltttlllls[ttl[lttll asked the
l’airhellerric Council to consider
moving; sorority recruitment tvso
or three vseeks into tltc l‘all se~
irrestei l’lrere \\ as also discussion
of moving to or adding a formal
spring recruitment \veek. Sorority
recruitment is currently the week
before school starts in the fall.

l'lrc Panhellenic (‘ouncil
talked to other campuses about
“lien and lion the} recruit.

Meador said, (‘ourrcil members
vrsited Purdue University to see
host its (it'eek s_\ stertt recruited.

”Purdue is one of l'K's
benchrrrarks.” said Susan West.
director of Fraternity and Sorority
Affairs “'l'lieir' (ireek community
is similar to llK's "

Meador said after the council
\isited Purdue. lorrner L'K Vice
President of Student Affairs Pat
Terrell deterrrrined that [K did
not need to change the sorority
recrurtrrreirt period. 'l‘errell

thought a change would be detri-
rrrerrtal to the current recruitment
system. Meador said.

West said she agreed vs itli
l‘errell‘s concIUsioir about charrg»
mg the current system.

"There would be conflict \vrth
academics and other lTK commu-
nity events such as football
games. women's sports and lead»
ersltrp summits." West said. "Pur
due had many scheduling eon~

See Recruitment on page 3


‘ ‘lillltl altrh iltl‘lil ta tla: Cats Desi it: "t it L12

c titehing to

By Emily Gaskir

ire s-Is,iie"rt,

Klillllll'.‘ is not t'lsl lt‘: ircllltl
irrotlret‘s airtrrioie.
is \\,h.‘it one L‘li'tlt‘ Ht 1 is; stttilcttls
is turn; to prom:

the l is inll'lllll“ tlito.
S(l( K5. is 's‘-'-‘ll\l‘l‘.' on \t'\t‘2.tl
ser\rcc protects to 'iinttit the
Shelter tlrr'o'ielr krirt'riiL'

or at least that

I’lllyusllt \rolct‘itr‘

“l line knitting; because it is a
productive hobby that you cart
l‘l\lt';tll_‘» do arouhere.“ [tinny
said, 'l:\ en “lien you are inst sll'
tun: around \iatchrne movies or
itdirre in the car you feel produc/
sittltct‘ltt‘ (till

toe because \oir are
sorrrctlritrje that
use ”

the club recently received a
"ldttl from the ,\lcohol and
Health ldiicatron office to help



serve others

shelter. Alone, \\itlr that. the club
\\tll knit \\ inter hats to give to the

'l'lre rirenrbers ol' the club also
occasionally \ier the shelter to
teach residents him to knit it can
be a therapeutic hobby and also
cue the people something: to do
on a Sunday afternoon. /.irrrn)v

.lana Leicht}. a library and iii-
lorrriatiorr science graduate stir

football. I also like to sho\\ otl
stuff that I‘ve made and be like.
‘()lr. yeah. I tirade tlrat.' ‘

'l‘he knitting club “I” hold a
bake sale on Dec. lit in the Stu
dent (‘errter to raise money for
hilllllltg supplies to teach resi-
dents at the Bluegrass Domestic
Violence Shelter ho“ to knit.

The group meets at 7 pm. on
l'lrtirsdays iii Rooirr 11‘! in the
Student (enter. 'l‘lre club meet


.-\irranda /iirirr_\. a \c‘ttlll‘lrlfl- purchase knitting: supplies and
social studies t‘tlllttlllttl‘r senior lorriirals to decorate and gi\e to
started St it ’ls'S. \ei\ iii-.1 tlui tltc \llk'llCl

('irtrttriiurih Knittine and Stitch S()('l\S' ongoing protect for
:lllfl. her sophomore year at l l\ the semester is dorriitine knitted
‘She held a “I earn llon to lsriii” ’l‘lre sirdP bags and
get together and ioiiiiials “ill be put into \ielcorrie
turnout. slrc derided to start a bags that each resident reeeoes
killll'llfi sllll‘ “ Hl'i A \c1\ Ice t\\ is! alien he or she first arii\es at the

proud of

soap bags

.rlli‘t .i _L‘oiiil

dent. said she joined the club he tires
cause knitting eases stress and
also goes her .soirrethirtg to be

“I think it‘s relaxrrig." she
said "I like to \satch 'l‘\' and knit
at the same time. My roommates
probably think l‘m kind of weird
because I like to knit and watch

aluays imolve knitting.
\xhether it is teaching beginner‘s
rte“ techniques or talking: abotit
the nevi fundraisirre Uppttfllllltl},
Sometirrres they just err_|o_\ watch
in}; a movie and knitting. /.unn_\
said. The club is open to anyone
and rro knitting experience is nec



Art program
first 'seal

of approval'

By Ali Cicerchi

aeit‘erchrrikylieriiei 1 our

After more than it) years of talkure
about it. the Us Art Department received
its first ever accreditation from the Nation
al Association ot Schools of Art and He

l‘he unocrsrty's art department ls one
of only three accredited in the state. and
[K offers the only tree-standing (‘olleec
of lime Arts in

P r o v o s l
Kurnble Sub
basvvarrry said
\olurrtar} ac~
creditation pro.
like the
dcpai'tirrerrt of
art gained
through .\'.\Sl).i\ are rare

”lt's iirrportant to do ll. it possiblc
Siibbasuain} sdltl.

Man} professions that inxolie pioies
sional degrees must hare accreditation like


A complete list
of each accredited
college at UK




medical degrees. architecture and eiiei
ttccl‘ttrg lit a \\a}. accreditation is a ".‘oo-‘
housekeeping seal o! appri \ai ” \uo
basvsainy said

The art departrnenti “lltc'l;
accreditation in lttltl'( )ctobei. began llrtlil,
mg of the idea in the l‘lfills and beta-wt
closer to accreditation iii the 1 “His 3a,;
rrotltine became of that lri-pt said its ti'
rrient (‘lraii lien \\ rllrezs

\\rtlreis said through streeestrivzis ’
the accreditation acetic}. the .ir: .tr ,, ,
irient beearr to serious|\ try for





Effigy case
to go before
grand jury

l'hc t\\o trier: chat-Jed it: corn-curse:
\' ith ltrtttytt‘f: an etliex of President»: i. \l
llarack ()baina on l Ks cariipus v ill >.'i-= »
a grand [HR to! then case after \‘u'jsl'fi'
heir rights to a hearing

.loe l‘Isclrei'. .‘L and Hunter ltusl‘r, ‘
“Cl"c‘ st'llt‘tltllt‘tl lUl iti‘lc'llll‘iti1.lt‘s ltrfi ti:
\londa} in l'iiyeltc l)lsllltl i an.” ‘Mrr
\ltlk“tl lit lt‘l lllc L‘iist‘ Qi‘ ‘.- .i tiit‘f you “
stead. l'heii attorney l red l’cteis
lltL‘) ilt'cttlctl [it liner) lltc‘ i'lt‘iit'tt-J “in
the prosecutor ea\e t‘re lt'lt'iriliiir‘s
lit ctll Illt‘ “llllL‘ss slalctllt‘lils

’l‘lre grand riri‘_\ could meet aris'ri‘re '7;
the new it! tl.i_\si oi \\lrene\et latertc
(‘ounty ('onrruoimcaltli \li-"!tic‘) Ra}
Larson schedules tt. Peters said

lischcr and Bush \\eic arrested on t lr'
Ell b} l'ls Police on charecs o‘ sewn t it
grec burglar}. \C\llll(l dceree tl--.oiilei~.
conduct and theft by iinlav. liil taking 3 .i
later pled trot guilt} to the charges


.\ll)S \jrrrrr.

PHOTO av iriiisrm SHERMM 1 STAFF
Sara Laforce, left. and Jay Smith, right, from The Hope Center, hold candles representing peo-
ple affected by the HiV/AIDS was, their family and friends Monday night in front of the Lexrngs
tori Public Library Five candle stations were set up around downtown so particrpants could pick
up a candle from wherever they were and meet at the library, said Mark Rhyse, the executive
director of AIDS Volunteers, Inc According to a semi-annual report released in June, there are
3,000 people in Kentucky currently living with HlV/AlDS, Royse said He said while media
attention has been focused on the cases in Africa and India, it is important to remember that
this is still an issue in the United States





Winter, economy increases
need for charity drives

By Jennifer Hilinski


With cold weather here to stay. organiza—
trons around Lexington are looking for
\varmer clothes to give to needy people.
While individuals may be concerned Will]
their own financial well-being. charity organ-
i/ations are looking to donation drives and
the holiday spirit to help collect items.

The Salvation Army in Lexrngton has es.
perienced a minor drop in donations this sea
son. btit not as much as expected. said Sal\ ar
tron Anny irranager Holly Barley.

"(‘orrrpared to last year. we have expert»
errced a little change." she said. “A lot of
people have been kind enough to donate. but
I have noticed a little bit of a drop."

Donations by organizations ha\e not
slowed down. but individual gifts have suf-
fered slightly. Bailey said, '

“Not as many people aside from organi‘
lations have made as many donations com-
pared to previous years. but people are still
being generous." she said.

Bailey said the Salvation Army doesn‘t
have records to compare the amount of dona-
tions to last year but said they are in dire
need of warm clothes with the weather tum-
ing colder earlier this year.

”“L‘ ttt‘t‘tl e\ei‘_\thirrg l\l\\Cl\. L'lirlltcs.
sheets and items for little children.” liailes

l’K‘s ('olleee of Public Health and lltc
Student Public Health .\ssociatioii haw
ioined forces to collect “inter clothes tor the
.-\ppalachian coinrtrunity in Kentucky lohr
Kim. an advocate for "Winter Shoes and
(‘oat liest to Benefit .‘\del.tclit.t " said the\
are collecting: shoes. coats. let‘\\‘\ meat
pants and blankets

".lust about anything that itill benefit
those in need during' \virrtei'.” said l\lttt. a
public health graduate student

Kim said he and Richard (rosin. a health
behavior associate professor. decided to or
gain/e the charity drr\e because it reflected
the problems that exist locally

"We both thought it would be a great
idea to rtrri a grassroots donation campaign
on campus that would help raise awareness
of the poverty faced by people in that area."
Kim said. “Most students have no idea of the
level of economic and health disparity that
exists in the Appalachian region ol~ Ken—

Kim said he was surprised at the way
some students are réaching out to help wnh

See Charity on page 3

m 2574915; W 2574872


 11111;: 2 1



I)1111111111111 .‘




















By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage (“(11111 the
day's rating 70 15 the 1121511151
day, 0 the most 17111111111111.1111)

Aries (March 21-April19)——
Today 18 an 8 1111.11 11111111111
works weiI, so 1121111111.11.11.11111
you 1111 to 13111.1) II .11. 111.1111 11
Take11111111111511111911111111 X11 ‘ 1‘1

Taurus (April 20—May 20) ——
Today 1s .1 6 £11111“
manage V1111) 11?S111.11‘1‘\1 11.17111!
I. Th1s 1s 11111 111111111 1)
momh Bentham. .1.:(1 11 111.1.
Wise 1:ht111:13.s‘ 11111 117111.: 1.11.1.
thmg \1’11’)II\/V1)1I11111‘)1|11‘

Gemini (May 21~June 21) ~-
Today/1811M) .51 11111511“ 12111.‘
doesnt d1;11‘11‘ 1.111111 s"~'
necessarily 1111111. 11111
11115311111 rarnes 11111111
than 11111111131 111.1!ys1‘s 59.1.1

L111 111



.191 .1‘1‘




Cancer (June 22-July 22) —
I.11).11 1s .1 7 1‘111 .1)‘.\1.1ys
11.1'1.1‘:1:1111:-. 111.11‘1
111.1.111‘1.‘. 3111.1 1 1 311- 1111I11111 1‘. 5111
M1111 11111.11 111.11 11‘. .1.!1.11 111111111
111111114 I’It111;t.1 .1. 11111111"1y>.te1y
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
I1)1)111.:1_\ 1'11) s1‘11x111111s111
“N11 111. 1.111111 11; .1 1h 111:1.1s1I
1‘I1 .‘ 11111
11.111. ")1 1‘ 111 1V
1‘1: .‘1‘
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) ——
LhII. 1.11s
‘. 1.‘1'111171’111‘)1111.()1)y1
‘ _: ‘1 ‘ .1 ‘ 11 “111/11111)



1)) ‘: : T


Libra (Sept 23— Oct 22) —
pi”. .1”.

"I 1'11

:111 .- 111.1. 11..

Scorpio (Oct. 23— Nov 21) —

1' 1111')?

.1. 1 1111 on

1.111111 1111111))111‘

11.111111111111111 .1110

'I‘.1..) 11111111115


111‘111111.:111.“. .11=‘.:.1.‘11

1.1111:1 11111111111111:
111.1" :11 1.11.1

'21sI11111‘. [11111111111111.1111-


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
——~ )111111. 15.11111 1.111 have
1‘11“ .11111111.‘ 11‘. 51111 1‘11 1‘1 .1 1111111111.
111|11111111y 11.1s1Iy 11.11 111111111
11111111s .11111 511.1: ‘..- 111: 111111 .1
LUIIIIU') :“It‘ 11 mt 111 1111.1 the
11.1111111111.11.1 11' 111/11.. : 1
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19)‘
—-T11:‘..1. 1‘. a .7 1“ .) what
.11111 11111111 .11111 11.31 C1111
1111.11tts 11.11111 11111:.1. )hase-‘
11111111 3111111111111 1‘11 $111)):
11.1“ 1} I1111111 3.1.1111) 7‘1 1 1117711318)
11111.1‘. .111‘111 1) 11

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ~——‘
111111111121111117 11111111 .11 1‘ 1w you
c.1111.) ‘. 111.11 1.1 2111 Wow 1111a
)t'V‘. 11‘ 11 1h your
E1515 11‘. 1:.I‘ 1111‘. 11.11y1‘111111

71111.1‘.‘ 1\ 111.1.“

11111? 1".

y11‘1 (I111)

Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) —
I111): .1 111:.111an1s
sI1'111“ . )Ih u”. ' I LI/‘JU “1

11i“))“‘i‘)1:‘s)“ II)‘)1))‘

.‘1CUE’1 1111131111114 1:.‘11‘ s1‘1z‘111

.1 .1I‘1111‘.


.1 {111/[IF

13s I1.1,

1'11) 2008 T11h11111; M11111“ 51121.1:


Today’ 5
Sponsored By:




11.111! .1111) {111111121-

8111 Euclid Ave.






your daily dose of entertamment. pop cuhmea 111)) 1111


1H9 DiSI-l

[Hopping .1I1out I11.‘1' 1111‘3.‘
11.111t'} this p.1s1 -\11~_.111s1. .1\sh
)cc Simpson \\c11l/ s;111) :1))
sht‘ “.11111‘1) \\.1s to 1)L')I\Cl .1
"lictilllu I1.1I1_\ ” .\)1ss11111 .11'
1’1111111hshu)‘ I11 thc 11.11))
“cum: on \o\ 311. )))L‘
sing“. 3») \\.1s \\)))\I\k'\) 111.1
)1).11.')\ SIN (11 [its \llgt‘h‘s
(‘L‘\)1ll\*S||).ll \Icthtn) ( 3111.11
h) hci' h11sh.1111). l-.1)) ()111
I511) Ikhsls) )‘CIC “Cull. 3‘).
“ht-1c shc 11.1w both to “
11111111.). I) oumc son Hiom
.\)o\\_\_1h 111st )‘CIUIC III )0

.-\1 lht" )111s1111.1) (11 \\1:1
conic (11111 111111 the owl)
:\s)l)L‘L“s I\1_1_‘ \Is.
$111111son: hcr 11.11cnts.
.1111) 'l'111;1: .111.) “cut/s 11111111.
l).1lc.111 1111111 Chicago, 1l-.1
)IICI l’clc .11’11\ct) Liter.)
“Hrom 1s I11‘_\oi11) precious.
)‘111 oycr the moon \\11I1 1o).
l.1Ic 1s :1 hcutitihil 11111'11clt1."
JCsle‘11.31\'.IL‘I)s l's. “Ashlcc
11111) I’ctc 1111‘ health}. hupp)
11111) enjoyng m c1} 11111.-
mcnt." And Pete's s1s1ct'. Hi»
L11). tells ('s. ")‘111 rctill) cs-
1‘1101) to spoil Blom 111nm?"



Baby joy

She \11111‘1 hr the o11)_\
1111c: Both sets o) 3:1'.1111)p.11'
cuts c1111 hurt”) cultldll) thcu‘
cuilcmcnt. "Wu .11‘c hupp)
boom) 1.\o1'1ls .1111) 111c1‘cthhl}
PUNK) o) .\sh)cc .1111) l’clc.”
Joe .1111) )‘11111 toh) Is 111 :1
st.11c‘11c111 “We 1‘1111‘1 \\ .111 to
spew) )honx‘s )Il‘sl hohduys
together. “'1‘ arc 1111)}
hlcsscd." A111) )0) Pctc 11111)
l).1lc.\\‘hos;111) in .1 statement
thcu grandson ls 1111111111} do
\cloping his 11“ 11 [)L‘l’snlMIII)

"H11 shoot) up )1111‘ tht‘
1'11‘s1 night.s1111)111g 111 m 1111.


It’s a boy

Six months after tying the knot,
Ashlee Simpson and Pete

11111‘ “I111 c.1111c 111111 thc 11111111.
IIk' .1i1‘t‘.11)_\ \L'UIIIN 1o I1.1\c thc
“MICPCHLIL'HL'C .111.) L'h.11111 11)
holh 111 his11.11c111s” lho11\‘s
I1111I1.1|soh.1s syn-11.1) 1111‘.111
1111.‘ IIL‘ I1111I11).1)
\HIII thc 1.11.1111)1.1

Hut 1111 1111c 1s 1111111‘1‘|;11c1)
111.111 thc 111‘“ 11111111 )lk‘i\k')). .1\
souru‘ s.1)s Simpson \Vcnll
.1hc.11)_\ I1.11) .1 11.11111) )IHK'R) 111
()t'tohct \111)1l111111g .1 No\.
!" 1.1111111; 11) )hc )zllch Dc-
(iCllL‘l'L‘\ S)111\\. )cssu‘u 111(1)
the )Iils) th.11 ‘\\)))L'L' \1.1s so
mum to goo I1111h s)1u\\.1s
"111111;: 111.1.11.|1kt1.1)111-L‘1c111
111st 111111111113: .11'1111111).
1‘\t‘1_\1I1111;.1 ' .-\11.) ;1

1g)!“ Is \\)lCI‘1 (I11:

“cut/cs c.111ght 11 scum-111113:
oI (311.111111111111 Sol.11:c 11'. ).os
.\113.‘c)t‘s‘ .\)I"))\5_'))I l'htxitcr
thc 111-st 11.1). shc .111111‘.11'c1)
“with 111111111?”

sh..1cs .1

1111 I\L‘) Is

\\ ll!)Css

What's next

:\ \1)LII‘LL' tclls Ls 1h.1.t
ShhpsonWVcnl/ and 111‘1' Illls:
hunt) who \Llik) o);
h1s s11ll. “My 1111,1111) Milk) 11
11111‘111 _1_11111;1 how .1 huh}
\\11h .1 l).))))L' that (111111.) he .1
rock s1.11’ 111 .1
hc'li pct 11.111) CIIIR‘I' \\.1}"1
.11‘.‘ 121111113: 1okcc|1 :1 )o\1 RC}
I111‘ 111 [us .\11;.1c)1‘~ the
111111- )11‘1115:

K1.11s tht‘ insult‘i'.
"')')1c_\‘1\~ 111‘s1111g.” »\111) pct
Imps planning )oi the nut
111)1)111ot1 1o thc11‘ I11'oo1) ;\,\
[111-11.1ss1s1111111 l's111.)1111c.“)
\\ 1111.1 .1 housc 111)) .11 Luis?"

senator. s11


What’s with the name?

Don‘t look toi ;111_\ 1I1sc11

Wentz welcomed their child

unison the l1-\.1s hoin 8111111
son \\ci11/ .1111) )lCl Illinois
Inc.) hush.1111) 111111‘1) 1o gim-
son “tom the s11111c 111111111 us
thc NYC hoiough.

"I 111111) 1hc_\ 111stlho11ghl
s11oii;_‘ 11.111112" .1
ICIIs Is "I 1I11llI‘)
l)1c_\‘\c )M‘CII l0 IIIL‘ ))11111\ V
.\s loi .\)o\\:_1|1.thc 11.1111c ot
the ho) 1111111 )‘hc .lungglc
Book. it shims "tl1c)'1'c huge
Dunc) 1.111s.” .111olht-1

)1)1)L’L‘1).l)lc COUPICK “131)-
1l111g_1 )1;11);111.\hcc ll1\\1il)1.)cl:
)11111) thcmc. .1111) the I111)“
shout-1 Ic.)llll\'1) \V111111t1 1h.‘
l’ooh down

11 \\ .1s .1


s.1_\ s

From Olympian to reality

|.11111‘ci1 (11111111) is 111111111
to how so”); ())_\.II)|))L-\)/C
conipctition. .‘\)lk‘l’.‘. 511cm—
111o|1c. 2) . the tonnct' cupluin
o) the: ('8. g_1_\‘11111'.1stics sl)\Cl
111c1);1lr\\11111111g 111.1111. is now
1l1.1\1:loping,‘ hci' own 1'c.1li1_\

”l‘m 11111‘1t-stc‘.) 111 \\orlv
in; (or .1 1I1‘s1g11t-1' .1111) getting
that 1111 111111. 111' \1111'k111y \\1th
tcc11.1g_‘c f.‘ll)\ .1111) helping
1ht‘111 do .1 1111.1) htL‘sulc
11111)\t‘o\c1_” thc \).1ss‘.1c)111sctts
11;111\t- 1\\I111s1‘ I‘1)_\IHL‘|1L). )21'11
H1111). T) 11).1;s loothull .1)
81111.11. l :11\1,-1s1t§1 :.-|l\ Ls
‘l'hom‘h tht‘ |1.1s11'1
11111111.) .1 homc


1.1‘1 “ht-“11‘
;1l111 o) 11111111‘s1 11111."
"lt‘s probably going
«I: or H111»

\I1L‘ s;I_\\
111111: 1111 Solo .-\


Conynght 2008111;Week1y



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Lyrics and depth guide West
through '8083 and Heartbreak'

The Infamously lighthearted rap—

per/producer Kanye West has been

promising for riioriths that he was going
to reveal a whole

different side to his
music as well as his

personality. and
West certainly
meant business.

break West ‘s

“Xi lxs and Herm-

Late last year he lost his mother to heart
complications following elective cosmet—

ic surgery. Only to add to his pain. he
lost his girlfriend. model Alexis Phifer.
after she claimed he was devoting too
much time to his iriusic and touring.
Along with a change in depth has

come a change In style. All ot the songs
are heavy In 808 bass loops. and West
has conformed to the world of auto-tun-

Ing his voice. following the trend of

Deittocracy" only proves that West‘s
"Heartbreak" is making plenty of noise.
Key 'l‘racks: "Welcome to Heart-
break." "Heartless." and "Paranoid"
Mull Murray" is tl}UlII‘Illl/l,\”l sup/Io-
mure. [i-Imirl mmurmy'ta ltykt'rm'l.t om.





Tuesday Decerrtber 7 2008 I PAGE3




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fourth full—length Ll’.

Is unlike anything he

MATT has released to date.
MURRAY ’lhc Iiiost glaring

Kernel difference on this al~
columnist bum: depth. West‘s

lyrics have dropped

such artists as T-Pain and Lil Wayne.
However. Instead of using It In an
attempt to hide errors In pitch. he III—

stead pushes it to its

harsh. sudden changes in pitch. creating
art extremely futuristic feel. fhe very

unique. stylistic shift

their playful tone.
and through his autotuned voice, you
can tell what he says is the truth as he
My friend showed me pictures of
his kids. all i could show him was pic—

cries. "

tures of my cribs."

Throughout the course of the entire
album. West wonders if he‘s gotten too
wrapped tip Iii a life of material things
letting other. more important opportunis

ties pass him by.

The somber lyrics are a result of a
corirbiriatioii of heiutbrcaks III West's life.

far front fair.

West succeeds with flying colors.
()tItselling the l-l-y'ear yy'tii'k-iII-pi‘tigI‘Css
that is (luns .‘\” Roses"

mented by the incredible knack West
has for writing strong melodic hooks;
his rapping is not missed as a result.
There Will be a handful of preten‘
tious critics who say West can't pull off
this sound and that he lacks the heartfelt
depth. but condemning his playful past
and using it to create a template for
what he is able to create as an artist is

limit through

is only compli—


'( ‘lttncsc






Continued from page i

tlicts for both their recruiters
and potential members. Re-
cruiters missed class to pre-
pare for the recruitment
events and got behind In their

Members of the Purdue
Panhellenic (‘ouncil could
not be reached for comment.

(‘entre (‘ollege is one
school that emphasi/es wait-
ing until later III the school
year to recruit for (ireek orv
ganizations. (‘entre has
Greek recruitment the week
after Centre Term. a three-
week term in January. Stu—
dents must be irt at least their
second semester to be eligi-
ble for recruitment.

Allowing students to de-
velop relationships before
joining a sorority is a benefit
of later recruitment. said
Emily Perrin. vice president
of recruitment for Centre‘s
Panhellenic Council.

"You have the opportuni—
ty' to get to know people oit

campus. so when you walk
into those houses (during re‘
cruitment) you see women
you know." Perrin said.
“Choosing a sorority isn‘t a
gut decision based on the few
nights you spend in that
house; it‘s based on the
women you know."

By allowing students to
finish one semester before
they join a sorority. Perrin
said current members can
look at that student's grade
pomt average and determine
If they are ready for the
commitment of joining an
extracurricular like (ireek

“When you enter (ireek
life Iat Centre) you are enter~
ing on college grades. not
high school grades." she said.
"We can make sIIIe they are
ready scholastically for the
time commitment."

Vanderbilt University and
DePauw Uniyersity both
have spring recruitment for
their Greek systems. but West
said delaying recruitment
means delaying the pledging
period. which provides many
new students oppoitumties to.

get know a campus better.
“Being able to your a
sorority early gives the new
students Iitstant connections
which help with their adjust—
ment to college." she said. "It
makes sense to have the \ alti—
able connections as soon as

possible before the stress of

classes begins.”

Some sorority members
thought connections could be
made ItIst as easily m the
spring. (‘hristrna (‘rIollo. a
merchandising and lL‘\lllL‘\
senior. said sltc thought rer
crtiits might be more likely to
stay In the (ireck system with
spring recruitment

"I think changing l‘Ct‘ltlll'
ment from the fall to the
spring would be It really great
idea." (‘riollo said. "Mining
into the dorms. starting class-
es and making new friends is

and the

sorority tltcy chose~
drop rates would go down."
she said.

Fraternities at [K hold
spring recruitment. but that is
because the recruitment
process is a lot less formal
for (ireck men. West said.

”tl-rateriiity recruitmentt
is not as formali/ed.” she
said. "l’anhcllcmc takes more
time. i he men don't spend as
much time. It‘s iust a differ!
ent process.”

(‘arissa l)owdcii. a tilt"
chamcal engineering senior.
said she thought spring rc-
cruItmcnt would be distract
ing for new members.

"I like recruitment taking
place a week before school
starts because schoolwork
and classes are number one
priority tor me. and Iny
sorority also \alucs high atmi‘

a lot to handle without adding dcht aclticycmcnt In lls
the pressure of Iommg a members,” she said. "Holtk
sorority mg formal recruitment eycnts

“Being III a sorority was
one of the best decisions I
made btrt i think more
girls wotild Iiot only decide to
go through recruitment. but
they‘d also stay with tile

during school could [titty Me It
distraction for members and
potential IIIcIIibcI's "



.\t'L titri.

St‘t tftii‘. ii \tw. 1'


it. .. n-











Continued from page 1

tion. which included a proposal for
renovations of the Reynolds Builde

Dean of the (‘ollege of Fine Arts
Robert Shay said the art department
did the "lion‘s share of the work."
Once the team made suggestions. he
was then able to go to the adminis—
tration and tell them what they need,

"It was starting to be a little coir
splcttous that we were not on that
list." Shay said. "The university de-
serves more. and we are demanding

more front faculty and students."

Some students think the accredr
tation is a milestone for the depart
ment as well. Art studio senior Ang—
ie Shay said it Is “a big step in the
right direction." and art studio jun—
ior Mike Ferrarcll said he hopes the

"l think it‘s good if we‘re going
to get better resources." said Fer-


art department continues to get bet—

rarell. who admitted he dIdn‘I think
mticli about accreditation beforcr

Withers said It does matter In
sortie ways to be accredited.

"There are objective standards
and this is showing you are meeting
those standards." he said.

Angie Shay said Withers always
made sure the students knew their
degrees were worth something with
or without outside accreditation.

“lt‘s‘ mcc " she said. "but l would
hayc thought my dc gree was worth
soitiethmg without tltHNL‘lL'tlllLllltm.

While accreditation Is not an op—
tion for some departments like histo-
ry and linglish. Subbaswamy said
students In accredited programs
should care.

“When there Is art agency ac-
creditation. It matters to their em~
ployers when they go look for yobs."
Subbaswamy said.

The university has 4‘2 undergrad-
uate programs that are accredited by
outside agencies. The university as a
whole Is accredited by the Southern
Association of ('ollegcs and


the Campus (3’ aorta s prom/red hy the (Wire 0‘ Student for wrist leaders?» In .9 i vo/vpmprr Registers d Sr tide


Co Iitiiitimli iiilt! p tile 1

the drive.

"One student \\ ho ts from the region
of Kentucky that we're helping contacted
me out ot the bluc and has offered to set
up bins and collect on our behalf." Kim

Students can make donations until
Dec. 3 for the APPLllLlc‘hiztli driyc at t'rye
different locations around campus. l)on.r
tIon bins are set up outside III Starbucks
In the Student (‘eIitt-I. ilic lltill oi lame
Room in the Nursing building. the (late
ton (‘ollegc oi Bitsmcss .md licoiiomrcs
building. the Sc iton ('cntci ind the (ol
lege of Public lltalth building

This Is the first year the two groups
have sponsored a ser\ Itc pIoIect to bend
fit the Appalachian coIIiIiIIIIiIty Kim said
they have a large trailer they are hoping
to fill with strident donations.

“We want to fIll that tlimg tip com-
pletely. as high as we can fill It. maybe
require (the driyeri to make two trips.
which would mean we did really well."
Kim said.


tOIQS and at Doors :Id 3 tin r FREEo

“tit 'vf rtrr‘ki'ufi‘ i“? m ".'. '. “our wt -...I



Comedy CaravanI Take a
break from all the stress and
brain strain and enon some
laughs for the last time before
finals take over your soull

He's toured with Dave Attell.
and now Matthew Davis is
going out on his own for a
rare appearance Come on by
and send off CC’s Fall sesmon
in grand style!“







ZI'vocr-l Lento





.st. ‘ex:

oer-.. s-..” -..... a...».~,.. .

.s. 3...}.

I 25778867'

OUK Trap and Skeet

Practice 7: 00 Bluegrass

Sportsman League
obert C May

- Photography

Endowment Lecture
Series 12:00 PM UK Art

‘ Museum
3 OThe Secret Life of STDs,


m... .... .. - .

’ 6PM, 206 Student


0Robert C. May
Endowment Lecture
Series 12:00 PM UK Art

0Comed Caravan 8:00
PM UK tudent Center
Cats Den

OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice 7:00 PM
Bluegrass Sportsman

OFe owship of Christian
Athletes 8: 00 PM Room
211 of the Student

UK Student Center Cats

0Robert C. May
Endowment Lecture
Series 12:00 PM UK Art

Student Center Cats Den
OSpotlight: Public
Service Careers 3:30 PM
Career Center

OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice 7:00 PM
Bluegrass Sportsman

OCampus Cruasde for

. Christ 7: 30 PM Center

Theatre in the Student

' OSpotlight: Public

Service Careers 3: 30 PM
Career Center

OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice 7:00 PM
Bluegrass Sportsman
Lea ue

0R0 ert C. May
Endowment Lecture
Series 12:00 PM UK Art

'UK Trap and


Practice 7:00 PM
Bluegrass Sportsman

Lea ue

0R0 ertC May


Endowment Lecture

Series 12:00 PM UK Art


ORObert C May
Endowment Lecture

Series 12:00 PM UK Art


oUK Trap and Skeet
Practice 7:00 PM
Bluegrass Sportsman





j \





lli t i-ttiirt'

Page 4


Bred Luttrell, mi in: . wt
Eric Lindsey, it.“ titlr'ttl writ.”

Blair "tomes. m at to zuiizi'


Brad Bowling, i; . . it

ytl‘ll’,t .rlw


Mill“! V0380“. ris‘xt otiiiiriiir~ mirtut
Kenny Colman. t.pu'ts i-rir .r
Whitney Waters, 'tfilluti‘ will i
Emily Poem-r. w it“ '_

Wesley Robinson, it q

ii Irrttill‘ I it II‘v Ilili‘tlill‘ it ideas .It rm rim/vs ' - "r lit r

‘r [. ..-..: t the mass of i ninth Y, oi i'rr t‘tltlttltil Itinill .riitw t t'w "

it' u It .i t" l" t: illilt‘x iii tl-r' ipri: ins l'ltlt‘ ltllll‘rl llit‘ .ti‘ws Il lllt‘ll , N r .‘ . .

nil llt‘tl sstltr , ti nsi: .il t'ii' httttrt‘r


I KERNTI ll)IT()RI/\l.

UK must allocate
cuts in budget
with extra care

"1 ct nic be t Icar I'm talking about cirix that “I” hung
pain ”

(io\ Stew l‘lcslicai 'x \voidx rang out .it the end of .\'o
vcnibei and sent every state agency i'uniring ior cover. ls'en-
tucks iaces .r shorttall oi more than \JNI riiilliorr tor the iiscal
year. chhcar announced on \os 31 . meaning lllltlr)L';ll' cuts
are possible ior all state agencies

\t l'ls'. iinding places to xacrilicc the ie\\ million dollars
in the riiiddlc oi the year that are sure to be taken away is eas-
icr said than doiic

"li\crything'x on the table. troin programs to services to
people." l'ls' l’i‘exideni lee lodd said in .r Kernel article on
Ni“ 34.

Which means programs and xer\ ices like tutoring.
S.-\l5l:(‘x\l‘.\‘. library hours, the \ rolericc lriter\ention and l‘rc--
\ention (enter. the Hub and the (‘.\T.\‘ bus and people
including eyer'y iaculty. siait. intern aird administration posi-
tion are at risk

Us is already preparing tor a budget cut. l'K spokesman
Tom llarrix to