xt7c599z347b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z347b/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/4 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 1, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 1, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt7c599z347b section xt7c599z347b -2- ~ : 1’.

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Vol.1, No.4 Federal Works Agency, U. S. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator September 1, 1939
P 1' “late Ca‘lfltél Sought ” USHA Creates Seven Regional Offices:

to House M'ddle Group To Facilitate Service and Reduce Costs
A plan to induce private capital to
- To mak HA fa iliti '
enter the “no-man’s land” of res1den- to local hoeuEiiSi ‘ nth: “mes avacfiagle
tial construction and to build homes SLUMS COST YOU MONEY! On 12 mt t OS .blg a 1 e: 2’.“ g“
for families with annual incomes av— square blocks of South Phila— I“: es p d :1 56931103137 0 (1 111153131
. . . . n ' 1 e _
eraging between $1,200 and $2,000, is delphia slums, according to M. W. . 0 e? la n 1 0 21C 1 a :hun em :1}
being studied by the newly created Mountjoy, writing in the Philadel— Htlgffo fiha ‘17); O himst’ effioperici £11115;
Division of Industrial Economics, De— phia Record of August 23, the city if. t 3 St E 1:8 ing 0:: 011109.: 1 e
partment of Commerce. levies property taxes of approxi- bem eorgjnfs d 0:111:ng u 0113320111151
. . . . . a : en ze 0 seven "
Public housmg built With the aid mately $67,000 a yeai. But 111 a offices each a working counterpfirt of
. . . . ' a r a c .
of the USHA is intended for families Single yeai, 1301109, fil e, and health the p arent org anizatign
with annual incomes averaging be— SGTVlCGS given to those 12 square A R . lD' t h d 1 1,
low $1,200, the group for which pri- bIOCkS COSt the Clty $336,000 The th egiona 11:0 OlU e: 51f?“ 0
- 1 . ‘ 1
vate builders agree that they cannot net 1083, made up by other taxpay- tSffsevil 11?: uni S 1 ndeit 11111 is 21
. afford to provide homes. Practically ers, W38 $269,000 It might be Sd . 0 13101:??? a 3.11“ 6‘; 1:1 ma
all present private construction is for 130111th Ollt that unless 100 percent it “881:; mi: 1 e. ghassw ocaf 103s—
‘ families earning over $1,750 annu— of the taxes 1ev1ed were collected mg au (trlflii 1_n e SHCCBSSEU 9;
ally, thus leaving untouched the hous— (a very unlikely DOSSIbllltY) the \er opmtetn 0 f eirlpiogrami. X0511:
ing needs of the $1,200 to $1,750 in— total loss to the City was cons1der- or .ma 1911:} 0 major $111991" :lntce, . e
: come group. ably more than $269,000 regiona 0 C68 5119.311 O'llze 0 p10-
h h D' _ , f I d Vide local authorities With final de-
t Vi; agmeans t e 1151;110:112 11 “IS" cisions and complete service in the
113' conomics W1 n 0 ma {e USH A A-d S h b T C- - formulation and processing of their
adequate building for the middle— 1 011g 1: y en ttles projects
‘ . . a J. . . . -
income third of the Nation profitable Smce Congress Adjourned At present, all regional offices ex-
to private industry cannot as yet be . . _
. . . . . . cept one are set up in Washington.
guessed. Certain it is, however, that Recognition of the need for public .

. . . . . . . Because of the urgent need fOi con-
the new building techniques, Simplifi- housmg has SO stimulated demand stant local contact and because of the
cation and rationalization of des1gn, that regardless of the lack of funds . t d' t f W h' t n th

(1 th . b h' h t . .. . giea is ance rom as ingo , e
an 0 61 means y W 10 cons ruc— available now for additional prOJects, office for Region VII has been estab—
tion costs have been reduced under USHA continues to receive applica- lished in San Francisco
the USHA program will be available tions from communities determined The relativel small reSidual central
as an aid to the Division and to pri- to clear their slums and build decent . y

t - 1 t“ . . . office staff is made up largely of spe-
va 6 inc us 1y. rental dwellings for low—income fami— . . . .

. . : - . a . . . eialists engaged in research aimed at

Robert L_ DaVISOD, 110115ng 136- lies. Applications f0}. 19 pIOJeCtS In d . t t. 11 nd )eratin ‘
earch technician loaned b the John 10 cities have been received since re uc1ng cons ruc 10 a .01 g
l) P' . F d t' . J y H h Con ress adjourned costs,evolv1ng more economical meth—
f ' iercIe) our: 3 1331’ amgs ug es}; g , , h 'd ods of financing, simplifying planning
ormei et101 ui e1 an leseaic Indicatingt ew1 espiead demand and designing, investigating social
planner for NRA; and Robinson for public housmg, applications have and economic results of the pro-

. Newcomb, housing economist and come from Chicago in the North; gram and disseminating pertinent

. . . . . . . ) O
originator of the ieal property sur- BilOXi, Miss, in the South, Elizabeth, information to the public, as well as
vey, have been appomted to conduct N. J., in the East; and Phoenix, Arm, to local housing authorities

. c. .
the Commerce study. in the West. (Continued on p. 2)

 . . . .
Work at USHA Depleted "1111018 Takes Lead Congress of Architects
by Anlmated Diorama In H - A to .t to Discuss Government
at N. Y. World’s Fair ousmg C In y in Public Housmg
Housing plays a prominent part in 1 with. 1611816119813?“thth 0f 6 'new Architects from all over the world, . ‘
the World of Tomorrow, as depicted lousmg an. 0.11 leg smce the-middle meeting in Washington September
at the New York World’s Fair. In a of July, Illin01s has brought its total 24:30, for their fifteenth interna-
pamphlet recently published by the to 12 and now has 12 more either in tional Congress, will discuss the
National Committee on Housing Edu- process 0f formation 01” in contempla- “Consequence of the participatiOH by
cation, calledA Guide to Housing Ex- tion. The new authorities are 00m- Government, whether Federal or
.. hipbz‘ sangxtwtllfgnmmgirg re- pleting their organization, making local, and/or by private enterprise,
75' ‘fiii‘ge’d‘to list ‘briefly the American surveys, and preparing applications in the preparation of plans and the
‘n‘d foiibign housing exhibits. to the USHA in the conviction that carrying 0U-t 0f building operations.”
The Federal Building contains an funds will eventually be available to Discussions will be in five lan-
animated diorama which contrasts a meet their pressing needs for low- guages—English, French, German,
slum neighborhood with a new public rent housing, Twenty_five million Italian, and Spanish—subjects to be
hOUSiI}g project and describes the dollars in loans have been requested discussed in fiddlilon to that men-
finanClal and technical aid given by in the past month by 11 Illinois tloned above W111 11101110163 (1) Plan—
the USHA. . . ‘ authorities. nlng ancizdevilfpmerittof rukratl dls—
The Guide lists the housin — - - - . tric 3: e 1'93- 1011 e ween
hibits in 5 categories: (1) Gileizl Th: hogging ”(film 1? 111111015 population density and built-up area;
Educational Exhibits; (2) American was me 9 mar ”i“? or many (3) contemporary architecture com-
Federal and Local Government Ex— months pending a de01s1on by the pared to the architecture Of the
hibits; (3) Private House Building State Sumem? Court on the legahty past; (4) should public authority be
and Building Materials Exhibits; 0f public housmg. When a favorable 01013th With power '50 reject plans as
(4) Fundamental Household Equip- decision was handed down in January artistically unsatifsactory r a t h eir
ment, Appliances, and Furnishings; 1939, friends of housing took the lead than, as at present, for purely techni-
(5) Foreign Housing Exhibits. in stimulating State—wide interest. cal reasons only.
. LastJuly the Peoria authority invited The American Institute of Archi— . '
C. I. 0_A. F of L Picnic Nathan Straus, Administrator of the tects will hold its seventy-first con-
t A d w P . t USHA, to address a State-wide con- vention in conjunctlon With the Inter-
0 I arren I'OJec ference in Peoria. national Congress.
Illustrating the unanimity with
which labor supports public housing, USHA Creates Seven Regional Offices
the C. I. O. and A. F. of L. in Warren, (Continued from p_ 1)
Ohio, together sponsored a Labor . . _ . .
Day picnic to mobilize members of Th? rfgloils’ Wlth.the States and Rem,IEgg:ligrgtuibgfiiiifirst:
both unions behind the Warren Met- Territories included in each, and the nessee.
ropolitan Housing Authority’s pro- Regional and Ass1stant Regional Dl— John PLBfioomekRggimfl pil-eitg, . 1
posed low-rent housing project. It is rectors are as fOHOWS: mafia; say’ etmg SSIS an eglona
estimated that 20,000 attended the Region I—Connecticut, Maine, Massachu- Region V—Colora do, Illinois, Indiana,
picnic. :eftshVermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota,
. S an . ' 1'
Labor Day was picked for the dem- Sumner K- Wiley, Regional Director. b13501: lbhlig?lét:1itzii D§§2:2,51Wisc§:sliil}:
0n5trat10n because 0f the DUth hear‘ Harold Robinson, Acting Assistant Re- Wyoming.
ing which is to be held in Warren gional Director. William K. Divers, Regional Director.
early in September, on a resolution Region II—New Jersey, New York, Penn— Ruggggnaijbiiiggid’ Acting Asmstant -.;
to rezone the Carrie Beck property, sylvania. . . Region VI— Arkansas, Louisiana, Missis_ E
the Slte 0f the prOPOSQd pI‘OJeCt, to John T' Egan, Regional Director. sippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
permit construction of m u 1 t i p 1 e F- Barret Quirk, Acting Assistant Re- Marshall W. Amis, Regional Director.
dwellings. gional Director. James T. Haile, Acting Assistant Regional
Members of the Citizens’ Housing Region III—Delaware, District of Colum— R Dlreci‘f’; Ar_zona Calif” ia Ha _.
Committee distributed a written giggitlincrgé $333? Puerto Rice, 953220, Neva dal, Oregon, Uta? Wasljiigi . .
Statement. among the unlon plcka_ Oliver 0- Winston, Regional Director. W itfitlers Haydock, Regional Director.
ers, explalnlng the benefits to be de— B. T. Fitzpatrick, Acting Assistant Re- H. L. Holtzendorfi‘, Acting Assistant Re-
rived from the housing project. gional Director. gional Director.

 V' /
s is, ' , 3 Prowsron for Commumty Actmtles Essential
Lo, fl ‘ :9: ,, ’ o o o o o o
“is - ,. to Bolster Cmc Spirit of Low-Income Families
g a h 33% ' Public housing is opening a new needed for community activities. The
. . ' it “if, , ‘ way of life to low—income families—a site plan of a project, the location and
d: i 2%? new design for living, based not only space allotted to social rooms and play
31 l W fa“: £23,, upon occupancy of modern, sanitary, areas largely determine the extent
a— 1 "é‘igWA-gfl . g; low-rent homes, but upon tradi- and nature of community activities.
1e “ah/mitégyicwaz” tional American principles of self— Adequate rooms should be allotted
’37 M%%§%2?sewfa,ifilrjwap government. for club and group meetings. Omis—
>r assessorfifiefiwwfiwtwcr‘ In each low-rent housing project sion of such rooms in three PWA
e, A nursery school helps make good citizens built under the USHA program, ten- projects necessitated the later con-
13 _ . ants are encouraged and assisted by V91" SiOh 0f storage space for this pur-
. Richmond Uses Radio to Aid project managers to set up their own pose. Space for a workshop for boys
1- Public Housing Drive governing body. They are aided in and girls and for adults to bUllCl and
[1, the organization of community activi— repair furniture iS needed, and pro-
)e Through the cooperation of the ties, often suggested by the tenants ViSiOh for a library ShOUid be made.
1- Office of Government Reports, civic themselves, such as cooperative buy— Kitchen facilities must be provided in
1- leaders in Richmond, Va., are making ing clubs, women’s sewing clubs, nur- social rooms for home-making classes
3- a series of radio broadcasts, describ— sery schools, tenant newspapers, de— and demonstrations.
11 ing the need for low-rent housing bating societies, classes for the study TOiietS and drinking fountains hiUSt
L; construction and slum clearance in of crafts and trades. be accessible to community rooms,
1“ that city, and urging the necessity 0f Not only do these activities develop and adjacent storage space provided
re creating a housing authority at the a rich community life within the dif- SO that eqmpment may be Put allay
le earliest possible date. The radio pro- ferent projects, but they promote ten- and the rooms used for {1 variety
is grams have stimulated a series 0f ant initiative and responsibility and 0f purposes. Walls Of. soc1al rooms
1' newspaper stories and editorials. lead the way toward a higher form of should be painted Wlth washable
i' In order to obtain the informa- community life outside the projects. paints to lower maintenance COStS'
tion necessary to prepare the radiO Experience gained in former PWA {t has been Sound that basemenicls,
i- . . scripts, an analytical list of questions projects should prove helpful to local ”n 955‘ 63“.”er y p anned’ gene”. 7
1' was prepared. This list and copies 0f housing authorities in determining are not suitable} f3): manky cfommumtjfr
" the 1‘3.le scripts used in the first five what types and amounts of Space are lilies fcajilste O t e ac 0 many 0
programs may be obtained by writing if]: 31011 1es.h , , t . a
3) thedlnformational Service Division, To all Local Housing Authorities: mere e coed'gljmegalifildlng Idiomdcwellsing
.IIIIIteViStatefs Slousmg-Authoglty. d _ _ PUBLIQHPUSING iS your publica- units, differing from the tenants’ for—
ew 0 . 9 ever expan ing e tlon. It is intended to prov1de you mer dwellings only in being more
mand for public housmg, other com- a medium for the recording of your sanitary and better equipped or
i, munities may find the Richmond achievements and for the exchange whether it is a unified commuhity
1— material helpful. 0f 110115ng experience With all depends in large measure upon the
. other housing authorities in the provision of proper space for com-
L1 N J Issues Report on Housmg United States. munity activities and upon the co-
. , . . . Every authority is developing operation of project managers in as-
" . SIX years experience in discover- some particular bit of new knowl— sisting tenants to take full advantage
i; mg the facts about housing in New edge or some new method—in of the opportunity for a well-rounded
1 Jel soy and evolv1ng a State-WM? pro- public housing administration, in community life.
, gram in harmony With the actlv1t1es land assembly, design, construc— V J w, ., W .,
Of Federalhousmguageéimes 1s made tion, tenant selection, public rela— 1' fife I} l
t gallable 1n :the 193.9 @0775 of the tions—which other authorities are .. , ég-W‘ {it ,3 awe”
fir. tart? ,Housmg Authority of New eager to hear about. New meth- , it“; '1 £447; 3,
‘— Jersey. ods of reducing costs, of lower- V %< '5’” lirj’st’
Local authorities all over the ing rents, of making surveys, of - I}
«1 country may well profit by this demonstrating the need for public a I "3
account of the methods which have housing, can be of use to every .,
i, been successfully applied by the New authority. Such information can- ,. , : 4 /
‘- . . Jersey State Housing Authority in not be collected by Washington. .- ‘ //
advancing the State program to a If PUBLIC HOUSING is to publish . fl 1/
t- ranking pOSition among the 38 States the facts, you must send them in. Music lessons given by WPA workers to children in a
with housing legislation. public housing project
3 m

 ’ Current Housmg Literature PUBLIC HOUSING CUTS COSTS—Aver- ‘ Construction Bids
age estimated net construction
TiIE Low—COST HOUSING PROBLEM, The C(m— costs per family dwelling unit on Prompt NuIn- Dateof
st’l‘uctm‘, Aug. 1939, pp. 11—13. 20 USIIA_aided low—rent 110115ng State and local authority number 1:353; 01,2251“!
Temporary National Econom" C mm‘Lt h ~‘ -. , - , ‘ ' ,, ____—_————-———————
develop data on housingr needs. [L 0 1 00 “11qu 13.1 OJeCtS f0; Wthh mall; 00.118)“ u.C_ _______.—-__—_-——BID OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED .
. 1. .1
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY IN 310111 awal Sd V? e agtlfi Zéd i311 “PM!“ Eli???) 133 liliiiii
LOW—COST HOUSING, 1932—38, by Gilbert ‘1 5” lange 10m $ , t’ 1“ iiiifiit3,(di{ijijiiiiiiiiji 6313133321211 36.. 3-39433
A. Cam, The Journal of Political Econ— P350; TeX-1130 $3,389 1n PlttSburgh’ giii‘e‘iloiei’lisld""”""' 3112;35:13: 33; 33533
omy, June 1939, pp. 357—378. Pa. Private construction cost in ChmOLm N o NC_3_2 452 9-02.39
History of low-cost housing legislation and activities these tWO Cities in July averaged Covingtou,Ky-Z‘III: KY-2-1:::::: 203 97217559
of various Federal agencies up to and including r _ Covington,Ky.___.-__.._ KY—2—2....-.. 198 g—Elr—d?
USIIA. $0,107 and $5,826, respectively, ac— ifgéegfnlthihgg"“wm $3333“- 132 Sill—iii
HOUSING THE RURAL WORKER, by R. T. cording to budding permit data New York City, N. Y.-__ NY—5«4_-.--__- 448 9— as?
Shears. Great Britain Ministry Of Am'i- complled by “-he Bureau Of Labor itz‘lligi‘éil’l’y1t111‘;z::: Hit-3:11: iii 313133”,
culture Journal, July 1939, pp. 318—329. StatlStICS. On both USHA—aided ‘VilmingtouyN-C-----—-» NC'1'1-»—---- “6 9—2939
. Reconditioning of Devonshire cottages under Hous— projects and private building, TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF BID OPENINGsl
mg (Rural Workers) Acts. Illustrations. these COStS include only b‘tSlC COIl ———-———-———-———‘—_
c _
Atl. t ,G GA—G—3____-_-_ (34 10— 3—39
THE NEIGHBOURHOOD UNIT PRINCIPLE IN struction and plumbing heating 13.32303?V3t._____-_-____, VA—2—1____..-- 1’42 10—3—39
TOWN PLANNIN b W R 11 . _ _ , ’ ’ Bristol, Va VA—2—2.---.... 50 10- 3—39
G’. y '. usse Ty101, and electrical installation Butte, Mont-.-_--__--_._ MONT—34". 225 10—15—39
The Town Planning Review, July 1939, ' Charlotte, N. C Nc—3«i_...._.. 254 10—6—30
DD- 174-185. Columbia,S.‘C_,-________ SC—2—l_.-_____ 250 10- 3—51?
inl.)[i:<1:)u:se:nt;iiGimpOI'tanlce of 1tlZIe neighboutrhood unit P d h P U h 83;;{12’5irga‘yiing::_$§§:§Z¥RI_ :23 iglgtgé
’ a e l ' g‘mna p nnnet eve opinen s. D 1. 1 T _g“________-___ "<4 — — __--__ ..l} — 5—
a uca rogram p eld GI. 3ND_33-3____. 333 3
TATES, by S. Pointon Taylor, F. R. I. B. A. by KentUCky Court Lidilesllllissacn gage-$111: 133 ig- g—gg
' ' L A C ., ' -___ A 2— __-___ 3 - 4..
(M), Journal of the Town Planmng Instz— . . . . figmfigfifigsmijum Miss—3—1--.__ 7,, 9—20e39
fate, May 1939, pp. 219—229. The legality of mun1c1pal public Meridiau,l\/[iss-- MISS—4—l--___ so 10—28‘39
Reprint of Imper on England's housing estates. housing activities under the USHA Mobile, Ala....___..--... {Elli-24.12.... 11?? 3-35-33
Discussion. _ . . Peoria,lll_-._._____--..-- 3—1— ____ Illll ‘ 1 L
P AL z b S 1 L b H d program received additional con~ fiififii‘aguf33""""‘"" pfifizw-u- 5:83 18:32:22
UR ONING - . . b, —_..... .
b ’ y amue_ u e an VVal firmatlon recently, when Judge J08 Sarasota, Flfl.-.___.--._... FLA-84.“... 00 10‘ 3—35)
ter Everett Current sttom Au . 1939 Zanesmlle,Ohio.......... OHIO—94...... 324 10— 5-39
’ J, g 3 - . . H1
pp 32_35 60 L. Price of the McCracken Circu1t ______________.___'
' ’ ‘ - h K - - l’l‘here is usuallya30—day period between bid advertis-
Wisconsin’s successful experiment in rural zoning. Court, 11']. Paduca , y., dismissed a ing and bid opening.‘ None of the bid openings shown here
' Six other States pass similar zoning laws. suit filed last winter against the City have asyetbeeii definitely scheduled. .
WHY RENT IS HIGH b John T. Fl nn Col— of Paducah Munici l Housin m— ' '
lier’s June 17 19,39ypp 12 13 i9 53 m- ~01, pa g CO Construction Report AnalYSIS
J 1 1 - _ 1 — ' ISSI .
What’s wrong with the building industry and what ' ‘ a. - i"
should be done about it. Illustrations. The S351: Contetl’llldeg that the 01.911" DU1 lug the Week ended AUgUSt 20’
. . nanc e 111 U. u 111 mmis— ‘ ‘ ‘ -
2,196 FAMILIES, by Katharine Hamill, . e S g p e O S g CO. 603515111690“ was stalted on 3.” 1’089
Harper’s Bazaar, Aug. 1939, pp. 100—103, 81011 was nOt adopted according to unlt progect—Charlestown—ln 1303'
132. law; that the 01W commiss10ners 1116- ton, bringing to 89 the total number
Description of family life in the Williamsburg and gally appropriated funds to finance of public housing projects under way.
Harlem River Housmg Proiects, N. Y. Photographs. the commission’s early work; and (See table.) The new community
ObiTnooioRFigggATmNr SW)“ and sway: that the city was in no financial con— will be built at a total net c011struc—
“he ’ ’ pp' 725—726' dition to undertake housing activities. tion cost of $3,258,690, or an average
Report of National Recreation Society on standards - ~ . - .
for outdoor recreation Space in housing developments. The counsel for the commissmn Of $2,992 1381" unlt- The addltlon Of
GREENHILLS MANUAL. Pamphlet, unpaged. held that 0113165 are empowered by a the Boston DIOJect caused a slightIn-
Mimeographed. 81390131 State Statute to set up lious- crease in average net construction
Regulations to be observed by tenants of Greeuhills, ing‘ commissions; that the city is not cost per unit for the country as a
a. Farm Security Administration project in Ohio. ' ' ' ’ ' . ‘ . '
Community activities and community facilities are hable for the COInIIllSS’IODS Obhga- VVhOle’ and a flaCthHal demease 1n
treated. tions; and that the City 3 past finan— the average over-all cost of new hous-
cial record was irrelevant. ing per uni
Material for Public Housing should be Weekly Construction Report
addressed to Informational Service Divi-
sion, U. S. Housing Authority, Washing— Item Week ended Week ended ercenlage
ton, D. C. . August 25,1939 August 18, 1939 fl—change
Publication is approved by the Direc- N b f . t d t t' 89 88 +1 14
tor Bureau of the Bud et as re uired um ero pI‘OJGC. sun 61‘ GODS ruc 10n_______________--- -
b ’i‘ule 42 of the Join? éommittlee on Number of dwellings under construction----_.______.._ 38, 583 37, 494 +2. 90
37‘, . Total estimated over-all cost 1 of new h0using..-....--. $179,542,000 $174,511,000 +2. 88
Punting. ' Average over-all cost 1 of new housing per unit___-_--__ $4, 653 $4, 654 —. 02
For sale by the Superintendent of Docu- Average net construction cost2 per unit____--__________-- $2, 916 $2, 914 +. 07
ments, Washington, D. C. Subscription
R1106 $1 dqmeStlcy foreign $180 per year- . llnicludes: (1) Building the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electricalinstallation; (2) dwell-
Single copies, 5 cents_ ingequipment,architects’fees,localadministrativeexpenses,financialchargesduringconstruction,andcontingencyexpenses;
(3) land for present development; (4) nondwelling faculties.
_________._—__—_._ 9 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs.
1 3 . . ’ ' > .. 5'- 4 u. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 173388