xt7c599z398p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z398p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 2007 2007 2007-09-18 2020 true xt7c599z398p section xt7c599z398p MOVING 0N


Columnist: Cats must forget about victory
over U of L, turn attention to Arkansas

Sponrs, PAGE 5


_Ll[: SHAY

SEPTEMBER 18, 2007






Committee to preserve environmental resources

8.! B9IEQ§W99991
news@kykernel corn

()v er the next month. LiK‘s Sustain-
ability Task Force will be revamping
into a permanent committee.

“The original task force served UK
well. but is now 'going otit of business'
to be replaced by a formal. ongoing
committee established through the of-
fice of the president." said Bob Wise»
titan. vice president of facilities man«
agement. the department coordinating
the committee.

The Sustainability Task Force be—

gan in December 2002 as a group of

faculty. staff and students interested in
the preserving resources on UK's
campUs and the surrounding environ«

Wiseman said changing the task
force to a committee will “greatly in—
crease visibility of environmental is~
sues on campus and will allow for a
more formal and ongoing structure to
be created."

The committee is responsible for
brainstorming ideas to make UK more
environmentally friendly. A sustainabil—
ity coordinator will oversee the com-
mittee's budget and put those ideas into
action. said Brittany Zwicker. co—coor—

dinator of the environmental club UK
Greenthumb and a communication dis-
orders senior.

The committee aims to hold envi—
ronmental awareness events and in—
crease student involvement in "green“
activities. such as recycling within resi-
dence halls and continuing community
outreach in programs.

Before the committee can begin
those initiatives. it must name the
members and student representatives.
advertise the sustainability coordinator
position and establish an office on cam-
pus. Wiseman said.

“I think it's a committee that will

grow and evolve over time,“ Wiseman
said. “and that‘s what it needs to do."

President Lee Todd will appoint
committee members. and students can
apply for one of the two student posi‘
tions on the committee.

“The students that get accepted will
work as a liaison to report back and
forth from Greenthumb to the sustain-
ability eommittee." Zwicker said.

Greenthumb has always worked
closely with the Sustainability Task
Force, said Scott Beckmeyer, co-coor-
dinator of Greenthumb and an engi—
neering junior.

“They are very interested in our in-

put as students, more so than any other
UK committee that I personally have
encountered." Beckmeyer said.

The committee and subcommittees
will address topics such as academics.
environmental education and literacy.
research, business operations. land use
and building construction. community
outreach. procurement. and waste man-

"We have looked forward to the
day that the Sustainability Task Force
becomes presidentially nominated so
that there is a definite link between stu-
dent~led Greenthumb and the UK ad—
ministration? Beckmeyer said.







Lt William Norton, left, and firefighter Jeremy Brunei of Engine Five find the source of the "fire” on the second floor of lngels Hall during a drill yesterday evening. The
source was actually a smoke machine used by firefighters and the UK fire marshal to simulate real-life scenarios when conducting drills.

Fire marshal: Second smoky drill a success

bmmntosh@kykernel.c 0m

Fire officials dchriefed on the lavv n of lngels Hall last
night as the artificial smoke from the second residence

hall drill of the semester slowly evaporated.
After the evacuation. Asst. Fire

w ith firefighters

“We leam things every time we do this. as l'm sure we
Williamson said to the gathered firefighters.
Williamson brought a theatrical smoke machine to the

did tonight."

Williamson and Chief Bill Bailey of the Lexington fire
department recapped the sllc‘t‘t‘ss of the evening's events



Ag lawn
by hospital

By Jill [aster


For the next three years. many students with
agricultural classes will have to deal with con-
struction noise and a longer walk.

In March. UK fenced off the lawn between
the UK Hospital and the Agriculture Science
Center North building to begin construction on
a parking structure. The structure. part of a
$2.5-billion hospital renovation plan. is set to
open in 20] 1.

"It's an eyesore out there." said Josh Jack-
son. an animal science graduate student. "You
used to be able to do stuff out there. and now
you can‘t."

The lawn beside Ag Science Nonh was
used for College of Agriculture events. tailgat-
ing and for students to hang out between class-
es. Jackson said.

"l just don‘t think they should destroy the
green space they have out there." Jackson said.

UK‘s vice president of facilities manage-
ment Bob Wiseman said he and other UK offi-
cials have “constantly met" with College of
Agriculture officials. including the dean and as—
sociate dean. to discuss any problems resulting
from construction.

"I think you will find at any college differ-
ences of approval Wiseman said

One issue students have had since construc—
tion began is the time it takes to get to classes
in the College of Agriculture buildings.

"It‘s just hard to walk to class because of all
the construction." said Lacey Werczynski. a re-

See Construction on page 4



Visit campus
to recruit

dorm 30 minutes before the drill started. He hid the ma-
chine behind a couch on the second floor and waited to
plug it in.

At 7 pin. smoke started pouring out of the machine
and quickly spread through the halls. setting off the fire
alarm. As residents evacuated the dorm. firefighters ar—

rived and started searching for the smoke machine. which

represented the source of the fire.

With the machine unplugged. the simulated fire was


More firefighters soon entered the building to search


the rooms and make sure everyone evacuated safely. With
the building clear. they gathered outside to rev'ie'w their

response to the fire.

Students and officials have both shown improvement
since the first drill in Keencland Hall on Sept. It). Bailey

“The students exited very well."

See Drill on page 4

he said. “Normally
they try to exit through the smoke. but tonight we only



A student walks down the stairs of Ingels Hall as a smoke machine begins to cloud the common area
of the second floor yesterday afternoon during a fire drill This is the second time this year officials
have used a smoke machine to Simulate a fire Situation in a dorm


DlverSIty forums to spotlight taboo tepics

Bi Wesley Nahum
news@kykernel com

(‘Iosctcd topics take the forefront today at Dr
versity' Dialogues. part of a monthly effort on
campus to bring everyday diversity conflicts into
conversation .

“We want to provide a setting for people to
have the safety. in a moderator~free setting. to
have space to come and share views and opin—
ions." said Student Diversity Engagement Direc-
tor Mahjabeen Rafiuddin.

Rafiuddin created Diversity Dialogues after
noticing the heated. debate-like interaction at the
mention of diversity on campus. The format fea-


tures a panel of students. scholars and activists
who deal with real-world diversity. After the pan-
el shares information about individual experi-
ences. research and activism. the floor turns to
students and faculty in the audience for com-
ments and discussion on the issues,

Tonight's forum on African and African-
American relations and their attitudes toward
each other begins at 7 in room 230 of the Student

At the first forum in August. the use of
derogatory words headlined the discussion. How-
ever. with a visible lack of diversity at the event.
the conversation focused on the n-word. its power
and ways to combat the hurt it causes.

The dialogue would be “much more success
ful" if there were more diversity at the event. said
mathematical economics junior Anthony Colbert.
He said he desrred a more diverse group for ex—
panded topics and for a richer discussion with dif-
ferent perspectives.

Diversity Dialogues aims to promote aware-
ness on more than black and white relations.
Rafiuddin said UK has only addressed “bi-versi-
ty" in the past. discussing the issue in matters of
black and white.

The goal is to bring in students of different
races. ethnicities, sexual orientations and other

See Dialogue: on page 4


BlStophanie Shy}

news@kykernel com

Internship arid JOb opportunities will be
waiting for students tomorrow at the Business
Career Fair in the Student Center Grand Ball«

Representatives from Aflack. Amazoncom.
Dell and many other businesses and organiza-
tions will be on campus searching for UK stu—
dents and alumni who are ready to start a career.

"()ne of the main purposes of (the Business
Career Fair) is to give students opportunities to
network with potential employers for intem-
ships and jobs. as well as other opportunities
within a company." said Azetta Williams. an as-
sistant director for the James W. Stucker Career
Center who works with the Gatton College of
Business and Economics.

This year l20 companies will be represent-
ed, 20 more than last year. A full list of the or-
ganizations is available at the fair‘s Web site
lhttps://uky-csm.symplicity.com/events/l. Upon
arrival. students will receive a brochure with in—
formation about all the represented businesses.

“This is a very exciting event. and we ex—
pect an even greater student turnout than last
year." said Christine Amerman. an assistant di-
rector with the career center who works with the
College of Communications and Information
Studies. “The number of employers looking for
qualified students as interns and employees is

See Comr on page 4

m 257-1915; W 257-2872




PAGEZI Tuesday Septembeti

8 2007





























By Linda C. Black

70 get the advantage, check the
day’s rating 70 is the easiest day 0
the most chal/erigi'ng

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 -— You're sorting fact from
fiction, always an interesting exer-
cise There Will be a few unpleasant
surprises, so pay close attention
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a7 -- You have a natural talent
for making purses out of old sows
ears. it you don't think you can. keep
practiCing and you Wlll

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 7 Keep a close eye on the
people to whom you've delegated
tasks Listen to changes they sug»
gest This is still a work in progress
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Today
is a 6 -- You'll make art amazing
breakthrough in productiVity soon

It's not so much due to planning as
it is due to necessity
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
— Everything would be perfect
except for that pesky wanting It you
can just not think about shopping
the day should go very well Don't
do it, either
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 -- The more you take through
the muck, the more valuables you
uncover. It makes the whole thing
more like an adventure than a horrid
Chore. This is good
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 -- Continue to out your chores
on hold while you track down the
lead This is time wel‘ spent Keep
snooping and you‘ll t’inzt what you're
Scorpio (Oct. 23— Nov. 21) tot ay
is a7 . They seem to want li .
of your time, attention and money
This is one of the crosses you hear
for being so successful Dont let
them overwhelm you
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 . Your advantage is

Tuesday Night




your excellent communication skill
You'll easily get the crowd on your
Side They’ll help you complete the
grand slam

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-

day is a 6 . The complication level
has increased, so be careful It's not
a good time to travel, start college
or try to get your novel published
Wait until Thursday

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day ts a 7 --. Everybody's enthusias-
tic to take on big challenges The
idealistic parts easy now The tough
pan. is being real You can all make
a difference, not ll won't happen

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 6' This is a test, to see
how much perseverance you can
nuster You also get to prove you
can pay attention and stay out of
the way

*1 'fi
- uuuuuskr a. mom Unnb









Outside) food and drink permitted?

Stu-don Admins Goad i: 201 Student (mm
”.1” mmifi‘m ‘anfiflhvw

r. VlSl usmuué wWw.ui€'s"A‘e.onG

I59 )Slubl



The hot-and-cold couple
have ended things — again
It‘s no secret Reese Witherv
spoon arid Jake (iyllenhaal
.ircn‘t into I’DA. But their bc-
liayior at the Toronto Interna»
tional Film Festival on Septem—
her 7 was cold men for them.
There‘s good reason: Alter six
months of on-and—otf dating. the
pair are kaput “This is the
harshest split they‘ye had.” a
source tells Hot Stuff. "Reese
told Jake it’s best they don‘t talk
at all.” Indeed. the costars stood
apart and rarely inadc eyc coir
tact at thc Rendition press con~
fcrcnce. 'I'hcy remained distant
at the aftcrparty. where Wither
spoon kept to herself and (.iyle
lcnhaal chatted with his mom
and costar Peter Sai‘sgaard (sis-
ter Maggie's beau). But by I]
pm. when they hit the fete for
George (‘looncy's inoyie
Michael Clayton. the frostiness
melted: "They scented like a
couple." an eyewitness tells Us.
“Reese was happy and ha\ing a
good time," But the next morn—
ing. they left Toronto separately.
She headed to I..A.: he flew to
NYC. Is it mm for good‘.’
“They‘re a rocky couple." says
one insider. "It would not be a
shock if they got back together.”

Hayden & Stephen —
It's Over

Hayden Panettiere is back
on the market. Hot Stuff has
learned the Heroes hottic. l8.
and her boyfriend of one year.
Laguna Beach alum Stephen
Colletti. 2 l . have gone their sep—
arate ways. But the actress (who

‘I‘I'Ie DiSI-I

your dailydoseof entertainment, pop culture and fun kernel ‘ 0'

Reese 8t Jake —
Trouble in paradise


spent the end of August promot-
ing Heroes in linropc \\llll
cosiai's Milo \t'iitiitiiglia and
Adrian l’asdar) seems to have
aimed on,

\\ hen Ilot Stult asked.
“Vi here‘s Stephen '” .it the MI \'
Video Music Awards. slit: llll-
rowed her brow and ieplied. "I
don‘t know. In (‘aliloi‘nia'T'
May be it's because she had time
to adtust to the iclationslnp be
ing o\ci .\s a souicc tclls It's.
“ l‘hcir breakup has been a long
mm coming." But that doesn‘t
mean the former sweethearts are
fending l'ancttici'c tells l's. “We
are still \ct‘y close friends and
talk to cach other frequently. We
appreciate and support each oth-
ct“s careers." ((‘olletti's rep
could not be reached.)

Owen Wilson — Kate-Free

For Owen Wilson. laughter
is the best medicine. Recuperat-
ing at home after his August 26
suicide attempt. the actor
screened Billy Bob Thornton's
new comedy. Mr. Woodcock.
"He thinks it's hilarious." says a

Another source who has
seen the actor. 38. tells Us.
“He‘s not crying or drinking. He
is normal." Good news. since it
seems Wilson‘s wounds are
more emotional than physical.
Though sources (including his
attorney) have said the actor cut
his left wrist. photos show him
with a watch. not bandages. on
that arm. (A source says Wilson
also took pills: his attorney said
there was no overdose.) Besides

relaxmg in front of the TV. the
Texas-bred star has visited with
pal Woody Harrclson and yoga
instructor Mandy Ingbcr (who
works with Jennifer Aniston),
One person who isn‘t allowcd
contact: c.\ Kate Hudson. who
has been coinnuinicating with
Luke. Wilson‘s younger brother.
“The family doesn‘t want ()wen
to talk to Kate. because her
lriends are talking smack about
him." says a source. Still. the
Wilson clan isn't angry with
Ilndson. "It‘s not about Kate."
says an insider. “It‘s about
()wcn getting better." (A rep for
Owen Wilson had no comment.)

Katherine & Josh —
'I 00' Details

In Tinseltown. big. flashy
weddings are the norm. Except
if you‘re Katherine Heigl. The
(irey‘s Anatomy actress' De-
cember 23 wedding will be
“very small and intimate - not
like an Eva Longoria or even a
Kate Walsh wedding," a friend
of the couple tells Hot Stuff.
And never -mind those reports
that Heigl. 28. and her fiance.
singer Josh Kelley. 27. will tie
the knot at her Utah home: “It
will not be at Katherine‘s
house." says the pal. although
“it will be in the Park City-Deer
Valley area." Invites haven't
gone out yet. but one Grey‘s
castmatc will definitely be there.
TR. Knight "is a brother and a
best friend to her." says the
friend. "She wouldn‘t get mar—
ried without him."



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Septemlwr 18,
.3 l )07
Page 3

Local artist
spirituality on
painted wood

81 Megan Buchanan


A local artist is combining vibrant
colors with pieces of cut~down wood
to portray his spirituality. and he is
putting it on display at UK.

Jeff Rial. a Nicholasville artist, de-
picts biblical pictures with ink on
pieces of wood that is then pressed at
UK‘s woodcut press. His work is on
display this week at the Bamhart Stu-
dio in the Reynolds Buiiding. The
gallery is open Monday through Fri-
day from I to 10 pm.

“This past year [ have focused on
my faith and my beliefs. and then I
draw these up and make them into
woodcuts." Rial said.

Emily Lobb. an art studio senior.
Visited the studio on Friday. and by 2
pm. she had already purchased her fa-
vorite piece. “Jesus and Peter Walking
on Water."

“Many of Rial's pieces have reli-
gious undertones." Lobb said.

Aaron Skolnick. an art studio
freshman. liked the vibrant colors Rial
used in his depiction of a lighthouse
on a hill that was ornamented with
bright pinks and blues.

"This one reminds me of Andy
Warhol." Skolnick said.

Skolnick. Lobb and other art stu-
dio students had already heard of Rial
before his art went on display. He ap-
peared as a guest lecturer a few weeks
ago where he told students about his

Rial said he believes God is in
control of everything and controls all
of life. In return. Rial said he tries to
give God his talent.

“I have tried to surrender to the
Lord. and it is a daily walk. but I
hope it is reflected in my work." Rial

Rial also enjoys painting portraits
of his friends and family using thick
oil paints.





Meghan Cain 3
Features Editor

Phone 25771915
mcarn®kykernel com

UK professor gives flight to old beading techniques

ELKollio pate:

A UK professor is taking a “Flight
of Fantasy" to New Zealand in hopes
of winning a costume award.

Bob Haven. associate professor of
costume technology. designed a cos—
tume called "Flight of Fantasy" that
has been selected as a finalist in the
avante-garde category of the World of
WearableArt Award Show. an interna—
tional design competition in Welling-
ton. New Zealand.

The event runs from Thursday to
Sept. 30 and has a following in New
Zealand similar to the Academy
Awards in the United States. Haven

Haven's design will be featured
Sept. II. It is one of only four gar—
ments from US. designers in the
show. which includes designs from l2

Haven practiced the art of tambour
beading. an intricate beading design
technique, when creating "Flight of
Fantasy." an oniate Japanese kimono.

“I used the kimono like a giant
canvas," Haven said.

The kimono is made of three
pieces: a gown. a hcadpiece and a
Uchikake. or a full length outer robe. It
is covered with an array of colorful
tambour-beaded butterflies.

“Using the idea of the butterfly
came from the country of New
Zealand." Haven said. "Being that

(New Zealandl has such an exotic en—
vironment. this fantasy butterfly theme
seemed to fit."

Although Haven originally wanted
to cover the entire kimono in beads. he
realized it was not plausible. Instead.
he used 250.000 beads to create the

Besides creating his own art.
Haven enjoys helping students learn
the rare art of tambour beading. which
is a European technique that was pop—
ular in the l920s, he said.

“I teach the technique because I
want to reintroduce the subject."
Haven said. "If not it may disappear."

Haven learned the technique from
a Puerto Rican woman he met 15 years
ago. He had the woman come teach

the art at the University of Illinois.
where Haven taught before coming to
UK six years ago.

Haven is thrilled about his design
being chosen for such a prestigious
event. he said. but he isn‘t stopping

He has another entry idea for the
award show. and if he starts now. it
will probably be ready in time for the
20I0 competition.

“I also plan on attending the Royal
School of Needlework in England to
get certified in four traditional needle-
work techniques." Haven said. "Other
than that. 1 just want to continue to
teach and keep the art of beading



By BugzjlcCIain

McClatchy Newspapers

You really needed another component in your
stack. didn't you? The AudioNideo Receiver. the ca-
ble/satellite box. the DVD player and the CD chang—
er were just not enough. were they‘.’

The satellite radio tuner and the phonograph
(surely you have one of those'?). along with the [788
turntable for creating CDs from your vinyl. left a
few openings in the back of that A/V receiver that
you just HAD to fill. right‘.’

And even if the answer is no. "they" 7 the omi—
nous "they" that are always thinking of new ways to
get into your wallet _ did it again. They created
something so cool that you knew you had to have it:
The high-definition DVD player. HD discs can do all
sorts of magical digital things while the movie is
playing. You can see special effects before the ef»
fects are added: watch the storyboard version in time
with the movie: hear pop—up factoids from the direc-
tor; create your own version of stunt cars. etc.. etc.
ad infinitum.

But “they" didn‘t stop there. They made two of
them based on inventor Shuji Nakamura‘s break-
through blue laser beam. Two competing formats
that don‘t play the same DVDs. which are different
from the hundreds of DVDs you already own.

The battle is on between Blu-ray Disc. or BI).
and HD DVD. Blu—ray is currently outselling HD
DVD two to one. but an announcement last month
by Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation
SKG that they won‘t support the format slowed
down the victory celebration. because Paramount

Blu- ray and HDDVD: Fightingfor the smallscreen

had previously been dining from both sides of the
high—def buffet. Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema
are still rooting for both formats. but other studios
are making one-system alliances.

To complicate matters further. this summer.
Blockbuster put its stock in Blu-ray. announcing it
would stop carrying HD DVD discs in 1.200 of its
L450 stores. Target also said it would stop carrying
HD DVD players.

So. which one should you invest in? And how
much will it cost you"? Here‘s what you need to

As editor-in-chief of Video Business magazine. a
sister publication to Variety. Marcy Magiera spends a
lot of time pondering the high—definition DVD for-
mat w ar. We thought w hichev er Magiera went with
7 Blu-ray or HD DVD . would certainly point to the

"I don‘t know which one I'd buy." she says. “I
just don‘t know."

Well. when might she know '.’ "1 don't think this
will be over for a w hilc." she says. "Not at least un—
til 2009."

But Richard (llikes. executive director of Home
Theater Specialists of America ‘ which represents
those who install components. typically for high~end
clients v told Video Business: “Personally. I think the
die has been cast. I survey ed our membership and
93.95 percent of the high definition players sold
(are) Blu-ray. Six percent are HD DVD. and a lot of
those are the LG combo unit."

“I don’t think it will be too long before Blu~ray
is pronounced the winner."

Of course. that was before the

Paramount/DreamWorks announcement.

We understand your reluctance to spend hun-
dreds of dollars on a component and thousands more
on updating your video library until a victory has
been declared. Once the loser is vanquished. their
fonnat won‘t be supported in the future. and we still
get steamed every time we walk by that Betamax
player in the basement.

If you want to hedge your bets. South Korean
electronics maker LG has the LG BHlOO High Defi-
nition Blu-ray—HD DVD Combo player. which does
what it says. It has a few limitations ~ it doesn't play
CDs: it can‘t accommodate 1080p output g and it's
about $1,000. But if you like to hunt for DVD bar-
gains and want to watch either/or high-def format.
this machine is for you.

On the other hand. if all the mule-dazzle special
features added to high-definition discs don‘t impress
you. you might consider an “upconverting” DVD
player. Upconverters use special circuitry to repeat
information on a DVD. making the image and sound
richer and more detailed. While the quality isn't
quite high—definition. it‘s vastly superior to “normal"
DVD playback.

Upconverters. such as Pioneer‘s DV-400V at
$99. sell for hundreds less than an HD player. One of
the most impressive on the market is Oppo‘s DV-
9XlHD. selling for about $230: their DV-97IHD can
be had for less than $200.

Nextgeneration gaming systems are responsible
for more high—definition DVD player sales than the
stand-alone components themselves. Xbox 360 is. in
effect. an HD DVD player: PlayStation 3 is a Blu—
ray player. But only one or the other.



0W 0% SW 74W, facial/1114p £3 flm/wml

The Campus Calendar rs produced by the Offlre of Student Art/whet, leadership 3 Involvement Registered Student ores and UK Dents (an tuba-it virovriar or tor fREE on. "0 (W5 WFH ”Plot? to ’he MONDAY .r‘or'natiori 13 to appear fair 2574867 to: more information


to sass vane awn {3K wear.


0 Diversity Dialogues:
African & African-
America 7:00pm.,
Student Center

OUK Collegiate 4-H
Meeting 12:00p.m.,
Scovell Hall
Networking Reception
5:30pm., Stuckert

0 Honors Program
Student Council
Meeting 7:00p.m.,
Student Center



0 2007 Business Career
Fair 10:00 a.m.,
Student Center

OStep Afrika 8:00
p.m., Singletary

Series Presents: The
Constant Gardener
10:00p.m., Student

0 Corey Smith with
special Guest
Jonathan Webb
7:30pm., Singletary

Worsham Theater


i OThe Late Night Film

OFilm: "The Constant
Gardener" 10:00 p.m.,


OLSAT Prep Weekend
6:30pm., Classroom
OAfrican Party 8:00 3
p.m., Cats Den

0 The Late Night Flm
Series Presents: Hot .
Fuzz 8:00 p.m.,
Student Center ‘

._. ...,. ....,. U... n


“1L... . .~.~__..__.l





S “-1133 UVNE










Hits! HASP Tlt’KFfS 4"


 PAGE 4 | Tuesday, September t8, 2007


Continued from page I

had one student do so That's good. That
means we have less victims."

During the first drill at chneland. 12
students exited the buildilig through the
smoke. L'K fire officials work with the
Lexrngton fire department to run three of
the drills in different dorms each semester.

Both the hall director for lngels and
Physical Plant Division staff met firefight—
ers in the appropriate places at the right
time last night. Bailey said. something
they did not do in Keeneland Hall.

There were a few minor setbacks. but
Lt. Mark Aldridge said learning is exactly
what these types of drills are for.

"We Ieamed the lay out of this dorm a
lot better." Aldridge said. "We also
learned that we have got to make sure we
tell the fire tnarshals what we need so it


Continued from page 1

cent animal science graduate.

The walkways put up in March are
not nearly as convenient as walking
across the lawn in front of
Ag Science North used to u
be. Werc/ynski said. After I
construction began, she had
to use the walkways or
walk around the building.
which took more time. she

Wiseman said the walk~
ways. which will be re-
moved after construction is
complete. don‘t really in»
crease the time to get to
class by that much.

"It‘s not really added
much in temis of distance."
Wiseman said. "But in per—
ception. yes."

The new parking lot will stop short of


Continued from page I

rising. and we believe that [’K students
are fantastic candidates for their competi~
tivc positions."

Pricewaterhouse(‘oopers. a national
public accounting firm. will also have
representatives at the Business (‘areer Fair
to offer internships and full-time job posi»
tions nationw idc.

"We are looking for strong students
both academically and professionally.
with invol\ement on and off campus. in-
cluding leadership roles." said Rene New
some. campus recruiting manager for the

The event is open to all L'K students
and alumni.

“You don‘t lime to be in the business


the green

have outtheref'

ammar scents UK.
graduate student

will be handy for us."

Bailey suggested that next time the
firefighters should be more careful of
where they place hoses and should have
better access to master keys.

The fire department also learned that
smoke settles differently in lngels Hall
than in other donns. lt spread out into the
wings instead of rising to the third floor.

"It was kind of interesting how the
smoke banked up there." Bailey said. "It
was kind of unusual actually."

Resident adviser Caroline Hall. an
agriculture economics and marketing se~
nior. said she thought the drill was suc-

"I think it was a great way for students
to see how the whole process works." she
said. "I saw on one end of the hallway that
all of the students turned and went away
from the smoke just as they should have.
()verall they did very well with the whole

Ag Science North by l65 feet. according
to the architect‘s plans. But Wiseman said
the new lot and an expanded emergency
room will not add to noise problems. Am-
bulances. for example. will continue to be
required to turn off sirens on UK property
unless a car is blocking their path.

Some students. though. say
construction noise has interrupt—
ed classes in the Ag Science
North building. including tests
and lectures.

“lt‘s pretty hard to concen-
trate with all that going on."
said agricultural biotechnology
sophomore Emily Cottrell,

Wiseman said adjusting to
hospital construction near the
Ag Science North is a natural
part of the process to expand

"The College of Agriculture
was always toward the end of
campus. and now it‘s moving
toward the center." Wiseman said. "lt en—
joyed a certain degree of isolation. and
that is coming to an end."

college to attend." Williams said. "lt‘s
open to all majors. all colleges. with a
business interest. It is especially good for
the average student. the student who
needs the exposure to companies."

Although the event can be over
w‘helming at first. Williams said it has
been very useful for students in the past.
helping many land intemships and jobs.
or helping students decide what area they
wish to pursue alter college.

"It's very successful." Williams said.
"You can get a lot out of it. It gives stu-
dents the opportunity to network. lets
them practice their communication skills.
find otit about other events. get employee