xt7c599z3544 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z3544/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. National Archives (U.S.) 1940 3v.; 26 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/no.5 books  English San Francisco, The Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Agriculture -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, Department of the Agriculture, no. 5, v.3, California, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, Department of the Agriculture, no. 5, v.3, California, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7c599z3544 section xt7c599z3544 .E
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5 ' The Survey of Federal Archives

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1 San Francisco, California

The Survey of Federal Archives



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. The Survey of Federal Archives
1 Philip M. Hamer, National Director
”’ Cyril E. Paquin, Director, Northern California
- ~ Edgar L. McRae, Director, Southern California
, '
jg??? Division of Professional and Service Projects
(Egg? Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
thflQ§ June Owens, Regional Supervisor
fyfifih Hope L. Cahill, Director, Northern California
“11?? Elizabeth Connolly, Director, Southern California
._ii€% ’
ifiiffg F. C. Harrington,.Commissioner
“afikf H. E. Smith, Regional Director
Iggfgf WillianiR. Lawson, Administrator, Northern California
genff Herbert C. Legg,.Administrator, Southern California

 . iii
San Francisco, Radio Service, Western Radio Program
Director...............................,............ 531
Bard, Division of Western Irrigation Agriculture
Yuma Field Station...................,......... .... 535
Biggs, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases
Field Headquarters............. .................... 535
Chico, Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction,
Experimenters Field Headquarters.................... 537
Davis, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases Field
Headquarters........................................ 539
Davis, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Noxious
Weed Research Field Headquarters......,...,......... 540
Davis, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Sacramento Horticultural Field Station
Field Headquarters.......,.......................... 540
Davis, Division of Soil Fertility Investigations, Sugar
Beet Soil Studies Field Laboratory.................. 541
Davis, Division of Sugar Plant Investigations, Sugar
Beet Investigations Field Headquarters.............. 542
La Fresno, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Diseases,
Deciduous Fruit Investigations Field Headquarters... 542
. Fresno, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Grape Investigations Field Headquarters... 545
Fresno, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Investigations of Methods of Handling,
Transportation and Storage, and fiarket Diseases of
Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Field Headquarters... 547
Indio_ Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Citrus, Avocado, and Other Subtropical
Fruit Investigations Field Feadquarters............. 549
Indio, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases Field Headquarters......................... 550
Pomona, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Investigations of Methods of Handling,
Transportation and Storage and Rarket Diseases of
Fruits, Vevetables and Flowers Field Headquarters... 551
Riverside, Division of Cotton and Other Fiber Crops
,fornia and Diseases Field Headquarters..................... 553
)rnia Riverside, Division of Fruit and Végetable Crops and
Diseases, Citrus, Avocado, and Other Subtropical
Fruit Investigations Field Headquarters............. 554

Riverside, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Tonmto Disease Field Headquarters...... ... 555
jRiverside, Division of Sugar Plant Investigations, Sugar
Beet Investigations Field Headquarters............... 556
Riverside, Division of Hestern Irrigation Agriculture
Field Headquarters................................... 558
Sacramento, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Deciduous Fruit Investigations Field
Readquarters....................................... . 561
Sacramento, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and
Diseases, Nut Investigations Field Headquarters...... 563
San Francisco, Division of Forest Pathology Field
Headquarters... ................ .................... 564
Shafter, Division of Cotton and Other Fiber Crops and
Diseases_ Field Station.............................. 565
‘ Oakland, Western Field Organization Supply Department..... 569
L San Francisco, Western Field Organization, Regional
headquarters................... ..................... 574
San Francisco, Western Field Organization, District 2
Headquarters......................................... 582
Yosemite, National Parks Section Field Headquarters....... 590
Auburn, Rural Rehabilitation District Cffice.............. 593
Berkeley, Rural Rehabilitation State Headquarters......... 594
Berkeley, Region IX, Regional Office...................... 596
El Centro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor......... 606
Fresno, Rural Rehabilitation District Office.............. 60?
Glendale, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 608
Los Angeles, Rural Rehabilitation District Office......... 614
Marysville, Rural Rehabilitation District Office.......... 614
Screed, Rural Rehabilitation District 0ffice.............. 615
Modesto, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............. 618
Oroville, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 620
Red Bluff, Rural Rehabilitation District Office........... 621
Riverside, Rural Rehabilitation District Office...,....... 622
Salinas, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............. 623
San Bernardino, Rural Rehabilitation District Office...... 623
San Diego, Rural Rehabilitation District Cffice........... 625
San Jose, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 625
Santa Ana, Rural Rehabilitation District Office........... 628
Santa Rosa, Rural Rehabilitation District Cffice.......... 629
Stockton, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 630
Susanville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor. ...... 633

 . v
Ukiah, Rural Rehabilitation District Office.......,...... 634
Venture, Rural Rehabilitation County Cffice.............. 636
Visalia, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 637
Hillows, Rural Rehabilitation District Office............ 639
Foreword..................................u.............. 641
Berkeley, Regional Headquarters.................u.;...... 643
Napa, English Hills Project Lanager.......u.............. 665
Placerville, Regional Conservator“........v......c.4...u. 666
Santa Ana, Aliso Creek Project nanager..,................ 668
flatsonville, Corralitos Creek Project hanager............ 670
Whittier, La Habra Project hanager...,................... 677 .
Eureka, Weather Station............ . .....q..,....,.,... 691
Fresno, weather Station......u..................c...a...fl 694
Los Angeles, Weather Station..:.......v....u........,.... 696
Pomona, Fruit Frost Warning Service District Headquarters 699
Bedding, Commercial Airway Service Station....u......a..g 701
Sacramento, Weather Station.............J................ 704
San Diego, Weather Station..............u..,............. 706
San Francisco, Division of Climate and Crop Weather,
Climatological Station Headquarters....u...........; 709
San Francisco, Forecast Division, Forecast District
Headquarters....c.....u............................. 711
San Pedro, Larine Division Station....................a.. 716

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Federal Office Bldg., Leavenworth and Fulton Sts.

This office, established in December 1930, was located in the
Appraisers Building, Sansome and Washington Streets, until May '
1936, when it was moved to the present location. It prepares
and distributes to various broadcasting stations, educational
and informative radio progrmns dealing with agriculture and home
economics. Pertinent questions by the interested public «are
answered by radio, and information is given regarding new dis—
coveries by the experimental units of the department with sug~
gestions offered for practical usage. It has jurisdiction over
Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, and Arizona. Reports
and copies of all prepared radio programs are sent to washington,

. and useless papers are destroyed.

2831. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE — FIELD, 1930 to date. Form 17A,
showing station, date, name of applicant, requests for annual,
sick or without pay leave, dates started and ended, address while
absent, recommendation and approval of officer in charge, and
date returned to duty. Filed chronologically. (Occasionally,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1/6 in., in steel filing case. R.

115 - (17471)

2832. CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 to date. Correspondence pertain—
ing to Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Farm Credit Ad~
ministration,‘ Department of Agriculture, Office of Information,
and other Government agencies in Arizona, California, Idaho,
Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Nyoming; letters
from.radio program listeners containing compliments, suggestions,
and requests for pamphlets. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose~
leaf books and folders, 9 ft. 6 in., in 4 drawers of steel fil—
ing case. R. 115. (17470, 17472)

2833. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1930 ~ 1932. Letters
to and from the Chief of Radio Service, various organizations,
colleges, agricultural experiment stations, and Department of
Agriculture, regarding radio broadcasts, audience data, continui—
tics, finances, reports, agricultural economics, animal industry,
biological survey, chemistry and soils, doirying, and entomology. ‘

 Office of Information, San Francisco 532
(Rarely, official.) 12 x 14 loose sheets, 2 ft. 6 in., in letter
files on wooden shelf. R. 35, basement. (14204)

PERSONAL, 1930 to date. Standard Form 1034A, showing disbursing
office voucher number, date, place, department appropriation,
payee's name and address, account, requisition, and contract
numbers, date, activity, expenditure symbol, number and date of
order, date of delivery of service, and articles of service.
Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 X 12 folders,
1/6 in., in steel filing case. R. 115. (17469)

EXPENSES, INCLUDING PER DIEM, 1930 to date. Standard Form 1012,
showing name of department appropriation, and name and address
of payee, official headquarters, domicile, residence, period and '
amount, covered by travel expense, authority number, date, and
an itemized schedule of travel and other expenses. Filed chrono~
logically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, % in., in 2
drawers of steel filing case. R. 115. (17474)

to date. AD Form 14, showing date requested, bureau or office,
0.3. number, to whom delivered, appropriation charged, project
and stock numbers, hOW'ShippOd, description of article, quantity,
unit, unit price, amount, filed by whom, packed and delivered
by whom, how shipped, Government bill of lading number, carted
by whom, and certificate of receipt of articles with signature
and date. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12
folders, A in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 115.

22 EA (Bureau Accounting Service), showing date, state, L.A.
number, E.A. name, designation and grade of employee, distribu—
tion of service, county, commodity, period of service, number of
days worked, rate of pay, date of certificate of correctness,

remarks, and director‘s approval. Filed chronologically.
(Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1/8 in., in steel
filing case. R. 115. (17473)

2838. EAILING LIST, 1931 to date. Showing name and address
of organization or individual and number of reports or manuscripts
to be furnished. Filed alphabetically and by states. (Daily,
official.) 2 x 4 cards, 2 ft. 4 in., in wooden card cabinet.

R. 113. (14206)

2839. IANUSCRIPTS, 1931 ~ 1934. Copies of manuscripts of
radio broadcasts, showing date, persons preparing and presenting
article, station and network broadcasting, and date broadcast
given. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, covers, and binders, ‘

 Office of Information, San Francisco 533
25 ft. 2 in., in steel filing case and on desk. Rs. 113 and 25,
basement. (14203, 14205, 14207)

OF AGRICULTURE, 1931 to date. Showing date, person preparing and
presenting article, station and network broadcasting, and date
broadcast given. Segregated under Agricultural Adjustment Adh'
ministration, Farm Credit Administration, Department of Agricul—
ture, various states, and miscellaneous. (Daily, official.) 9 x
12 bundles, 11 ft. 6 in., in 6 drawers of filing cases. R. 115.

2841. RADIO PROGRAMS, 1931 ~ 1936. hanuscripts, continuities,
and synopses of Western Farm Hour radio program, showing name of
person preparing and producing article, network and station, time
of broadcast, and name of speaker. (Frequently, official.) 8% x ~
10% loose~1eaf books, 6 ft. 8 in., on steel shelves. R. 115.

2842. SUBJECT MATTER FOR RADIO PROGRms, 1934 to date.
Showing date and statistics. Filed alphabetically, by name of
subject. (Frequently, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 3 ft. 8 in.,
in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 115. (17466)

. 2843. STENCILS, 1936 to date. Relating to radio broede
casts given on the Western Farm and Home Hour, showing date,
topic, station, network, and names of persons preparing and pre-
senting. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in
wooden filing case. R. 113. (15148)

Reports of Western Farm and Home Hour broadcasts, showing date
of broadcast, title of talk, by whom prepared and delivered, and
minutes on the air; audience data, continuities, finance, invone
tory, press releases, program.synopses, records, general regu—
lations, National Broadcasting Company, stations KTI and KTA
band, and field and trip reports. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 ‘
folders, 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 115. (17476)

2845- RADIO RELEASES, 1938 to date. Manuscripts of broad-
casts supplied by the.Secretery of Agriculture for reference.

Filed alphabetically, by name of subject. (Frequently, official.)
9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 7 in., in steel filing case. R. 115.

2846. REFERENCE FILE - CURRENT PROGRAM, 1938 to date. Re—
serve meterial, advance manuscripts, biographies of speakers, prog—
ress, program unit activities, Agricultural Adjustment Administra—
tion, crops, and Federal and state reports. Filed alphabetically
by name of subject. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 4
in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 115. (17465)

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Office Bldg., RFD 2, Yuma, Arizona

This station was opened about 1908 to aid and advise agricul—
turists as to the best methods to follow in farming their lands
in the newly irrigated lands known as the Imperial Valley. A
continuous survey is maintained covering weather, soils, water,
and crops and the agency is frequently consulted regarding irri—
gation and its possibilities in other arid sections. These actm
ivities have resulted in remunerative vine—crops such as melons,
as well as citrus and sub—tropical fruits. Its jurisdiction is
presumed to be along the All—American Canal Route and its trib~
utaries. All reports are sent to washington.

NOTE: Discontinuance of Bard, California as a post office ac—
counts for the above address.

2847. GENERAL FILE, 1908 to date. Correspondence, weather data,
classified crop and soil reports, records of purchases of machine
parts and repair costs, leave of absence slips, photographs of plant
culture, crop reports, appointments, and current survey data. Filed
alphabetically and numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 4 x 6
and 10 x 12 vols. and folders, 64 ft., in 20 drawers of wooden filing
cases, in 12 drawers of steel filing cases, in 10 drawers of card
cabinets, and in office safe. Damaged by rodents. R. 5. (A)

Experiment Station, 4% miles NW. of Biggs

This office was established on June 29, 1912 to prove by exr
perimentation that the northern Sacramento Valley was adaptable
to the profitable growing of rice. Through laboratory investiga~
tions and field experiments this has been proven. While juris~
diction appears to be local, this agency supplies information re—
lating to rice culture throughout the United States. Annual re~
ports are sent to washington. V

 Bureau of Plant Industry, Riggs 536

1929; 1931 to date. Record of activities and agronomic notes re—
garding condition of rice and its diseases; also results and ch
penses of field trips. (Older records, rarely; current records,
daily, official.) 4 x 8% vols. (58), 3 ft. 9 in., in steel filing
case. Main Office. (6)

2849. FIELD NOTEBOOKS, 1909 — 1929; 1931 to date. Daily notes
by members of staff, relating to experiments and observations on
rice and other grains in the field and on daily trips and inspec—
tions. (Older records, rarely; current records, daily, official.)
4 x 7 vols., 2 ft., in steel filing case. Main Office. (9)

2850. ANNUAL REPORTS, 1911 ~ 1935. Original reports of rice
investigations from agronomic notes on various tests and experi—
ments as conducted by this station. (Older records, rarely;
current records, daily, official.) 9 x 11 covers, l.ft., on wooden
shelf. Main Office. (5) ‘

2851. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1912 to date. To and from
Washington relating to general activities and to and from indi~
viduals regarding rice diseases. Filed alphabetically, by name.
(Older records, rarely; current records, monthly, official.) 8%

x 11 folders, bundles, and letter files (6), 3 ft. 9 in., on
shelves. Main Office. (10)

2852. WEATHER DATA, 1913 to date. Form D Phys. Lab. SP1, Daily
Maximum and Minimum Temperature Report; Form EB 10 Phys. Invest.
BPI, Humidity Determination; Form A Biophys. Invest. EPI, Daily
Evaporation from Tank and_Erocipitation; Form H, Biophys. Invest.
BPI, Wind Velocity — Daily. (Annually, official.) 3% x 11% en—
velopes, 1 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. Main Office. (8)

2853. IEEERANDUH VOUCHERS, 1916 to date. Form 1012;, ublic
Voucher; Form 1034A, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services
Other Than Personal Memorandum; also all relative bills attached
to voucher. (Abnthly, official.) 8% x 11% envelopes, 1 ft. 5 in.,
in steel filing case. Main Office. (7)

 Bureau of Plant Industry, Chico 537
U. 8. Plant Introduction Gardens,
4 Kiles SE. of Chico

This office was established in 1904 for the purpose of experi—
menting with foreign seeds and plants to determine their adapt—
ability to American climate and soil and their usefulness. In
cooperation with the agricultural departments of colleges and
universities, studies are conducted on exotic plants in test beds
and in the field. It has jurisdiction over Butte County. Im—
portant records are sent to Tashington and useless papers are
destroyed upon receipt of permission from.headduarters.

2854. BULLETINS, 1900 to date. Bulletins from Government,
state, and other agencies, relating to cultivation of fruits,
vegetables, and ornamental plants. (Occasionally, official.)
6 X 8 vol., 8% x 10 pamphlets, and 9 x l2 folders, 25 ft. 8 in.,
on 7 wooden shelves and in wooden filing cases. (106, 107, 110)

2855. SOIL SURVEY LAPS, 1900 ~ 1904. Charts and maps of ex~
perimental plots in various locations. (Rarely, official.) 8 x
10 vols., 2 ft. 10 in., on shelf. (124)

Propagation, care, and advancement in old and new varieties of
plants and flowers, and general activities of allied operations.
(chkly, official.) 6 x 9 folders, 25 ft., on sheIVes. (113)

2857- INFOHLATION or PLAHT IVTfiODLJTIOE, 1904 to date. Tests V
of prondsing seeds and plants from.foreign countries, investiga—
tions of the methods of cultivation, and allied operations. -
(Daily, official.) 3 x.5 cards, 30 ft. 6 in., in 27 drawers of
wooden card cabinets. (114)

2858. INVENTORY CARDS, 1904 to date. Record of 115,000 new
plant introductions into the United States, giving date of intro— .
duction and variety. (Laily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 31 ft. 6 in.,
in 27 drawers of wooden card cabinets. (104)

2859. LEEORANDUMS — ACTIVE AND INAJTIVE, 1904 to date. Regula—
tions and instructions from Department of Agriculture and decisions
of Comptroller General. (Older records, monthly; current records, ‘
daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft. 4 in., in filing cases.
(116, 117)

 Bureau of Plant Industry, Chico 538
2860. PLANT DATA — INACTIVE, 1904 — 1934. Notes of experiments
made on various plants at this station. (Monthly, official.) 3 X
5 cards, 17 ft. 2 in., in 14 drawers of wooden card cabinets.
2861. PROPAGATION DATA, 1904 — 1934. Complete data on propa—
gation of various plants and seeds. (monthly, official.) 9 X 12
folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in filing case. (120)
2862. INVEETGRY - IEACTIVE, 1905 — 1910. Inventory of seeds,
plants, vegetables, and fruits relating to functions of micro—
organisms in soil fertility and crop production. (Monthly, offi~
cial.) 4 x 6 cards, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of filing case. (105)
2863. VCUCHIIS — IHLCTIVE, 1910 ~ 1934. Form 1034A, Public
Vouchers for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal. (Rarely, .
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 5 in., in wooden filing case.
(127) .
2864- FEDERAL SPTCIFIGATIONS, 1915 to date. Standard catalogue
of Government specifications for material, equipment, and supplies.
(Lonthly, official.) 5% x 8 binders, 1 ft. 9 in., in filing case.
2865- CWA CORRESPONDENCE — INACTIVE, 1925 — 1930. Correspond—
ence with CW4 and Elm.coordinators. (Never.) 8% x 11 loose
sheets, 1 ft. 10 in., in filing case. (111)
2866. FEDERAL STOCK CATALOGUE, 1925 to date. Information on
equipment, supplies, and material on hand. (Rarely, official.)
10 x 12 loose-leaf book, 9 in., on shelf in wooden wall case.
(126) ‘
2867. FIELD REPORTS — INACTIVE, 1929 — 1933. Record of experi—
ments and observations carried on in field regarding condition of ‘ »
plants. (Rarely, official.) 9 X 12 loose sheets, 5 in., in fil—
ing case. (121)
2868. CLIPPIZJG rim or “ HCBTICULTURiL ViflIEfIES, 1930 to
date. Relating to the propagation of new varieties of plants and
flowers, describing necessary care to attain best results. (Daily,
official.) Variously sized loose sheets, 3 ft. 9 in., in 4 draw—
ers of steel filing case. (112)
2869. GENERAL CORRESPCEDEECE, 1930 to date. Letters and tale»
grams to and from Washington headquarters, relating to general
activities and personnel, and with individuals regarding plants,
soil, irrigation, and fertilization. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12
folders, 3 ft. 10 in., in filing cases. (108, 109)

 Bureau of Plant Industry, Davis 539

2870. IICFORE-LATIOI‘? 0:: FRUIT VARIETIES, 1935 to date. Pertain-
ing to improvements in crop quality and yield of orchard by the
application of correct methods and the elimination of diseased
conditions. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, A in., in
filing case. (115)

2871. FEDERAL SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES, July 1935 to date. Record
of material purchased or to be purchased including equipment cat—
alogues. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose sheets, 1 it. 7 in.,
in wooden filing case. (123)

2872. REPORTS, July 1, 1935 to date. Appointment records,
vouchers, inventories, and fiscal matters. (Daily, official.)
9 x.12 folders, 2 ft., in filing case. (122)

2873. EKPERIMZNTAL PROJECTS, n. d. Fruit and nut experiments,
showing results obtained under specified conditions. (Daily,
official.) 9 x 12 folders, 11 in., in filing case. (119)

AgmmmyBkm” mflkgeoanimdhme

This office was established in 1922 and has undergone no re—
organization. Its chief function is to improve the crop quality
and yield of cereal plants. In order to control and eradicate
ndldew, rust, smut, and other blights injurious to cereal growth, 1
field investigations are conducted during crop seasons and rec—
ommendations made. The Hessian fly and other disease-spreading
insects are studied and their effects analyzed under different
weather conditions. Field work~sheets are condensed into an annual
report which is sent to Uashington.

2874. AENUAL REPORT, 1922 — 1935. Details on field reports
which are condensed, put into annual reports, and sent to Davis, ‘
Berkeley, and Washington. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 vols.,
2 ft., in filing case. (29)

2875. FIELD REPORTS, 1922 ~ 1935. Agronomic notes, regarding
blight of plants, dates headed and ripe, disease insects, reactions,
and yields. (Daily, official.) 4 X 9 vols., 1 ft. 6 in., in fil—
ing case. (28) l

2876. CORRESPONDEECE, 1929 to date. Professional and technical
reports and letters, relating to administrative details, cereal
crops of farms, transmittal of records to Washington, farm advis- 1

 Bureau of Plant Industry, Davis 540
cry material, and opinions on agricultural diseases. (Daily,
official.) 9 X 12 folders, 5 ft., in 2 drawers of filing case.
(303 31)

2877- ROUGH RECORDS OF ANNUAL REPORTS, 1929 - 1935- Funda—
mental and weather data, list of publications, experimental data
on barley, wheat and oats, Hessian fly summary, and foundation
seed distribution. (Rarely, official.) 9 x l2 envelopes, 1 ft.,
in filing case. (27)
Agronomy Bldg., College of Agriculture
This office was established on January 1, 1936. It functions
as an additional safeguard to the public health in the attenpt to
free field crops from noxious weeds, especially those with an
arsenic content. Laboratory and field tests are conducted to de—
termine the most effective eradicant. Experiments have centered
largely around the Gutzcrt nethod of discovering the presence of
arsenic. It is noted that some correspondence antedates that of
establishment as shown on report 59.
2878. CORRRSPODDEWCE, Oct. 1935 to date. Pertaining to ex-
penditures, routine, and chemical supplies. (Rarely, official.)
9 x l2 loose sheets, 3 in., in wooden filing case. (59)
2879. EXPERIMENTAL BOOK, Ray 4, 1936 to date. Tests of the
Gutzert method for determining arsenic. (Freoucntly, official.)
/1 , i - — A
cg x.8; vol., 1 in., in desk. (58)