xt7c599z375t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z375t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1987 1987 1987-02-27 2020 true xt7c599z375t section xt7c599z375t  

Vol. XCl. No. 107

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky



UK presidential candidate stresses academics



David Roselle calls himself a

“I made a rule about three years
ago that I would show up every day
somewhere I'm not expected," said
Roselle, provost at Virginia Poly-
technic Institute and State Universi-


News Editor

Student leaders who met with UK
presidential candidate David Roselle
yesterday were impressed by his
commitment to academics.

By no means. though. were they
ready to hang a “position filled"
sign on the door of the UK presi-
dent's office.

The ”only thing that concerned
me . . (was) how strong (his) polit-
ical lobbying would be," said Joy
Van Dyke. hall director for Donovan
Hall. But that's "just because I
don‘t know" much about that area
of education

Van Dyke. though. said she was
impressed by how much the current
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University provost “seemed to
care" about students.

Van Dyke was one of about 20 stu-
dent leaders who spoke with Roselle
yesterday in the President‘s Room
of the Student Center.

“He seemed to want to be closer
110) students." Van Dyke said. She
also said Roselle seemed to have a
"strong interest in academics."

Tina Payne. vice president of the
Student Activities Board. agreed.
saying Roselle seemed to have a
“very thorough knowledge of aca-

Payne questioned Roselle‘s poten-
tial as a candidate for the UK presi—

"I'm not sure if he is the best
qualified candidate." she said. He
"didn‘t seem to be that specific"
about the direction of the Universi-

He "should have some ideas about
changes that need to occur."

Susan Bean. Student Government
.Mssociation social work senator.
though. said she was impressed that
he "seemed to understand how

He knows that "he would need to
come in and observe" at first. she
said. However. "I got the impres-
sion that he‘s not afraid to change
something ‘ '

(‘yndi Weaver. SGA arts and sci-
ences senator. said she was “fairly
impressed" with Roselle. She was
particularly looking forward to hear-
ing (‘harles Wethington. the other

\cc ‘1 l DENTS. Page 2

Yesterday UK expected him.

As one of the candidates for the
UK presidency. Roselle and his wife,
Louise. met with select groups of ad-
ministrators. students and faculty

“We‘re excited about the possibili-
ty of coming here." he told a group
of about 20 invited and uninvited stu~
dent leaders at an informal recep-

tion in the President's Room of the
Student Center,

Roselle. 47. sees the role of presi—
dent as one of responsibility beyond
the scope of the institution itself in
upgrading education,

"The University of Kentucky has
a lot of obligation to the people of
Kentucky and the nation." he said.

“Everyone in Kentucky has a stake
in the University of Kentucky."

Roselle said VPI plans to offer an
on-site continuing education pro-
gram for teachers in southwest Vir-
ginia. an area that. he said. faces
many of the same problems as East-
ern Kentucy,

The program will involve trans-
mitting lessons by satellite. It may




David Roselle. a finalist for the top post at UK.
and Donna Greenwell. Student Government Asso.

cration president. walk across campus yesterday
after meeting with a group of student leaders.

ALAN LESSlO'Kemel Staff




It was June. 1986. and alumni
from L’K's College of Law were
pouring into Cincinnati's Omni
Netherland Plaza hotel to honor
willbert I). Ham. 3 retiring pro-

The crowd overflowed the room
reserved for the function.

“You could sort of feel in the
air their (the alumni‘s) shared
backgrounds." said Carroll Ste-
vens. an associate dean who will
be leaving t'K‘s College of Law
for a position at Yale next month.

Stevens looked out over the
crowd. most of whom he knew by
name and knew well. because he
had counseled many of them
while they were in law school. He
saw the different levels of suc-
cess that those alumni had ob-
tained in the legal profession.

"It all came together as to how
important education is to people.

. It gave me a real sense of
pride" to be associated with the
1K law school. Stevens said.

Stevens has been an adminis-
trative member of the law school
since a few montls after he grad-
uated from it in 1976. Hired origi-
nally as a special assistant to
then Dean Thomas Lewis. his po-
sition was made permanent after
a year on the job. He spent three
years as an assistant dean before
becoming an associate dean.


College of Law official
taking position at Yale

Staff Writer

Stevens will leave UK and Ken-
tucky during spring break to be-
come an associate dean at Yale
University in New Haven. Conn.

He was formally offered that
position on Dec. 21 and decided to
take it in the first week of Jan-

His responsibilities at Yale will
be Similar to those he had at UK.
Stevens said.

Steven's main jobs at UK have
been alumni relations. fund rais-
ing and developing the placement
program. said Robert G. Lawson.
dean of the Collegeof Law.

Stevens has improved the
placement program from nothing
to one of the best in the nation.
Lawson said.

"He's been an outstanding as-
sociate dean. . . . We hate to see

“He‘s highly regarded by the
graduates of the UK law school."
Lawson said.

Stevens said that at Yale he
will concentrate on fund raising
and alumni relations.

Moving to Yale “was a tough
decision." said Stevens. an
Owensboro. Ky.. native.

His wife. Libby Stevens. is the
supervising technician for the
bone marrow transplant support
lab at the Medical Center. Yale
has offered her a job to help es-
tablish such a ping-am there.
Stevem said.

Stevens acknowledged that he


“There will be a net
loss. no matter how
good the person is, in
trying to replace him."
Robert G. Lawson,
College of Law

is a “little unusual in legal educa»
tion." Most administrators are
specialists. but at UK he has
done more diverse work because
the law school staff is small. he

He is known nationally because
he served as president of the Na»
tional Association for Law Place-
ment from 1983 to 1984. That as-
sociation is the largest legal
education professional group in
the United States. Stevens said.

And because of his experience
and reputation. Stevens said he
isn't intimidated to be moving to
Yale. "It's terribly stimulating.“
he said.

Yale‘s students come from all
over the world and have the high-
est test scores. Stevens said. Its
alumni are “fiercely loyal." an
aspect that Yale and UK have in
common. he said.

There are other similarities be-
tween the two schools as well. he
said. UK has 420 law students
and Yale has about 525.

Both schools focus on the indi-
vidual student —— a rare philoso-
phy among law schools these
days. Stevens said. Yale strives
for a balance in its student body
just asUKdoes.hesaid.

See IA“. Page 7



also broadcast “problematic“
courses, such as physics. in which
instructors are hard to find.

UK resembles his institution in
some respects. Roselle said. VPI
and UK are both land-grant institu-
tions. although Virginia Tech was
essentially a male military school
until about 20 years ago.

In terms of academics. he said

VPI implemented a selective admis-
sions program a few years ago.
“Selective admissions is working
out to be a good thing for students."
said Roselle. whose position as pro-
vost makes him chief academic offi-
cer at the institution.
Roselle said he was impressed
with UK's statewide community col-
scc (‘A\I)I|)A 11:. l’ncc 3

Presidential hopeful
capable, qualified,
faculty members say

Assistant News Editor

Faculty members put their crit—
icisms 0f the presidential search
committee aside yesterday and re—
placed them with praise for one of
the candidates it found.

Members of the University Senate
Council. the Community College
Council and five other selected facv
ulty members emerged from their
closed meeting with David Roselle
excited about his candidacy for the
UK presidency.

“He demonstrated without a doubt
that he is capable of shaping and
managing a comprehensive re-
search univerity like the University
of Kentucky." said Senate Council
member Bill Lyons.

“Even those who went into that
meeting with a doubt c0uldn‘t have
left without being impressed with
the ability of this person to deal with
some very tough questions."

Roselle. who is the provost of Vir-
ginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University at Blacksburg. Va.. is
one of two finalists that could Presi-
dent Otis A. Singletary. Singletary.
65, will leave the post on June 30.

The second finalist. Charles We-
thington, chancellor of UK's
statewide community college sys—
tem. will meet with administrators.
students and faculty today.

The Board of Trustees could make
a decision as soon as its next meet-
ing on Tuesday. said Robert McCo-
wan. chairman of the board and
head of the 10—member presidential
search committee.

“I think that's up to the Board of
Trustees to consider." he said. “but
1 think there‘s a good possibility
they could make a decision on Tues

The 20 board members will meet
with the two candidates and their
wives at receptions before and after
the UK-Mississippi State basketball
game tomorrow.

Roselle. who was accompanied to
the meeting by his wife. Louise. was
questioned by faculty members for
two hours in the faculty club.

about 5

leaving the meeting at
p.m.. Roselle received an


“He gave great thought
to the questions that
were asked of him


Jack Blanton.

ovation from the nearly 40 faculty
members who were in attendance.

Among the questions that Roselle
faced from faculty were some that
dealt with Kentucky politics and the
role of the president in soliciting
funds from the General Assembly

At a press conference held after
the faculty meeting. Roselle said it
would be ”his inclination . . . to be
on hand for legislative sessions . .
and conversations with legislators.“

As far as politics is concerned.
Lyons. a professor of political sci-
ence. said he was impressed with
Roselle's willingness to participate
in Kentucky politics.

"1 am very pleased that he under-
stands that politics is not a spectator
sport for university presidents.“
Lyons said.

Roselle has also received the sup-
port of the executive board of the
UK chapter of the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors.

Joanne Rogers. AAUP‘s president-
elect. said it was a consensus of
opinion of AAUP‘s executive board
that Roselle is the best candidate for
UK‘s presidency.

Rogers said the executive board
believes that Roselle seems "partic-
ularly well-suited for a leadership
role at a research institution. ”

Yesterday. after meeting Roselle
at the faculty meeting. Rogers said
that he is “capable. articulate. as-
sertive. confident and a wellpre-
pared academician. “

Earlier yesterday. Roselle met
with 25 UK administrators in the
faculty club.

Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for
administration. said he was well-re-
ceived by the administrators.

“I was favorably impressed.”
Blanton said.

Exercise program, smart diet plan
best way to lose weight, experts say

Contributing Writer

So. two weeks until spring break
and you want to be skinny. It‘s pos-
sible to lose a few pounds before
spring break.

No. it‘s not going to cost $19.95 and
you don‘t have to call a 14300 num-
ber before midnight. but you do
have to put out some effort.

“If you want to be beautiful in
your bathing suit . . . first of all you
have to start a while back.“ said
Sharon Wallace. a registered dieti-
cian. “And you definitely have to
have an exercise routine.“

Jennifer Fultz. an aerobics in-
structor at the Lexington Athletic
Club said exercise can be as easy as
walking to class. Fultz said aerobics
is "keeping your heart rate up to
your target rate for 20 minutes."
This can be done by just taking a
fast-paced walk. she said. '

Heart rates for 18- to 25—yearolds
are calculated as “20 minus your
age times 70 to as percent.“ Ntz
said. The Lifecycle Aerobics Guide
shows target heart rates for 18~ to
20-year-olds to be 140-170. and for 25
yearolds. 137-166.

Wallace said that in order to burn
fat. you have to “continue your
exercise for about 10 to 1) minutes.
And delivering enough oxygen to the
muscle (through deep breflhirg)
helps it to use fuel efficiently."

Dieting help. but fastim (Meets
the purpose. “A pound weighs a
pound weighs a pound weighs a
pound." Wallace said. “and a pound


“If you want to be
beautiful in your
bathing suit . . . first of
all you have to start a

while back."
Sharon Wallace,


of your body fat contains about 3.500
calories of potential energy. A pound
of lean mass only contaim about 600

But Wallace said that by burning
lean mass faster (making the scales
look lighter). the percentage of fat is
going to be greater. thereby making
you “a skinny fat person (who) is
still gonna jiggle a little bit. "

That weight will be gained right
back after eatim because. at most.
only water and tiseue were lost -—
not fat.

hiltz. a former bulimic. agreed.
“Fasting is not good at all. You've
just got to decide." she said. “You
can't expect immediate malts; it‘s
going to take a while became it took
a while to get all that on.“

"I‘d tell you I didn't (exercise) be-
came I don‘t have time. but 1 guns
I really could make time." said
Michelle Graybeal. a psychology

“I've been ”Til! to charge my
eating habits (but) it‘s hard to pt
motivatedlgetupetc. lgotoclau
til noon. I come to wk. I sit

(around) ’til 6 and go home and do
my homework." Graybeal said.

Food for energy. water for life.
Wallace said most people don‘t real-
ize that fact.

“The minute you start to exercise.
your muscle starts to dehydrate.
and you lose muscle efficiency as
that muscle dehydratds." She sug-
gests drinking two goodsized glass-
es of cold. plain water about 30 min-

Sec PROGRAM. Page 7




 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL. Friday, Fobruory 27, 1987

Military operation
ruled out by Syria

Associated Press

BEIRL'T, Lebanon -_ The Syrian
commander in west Beirut yester-
day ruled out a military mission to
free Americans and other foreigners
held hostage by Moslem extremists.

Brig Gen Ghazi Kenaan. also
chief of Syrian military intelligence
in Lebanon, told a news conference
he did not believe any of the 26 for-
eign captives were in Beirut‘s Mose
Iem sector or other territory under
Syrian control

He said Anglican (‘hurch env0y
'l‘erry Waite was ”excessively cou-
rageous" and "too humanitarian" in
visiting 113bal10l1 in an attempt to
tree the hostages. eight of whom are

Waite dropped from sight Jan 20
after leaving his hotel in Moslem
west Beirut to meet with Shiite Mos-
Icms holding Americans.

Syria moved thousands of troops
supported by tanks into west Beirut
last Sunday to stop a weeklong war
between rival Moslem militias. At
least 300 people were killed and 1.300
wounded in the battles between the
Shiite Amal militia and an alliance
of other mostly Moslem militias

Kenaan said his forces had closed
all To Moslem militia offices. killed
31% proelranian Shiite militiamen and
13 other gunmen and arrested 2|.)
people in their effort to end both the
battle and three years of militia an»
ai‘chy m the Moslem sector

According to Kenaan. the battle

between Amal and Palestinian guer-
rillas for control of Beirut‘s Pales-
tinian refugee camps had eased “be-
cause there are no militiamen
surrounding the camps anymore. "

Food supplies are reaching starv—
ing residents of the shantytowns,
which were besieged for more than
three months, he said.

Asked whether the 7,400 Syrian
soldiers would mount a military op-
eration to free foreign hostages, Ke-
naan said: “The issue of the hos-
tages is not a military as much as it
is a political one. We condemn kid—
napping on humanitarian grounds.

"Syria spares no effort to resolve
this issue. but their rescue is not a
military issue because their safety
cannot then be guaranteed. We want
a political, not a military solution.
The kidnappers. by my reckoning.
are not holding the hostages in any
place where the Syrian forces main-
tain a presence."

In south Lebanon, the leader of ls-
rael's surrogate militia said yester-
day he holds 250 Lebanese prisoners
and is willing to trade them in a
deal involving foreign hostages. An-
toine Lahd. a former Lebanese
army general who commands the
South Lebanon Army militia. would
not say whether contacts were under
way about an exchange.

Kenaan was asked whether he had
information about Waite, the arch-
bishop of Canterbury's personal
envoy who was on his fifth hostage-
rescue mission to Lebanon since No-
vember 1985.

Police officers testify
defendants in control

Associated Press

LaFonda Fay Foster and Tina
llickey Powell were in control of
their actions on the night their attore
neys have admitted the women
killed five people. three policemen
testified yesterday,

However. the policemen arrested
the women on public intoxication
charges that night and Foster and
Powell eventually were convicted on
those charges

Police officer John B. Jacobs said
Powell was under the influence of
something that night but was in con»
trol “She wasn‘t falling down
drunk." Jacobs said. “Some of her
words were slurred, but they were
few and far between when she did
slur them."

Officers John Potts and Gerald
Ross said Foster was unsteady on
her feet and belligerent. but general-
ly coherent.

The question of whether Foster
and Powell were in control of their
actions on April 23. 1986. the day of
the killings. is a key element in the

Defense attorneys. who argue that
their clients actions were influenced
by both drugs and alcohol. are ex-
pected to ask for leniency to avoid
the death penalty. Each woman
faces five murder charges.

The women were arrested at
about midnight at Humana Hospital


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Lexington. The hospital is located
off Richmond Road in eastern Lex«
ington, the same area in which the
five bodies were found. Three of the
bodies were found near a burning

Powell told Jacobs they were wait~
ing for a taxi at the hospital, Jacobs

At the time of the arrests, police
had not linked the women to the
slayings. the officers said.

The officers testified the women
had blood on their clothes. Both
Powell and Foster told police they
had wounded one another in a knife
fight. but neither was injured, Potts
and Jacobs said.

The policemen said Foster's gray
sweat pants were particularly
bloody around one knee. Potts said
he made. Foster pull the pants up
above her knee to make sure Foster
wasn't injured.

Foster‘s pants were the subject of
additional testimony when Lola Slo-
win took the stand.

Slowin. who was arrested for driv-
ing under the influence on the same
night Powell and Foster were ar-
rested. said she and Foster briefly
shared a cell at the Fayette County
Detention Center.

While in the cell, Foster threat-
ened to slap Slowin if she didn‘t
switch pants with her. said Slowin,
who also was wearing gray sweat


(‘ontinued from Page I

lege system and he liked the idea
that the system was incorporated
as a component of the University.

With implementation of selec-
tive admissions. the community
colleges come more into play in
helping to fulfill Kentucky‘s obli-
gation to provide accessible high-
er education, he said.

Roselle said Kentucky‘s econ—
omy has been shaky for the last
few years. but recent commit-
ments of more state funding.
combined with changing atti-
tudes, should provide for im-
provements in education.

When asked about tuition in»
creases Roselle compared UK‘s
tuition of $1,300 per year to VPI‘s
of $2.200. He said part of the in-
crease reflects the necessity of


Presidential finalist David Roselle. provost of Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University. talks with members of the press yes-


obtaining statecf-the-art equip-

Lobbyists for VPI have tried to
raise state legislators‘ awareness
of the problem of increasing tu-
ition and have asked for more fi~
nancial aid.

“All that (financial aid) does is
transfer that cost into debt,“ he

Roselle realizes the role politics
play in funding for education.

“All budgets are politics. You
have to make your case and
that‘s a good one to make — the
cost of education," he said.

“I don‘t know if I could effecti-
vely lobby." he said, “but I
would try to do it.“

Roselle stressed the impor-
tance of private giving to state

terday during a news conference at the faculty club Roselle met
with administrators. faculty and students yesterday

In 1984. VPI set out to raise $50
million in three years. By Dee
cember of 1986. the institution
had raised $102 million,

“It‘s very important for public
institutions to raise private
money." he said.

Roselle also emphasized the
need for teacher evaluations. VPI
conducts in-class evaluations and
visitations and downstream eval-
uations after the students have
been out of particular classes for
a while. These evaluations are
part of salary. tenure and promo-
tion considerations. he said.

"lt's a part of what we try to
stress as our . . . responsibility."
he said. to "teach and teach

MARK ZEROF seiner Stat’

"Evaluation is an important
consideration." he said. “If you
evaluate a tuiit. it gets better "

The evaluation process goes
back to a university's obligation
to provide students with a good
educational experience. and that
experience extends to athletics.

The l'nivei‘sity is sometimes
criticized for emphasizmg athletr
ics over academics. but Roselle
said t'K's athletic tradition is one
that should attract academically
successful students.

“You don't eliminate the athlet~
ic things. You don't stop being
competitive.” he said, “You start
being responsible.

“I still think college athletics
can he done and done well."




(‘oniinued from Page 1

presidential candidate, answer the
same questions Roselle did.

Wethington will get his chance at 1
today in the President‘s Room of the
Student Center before the same
group of students.

And, like Roselle, Wethington will
speak to administrators at 10 am.
and then will address faculty mem-
bers at 3 pm. in the faculty club.

Because Weaver is also a member
of the Senate Council, she had the


The Search is on...



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opportunity to hear Roselle speak
twice yesterday.

Weaver said she thought that
Roselle was more impressive in his
appearance before the faculty.

He talked much more about his
lobbying efforts —— and seemed more
assertive — in front of the faculty.
Weaver said.

She said she would like to hear
him be more consistent in what he

Overall, though, Weaver found in-
dications that Roselle had “some
imagination (and) a real willingness
to try new things (andi to be innova»

Scott Bridges, president of Bland-
ing 11 residence hall. said Roselle
was a "very intelligent man“ al~
though he, like other students, is
still not sure what a provost does.

And as far as the lobbying aspect

of the presidency, which concerned
some students. Bridges said Roselle
does not have “a salesman type (Of)
personality." which might be most
effective in lobbying. However, the
most important Job of the president.
he said. is to emphasize academics.

It‘s “very important for the next
president to stress academics."
Bridges said. "1 think we need to
continue improving our image. ”


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 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. February 27. 1987 - 3



trill loo“
Arts Editor

Woe Miller

Anetta”: Ar rs Editor






Austin City Saloon —- 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. Tonight and tomorrow.
The Greg Austin Band (countryl w1ll play from 9 p m to 1 a m 53 cover both

The Bar —— 224 E Main 81 Tonight and tomorrow Top 40 disco musu: on a
sound system. 4 pm to 1 a m. tomorrow after hours from 1 to 3 45 am.
Female impersonations tonight and tomorrow at 10 and 1 1 30 S3 cover

The Bearded Scale — 500 Euclid Ave Tonight and tomorrow, Bad Guys will
play from 3 p m to 1 a m. $2 cover both nights

The Bottom Line ~— Tonight and tomorrow. The Bluebirds wrll play from 9 p m.
to l a 111. $3 cover both nights

The Brass A Saloon — 2909 Richmond Road Tonight and tomorrow. Nouvo
wrll play from 9 p rr to 1 a m 83 cover

Bugatti‘s —— 815 Euclid Ave Tonight and tomorrow. lhe Sensations wrll play
from 9p m to 1 a n. 85 cover

Great Scott's Depot ~ 684 S Broadway Tonight Ax lz is wrll play Tomorrow.
Six Little Titties and Two Small Bodies Will play

King's Arm Pub ~ 102 W High St Tonight open Jam session with Jeff Colvin
from 9 p m to 1 a ill $1 cover Tomorrow Jett Colvin Will play from 9 p m to
1 am $2 cover

Library —- 388 Wondliind Ave Tonight and tomorrow Thumper and the Plaid
Rabbits wrll play from 9 p m to 1 am $3 50 Cover $1 50 well drinks and 75
cents 12 oz dratt from 8 to 10 p m, No cover both nights between 8 p m and
9 p m

Spirits —- lo the Radr‘son Tonight and tomorrow Phillip Paul and the Patrols wrll
play from 9 p m to 1 a m No cover

Two Keys ~ 333 S Limestone Tonight and tomorrow. Jumpstreet wrll play
from 9pm to 1 (l in $2 men no coverlaows




Black Widow _. Rated R (South Park 1 15. 3 15. 5 05. 7 45. 9 45 and to‘
night and tomorrow only at 1 1 ~15 1
Critical Condition — Rated R anrth Park
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 50 l
Crocodile Dundee -—~ Rated PCS-13 lSouth Park 1 10 d 00 5 1.5
and tonight and tomorrow only at 11 00 Also showrno at North Park
3'15. 5 15, 7 25 9 20andtohrqht indtomorrgw rrrll‘y .it 11 {15 ,
Death Before Dishonor —— Rated R tranche Mall 1 4O 3 35
9 50. and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 All North Park 1 1O
7 35. 9 351 and tonight and ir'rmorrirw only at 1 1 311 l

Hannah and Her Sisters — Rated Ptj-13 lltir‘iand l .50 3 '
9 50 )

Hoosiers — Rated PG lSouth Park 1? 3i)
and tomorrow only at midnight Also SlK‘V‘y’Ifit] .11 North Park
7:40. 9 55 and tonight and tomorrow only (if midnight 1
Light of Day — Rated PG 13 (Crossroads 1 1i ’1 2:1
tonight and tomorrow (mix; at 1 1 30 l

Mannequin — Rated PG (North Part I i’ a :1 In .71» r’ :20 v 30 bind to
night and tomorrow only at 11 3:3 Also .Sl‘JVMHQ at Fayette Mall 1 50. 3 40
5:30. 7.35 9 25 and tonight and tomorrow Cl’lly at 1 1 10 .i

The Mission ~A Rated PG (South Park 2 4 30 7 All and 10 1

Nightmare on Elm Street lll —— Rated R iCrossriiads 1 3O 3 25 f: 20 7 30.
9:25. and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 1‘) Also at North Park 1 15, 3 20.
5:20. 935. and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 30 r

Outrageous Fortune — Rated R ilurlland 1 “-5 3, 50 5'45 7 45
tonight and tomorrow only at 11 30 Also showing zit Lerrnoton Mail
3:50. 5 45. 7 45. 9 45 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 35 1
Over the Top ~- Rated PG (South Park 1 .30 3 15. 5 20,
tonight and tomorrow only at 11 20 Also showing .11 North Park
5:40. 9 40 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 35 r
Platoon —- Rated R lSOuth Park 12 30 Q 50 f1 10
tomorr0w only at 12 10 Also at North Park 1? ’50
tonight and tomorrow only at 12 10 1

Radio Days --- Rated PG (Lenngton Mall 1 45
tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 10 l

Slaughter High — Rated R lAlso Showrrig at North Park
750. 9.40 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 20 1

Some Kind of Wonderful — Rated PG (South Park 1 05
and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 30 Also showrng at North Park
5. 7 45 9.50 and tonightand tomorrow only at 11 45 )

Stand By Me — Rated PG (The Worsham Theater R and 101

12‘» 3951 5'35 755 95591

5 4O 7 50.
3 05. 5 30.

.535 750.

’2 4“ F 9 55 and tonruht
12 45, 3. 5 15

5 ‘10 7 ~15. 9'45 and

9'45 and
1 55.

740 940 and
150, 345

7 35
2 50

10 and tonight and
510 7 40.10 and

.3 ~10 5 30. 7 30. 9 25

1 40, 3 30. 530,

2 55. 5. 7 30. 930
1, 2'55.

The Kentucky Theater — A Room With A View tonight at 7 30. tomorrow at 1
and 730 Sunday at 5 Menage tonight at 9 «is, tomorrow at 5 30. Sunday at
3. 9 30. Stand By Me tonight at midnight. tomorrow at 3 30. 9 45. Sunday at
1. 5 30 Pink Floyd the Wall tomorrow at midnight

Compiled by Staff Writer Thomas J. Sullivan.




Hungarian cellist Csaba Onczay to play
tonight with Lexington’s Philharmonic

”INK ZEROF Kt‘1fi(r|(ilvl"

Hungarian cellist Csaba Onczay says he IS delighted to find such n

competent orchestra in Lexington.

Contributing Writer

ungarian cellist (‘saba
Onczay will Jom George
Zack and the Lexington

Philharmonic Vi hen they perform at
8 tonight iii the I'K (‘ciiter for the

()nczay's appciirancc in Lexington
marks the last leg of a six~wcek l' S
tour. his third sincc 198:1 and
something he hopes w ill become ii
rcgular leaturc in his ycarly
program He has performed
throughout Europe both as a soloist
and as a mcnibcr (ll scvcral
orchestras. and is preparing fora
concert next you r Ill Seoul. South

Tonight. ()nczay \\ ill rccitc
Dvorak's Rondo in ti Minor.
followed by Kabalci sky 's t‘cllo
Concerto in (; Minor. ( lp «iii In
contrast to ( )nczay ‘s emphasis on
Eastern European music. the
orchestra will open the conccrt with
Mozart ‘s (lverturc 1.) lion (iiovunm
and close with the Italian master
Cherubini‘s Sinfnniii in I) .\I;i_inr

(inc/.uy won the 197:1 I’iibln ('aisgils
International \'1r>liti-( ‘clln
Competition in Rudapcst and thr-
1976 Villa-Lobns International
(‘oncours in Rio dc Janciro

lcachci‘ as well as a highly

acclaimed ixn'foriiicr. (inc/ii)

rcgularly git cs master
classcs in Italy. (i1.‘l‘llliill).' and thc
L'nitcd .‘s'talcs tic is also a professor
of cello at the Franz Liszt Academy
of Music in Iiiidapcst. whi-rc he was

Onczay credits much of his
stylistic dcvclopnicnt loan
exccptinniilly tlivcrsc education.
Having studicd under the maestros
Antal Films in Hungary and Andrc
Navarra lll Italy. as wcll its being
educated Ill Francc and in the Soviet
I'mnn for it yciir. l inc/.ay was iitilc
tn combmc his icachcrs' varying
influences to form :1 slylc that has

been globally in: lrmrriirl
technical lliil>lt'l‘:.

A further description of i lit/v.1) s
slylcas tx'mg ill‘ 'ir'rr~.