xt7c599z263k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z263k/data/mets.xml Kentucky United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1935 Text reproduced from type-written copy ; music, photostat reproduction of manuscript (Special Collections copy). Part of the  Bert T. Combs Appalachian Collection. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number PS593.L8 F6 1935. books  English  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Folk Songs From East Kentucky, Collected by Folk Song Project of the Federal Music Project in Kentucky text Folk Songs From East Kentucky, Collected by Folk Song Project of the Federal Music Project in Kentucky 1935 1935 2015 true xt7c599z263k section xt7c599z263k i
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 Folk Songs from East Kentucky j
Collected by ·
Folk Song Project P
of the i
Federal Music Project  
in Kentucky  
Works Progress Administration  

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"The Poor Blind Boy"
(1) Dear Sister said the poor blind boy .
that little bird sings very long. 5
Say, can you see him in his joy, I
and is he pretty as his song. N
w ,, _ . . T
(2) 'les, Edward, Yes," replied the maid, ·_
¤ "I see that bird in yonder tree, r
¢' The poor boy sighed and gently said, M
"How beautiful for one who see's", ‘
(3) But I the fregrent flowers can smell Q
and I can feel the green leaves shade ;
“_€ and I can hear the notes that swell Q
from those deer birds which God has made.
g (4) But, sister, God to me is kind. ,
Thou site, alas, he has not given f
but tell me ore there and blind »
anong the ohildren up in heaven. z
(5) No, dearest Edward, thoy’ll see
but whv ask You a thin so odd. _
d 3 D
Oh, sister, He‘s too kind to me.
I thought I'd like to look st God.
1 (6) Here long deoease his hand had laid
on that poor boy, so meek ond mild.
his widow’d mother wept and prayed I
_ ., that God would spare her sightless child.
(7) he felt her warm.toars on his face y
and said, "Oh, never weep for me. I
I’m going to a bright, bright plooe, .
where Mary says I God shell see." L
(8) And you'll come there dear Mary too -
end mother, when you get up there I
tell Edward, mother, thst it is you. _
You know I never sew you here. _
$’ ‘ :
(9) Ee spoke no more but sweetly smiled y
until the final blow was given child.
W Then God took up that poor blind child .$
and opened first his eyes in heaven. {
L;}. j ·
, 2
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    ‘ i ·
{J _:

 ·{ C '>' ‘ . _ _.·" V: .
In 1875 Anna Lbsser, sister of William Z
lksser requested this song to be sung E
at her grave.
° "Iother Song" .
r ¥ 
(1) I‘ll not be long with you mother l
I soon must say good bye Q
But mother we shell meet again y
In God’s bright home on high. Q;
Q . S
(2) Mother don*t you know you said `
Sweet sister living there »
And that she is an angel too I
* So beautiful and fair. j
(3) Oh mother I shall wear bright wings
And be an angel too A
And there before God's golden throne {
l'll kneel and pray for you. 3
(4) She'll know me when I come mother
She'll take me by the hand
We'll always be together there
' ln yender‘s peaceful land `
(5) Lean closer down your ear mother i
‘ My voice is growing weak j
You are weeping now, I felt a tear Q
Just fall upon my cheek. .Q
(6) Ch mother do not weep for me _;
I'm.not afraid to die Qi
Your lips are trembling and I see 3:
The tears are in your eyes. M
(7) hy eyes are growing din but though I hear Q
g Sweet numic from the skies r`
I It is for me I an going away N
So yother dear good bye. I
“ .l
s fi `   ,

 "I Ali A POOR PILGRIM OF som2ow" g 
(1) I am a poor pilgrim of sorrow  
Cast out in this wide world to roam . 
I have no hopes of tomorrow · 
Once started to make heaven my home p
My mother has reached the bright glory  “
My father still wandering in sin ‘
My brother and sister wont own me  
x. Because I am trying to get in g 
-Chorus·- i
Sometimes I am tossed and driven _ 
Sometimes I know not where to roam
I've heard of a city called heaven
I’ve started to make it my home y
(2) I know I am weak and unworthy Y
My heart is prone to sin  
I've heard of the city called heaven _.·Q
I am trying to enter in  

 E ··
**1*2222 Lirzts mess" L 
(1) There was a lady a lady gay Q
Of children she had three ‘
She sent them away to the north eollegy Q
To learn their grammery l
(2) They had not been gone but a very short time y
Perhaps six weeks and a day Y
Until death, grim death swejt ever the way I
And swegt those babes awa; .r7‘ r
(5] Geod Lord how did txeir mother feel
She wrung ner Lands and cried
Send down send dewn my three little babes
Tonight or in the merning soon r
(Q) The table was set and the cloth spread on {
lt was set with bread and vine {
Sit dvxn, sit down my three little babes g
and eat and drink of mine ]
(5) I ean*t eat none of yeur bread mether Y
Ser neither drink your wine
For yender stands our Savier dear
and to him we must return ‘
g; E Y A '
Q .t

- - .   , ? 
"IHB 0LD dau cluclEp" {
(This is 2. fra.g;n@1w:b played Oli the fiddle - only the last j
four measures are s’,1;=.;. The fiddle? uses this tune to ,
live-:11 21 gsxblmering wlwzz an GV€llll’lg7S frolic is growing dull)
Gluck 0lcl hem, clucl: and squall A
Aim’l: laid   egg since way lash Fall. l
g? E '
{J g

 6 ¤·`
o . . . , 
(J.) Come   YOU IfOU.l'].g l3.l11GS, 9. W&I"l'1ll'lg; to ;,·`OLl R 
Don*t never marrv a drunkard whatever ~ou do ?
. 1 _
They will brag on your beauty like lillies of the west L
But when the bottle comes they will love it the best ;
9\ ,` V 1 ¤_: _! UVA. . ~  
(A.} LJOJIG 9.].- yOU yOU.l'lg l&Cl.1.GS 8. viflllllllg 'CO _y’OLl
Don*t never marry a gambler what ever you do ‘
Their tonwues are so trifline and their woris all so fair ,
cn _A
But the cards in their pockets show plain what tney are .
e ~ (5) Some will jerk out their knives and swear they will kill
While others will shoot you to gain 1 stall bill
Then there*s father and mother left to weep and cry
To think their poor boy a murderer must die _
;¥ E '
9 it

 E J
. . W H we e N
"OLD UOTlOu 2imD JOm" {
, (1) 1*11 make me e fiddle end make me e bow H
And 1*11 learn to olev like cotton eved Joe (
1 J . Y
Corn stock fiddle enc e shoe string bow 4
lf bhet's not fiddlin’ 1'd like to know F
· (2) I tuned up my fiddle I went to e dence
1 tried to make some music .
But couldnlb get e chance 1
(3) Hold my fiddle and hold my bow 1
Till 1 whip the Devil out of cotton eyed Joe _
Cotton eyed Joe lived across the creek
- He learned to play the fiddle seven days e week
(4) 1've made A lot of fiddles, made e lot of bows `
But 1've never learned to fiddle g
Like cotton Eyed Joe Q
‘ J
if 7

 E ··
v .
. I 
"cncmm acc"  
Grabbcd his gun and 1‘:}1is·blcd for his dc;
Grabbcd his gun and `»‘J'hiSJC].€d for his dog c
Flcw to the hills tc catch cc grcumd hog, grcund hc;.
J i

 E ;~
l ‘ · {   ,·
“n;ns*.*.®LL QEOTQZER"  $
{l) Farewell mother I an dying i
But for me you must not weep L
I can scarce hear your sighing l
Soon with Jesus I shall be M
(2) He is calling me to heaven y
To his holy dwelling place {
Every doubt from me is driven 2
- , . I I
he has saved me by his grace ,
(5) Glory, glory hallelulah, i
Soon with Jesus I shall be ·
Soon with angels Illl be singing —
In that home prepared for me
(Q) If the privilege is given
To behold you from above
Oft I'll look down from.heaven .
In the face of one I love `
(5) Just beyond the mystic river y
I can see my future hone Q
There I*ll dwell with loved ones ever `
They are safely calling——eo;e. j
S! g

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 i s `
`SV H' ]TT T" V'1 " \ '“`T(‘1 "V*‘r`1"r ';\·· v\~<{ ~-» —··r» —·-—`·`1] §
· ,[ lll; riOl DE Lo e- Lvllll lu! LL; A . ;;,`°f;;_:L` i
(l) l'll not be long with you, dear mother 2
I soon shell say good bye {
But mother we shell meet again
ln God*s bright hoxe ox high
(2) Oh mother dohlt you know you said
Sweet sister is lying there `
And that she is an angel too
So beautiful end fair
(3) She will know me when I come deer gothwr
She will take we by the hand
There we will always liv; together  
lh yohders peaceful land ,
(Q) Them mother I will wear bright wings
And be eh ehgel too ·
And then before Godls golden throne
1*ll kneel and prey for you
(5) Lean closer down your ear, dear not er
ly voice is growing weak '
» You are weeping still I felt 1 tear
Bell down upon my cheek
(G) Oh mother dohlt you wee] for gm
I em not afraid to die `
I hear my Savior calling me
So mother, deer, good bye
e a
l { ’
% ‘

; I
I had 2 piccc cf pic and a li&ilc plccc 0f_puddin’ ;
I*d givc it all away to hug Sally Gccdin l
Nlght's S0 dark rcnd‘s sc muddy
I’m so drunk I c2m‘t walk steady.  
U ii
;¥ 3 ‘ * · — .
:» 5 c

 E i
` ~ .< T .·
(l) High up on Highland and low upon Tay e
Bonnie George Campbell rode out on a day g
Saddled and bridled, and gallant rode he i
Home came his good horse but never came he ~
(2) Out came his old mother, a~weeping full sore i
And out came his bonnie, bride tearing her hair
Saddled and bridled and booted rode he r
A plume in his helmet a sword at his knee Q
(5) my meadow lied green and my corn is unshorn j
l@*barn is to build and my babe is unborn {
Empty home cane his saddle, all bloody to see ¥
And home came his wood horse but never came he A
as > I V

 ‘ Z , f ,
OT .;
"nm Mami? sn2?sm·" *
(l) The accident happened on Friday morning Y
This young man went to the meadow to mow `
He mowed, he mowed all over the field q
A poison serpent hit his heel
‘ (2) And when he found that death had oome round i
He lay his sythe down on the ground Y
To return was his intention L
He cried aloud as he went h
(5) His orys was heard both far and near j
But none of his people did appear _
They thought it was some workman’s call "
But loe it was this young :an's fall
· . , . . °
(Q) The may passed off and night come on
The father went to seek his son Y
The only son he did find l
Lay on the ground as cold as a stone
(5) His eyes and mouth was closed in death “{
n His arms was elapsed acrost his breast  
i ? ‘
SJ g

 ` ~ , T _ y`,_
§ .
. x
(I) I once had a father but now I have none F
He‘s gone up yonder on high Q
He's gone up yonder for to sail on that ship Q
The ship that sails on high T
Chorus 3
The days are so sad and the weeks are so long
So long they seem like years to me [
Oh prepare me dear Lord for to sail on that ship Z
The ship that sails OD high _
(2} Once I had a mother but now I have none Q
She's gone up yonder on high ~
She's gone up yonder for to sail on that ship '
The ship that sails on high
(5) I once had a brother but now I have none
He's gone up yonder on high I
He's gone up yonder for to sail on that ship h
The ship that sails on high
(Q) I once had a sister but now I have none ‘y
She's gone up yonder on high ]
She’s gone up yonder for to sail OH that ship it
The ship that sails on high. _·_§
J 5

 . é
(I} Come all you young and handsome ladies §
Be careful how you court young men I
They’re like a star on the bright Hay morning V’
They first appear and then they‘re gone Q
{2] They tell to you some pleading story l
They vow to you their love is true d
Straight way they go and court some other j
And that is the love they have for you I
(5) If I had a-knowed before I oourted n
Love would have gone so hard with me t
I*d a ut m. heart in a rolden loeket ,
s .
And locked it up with a silver key *
(4) The soundest apple soon will rotten
The warmest love will soon grow cold P
Young mon's advise is so uncertain ;
I pray, young girls, den’t be too bold _
(5) Ho took my heart as if it blossomed .
and crushed it through his little white hand ·
Dear Lord look down on me a sinner
If ever I trust another man L
(6} If I had wings of some small sparrow
If I had wings to fly so high _.
Ild fly away to my false true lover Y
And while he talked Ild sit and ery l`
(7) But as it is I am no sparrow ·f
Nor have I no wings to Ely
So I’ll sit down all broken hearted ,
And try to pass my troubles by }
· Q
· é
, J?
F  ; ‘
  h l Y .

  I  " ·  s 7 I
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35 Y
` F
_ S
"BLAG;-1 Jac}; o;;~rr" i
(1) Ge saddle up my big black horse ‘
For the dapple gray’s not speedy Q
A 1 1'll ride all day and 1*11 ride all night g
Or overtake my lady i
(2) As he rode down them cold river banks i
The water run swift and muddy ,i
y { Tears fell from his eyes like cold rain drops ‘f
Q it last he spied his lady Yi
·· {5) Would you forsake your houses and land i
K ‘ _
’ would you forsake your baby `
Y Would you forsake your own British Lord o~
And go with the Black Jack Davy ¤
» (4) Yes I’d forsake my house and land E*
Yes 1*d forsake my baby {
Yes I'd forsake my own British Lord Q
And go with the Black Jack Zavy
(5) Go then pull off them high healed shoes
` They’re made of Spanish leather y
and give to me your little white hand M
That we may part forever q
» ~ Y;
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 -7 B

 6 ·'
·'* u ,- er   -. - .. .   .
g n roor wayiaring stranger" g
i (l) I an a poor wayfaring stranger g
y while traveling through this world of woe. E
  ; Yet there's no sickness, toil or danger F
’ 5 in that bright world to which I go. i
I ( I'm going there to see my father. Z
. q I’m going there no more to roam. E
l I'n only going over Jordon. 3
. I I'm only going hone. _
(2) I know dark clouds will gather around me. j
I know my way is rough and steep.
Yet beauteons fields lie just before me, ;
where God‘s redeemed their vigils keep. i
· I'm going there to see my mother. ;
She said she’d meet me when I come. `Q
I’m only going over Jordon. ‘
I'm only going over home. Q
(5) I’ll soon be freed from every trial, rl
my body asleep in the old churchyard. Q,
I’ll drop the cross of self—denial 4
and enter on my great reward.
_ I'm going there to see my classmates
who have gone before ne, one by one. I
I’m only going over Jordon. I
I'm only going over home. l
(4) I want to wear a crown cf glory ;$
when I get home to that good land. i
I want to shout salvatlons glory  
in concert with that blood—washed land, {
I'm going there to see my Saviour, i‘
to sing his p