xt7c599z344k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z344k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1959 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1959 Vol.26 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1959 Vol.26 No.3 1959 1959 2019 true xt7c599z344k section xt7c599z344k .
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 11 1
i 111 ' .‘1 ||
1|‘111I1'11111111 ECEMBER
l 11 l 1 ‘ A W S I her of the Louisville Better Business]; D I
i 11 1 The KentUCk Press + S e ee t + can that the mecca of honest and t1111
11 ‘11 11 Tl P 1 t ff 1 1 l l 1. ful advertising has now been reached; '
‘3 1‘ 1 1c rcss ant s a W181 a iappy 101— the mere threat of action against 11 ..
11 1 1 Volume 26, Number 3 day season to you and yours and looks for— advertising will correct the evil- that}? CCOUl
11 V’ Official Publication ward with you to. a mutual new year of CO— all retail advertisers will be “good boysh
11 _ 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. (:1)€1'at1VC effort in making the Kentucky never sin again. \Ve are afraid thatLtg‘ A chart of AC(
11 1 - 1 Kentucky Press Servxce, Inc. lress‘ Assoc1ation of greater sauce to com— wistful thinking in the whistling dark. paper-$1 set up h
11 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor niunity, and state, and to our fraternity. The Press hopes that KPA legisla' ager of the. Ore
1 1‘ j 1 Perry .l- Ashley, ASSOC‘ate Editor at r r at committee will adopt its ICCOmiiiendafit, ers Assoc1ation,'.
1111 Member Today our re'idin )ublic is n ore co 1‘ that the present Kentucky statute 01111 guide for weekln
111 w! Kentucky Chamber of Commerce 1 , (tly' 1 ‘ f E 11, t f1 1 l vertismg, KRS 424.270, which web in other'states.
11 : Newspaper Managers Assocration $10“ ll'atn 0‘ 010 10 inilpac. 0 a; VCEIEIS‘ on the model “Printers Ink” statute of191 Explaining the
1 » _ Sustamtng.Member. _ mg :1“; 131111.161“? especcliay 51",“: he. 1V (Passed by Kentucky and twenty-sixo \Vebb'saidz.
1 National Editorial Assouation :Cclllll a s w iiei1 ocusel .ittlention, rig it— states), should be amended and b10111 “It is dengned
11 1 . Assouate Member . . u y or urongy, on tie at vertismg pro— up to date so as to include: 111 m1 the understanding
111 , National Newspaper Promotion Assocmtion grains which apparently financed the offend— ch'in es that are necessar’ to incl (1 1 want to expand
i1 Printed by The Kernel Press ing “payolas” and “fixes" seemingly With' ”mid gtelevision indicatedy as neciissfiri‘m the larger ‘Veekli
1 ___________—_.__ _ . ‘ 7 _ ‘ .‘ 1 1 .
11:1 1 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes the out the knonledge of the manufacturer or recent court deciSions to wrden its constmi to set up their co
1 ‘1 fundamental importance of the implied trust ’S'luquQ OPP-ILL [8.1313031 {ND-OS 'SOlOUOBl’. tion; (2) an interpretive paragraph, 0111111 IIICIllI Wlth 2i SCP
11 1 1 imposed on newspapers and dissemination o] sion, w1tliout1power to act in these cases to define bait and misleading advertisingt1 those who have a
1“ public infommtw". 1i Stands for truth, fairness, (the power hes, if such CXlSl’S, With the s)ecific terms “111d (3) the addit'o 1. department woul(
1 1 accuracy, and decency in the presentation of F 1...] C ' 't' C ' ' 1 ‘1, , ’ ‘ , 1M1 . 1
1 1 1 mm as m forth in the Canons of Journalism eccia ommunica ion ommrssmn) ias directive that should postively set 10111111r books for tiat dc
1 l _ It ad’vocates strict ethical standards in its adver- fllnlléunvced.1.lls full (lletcrinmation to keep state agencies, or commissions, should [It On the EXP er
1 1 . tising column. It opposes the publication of tie adiertising on he an on a truthful have the authority to adopt rules andregi to set up the iixr
l ‘ Propagwd“ “"d” ”'5 guise 0’ "ews' It “mm“ and hlgh plane. lations that in any way would rcstricttmll expense items m
. i ”I; "bl'grw" 3f ‘11."fwspaper.w frazk’ hon“? The FTC tOOk 3“ important step for‘ fill and lawful advertising. \Vc belicvethr are those items W
1’ 1 1 ' 1 ‘ a" (ear “5 8. 'iona expression" ”we.“ ward to include all advertising in its new 1 , L. ‘1. 1 11 ' 1 volume goes UP
1 1 ' equality of opinion and the right of every m- . . . . . . he €ng aturC 510“ ( “0t pass 011 ll” .
1 1 dividual to participation in the Constitutional dlehYCS agalnst balt’ misleading, and false liercnt right to regulate 13“me advelfilllfl month b21815. The
1 I guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes advertising on December 4. The guide sets or curtail the right to free enterprise 1111 pendttures Whldl
1 1 1 in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic. standards that have met \Vlth general 3p- pursuit. 1 to either fixed (
ecpnomic, socgal, and cultural community (15- proval Of all concerned with the problems 1‘" >11: 91‘ *1 penscs.
1 1 ‘ W opment 0" pragnm' of advertising, but need eternal vigilance on 1 i ' 1 Mr. WCbb 5 Ch
1 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. Elms?“ oflall1 media, illldd the'eonsuiners, The Bureau at Advertising reporttth BALA:
1 1 1 Thomas L Adams President 0 en orce he ong—neece pl’OVlSlOnS. manufacturers tlns year have appropnatl’
‘_ 1 1'1 - 3 i ’ Herald- Lead 6,.) Lexington The four-pomt guide sets standards which the staggering total of approximately 1111 A
1 l 1 1 ‘ paul Westpheling, Vice-President eniphaSizc that advertisers must not (1) of— billion dollars to be spent at the localltl‘61 Current Assets:
11 1 ' . Fulton County News, Fulton fer a product for sale when the offer is not for advertising to help retailers movethi" 1. Cash on H
11. 111 1 Vlctor R~ Porgnann, jeaetfiry-Itlazagelr , t 21 b01121 fide 0116; (Z) misrepresent a pro— goods. A vast portion of this potentiilal 2. Cash in B1
11 '1’ 1.1 . _ mme .of e" “c y: exmg 0" duct in an advertisement with the intent vertising revenue, however, is untappedb 10. Notes and
1‘] 1 1 1 D‘s‘r‘“ Executive Committee of later switching customers to other mer— newspapers. In fact, the average manufatt 10R. Reserve fr
:1 , : ' 1 fgéa"(;::;1:g-;Fgl§:;r §::m§dngfi:,cdl:s::h;: chandisc by disclosing the truth about the urcr’s experience (based on a Survey of 111 Inventories:
1 '1 ‘ 1 Mayfield; Second, Larry Stone, Messenger- Argus, advertised product; ()1 discourage the pur— Association of National Advert1361’511llf‘1 11. Newsprint
11 1 1 Central City; Third, Basil Caummisar, Courier- chase of advertised merchandise as part of only about one-third of his dealers top! 12. 101) Stock ]
1‘1' 1 1 9 Journal, Louisville; Fourth, ohn G. Gaines, a scheme to sell other merchandise or ' ' . , ‘ , — r rain. ‘ , .
1 1 1 1 . , t1c1patc in the co op p 0g . 1)_ 1111‘ Invent(
1. 1 Park City News; BOWllng Green; F’W’» Frank C' in event of a sale of the advertising pro— No medium has a bigger stake in €61 14. Merchan dis
1' 1 Bell, Trtmble Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, George N 1, .
11 .1 Trotter Enterprise Lebanon' Eighth, George duct, attempt to undersell the product ting these dollars Spent than iiewspapa Fixed Asset-
1 1 1 Joplin 111, Commonwealth, Somerset; Ninth, Earl with the intention of selling other mer— That is why your KPA buys sufficrent 001111; 21 La d8.
1 1 ‘21 1 w. Kinner, Licking Valley Courier, West Lib- cliandise in its stead. of the Manufacturers’ Cooperative Advent 22‘ Building
1 3 erty; Tenth, S. C. Van Curon, Enterprise, Har- r - - - 1 _ - b llet'ns 80 that each KPA membflfil '
‘1 .12-1 1 1 Ian; State-At-Large, Fred J. Burkhard, Casey This ASSOClatlgn’ and 9mm State .as 111g u. l . 1Las1111111‘ 'ZZR. Rcscrve f(
1 “I 1 County News, Liberty; State-At-Large, Landon 5005mm], 113W gIVC“ warning and “once be mailed a complimentary COPl‘ 11:1 23. Machinery
ll 1:11 1 Wills, McLean County News, Calhoun; Imme- about such bait and/0r misleading adver- WC 11““1‘3‘1 the fourth quarter bOOkIet' 111.1 23R. Reserve f
11 1 diate Past President, Martin Dyche, Sentinel- tising through Official bulletins for many service is another dividend of your (111 241 Furniture a
1 1 '31 Ed”) London' _ years. “’0 welcome the emphasis by the membership and we hope you hare 111 MR. Reservef
l1 . _1 Kentucky Press SerVice, Inc. FTC now placed on this evil situation CUSSCd With YOUF advertising manager 1 26. Tvpe an (ill
‘ James M- Willis, Pre‘ide’” which has existed for so many decades, and advantage 0f tapping SOIDC 0f ““5 co«'1 26R Re f
i i Messenger’ Brandenburg pledge continued editorial support We do budgeted inonev. ‘ ' serve ‘
{I . James G. Wilson, First Vice-President ‘ ‘ ' , ' Deferred Cha
11 1 Log Cabin, Cynthiana hope, however, that our newspapers Will 1* 31 11 11 1 31 P .rges
‘ 1'1 1 George M. Wilson, Second Vice-President make a strong point in informing their ad— C111 ‘ Y€pa1d Ins
1 _BT€CkiflTidg€ County He’ald'NewsrflardinSburg vertisers, perhaps at recurring intervals, of The oldest printed book 15 the 161 LIA
1; 1 1 ““0: R‘ Por$232,“???leall/gloriagerfexin ton 1rtlie evils as set forth in the directives. At tance Missal printed by Iohanfl GU11 Current Liab'l' ,
1f ; y _ y, g ' least, by their right to refuse advertising, berg about 1450. The first pnnllflgm1 51 A lltlef
1 ‘ i Board Of D irectors our newspapers can, and should, police, or Western HemiSphere probably 0mm} 52' ECCOUMS 2”
1 ' ‘ ‘ Chairman, Bennett Roach, Shelb News, Shelb - _, . ~ - , '1 - - ' '11 thelE ' Hlployees
4- 1 y y refuse to run advertismg that Violates these about 1539 in Mexrco City Wlt 1
1‘1 .‘ ' ville: Rumsey E. Garrison, Anderson News, . _ ’ . . . . . S t beginniflt‘l 53. Employees
1; 1. Lawrenceburg: Enos Swain, Advocate-Messenger, prinCiples of good taste and busmess acu— printing in the United ta es Cambfldf 5,1. Employer’s
,1 . _ . . . .I 2 t . . V 111
111 , 1 1| Danvrlle, Niles Dillingham, Progress, Dawson 111611. 1 1638 It H IIV’ll'd Acadcm, F.O.B,, U1
1: 1 I II Springs; Officers Ex-Officw- The Press cannot agree With Leo Meag— Mass.

 r B .
nestusmesg 111 DECEMBER
11 and 1111111 I 1959
1éeaclled' t1
‘ flinst «1b
116V“: th ”I A ' T
gem CCOun "E KENT
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31d thatylkfjn1 9 KY PRESS
itlin 1 A Chart . . .
KPAg 131k 1 papers, setoi Accounts fo art Id T 111111 1 1
69011111122111 age: of the 12) by Car} é‘X/eemy Ne 0 We 111111 1 :1 .
statu 31:, ers ASSOCiat- regOn N ‘ Vebb WS' kl ' PA 1 11111 1 11
11ic11 1133:1113 guide for végzlél-Incv hfs‘VSpaper fill]??? 55 WOrkmen, e les Advertisin GE ONE 11111 1 1 1 ‘
' ~ ' S _ . 1 1/ 11. 1 >
.1StatutCOfl911 "11,3311“- SM‘tes. 1C5 1“ OrengEVEd a good 56. 1316““ P33131301“? Deductim: Sh°“1d Be 1; '1 1
'Ve“ty'811011 111111)”an the as Well a F‘. ”“16 Tax 6 131- BUSine 3:11? 1' ;
1d and b10111) Sltb‘sald: Chart in a 1 S 1‘\(ed Liabil’t‘ Payable Amelflm Hanso SS Expense 1111111 1 -_
C: (1) 15 d€Si Ctter )1- M 1163: - IlC3n N n, gen 1131:" 1 :1: I
. . Ce; gned 7 M 01’ t10n C era] 1: ‘ 1 _ .1 1 ,
’0 Include 111 the undershilldin as a minim 1'. Pa ’tgage & L011 CO ’ has told :VSpaper PubC-Ounse1 fo 11“ I 1 1 1
1S necess1m1 11am to expands that large um and W'th Mble g Term Not ed Tmittee th :1 e Honse \glshers A r the '11” ' f 1 1" 1
16“ it 1111 6 larger lt' F0 r paper 1 NET es 0 Per - a tax] ays SSOCia. 112W? 13 1 1 '
_ ”011811111: 10 Set WeeklieS I Exam S Wollld ,7 WORT 213 a mlt all aWs Sho and Me .1 1 13 1 1 I
hgggfiph’ 011111 111611t Eriltheir Comngogld Prgéeziblrnost Of '1‘; Capital H ACCOUNTS “Ian 1511111111685 Exiifftising 5’1?) b: ameglzls " 1 1 1 1
1 "6111111 1h05e ‘ 2‘ Separ ”131mm 1 Y Want :- Draw' that . S (Ark. 56- Com .6 eduCt ‘ 1 1 1i 1
1111311011011 departgéithave a 1:1; 3611—1 of big depart 7" P‘OfitlZiZ L fuctigeanx adVer113133preMed $1366 chaffl U :15 1
0rth1111 1300}; Would 0 Ce 3 5' A150 PR 085 08c ' ’. “ternal g Were e Cone _ 1 1 1‘ 1
ms 31101 "1 S for th no do upplie ’ OFIT Its Ilgh Rev made erI1 11 1 ‘ 1 1
’ 11111 “O at de “131 w 3 Sales AND 3‘" a t to d eDUe S tax d 1.11 1 1 1 1
rules 1d 1 n the ‘ex Partment ant 56p I"OSS c ' nd nece etermin erVice . e- :11 1‘ 2 1 " .
1d res in [6111 to set u PCnSe ac or bus' Crate 111 State _Ope 1 Onceded ~ 553W” e What 1 Inlght ‘1 1 2‘ i :
”101111111 CV P the fiX' Counts, 11-1633 COI‘HC A “lent ratmg less It mi 1 exPenSe 15 no d-111‘ 1 1 I
NC bcli 1 ‘PenSe item . Cd Or n I hav '. 101 CCOUntS. . to dm‘ 1311 be (1 '. Atty r In. 1111‘ 11 1 1'
“€111 “‘3 tho - s “1 th lore 0r 1 e trled ' LOCal A ' 1mpro V SOme 1- eSIIabl ' HanSO 111 1 ‘1' 1 :
P2153 011111 , Se 1t€11 e 200 . 655 102 N . dVC - . (R Per 3d _ . lne b 6 f0 11 1" 1 1 1
311 Volume 1S Whic Serles' Stable . atlo rtlSln .L) . Vertlsm etWCe 1' COn _ 5‘31 ‘1 1
N211 21dVeI1isix1 month £10163 “P 0r :1 Vary Consighe 300,3 183 ClaSSiIfilzld Advertiin 1305211, “fald he Coiéx1)en563.ri{pr0per angd 1111 1 1 1
uterprisc 113’ PenditurésSls' 11F he 400zwn 0“ a 1:3ny as 10:. Legal Ad AdVertisingg Hon", vorthy of thered Hanep' Forand ‘311 5 1 1 1
to 1 W icl are th ‘ 01'1th_t . Ci Vertis- A ry Se . Son’s 1 ‘. 11 1
1 ether fix 1 have 6 p01. 0- 106 YCulati 111g Ve1 r1Ous Pro- 111:: 1
- 1 7 ,, ed Ve . Ic ' . C 0n tCra COn . 1 1 1 1* 1 1
P311805. 01' Val‘ia Ty httle Icy .CX- 107 01111nercia ' {633, Re r 11 DemOCr . Sldera_ 1 1:: 11311 ‘1
M ble_b 13110 Me 1 pr . La P eSent . 2|th 1 , 11 1
ng r'VVebb1 y‘Volum 1‘ 108 .rchand' mtmg '11 has ' atWe o cadet - 1135: 11312 =
I‘31)011 :11 3 c1 6 - M 156 S d - . lun ve In C : a 1 111.1 :1
,7 5 11L, 12111; f 6x- 15Cella ales uctlb ]' 1ped ' rtOn B 01] 1 11 1 -' 1111 1
\c flPPr0 CHOW - E “eons a .1 1tY c “‘10 t1 r00k g‘ 112% 1
J , pna1. BALA 3. Xpense ReVen genCle . Ontrov 1e ad ‘ s (D 111’ 1111,! 11‘
tr2111n31€11 01:1 NCE SHEET 201 531A CCOUnts- “6 to freeawlth rulingrsy by clyertlsing dc: 1111111111 1 11
' 16106311111. C AS . afies.Ad . Spec 01]] of S “Wh‘ argin — 111111111 1‘ 1
‘ . Ch” th- 1C1 g t 1111::11’1
11:“ “10161111 ”1611935619 SETS 202 3:” V’ Bus. 015Ce N COMgm'tulNEA ProcmprfsS allldpofse “111222 1313111111
- potentifl1111 ' fish 0n. . preCiati ’ eWs tiVeé atiOns” - PtY ext reedonn 1111111531111
15 1 I 2‘ C 1 Hand & F. - On’Bld ’ hair In 3 6”(led ‘1 - of 111 11111311 '
211151511171111 101 N25112:“ Bank 210 & 112'1’114‘1Mrvge113‘Mv» 11111113 Targets?“ 36111121116113 £10m 1330118111 11111111
‘ 1" 10R and - F 68 T - ervi Bro - ‘st gisla_ 11:1 511 1| 1
a SUIVCV 0111 ' Rese ACCOu 21 Cature ’ yPe . Ce arld OkS a Crs_ 1111 111:! 1
‘ ' . '3 I 1 We f Hts R - 2- I S & Ad “’lllch the F re Int 11 : 11'1 11
$11M 1 or s & 51M 01 111 2
111215101111 - New . 218 1, pew weeS_L 1h ’ r isingn Wlth ac . 0mm . 31111 11;:‘111111 .
l]. ‘ 12 10b Sprlnt I 2 - M61111) '61; Wat egaL ACC .at Certfli - IRS r1 tlng “as 551011, ‘11 ‘11-'11 1 I
» 1 J St “Vento 19. M er$1111) er tg- trlc c n adve - . ‘nd FPC 21 Gem 11:11 111111111 1 1:_
I Stake in 1.1 I), I Ock I W OtOr . and D 0111133 ~ rt15111 h 501' 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
1,111 11k I nVent - 220 O Veh 1165 I165 “163 g COst aVC I.‘ 1,111 11111 1 1 ‘.
an 1 1 l4 nVel 01y ~ ffi ICICS & . _ 5 CK Cann S of . uled ‘11 .1 '11111 1‘ 1
Mueage 11 111 .
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3mm A1111 d ASSetS' 0r ReSal S. Repai He], Heati The L S 6 tax and a 13qu ’11:} 1313111 ‘ .1 :
PA mc b16111 3;.Land1 6 Inventory £30. THESIS & Mainteng Port H oUlSiElnrl 1c . IatCTflak- 11151 1111111 1 3 1
1 1111 61131 . 1 . 35 c 011 P flanc ‘ C is ,‘ 'glslat .1111 ' 1 _
“0131:. Lastwm‘ ZZRBIIlildlng 240‘ Efleplmne {19:16 rty ‘3 of Equipt 2:53 find is 5&1:ng his 1§§h181from Spre1'11111 11 -
it 0011611111 23 ' CSCIV 3 ' lscell ’ 6gm 1 ' Stro . Irma“ Crm - ve- 11111 1111111 ‘ i
. 1, . M . e for D 01. S] 3116011 P1, Po the “Run of th 1n C 111 ,11111 1
of vour KP= 23R 21Chlne epre ~ . 3 10p W 5 Stage Gov CS Con . c 116 0mg. 11-1 111 11 ;
1 ' 1" 'R W Clatlorl—B 02' T 1 ages He ' emment 1mittee W SCie :11111111111 f
you 13161 24. eSCrVe Mg. 30 ”‘63 On 15 a 121111;, Oper - ' He is “Ce 1:11 1‘11: 1 :
3 Of this cm" 26‘ lrvpesmve f0: DFlXtures on'MChy, 305' Mommism'oflspsnsfi of P1161)- Brooks (:fler, 0r a dCCadetee' 1: 111 1 1:
. . ' z ' a , ‘11 ‘11 11 ‘ ‘
1 D26R' Reieisd Metafpremation—F 8:1“ “0 11111:: IliféNengrtsallesb SOciqltZOAmericanofi as his text t] as 111,1111 11-1111 1 f
eferred e fOI D ' 1- D 61P1 ’ Se. " 0 Sta H ‘ n as r e"VSpa3. 1epo~- 111’131111 ?
Ch ePr - - 3 1010s Ck, 01156 60131111, 10‘ Pub' smon 11111111
. 3 a ecu 07_ and W‘, 3 . 11 ‘, 1, 11111111
C Is the C111 1‘ Prepailrges and P . t1O“-—T_&M 401 SCCOHdCI Engravings ANPA {1510155 and Eutllncd b thcrs As_ 1 1: 11.111111 ,
IOhann Guta' c Insurancerepald Illsur . 402' ContributF‘SS POStage to make Cd {of an a 463113 Ce Ore the ‘1 1 11111111 ‘.
print‘ 1 111 C L Since ' Promo - Ions and A gCStio all ad co mendme 0mmittee '11111 1111111114 5
11111111. “‘Mnt - IABILI 403- T “OMS (n dvertis' fr “3 got 513 ded .“1 to th 1 1: 1% 1-111 11 1 3
1)?!ny occunm 51. ALlabilitie TIES O rave] and EHOU-Sales) lng COOm Commit: Surprisin ilctlble- “16912111111111” 1 1
eginnint 5 1P01. 0 - C '. Ste W 0 11 ‘f 1 11111111111 ‘
in 0111111111111 5131‘ 13111131031223 F.O,Bt_esPPayable 502. 1111:]: DISColmts T k marks rEarwrote Rep B Chose to , 1 1 111111111 3
'Emplo ’3 111C0m Ely'able 503_ 1VI' est Earned 3 en pOSition C almost rOOkS t1 1 11;, 1111 11
F0 Byers ContbeaX Withh Otl lscCllaneouS 0 Copy of 0f NE A ,, CXacuy Par1at his re 1 11 1 111111; 1 g
.> Unemplolyrigons_ 61d 601? CExpense. the: IHCOme ductibiljthls TCCefit 1:121 EStersailil to the ‘ 1 1; ‘ 11111 1
Ilt IDS n' 3811 D,‘ to y made ement uded a 111' 111-11111
' Iisceu ‘1 ‘ Cul to 1 r 13 “mg. H 1111131531111:
21 . "st 0m- 11111,
neous other}; thelr posityou for So 616 Crs Wrote u e 1 1 ”1.111111 %
XPeflse furth Ion" and (11161111), s 7 are 11‘ 1 131-1111 :11 g
i 6r e110rts 11 will a upPOrting 1;; 13:11111-1
mpOrtant to on this 111 ppreciate a 13111 11111111
HeWSpape Hatter SO Cl’it' my 1 1 1;; 11:11 1
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.1 5 rr r
l ; . . Oklahoma Bar Protests I How MXCh M
r Feature Stories Are Plentiful Courtroom Photography , "W “Y.
i I . Oklahoma Bar Association in brieffihd‘ $331" ceaipélésti:
r: . , For Many C ommumty Papers we State Supreme C°urt.rece“*1¥allegri who at
i . r it is imposuble to take pictures in court. has one idea and
i (Remember that good pictures—action include some tips on how people can pre— 2:132:13 fhlethgdldrfhsttdafggcgt ailygne. 1:1in Wherever ’therr
if shots whenever possible—add tremendous— vent serious fires. demonstration by press (andquisl fin." though, its alv
jg; ly to the interest of any feature.) Interview someone who works at night groups to show pictures can be takeewsion Many managem
ii . 1 Interview people who grow any unusual instead of during the daytime, such as the out disruitin trials Thecbar’ b ‘efn “"11? idea of rust ho
l‘ plants, either indoors or out—or who have owner of an all—night cafe, service station, . 1_ g . ' .5 He Stated Wage rates are t
3‘, . . . _ 4. it was a known fact that pictures canlx - d fficc
:1, unusually beautiful yards and lawns. In— power plant workman, policeman. Find out taken without the princi als in th W bans an o ’
l1 elude tips on “how to”. Oftentimes there’s what happens in town while most people knowin . “I . p e tn: Since theyrc
M ‘ . . . . . g it. t is the fact of photograph llin time
,rr an interesting story on where speCifie plants are asleep. He or she should be able to tell the fact that the intrusion is and 56 g . .
ll. btained. some amusin incidents that ha en dur— ‘ ‘ . . presently; ficials of Cincn
.rr were 0 . . . . g pp fact that all the prinCipals—mdge “‘1 '
it} Every town has its interesting old homes mg the wee hours. What does he do to nesses law'er .uri—m ‘on sta , ii 11" sharpened then
H,“ ‘ i and buildings. Carry a series of stories about keep from going to sleep? inescab'iblx? disltrietifi fro tghe ll; 1: l some interesting
i i r the history of those in your town and when Interview the person who has been teach— hand ,1, K the brief (said g m e as i If you have I(
possible, include interviews with people who ing school for the longest time in your city I ’ , , ) t b "f fil d b K C them an averagr
have occupied them. or county. How is teaching different today B nAmorc :cccn me e fg] ay oun. miHUtCS “’35th i
Who keeps your city property beauti— from some years ago? Are children any dif— Chlirtéssocliiiiorhhn 21353200 tailtetSupreh 3'9“ $53120 Vi
ll . fied? Interview him. He’ll appreciate your ferent, basically? How have facilities im- brief declared that cgurtroldlmp ho Egmllhl with some, 500
i? publicizing some of the problems he has in proved? What special satisfactions does he . H t 1 b“ 'tt dB 00W. time there ll. be
i: connection with his job. or she derive from his work? U; do pas 13.3 6C; permi e as amatta down the drain 1
l Trailer parks always make good copy. Have you someone in town or in the o ‘1“?‘3m‘3f1fiaon’0k‘ftl not 3(8) a mattert Suppose your‘
3: ‘ \Vrite a story about the people who live county who has a telephone in his auto— anyliig “‘1 1w , . 3110 mall 01(11rt iiartlr per hour. Those
l; . in one or more such parks in your town, and mobile? Interview him for a story on how SOC“ ion 12“ prevrous y .a ege t at . cost you $1,062.
Ii i tell about some of the problems peculiar he uses the phone, how it saves time for slanted news Stones and mtervrews By ' 313.00 with 50 a
i l to their unusual way of life—and some of him, why he had it installed, etc. PICS tellmgpeople that Canon 35 was: 500.
- . . the advantages, too. If you have a doctor in the area who has deliberate “’1ng out by the court 0f HI“ Now if vou’i
r - - - . - - y uarantee of freedom of s eech in Amer ’ *
. Talk to your City librarian. She can tell been practicmg there for a long time, hell *3 . . . p . h facturer with 10(
f you some interesting stories about the make interesting copy. Find out from him rest, 115 a prolstitution 0f th? mg}: to]? 35150 per hour,j
I , . oldest book in the library—the most re- how conditions in his field have changed, 3139“" and “WM not be to erate‘ 01ng the end of a vea
I ‘ . quested book, smallest book, the youngest how he traveled to visit patients when he weight or conSideration by free thmkmn' utes per day (per
il ‘ library borrower, oldest borrower, _etc. ' first started practicing, how new drugs have _..________—___— All these figu
l‘ .i ‘ Pets are always good copy. Find out if helped, how many babies he’s delivered, doctors really as hard to read as you he hour day, five (I
l i there aren’t some unusual ones in your town etc. . . they are? How is his stock of drugs dfi. days per. year, 0V
l . and do a story about them and their owners. How did your town get its name? Some fcrent now from what it was in earlifl hourly rate. Th:
' Check With your banker about his buSi— of the old timers around town can con— years? Sundays and lit
‘ . - ness. Has his bank ever been robbed? How tribute intresting sidelights to this story. Interview a local long distance operala where your emp:
i ‘ ‘ long has his oldest depos1tor been With Is there anybody in your town whose for some of the oddities that occur in t5 ing careful eliecl
1i ,‘ 3 ; him? Does he have any very young dep031— busmess is wrecking buildings and old business. Are people usually nice in dealltt‘ solution. Anothe
l ‘ . tors? Get an interesting story from him on houses to make way for new structures? He with a telephone operator, or are they your managers a'
i v . ‘ the economics of your town—how has the can tell an interesting story about what he clined to be impatient? What are some time goes. It’ll s
l 1 picture changed in the past 25 years—what finds in these old places, or under or the most unusual C3113 she has been asked run—Printing I
,‘i ' j is the outlook? around them, and what problems he en— to place? What is one of her biggest picbl
1‘ ‘ j , If you have a local bakery, find out how counters in tearing down the older places lems in dealing with the fellow on the 0th _
A i ‘ many loaves of bread they bake each day. that were solidly built. end of the line? There are how
ii 'i , Are people eating more bread now, or less? An interesting series of features can be Interview a local watch repairman-WI“: fishing firms in
ii; I How have tastes changed in types of bread? built around the senior citizens in your is the most unusual repair IOb he’s been tOtal volume of
. l ; Interview a local cleaner. What is the town. How long have they lived there? How asked to do? How long does it take him to! half billion dolla
‘r , . ; strangest article he’s ever been asked to did they happen to move there in the first clean a watch? How many pieces are their!
. . _ clean? Has he ever found a large amount place? What changes have they seen in the in an average timepiece? How did he hapl ‘
r : of money in somebody’s pocket? What city? Is it a better town now than in the pen to become a watchmaker? D0 PCOPI‘ Most .ad mats
. _ types of stains are the most stubborn to “good old days?” What amusing incidents usually take good care of their watches and fidvertising agen
1: ' remove—what types are the most common? do they remember? clocks? What is the oldest and most ut 1“ their ads ma
- What advice can he give people as to what Watch the classified ads. Often there’s usual timepiece in town? supposed to give
to do about stains on clothing? Does he a might interesting story._in an unusual “for I 1 . ' ho damp ed‘by floating
. have any new problems in his business due sale” item, or in the “lost and found” clas- 3 here a woman 1“ town ‘1: d rugs h Pay only for the
. to the many new types of fabric on the sification. usual handwork such Ell—£100 etc Aiooi Sh‘_)I>S tighten it
‘ ; market? Talk to a local pharmacist. Are people tricate lace work, quilt pICClflfg, 6 gm inlet: domg the boss (
‘ ' Interview your fire chief for a story on buying more sleeping pills than they once women‘shfiature can gesult traindw shell“ Eappens even in
- the biggest fire the town has had. Find out did? How has the drug business changed in :tlaexedwitn liefirhldbhiru he“; iiilziny she’s malt, bgglyetlmes we v
i‘ . . o , ever
‘1 l I I III what are the most common fire hazards and recent years? Are prescriptions written by why she likes to do that type of work“ IeallYI
' |

I 195
9 I DECEMBER: 1959
I How M
I I Throw ACh MOney Ca THE
l in br'f H Way Today? n YOu KENTUCKY
1 I .
€Cently CallfiICI YE: CCXPCI‘lsiVC is t PRESS
tures . €ng an get 11116?

Inc on who ,. a 10t ' t 1- » I I
‘yone.Th:'II‘ 11350116??ht31k to_ Aof anSwers d a U S 0 I31. n
reqUe I WI 1( Ca and (1 Plant 8 .ependin P I III -‘ II _

St fOI lam/Cr ‘11 offi upermt g o AGE I III I I II
11d telehsII though it’sthelre,S a Cb: manager 21:111th n O a rrlel‘s THREE III? I I '

6 taken . Ma ’ 3“qu Sines 0t er I -
r’ . wlII , “Y 1113113 ‘.S a d' 5. o e . - nt ‘53? 1:2 :
IiCStubnefstaIfI III? of justgefigent mel1 llicussmn 11:31:01]; T he St r0 B epends I i I I I I
m can 'flgerat “’ 6x - ave litt ect- Whet ““5 of y N V , I221 ~: I I i
Ifs In them: basis andeifilire “Small???“ time 1:30: ho “‘1 eIILC’Ihe is antihe NCWSPape e S I I '
. photor Sine CC Work' gged on h be. erc- P OYCE—d ndePend rb°Y—th . a 5 I '
13 Dr gHPhI e thev’rc - erS On an 11011 156d eitl ePCnds ent con at ls er I IN I > I
s_- egentIIII End selling 'timcln the bUSia Salary Fly WiSe 0Ver :r throng} upon the CtractOr Or boards "ind I I :h .‘ 'I ; I
' u . ‘ J n ' t 1 o . ¢ 3a: , g . ' .
stagle’ ge’h 510315 0f Cincinrechrders fogs? of makin . 1” Colin 5 OpeYationa Comract :trol ex- an ‘ndepeng‘hrts 1101d II3 I I I I
1 the “Ihchk solflrpened their pflatl Time R 1ndlls’cry Ofg Ions: and 0166isions insdof the bOy r other- ployee. em Comrathe Newspa I I . I-
38k 2' Inc intere , encils . — €COl-de ’ - lag 31 [lerwis ’ ustrial - In CtOr an perbo ; I I I'
I If\' Stlhg fig and Can t C0 tr Ways be e, the d boerd d t1 Jul)’: 193 d net y as 5 L» 2 :' I.
by K .011 have 1 llres_ 16 Up - .’ 01 exe - en the cterm' - eds. 16 Bur 8 a . an em 1 III: I i ‘ I
3y C0 them '1 0 CH] Wlth tra rClscd amOu Inlng f Sta eau Of ruhng - H II I I IA 1 ‘
States un' ' in he“? Ployees Ct’OVer ’regardl ht Of a actor [”5 of Inter Was 5e I I I s 1
“PR? minutes wa g6 Of $1 and are Pape~ - the new €55 of th Ctual co SOCial News hal Rev Cured fr I I I I I
PhOto V01 5th '25 Payin 1’ Its ‘ SPape e term 11' Secu - Papal) Enue 0m Ian I ; I:
graph . 1 $5312 Per (11 Per h g Org Clrcul . rcarr- S ofC OPer . rlty Oys f as to , III |‘ I
n h I ' ' 0. \ - ‘Y fOI‘ our, . ’ 0r 0th _ athn 161‘ b on. anon at th . Or [he I III I IIE‘ I I
id Baotograph‘ IIIIII Some SOOVIth a mu; year Will 3% In a Contrerwmg It dodepartmenty the news- (Mich) I: of the Ca::‘t1me' Billrposes of III I I
Is I smatmah dale there,“ beemhloyees Larger plafistt :lndependejq that the 612110 gOOd’tosuferViS- ReVenue Jufnali the 1; boys ofefhoh the I I I 1‘ I
‘ “M "nth - a ’ n 1 , it' tee 6w 61 0pe - “yl Ure e}:- III; M; '
Cour e dral - W110 - tle 1Orls . ntrac . Spa Care ratln 1: 19 all 11m; I I I: v
tBaI SH) {1 1h '1 V Phlhg $2 Same mak nuhlf)’ tor 1f Perbo ' 11 g und 38 r of I AM a I ‘
‘ .. ‘ ’ - h the Y 18 6Ws er uled nter III: E - I
.eged th IPOSL yOu «Can 6,560 0 6 111m _ t 6 Ver Opera . an paper the C that nal it I I z .
at ”If PCT hou 1' W21 ‘ 0 Th an 1nd y {Crm tlng fical] and Ontl‘a the b I I‘ I I .
em I- T1 g6 rat - . e . epe 5 WI' Con- Y de - und Ct u 0 s Iii E : E:
[101116;]; by ' 233; you $1 62:66five mililsthlgher at $2 5 paperbogeal: Indepe:::nt Contracltlsh would tors. sCrlbed wer:r.c§hditi0::d by thzt III i ,I
“I - ’ . - 6 . u . nt 1'. In a . III-VIE:
e court (III; 500'00 Wlth 50 21121 Wifth 10 681inI day wig 32d sehs they“: hh neWspalcaontrac‘Or N epehdent 2053*“- 9 3 II I
eech in AmI ' 3 antflst' P oyees $ Cen the r _ at rem} ers at x h eWs- As ._.__ “ac- I‘IIIII' i I
x ' fl NOW ' 1C $53 ’ 57‘ the etall a l 1 the . V 016531 i yOu kn .__— ‘ II: ‘II ‘I‘ i
£351? to fret facturery VII/IIIIIOU’IC 1 1 d ’130 With by $20? of the Sjythe ‘VholesjllgerenCe bee hfsfiance 1121:1111 paYmem of III III I
- e 01m 5150 1 100 ‘ De mm . Sam ewspa - ROute rate be‘ ‘ up. Th' wayS be unem E II III": II
66 thinkm . t1. per11011 eh‘PlOye S‘Zed m e Way th her to a N S may b mg labor 1 ‘5 has 1 en 011 a p 10Ymen IIII ‘IIIII ?
en. la 6nd of I, 5’011’11 Cs and a anu_ may lea at an a ewSPa )6 e leased tral' Eaders ‘ a Ways be State-fed I III; I II 1*
—¥— “Ies per a year- A find $6,376 re paying dealer se telrlritolrv utomobileI rboy in the W Izhd feder Vho Want ‘ en °bn0xi eral III-I III II I
d3" nd that’ ’00 le 5' JUS ’ to One manufa ashln 5‘1 Con 1‘ all 0‘15