xt7c599z0t67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z0t67/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2004 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 75, no. 2, Summer 2004 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 75, no. 2, Summer 2004 2004 2004 2012 true xt7c599z0t67 section xt7c599z0t67 F"`   “‘ ’   w
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Alumni Ass<>ci;1ti<>n
I Great Teachets • Connecting Campus to Community with Volunteens • Body Farm

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esearch tries to answer all kinds of questions:   ·
· abstruse ones, fundamental ones, speculative   ¢u_W .
ones, practical ones. But, at the Center for   ,___,   _   . s
P 4* . .   " ·*··-     i ‘ v.
Manufacturing, We have Only one question front , _   .,‘.·
and center (so to speak) all the time: (       Il   g  _  »to·r  
·   .   O,.     
E   ‘;`; "  ·V* ~  »=`,‘    
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i So, if you bend it, drill it, punch it, melt it, stretch it, heat it, Stamp it, coat it, mold it...if you do any of a hundred. il
? things manufacturers do to transform raw materials into value-added products, you probably already know we are .  
_ at the cutting edge of the research to improve that process. Plenty of companies do know — as a glance at our list if
f of clients would tell you if it were short enough to fit on this little page. We‘ve done contractedresearch for  
hundreds — small, medium, multinational, inside and outside Kentucky ··— since we began in 1986. .  
Using state of th€ aft fiquipméflt, C€¤{€1' faculty and computer simulations and hands-on experiments  
. . ifi!.
their research partners —- in labs across the U.S. and (in the [ab and on the factgry {log;) to {ind new  
across the world —- guide ways to optimize processes  
investigative teams of (i.e. make them faster,  
postdoctoral and graduate better, cheaper). Processes   `·‘ `
students who will be like welding, brazing, .5*}
tomorrow’s research stars. machining, stamping and  
These teams use P forming, painting and *
sophisticated many others. ‘
U/( Center fOl1.......... M .

 l ""ZZQLI     ' '  
is _ I ; _: .   3  V
*  , 7  . g Summer 2004 • Volume 75 · Number2
, `T  _.  *          Beverly Kirk: Big-Time Reporter, Sma1l—Town Roots
  . .   ., `‘»e p  “ *  — The education Beverly Kirk ’96 GS received at the UK Patterson School
~ ° ~ _;     { A °""‘ of Diplomacy 8Ild lIII€III3IlOH3l Commerce helped prepare her for a career
` `  I "'f <’¤*i*"" fa as a news anchor in Washington, D.C., with NPR and PBS.
¤¤ =h¤_¤¤v¤r= _ ey iviane Bouvier
Beverly Kirk   GS is a lead news
fQ|',LCFQ";]‘;,°|[,gé,°'“l """“"" b"tW€B" 1 5 UK Air Medical Service Nurse Achieves Gold Level Status
Photo. © Jon GOBH 2004 Franketta “Frankie" Zalaznik ’83 NUR flies with the UK Air Medical Service team
' helping to evaluate and care for patients while transporting them from hospitals,
ambulances and accident scenes.
.. »   By Amanda White
   F      Forensic Pioneer Harvests Body Farm in ‘De3th’S AC1`€’ U
°   i. His path toward a career in counseling veered off "in the direction of corpses, crime
  {nl *’ scenes and courtrooms" and now body farmer William Bass ’56 AS has written a
y , book about his unusual profession.
T ,   By Lawrence Buser
. 4 *  . . .
E   A `EQQ, ” . ‘   Bflllglllg IIIIIOVZUOII to th€ Cl2lSS1’OOII1
·  »   The six recipients of the UK Alumni Association 2004 Great Teacher Award share a
! commonality: innovation in the classroom, concern for students and an unparalleled »
d l love and knowledge of their subject.
rc By Beverly Bell
t   The UK Student Volunteer Center:
Connecting Campus to Community
Win—win situations abound when the UK Student Volunteer Center helps
g students find volunteer opportunities in Lexington and surrounding counties
_ D E P A R T M E N T S to match their interests.
By Robin Kidd Boenker
5 , OPENING REMARKS 2 ri ’_   1           W ‘     · - 4 .
PRESIDENTIAL .2 . -   · C , qi   gg     · ‘° ifi . are-`. 'Q
_ CONvERsAT10N 4 J 2 ·;;   _ 4;..   I _ W Ag _ _;  _   ,,2
RESEARCH NOTES 5 -   ,__  _.  _  T  .  ·   _  ..  
UK BEAT 6 ‘ “r-‘ . —  . ="   if?e*"`  V   3 l " I  S  
cLAss NOTES 37   S _·_· fax ie _ 54 g   V.   G 3 · , _, Q,.  e.. #·· - ez [ `".#_
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X SPORTS 45 i'ii _ ze g .  ,2      · V . _    _ .
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Alumni Asseeiariea www.uky.edu/Alumni

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IA  AAAAAAA   Spring Cleamng...Not  
V / lvnzlwsmx  
;   I'don’t know about you, but right at the top of my wish list is to have the crew of “Clean Sweep " or "Mzs—  
Q yur,-,,g,,,,, 5;On_· Orggmzgngn ” show up On my doorstep, S(?mehOW, Spflng has sprung, SL1InTneI"S h€I`€ and the plEll'1H€d  
;\@m+jOH STAFF clean—out and garage sale fest has not occurred in my household.  A 
  Alumna Denise Saunders, the news co—anchor at WBFF—TV in Philadelphia, should be my inspiration.  
,.-n-n-.n/.,, r.lA nnnnnnnn That "Missi0n: Organization" crew got hold of her and sorted out her cosmetics and jewelry and tangled  
IJIREUIYJR hair dryer and curling iron cords. They purchased a few baskets and a gorgeous new dresser and installed a A    
_S` K · '72 . . . . . . . '
M m new double—s1nk vanity with drawers. Then the team put everything worth keeping away in 20 minutes!
nw/(.1/111; l}/kI;`C'IY)/€/ NOW thavs the Way to do it,
mivme -
"Z""""’""' 46** I6 During the last episode of "Clean Sweep " I watched, they took a room with a door that could hardly be
;',%;’jl%{¤QQ"" opened and in just 20 minutes, discarded the trash, held a garage sale where they made a couple hundred
mm m_mmmk dollars, carted the rest off to a local charity, and moved the "keep" pile spread out on the green tarp back ,  
,’ . , / 1 I . . . · . . • ~ ` Ii.
/~/w //·»w4/` 
l an/nAuA Cb//ins general collectibles, like glasses, commemorating man’s first walk on the moon, the USA Hockey Olympic   »r·,i
1 211 ·(,'m mor . . . . .   ‘ ’¢·
mini-n-,./. victor and the weddin of Prince Charles to Princess D1.  
k I Il wl `  
I 1 , r ill l  
g ,§,ZL§,,,,,§@§,f,, lt looks so easy on TV Where are my tarpaulins?  
Q I /ml/wr V/mg/iulzl '//.2 LCE   i`
1- / ,1 s· ¤··  
A i»1i,,Zi7A. M.-   g ·   A A  
RS. Football season is less than 100 days away. Check out the next Kentucky Alumni magazine or the A
  associations Web site www.uky.edu/Alumni for home and away pre-game events and other fall activities Ai
like Homecoming and class reunions as details become available. _
I .
Vu}. 77 No.2
'7 · · ·k I I
{/ZR-{‘$?$'?L£5} '‘''''' 2004 KENTUCKY FOOTBALL
it /m/:/is/u·¢l rjuur/vrir /{1'
/’¤·· f‘r··~·r—*· 11/27/2004 Sm Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn, TBA
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Our Objectwes; You want to limit risk, we want to limit risk. Our financial
One and the Salma advice is based on your needs and goals, not our own. Thats
because we aren't required to push specific products on our
. clients like many other brokers, we can give you unbiased
advice with the kind of attention to detail that goes way above
and beyond. That's the kind of independent thinking you can
expect from a Hilliard Lyons financial advisor. Because our
objectives are your objectives.
~ ms. nittumn, w.L tvons, inc. Mamma New vonx stock zxcwmaz Awu sive

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, ’ Efficiencies and Progress
_: V _ ’ TTT There is no denying that these are tough times for higher education budgets throughout the {
~   country. Earlier this year The Chronicle of Higher Education gave a state—by—state prognostica-  
; • ""WYQ tion of how universities would fare in upcoming legislative sessions. The picture was not a  
j   pretty one, and the prognosticators proved to be right.  
  Let me assure you that at the University of Kentucky, we are doing all we can to be good j
S M stewards of our resources. Since FY 2001, we have instituted a number of measures resulting in l
i cost savings of more than $57.5 million to help offset the nearly $74 million in cumulative state- j
mandated budget cuts. j
Through restructuring, the provost model of administration was implemented, integrating g
j many support functions in the UK Chandler Medical Center with similar units in the rest of  
l the campus. Specifically, 29 offices were merged, five offices were abolished and 88 positions I
were eliminated. j
? Elsewhere on campus, Admissions and Registrar offices combined their efforts and four  
foreign language departments were merged into one. Five low degree—producing academic ‘
programs and one college were eliminated along with five positions in the Agricultural Coop-
r erative Extension Service. Reorganization of the Teaching and Learning Center resulted in the
1 elimination of a variety of other support units and approximately 30 positions.
l Adopting new cost accounting procedures and new purchasing, printing, and travel policies j
l resulted in substantial savings.The cost accounting system allocates the cost of central services  
such as fringe benefits, purchasing, payroll and police services to self-supporting units and l
g federal contracts and grants. Thus, General Funds were removed from several units able to  
become wholly self-sufficient by relying on external revenues. Arriong those units are Robotics, ’
Development, Parking, and Environmental Health and Safety.
Federal funds were leveraged to develop and maintain 11 core research facilities containing
more than 300 highly specialized instruments that are available to researchers at UK and other
Kentucky institutions. j
The savings from all of these actions were then invested in high priority items, in academic i
support priorities and in the faculty and staff for salaries and health insurance, and in our
students to provide over $1 million in institutionally supported scholarships in this biennium.
The achievements of the faculty, students and staff continue to be significant. UK just cele-
brated its l37th Commencement, representing the highest graduation rate among all state
universities in Kentucky. Our people are setting new highs on many measures of success in
teaching, research and outreach. Research dollars brought into UK, a measure of institutional I
excellence. continues to rise as does private giving which is so important to our margin of I
excellence as evidenced by the recently opened Linda and Jack Gill Heart Institute at UK. j
Despite these efficiencies, it has been necessary to raise tuition twice and some faculty have
been wooed away by better offers, which makes it all the more important for us to not lose
focus or fail to push through the budget pressures affecting us. Given the projected 2003-2005
biennial state budget, our challenge today is clear. We — alumni, faculty, staff, students and
others crucially interested in UK’s success — must do everything we can to assist the V
University of Kentucky through these difficult times.  
President Lee T. Todd Jr. l

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The University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on   gy/Ai Y I ·A A     { A     - i - I A
Aging is joining a nationwide effort to identify 1,000 2Q AA A ‘   ~ A. ` _   A ‘   . .  
families with two or more siblings with late-life   ·   A A ,_ ; _ { A A. Q_ . ‘'·_ I ·_ _ Q;
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to participate in a major re- r-, A A 4-‘` ' A   Ai A ·l _ · ` . ,
. search study, the Al2heimer’s Disease Genetics Study.   A - ’   A A   " {Ae 7 ‘A .
i The goal of the study is to Speed the search for risk-fac- ‘   I ». I- A - _AA; ‘_ . _ P
tor genes that increase the risk of developing AD later ‘   ,   j   .
i in life.       I QW-.   .. / A i A I A . ei · i
  The AD Genetics Study is sponsored by the Na-  1    AA`»,.,\\{   (  , A _ "· 7 _ ·-l“ AA A A -
l tional Institute on Aging (NIA),part of the National In- §   " i-··   j     Aix   , Ay A` A .
l stitutes of Health in the U.S. Department of Health and   >jA`_~;{‘ i:,g   ilt   r »·`·   . ~\ I6   ·* A . - A
i Human Services, and is supported by the Alzheimer’s   AQ__         2-*?»,;',°r.     el, {   ‘ .1 -.,_ A
l Association. §   j, ·· ’j A,   . _ J j ~   .‘_‘   . AA A ···_, _
A "Discovery of risk—factor genes is essential for under- °” A A A A   ` AA A ‘ ‘A A A A A A
standing the causes of late-onset AD and for develop- _
ing effective treatments and prevention strategies," said Leupold   Rggtgpmg  
Charles D. Smith, M.D., professor of neurology and di- .
rector of the Clinical Core of the UK Alzheimer’s Dis- and Black Bears In Kentucky
A xii};iifelgigegililgirii;/IeC§g;eB;?f;;I;e(§c£];i{e;Hdeveee David Maehr, associate professor in the UK College of
e tating disease understand the urgency of finding the giiclggggzgjcggiglxcfzi   gg; §l;$5;d2gSe;;;_
A Causes Of   and how lO.St0p lt' . . demic environmental scientists from throughout the
_ To be eligible to participate inthe study, families United States and Guam receiving the award.
g}eA;tdh?e/(isgsggét three members who can donate Maehr currently is working to restore elk and black
_ ifwe eibheee (beethere ee Sisters) whe developed bear populations in Kentucky. I-Iislresearch uses satel-
AD efter eee 60 end hte and radio telemetry technologies on elk, and Global
_ Aeether femily eeember ever eee 50 whe mey Positioning Systems technology, standard radio telem-
heve memeey leee OR e femily member ever eee etry, and Geographical Information Systems simula-
60 whe deee net heve eey memery leee tions in the black bear project. He also is involved in
To participate in the study families shouldA contact researching the habitat needs Of nomgame “AAldAAA€’ as
NCRAD teueffee et 8OO_526:2839 er by eemeil et well as vertebrate colonization, plant succession, and
alzstudy@iupui edu Information is also available lapdsgipegtructurc m the rcstomuon Of K°“‘“°"yAS
‘ ‘ . . . mine an s.
thmugg thelitgldyk §§gb2?;€6%Bl§y calling Sm1th’ OY Aldo Leopold Leadership Fellowships provide sci-
- Jenny OX’ ‘ " at _ ` ' entists with intensive communications and leadership
~   · » Charles D, training to help them communicate scientific informa-
Q j_.,_‘   A A A ‘_ Smith, l\/l.D., tion to non-scientific audiences, especially policy mak-
A { ,.-A ,   Q AA I g S€alBd· and ers, the media, business leaders and the public.The
V   s i   j A   JC ,A . J€""V COX· award is named for Aldo Leopold, a renowned environ-
        A — · Mi RN- mental scientist who communicated his scientific
l it e-eA—-A     ._ knowledge simply and eloquently.
»  , _. I Q-   i     For more
, A 'A · y .·-—-   -—   .e_`     information about
, ·_ - -.._ w     ` E,       research takin_g_
{ ,\     ,.g·;\~ V rjeggé,   place at UK, visit
t ..   f, L P j  -__ ‘   _ ‘‘·r- 3   www.rgs.uky.edu
_ e -'» I lz A H  A   · 3   and
; -   .     ···-  e I .   www.mc.uky.edu
5   ._ A · ii ;..—_,.,/" Compiled from news reports about research at UK.
  ‘ A KENTUCKY Aruivmi 5

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1 UK $0 DHBV cl¤55¤5 Five Rewarclecl for Efforts in Diversity
l Over Wlnter Break UK President Lee T. Todd Jr. presented the second annual President’s
I UK vvrh offer a vvrhfer break Award for Diversity to thoserwho have demonstrated outstanding efforts
r rrrfersessroh as a pilot program this toward advancing UK s mission of embracing diversity while maintaining
vear ro farfher aeeomrhodafe the academic excellence. Recipients received $500 and a display award.
Il€C<.lS of SILlCl€I1lLS. AbOl1I I2 COLIYSCS Award winners   gatgggpv arg; r
r Wlll be held durmg Erhe ter ee Weeks • Student: Veleashia Smith is a senior in the College of Social Work, and  
  eeiween the fall allrlsfimg semesters credited with organizing the college’s first minority seminar which led to the '
, mm mtersesslen wl 8 OW Studeets te revival of the UK chapter of the National Association of Black Social
  take courses they need to graduate, Workers
  lemtessers em Effeirnew elassere andd • Staff member: James Wims is assistant vice president for student af-
l btudenm een te ee Vantage O Sm y` fairs and director of residence life and is credited with building an outstand-
i flemeil eppermgmee d, _ I 1 ing diversity training program for the Residence Life staff.
_ On lee as We airlfa, mem e gssies • Staff member: Kathy Sheppard-Jones is project leader and researcher
llifll   jvV¤·l_=fifj<= in It ES relrgpege Ht at in UK’s Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute and is the driving
e Mfes en deh riess 2 e h eed force behind the UK Accessible Map, an online interactive map enabling
 fm l e ew em O 1 ay people with physical impairments to find accessible routes around campus.
Eff _   • Faculty member: Tamara L. Brown is assistant professor of psychology
Iclcnc crts who became the first ethnic minority faculty member in the clinical psychol-
3 ogy program at UK when she arrived in 1999. She serves as faculty adviser
, Recoup   . 5 to the Black Graduate and Professional Students Association.
l M-II- • Community member: Juanita Fleming is a retired special assistant to .
f I lun the president for academic affairs and former professor of nursing at the
  UK presrdehf Lee T_ Todd _yr_ gave University of Kentucky and is now interim vice president for academic af-
fhe Board ofTrasfees a reoorf oh ef_ fairs at Kentucky State Un1vers1ty.She is credited with having a quiet but
fferehev efforts UK has ehaefed in progressive impact on the hiring of diverse faculty members, especially in
fhe past fhree vears fhaf have eh_ areas of scientific under-representation.
r ahfed the dhrversrfv fo save some I • University unit:"I`he International Hospitality Program is a commu-
I $575 mhhoh fo help offsef the hearfv n1ty—based organisation that welcomes students and is sponsored by UK’s
$74 million in cumulative state—man- Ofhcc Of Imcmatwnal Affalm
dated budget cuts UK has experi- V v_ _
enced since July l. 200l. I ·-   y   *·i·`-   A  I ·
U K`s budget shortfall was man- V      `‘`‘iil       V
” aged in three ways: reallocation of ‘   T
funds from efficiency efforts, re-   l V
serves and working capital. and tu- ` V   .
ition. V ‘‘-V {fil -i ,
. * ~· * I l ie we il I I g  
The President’s Award for Diversity honorees are front, left to right: Kathy Sheppard- f
Jones, Tamara L. Brown, Veleashia Smith; back, left to right: Juanita Fleming, Karen i
Slaymaker and Carole Gnatuk (representing International Hospitality Program), Jim l
Compiled irom UK Web sites. Wims and Deneese Jones, chair ofthe Presidents Commission on Diversity. l
UK Public Relations news reports, f
and Kentucky Alumni magazine staff reporting. r
o Ki·;>rrt.icr