xt7c599z3455 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z3455/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1992 Vol.63 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1992 Vol.63 No.8 1992 1992 2019 true xt7c599z3455 section xt7c599z3455 3 M2511 ’32 ,
figmmfim 3 g “ms-555:2: l MlCROTEXlS 33 E:.,
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. ff ' . . ' xflv" xii-Ct ’R/ if't"f)'fff)ifvf:.'n“"- (If! fffff'ff'f'f‘fnf‘ If 1- I'{,.; ffo (I f E f
. . ~ 3:: “1/ V 1/93 3,1», _ , .f . . -.«..'.:u'u-';_~=,_’gE-;::'_‘ [3,. 3. [33. E “”“3-"~---“ j i ,« A,- f-
, . -- '3 .. 2 . SJ, - fl: 3.37.33» 2, ,3 .3. _' 3f..",1;1"'ff-"-‘3 2- 3‘32’52222213 1/ fr if
2523;322:2252; .2 2. £5§§§3?='i.§2ziz».i ‘2 ’1'" "“ "37"‘32‘23'2 f .— 27 .2
fl 2 a ., \3 33
3 323.33.. , - AUGUST 1992
£2323 Nat ’ . ‘ VOLUME 63 . NUMBER ' 3
circulate L.‘3‘-:j3f‘,:ff,. '—-——————L— I
.. , ,.W.WW. ;,. “3:33;?”— - I - 1 ‘..
l The official publlcatlon of the 22
. " .. . » , Kentucky Press Service 3
., —-—-——————-————-————-——————————_—___3___ 23::
available from KPA 3 ; a ' 3 ,2; 2.; 8w f fig » 3323
CopiesofasynopsisofKentucky’s 3 , 3 ' ‘ ' I j 'i. " ’“f '~ . , f'
laws,smallenoughtofitinareporter’s .3 f 5 T - - 'f 15.? f . .' . 3 3 ‘ f If ' ff
3 wallet or pocket, have been sent to 2‘; " T ”f ”33'. 5' ’3 .3 Look up! ' ‘ _ 3'
‘ KPA member papers across the state. 3, ‘ g 23 f‘ ff f? ff , Salute the new flag {0731116 Ken- 3 f
The pocket guide addresses . f '5; f f.‘ 3 2 I 3 ;_ .f'tuCknyress. ‘ . : {:3
questions about the scope of the law ’ , 33:" f I 3 ‘ f ‘ F f » 3 The winner W353V0Y5i0n #4..“ ,2)
revisions thatbecame effective July 15 317 3 3 3 t _ ,. 2 the five deSESUS submitted by Stuart f i 3
' and suggests what reporters can do fé 3'3: ' f f f' 1“ zSimpson andninlin-last month’s ’ f,
when they suspect violations to the 'f é , édifion-f f f 'f. 'f ,;
laws. '3" , 3 . 3 The‘response rate for the ballot 3413‘
Measuringabout2"x4"foldedand . ' . ' f 2921233} 2 intheJuly edition was about four if. f
17"x4" unfolded, the guide also con— . 3 .. , 3 ~ .. .2. . . 3W . .~ .1 _percentofPressreadersatKentucky EI
tains the text of the state’s Shield Law '3 .e 3 3» f 3..., 3 2‘ newspapers—that’saboutaverage, g; 2
which protects reporters from having . 2“ ',.' l .. 2‘ E f ‘oralittlebettenforsurveyresponses, Eff
to disclose the source of information. 3 3.3. .. 3 2 1‘2. -.3 _ f3 ’2 , we're told;33.23.33,:3333' . .3. . -; 3 . I; 3
Also listed is the telephone number 3.,{3gsfxyf’3 51-.- ’ 3» "-233, . f, 3 3,1Fif3fEEYfEeffie-‘9tOfth3SEWhQC3ued>3 ff 1:
.. Hotline attorneys. 2‘ *2 - ~ - ~ 2." ~.~:-2 2 " “ fit: '7 sgn#4astheirfrtchoceAbor27
W Thenumber ofcopies sent to each 3 m3 3 2’ J ' 3 .f ' 3.1 ‘23 percentChOSedeslgn #5, asfftheififéé ff:
newspaper was based arbitrarily on 2.333333»... 2‘ / T3. 3;... 3. '3 33 3' a: . 'j'yo'r’itgTh'ergffwé'refgfew .tOPfffooftes 13 1
each paper’s circulation category. If f f“ 22.33 ,3 .3 _ REV ”A \f A . AI -‘ 5* fardesigns#1'and#2,althoughboth fi-
. . a} 2. .: '33.: *' ‘3 Jr .3 3 A -, ‘ . 3",“‘3- .. 3 .3 . 2 ,»
you need more copies of the guide for 3,33“ 3 j : I, t .3 \3 ,' .. were named second Chm“? by sev— 2 f -
your editorial staff, please call Sue fi‘fi f 3 3, _' _‘ 53.3.. f ff eralpéOple~N0 one selected design E
Cammack at 800/264-5721. 1‘2"“ " . 2.3. .. = ; . 5 2. #3 as firstchoice- ,2»
The guide was prepared by Pam £1,39ny ”’ f f f f '3 "3"; " E‘- g 1 ,5 ,f' Special thanks to Simpson, a 3 i
Shingler,KPA News Bureau director, “: iflfisé ' 2 23‘“. ”3‘1 f f t f 3; KPA board member who's With 2}
with input from attorney Bill Hol— Q33 3 f 2 f f “" ‘— ‘3 “f 3‘? f' P291233“ Week in Somerset. i
lander and Russ Powell of The Daily 3,3335%: "' Z‘ r! 1’ «1 , .4": .3 3, ff ' Now'wefllwaitforcallsfromall if -
Independent in Ashland. It is spon- as. “:35 W .2 .33 . AC” , s; 3.333 .3. 37A,, thosefolkswhedidn’tvotsbutdorl’t £23
, sored by KPA’s News Editorial Divi- @2333}- ; "2,233. 3.1;. v7.23” ‘4....';2. 3““; ’E“ a; *Efke the‘OFKOmejanywey; _ 3;.
. ' - '32 if 1. 2 - ,».»,;'." .2 2;
- Photography as art "’ 4353321? 2‘ ~12. 2 ‘ “t. ‘2 .3 2 " .A “43. 2.22:“ ,2: Inside 1:
. 2:22.42 2:: 2W1: ,- ‘2 ‘ "' ' "’-."'-1*: f“
3 Terry Duennes 5 photo of three boys .2 . g1?/£ »3 33 . A}; ,3, 33’ 3 3333 33 33.3% _ 33‘“; “lf 3 3 3
and a big umbrella was one ofthe 33:32:13?!“ 3 3 -3333. . 3. .. .: ., .3- “ b . .31.».-32133 Matthews star rIslng,page 2 3
reasons The Kentucky Post won top '5' it”)- 3 3333.13.35; {,3 f.‘ 2 ,-" 3“ 3.33.33. '2 ‘\3 3 i” 1:; ;3‘ KPA scholars, page 3 3 3 _
honors for feature pictures in KPA'S )f 2,33. 22.2. 24352 5112“" . t m my ffff 3v?» at: Emedupfgge 5 i
. 1992 Better News 3 er Contest. Ql"\i..-'j- >3'LJLV;>‘-g “3-3 .-“i7’;:‘-..E“.;'i~’ , is“ g‘. " - 3 2.; 2f ‘ * rs; ' \‘"““-;t 0 page :1 3
3 _ p p ..~.Xv“.23..3.33333525133t3....~,4;2§fi2a. 31» . 2 at .. 33;; n... , 5.529%! Don remembers Marilyn, page 13 3
‘ Ouch' ‘ ' ‘
. 0 r n
- ~ 2 z
_ 2 ____0_ House amendment could be press pain .
The good . news is it looks like covery Act that requires larger news- a scarlet ”A” - a notation at the top of size newspapers could be harmed by
Congress IS. finally getting serious papers tousemorerecycled newsprint. the front page saying it does not meet thisamendmentbecauseitcould make ;
about recycling. Sponsored by Rep. John Dingell federalstandardsforrecycled content. it more difficult for them to find re- .2 f
The bad news is it looks like the (D-Mich.), the amendment affects . In Kentucky, only one paper, The cycled fibernewspn‘nt to comply with i f
, newspaper industry is being targeted neWSpapers with circulations over' Courier-journal in Louisville, is in the existing state laws and voluntary . j j
to carry the weight. ’ 200,000, which would have to use at targeted category. But Newspaper agreements,” Black said inaprepared E
The US House of Representatives 1east35percentrecyclednewsprintby Association of America president statement. 3: j I‘ -
Energyand CommerceCommitteelast 1995 and 50 percent by 2002. Cathleen Black says the ruling Will Tonda Rush, Chin executive Offi' 3 f
month approved an amendment to A paper that is unable to comply affect other papers as well. cer of National Newspaper Associa-- ;
the Resource Conservation and Re- would have to carry the equivalent of ”. . . webelieve small and medium— See Amendment, back page 2 I
. I 33:45

 .' t Page 2,.The Kentucky, Press, August 1222 m It
, ‘ Former KPA rex now a mome 'star' “ Q ~ t
, m Inn-t -- .. i Mine m i
Byron Crawford l
The Courier-journal 50 they brought in another umpire ‘ l
HUNTINGBURG, Ind. -- Ma- Imet’temtmenafldm and never did get it shot that night. ________
' . dormer Tom Hanks and Geeha Davis Shettttatscmfit‘mfleefld T'The P‘Oblem was that Ge?“ 1992 Officers
have long since departed t$°tsehetttttttthegaflttt Dam mum“ Gate“ the ba" behmd president i .
- Huntingburg, and with them the lights, aypmentzlate herback- They hadaladderOYetheren Mary Schurz 3
cameras and crew from Columbia BfllMatthews, arid you d see the batter swmg, and Danvi/le Advocate-Messenger 3
Pictures’ baseball comedy ”A League 1977KPAdt this fella 0n the ladder would drOP the President-Elect i
Of Their Own.” ‘ prettier; ball maybe 25 feet, and I had to run Jerry Lylesi Benton Tribune-Courier it
Butinpassing,theylefttheDubois I backtomake the ’out’ call whenand if Past President ;
- ' l l
County town of 5,500 a brand-new stadium, completewithbillboardsand She ever caught tt- Evenagood player Cel‘a McDonald
3 tourist attraction and a small army of other fixtures. For more than two has-a hard hme catching a baseball \Sltlce PEeS'demTh K t k Sta dar d ‘l
home-grown extras With great stories weeks last summer, it was the motion behthd the back, and Geena Dams ‘5 Trzziupevyery, 9 en ”0 y n t,
to tell their grandchildren. picturehome of theRockford Peaches, hOt an athlete.’ Doroth Abernath Oldham Era 4,
- ' I - h Hanks the y . y, ' l
7 131“ Matthews, 62, editor of the a women s pro baseball team in the 1“ anot er scene, _ I . Board of Directors . -,
Huntingburg Press, wentto the theater Girls’ League of half a century ago. Peaches manager, yelled insults m District 1 ,3
in Jasper the other night to watch all Enter Matthews, a native of Matthews face after a dISPttted call William Mitchell, Fulton Leader , 7]:
fourseconds of himself scampering Shelbyville,Ky.,formerCIAemployee, agalnst the Peaches at second base. District 2 t -
across the screen in a 194OS—vintage veteran editor and one-time president ”The htSt thlhg he said was, 'You Jed Dillingham j
baseball umpire’s outfit. oftheKentucky Press Association, who never umpired ablankety—blank game Dawson Springs Progress " i
”Mysonhad alreadytoldmeabout lettered in baseball his freshman year In your hte!’ Whleh was a true state- $12:th vlett McLe C t N i
» it, 50 I knew it was going to be very attheUniversityofMichiganand who ment,” Matthews confessed. It was District 49 ' an ouny 9W5
brief," Matthews said. ‘I'thmk I was landed a role as one of eight umpires unrehearsed. h d . Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite .
3 elated, but I was also disappomted m the picture, earning $50 a day. The scene, althoug not use 1“ District 5
" that one of the other scenes didn’t get "They have to payyou extra if you the meme, has appeared 1h some 0f Coleman Love ,
in.” . say,Ithink, it's three words,andI kept the promotional chps, he Seld‘ Landmark Community Newspapers " 1
Much of the picture was filmed in yelling, ’You’re out!’ or ’You’re safel’” Meanwhile, Matthews 13 already District 6 ,‘

. Evansville, Ind., last summer, but di- Matthews said. ”So the producercame 10"th forward to another picture " DPFOthY Abernathy, Oldham Era ., '
rector Penny Marshall was drawn to out and said, ’Just give the signal. ”Monroe County Blues "_ about the D'Str'Ct 7 , _ ,
Huntingburg bya tum-of-the-century They’ re not going to send you $500!” early ClVll rlghts movement in baseball. 3:13.331 ICk. Gal/aim County News 9;
baseball stadium in acity park next to Matthews recalled a scene in The Hunungburg stadium w111bethe Ken M etz Bath County N ews-Outlook ‘l
a cornfield on the edge of town. The Which Davis, the catcher, makes a be- primary filrrung location next spring, District 1’0,”
stadium was once used by the old hind-the-back catch ofahigh foul tip. and Matthews hears there may be a Marty Backus , i, ‘
Indiana-Kentucky Baseball League. ”In the movie,youseeherdo that,” role to; a bus driver. ” Appalachian News-Express 9 . 1 i

Columbia Pictures enlarged the he said. ”I was theumpire, and we 'IIve.not been offered the part, District 12 . - _ 3,, -. 7‘ _> 3 3:. g
1*, . stadium from about‘500 to.3,500_ seats shot that scone34‘3ti3nies, and. 31' gopso. '. he selgmtihesnule. ‘butj wouldread " Louise Hatmaker , _ ’ ' ' wvgj . '
1' ‘ and renovated it to resemble a 19405 It h°t that I began to hyperventilate '- - - the script. Jackson Times/Beath'Vi/Ie Enterprise _ ’ 351%,” ._ “-
-———-—-——————————~—————~———— - District 13 a ‘
, ' ' ._ . ' ~ I v: f." i . ft Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise 3 »
' 3 a at §§ ' _ - 3 ' .. * Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week
. - a iflw , ' , -» -‘ , :. . ' . : District 15A 3
, . _ . “it ,9 ’ 3,,» £2; . .. _. ‘ .‘ Jim Green, Lexington Herald-Leader _ ,i’
sit Meatmfi t a. . 9,: ‘ ,, ws‘g DiStfiCt15B t
,2, WW .. , , ‘ 2 . .,§§§§ Jerlene Rose, Clay C/ty Times
. r ' “A .W‘ g State-“tattle
. “w ' , gaff“ " x has sw,n~ee~*»ee§: it Merv Aubespin, Courier-Journal
N ‘d . ' gem, 35$ , . {$1 Camilla Box, Union County Advocate 3
. . ":53135»... . ‘ ' f " I? 3 - '1 , 3., Gene Clabes, Recorder Newspapers l 3
‘ 92 ’ ' W“? t ifl‘ El fitm’wtul ' t ~§Tl John Del Santo it t
m _,,,f a: ”we a 3% \ 5 an, a/Y_"_ elven 9" l
. 313's; . New it??? ,ii: Brad Hughes ' l
, . ,5: y: , algae“, ”gage, {if ,~. ggfegig Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources t
-' 59,3 ‘ ' ,3, text ¢,,,,,§e%§h$§%§§%, gwiefefits Advertising Division 3
% 1 ,t, : t§t§§§e§fi¥§eg§§$§h§t§§m”he ¢,«~ Feet: Ch IW'I h t -‘
s *3“ » - "sees”g‘ttw Wages e 90' 'C 9' . ,
t “Wt fill twin“zetmfmxsgttttewmtth ' 1 ’ at ., ‘ News-Editorial Division *i" ’
t _ 3 sateétntflt v , . , asset ' RUSS Powe" 1%
it VMhWWa, ,n ' -* ate Ashiand Daily Independent 1
.. , , , ff? ’;*§%1“,2awewsag‘at , gs; {gist {£9 «3‘ Education Representative l
. , s asefig ~ , a ' David Dick. University of Kentucky i-
ate - , sit‘aa KPNKPS Central Office
*2 , W432 fiesta. jig , . : ,; " David T. Thompson, Executive Director Ll
, ' , in ft 99,, 3. it §,3 Bonnie Howard, Business Manager; Buffy }
gzfik§a§< W, W ‘egn,:’i,if '3" gm; 2 - l’w‘?”§1 t ' Johnson. Bookkeeping Assistant; Sue ‘l .
“ 1“ A?” i ’ Gamma“ secrete” AdVe'tts'“9= Gt°fia
, . “freeway, , ,1? : 7’7 3,.Wfi” g ’ , j Davis, Director; Reba Lewis, Administrative l
t yaw, inf, i W“ l ; .3 inwéw “3W3, . ~ - a,» . Assistant. News Bureau/The Kentucky l
r 1 n” We ' ”"1 ,_ '_ , § , “1“”, , 1 ‘sfa MW Ping Stem”:RaChe'Mccahytcm’dtnam'i t
. n'i”: ‘ i “9 . g . 2,, 3, it; ' it? ; ,~ ,; .9. K, “Mg Wt, . N tame ; 4 ., Kim Cox, Linda Slemp. Mall/News Release ‘ 1;
. .1" . . . We , re"; M :. 3we w ~‘~ : 6» < , ’~ , “Mm...” Service: Nancy Peyton l
, . The Kentucky Press (ISSN0023-0324lis published monthly 1 '5 ,
. , Bat! coaCh ' ' ' andsecondclasspostagepaidatFranklon.l(entucky40601, t
' How could you not love this picture? By Stan McKinney, it's among the sports shots that garnered atirst place award among $3?“l”"-‘§L"$'%"‘§Zififflfiflimfilm 3 l.
multi-weeklies for the Central Kentucky News-Journal in Campbellsville in KPA's 1992 Better Newspapers Contest. 101afi:;9,waelF§mfon_éym1(mamatmrfs' 5;
~ . ~ . ' l We;

 :43; - - » , , , 44444444 4444 444 4444 ‘44 4444444444 4 4; 44444 44 4444-4444 - 4 fl 4;
4 4! August 1992', The Kentucky Press, Pagé 3 4 : ”$14
, i . . -:-r
- 1.- en S u en S receive awar S a summer (301177811 1011 g;
a! .
i; ' Six recent high school graduates were . . 4 4 - 4% - in
'j awarded $1,000 scholarships from the Ken- . 4, 4 ‘ 4 . 4 4 . V 2 3;
! tucky Journalism Foundation during KPA’s f: «- ,j : i 2 . '- . - 4,14%; 3;.
l . 4. . . ' 5. " ' ' . ,1 -e. 2 . ' 2 ;’J’
3' summer convention. 2;; .- . ;_2’:_ -. ' . ;: .f ‘ ' i3;
4’ Also awarded at the PikeVille meeting were » 4 ; 24 4 ;. - ' ~ ; 44 ’54
i ' $500 scholarships from KPA’s Associates . - “4;; .- 1 ‘ 2 ! 1‘ '
. Division in four univeroiiy students majoring v = ; 1. l
. 1 in public relations. . . . K ‘ 2 ; ‘ if
. E 2 .‘ Winners of the renewable $1,000 scholar- 4 4 .4 . 4 ,_ 4 4 2 -_ - ‘ 4’; ’
4; ships to study journalism and the colleges they C 444mg; -_ mi g;
g 2 . , . _ 44 ,. 43:;4 45:454. . . 444,); 4; 4 4 ’ . ' ’ _;;.:2 .. 4 A , ;
: plan to attend are Risa Katara Brim 0f . -, ., ;;§;:e 2‘- i I& «an .» 5?: E3?
! Elizabethtown, who will attend Elizabethtown fig!!! i 4:43:44
- Community College before transferring to ; " grime '
! Stinnett of Murray, Murray State University; 4 . g . 2 ' 4%; ~
1 Christopher Strong of Jackson, Morehead State __ 2 ' ; f; f
,- - University; Catherine Scott Whipple of '2 4 ’3;
-; Georgetown, University of Kentucky; Lance 314’”; ~ 4 2 - - ' ; l
*1 Aaron Williams of West Liberty, also UK, and 1 ' 1 ,, "" '1 ; ' . .; ; ;;:,£.., '5;
.3, , . . j, " h ,, '1 E . 4,4,1“, ‘ "2'4 2
_; Cassandra Selena Woody of Virgie, Eastern 2 4 - 4 , '4 ,4
. Kentucky University. ; . . . '2 . 2 1 5 - ' g"
»‘ ‘ = ‘ = -' . » :3.
23 f . ' l ' . ' §§139 . § 4/ , ,1? ‘ “if!
%4/ . The Assoc1ates scholarships went to :4 . _ g . l {:4
‘"“““ “fir—em” Marsha D-BerrY-OfC01d Spring, a student at, 1 , ' " ' 4 g l i .. ; ~.. .. a. '
5:! ' " Northern Kentucky University; Kelli Jo Cole' of 2 = . 44 van-W
.5? Z 4 -Williamsburg, EKU; Bridget McQueen Peake . . ,g 4 4 4.44: 44;;44 ~' gr;
2 i ' of Hopk1nsv1lle, WKU. ' - ' / : g 3’3%4%~v4mw‘% ; .4. ; 14;;-
i z: r» on, no . ;
Past pre51dent Celia McDonald announced .44, 4: 44m4$¢4 , 34¢, 44%;.4‘14 ~ 4
3 the awards on behalf of the scholarship com— 44;- g? r=rai44r44xg§f1 ;44- -, ,4; 9:4,}; 44 __ _ ,4
2 . 4 .4 4 . ,4 44 .43 L’.."‘ 44 4444444444, 444 4 444
;. mittee and presented checks to Strong, top left; . 4 $ . ; ,4, a; 4%; Jr ‘i~ 445;;«4444‘ 24.4, , . ;4 g; :4;
’ § Woody, center, and Lance Aaron Williams. ”an 44,14”! g; 4 ; 4;; ,.. 575;;4' i 42;? 454. :74. ; v I
l l l " " . ‘2?""’ V’,‘ ' lr-é-T‘ :‘I-me‘i'i-i; 78ng l i 143;! i, ,' 4 ii"? I“
'5 - ; m. , 9-3.: .» fig; 24% a n , 4 1,43;
! - ‘fr" . V “)4“;’ ’ .' $344334 x § 3 E ' . ‘1} l”
4 . I 4 4 Mafia?! ,1 A 4);: 3-»‘31'3yf34‘3‘ffi: ivéfifia ' § § ’ 32 _ .;« ‘1 .414!
1 ‘ 4 , , ; 4 . , 1,;
. l g3:951:”tifigi;I;E33;555:533E:15353333253252E;:gi'i‘:;igEgEgi§gE;E;EgE:II"3II-"’E;E;:3E};-_3:23;:123:5:353E;E;:gl‘-*'Eg51355553{53:35:33]}-'5;;ng5:315},32;:55'13.35;55235535335551}?553;;£:;’-;I::'i-E-:I5:315:555151:5553?:E-Ei:iE'E-EIEIZ;EIE:::£-:IEIE:iii-i:3:::£::.-:;:-:i:-:’:I:I‘E;=32:- IJz'i. if» -- . l 34
l , .::;.;;;;.i.-.;.; . .4444“; .v.-.-,-.v;;:;:;:;,-~:; .-.;:;.«’.t;.-:-'r:~‘~:;:-:-:;34_;i.-:i:-:-:-:;:v;-:r';:«:~:;‘Efren-555;.g.- :43; *4, 4 4 4 4 4 .
Contestoffersehaneetoshowyourstuff . an = ' - ' ' > ~ :. 1
1‘ , Goteplemiemeireederelevedaeoliimiiihoibronghtteomtotheeyeoof ' ' - '1; . r . 2
i ’ We“findltandenterlthPAS1992F311Newspapercontesi '. ..
; KPAmemberPaPe’81mg)“timEtOPTePareforihEAug31deadhnelf 2 ' is; . , ' . _.
;' yourenottheeditororpublishesmakehunorherdlgoutthemformahonfrom I 4- 22 ;
.4 . -_'-_';:__’:-:;:::;:;:;'_-";:;';';.-:;:~:;:;:;:.>.";.~:;.;:;:v:r :;:-:;:;.'-'-:;:;-" v4;.;5;;.1;,_;;;.;v;4;.4;:;;;.;:,5;.;.;._.;.;.;:;4_.4__-:;:;v '-';;;‘ ;:;: :.-';:;:;':;;' »";'_i:;.;- ;.v 1';:-.;:;:» ‘;';-’;‘ _' 7 ‘ 5;“ \~x‘ ’ 4; . er, ., 1-43): L. ,
"i iheiPileOiiihedei-kThemnieoteoveroworkpnblrehedbeiweenluly11991 - ; ‘ , , ge- g:
endlune301992whichgivesyouamplehmeiohevedonesomeihmgihatWi“ 4;; ' , ,' 2» i
‘ mokeiheludgesdoedwbietake . » f
! oxeoroiurrmguiponmmnpotstoryspotsfmrnmg ; .; o»; 2 2
' eesoyfeoinrepieiiirefeeturepieiuroeomysportopioiuremndsororioipieture ' i“ n3? :1 2' ’ 2 ‘ 2
essay: 3;; I '
is! [:35Siziéé’iziilfiyfiin621117;t-Qfififlfilififidfi’téstinformationfir'yofi'didn’tiriécéivéifi:Call-KPA at ‘ go; eréw . . ' . ”4;
=3»1:I:3”" 'v.:?::;.:;.-,--, :-‘-:_:;:»-‘,1 3.45.434; '. 4;»4 _;:;- 4::;':; ‘33:. 253; '_:j ;.; ' :1 -.33’- 44.12,. 44. u" ‘ , 4 ‘ . “ ; ‘ L?- ,
5! 800/264—5721Tunesa-wastm’ 44.... . “W , _ ’
it: .- . - . . _ 2
. / " .. . , 4 , _-.4 . *W W _ . . . «3 ' . » Mun. , a», 4 V .54.: . , i. , ~ . .4 .; a .. _ ;_ _., _ .. JLiv/:9?»'sflz;;m;.é_’v¢2;zip-Lit» 4137244.},

 ' L‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ M 1
5‘: ’ g ' i’ége 4: his kgfifiréiry strangest 1‘9‘92 . :-
1 JEFF FANNIN has resigned as The new general manager of The DR. RON WOLFE has been DONNA DIETZ, who interned ‘
' general manager of The Morehead Pioneer News in Shepherdsville is named chairman of the department with The Crittenden Press in 1986,
; > News to devote full time to his THOMAS BARR, who has been . of mass communications at Eastern has come back to the Marion paper ’
‘ ‘3 ministry with the Bluebank First editor of the multi-weekly since Kentucky University, replacing as a writer. The Western Kentucky
Church of God and The Good 1984. An Eastern Kentucky Univer- acting chairman DR. DEAN CAN- University graduate has worked
Shepherd, a non-profit food and sity alumnus, Barr, who will retain NON. Wolfe has taught journalism with The Oldham Era in LaGrange ,
5 clothing ministry for the disadvan- the editor’s position, replaces PETE and public relations at EKU since and the News-Democrat and Logan .
taged. He joined the staff in 1978 as a MIO who transferred to another 1986. ' Leader in Russellville.
pressman and assumed the top division of Landmark. Switching hats is VICTORIA The Leslie County News in Hyden
9 managerial job in 1989- RONALD l- SCHREINER, former senior staff has hired TINA CALLAHAN as a .
F CAUDILL, regional coordinator for writer for The Sentinel-News in staff writer. She is a student at . '
Park Newspapers, is serving as Twopapers Shelbyville. She has moved to the Hazard Community College. .
9 actin eneral mana er. Z;EéiEE£35.::iss15E3S???5E5355"-:E5555i355%§5§§§2i533**f’3§§i§5§"‘35’i'i;§§§§§ii5%=ii5135’§5§3=?§?5?55*553255555533???” a.:eisiiiiiégigérfiiég advertisin side as a sales re resen- KPA has at least one beau
AgISgO at Moreheaél, KIM Wln4~Hawards tative ”to groaden my knowlidge” queen on its rolls. TERESA LITYER, j
HAMILTON has been named TheMadlsonmlleMessengerand of the newspaper business. news editor of the Trimble Banner- 3
3, managing EditOY- On the staff since TheNWS*DmoaatlnCanollton The Kentucky Standard in Democrat in Bedford, was recently .
University. Former advertising awardsglvendurmgtheannual members to its circulation depart— gatta. Besides the title and crown, 4
i; promoted to assistant general AssooationofExtensiontipI-IAgcms Guardsman JIM KE S SLER is a new graduate won $500. 1 »
manager, and former ad salesperson Wethemomtedfiede circulation driver and JOE DOWNS .
SHIRLEY HOOD is now in charge bbieWright,wasnamedthetop is the paper’s new carrier coordina- . MARY ANNA SIMPSPN’ a .
, ~. of advertising. Conn has been with weeklynewspaperforsupenorcov— tor. New to the paper’s advertising fixture at The News—Enterprise before . ;
‘ the News since 1976 and Hood since erageof4-HandExtenSIQnaCt1v1hes staff is sales representative n “Y” The Nears-Enterpr 158’ ‘has '
5 1989- ’ WEMesswxersmffGar‘h MADELINE RAPIER DOWNS. retired-.51“? ”med the Staff 0f Bea“
' 'I Former pressman DARRYL Gambhnwonfirstplacemthenews LOUIS R. ANDREWS, reporter Puelzilshing f 3102;: zthaper's ‘
1‘ BARKER has been named produc— storyandfeaturestorycategories, for The Commonwealth—journal in pr ecesso 5' y g . '
«. , . 5;; _d;;gL0wellsgsMen-d ckggamedggargfirstr _ At the age of 74, ELIZABETH ‘
1‘ tion manager at The Morehead News. a?fblhyh somerset, l'eCEIVQd a Best 1991 News PETERS has hun u her e eshade .
i Returning from a year's leave, he pacghorpuxsedppto Story award from the American g p y
i - - - lswasMendyksthlrdyear - . . - at The Kentucky Standard. She was :
“"11 ”Pemseau °pemt1°ns°fthe towmthetohtahaward Cance’SOC‘WS 1‘“ka dmsm hired in 1969 by former editor -
' . rinting press, photography lab and *ppoogrpy at the group’ 5 annual meeting . . 1
.P . . . andGambhnssecondtowmmthe , . , Elizabeth Spalding Walls as a staff L,
10" Pnnhngsemces' wntmgcompetxflon. recently‘“ L°“‘s‘”“e- writer with added dutiesin _ .
,9 l ¥ K, . “ _ JAMIE SIZEMORE, formerly Of ifiE1EiiI213152E2E1'53?SIE1E1312-:-:1313i51EI3523lE:E153I::2E:31i132ii{IE2E!El31ElitE!E1:131:2E:E2':ii?11,3132?IiiiIEiiifliiiI:1:1E23IEli135:1:iEIEIEIEIEkFEIEIEIEIE ,, _ ‘ DUANNE PUCKETII editor Of' Classifieds and Circulation. * 77 ‘ "' i ' “whiff—:5;
' ," ’ Roane Newspapers in Kingston, The Sentinel—News in Shelbyville, is ’ "
Tenn., is the new advertising man- _ Western Kentucky University this year’ s recipient of the Service. to New York Giants quarterback i
j. ager at The News—Enterprise in flelded four first place w1nners in Dairy Industry Award, given during PHIL SIMMS has been named to i
‘ Elizabethtown. With Roane, also a the College Photographer of the ' the Kentucky Dairy Festival in June. the Newspaper Carrier Hall of Fame
2; part of Landmark Community . Year Competition. DAVID New to the staff of The Sentmel— by the Int emati onai Circulation 1
‘ . Newspapers, she oversaw advertis- STEPHENSON won in Spot News - News is Sullivan College graduate Managers Association. As a young- .
ing and circulation for a tri-weekly for an entry titled ”Fallen Child.” LISA JOHNSON, part-time adver- ster, Simms delivered The Courier- .
:\ and four weekly publications. The ‘ Winning in the Pictorial category for tising assistant. l0 u r nal and Louisville Times. j
Western Kentucky University thelp‘l'éotoB'Eflectiogs” was CRAIC:l flagrSméelew alum— . ‘
L aduate has also worked for 3 rs FR . M a stage eauties” earne nus . I was » f
gnr Maryland and Virginia. p pe a top award for TOM LEININGER recently hired as a sales representa- bee Two Kspéulgkystudents hlaye ‘
- " in Personal Vision, and RICK tive in the advertising department at n awar u 1am Iourna 15m ,
=1. . ANGELA LAM-‘0' former LOOMIS won for Sports Portfolio. The News—Enterprise in Education Fellowships for 1992'
advertising representative at KPA Only one other school, the Univer- Elizabethtown. Also new to the staff Recent hlgh SChOOI graduates, they {
* Associate Inside the Turret, is the sity of Texas-Austin with two, had is SABRINA CAHILL, a composi- are TOMA?“ DUNCAN Of Louis-
. new general manager/ advertising more than one winner. The competi- tor. Spending the summer with the “119' who WI" attend Centre C01” ' .5 .
j manager Of The Spencer Magnet in tion is spohsored by Kappa Alpha Elizabethtown paper as an intern is lege, and ROBERT S. KING 0f ,
; Taylorsville. A Ball State University Mu, National Press Photographers LISA E. KOGER, a student at Louisa, who plans to enroll at the _ .
1 graduate, she has also worked at The Foundation and the University of Western Kentucky University. UniverSIty of Kentucky. The fellow-
f I N ews-Enterpr ise in Elizabethtown. Missouri School of Journalism with WALT APPERSON, president ships carry a cash grant 0f $32630 .
She replaces LISA BLAND who educational grants provided by and publisher of the Murray and are sponsored by the Indianapo- ’
i relocated to Ohio. Canon USA and Professional LedgerérTimes, has been elected to 1‘5 Star-News, Phoenix Gazette and
A» TERRY SPEARS has resigned as Imaging, Eastman Kodak. ' the board of directors of Paducah’s Arizona Republic. ,
~ editor of the Appalachian News- . . Peeples First Corp-r parent company
' : Express in Pikeville to work in the DAVID BLACKBURN, former 0f the Bank Of Murray, for Wthh the /
"- ‘ campaign 0f congTESSional candi‘ staff writer and photographer at The weStem KehtUCkY umve’S‘tY fifear ye / j—[kar ye/
‘ - date 10h“ Doug Hays. He had been Crittenden Press in Marion, has alumnus ‘5 also a director. . ‘
: ' on the newspaper staff. since 198.5’ joined the staff 0f the Kentucky New . Northern Kentucky University Judges are needed .
» ‘ except for a term as editor/publisher Era in Hopkinsville as a sports senior MIKE BUNZEL is interning for the New England .
.- 0f the former Martin Countian & writer. He replaces RAY with the Recorder Newspapers this PressAssociation contest,
. “Mercury in Inez. The Pikeville . DUCKWORTH, who resigned to go summer. He will edit the NKU October 2 at the Harley
, f. - College graduate was named editor with the Asheville (NC) Citizen student newspaper this fall. Hotel in Lexington. , J
=1 0f the News-Express 1“ early 1991- staff. A Murray State University .. Call Sue Cammack, 800/ _ ,
’ é , Former staff writer LINDA BREED graduate, Blackburn has also Inteming at The Cadiz Record is 264-5721.
_ , ' 7 has been appointed managing worked with the Cadiz Record and TRISH CASH, a student at Murray ;
- ' , editor. the MSU newspaper and yearbook. State University. .
' '_ , %—WHMW'TTW

 :: . August 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 5‘ , . , 1 3; j
-: Edltor s nose for news turns head over heels Pkfl V .
1 By Duanne Puckett ' lcus I, I 1.3197
V The Sentine"N 310$, ShelbyVille 1 .. ...,.., . .. , 1 ~ '
1 . . .When the tornado hit , ’“gm ' h V . . . 1 - z :
1 ; Christiansburg, staff writer Kevin E weighs ' My”; . The Glasgow Dally Ttmes 13 the ‘ 3 ’
1 Eigelbach headed in that direction ”if”? f l 3.1 ' rug/”é", . wmner 0f “19.1992 Donrey Award '3
' . rightawaynfollowed about 30 * 1,, fPFC°.mm“““Y SGWICE-Thecompe' ,
} minutes later with two other staffers ”‘3 M .. , ‘ if; ' ' ”I , hhoh 15 sponsored by the Donrey ,
» to make sure we got a total picture ,1,“ ' ' -. 3 3 . . " . ” Media Group, of which The Times is ‘ ’f
. of the destruction. ”wag? .. ' / . . ‘ . 1 1 , , . a part. Donrey includes 53 daily .1. ,5;
1 Most people probably think 23"???“ .W :/ 2...... % , 1 ,1, newspapers, five non-dailies and 3.
that’s crazy that we go out in a , %“ 1 ,1 , , J ,1.” other communicatlons organiza- 3 1;
en . storm, but, remember, we are a «g? 3} fih ., if , "1:22 . ., 3/, - . tiongfi L0 . '11 D d . y»?
3 "news"paper- are. f“ , Mi de' - "’5“ 1.111 ” mm t
g , So is the Springfield Sun, which §U‘3§e‘:§§fieg gr .1 . ,,', t1 ,, i 51:3qu 5.1“ ccl)mpetition Sponsored by
is why editor Ninie Glasscock took was s14”; , “a 53“?“ Newspaperl’“‘?hshos
c camera in hand and went to £5? 1 :iéffif‘fi“ M9- 7453/? / $39; 1% Assocration. Presented *0 editor ‘
1, ’ Fredericktown to Cover the flooding gig .. “ 522$ fgfi‘fi ; g N3; 5/ :- g3 gig-#3 Yvonne Coleman dunng the recent . ,f 1
‘j last Thursday. g . 1 w» J $- ‘ e: / '-"1g/%f}&- £11.?“ WA convention in Baltimore were ‘1
Z The award—winning writer S: 33333," ”3: as, ”3,7313% figs/11,; f”, :‘ ~ :1; a first place for original advertismg ' 3
i almost made her own headlines. x _ ks; jigs?“ ; %%’%;efééfihi an: seconfd place for ipeclilalifdmon ‘ 3
County got seven inches of rain in -' ,, xxpageg m” es 05mm ' ' -- i-
less than three hours. Her descri ’ , 3 3?; '
, .tions of the scene were: P- } Qafwg t- 1, /, v 3 . 1E;
: ~Theraim"nkestanding v'i e 1’: . TheoRreoouneHWW , i: V
)re ‘ I L underneath a waterfall." W M b ' _ 1“ Hodgenvrlle was a partic1pant 1“ i,
4 0The flow of the creek: "like 'It was a dark ana stormy flight . . . ' its local high school’s Project Gradu- if“
h , pulling the plug in the bathtub and Ninle Glasscock reluctantly came fonlvard after her harrowing tale of near- ation- General manager Jennifer 3 j
j the water rushing toward the drain.” drowning had been told to colleagues at the summer convention In Patterson and editor Tma Kunkler 5‘:
; Pikeville. For her 'drenching' experiences in service to the readers of The worked as casino dealers in the , ‘
l 5 Springfield Sun, she was given an umbrella. Monte Carlo room at the event- , ,. l
19 : Ninie is a die—hard ———————————-————_——-———-—-————-———'-—— Associate member Inside the . 1 é ;
' ' 3 She Was hanging there, trying to her way back to the other rescue Turret donated part Of “5 take from i 1 j
. 3 JournahSt’ th9ugh' SO decipher what to do next when workers. ”1 was drenched but so the second annual Baby It’s Y0“ V . 3;;
"f 3 ' She was 1‘01de her ”whack, something big hit me from were they, so no one noticed,” Ninie contest to. the Fort Knox Outreach . / {1% I
see-”Ha“: camera high in the air behind . . . my head, shoulders and said. Baby Bundle Progrfam. The paper . ' T ' J5?
, j :«r even though she was down my back. Have you ever been She didn’t tell them either desrgnated $150 0 every $25.0 entry 1. . , 1
" ' , ‘ knocked out? Welt-the sounnges .. i. becanse '.’I.had.been warned notato 2 .- feetothe fundto buy items, WhKhM‘“‘ a“?
z i bobbmg up and down ‘first. All the rushing waterway v 1 1 do exactly What 1- did.‘Wouldn’t it ' ' arethen glvee'w'newboms oflumorti
i ' like 'a cork. gone; it was dead quiet, like turning have been something if the only enlisted farrulies. Turret advertismg 3 ‘
me 3 ' off the TV set. And then I started casualty had been the stupid editor manager (3de Sh‘lh‘ presented 5
3 going under.” , of the paper?” baby paraphernalia worth $178.50 to ' 33.3
g- h i She had crossed a stretch of An unidentified man grabbed the program. , l1 .
' : water on a ”mo" With a man and her ha" and the bad‘ Of her Shirt .. _ _' 1‘ J ..
3 ; then found her way to a stone fence and pulled her to safety. She sat lnmemnm Nmeteenemployees of The 3 ,, :'- g
3 where she stood to take pictures. stunned for a minute and then made =it???it====‘=1?ii‘=5‘71“to???wehe???5‘3‘3==:'==5‘?‘9Wit???=5335151313I?it???it???553:3??355‘: N ews-E nterpnse 1n Ehzabethtown, ‘ {H
. ’ i Her attention was on focusing her . plus 10 of their friends/ family if
n { lens in the midst of the drenching . . , Ierome Adam Condo members, participated in the March ~ if?
' rain and not on the water. ClClSSlerdS Jerome Adam Condo, 50, Wash— 0f Dimes Walk America and raised . __ 1 i}
3y 3 The next thing she knew, water ' ington correspondent for The Ken- $1.700- PUbhfjheT Mike Anders, - ’ j
as- l was cresting at her feet - it had HQID anfgg tucky Post in Covington, died June 28 Wlth $100, raised the most money- ' .l .
. , 1 apparently risen six feet in 15 CIRCULATION MANAGER. The 18M, at his home in Alexandria, Va. The News-Danocmt 11‘ ' ' ’
’ ‘ minutes! 7 day/week Columbia Daily Tribune