xt7c599z3569 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z3569/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1971 1971 1971-12-07 2020 true xt7c599z3569 section xt7c599z3569 \ . , .I
P l. ' ‘ o o o t I l i
0 dual strength mam objective 1 . .
——————-——_—— ‘ . I .
New voter conference draws large crowd .

By LYNN MARTIN,ASSistant Managing Editor The caucus pledged to gain strength in the who are not "political hacks" aligned \Mlli people I

More than 3,000 young activists met this past national convention not for individuals but for like .\layor Dale) of ( hicago. ,' ' ‘ I 2
weekend in Chicago to organize a political ideas of youth. The students hope toorgani/e \Hlll Friday confusion ' I. ’ .
movement to tap the strength of the nation’s 25 “SUCh energy and Ski“ that no Politician in either .-\ m l d c o n t u x I o r! .l r: it t r . t i“ I" I V I :
million new voters in next year‘s election. party whoIhopes for the votes of young people can under-re PH‘WH I J t ion. the ddmmw \ ,,‘I,,II:,, I' ' g N ,,

The Emergency Conference for New Voters was ignore US I overwhelmirigly l‘Tltla} tilL'lit to ele: tieorezi .' l. . N
organized by a group of student presrdcnts and the The National YOUth (‘UUCUS (NV/(it Will form a State RL'PTCNCHIJIH'C Julian Bond a\ .~:..r Mina: ' l» I ' ‘i‘ "

\ Assocration of Student Governments (ASG), a CO'dhtlon Wlth the Black and Women‘s Political ot'tlie NYC ' j
“atlonal organization. _ . Caucuses. Bond told the crowd the llrsl rrwni'. w! .21} “a";

The Steermg committee 0t the COM‘CTCUCC Partisan youths should be to end \\ ir He then lJSli‘ii tr
expected no more than 1I300 delegates, but the The caucus was to be nonpartisan. but (in. priorities as he saw them
facilities of Loyola Universuy were strained by the student leaders were almost entirely concerned 0 ('reate permanent lulw not tied in retina;
arrival Of more than 3’000 youths from almost with the Democratic National Convention. The program» If “
every state in the union. caucus will concentrate its efforts in non-primary 0 Replace ueltare \Htll :i yuararrteert I

Mostly students states I lllct‘illlt‘. V . “II"

The youths, mainly college students, formed a Duane Draper, president of A36. said the goal is If Permanently retire Richard Nixon from .
National Youth Caucus to elect young liberal to get at least 10 percent Of the national ”Hm" -".< -‘ "
delegates to the Democratic National Convention convention membership for those under the age 01' MM)“ U'tleUhH ’
next summer. 21. According to Draper. the caucus wants youths Th“ “6192111105 011C“ \hOWCd tht'h hatred 1W .; "

President Nixon. Bond received one of the loudest r
ovations when he denounced the “political =".,
pornography of having to live in a country
governed by such a middle~niinded rriediocrity as .
Richard Nixon.” - 5 .
The conference splintered Saturday night \\ hen
blacks and Chicanos sci/ed the podium. The) l' 9
demanded 50 percent of the steering committee be .1" ',
non-whites. ‘ ",I' i;-_IfI
. l The black and (‘hicano caucuses LlLLll\Ccl . -"
conference leaders of being unresponsiye to the '.-
minority delegates and filling the steering .
committee with a disproportionate Ylllll‘rhcf or t'
whites. Q:
Continued on Page 5. Col. 1 . ‘I‘
erne ommittee see 3
an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky new A &S dean -5
Search Committee looking for a new Dean of Arts
and Sciences. ' i
l . . . . The position. now occupied by acting Dean fl, :
exl n t0 n a l cts Eve 1 n Wimberly C. Royster. will become effective July 1. 3‘ -‘
President Otis Singletary will select the new
0 Dean after the committee gives him three final
a wo rld of fear and on me
Sixty of the nominees are UK personnel. ()ff 9, f
, campus nominees are primarily those whom a UK . 'A ‘
By MIKE BOARD, Kernel Staff Writer Lexington. But there are probably another 2,000 professor has nominated. saidIDr. William Wagner. . ., ' ."
H, horse. smack, or snow—most people know as who use it on weekends or aren’t addicted to it,” chairman 0f the Search Committee. . I. ‘,
heroin. But the narcotic addict in Lexington is not said Henry Vance, Lexington narcotics detective. Wagner sa‘d two women have been “01“?"319‘1-
most people. To him, heroin is a way of life, a For comparison New York City has 60,000 He was “WW3” 0t any black or 0thCT ”1”“th ,
means of avoiding the horrible pains of addicts on record and an estimated 200,000 more grqup “plume“; »',f‘. 2.
“Withdrawal Hell." using the drug frequently. Nominations for the new Dean were subirtittIed z} .
The Lexington addict community is relatively by LrK faculty. administration and students. “l \e .‘I
small. “There is an excess of 500 addicts in ‘Dope when you need it‘ been disappomted m the student ”Slums“ f '
The average junkie in Lexington does not have Wagner said. . - , . . . . _‘ 9
much trouble buying heroin. “A friend will sell Students submitted 15—-0 nominations Wagner '.~ it
. . you dope when you need it. (He too is usually an Sdld‘ , , , ,. , , r, '. In" I ;
waltlng addict). Next time he may come to you and you The (ommittec. which consists of one graduate ~. If _ ,»
/ may sell him some,” commented an unidentified student, one undergraduate, three tenured . jII .
local addict. professors, and two non-tenured professors. was i ' ,
o o . , . . . .
for dlreCtorleS Lexington‘s heroin comes from Detroit. Chicago selected by Singletary from nominations rccciy ed I-,I
or New York. from the UK Senate Council. I, , .
Student Government officials are getting By th? time It, reaches LIemegton, It has “”C‘F‘ly {:25‘ ‘5'"??? . .' 1,. I:
been refined tWice. Once in France. upon arrival ,- . a, 3» ,It- I“ . a? . ._
aggravated. . f n Turke d a an when it is smu led into 3 - , '4‘! ’Q' T . ‘ 75; U
They‘ve waited and waited—since Nov. 3—for ro ‘ y, an g1 ‘ ‘ gg ' "-."! ’fr’fifrv" . . “I: I I, ,
the student directories to be published. And Plains tht U'S' ;§:‘;’;§;. i. LII‘ISCI?“ . 'I -.
Publications, Lubbock, Texas, still hasn’t finished Heroin watered down ,ffififir . M . i v . - S If“: ya rj' I
printing the ld3,0(:I0 copies of the telephone Refining involves mixing heroin with similar git-“TEE" . ‘ “$.31.qu33'4' I-I , .'
directory S ’ or ere ‘ . kin . tasteless, chea er substitutes such as efi ‘5 - - _ ‘. ‘ ",7 ., .< .' ,I 1
“About 100 students have called us, asking lqoucining, milk sugar or strryclinine. “Borax has even ' “If/‘34." 9 I 96!}. ‘_ T17" »‘ " I.I
about the directories," said Wick Caldwell, 56 been used ,, said Vance. (1., 2 ,I . II II_II, . “9,. ,f -. II I
communications director. “We‘ll distribute the?“ “It’s cut so the junkie can't taste it and tell how ' If, 2‘ i It . I. If: «I: . .
as soon as they get in. We should receive them this much “,5 been cut,“ explained the addict. I , .I ‘04 (l I v: . . I I I.I I
weekend." A transporte delivers the Lexington-bound dope ’4. , ,; lwhlfi‘fif A". .g' '.'- ;I‘I_ g
$25 a day fine to one or two individuals who pay him. The three at I“; faunlm“ I'_I " '_ ‘ .
Meanwhile, since Dec. 1 Plains Publications has of them cut the heroin again (third time) putting it M ‘7',» . '. . I .,
been paying 86 $25 a day in default payments. in capsules or “decks.” The dope is then given to . i- . ,. ,' I ,
After receiving the student, faculty and staff three or four individuals who distribute it to street , ' I aI- . II I._ I~I. I
listings Nov. 3. Plains Publications agreed to make sellers. . ‘ , II . . .
default payments if the directories were not The number of street sellers. averaging 30 toI40, I"- t . g. . . 9 I .
published within 28 days. fluctuates weekly depending who is hustling to . , .‘ . . . . II .
“And this doesn’t mean it was supposed to take support a habit. “Most of the street sellers are /\ / r: _ - - .
four weeks for the directories to be published," junkies themSClVCS-V’ said Vance. “but two levels . ’ - .'
said 50 President Scott Wendelsdorf. “They above them and it’s p'ircly business." .' \( 9 II . II .
promised us it would take two weeks to print Organized Crime \\ III I .. II .' I,
them. We should have had the directories three or . I . . . . . ‘\ . III . . ~- , i I . .
' four weeks ago.” Organized IcnmeI is not the only source of (\I .. \III/I ,I ,_ I I_ .
heroin. IndiVidual investments are also involved. 3 . \\.‘ "If J" _- \ . . I.
Problems from start ,, . . . I . . .. . H , ‘ ~ . _ I . . . I. I
. _ . This is where you get into stcalmg. said Vance , , I. . . I . _ , I I
Caldwell and Tim (iuilfoile, SG administrative “To get money to buy drugs. they will steal three 4 _ -. It, 39"f‘y . I . I
assistant, said SC was having problems With the or four television sets, and take them to cities such ‘. \ ‘ \x“ ' '- _
directory even before it was mailed to the printer. as Cincinnati, Chicago New York and trade them 3 , a“ h ‘ l «I ",
“We had to go through a 1f,” or. red tape to get for heroin and transport the drugs back." - . '- l . _ ~
the students' names this year, IGurlfOile said. In Turkey, raw opium costs 3'00 3 pound on _ _ . E , I. ‘.
Administrators refused .to give SG faculty and the black market. On the Turkish legitimate ,~.:-’ ., i I ‘-
staff listings at first, GuilfOile and Caldwell said. market, the cost drops to $10 to $15 per pound. . , g "I II ., . Iv
Charge denied After its refinement in France, heroin is worth ' '; ‘ "" . ' ' . ‘
“This is not true,” said Paul Nestor. UK Business $10,000 a pound. This price skyrockets to I , ‘ I
Services. “To my knowledge there was no delay in $500,000 a pound once it reaches the US. 'A . . . I II
Continued on Price 7. COL 1 Continued on Page 2. Col. 1 i 9'“ " . ~

 \ .
2 THE KENTI'LKY kERNEL Tuesdgii. I)“. 7. W7]
A dd I t l I I f I
(I‘m‘h‘um ””m Page 1 said the addict. “l had an $80 a responsibility the Font? 355W”?
. IS now offered ln \eiv iork. where heroni is day hdb” “l 0”“ l””". m da‘id‘ingi IIII ILIIIIlIriIIjtu III III?
. si.\ to It) percent Pure, a hit is lhoriiion mentioned it Illllllxlt’ un ticovyerlinohwcfvzinItslhrt,
$1.50. In Lexnigton a hit is With 4‘ 5150 “l"‘l-‘I Imh't‘ m IIUI Ink-VIII Lmh] int .d VaLnEr, III
~ . b YELL w AB three percent to six percent pure Ah 3”}‘5’ d‘I“I[I‘I‘J_S°‘_HI“I Pm“ on: 'H ‘ .LOI L. If u
I but costs more. since while the addict is in jlailbhe d'SOIIICIéIII‘EI: ”In; ail-thin are
. .. . . '~ ' ‘ .. - . t. iscovere . e on re
at a rate of f' IITIgIII SIIUIIIIOIIS 1501“" IIIIISLeIinlIsOszI‘ IIII III an inforiiier. the dealer will slip
. we Passengers During “tight" situations . y you a “hot shot‘ II, said the
. addicts substitute other drugs to IDCHIS: 'dfC "‘th In {1” types 0f addict.
. . . . . for $3.15 keep from withdrawing. Fake Situations. from in-the-ohen This is a “dime bag" in which
I drugstore prescriptions. called 58111118 on the Sir?“ to paying the dope is purer than a “nickle
,I . . . . *— I‘Scripts”, are Obtained for the pusher bClOrt‘hand and bag,” Not used to the increase in
‘ -. _' ' codine and methadone. DICkmg UP dope somewhere else. purity of the heroin the
I I CA 252 223’ Stealing doctors’ bags to II” they had one particular addict-informer will “not even .
‘I ‘ - ,- - . . ’ 'v .
. Obt‘hh drugs 15 a. common place, we. wouldnt hd l1 “V. have the needle out of his arm I
. ' ,I . practice among addicts. “You problem 1" arresting t em, till he’s dead from an overdose n ‘
' 2 2 ' ‘ ” commented Thornton. . ’
, ‘.I - can always fmd drugs 1" them, . commented the addict.
. 4 . - » . explained the addict. ParanOIa In separate interviews the
I» ' -I 7 “Nurses displaying mSIgmaSpn The junkie can ”USt no one. addict and the narcotics
‘ ‘ ‘ .I II I . ‘ rII' . .. the” auto license plates, showmg Constantly afraid 0f arrest and detectives agreed heroin is most
" ' .I . . 5/3 “favygfli M' they re licensed to . carry imprisonment, hC is on guard predominant in the black ,
' ’.'- n55 ‘u morphine, usually kept in the against in formers a h d community of Lexington. “You
’ I . ' ' 0o:tober' “‘ s . .. I " I
. . . I . . WK :‘iu‘f 's“~ I trunk 0f the far, are vulnerable undercover agents called see 13 and 14-year old kids on
. .- . I . . "x‘ ' V “flag to drug thefts, 531d the addict. IIharCSII- heroin down there,” said Vance. I
. . ' WW I; ' giv‘Ii\ Herom 15 most often sold 1“ “It is hard for an outsider to Lack of funds
' . . I]; I! \1 $5 “nickel bags or $10 “dime infiltrate a group of junkies." I ‘I .
I ‘ II I Lunar-t b 5". ‘~ bagSII‘ Whh‘h are the same said the addict, “because Presently . the my pOhC‘I
- . ’ 2 ' fl fi'! . , weight only CM 1655- everyone knows everyone else." department ‘5 Plagued by a l‘I‘ICk
. . » “ I ' . _ gum-gm" *2: Cher "\ 55W“? teIeItof Heroin cut “Many pushers won’t sell heroin if finds atI'chs egg‘ggfné‘ :2?“
. .. .2.“ berm-v.1 . _ I I , . . _ . . , , . lS arc01 .‘ in
. . . . . . . COPY hm "1 ”K “in According to the addict, unless they can see track marks b' . . p g
~ ' . ~ .I o 4. 19, 1 calendar. . .. . ,, . in the arms n said Thornton on are resources.
. . ; . 2 3‘." 4*. during tight penods the ~ - u .- , 2 ,
. , I. . “39." g.._ C II . .. . . “I f.“ 't‘ d) (1 th‘ We simply dont have the
. . - . .I‘ g' a “nickel bag 18 cut more making . h l ra 10" We“ 5. on Q funds and manpower The Narc
1. , . ‘ % II.“ . Nancy Nollenberger, 277-6l35 the quality of heroin lower mdmdual person and his talent. S u d doesr’t havI a bl k
. ' , J’ o . . . ' . , a e ac
‘ . . . . to I‘i-Jfihm‘rm IIIIIII’; r and we will have yours delivered! ThusI an addict must spend Our mOSt SUCCeSSfUI 38”“ W35 q..I . I .
. . . . .~ » -‘ I-....«v 2 . _ J S‘l t .. 'd Th t officer on its staff and we are .
. 4 < . more money on herom. Often he ay ives ro, 53‘ cm on. t 1 [- 'ted In f d t
" ' ’ ' i must buy one to three bags 3 “He was the last white ex remey 1m] 1 un S O
‘ . -' v » ' r“ --_ - 1 black informers ” said
. . ' -I ‘. . Seniors and graduate ' - INMLI day more. undercover agent in the black g? '
. . . I, - _‘ Students Only! ( V I._H, Ii An addict’s daily need community." added Vance. gdhigguently “statistics have
- ’ . ' — ll” DESIGNS in ‘reases as tolera c u ‘ I I .I I . T 2
. . I n . . LIMIT ONE PER PERSON ° ioR isniuouAis mhunts n e to the dr g Forced toImform . always been higher in this area
. I - ' .I‘- 7 “O I li Often the addiCt 15 placed. 1“ than the rest of Lexington,” said .
‘. 3 I NORYHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE-MILWAUKEE . t 1106 lI’OlIh f6: :6 houh if}? the situation of either informing Vance. ,I
, .-' U Ou - ' ' . . . .
bsrldng 09 3 )ft e “I: lit, 0T gomg t0 PUSOH- During Thornton antiCipates receivmg
_ . W0 ”1 5 over a peno 0 mon s, interrogation, after an arrest. he funds soon that will increase
- . . I ‘ . § BIRTH CONTROL 2 is given a chance ‘0 TCdUCF the police investigation of illegal
‘ . . ‘- ‘ 1, Health Service—233-5823 Planned Parenthood-255.4913 WALLACE’S Book Store gharg?sg ag?I:‘;:tInf‘I1mse“ by drugsm these areas.
a . : . 5? I . . o . ecomin am i c .
I . . 5 . (Free) County Health Clinics . . IS Now Reservmg . “We don’t reduce charges. We .
_ . ,' . h Charles Young 252-3212 Blue Grass 233-1281 . Textbooks make recommendations to the T a] d
'2 . 9 Charlotte Court 233-1276 Manchester 255-1047 . court to reduce charges. We 0 4)’ (III '
'- j I. -‘ 3 s % FOI‘ The Spring Term never make promises,” stressed
.I. . 'I. . 50% oooooo «>9 099 o oooooooooo Thornton. tomorrow ,-
-. ’. I, . Many times informers receive
.. ~. . ' financial rewards troni the HUGH 039311:st 1 tur
. . . .‘ e‘ e on .
. ' ’ POIICC- There are many “Communicatioiis and
.I.- ' ', ‘2 . . University students who work as IIEInvirosménIt.” 8:13 pm. tin
.I . . . . , , . . . . ~ -. ‘ . A ' ‘ , ;
‘. T. " '. ‘ ,I' . Fast DEI'ver Serv,ce informers. A large pt rccntage or Ili'xggvmes‘igg‘s‘hh "“5510" 3 .
. - . I’ , . = these are paid on a regular salary STEPHAN CORNER lecture on
i I . I ’ I. basis to lnlOI’lll.I said the addict. EFoundationSB of Mathilmaticszlhn
. . . . .x on c ." . . ' .
' . I .II I I . _ MUSt be prOteCted Stupdenctncgnter. p m m 00m -
'2 I‘ . Protection is part of the ZERO POPULATION GROWTH
. _ _ .I . .‘ meeting. 8 p.1n. in Room 118.
I ‘; ‘ I 7 ‘ 2 .2 I Classroom Building. Program
I“ . . . , concerns the “Current Status of
.* MIL .' . . . e u er I Adoption iii Kentucky."
. I‘ . E organi/ationai meeting. 773” om. in
. . ‘ 4. ON CAMPUS ;:L:::°IYI‘I’:' the Student Center.
_ ‘ “ 4- t'MVERsiTY CHORUS. 8:15
. I . . I rIr‘g ‘ .I-,I :: . a pm. in Memorial Hall.
.I I. .- ‘- f I , :1 gm" , 3. 5th _ : - v E N r: n 1:: .x L D l s E A s F
', -. ,- . _; 25.}. ~ information and I‘L"ltl‘rill. Call
. ’ 2 ' ‘ I . . idea ”’8‘“ y gag I. “Operation Venus“ at 255-8484
I ‘ 'I . .I' Szrd an: BM MCI: ",I‘ ,I 2 weekdays :1 om. to 9 p.m. and 9 n.m.
I . IZZa a n W'c op :QEIOI:vaDI Eggs: I W I'; to noon Saturdays. ~
" . - -. caribou Gaming; PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND
. . . - ~,: .‘ '. . ne‘ll SUDEWZE .t ‘7,» I ABORTION counseling. Women’s
. I. . . , . . ‘de. Better crew‘s » I Center. Call 252-9358f 7 . . t
.I ' ' - . '. 890 EaSt ngh (Chevy Chase) 269-237] rr-ak be???" n'fite's 9 p.m. Monday througIth’t’edIrIigsIda:
. . ; . Si.per5ized Lester . and 2 i).m. to 5 p.m. Sundays.
. . . I. I. '. . melee in p'ateefie hf Emergencies. call Patti or Laurie at
‘ ‘- ’ - ' - turned undamagid h
I. - 7 .- — — I...- - — I _ — FOR ANY INFORMATION call
_ . . I C O U P O N ' — _ — 'l 50 so Referral Service at 258-8531 10
. ' . x $ a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays.
I” " 'I 6| C Id PEPSI'S 'h $4 00 d I
.I . I; . .. t 1"2frx2fr $250
. '. . .. ' TOMORROW
.. _ . _ i ce 0 WI any . or er I in“... $6.50
' II Aric 5‘0 tgr wry-no 3. hr «; urn n.2,, honorary. mot-ts Wednesday, Room
. . . - . I. . Offer 900d TUESdO)’ thru SUHdOy ordeiea. j: t" I. TIFF. hi; (I: “, ,‘ 206. Student Center. Speaker on
- I .I f ' I‘ . poster sigma; 1r 5v I33; “5:3,: Tn" I~ hf “Lord Braverbrook and the Empire
- i .I ‘- . . I : - - — — _ — — — - — — — — - Sandcas“ mm W N'Q t. II I I V ‘I Free Trade Campaign 1929-1931."
_ ', . . , . '. ' _ 73 35 PARSONS BLVD. Fw-rvone invited.
.I . . .I , I. . '4 . Superlfcoslers nusnmc N. v, H365
.: .‘I I i .- . . .-_. a-.- ' COMING UP
. . ' . - i’ ° FORUM with Dee lluddloston.
‘II . ', ' . , 2' . The Perlellab Pa r b D ' Senate Minority Leader of Kentucky
, .' Y pe s y on Rosa and Ron welnberg Thursday. Dec. 9. Room 365.
' .‘ ‘ - .- .- D,” I . . . . . . ,. ,.- f ' Student Center. Sponsored by Young
. I. . . P03 I . . ~ _ , ~ : . . ,1 x. 9/2“; / ,FSL “CW/III; . 54/, L227 '2 .I. f1 If,” I" 3 Democrats
». I .I " . , u ‘ I ‘I f" f- 4 t I“: I 1-. ' I/(‘I‘IA l} GREEK; L HI L" I 4 I. rr' . 7, 2 r7
- .v .. . ».i . I ’ .fl/t ‘— 4L7VI/I I Q
.:- ' .. ~- . . ~ " ‘ ‘ "r , ' ~‘ W “L; 9;. ZAT a; 225* ' " ‘ R)
I. . . . , . I I. '_ A . ' '7 I, . ' r; My TIA" 5/ j) . , _ VORA/ 50V A75 Il/r ,VE HE P!“
III. _‘ I Y I f ,I ‘ ‘ '3 , 2" . "’27.”; ”- I I“ ,‘w: 7 (SC/4,7; 924/0 ,: r v///_ L W/ f/f )ét/ ALL ABORTION ’
. ’ i‘ ., ‘i .‘... l.’ ,3 . sg ._ . v» , ,/ » ./ , , _ , , ,
.‘ I I .I . . A. . r .I ., I. - .i . .» p -« _ r“ f4 s E .5051- NOT WORK“ PCP Tflfi W)“ /I If? 5‘ QUESTIONS .
i g -‘ “i . .. I 'I ‘I ' 2., ~ ‘, "f « i ,r 2. F. ~ FEE SPO/lrIS/B/IL/T/ F028... YOU 77" I
. I. .- . :1. . . . .. m. .— — . . , Arr/g Boy (3 For Information and
I - . . . . v: 333,1 2. [79 .‘ ll mun—317x. 774/ \ I~, I). 9’ . .23 )2: I‘ L 4/Vflfl/I .,.II I § Referral Assistance Call
.I WI ‘ . ' -. '. » I" is. {’é (é-Lfi. ~37 .: r'f; Il‘I - 13th '_ r " fl ‘ll’ ' "’21 >4 ' " ,3 E "l Abortion Information
2 '- ’ , « f- . t ‘. 2 f1. 1: - » % .r'v,;l;>*35><\ : 9-213 ~ .25.... A i ,~ ,2". . ~. ' ‘ ~ V Center. Inc.
. . ; . , g .r . . . /// I ,1,“ . peg-22¢: .s‘, , 7"” ’ ‘ l WM.“ 1:; 2;» 2 1' 4‘ oi I. O‘ a (201
. .. . I . v; r , In Signet" .~ , g . «a u. . m . ~ . m . \t ) 868-3745
‘ r . . " ‘2 'R' .\ > .n g ,r ' - tyfulfl ' . / , u ‘ I "I ‘7‘ l .25.“ .I' '1 ,4 \ b I .I
. , -, _ o - 9 .» it; ‘; .w. j, 1:? 9 “J 2: . \x-gt". 0 ° ~ r 53:53 . - r” 34;; ’ ‘ .; .- i.‘ - '1 n- / '9 i “8-3746
. A‘ . .N‘ \. ~. o M ‘! RI, ‘ z I I Ill ' I . I , I 'v 1 . f i ‘, . ~\.
, '_ I. (O . if his”. he"; m i. i; , .4 I i“ i e’lfiltz.’ i fhma 2n -‘ \y/t‘ II o 9:00 AM. to 7-00 PM.
' I . ' a N. 3': X' J I ‘ ‘I , ’ ,v ,I '1": 7“,. W’“: “I! . ' {IS'I‘i I .IiI II II.\ I \ I I I
. . . I . ‘. I“ f ,“I‘. EIII. . _ /,// \ 3‘ , IVES “a“ I, l f I: I,/ 3!”, 5-1)} 2’ ,m. ’ . échilll-5l'g: I“ . 'rl “\l Monday to Saturday
' Q o “ 1/- ]! V 4 . ‘ .. 3 it ‘ I ' 2’ . “a? 22.5% it 24; fiial‘fih‘w‘ ~ . e .
I I I I 8) 2 III III I ' ‘ I ‘ I ”h J) 'I ‘l/ « I \\K h In?) II‘ ”III: V \I ’ r‘ ‘u I//II I§l w}; in rI/ItII I)»;
. C L’ - Ir :3"; .~ r .5 .«I 6:. .II ‘1 ‘ s g /,'I I17: I I? , g, a”; '.‘ I I E'i‘r:irl.":.II-I ‘n . I i ————_—_—— .
, e .73 :3 F » 3;.4) e _ . s...» \ i. \ A. ~ \. c z// ‘2 g; 2 Wham» or w KERNEL CLASS'F'ED ADS
. N I I «A . N IVEI \ I.-' .~ \. .i‘I IQ _ '2‘. V '7. I2 I I II.I'II 4 Ic’II ,I If]! {II/2,4,”, I? . .;I;:In .I~I'I,~i'IiII .
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I}: /// I37 / _/1e) Transportation from and to airport and hotel we deluxe buses. ‘
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ve the Houses of Parliament, Westminister Abbey, and St. Paul's Cathedral, but .
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 Yet another ‘movement’ conference -
' s 0 lo 0 l o f. o _
. ‘W’Pe‘4'.; _
. descend s into po itica 1n 1ght1ng a
, I‘ {*
' . , . , , - . -‘ ~ c . . . . ‘ _ ~ Cont
It stems that the minorities in hodgepodge of often elitist groups members expelling and denouncing ,. -;4 ,1 . . {I I; - adeq
: I I I- and ( l‘weaiios attempted to disrupt In 1969 we saw the most compromise With the corporate 23kt; _ / I 't ‘iv’aI. agar! . and
.- ilhd tilkt‘ OVCT the stage at thlS formidable radical group in ehte, the lying politictans or the -* k, 5}... I . :1} ; I:I ’- sit“:
. .‘ . . I Weekend‘g Emergency Conference America, SDS, torn apart by bitter oppressors at home and abroad; but ,; '11-, :‘7’ “t“ A»? t e
, . . ~ . , - - . . . . - — . t ' :3; xx.»
I tor New Voters In Chicago. ideological battles. More recently, a Willingness to compromise With 5 IfII 1;; Ian mm. Di
When that failed. they walked we have seen the Black Panther those who are in basic agreement mmmgma m WM mm mm swwrs the
' - , t '. Ollt “t the COhtCNhCC- This tactic is Party meet the same fate. with with your goals. “"“ded‘Tm'mM'M’M'r defe
I ' .- ' not a new one. it has been war.
. j ' ‘ ' " employed in the past to force often :12:
4 " ridiculous demands on . the
7 I . T 5 ‘ ~10 -w'lli wh' ‘s wh i*sire sch
' ‘ J” O 1 ng . ltt . 0. L C . d. if?'Iii'ffiis?*‘3':2.;"Zsi;1§;iai53-2-35 535211.331;iii7.552E1:35:35?:3$353555E:3532:5333?3553525:55539535555533:E33533;3333153515325353325555‘33:??33535533355if???32135555251333:£3535.5.:53121:553233532221515335 by (10" pro" th
. . ' ~ '. to expunge their white skin guilt. ' f
. , . cro
. . - r - - , The action of the blacks and I h 0 -
—-- .. < . - m a dL A
' . , ' (hicanos forced the conference to port Sllrc argues an atln merlcan arms A
,2 ' I change from one primarily reIpe
-. _ . . I . I ~ . - - .. . . ~ - , ~ . .~ . t . me
I , . , interested m teaching students how EDITOR S NOTE. Ime time to time can see that they re ineVitable on such a Bratil. m case of sabotage. Other people Th
. I . , _ = t I t . t I t] t' )11 l I lI‘IV we Will be publishing excerpts from course. It also seems that such a thought must have known 01 1115 purpose, but not is
I t ‘ ‘ 4 c 'e - - a 9 ' ' ‘ ' ‘ i
. ~ . ' 0 ?t m k MI in K 1 . i - Lexmgton draft re5ister Don Pratt s shouldn t be something abnormal and the the American people til after the fact. boo
. ,v structure and iCit thC COHiK‘rCHW letters to his wife Cathy. Pratt is thought should be on all readers‘ minds. cro
, I .- . ‘ ' confused and in disarray. currently serving a sentence for draft but such 1 have no ability to know.
a . ' . 7 ' The action of the minorities resisting in 3 Federal penitentiary in Nixon has asked the raising of the limit IF
I , i ‘h " caused _\'et antither conference that M'Ch'g‘m-i on arms sales to Latin America from $75 vzt‘m‘alfifi “"ng :35
i ’ . . . . ~ ‘w. . x, t . ,t ' , ' ’ ‘ ' ' . ' ‘ u ' 333;} :_I
, I . I, promised to do something fall into . . . . Most rioticcable art changts in the million to .. $150 million. Justification Kernel Forum: g} Am
- - .r , - . . 7 . \ international scene besides the effects. being that European arms and equipment " rigs A‘t
. I, .- -, the usual bitter ideological . .I. . . .. . . .. II I h d . a; L
. I. . . . . i I o it II d btf i ti't t and predictions of future effects. of salesmen are stealing the market. That 555-: t e rea /ers “)1“th .
-. .- f . “t“gitmo- ‘5 0“ U 1“ mos import surcharges. The most optimistic indicates both the economic nature of ‘1‘" Nix
. f ’ . . , of the delegates. who came t0 outlook has been easing ofthe balance of U.S. international politics (not policy) \ i , V. I l bla-
.‘ ' ~ " I I Chicago to learn about how to payments deficit. with the most and the participation of Europe in world ~‘ "m H r 1rd“ 1‘ tnam ‘(
‘f change the political system from POISSimiSUC being economic retribution counter-revolution. . I‘m writing this letter in reply to the .‘
_ , within. actually learned much. With an eventual world recess10n or . The primaryIconcern was competition editorial entitled Special Interest . in
' What the delegates did team was depressmn. The only benefactor of any in the field ofairplanes. The future of the that article somethin was written about
-' . _ . ' l . i 1‘ II ‘ ‘ .., l ‘ surcharge on imports is American terrain in those countries suddenly looks the vet leaving the Army 15 pounds
1 . .- V " tut many in t k tnoumcnt ttat 1ndU5tW~ plus 3 WW more jObS for 3 few bleak. The refugee problem with those heavier for the experience. 5'
V " ’ ‘ claim they are gomg to change "1019 WOYRCTS- countries will be the same as Nam; more 0 l f . l t l t . t d f 21:65
i . , . . . , X’ltl)€ 0 W01 i os ins ea 0 e
'-, - ,i s » America are not above some of the Noming another methOd 0i easmg the aid to show our concern for those in . ne 6 ‘1 I g . . . . t
- ‘ - ; . . . balance of a ments in Sunda ’s gained was my brother. While in Vietnam 0
~. .. .2 . most disgusting tactics that P y y_ need- he lost from no to 150 pounds Dea
. - America employs to get its way in Herald-Leader. I almost puked. “Latin The presidential counselor making the "h . ' co
._ v -. -.I' - 1.5 th‘ world ' ‘ American countries want Vietnam war tour was none other than former HEW 1. was sent to Vietnam and UPON my
I' __ ‘ - ' k I ' I surplus" was the headline . . .1 can’t see head Robert Finch. Even then terrorist‘s amvai found It to be (lune unpleasant. T
I _ .II II . We have seen in TCCCht years the myself speculating on our Latin American rumors duped the security to the extent Within 3 few months i had seen several chi'l
> _ I- ' once united “movement" become a wars with any degree of accuracy but I candles were given to the Finch party. in friends leave via (KIA) Killed in ACtiOh. Con
" ' 7 j 7, ‘1 also been wounded myself and had of
TI I‘I » .' I suffered from pneumonia and narrowly con
. ': , ' .‘ [I K missed a hepatitis outbreak that swept was
- ~ . 5 ‘3 .. _ )NIVERSITY or ENTUCKY our company After all this I lost 35 Wh'
_ x I . i , I w (I I I - i
t, .’ " '- Th H: Pounds- sev.
.I H I Mike Wines, Editor-in-Chi’ef and are lucky CHOUgh not to see any a?)
.I‘I‘ 7 II -I. I C. I~ . en U‘ {:IneIfrownt Managing Editor Jerry Lewis, Assoc