xt7c599z394b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z394b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2004 2004 2004-12-06 2020 true xt7c599z394b section xt7c599z394b In our opinion: ‘Dead week'
policies unfair to students
Page 4


December 6, 2004

Review: 'The SantaLand Diaries'
takes adult spin on Christmas
Page 6


newsroom: 257-1915


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UK: Chief wrongfufly elicited school help

(‘levidence wrote that using
Brown or any other UK employee to
help with homework is in-
appropriate and a “serious
misuse of university re-

According to the memo.

()tto first denied using
Brown and said he was au-
diting the classes. Clevi-


“Your decision to use Mr. Brown for
personal gain shows extremely poor
judgment and exhibits questionable
ethical behavior."

In an interview. Clevidence de-
clined to comment further on the

“It‘s a personnel issue, and we
don't comment on personnel is-
sues." he said.

Neither Brown nor Otto were
available for comment for this story.


Todd said Friday that UK has not
started a search for a new police
chief nor is there a timetable set for

See Chief on page 2

am troubled by the fact that you fail

to understand that the use of a uni-
versity resource for personal
gain is wrong."

Clevidence wrote that al
though ()tto agreed to cease
using Brown to assist with
homework. the police chief
tried to justify it by saying
the work would be either
shared with UK police or
submitted for publication.

“This justification fails to
address the simple fact that

you personally receive graduate
credit and a grade for coursework
that is not entirely the result of your
individual effort." Clevidence wrote.

After resignation, chief still receiving salary, paid vacation;
search for new chief not yet underway, says UK president

By Rebecca Neal

Former UK Police Chief Fred H.
()tto III was reprimanded one month
before his Nov. 23 resignation for us-
ing a university employee to help
him with homework for two classes.

Otto, who is taking classes at
Eastern Kentucky University. re-
signed to “pursue educational op-
portunities." a UK press release

UK has not started the search for

a new police chief. said President
Lee Todd.

In an Oct. 21 memo. Ken (‘levi-
dence. associate vice president for
campus services and the new direc-
tor of public safety in ()tto‘s ab-
sence. wrote that ()tto used a police dence wrote that ()tto later
department graduate assistant. changed his story and said
Nathan Brown. to assist with ()tto‘s he was receiving letter
graduate homework for courses at grades for the classes.

Eastern Kentucky University “This change of story leaves me

In an Open Records request. the with the impression that you are de-
Kernel received the memo and the liberately attempting to be mislead-
rest of ()tto's personnel file. ing." (Ilevidence wrote. “Finally I


UNC 91, UK 78

Cats fall head over H

By Ben Roberts
nit xtutucxv KERNEL

CHAPEL HILL. N.C. 77 Chuck
Hayes could do nothing but place
his hands on his knees and stare
at the floor of the Dean Smith Cen.

There was 1:35 remaining on
the game clock. but the UK senior
forwards day was over.

His team was trailing by eight
points. He had just picked up his
fifth foul. He had been defeated.
and he knew it.

With the senior relegated to
the bench. North Carolina scored
seven of the game‘s final nine
points to earn a 91-78 victory and
hand the Cats their first loss of the
season Saturday in Chapel Hill.

For the second straight game.
Hayes picked up two fouls in the
opening minutes and was forced to
sit on the bench for much of the
first half.

UK head coach Tubby Smith
said the senior's excitement to
play the No. 9 Tar Heels might
have caused hitn to play too ag-
gressive early

“He was really pumped up to
play." Smith said. “And his game is
all about being physical and ag-
gressive and rebounding. I'll have
to watch the film to see if he was
fouling as much as they said he
was fouling."

Hayes finished with four
points and six rebounds both
season lows and was only on
the court for 22 minutes. It was the
first time Hayes had fouled out of
a game since his sophomore sea-

He said the early foul trouble
stayed with him for the rest of the

“It’s frustrating." Hayes said.
“You get so excited to play and
then (with the fouls) you can‘t real-
ly play the way you want to play. I
got those two quick fouls and it
took me the whole game to try to
get over that hump.

“It was so hard. I wanted to
help contribute but I just could-

INt‘ head coach Roy Williams
said shutting down Hayes was a
key to the Tar Heels victory.

“Chuck Hayes is one of my fa-
vorite players of all time."
Williams said. “It was unfortunate
for Kentucky that (‘huck got in
foul trouble. He gives them a great
deal of leadership. (‘huck is a big
time player"

The Tar Heels jumped out to
an 80 lead less than two minutes
into the game. which forced Smith
to use one of his SO-second time-
outs in an attempt to quiet the
21.750 UNC fans.

Experienced Tar

C H A P E I.
looked lost.

In two min-
utes. North Car»
olina made UK's
talented new-
comers and ex-
perienced vetere

Tim ans look totally

”hem“ At the 19:46

scours toiion mark. UK fresh-
man center Ran-
dolph Morris sent a weak pass to
ward fellow freshman Rajon Ron-
do that was nearly picked off.
Then. on the ensuing out of
bounds play. UK senior forward
Kelenna Azubuike could not find


2 WAX:

-.. a"




the Cats' 91-78 loss to the Tar Heels Saturday in the el Hill, N.C. I

met; roots I snrr
UNC forward Marvin Williams drives past UK sophomore center Shagari Alle ne in

e Cats ad won

four straight in the series between college basketba l's two winningest teams.

By the first media timeout two
minutes later. the Tar Heels had
opened up a 16-1 lead.

UK junior forward Kclcnua
Azubuike. who scored a career-
high 24 points. said i'Nt“s transi
tion offense had a lot to do with
the early run.

“I jtist thought they got a good
a start on us and they got some
easy baskets. which is their
game." Azubuike said. “That‘s all
they were doing to start the game.
We have to watch the tape and fig
ure out how to stop that."

The (‘ats continued to struggle
throughout the first half and went
into halft iine facing a 17-32 deficit.

In the first half. l7N(‘ guard
Rashad Mct‘ants scored ’30 of his
gamehigh ‘38 points. and forward
Scan May's nine boards helped the
Tar Heels out rebound UK 26-12.
May finished the game with H
points and a season-high l9
boards. as I'N(‘ out rebounded the
(‘ats by 21 rebounds.

"You can't get beat 21 tebounds

See Cats on page 3

Heels teach young Cats a lesson

an open (‘at Rondo struggled to
get open. but then he slipper! in
the backcourt. The crowd knew it
before Azubuike did it was a
five-second violation and a quick

Seconds later. lTN("s .lawad
Williams had an easy lay-in.

On their next possession. Mor
ris threw up a brick from point
blank range that barely glanced
off the backboard. ()n the other
end. Williams scored again for the
Tar Heels.

Following another lTK
turnover. llN("s Rashad Mct‘ants
made it 6-0 Tar Heels

Hack on offense. Morris
launched an air ball. and l7N(‘ was
back on the attack

A few seconds later. l7N("s

Sean May threw down to make it
it it With Him left in the half. the
crowd was on its feet and so was
l’K head coach Tubby Smith. who
screaiuml fora timeout.

In less than two minutes. the
Tar Heels had rattled the (‘ats and
taken control. In a few short pos~
sessions. [INF made UK‘s fabulous
freshman duo look foolish

“I talked about being tested to
day. and We failed this test." said
l’K head coach Tubby Smith after
the ('ats' 91-78 loss to the Tar

It was the first taste of adversi
ty for l'K‘s four freshmen
Ramel Bradley. .loe Crawford. Mor
ris and Rondo and in those first
few minutes. it showed.

See Lesson on page 3

WRF L reduces block times
to make room for more DJs

By Elizabeth Troutman

fHE Ktnrucfi «snuff

Piano performance senior
Meghan Hodges was uncomfortable
when she first started her radio pro
gram this summer at WRFL-FM but
says she has gained valuable experi-

"It‘s opened me up to a lot of
new music and made me a lot more
comfortable with who I am." she

Next semester. more students
like Hodges will have the opportuni-
ty to run an on-air show at
WRFL. In a meeting last
night. WRFL directors an-
nounced an amendment to
the student-run radio sta-
tion‘s constitution that cut
one hour from every
three-hour block program.

Michael Powell. WRFL

cut was made in the hopes
of increasing student par-
ticipation. which he said


“I am hoping there is
going to be a balance."
Powell said. “We would
not be doing this if stu-
dents weren‘t interested.
We're looking for tnore
blues programs. more jazz
specialized genres of music."

The affected block programs are
those that run from 10 am. to mid-
night Monday through Friday. and 6
am. to midnight Saturday and Sun-

Powell said there are benefits to
the new two-hour programs.

"Three hours is exhausting for a
lot of people I have talked to." Pow-
ell said. “Most college stations al
most unanimously run on two-hour

"Two hours seems to make an
aesthetically better program."

WRFL news director Lauren
Gawthrop said she is looking to ex-
pand the news department by


“We would
not be
doing this if
general manager. said the students

is vital to the future of interested."

adding rush-hour newscasts at noon
and 5 pm.

“I am pretty much taking every-
one who is applying." said
Gawthrop. a journalism senior.
“People can do multiple slots."

Gawthrop encouraged students
who aren‘t interested in music to
apply to the news department at

“It's a totally different aspect of
WRFL." she said. “We get out and
get sound bites and do campus sto
ries. It‘s a great way to get your
hands into news. whether you are a
news junkie or a journalism

Powell said about one-
third of the roughly 90 disc
jockeys at WRFL are UK
students. He added that 98
percent of WRFL‘s funding
comes from student fees. an
issue that has been the focus
of recent Student Govern-
ment activities.

UK alumnus Bill Widen-
er. who works at the Lexing-
ton Public Library: hosts a 4
pm. punk rock program on

MiChae' Fridays. Widener was criti-

Powe” cal of the decision to cut the

qeneraimanaoei. length of block programs
"We“ like his show to get more

student l).ls on the air
"I have talked to people
in the community." he said. “Re-
spouses for the most part are. ‘Kids
are the ones who suck?

"lxnay on the pajama party You
are killing the audience." Widener
said of students.

Graduate microbiology student
Ravi Subraman 1an is a DJ who said
he is borderline on the issue.

“I am supportive of more stu-
dent involvement." Subramanian
said. "In terms of high quality prod-
uct. we need to go a bit further.

“We need to train them (new stu-
dents) how to essentially be person-
alities oirair"

cfroutman u kj'kernelcom




Vocal perfor-
mance sopho-
more Jeremiah
Muwanga belts
out "The Last
Month of the
Year" yesterday
at Collage. the
UK School of
Music's holiday
concert. the
featured the UK
Women’s Choir,
Men‘s Chorus,
Mega-Sax Ouar-
tet. Chorister,
Clarinet Ouar-
tet. Paws and
acoUstiKats and
Steel Band. It
also featured
the Lexington
Singers Chil-
dren's Choir and
Alluring, a hand
bell group. It
was held at the
Singletary Cen-
ter yesterday
and Saturday.




 PAGEZ I Monday, Dec. 6, 2004


Continued from page i

the search. In tlte meantime.
Clevidence has been named
the director of public safety.

Assistant (‘hief Stephanie
Bastin and Lt. Joe Monroe
will co—manage the daily oper-
ation of the police depart
ment and will report to View

Todd said he wants atten»
tion to focus on the ftittire of
the police department. not on
Otto's departure

"My focus isn't re-
ally on the reason
why (Otto resigned)
so much as where do
we go from here." he

Todd said he was
awaie of the graduate
student issue but was
not directly involved.

“There have been
some issues that were
brought to my attenr
tion. but I didn't initi-
ate any actions.” he said "I
know it was something that
Ken (L‘leyidencei felt needed
to be addressed. and he did

Todd said he was not
aware of any other problems
involving ()tto before this is

"That was the first I heard
of it." he said

'Saddened and disappointed'

()tto is working on a inas
ter's in loss preyention and
safety at Eastern Kentucky
Uniyersity in Richmond. Ky
According to his personnel
file. LTK paid his tuition for
two classes this semester a
topical studies class in his»
prevention and loss preyen
tion administration

EKL' associate professor
Michael Schumann teaches
the loss preyention adminis
tI‘ation class and said he was
shocked when he learned Sat
urday of the reprunand

"I'm saddened and disap
pointed With the allegations.

because he's made such
strong contributions iii
class." Schumann said

He said he Itad not heard
about ()tto's resignation and
the resulting controyersy
()tto was always a top student
who brought years of profes
sioiial experience to the class
room. Schumann said.

Though Schumann said
he did not know what. if any.
disciplinary action might be
taken at EKI'. he said he will
talk to the chair of the de-
partment and the graduate
coordinator this week about
an investigation.

"My focus isn't

really on the reason
why (Otto resigned)
so much as where do
we go from here."

Lee Todd

UK President

“We will iiiyestigate."
Schumann said “That does
not sound like it is within otir
standards of student con
dtict "

Four months' pay

()tto resigned Not. "J", after
going on a leaye of absence
.\'o\. lit for personal issues. A
[K press release said ()tto re
signed to "pursue educational
opportunities" but made no
mention of (‘le\ idence's rep-

.»\ccording to a Noy 35‘
memorandum of agreement
in Otto‘s personnel tile. ()tto
\\ ill remain a regular. full-
lllltt' “employee on special as
signinent” and will continue
to receiye his regular pay for
four months through March
.32. 2th.? (itto‘s yearly salary is

(‘leyidence will assign
litto work. according to the
memo. but iitto w ill not liaye
an oftice and will be expected
to coinpleti- his work at home

t‘leyiiieiiee said he will he


meeting with ()tto this week.

The memo says that if

()tto takes another job be-
tween now and March 31. he
Will foifeit the test of his pay:
The memo also states that
()tto will receive paid y'aca
tion time during those four

In addition. ()tto will be
allowed to continue to stay in
a property on Rose Lane that
he has rented from UK since
June 16, 2003. The agreement
allows him to rent there for
six moie months.

The memo also outlines
how the resignation will be

publicly discussed
"The decision for

()tto to resign as chief

and pursue other in
tei‘ests is mutual. and
both parties agree
that any public com-
ments concerning the
agreement will be
neutral." the memo

()tto. (‘leyidence
and a member of llK‘s
legal counsel each
signed the memo.

()tto became p0-
lice chief July 1. 2003. suc-
ceeding Rebecca Iangston.
Langston left UK in Decem-
ber 2002 at Lexington Mayor
Teresa Isaac‘s request to be-
come the new public safety

Before coming to L'K. ()tto
worked as the police chief at
the l'niyersity of Missouri»
(‘olumbia A native of Fort
Thomas. Ky. he has also
worked as the assistant direc-
tor for public safety at Miami
l'niyersity in Ohio. public
safety director at Northern
Kentucky l'niyersity. police
chief for the city of Highland
Heights. Ky. and as a Ken-
tucky state trooper.

()tto earned a bachelor‘s
degree in police administra
tion from I‘ZKL' in 1976. and he
holds two master's degrees.
one from EKI' and one from
.\'a\ ier l‘niyersity in (‘incin-
nati. He also completed train
ing at the FBI National Acad

meal a A‘ykernelt‘om

I'm saddened and disappointed with
the allegations

- Michael Schumann. EKU associate professor who has Otto in class


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The war between Arabs and
Jews is not the cause of the war on
terror, as apologists for Muslim
radicals claim; it is the war on terror.

'lyycnty-liyc years ago. there were two non-Islamic democracies iii the Middle
Last: Isracl and Lebanon. Ihis was too much for Islamic radicals. Syrian irrcdcntists'

and Palestinians who’loincd forces to destroy I cbanon and make it a base for terror,

Ihc goal of thc post-(islo lnli'fut/u is not to establish a Palestinian state alongside
a Jew ish state. Its goal is an Islamic ummt/ c\tcnding “from the Jordan to the sea." That
is why ()slo was rcicclcd by Aralat c\cn though Harak and (‘linton ollcrcd him an
independent state on \ inually all ofthc land Palestinians claimed in the West Bank of
the Jordan and Lia/a. Ihat is why the \CI') birth of Israel is refcn‘cd to by all the
present Palestinian leadership as the "Naqba" the "catastrophe." Io Islamic radicals

at war with the West. the ycry creation of Israel is a catastrophe.

American apologists for Arab aggression arc also apologists for Islamic
aggression. In their eyes. Arab terror in the Middle Irast has a root catisc iii the
poliucs of Israel. whom terrorists rclcr to as the “little Satan." l‘or apologists of
the Islamic terror of WI 1 and thc larqawi terror in Iraq.
lihcul is not a self-generating creed but has a “root

cause" in the policies of “the (ircal Satan." which is us.

Peace in the Middle Iiast and peace in the war with
al-Qaeda and Zarqawi will Come only when the
terrorists surrender or are dcleatcd. and when Arab
goycmments cease their incitement of hatred against

Israel and the United States.

~ David Horowitz

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 (Illni: minaihled)

g1 Chris Johnson
in: unrucrv mm

Mounting frustration
mixed with the need for a
break equaled an explosion
of emotion for the Cool Cats
this weekend, as they lost a
fight-filled series to Illinois,
84 Friday and 50 Saturday.

Illinois got open shots in
bunches around the net and.
in some cases, received the
puck a few feet from the goal
with no defenders in posi-
tion to stop them. With the
sweep, the Illini extended
the Cool Cats’ losing streak
to five losses — the Cats‘
longest streak of the season.

“We just played absolute-
ly stupid." said UK coach
Mike Sosnowski. “We work
on the game being 90 percent
mental every week, we talk

Dec. 6. 2004

about it and stress it, and we
didn't think."

Illinois (13-11-1) defeated
the Cool Cats (12-9-l) at the
Big Muddy Invitational
Tournament in St. Louis
Oct. 8 by a 2-1 margin. and
Sosnowski said the team
knew what they were getting
in to and didn't stop it from

“[The game in St. Louis]
was pretty clean overall,"
Sosnowski said. “But we
knew they liked to talk and
we walked right into it.”

Illinois opened up a 3-0
lead early Saturday. After
that, the Cool Cats missed
several excellent scoring op-
portunities and began to
look less for the puck and
more for someone to hit.

The second period ended
with 1:57 left on the clock af-



ter a huge melee that in-
volved every player on the
ice except two Cool Cats.

After UK forward Kevin
McQuade attempted to
knock a puck out of the Illi-
nois goalie's hand. three Illi-
ni players went after him.
According to team media di-
rector Matt Eichman, Mc-
Quade somehow got the bet-
ter of the battle.

“One guy had a cut on
his cheek. the goalie had a
black eye. the other guy had
a cut on his forehead, and
when I talked to McQuade in
the locker room, there was-
n't a scratch on him." Eich-
man said.

In the third period, the
game was called with 3:24 re-
maining after several more
skirmishes and unnecessary
big hits sent UK assistant

Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

Phom: 251-1915 I E-ml; sportsOkmmeLcom

captains Josh McConnell
and Chris Zaremski to early
showers. The referee decided
he had seen enough.

“That was completely his
decision," Sosnowski said.
“I’ve never quit a hockey
game in my life, and I'm not
about to start now."

Sosnowski suspended
starting UK defensemen Col-
in Hoss and Sean Tugel for
one game each for discipli-
nary reasons.

“The frustration snow-
balls from the players on the
ice to the coaches and play-
ers on the bench," Sosnows-
ki said. “The ref told me he
didn‘t have his best game.
but the blame lies squarely
on the bench."

cjohnsonm kykernel. com



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Continued from page 1

and not be disappointed by your re—
bounding.” said UK assistant David
Hobbs. “You’ve got to get in there and
put your body on somebody and box
them out. We didn’t do that."

McCants scored a season-low four
points and committed five turnovers in
UNC’s 61-56 loss to UK last season at
Rupp Arena.

He said he tried to put that perfor-
mance out of his mind going into this

“I really didn’t think about it at all,"
McCants said. “There‘s nothing you can
do about it from last year. We got embar-

rassed last year. But we just tried to put
it behind us.”

UK mounted a series of runs in the
second half, but the Tar Heels always an-
swered with a scoring streak of their

The Cats closed the scoring margin
to seven points late in the second half af-
ter back-toback 3-pointers by reserves
Ravi Moss and Bobby Perry. but that was
as close as they would get.

Smith said his team's failure to close
the gap was due to a lack of leadership.

“They came down and took a couple
of ill-advised shots that weren‘t part of
our offense." he said. “The leadership we
needed at that point just wasn't there."




Continued from page 1


In games against Coppin State. Ball
State, Georgia State and Tennessee
Tech, UK had seen nothing like the Tar

During the first four minutes. UK ex—
perienced a Chapel Hill version of shock
and awe, as the Tar Heels built a 164

After that, UK settled in and played
UNC almost even, with the freshmen do
ing much of the damage.

The four frosh combined for 35
points. and after that disastrous open-
ing, they seemed to get comfortable.

Still, it was clearly one-sided from
the beginning. as UNC punished UK on
the glass and consistently beat the Cats
down the floor. The Tar Heels outre-
bounded the Cats 51-30 and made 27 of
40 free throws.

It was a loss that should get the Cats‘

UNC revealed UK's greatest flaws
its youth and its thin front line. UNC
took advantage of both and blew out the


“They dominated us in the paint.
they went to the free throw line. and
they got to every loose ball." said UK se-
nior forward Chuck Hayes. obvioust
frustrated after fouling out with only
four points and six rebounds.

It was a loss that sticks with you. and
Smith said he hopes it will make his
players pay attention to the details.

“I think they'll be motivated taking a
loss like this on national TV." Smith
said. “Everybody that was patting them
on the back saying how good you are.
now they’re saying, ‘Hey. you're terri~
ble.‘ And they need to hear that."

After months of hype and anticipa-
tion. it was a rude awakening for the
Cats and UK fans. This loss should bring
the Cats back to earth and send them
back to work. Judging by the looks on
the faces of Hayes and Azubuike. they
won't forget about this.

“We can do anything about this one
now." said UK assistant coach David
Hobbs. "You get beat , you learn a les-
son. so you don't get beat twice.

“That's what we need to do
lesson. ”

learn a

twisemanw kylrernel. mm



UK names offensive coordinator

UK head coach Rich Brooks
named Joker Phillips the Cats' new
offensive coordinator. UK Athletics
announced yesterday

For the past two seasons.
Phillips has served as the UK wide
receivers coach and recruiting co-
ordinator. He is taking over the job
from Ron Hudson. who resigned
Nov. 22. Phillips helped call the
plays in UK‘s final game. a 37-31
loss at Tennessee.

UK‘s offense finished the season
ranked 112th out of 117 NCAA Divi-
sion l-A teams in scoring.

Cards rally past Cats

LOUISVILLE. Ky. With a 15-0
run in the second half. Louisville
turned a close game into a blowout
and defeated the UK women's bas-
ketball team 66-49 yesterday at
Freedom Hall.

UK junior forward Jennifer
Humphrey led the Cats with 14
points and 13 rebounds for her
sixth career double-double and
third of the season.

The Cats (4-3). however. commit-
ted ]5 turnovers that the Cards
turned into 19 points.

The Cats led by four points at
halftime and as many as eight in
the second half. but those
turnovers coupled with a five-
minute UK scoring drought helped
the Cards climb hack into the

UK‘s leading scorer, senior for-
ward Sara Potts. was held to two
points on I~of-9 shooting. including
(ref-4 from 3-point range. She had
been averaging 18.2 points coming
into the game.

UK hosts Charleston Southern
at 7 pm. Friday at Memorial Coli-






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(IIIIIIS (Alilllll

Week of December 6th-December 11th

The Campus Calendar s produced by We (Wine ‘1‘ St HIE," Atrrwi es Regislered Student Or 5
av-o ilK Dents a‘ 5.1)“ ' “low at (l' ‘Yl’ FREE ‘9 QNE WEE! 9909 IL the MONDAY ‘ll?0'
ii at m is in 41,09er 4' httpjtwwwukv odulCampus Calondar. Ca‘ 257-8867 In' more
.l W. a' 7.

Mon 6


tCamous Ministries , International, Mm. mom. Studs!!!


'Baptist Student Union'- English Conversation

Class. 6:009m. 429 Columbia Avonuo
“Baptist Student Union TNT. 7:30pm, 429

Angelica. Studentfiantar

Tues ;
Columbia Ave.
'UK Boroan Bible Study. 8:00pm-9:009m. Student Center. Room
1 13

‘yK Pro-Dental Society Meeting, 7:00pm, College of Dentistry
Building. Room 363


'Shoolin-Do Club Meeting. 5:00—6:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott. $50
per semester too

'UK Fencing Club. 8:009m-10:009m. Buoll Armory on,
Administration Dr.

'UK Water Ski Club. 8:00pm OFF CAMPUS. Call (859)983-4123
for more into.

'UK Tao Kwon Do Club Mtg.. 6:30pm-7:30pm. Alumni Gym Loft.
call 351.7311 for more into


"’Minds Wide Open." Monday-Friday, 11:00pm-5:OOpm, Rasdall
Art Gallery. Student Center

'Classic Tuesdays "Oceans 11." 8:00pm. Worsham Theatre.
Student Cents

'UK Animo prosonts Figure 17. 62me. Student Cantor. Center


SMCL. french Dixislon’s Tabla Francoise; Fromm

Camuflmlfl Wed
'Lavondar Swlthnu hm Studsntfiamor.


'Cats For Christfltou. ImminentcantsLBtmm

'UK Followshlnol Christian Athlstss Mtg" 3;.009m. ”natal" of
thaCommonsMsrkst. SouthCamnus

'Baotlst Student Uninnfnl! Rock". QM 5295mm“
Gnoks.buildins a solid spiritual toundatlmr one smut; tlms
'Lutharan—Enlssonslnamous Wallonhinandmnmr.
12m. St. Augustinsfs Chaos! on that St.

,‘Collm fisaulalloan Mtg-13:90am. Comm 14mm

2.7mm: W7. MMJJW
Art. Galbmhudmt Cantor
9M” ertlna.cmart6:mm-3zmn. m1. Immunis-
mm.mm.flaatslds. 191mm information”
fldtimcmn ”15121.3“

Thurs 9
"Synergy". 8:009m. CSF Building on tho cornor
of Woodland and Columbia
'UK Phi Alpha Delta Pro—Law Mtg.. 5:009m. Studont Cantor.
Room 205


'Wosloy Foundation Focus Worship. 7:309m.
Student Cantor. Cantor Tho-tor

'Christian Student Fellowship proaonts


'UK Fencing Club. 8:009m-10:00pm. Buoll Armory on
Administration Dr.

'Shaolin-Do Club Meeting. 5:00-6:309m. Alumni Gym Loft. $00
on aomaator to.

‘Drossaga Toam Mootlng. 5:00pm. Studont Cantor. Room 116

"Minds Wldo Opon." Monday-Friday. 1 1:009m-B:009m. Modal!

Art Gallsry. Studont Cantor
.. 1 0




“UK To. Kwon 09 Club Mt... l1:00am-12:M Sat
Alumni Gym Loft. call 301-7311 tor mots Into






Dec. 6, 2004



. 5

at», o

Dead week’s rules inane,
demand prompt funeral

"Dead week"
couldn‘t be a more
appropriate name.

The last week
of classes is here.
and UK guidelines
supposedly allow
students some
breathing room so
they can begin to
prepare for finals.

If students
weren‘t so over
worked during
this last stretch.
the comparison
between the ideals
set forth by the ad
ministration and
the reality set
forth by faculty
would be laugh-

Although the
UK Student Rights
and Responsibili-

ties spells out
rules governing
this week. the

vague guidelines
are really no help
to students . they
can be easily sub

The statute says
in part: "During the last week
of classes of a regular session
or during the three day period


prior to the last day of class of

Intersession or Summer
School. no examination shall
be given except for labomtoiy
practicals or 'make-up‘ exaiiii

In cases of “Take Home ti
nal examinations. students
shall not be required to re
turn the completed ('Xélllllllll'
tion before the regularly
scheduled examination peri

The rule addresses exami
nations btit doesn‘t address





projects. papers. presenta
tioiis or any other work iii—
structors might give students.

It also allows exceptions
for factilty members.

So students are pelted tita-
chineguii style with count
less other assignments in ad
ditioii to tiiials preparation
between ’l‘lianksgivmg and ti-
nals WPPK in the fall semester

making the last couple of

weeks a lesson about what
hell is like

Students are left with the
weekend after the last day of
classes and whatever days
they may have by chance dur-

ing finals week to study and








prepare for their exams.

Student (‘rovernment
came tip with a proposal in
spring 2000.

The proposal would have
moved the academic calendar
tip two days at the beginning
of the semester.

(‘lasses would start on a
Monday at the beginning of
the school year and the last
day of class would b