xt7c599z155p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z155p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-06-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1946 1946 1946-06-28 2013 true xt7c599z155p section xt7c599z155p best uopy Avauaoie

The Kentucky Kernel

News On Vets'


Newest Campus Group





Two Colleges

Dr. S. Shepard Jones
To Speak Wednesday;
Sponsored By Veterans
a j.,:c .j
In Greek Elections

Announce 54
3.0 Standings
A&S, Engineers

Release Grades

File For Degrees


Dr. A. M. Harding To Speak
At First Term Convocation;
Classes Dismissed At 11:15

Compilation of the spring quart
er's grades in the College of Arts
comA'.l seniors who expect to
Dr. 8. Shepard Jones, public liaihand Sciences and the College of En
plete their requirements
son officer of the U. S. Departgraduation at the close of the
gineering Indicate that 40 arts and
ment of State, will give an address
summer quarter and who have
in Memorial hall at 7 p. m. WednesV
sciences and 14 engineering students
not at a previous time made ap-t
Dr. A. M. Harding, president of
day, July 3. Subject of the address,
had perfect standings.
plication for degrees.
which will be broadcast over radio
by a high ranking)
) i the University of Arkansas, will be
Students with perfect standings An address
quested to do so on Friday, June
the principal speaker at the first
station WLAP, will be "The Amerh
ti .
28, by Dean Leo M. Chamberlain.
in the College of Arts and Sciences naval officer on "Operation Crosssummer convocation on Monday,
ican People and Their Foreign
This applies also to graduate
July 1, at 11:10 a. m. The convoare Perry Ronald Adams, senior, roads" and a report by the promotional director of the Committee
students who expect to complete
cation, the only one scheduled for
Parkersburg, W. Va.; Richard Don
Dr. Jones, who has recently re'
for Kentucky are on the program
the first term, will be held at MemI
turned from Greece, where he was their requirements for gradute
Baker, senior, Somerset; Prentiss C. for the opening session of the
degrees. All applications should
orial hall.
a technical advisor in observing
Beatty, junior, Milan, Tenn.; John Kentucky Press Association, which
All classes scheduled to meet at
the Greek elections, comes to the be filed in Room 16 of the AdWelch Bronaugh, freshman, Nich- - convenes here today and Saturday
11:15 will be dismissed for conministration building.
University as a guest speaker for
annual midfcriasville; Albert Bushong Brooke, in its seventy-sevenCandidates for the bachelor's
an open meeting of the UK Vetersummer meeting.
degree will be charged a graduaDr. Harding will present an IlJr., senior, Charlotte, N. C; Beverly
ans' club, to which the public is intion fee of $9.00. This will cover
lustrated lecture on popular asvited.
Real Admiral Harold ' Miller,
Anne Brown, sophomore, Lexington;
tronomy, entitled, "Glimpses of
the rental of cap and gown,
chief of the navy's public relations
Born in Florida, Dr. Jones came
Corinna Minor Cook, sophomore. bureau, will describe the preparadiploma fee. the Kentuckian,
Other Worlds."
to Kentucky and attended high
panville; Jean Shirley Crabb, senior, tions for the atom bomb test at
Presiding at the convocation will
and senior dues. Candidates for
school and college at Georgetown.
Rowletts; Fred Harold Daugherty, Bikini Atoll,
advanced degrees will be chargbe Dean Leo M. Chamberlain. Dr.
and members will be
Master's degree at
He received a
sophomore, Georgetown.
ed a fee of $15.00. which will
permitted to ask questions about
nniji .j j H. L. Donovan, president of the
UK in 1931.
- Wendell Car den Demarcus,
cover the above with the excepjunior, the trials following the address,
University, will present the speak'
After receiving his PhX. from
Dr. A. M. Hardinr
Knoxville, Tenn.: Jane Garrett. Victor R. Portmann. professor in
er. The invocation and benprtir- tion of the Kentuckian and in
instructor at addition the cost of the hood to
Oxford, he served at
Uion will be pronounced by the
pfreshman, Lexington; Smith Hyson, the Journalism
department and
Harvard, lecturer, a director of the be presented
Reverend Raymond A. Coppenger,
said yesthe candidate. Tom Gregory, president of ODK, presents a check for $250 to President Sunior, Evarts; James Alvin Goins, KPA secretary-manage- r,
World Peace foundation, and since
Frankfort; Charles Otis terday.
Graduation fees are payable not
student pastor at Immanuel BapH. L. Donovan, for the Athletic fund, M. E. Potter, ODK faculty
has held various posts with the later than the fourth day
sHalliday, senior, Louisville; Darrell
tist church.
adviser looks on.
Also on the program will be a
State Department. At present he is
Dr. Harding, a native of Pine
iB. Hancock, freshman. Providence:
the commencement,
"Kentucky on the
Assistant Chief of the Division
T. George Harris, freshman, Tren- discussion
Bluff, Arkansas, has been on the
which will be Monday, August
diof Public Liaison.
ton; Bryan Thomas Iglehart, sopho- March" by James Armstrong,
University of Arkansas staff since
rector of promotional activities for
At the San Francisco conference.
more, Hartford.
Married women and prospective 1905. He holds his M. A. and Ph. D.
the Committee for Kentucky, Mr. brides enrolled
Dr. Jones served as special asJudy Keen Johnson, sophomore, Portmann stated.
in the family liv- degrees from the University of
sistant to the public liaison officer
ing course, which is being offered Chicago.
Richmond; Juliette Jones, senior,
on inof the American delegation
After registration this morning, by the home economics
Working in the academic field
Mayfield; Ranald Forrest
departternational organization.
III, freshman, Carroll ton; members will be called to order in ment during the first summer quar- of mathematics. Dr. Harding has
A plot on the University's Extheir first session in the WBKY ter, are receiving daily lectures written a number of texts in algeDiscussing one of the year's Mary King Martina, senior, Lexingradio studios by Mr. Harold A. dealing with problems of court- bra, trigonometry
periment Station Farm back of touchiest political issues, Phillip ton; Mary Jackson Mulligan,
and geometry.
President Herman Lee Donovan Shawnee Place was approved by P. Ardery, Frankfort, candidate for Lexington; Mildred Allen Moore, Browning, editor of the Whitley ship, husband-wif- e
relationship, His hobby, astronomy, has been
and and parent-chil- d
of the the Democratic nomination of U. senior, ' Lexington;
the topic of some 2.000 addresses
expressed hopes yesterday that the the executive committee
new officer type barracks for stu Board of Trustees last Saturday S. Senator, addressed a meeting of Nichols, freshman, Madisonville; Ida president of the association. Mr.
in 47
Miss Mary Mumford, assistant which he has delivered
Browning will conclude the program
Percy H. Landrum. owner and dents will be ready for occupancy for the erection of barracks as- the U.K. Veteran's club last Monprofessor of home economics and states and in Canada. He is alHill Norris, freshman, Owingsville;
Ohio County News by the fall quarter. The
with a talk on "Reactivating the director
signed to the University by the Ar- day in Memorial hall.
editor of the
William White Oliver, senior, Hazof the University Nursery so author of a popular book on asKentucky National Guard."
- . vnnrtm instruction my to relieve the housing shortage
t Hartford, and graduate of the
school, is teaching the course and tronomy.
Ardery invaded the home terri- ard; Harold Eugene Pace, sophoUniversity, with
Dacneior oi an and divided into cubicles will house of the students-veteran- s.
The plan tory of John Y. Brown, generally more, Lexington.
Dr. Harding has received many
The University will entertain the has announced the program
degree in Journalism in 1931, has approximately 12 to IS students on was announced last week, but the considered his strongest
Harry Meade Palmer, sophomore, group with a luncheon in the Stu- this quarter.-- Lectures will include educational honors. He has served
placed the files of three Ohio each leveL
building. Dr. Leo M. talks by four other members of the
President Donovan location of the units had not been foe, and aired his views on the la Lexington: Betty
.u,lri , VIU
Jean Pardo, dent Union
county newspapers in the Univer- went on to say that the entire pro- determined at that time.
verslty Extension Association. He
bor situation. At the close of his Junior, Lexington; Mary Frances Chamberlain, dean of the Univer- University's home economics
deconKentucky library on
sity of
sity will preside. During the after- partment.
is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
ject will house approximately 520 The executive committee made talk, the veterans loosed questions
tinuous loan basis to the Univer- students and that the barracks are three awards to foreign students. concerning the year's most contro Pope, special, Lexington; Avan Nell noon they will be entertained by July 2,
Miss Helen Wilmore, as- Sigma Xi, ODK, the American AsMarie Prater, Junior, Volga; Glenn
various recreational activities, in- sistant professor of home econom- tronomical Society and the AmerMarguerite
Bourdis. of versial problems.
for single veterans only. He fur- Helene
Albert Price, senior, Lexington; Jean
Blue-graican Mathematical Society. He hi a
Files of the Hartford Herald from ther stated that the exact number France, was granted a $600 Hagin
ics, will speak on "Family SpendHoward C. Bowles, who Ruth Ritchie, aentor. Viper Horace cluding a tour of the noted
1881 to 1926; the Hartford
horse farms, a handicap gqlf ing"; Miss Frances Seeds, asso- charter member of the Arkansas
of units to be erected has not been Fellowship; Theresa Claypooi, Man introduced Ardery, nor Ardery him- Lewis Sawin,
senior. Lexington: tournament at the Ashland Counlican, from 1892 to 1926; and the determined, and that the first ila, P. H.. was given a free tuition self, mentioned the fact
ciate professor of home economics, chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity.
that the Alfred Price Shire, Junior, Paris; try
swimming party at will deliver an address July 8. on
club, and
Ohio County Mews, from 1926 to units should be here now.
scholarship for three quarters of senatorial candidate is a much
T helm a Southworth, sophomore, Joyland park. a
1945 are included in the loan.
the school year, 1946-4and Se- decorated World War II veteran.
Furnishing the Home for EffecFoundations Laid
Sadie ville; Alice Jane Street, sophoThe association will be guests of tive Living";
Dr. T. D. Clark, head of the
The foundations for the two bastian van Goudoever, of Holland,
the topic, "Family
Commenting on the labor situ- more, Lexington; Nancy Fillmore
Members of the geological dedepartment of history is making an largest barracks, located south of was given a free tuition scholar ation, Ardery declared that he is Toll, senior, Lawrenceburg; Janet Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Wachs at Food Selection," will be discussed partment
Castle Lawn Farm for
late af- - on July 9. by Mrs. Charles Wool- - Black hillswho left June 5 for the
effort to add the files of Kentucky the University high school, on ship for four quarters of the school neither
Walllngford, senior, Covington and
of South Dakota, their
newspapers to the library's historScott street, are under construc- year,
"There are three sides la- Betty Louise Walsh, senior, Cynthi- - ternoon party. The annual ban- dridge, home economics Instructor; first trip of this kind since 1943,
quet sponsored by the Lexington Dr. Statie Erikson, head of the deKentucky, and Mr. tion at the present time.
ical data on
Other Action
bor's, management's and the pub- ana.
have returned to the University.
Herald-Leadwill be held at 7 partment, will take as her subject
Landrum's gift substantially in- other units are to be located on Other action by the committee lic's," he said, adding that it is first
The purpose of the trip was to
Engineering College
p. m. at the Lafayette hotel. New "Health in the Family." She will
creases the material on hand.
the campus at various points not included the granting of authority necessary to determine
study rock formation and to look
Students with perfect standings films on frequency modulation and speak on July 16.
yet determined. Dr. Donovan said. to President Herman L. Donovan the public interests lie before votfor fossils. In addition to the Black
in the College of Engineering are: television will be shown following
The whole project is backed by to receive construction
Dr. Myron Hopper, who is from hills, the latter were found
bids on ing on a labor issue.
Auval L. Hurt, Hickman; Carlton E. the banquet.
the Federal Housing Administra- July 16 for the new service and "If you're going to make persons
the College of the Bible, Is sched- Selicia. Ohio; Rockford,
Saturday's meeting will be 'held uled to give a lecture on "Religion Wichita. Kansas. Around Iowa, and
tion, and the University arranges maintenance building to be erected. work, then you need the power of Steele, Lexington; James W. Woody,
Lexington; Staley F. Adams, Lex- at' the Lafayette hotel. Scheduled in the Family"; however, the date
only for water facilities and sew
Monday, the last day of reggovernment to back up such laws. ington;
and AsterISJU several mineral
Following approval of appoint
Othneil Alsop, Pine Bluff, are addresses by Neil Dalton, Wash- of his address is uncertain.
age disposal, President Donovan
first summer
istration for the
were visited;ii n. i n
oDc-oments to the various departments If enough restrictive legislation is Ark.; Nathan L Goff, Memphis, ington, D. C, on
"The Housing
term, brought the University's
tensive collections of igneous rocks
of the colleges of the University, passed, it would mean state social- Ten.; Guy F. Vansant, Frankfort; Problem"
by Jack Carver, coland
were made for the department. It
total enrollment to 3,464 stuthe committee granted leaves of ism," Ardery asserted, "with gov Walter W. Aton, Milburn; Brownie umnist for the Atlanta Constitudents, according to the regisis reported that a ton and a half
absence to E. G. Trimble, associate ernment dictating prices, working B. Bolton; Leitchfield; Donald War tion
and Des Moines Register, on
of material is now on its way by
trar's office.
professor of political science, dur- hours, and wages."
ren, Staten Island, N. Y.; Emanual "The Country Editor."
Many students registered late
ing July and August; J. R. Schwen-demanHe added that he believed the R. Lieberman, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
Presentation to state papero of
The men made the trip in two
last week, and the composite
professor of geography, real answer lay in management Arthur A. Llerenberg, New York, N.
Delegates of the Kentucky Asso
large trucks and camped in tents
awards won in 1946 National Editotal has not yet been broken
from July 26 to August 19; Irwin and labor policing themselves to Y.; Rufus H. Ritchie, Lexington,
Two display cases in the lobby of along the way.
ciation of Student Veterans Clubs
and torial Association and KPA newsdown into colleges nor has the
will hold their first quarterly meet- Sanders, associate professor of soc- avoid a solution that would satis- Johnson A. Young, Owingsville.
paper contests will be made follow- the University library have been
Dr. A. C. McFarland, head of the
total number of veterans eniology, during the summer quarter; fy neither. Answering the questions
ing at the University on June 29,
ing a report on the national con- devoted to stories and pictures con- department, stated that the trip
rolled been computed.
and Herman H. Davies, instructor of the veterans, Ardery said, "I
at 2 p. m.
vention' of the NEA. Announce- cerning two successful Kentuck next year would be either to the
in engineering drawing.
have no reason to hide anything.
An executive committee,
ment of winners will not be made ians, Dr. Sarah G. Blanding, and Appalachian mountains or to the
Resignations were accepted from There are many aspects to the
posed of one member from each
until the meeting convenes Satur- Fred Vinson, Chief Justice of the Southern Rockies.
professor in problem which I feel I don't know
Kentucky college represented, will W. H. Stephenson,
day morning, Professor Portmann Supreme Court, who have recently
1; the answer to."
been foremost In the nation's news.
hold a special session at 9 a. m. history,
John Day, University graduate said.
Highlights and sidelights in the
with the regular session of all del John L. Rezatto, instructor in voice,
and editor of the Kernel in 1935,
Louis Sawln, AtS English major
July 1; M. M. Botto,
egates meeting at 2 p. m.
career of Sarah Blanding, newly
low managing editor of the Day-;o- n
from Lexington, has been appointelected president of Vassar College,
President of the organization, Instructor in agricultural educa(Ohio) News, was a visitor in
ed head announcer of WBKY.
tion; and Elolse DeJarnette, part-tim- e
lxington and on the campus this Dr.l T. T. Jones, Dean of Men, is are shown through clippings from
is active in announcing, Howard C. Bowles, and Secretary
The new University field
secretary in the College of
week. Day was a holder of the a patient at the Good Samaritan the New Haven Sunday Register.
directing, and participating in Virgil Lary will represent the UK Bducation.
house will be constructed on
2-- 8
veterans at the meeting.
Nieman fellowship
at Harvard hospital where his condition is re- Denver Post. Country Gentleman,
WBKY programs.
the lot adjacent to Stoll field
New York Harold Tribune. Chris-tio- n
Other officers of the association
ported as good this week.
as planned, according to Dr.
Cour-Journa- l.
Dorothy Collins, director of the
Science Monitor,
are Vice President W. J. Cannon
Leo M. Chamberlain, dean of
are in
Several new programs
YWCA, will be one of the four
Louisville Times, Washand Assistant Secretary J. D. Taythe University, who squelched
preparation in the studios. Joan lor of Western State, Treasurer
to the
Southern representatives
New York Times, and
ington Post.
the rumor which has been cirTalley. vocalist, and Jack Feiera- - Harold E. Kelley
National Intercollegiate
various other papers.
of Bowling Green
n;An;P, AM nMuntinir ' T J culated on the campus
Council, July
at Lake Forest
Sergeant-a- t
Business University.
The portrait of Fred Vinson is the location would not be used
Mr Raymond Wesley Wild, newu, .
rms Jack Talbott of Eastern State, ly appointed Director of Public Re- college, Chicago, Illinois.
presented through pieces taken
because of a series of under,
of popular music, each Monday
and ground caverns which would
from the American-Weekl- y
Representatives from all sections
VI MIC lations, will assume 'his duties
vuhjjihiu VT,
evening at 7:30.
many leading papers.
University of Louisville.
at the University on July 1st. Mr. of the country are chosen to plan
make heavy building construcHeadquarters for the organiza Wild is a graduate of the Univer- and discuss trends of Christian
tion unsafe.
"Operations Music," a musical tion has been established
in Lex- sity and is a native Kentuckian, and work on campuses of colleges and
quiz program transcribed by the ington.
Plans for the new fieldhouse
was formerly news editor of the de- universities. From this report the
University radio studios, will begin
are almost completed.
partment of public relations at national program will be made and
building restrictions are holda series of programs July 6 over
sent to YWCA and YMCA groups.
Michigan State college.
ing up final completion.
radio station WHAS.
Omicron Delta
The program for the council in- application has been made for
Mr. Wild replaces Elmer G. Sul- Both popular and classical pieces
preleadership honorary,
zer, director of publicity and radio eludes meetings and discussions;
a permit to build a fieldhouse.
will be played by two studio piansented a check for $250 Monday to
and Jack The Kentucky Division of the activities since 1929, who will be- panelsh and planning groups; and
but Dean Chamberlain stated
ists. Marge Blaisdell
President H. L. Donovan for the
Feierabend, and listeners are asked American Association of University come head of the newly established recreational activities.
that it
athletic fund. The money, raised
to send in the numbers played. Women will hold its annual con Department of Radio Arts In the
whether one could be obtained.
through prewar sales of booster
The most nearly correct lists will vention in Lexington on Saturday College of Arts and Sciences with
tags, was originally intended to be
be read on each following program. and Sunday, June
the title of associate professor.
used on a new swimming pool, acMiss Helen G. King, former secDr. Kathryn McHale of Washcording to Tom . Gregory, ODK
26, the WBKY Studio Or- ington, D. Cretary to Mr. Sulzer, has accepted
- general director of
chestra opened a series, "Musical the association, nationally known a position as executive secretary of Victor R. Portmann. assistant
Gregory stated that ODK plans
Nightcap," under the direction of educator, author, and psychologist, the Alumni Association.
of Journalism,
i to resume sales of the booster tags
Elmer G. Sulzer, new head of Radio will be the speaker at the Saturday
returned to the campus from
games this fall.
i at home football
Arts. Music is popular and
night dinner to be held in the
annual meeting of the National
Part of the proceeds will go to the
straight Gold room of the Lafayette hotel.
with vocalists and
Editors Association, and its sub
athletic fund.
orchestra solos.
Her subject wiU be. "AA.U.W. in
sidiaries. News Advertising Ser
Students who did not get
vice Weekly and the Weekly News
Spirit and Fact."
Interfraternity council
their Kentuckians may get them
A program slanted toward the
Bureau. Mr. Portmann and Harold
The officers of the Kentucky
meet at 7:30 pin. Tuesday in the
at the Public Relations office,
woman's point of view is. being pre Division of the AA.U.W. are: Miss
Browning, president of the Ken
Charles Harris, business managsented for the first time by WBKY. Chloe Gilford, Lexington,
tucky Press Association, were off!
presiHoward C. Bowles, president of
er of the annual, announced
"The Woman's Column," with Mar dent; Miss Amelia Duley, Frankclal delegates of the KPA.
the Veteran's Club spoke at . a Keys . . . will meet at 5:30 p m.
today. Seniors who graduate at
tha E. Lindsey, a home economics fort,
The conference, held June 5
Mrs. Lillian
meeting of the Shelbyville Kiwanis monday In the SUB.
the end of the summer quart?r
major, and formerly with USB at Logan, Louisville, secretary; and
at Estes Park, rninrario. will be A shark of a different kind of pocl is Gertrude Begley. Hazard, who Club last night. His subject, "Pills Omicron Delta Kappa . . will meet
may get their yearbooks on preGa., will be broadcast on Miss Margaret Lingenfelser, RichAtlanta,
held next year at San Antonio, braved the look of
the campus men and invaded the I'nion pool room to of Peace," dealt with the problems at 4:00 p.m. Monday in Room 206
sentation of senior
Mondays and Fridays, at 7:55,
mond, Treasurer,
pursue a hobby the women developed while the men were away.
of post-wof the SUB.






Meet Today




i If

Arkansas University
Head To Discuss
Popular Astronomy














Daily Lectures
Given In Course
On Courtship, Family

pre-cedi- ng

Site Approved Ardery Talks
For Barracks' To Vet Group

Donovan Hopes
Barracks Ready

Mac-Dona- ld

By Fall Quarter

Newspaper Files
Placed In Library


two-sto- ry


Geologists Return


pro-lab- or

1946-194- 7.



Vet Club Delegates
To Meet At UK

Stories, Pictures
Of Blanding, Vinson
In Library Display


John "Sonny" Day
Visits University

Radio News

Chamberlain Kills
Fieldhouse Rumor


Collins Will Attend

Christian Conference
In Chicago July

Wild Takes Over




In Public Relations


2-- 8,




ODK Donates
To Athletic Fund

AAUW Convention
To Be In Lexington

Portmann Returns

29-3- 0.

From Colorado



Kyians Available




Bowles Speaks Again




� 0



JUNE 28, 1946


Breeders Special



Life, Liberty, and Pursuit

Did you notice the announcement
on the post office bulletin board
By Adel Denman
of the University) might like to
offering a deluxe baby carriage for
Well here we are back to the old hear what you have to say.
sale to "the highest bidder?" A
Plug of the Week: This week It
campus wit had scratched out "bid- blood, sweat, and beers of summer
school and no two people know goes to SAE fraternity for their
der" and substituted "breeder."
anyone else. Yes, courtin' and stuff
reigns supreme both on the sunny
work boys in trying to eliminate
side of the street and the shady
side of the bushes. So let's get some of the interfraternity Jealstarted boys, when ln doubt pin ousy.
her, 'cause the competition promises to be somewhat kinetic in PURSUIT:
Speaking of Jealousy, listen to
conjunction with any other active
all the fun some people are having
verb one can mention.
Association gives it authority in Art. I, Section
of all the talk about campus unity, traOut
LIFE: Enough of this grammar, and weep:
dition, liaison between faculty ant! students and 2, "to act as the resjxmsible student authority
let's get down to brass hats. As First we really should mention
several other campus issues lias come another in relations among students and among student UV
we all know, professors will be two swell guys that are on the
projiosal. This time the idea is for an entirely organizations; to act jointly with the Univerprofessors, and those in the educa- hunt at present. Gals, they are
sity staff in matters affecting common inter-fsts.- "
tion college are no exception. One
new organization, the Allied Campus OrganThese are
quite Jovial prof, (the type that really worth dating!
The president of the University can veto
would probably wear a feather in Dick Youngerman, and "Screech"
of iiills passed by SGA. Is there any reason to
This new group, which is the brain-babhis mortar board) has a friendly Leach. Dick is a well known Sigsuppose that he couldn't also veto bills of the Reprinted from the July issue of Esquire
Bob Babbage, president of the Intcrfraternity
little habit of quoting some word ma Chi, and "Screech" is a sports
followed writer on the Leader.
of wisdom subsequently
Council, and several members of the Veterans' ACO? But if the ACO has no constitution it
by a wink at each one of his six
a. Marriages t mac: (maybe)
couldn't pass bills anyway, so its authority
club, would be formed of two representatives
female class members. Nice of him
Nod McDonald (Sig Ep to Ira
would be even less than SGA's.
from evthe president and one
to keep the gals from getting bored
La Rom KD and Corky Clark
in class, and the theory is that if (Sig Ep)
Figuring from
ery organization on campus.
to Mar jorie Mitchell
The fourth item in the ACO's purpose is to
counts winks like other per- (DDD).
By Orman Wright
approximately 90 organizations (in prewar days establish more tradition on the campus. This
One piece cotton bra and
sons count sheep, nembutol tabThe quarter is just getting unb. Dorm Stuff:
And so Eve
there were 120, but a few of them haven't yet we heartily endorse. It could spend years dopleated s'cirt nukes atlets would be thing of the past.
der way and already the apple poltractive summer attire.
Another theory is that he winks Greer is flashing third finger left.
the body would comprise 180 ing nothing but this and still have something
ishing is in full swing.
half the time, and sleeps half the FLASH! TRANS Y MAN DATES
members, which in anybody's math is a fairthe gal is nameleft to accomplish. "We all know that ritual- T
To those who appreciate finesse,
time without the students knowing UK STUDENT
ly Alice Phillips. First on the date-boly large number to work with, especially when ism in itself is not too good," Babbage said,
apple polishing is a discreet and
it. Professors are so smart!
fly leaf for the last 18 days
circumspect art. In the Army apple
it's a number of people.
have discovered
Some seniors
but you build everything on it from family
polishing was a recognized virtue
they must take a class in is Sue and ain't life grand!
The plans specify two meetings per quardates,
and went by a much more colororder to
communicable diseases in
ter in fall, winter, and spring, and one summer
C. Football Boys Date:
(now let's
ful, if less subtle, name. The techThe last purpose of the ACO is to Ik? a
graduate, but they are not spreadBr charlea r. Harrls
all sight Rex Miller (Pi Kap and
meeting. The organization would strive val- "means for calling in any aid and meeting any something new
nique varies with the person but
ing it around.
has been added one can see examples of almost all
quarterback has been ringing up
it would have situation, Enough said.
iantly to remain
In last week's Issue of the a score with Alabama Belle Dot
to the University print shop per
types Just by looking around in
greatest college paper in the Key. "Doc" arret
tne Parsonage of a "ifly ,.,
no constitution, and it would be "almost enGranted that the campus needs unity. Grant- - sonnel inrttwrarrtr
has a tie with
The Kentucky Kernel,
KD house, namely Jane Bond.
tirely representative of the student body."
ed that it needs a lot of other things, too. But Mfs p
There is the "mousy" type with
Me'iienbruch, wife of
that is (At the rate of $5 a year, the "long and short" of it is that
So far, so good. But here's where
i 2 years' pay due to Adele Den- The (fur coaU OmcrgToss came
the Student Government Association planning Dr. Meiienbruch of the Depart- - the obsequious, fawning manner.
man; amount due $10, payable at over
comes in. The Allied Campus Organ"
committee has already made definite plans to ment of Psychology, answered an
to see Ruth May Jordon (Alj
any time before graduation. Bill
izations would be above and lieyond the Stupha Xi). He's six something and
do the same thing that the ACO is attempting
JnH He admits that he knows nothing
respt. submitted) there appeared a
measures five feet. Big Jim
dent Government Association, which is the of- to do. SGA is already well established." It has
the professor . everything.
statement something like this: SUB she
oper-- a and
now tne oniy full-tisne
Wright (aren't all football players
Sometimes, of course, the professor
ficial governing body of the student body. OrROOF DANCE SATURDAY. "Dear
racy lines feature the
constitution and
and a working or- - ator in the shop.
called big something or the other?)
finds nut. thnt. th. student reallv Lithe,
Mom." wrote the freshmen, "this
iginators of the idea say that it would le more ganization.
It wouldn't have to struggle - True, in the old days linotype doesn.t know anything and the beautifully cut slacks and blouse place is so large that they not made an upper division triumph
shown above. Slacks, about $9;
- scheme backfires.
over the cracking affair between
powerful because SGA "has it's hands tied" by through all the
which anv new wont
only have roofs but
blouse, about $8.
masculine occupation as coal mln- Homer Hall (Pi Kap and Ingrid
"hands-tied- "
SGA more(Def.:
its constitution. The
Union Board.)
The "personality boy" is another
organization has to endure.
ing is today, but like many other
I lima n.
quarter, a coldistinct type. He drops around af- a bill in its files and in effect as camAt the end of last
over has
Therefore we feel that all the energy which fields, it .has been invaded by tor fins well armed with fieures
b. Preview: Buddy Sttele (Kappa
's Sig) and So
umn was published called
pus law which says that any organization comFergamn