xt7c599z1568 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z1568/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-03-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1935 1935 1935-03-29 2013 true xt7c599z1568 section xt7c599z1568 L Best Copy Available







Final Concert



discussion, the
After ft
14 judges of New Jersey'! court or
errors and appeals retired from
their courtroom here today and be
gan a conference expected to result

Trenton. N. J.. March


Of Series


Be Given Friday

Director of Lighting for West
inghouse Lamp Company
Addresses Engineers

Anyone Wishing to Join the
Association May De So
By Paying Fee

Wilbur Evans, nationally famous
at Gathering
in setting the date for argument
baritone, will be presented to Lexon the appeal of Bruno Richard
Hauptmann, convicted slayer or SPEAKER GAVE SEVERAL ington music lovers In a concert at
8:15 o'clock tonight, March 29, at
Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr.
IN TALK Memorial hall,
Program Given Under Aus- - munity Concert Association program of the season.
Berlin. March 28 (DJ8) With
unexpected vigor, the Nazi government took the offensive today and
lashed out at press reports accus
lng the Reich of vast territorial as
plratlons and of conniving against
Italy in Abyssinia. At the same
time, through
agencies, the charge was hurled
semi-offici- al

that France, and not Germany, has

pushed itself In the
an dispute by supplying arms and
military instructors to Emperor
Italo-Abyssl- nl

Halle Selassie of Ethiopia.



Warsaw, March 28 (INS) In
series of swift moves foreshadowing hardening of his policy against
Soviet Russia, Marshal Josef

Inaugurated a virtual Fascist dictatorship over Poland today. A new constitution, drafted
lines, was adopted
and the cabinet headed by Premier
Januas Jedreejewlci stripped of
its power.


Miami, March 28 (INS) President Roosevelt today had resumed
the Informal routine of cruising
and fishing aboard the Vincent
Astor yacht "Nourmahal" after a
brief call In the Bahamas where
he received the Duke of Kent,
younger son of the King and Queen
of England, with his bride, the former Princess Marina of Greece.




Washington, March 28 (INS)
A new reciprocal trade agreement
between the United States and
Haiti was signed at the state department today. Designed to Increase the flow of commerce be-

tween this country and the little

republic, the agreement will benefit
American meat, dairy, fresh and
dried fruit products at the expense
of the domestic rum Industry and
the Florida pineapple Industry.

Paris, March 28 (INS) France
will pay the gold dollar rate of

spices of Institute of


Mr. Evans, who la only 28 years
old, gained widespread recognition
trical Engineers
as the winner of the first Atwater
In an address on "The Engineer
Kent national radio contest some
lng Aspects of Vapor Light Bourc
veara aro. At the are of is hit nana
es" at the College of Engineering
for Marcel la Sembrlch and Emllo
assembly in Memorial hall Wed de Gogorsa and as a result was
nesday morning. Samuel O. Hib- - awarded a scholarship for Curtis
ben, New York City, director of Institute.
lighting for the Westlnghouse
His most recent successes have
Lamp Company, asserted that "for been at the opera performances of
3,000 years we have been trying to the Philadelphia Orchestra where
learn how to make light and only Conductor Frits Reiner and Alex
recently have we met with any ander Small ens selected him for
outstanding roles In such operas as
amount or success.
The program was under the au- - Tristan and Isolde," "Die Mels-pices of the student branch of the terslnger'" and "Carmen."
American Institute of Electrical
Piano accompaniment will be by
Engineers. Mr. Frank M. Moody, Earl Beatty.
Indianapolis, president of the
The complete program will be as
group, presided.
The speaker was Introduced by By Cella's Arbor
Acting Dean D. V. Terrell. He out- Begonel Dull Care. .. 17th Century
lined the use of light In the pro- Cantata No. 28
tection of the eyesight, the analy-zatio- n Tram
Eric Wolff
of crime, the drying of oils, Maria Und Der Schlffer
testing of dyes, examination of
....Eric Wolff
teeth, the stenciling of Initials on Vergebliches Standchen .... Brahms
new-bobabes, the analyzing of Venedig
Eric Wolff
paintings and currency and vari Aria "Le Tambour Major". Thomas
ous other uses, and pointed out L Invitation au Voyage.... Duparc
that lots of light Is Invisible to the Le Manoir de Rosemonde..Duparo
eye, being recorded Instead by oth Could I Express In Song.
er senses.
Mr. Hibben then made several Love Song of the Idiot..........
experiments with filament lamps,
Increasing the temperature of the Seguidille
De Falla
bulb until the tungsten wire was The Celestial Weaver
burned out. He also showed the ef- The Hand Organ Man
fects of air and water in the In Song of the Bow
terior of the lamps, produced light De Glory Road
with chemicals and gases, showing
the use of mettallic sodium as a
light source, and Introduced the
new black light which Illustrated
the interior effects which can be
produced by mixing shades as the
artist mixes his pigments.
Dr. A. W. Kelly, of the Univer
Applications for Editor and
sity English department, gave an
Business Manager of the Kenorgan prelude and postlude at the
tucky Kernel, and Editor for
the 1936 Kentucklan, are called
for on or before 12 p. m. April
12, 1935, at the office of the secretary of the Board of Student
All applications
must be written and accompanied by certified average of your
University grades for the past
Precedes Oratorical
Secretary, Board of Student
Contest Provided for in
' - . Publications
Will of. James r ";
Patterson :

Editors Petitions

Due on April 12





per cent French
loans Issued In the United States,
the "Agence Economlque" said today. The decision was taken in
spite of the recent ruling of the WASHINGTON BOY WINS
United States Supreme Court that
As provided in the will of James
American bonds were to be paid on
Kennedy Patterson, pioneer build
the basis of the current dollar.
er and early president of the Uni
versity of Kentucky, the Patterson
Literary society held an oratorical
contest last Tuesday evening, this
Augusta, Ga., March 28 (INS)
being the 103rd anniversary of the
round of the Au- birth of the man who left the
The semi-fingusta Women's fifth annual invi- money to found the society. James
tation golf tournament will be A. Moore, Washington, D. C, was
played here today with Marlon awarded first honors in the conMUey, of Lexington, Ky., paired test by the Judges, who were Dean
with Deane Van Landlngham, of P. P. Boyd, Dean T. T. Jones, Dr.
Charlotte, N. C, and Peggy Wat- John Kulper, Dr. Henry Beaumont,
tles, Buffalo, N. Y., medalist paired and Prof. W. R. Sutherland.
The contest was preceded by a
with Lilly Harper, 18 year old Virdinner in the University Commons
ginia state champion, of Norfolk.
commemorating the anniversary of
Patterson's birth, to which each
BELGIUM OFF GOLD STANDARD member of the society brought a
guest. The guest list included
Paris. March 28 (INS) Belgium Charles Blocher, Owensboro, Court- is already technically off the gold land Bliss. Caldwell, N. J.; Elvis
standard, and Is expected to de- Stahr, Hickman; Patrick Dooley,
value the Bclga tomorrow by about Middlesboro; George Held, Clifton,
N. J.; George Kerler, Clifton, N. J.;
25 per cent, according to
French financial experts. William Roberts, Lexington; Tom
Scott, Lexington; James Toy, HenFrench authorities say that
In deserting the gold bloc derson; William Osborne, Barnum,
after a long and bitter fight, will Mich., and Carl Camenlsh, Stanford.
The prize for the contest will be
probably join the sterling bloc.
the cash accumulation of the interest on the amount set aside by
Patterson for a five-yeOther contestants besides the winLondon, March 28 (INS) King ner were Webster Cosse and WilGeorge today heard direct from liam Bladek.
Sir John Simon, his foreign minister, the result of Sir John's talks
with Chancellor Hitler in Berlin.
Pausing In his preparations for tonight's court, the King received
Sir John In a lengthy audience In
Buckingham Palace.

on the



Fifth Corps Area

To Hold Meeting

Pershing Rifles

Will Send
Two Delegates to Regimental Assembly




Pershing Rifles, honorary military organization, will send three
delegates to the Regimental assembly of the Fifth Corps area to be
held April S and 6 at the University of Indiana. The purpose of the
meeting is to make plans for the
annual spring competition meet of
Pershing Rifles to be held this year
at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
The official delegates are Oscar
P. Reuter, Captain of Pershing
Rifles; Harry Bullock, first sergeant
of Pershing Rifles; and Calvin
Cramer, cadet sergeant in the R. O.
T. C. regiment.
Other schools that will be represented at the meet are: University
of Indiana, University of Illinois,
University of Dayton, University of
Akron, Ohio State, and Michigan


Kentucky has won the meet for
the last three years and has hopes
of continuing their undefeated
record this year.

Don't Be Afraid Of Snakes;
They Will Not Bite-Mu-ch!

Jane Hardie Will

Be Featured On
Special Program

Mary Jane Hardie, sophomore at
the University, will be featured in
special broadcast from the University studios through WHAS,
Louisville, Saturday, April 6, at 4:14
to 4:30 p. m.
Miss Hardie was soloist with Jan
Garber's orchestra during the
summer of 1934, when the orchestra
played In Denver, Miss Hardies
home. A special studio accompanying ensemble has been recruited for
the broadcast.
Miss Hurdle attended the University of Denver last year.

The copyreadlng class, taught
by Prof. Victor Portmann, will
make Its annual trip to Louisville, Saturday, March 30, to Inspect the plant of the Courier
Journal and Louisville Times,
the National Printing Company,
and the main studios of WHAS.
The trip will be made by bus,
which will leave Dunn's drug
store, Lime and Maxwell streets,
at 7 a.m. Saturday. The class
will return the same evening.
As there is room for others,
those desiring to make the trip
are requested to see Professor
Portmann today.




Contrary to popular belief, very
few people in the United States are
bitten by venomous snakes, and of
those bitten a very small percentage dies as a results," according to
James Russell Foster, assistant In
zoology, at the University, in an
article on "Poisonous Snakes," in
the March issue of the Junior
Science bulletin, which has Just
come from the press.
"The fear of the snake should
never keep a boy or girl from
many happy hours camping
or hiking In the woods," says the
article, "and when you go Into the
woods always take the precaution
of wearing knee-higboots, which,
while not giving absolue protection,
will greatly lessen the danger.
Leather puttees are better still, and

with metal
plates can be obtained."
According to Mr. Foster very few
snakes can strike above the knee
cap, and medical records show that
most biles occur on the forearm or

"If you are bitten by a poisonous
snake," continued Mr. Foster "apply a tourniquet immediately by
tying a handkerchief loosely around
your arm and by Inserting a small
stick and twisting the handkerchief
enough to stop the circulation of
blood. A tourniquet should not be
allowed to remain on over one-ha- lf
hour and should be loosened at the
end of IS minutes to allow the circulation of be
the bite sufficiently to allow a free
flow of blood."


U. K. Journalists
Topic, 'Religion






News Flashes



Outstanding Freshmen Are
Selected for Membership
Each Year to Aid
New Students



"Must America Fight?"
Subject of Next Tuesday's Discussion

Members of Organization
March to Camp Daniel
Boone to Hold




Military Honorary Has Had
hnviable Record Since Installation in 1931
Pershing Rifles, honorarv mili
tary fraternity, will hold their annual initiation Bund a v. Marrh 31
at camp Daniel Boone on the Kentucky


Active members


the faculty advisor and drillmaster,
Captain Scudder, will be In charge
of the Initiation.
Officers of the organization are
Captain Oscar P. Reuter, first Lieutenant Milton M. Magruder, second
Lieutenant Dave Difford, second
Lieutenant John L. Carter, nH
First Sergeant Harry Bullock.
Members of the organization are
chosen for their ability to drill and
are required to pass at least three-fourtof their subjects with a
trade of "D" or better. Members
who will be initiated this time are:
W. D. Barlow, J. E. Barton, J. R.

Pledging exercises and a banquet
for 17 new members of Keys, honorary' sophomore society, were held
last night at 8 o'clock at the Patio.
The new members, voted on at
a meeting of the organization Mon- Bush, F. Childers, R. B. Congleton,
day night, are: Berkley Bennison, E. E. Collins, S. O. Dondero, E. W.
Triangle, Kansas City, Mo.; Wil Downard, S. B. Featherstone, F. F.

liam Berryman, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Lexington; Tabor Brewer, Phi Delta Theta, Frankfort; Robert Coleman, Phi Kappa Tau, Frankfort;
Fred Flowers, Sigma Chi, Lexington; Wendell Harper, Alpha Lamb
da Tau, Lexington; C. T. Hertzsch,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Jefferson-vill- e,
Ind.; Charles Higdon, Kappa
Alpha, Covington;


Dr. Robert Miles was the leader
at the third in a series of forums
sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and
the Y. M. O. A. In Patterson hall
Tuesday night. Donald Relster of
the University Y. M. C. Aj intro
duced the speaker.
During the first half of the
meeting. Dr. Miles lectured and
following this called for questions.
His subject was "Religion." He
stated that a student at William
and Mary College once said that
a person could not believe in science and religion at the same time,
that is, one cannot be a Christian
and still believe the teachings of
science. So it is with many ministers today who teach that one must
believe in evolution for the same
reason. The difficulty is that too
many people drop religion in preference to science because the latter
is newer and wiser, they think,
while religion is becoming out of
date. However, we know that these
two can be combined. The Bible
simply must not be taken too literally in all that it says. It's teachings must be properly interpreted
according to the case as it may
For instance, the story of
Jonah is not strictly true in that
Jonah was not actually swallowed
by the whale; this simply represents the value of the missionary
appeal In this section of the Bible.
Dr. Miles defined the Bible as "the
history of the search of man toward God."
The next forum will be held next
Tuesday at 7:15 p. m. In Patterson
hall. The subject will be, "Must;
America Fight?" and Prof. W. R,
Sutherland will be the leader

Emissaries of Two Govern
ments Clamor at Foreiirn
Office for News of Simon's Conference
Germany Desires Air Force
Equal in Strength to
Great Britain'

March 2a (INS)
alarmed over Ocrmany's
uncompromising rearmament stand.
French and Italian diplomats today
plunged Into renewed effort
bind the peace prospects of Britain
irrevocably to their own.
Emissaries of the two governments clamored at the foreign office for information about Sir John
Simon's two-da- y
talks with
Adolf Hitler In Berlin, and
with an
sought to anticipate the three-naticonference at Stress, Italy,
April 11.
Sir John Simon was expected to
make a statement on the Berlin
talks before the House of Commons
today, but he will probably not reveal full details until after Capt.
Anthony Eden returns from his
current visits to Moscow, Warsaw,
and Prague.
But the somber facts about that
resultless Berlin Jaunt, laid before
a gloomy emergency meeting of the
Cabinet yesterday, confirmed that
Hitler had been immovable in his
demand for armed forces and in his
rejection of all the major points in
plan for a co
the Anglo-Frenordinated peace system.
An authoritative recapitulation of
what Sir John Simon told the cabinet includes these points:
1. Germany has an
air force
equal to Britain's.
2. Germany must have a navy
sufficient for protection against
Soviet Russia, and is determined to
go ahead with plans for an army
of 36 divisions until the other powRelcfl-sfuehr-


Flowers. R. C. Freeburo- - W M
Oaines, R. B. Garrison, J. W. Holt,
C. E. Hlird. N. P. JllHv .7
C O. Landrum, F. McCormick. S. M.
McDonald, C W. McNash, 8.
R. B. Olnev. H. Pierce. A w
B. Parry, W. B. Pardo,
b. C Robinson J. B. Turner, D.
Wallace, and A. L. Wilholt.
The initiation will start with the
Lathrem. Phi Sigma Kappa march at Camp Daniel Boone Sat'35 CLASS TREE PLANTED
Stamping Ground; Robert Olney, urday night. The pledges will then
Delta Tau Delta, Lexington; Wood-ro- w be given a problem In military and
The planting of a tree, donated
Pardo, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Lou(Continued on Page Four)
by the class of 1935, near the
isville; J. Randolph Rash, Kappa
entrance to the University, was anSigma, Henderson; W. E. Ross,
nounced recently by M. J. Crutcher,
Sigma Nu, Mayfleld; Bobby Stilz,
superintendent of Building and
Pt Kappa Alpha, Lexington; Edgar
Grounds. Scattered about the camStephens,
Chi Alpha,
pus are class trees dating from ers are ready to reduce their miliPrestonsburg; Eugene Warren, Al1900, when the custom was first tary forces.
pha Gamma Rho, Henderson; and
established here, and each tree Is
3. Germany wants her former
Jesse Wlllmott, Alpha Tau Omega,
marked by a small marble slab, in- colonies returned.
Bids for engraving and photodicating the donating class.
4. The Reich will not participate
Each year- - the - present members
graphy for the 1936 Kentucklan
Eastern European
in a multi-laterof the organization select the will be received by the Board of
security pact or an Austrian assistfreshmen considered to be the most
Student Publications on or beance pact that might involve
outstanding in their class. The obfore 12 p. m. April 12, 1935. All
French or Italian interference in
jects of the organization are to pro
bids must be written, and conAustria.
mote good fellowship among the
tracts covering such bids in duHitler conceded almost nothing,
younger members of the fraterniplicate. The Board will later
but left the matter of disarmament
ties and to help freshmen in variup to the Western Powers. In preconsider the bids and accept the
ous undertakings throughout the
liminary diplomatic
lowest and best bid on the work.
Bidders will be notified of the
Committee Hears Various Re- now going on with France and
The University chapter is one of Board's decision as soon after
British Foreign office
ports for Improvements of Italy, the lay
four and is called Kentucky chapfor a
the ground-wor- k
their meeting as possible.
Registration Meth- - concreteto revised peace program to
ter, being founded in 1906. The obJAMES S. SHROPSHIRE,
ods at Meeting
jectives of the organization hare
present to Germany, with the al'
Secretary, Board of Student
steadily increased In the past few
ternative of a new alliance against
the- Improvement of her.
years and new plan especially in
registration methods were heard
the line of assisting new students,
and plans for the carrying out of BOYD'S MOTHER DIES
have been formulated. Outstandthese Improvements were discussed
ing among their activities in the
past year was the sponsorship in
at a meeting of the Committee on
Registration at 3 p. m. Tuesday, in
conjunction with Cwtns, honorary
Virginia Talbott
Mrs. Florence
sophomore women) society, of a
the office of the registrar.
Boyd, 89, widow of Dr. Milton Robdance to support a beneft fund for
A report on the system of regisin Boyd and mother of Dr. Paul P.
needy students. Present officers of
of tration used here the second semes- Boyd, dean of the College of Arts
the organization arej Ike Moore, Member of Department
ter of this year with suggestions for and Sciences, died yesterday at her
Justice Explains Work of the Improvement of it was sub- home at Salmon, Idaho. Funeral
J. .Franklin f Wallace,
I; and; Curtisa
mitted by E. A. Kent, graduate stu- services and burial will take place
mott, secretary-treasure- r.
dent in registrar work, and Lyle W. Friday at Salmon.
Mr. W. A. Smith, of the Depart- Croft, graduate assistant In psyMrs. Boyd is survived by her son.
ment of Justice, Washington, D. C, chology. The committee on making Dean Boyd; one daughter, Mrs.
addressed a convocation of seniors plans for the reduction of the num May Boyd Dempsey, Salmon, and
in the Law School on Friday ber of cards to be filled out by the four grandchildren, Mrs. London
morning, March 22, in the Law student each year reported pro- Cox and Miss Betty Boyd, LexingSchool building. Dean Alvin E. posed plans to reduce the cards at ton; Professor Paul Franklin Demp,
- rn
Evans, of the Law School, Intron,inA
least au per ceuu wuie ucuunc sey, Boise, Idaho, and Miss Franduced the speaker.
plans for Improvement in the in- ces Dempsey, Salmon.
The primary purpose of the ad- terests of the student will be anAtkins, Garling, Difford, Car- dress was to give information to nounced later, according to Prolaw students as to what the De- fessor Gillis.
rel and Day, Official Delpartment of Justice is doing in Its
Those present at the meeting
egates, Will Attend
respective fields, and since the were D. H. Peak, Dean T. T. Jones,
majority of the personnel of the Dean Sarah Blanding, Prof. Ezra
department consists of graduates of Gillis, L. F. McCain, Miss Maple
TO LEAVE EARLY TODAY law schools and since they are de- Moores, R. K. Salyers, Lyle Croft,
sirous of securing law graduates E. A. Kent, John "Sunny" Day, and
Five members of The Kernel staff, In making replacements in their C. V. McQuitt.
Including Bill Carrel, Tommie At- service, they have established a
kins, Norman Garling, Dave Difpractice of sending speakers beDR. COLE GRANTED LEAVE
Breckinridge Inn of Phi Delta
ford, and Sunny Day, official dele- fore law schools to let them know
Phi, legal fraternity, will hold its
gate, left early this morning to .at- what the work consists of.
Dr. Esther Cole, of the Political regular monthly luncheon at noon
meeting of
tend the
Application blanks were left, and Science
department, has been
The Kentucky Intercollegiate Press a number of students were Inter- granted a leave of absence from the today at the
association at Murray State Teach ested in the work. At the present University for the months of April
Womens' banquet to be held April
er's college, today and Saturday.
time the government employs 5
and May to accept a government 8th at 7:30 o'clock at University
The first meeting of the convenmen in this field.
position in New York City.
Commons. All women students are
tion will be held at 1:30 p. m. to
day, at which time the delegates
from the nine schools will give brief
All work sheets for federal aid
talks on topics that have been as
students must be in by Saturday
signed to them, relating to news
noon. Checks will be paid Tuesday,
paper work. Day, Kernel editor,
April 2, from 1 to 4:30 p. m. You
will speak on "The Editorial and
are requested to come promptly and
Public Opinion."
get the checks.
Following the regular business
session a banquet will be held In
Portions of seven of the IT Kentucky are the Cumberland Falls
A meeting ot all fraternity presWells Hall. At that time Joe Lov-et- t, meteorites known to have fallen in meteorite, which fell in 1919, and
editor of the Murray Ledger Kentucky are now in the Univer- the Bath Furnace meteorite which idents and treasurers will be held
and Times, and Elliott Mitchell, ed- sity museum of geology, it has been fell in 1902, specimens of which are in Room 4 of the Administration
building, Monday night, at 7 p. m.
itor of the Paducah
announced by David M. Young, already In the museum.
Full attendance is requested
will speak, and the winners of the curator of the museum.
Recently the University museum Dean Jones.
prizes for the best newspaper, and
The latest acquisition is part of acquired portions of the Kentucky
best news, editorial, sports, and
the Cynthlana aerolite which was county and Williamstown meteorThe committee of Cwens-D. K.
feature story will be announced.
ites, both slderites. Efforts are besing urges that the
The final business session, at secured from the museum of
Hurvard University. This ing made to make the University names of members of all contesting
which time officers will be elected
for the ensuing year and the site meteorite is one of the three that collection completely representative groups be submitted, with the list
of the next convention determined, have actually been seen to full in of all meteorites that have been of people who will sing in each
will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday. The Kentucky. It fell at four o'clock in found in the state. At the present group, on or before April 1.
last meeting of the K. I. p. A. was the afternoon of January 23, 1877, time almost complete collections of
Petitions for the Junior Prom
held at Morehead in November. At nine miles from Cynthlana. The fall Kentucky meteorites may be found
that time Union College was ac- was witnessed by a farmer who In the Field Museum. Chicago; Queen must be In by noon Wedcepted as a member, and the Uni- Immediately went to the spot of Harvard Museum, Cambridge; the nesday, April 3, as the Queen will
versity of Louisville Invited to send the fall and dug it from ait Im- National Museum, Washington, and be elected on Thursday, April 4.
bedded depth of 13 Inches.
the American Museum of Natural petitions must be signed by 50
a delegate to the Murray
Other witnessed meteorite falls In History, New York City.
members of the Junior cUss.



Engraving Bids
Are Requested






W. A. Smith Speaks
To Law Students






Kentucky Meteorites Are
Shown At Geology Museum



� Best Copy
ticular far this unpardonable eon
dltion of the flair, but I am sure
that It 1 not the fault of Maury
Crutcher,! Superintendent of Build- Infra and Grounds, who has aimed
hard to make every part of the
University campus a pride to be

The Kentucky Kernel
Rational OMlrtt'Praa AameUtloo
KMIuekr tntmollrteU Pma AmocIMIo

tnternttlenal Nwi



mnnbn at th Major Ooilaf rubUca-Makf A. I. Worrt BUI CO..
IM K. Un4 St., KMT York CK; in W.
Ibdim nt., OMcmo; 1004 tn4
rMdirT. tot An(lt; 01I
W; 1011
Bid . DM rraneuee.



pointed to.
I implore the responsible parties
to have a new flag placed on the
flagpole as soon as possible.



nwirtm or thi nu- DIDCTa Or IHB UKTVSJU1ITT OP




vkMrtptlaa M M
imnftra. Kj . PoatetlM









f. Mor



what of an experimental laboratory
for the Department of English, can
be quieted by the fact that, if such
be the case, a severe reduction in
the Drlce of the tickets for each
performance is in order. Further'
more, if it is a dramatic labor
tory, townspeople (practically the
mainstay of the theater) should
not be allowed to appear on the
Oulgnol stage. And we do not be
lieve that this should be.
The city of Lexington boasts a
cultured population among that
portion of it which has a desire
and interest In the better things
life has to offer. The Oulgnol
theater, despite arguments to the
contrary. Is a part of the Univer
sity, and from all signs, has been
actively engaged In an effort to
create respect and patronage among
the students. The University is sit
uated a short distance from Louis
ville and Cincinnati the latter be
ing an especially active center for
sponsoring the best In drama from
time to time. What is to keep a
student, highly desirlous of seeing
a classic produced on the stage,
from going to either of these cities
and seeing the BEST of performances at reasonable prices? Why
mar the beauty of the classic and
the excellence of a Oulgnol season
tor no compensation?
Despite the disbelief of many, the
Oulgnol is capable of setting a
standard of little theater perform
ance throughout every season. It
has proven this in its remarkable
presentations of such plays as
Casello's "Death Takes A Holiday,"
"When Ladles Meet," and many
others. The talent of the townspeople Is needed, appreciated, and
recognized as some of the best in
the amateur field. The Oulgnol
theater is a decided asset to the
University as well as the City of
Lexington. It is unfair to the reputation Oulgnol rightfully deserves
to attempt the classics.

Hoi Polloi
The worst has come to worst....
along with our other duties and
worries that woman Lepere has gone
and quit on us.... Yea, from Dean
Boyd's office comes the report that
she has officially withdrawn from
the University.... Poor Ole' Bob


He has seen a bit of the V. 8.,
having been over to the Atlantic
coast, up to Michigan, and down
to Florida.
Ed is a Phi Tau by choice, and
one-four- th



Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of
the graduate school, Journeyed to
Ashland Wednesday where he was
the guest speaker at the Junior
Woman's club of that city. "Ken
tucky Archaeology" was the subject
of Dr. Funkhouser
The meeting
was held in the Ventura hotel.

That Oab A rain
During the past week two appli
cants for the Bachelors Club have

been received . . . .One Is Leo B pence,
who has been labeled as a disillusioned youth by his. friends....
and the other is Betty Moffett, who
decides she should apply after ask
ing for a stag bid to one or tne
formal dances.
Speaking of dance bids, it has
been heralded around the campus
for the past few days that your
correspondent has the embarassing
experience of having two dates for
the 8igmanu dance tomorrow night
. ...Tls true, mis amlgos. and what
to do about It?.... the Irony of the
whole affair Is that we asked for
neither of the dates.... the brothers fixed us U.

Another Dlxty" Dean
Delt pleb, Harlowe "Tinker" Dean
Is happy. ...In fact he has been
whisllng and singing for three whole
days.. the source of his merriment
can be traced to the fact that Lou
Ue Slaton, Lexington ette and true
love of the forementioned Dean, U
now In town.... She has been pursuing her course or study at RandolNow that Betty Moffett Is the ph-Macon
in Virginia.
Rose gal of the week.... We nombasketball
One of the varsity
inate Phldelt John Lockhart Davis, the Paris Phlbete lawyer, as players whispered to us that their
the Pansy Boy of the week.... The affable coach, Adolph Rupp, has
young feller came to school Thurs- severed his friendship with the ol'
day with a pansy In his lapel.
Timer, Chic Sale.... His reasons
can not be explained here.

three-fourtIrish, and
Oerman because his parents were.
Wayne King, In Ed s mind, proHay, Hay, How l'a' Doin'T
duces Just about the best music in
Scotty Chambers,
the attractive
the country, and when It comes to little Tridelt, blossomed forth Tuescards, his choice is poker any
day morning with the Slgalph
In the summer time you are most badge of .How longHay, varsity footshe has had the
likely to find him skimming over baller. . .
only by a
the Kentucky river in a motor boat. pin Is a secret. . . .Known we promfew.... Sorry, but
When it comes to cats, he much select Scotty we
wouldn't divulge.
prefers dogs, and his present ca ised
nine pet is named Trixle, for no Concurrent with the above anreason other than that he thinks