xt7c599z0s4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z0s4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1967 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 38, 1967 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 38, 1967 1967 1967 2012 true xt7c599z0s4h section xt7c599z0s4h @% Ze zzrzméy QHM mz;
Wmter 1967
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ur lives are being spent in an age of change. Within the last hnndred  
O years, the span of man`s activities has been released from the Heshly  *
f considerations of the horse to the threshold of intergalactic travel. The  
_ scale and pace of man has been forever changed.  
Change, itself, is a fascinating topic. \Ve know that several aspects of life  
do not change, as that of birth and death, but almost any facet between those  
events seems to be the subject of overwhelming change. ggftor
S \Ve know that since 1850 man has changed travel time around the globe  
from three years by sailing ship to one hour by rocket. \Ve know that he is  
’ now upon the brink of discovering the secret of life as he probes into the in-  
finitesimal secrets of living matter. \Ve see that the growth of our economy jtijnagi,
. depends upon a constant manufacturing of knowledge.  
Because of the very rate of growth and change, the colleges and universities   Bm
1 A of the United States have become the great inStitllfi011S of tlw \V01'l..r,Q,r .- Q;1 \§`.— ,`°.— ’  V fég¢&·&>  inds of st
    ·   - —*=   ·* . ~‘¢`$“" t’,..·»~·¢"‘ ‘ V #“.— .,.  ‘  ·‘vh "  ·?      '   ·   ·· `- ‘ `hcy may i
  `f“‘f‘  · ;  * _ 7 V  '   i$—‘·‘ v‘·· -·   ·" ‘ Ms ·    :4 ’    ,h· j tj _ ,
§»e;i¤¢¢··"    ‘* e‘      · =`  f,1‘_‘*’_{:`lDE*'»$`¢7r » ° . ·;- ‘ - >$¤i—».·~  f." wl Y`}
°`§.P—a;=·§  .j,‘._,_;, sj     _ l , .·* V Y _,4.{ sj}; j— ____ -·, `·   _  ther thing
 ·*v?`€’i‘*"*‘ "      ·<.¢Qn~"      ._r* . ` 4,}; *>·  ··· ·-   amine cri
Indonesian farmers, within the beauty of cloud-capped mountains, are shown working the soil . Chungei
spraying their crop. anization
etween th
that tensions can be a positive rather than negative Ou the other hand. for universities to ni: to be ex
influence on the health of an institution. They serve their interests with those of society does not r iinimum.
as a stimulus to examine alternatives. they can be that all traditional concerns must lie thrown . hanges co
the points about which interest and concern are lt means rather that the modern university ate in th
focused, and they can serve as guides to future take the lead in creating new knowledge sy—t·0H1ml111iCa
21CtiOi`1. Thfiy l)€COIli€ l]€gt1ti\'€ only when the capri- and newer rind better systems for lenrnjirg HCE \\`ith 1
bility or willingness to manage them is not present. teaching, It will continue in many of its tradit Olds {OT C
\Vhether the stimulus for change is internally or roles_ but its priorities derive mainly from ull ifiicult to
externally derived, at least two major concerns bear noir, and especially toniorrou; rather than yend timid
on the university’s more intimate involvement in day. The needs of society are current and liojie Another
the greater society. These are (1) the direction that some of their solutions are not to he put oil. yhich the
change will take and   the rate at which it will the knowledge possible from its diverse resoi;·0fHr)‘ prt
occur. These are, of course, not unrelated. and freedom of action that should cliaracteri. Ygaililv ai
The matter of direction poses the immediate the contemporary university should be aliZ’“g€¥ Hill)
question of the degree of autonomy that the univer- respond to such needs well ahead of other pu? lat h‘f`<’ (
sity has in setting its own goals. Those who oppose In so doing it can take as its major rcsponsil le fmgllw
greater involvement of an institution of higher the determination of alternatives to meet the i. "V€Y· um
learning in the life of society argue that such in- in a given situation. and the consetjuences iiil‘.»‘lu°€· 1)**
volvement threatens the institution’s traditional ob- in each. It can thus provide the knowletlii rbén wm
jectivity and hence its freedom to chart its own rational decisions-to be made and irrijihiit lrheri df"
directions. If we accept the critic’s frame of refer- cI.s·eu·here in society-on the choice of alteiuii {O"' _Ob
ence, he has a point, because he sees a university’s The merger of the university and society i~   acmlll
response to society as ad hoc. The responsibility to without precedent. It occurred long ago in fldelmlll
d€HH€ what is CUITCHT, OI` what is fLltl.lI`€, l'€Sl[S CUltl1I'(‘ Hlld ITl(‘(liCilll‘_ ilIl(l \\'ltll   iljllllllflllle COu]P(`
somewhere else. In this frame of reference. the in the university`s objectivity and fivctlolii. jl€m’ mu)
university is a repository of knowledge; its major successful combination of research and st·i‘\‘i—lmpOmrY
function is to transmit mainly what has gone before. these areas, as embodied in the (Iooperativv l¥‘?mt Us ll'
Thus, the dominant interests and needs of an insti~ sion Service and the Community Medicine jirwgmmld H
tution are tied in reality to another era, and in in health service fields, are well estalwllsliillwelopmf
many matters it lags the present. its Organization major factor iu these successes is that litilll Th€_Cm
is so fixed and institutionalized, therefore, that it close to problems that are current, and ziiiiitléltabhshcf
responds ineptly when society makes its demands. the future needs of those whom they serve. .·\¤VmmP1° O

 vill be pointed out elsewhere in this issue, these ,·_ _,   _  
md other programs are amenable to change as a Q   &l\\ -. V `   _ l __`·_ g ;_‘;.~~— ¥;%:`;
ietter way to keep abreast of current problems. l   ll ‘·   7 ·\_“s_         ii 7 QQ
As the university moves toward a closer relation· ‘ 5, y' ‘Y     i {Vix  
hip with society. it must confront problcins in the     ja ~_'   ? ,     . ` ii
ate ot change. Ilow last. for example. can an   A _ l `   { `& i . 4,
, nstitution mobilize to take part in the solution of \     A      
roblems which bear on the total wellare ot our TT; ' ¢?,,·’ ° ._ .
·` · _•  ety? This frequently involves more than inercly     1 »
.,;,v4·'; sisting that faculty redirect its ellort; it involves. _ l A “°‘ ‘  _
.   s well. modilying the organization ol- a university. .    
.-ll-_r ehc l.;_»lative adv-antage ol tl-aditional dt·pa]·(iiieiit ,   »V_.    K   .
,;5"‘_  college alignments. lor example. iimst be Q   **5 L
` Tveighed against the needs and demands for new _ . ·``_   i
 nds ot scientific skills and positive knowledge. I V li  l I
hey may well he out of Slehl If Sol the Speed with A youthful seniinar .s·u‘ing.s in :;e.s·tfuZ interest with
,,.*hich they can be modified will depend. among the l)"0bIC"u Confronting todays world
'   ther things. on the willingness ot all parties to CoHt(_mPOrM\, Problem areal Hopefully it Cao
amine Critiwllli Wlmt Hwy lmw °`r°"t°(l‘ _ evolve an organization that will facilitate the inter· ‘
. wl] ,_ Change in the structure and purpose ot an or. disclhlinan. Collaboration needed to degoe the pI·Ob_
anization results fI'L‘(lllt‘Dll}' in increased tension lems and eootrihute to the Solution of Social and
etween the various parts that make it up. This economic haekwardhess at home and abroad Other
to nr; to be expected but hopefully can be held to a Cllorts to im.oh.e the university in Contemporary
s not r iinimum. Tensions will increase. for example. if domestic and international aflalrs are also pre_
mm-H . hanges come too fast for those who must partici- Sehtlxl hl this issue These are ooh. 3 few of the
V<`¥'*ll¥ ate in th(’m‘ Tlww me Cm“PlimtiOnS` wu if inanv programs which represent the increased scale
gy Slo.ommunications of intent and direction do not keep of llhtivitl. of Your Universit`. as it moves into its
lohlllu ace with the change that is occurring. The same Seeoml eehtunjl I
. lmllll- olds tor changes that are complex and therefore i
om llll ifiicult to compreheud—they take carclul planning
lhoo lend timel
lll llolilp Another problem that influences the speed with
ll oll`_ ‘—j‘hich the university comes to grips with contem-
l, o.>ol;»orary‘ problems is the extent to which it can - -
o._u.h.l.l_ rganize and give locus to knowledge. \\`e can no   u n  
he llhyinger allord to nibble piecemeal at the problems
lhm. ho; iat tace our society. trusting that at some point  
(_Shoh_ln ie fragmented research. uneoordinated contereuce.
ht thm irvey. and other activities will somehow fall into
m_Shll.Il.lt1ce. Problems such as developmental change.    
(m_h_ll£r rban renewal. automation. and others mentioned
lmhhml irlier, demand locuscd concern and collaborative j
lllhwllliort. Objectives should be clearly specified and By Iloward U. Beers
mol`. ll ie action to achieve them concerted. The problem _ l
algo hl t identifying such objectives. and welding together The initial idea tor the Center tor Developmental
lmmmllie components ot learning necessary to achieve Lhange lorigmated among members of the social
(_(_(l0m. iem, may prove the greatest challenge that con- science taculty who. torlmany years. telt the need
ld S(_I_o_·1nporary universities face. There is little doubt lor a vehicle through which to become more deeply
mtl\_l_l_l_l.iz1t the new systems of knowledge called tor will involvedl in the study ot social change. in the
_im_W_llCTemz11ilt· ot only one current ellort to locus on a legcs in a seinniar which met every two weeks to

   _,.W · _ "' learn
-_ __   ( aetivil
·- , l   - {   " 4 about
 Vg   { "   V i " l teaehi
i f if \"  i   i . L Thus.
4 `   _ ` V M devel·
  gel  .»  V   sured
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%   W  1 Tht
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· V ` s g there
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Indonesian students receiue instruction in the study of geology.
study and discuss social change. This laid the purposiye change. The identitication of these rt-
foundation for a more general university thrust in sources. and moulding them into a team thy
this area. It is doubtful that any other agency of focuses on the problems of development. dein.mil—
the University is more firmly rooted than this one in such an organization as the Center. that is. one nv _
the faculty’s processes of reflection and discussion. bound to a single discipline nor a single college. plug
Developmental change, as defined by this found- The Center. then. represents the t`niversity.   m mi
ing group. refers to planned and purposive change appropriate. in matters related to developmeiii. throu
in the direction of the goals desired by people in change. In carrying out its responsibility. it sir lems
one or several aspects of their lives. The establish- ports and supplements the interests and respoia ing tl
ment of the Center for Developmental Change is bilities of other units of the t'niversity. l·`or e nical
evidence that the University accepts this idea. and ample. the Center assists these units to marsh. them
that it recognizes clearly its need to contribute to their resources and to establish priorities of is ment
to development in Kentucky and the United States. portance and relevance for projects. both at hui: espec
and in the \Vorld. A university’s unique responsi- and abroad. Planning is tluis done in close eorr whicl
bility for the combined search for new knowledge lation with the interests of the faculty and tl issue.
and the dissemination of that knowledge through departments and colleges they represent. geogi
formal teaching and through extension programs. The link between the (lenter and other parts learn
makes it a logical choice for the task. Furthermore. the institution is designed to build research. este: cultu
it l121S tl1€ flexibility that permits the interdiseiplin- si0n_ and teaching programs that t1l‘t‘ St‘llSltl\`¤‘ i OU
ary and interprofessional attention necessary to the problems of planned change. This sensitiw simil.
come to grips with the problems posed by develop- comes when the units of the university. and Y unde
ment, either in the United States or abroad. faculty, incorporate into their projects and prograr socia
The Center for Developmental Change. then. is ways of tapping systematically into the nnderdeit and l
an attempt by the University to exploit its flexibility oped regions of our society. A number of snr ment
in defining and attacking the contemporary prob- projects are brielly described elsewhere in tlr. tions.
lems of social and economic underdevelopment. lt issue. Students, who will provide the leadership· tor lj
is a unique organization designed to bend the tomorrow, are not left out of this venture, 'llz respe
necessarily diverse resources of the university to activities that emanatc from the Center. tliei·eloi¤ univt
the complicated task of understanding planned and include opportunities for interested students l Pmhl

1 I 
learn through direct participation in them. Such  
activities are also designed so that what is learned I  
about change can be channeled back into the  
teaching and extension programs of the University. {
Thus, by promoting and focusing the concern for  
development at all levels, closer integration is in- {
sured for the research, service and teaching arms  
of the institution.  
The developmental change idea is not confined ;
to domestic concerns. Rather, it is believed that §
there is much to be learned about development  
··' ·* ·—le+—l¤/¤ ·l-U": ‘ ··q ...||\:s$§" t I
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these re-   - ‘_ l `    Wl   C I   ~
ram that   .   e~r* a »-a, - ; .     ee aa. Z
demancl< I · it  . Q5 , ]   '
;l;;;·uO` pwight Iieasend, a team member, was a key figure   M  
Ycrsiw W m establxshzng a forestry hbrary. c
lopmentni through programs and projects that compare prob-     _
y, it sup- lems here and abroad. Thus, the University, work- ‘
responsi. ing through the Center, seeks involvement in tech- if
For ex- nical assistance and other programs overseas. At
marshal the moment, for example, our international develop-
es of im- ment interests are mainly in Southeast Asia, ,
1 at homt especially in Indonesia, Thailand, and India, all of  
ose corre which are discussed in companion papers in this
Y and th issue. However, we are less concerned with specific
;_ geographic areas than we are with what we can y
rr parts nz learn by study and practical involvement in cross-
rch, exten cultural situations.
cnsitive t` Our interests on the international front are very I
sensitivitg similar to those we have on the domestic, that is, to
y, and it understand better the problems of how to improve
lpl·ograu‘»· socially and economically underdeveloped regions.
nclerdevel· and how to better train people to work in develop-
2r of sud ment problems. In helping to resolve these ques-
rg in thi UOHS, the University of Kentucky, through its Center
rdership rt for Developmental Change, is partially meeting its
iture. Th responsibilities to the many publics who look to a
tl`l€l`Cll)l't` university for help on contemporary and future
tudents t· problems.
7 {_

 ’\ it i
are common household WOI`d$- Eiwli iii its  
right springs from complicated conditions ,_   ·  
i » within thc fabric of our national, state, and   ¤` ?"
A · _ societies; conditions which demand an expertigt.    - ,
logically rests in the university. ` "
;   In recent years, then, we have seen the tradit: _ _
` ,   thrust of the university in agriculture, incdg  
I ·   ¤ - education, and the basic sciences, enlargedl
K   e u n     clude a concern for applying the behavioral sei.
’ · to current problems. This reflects thc uuivtr , ·
A     concern for getting more involved in society    
hopefully involved in ways that will enhance gy _,   `
Qq m m 0 n - the possibility for planning effective social t  , ‘.··t¤·j,
‘ on all fronts. · I  
  The knowledge needed, however, as a has;  .’gv;.·t l
, i effective social action, planned or unplanned. is  
i I   to come by. This may surprise those who
  accepted the commonly voiced complaint
Eastern Kentucky "has been surveyed to tl, ,_,;,,],]€ a,-
Quantity in any scientific pursuit is not necewky RCSO,
j indicative of quality, and this is particularliy the Uni
  Frank A. Santipolo when it comes to social action research. .-\ll »,,,dS f,·0,,
V , Y arly research is, of course. the quest for truth mdamwm
i   As a Land·Crant institution the University of the search for basic knowledge about luunanlugmll gm
T i   Kentucky is no stranger in the search for knowledge and their relationships to one another will »· 30-cgrmf,
. _ that can be applied. The rich tradition of the Agri- us to comprehend factors relevant to the prtircky. A tt
cultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative of people in our communities. This kind of re-1 the area-
Extension Service of the College of Agriculture are effort is, however. as difficult and time COI`l$’.ZldUSZ'I‘l(lf i
. ample evidence of this. Both cooperate in the as that for the causes of diseases and their curomics-art
discovery and application of knowledge, and their One of the reasons given for the paucity tif opportu
success is attested to by the fact that many farmers knowledge concerning social problems is tliatre, from l
now expect innovative practices and recommenda- scientists divorce themselves from contact wizlmory M 0
tions to be forthcoming almost daily. Contributions social forces of the community. However. sci·‘W<€ DUH,
, from the basic sciences have found their way also are not entirely to blame for this, because ad Bill M
into the daily life of Kentuckians, though not in long time universities did not recognize the et
, such an organized way. And in more recent years or applied function as adequately as they ditlt
· we have seen the development of a vast university ing and research. Today, though, the Univer:
medical complex to serve the health needs of the Kentucky aggressively recruits staff who cair
E people of this state. research and consult in the theoretical as iiorm is thi
V ‘   Since World WVar II, universities in general, and the applied problem areas. In so doing. tlivole in tht?
.   Kentucky in particular, have realized that the versity is in the vanguard of educational instit Howledgt?
S   transfer of new knowledge from the campus to the that have committed themselves to help their )daY= {OY
i community, centered mainly in agricultural, medical tele, on or off campus, to resolve their pre decade '
A and basic sciences, could benefit from various other through an educational process. New Pm
disciplines, particularly the behavioral sciences. The research into the problems of sociei}`- nivefsiw
Thus universities began to develop these sciences, cially as it is related to social action which iiifgcial fom
and encourage their application to health, military, to their eradication, may take two forms. (ne social
I industrial, economic, community and family prob- reaction that is, the type of research which ~=¤mm¤¤¤ti
lems. The advent of federally sponsored programs after the people of a community or a sociel} nd fabflf
in development, here and abroad, and health, edu- tify a situation as abnormal to their way ihat mdlci
~ cation, and welfare services on the domestic scene, and thus a problem. The other is anticipziiwi DL Pau
  all add to the need for application of behavioral is the type of research which evolves liflfline Office
, science to current problems. Headstart, OEO, CAP, people of a community or a society deiiiiv =l`mtO`typ€
“Happy Pappyfl and VISTA, among many others, tion as abnormal to their way of life. Tllt I wml zu
 L -. { zz

 _‘¥‘ “` w i';} ‘·A-iis- in    »L~ ·lV· ’ ‘i ° . V ¢»
htions We `V C" A;·'i`*·· _ . · ‘ . ' ·'-
l.·3‘i·  ·i~ *14. r .» A `©
e, anrl   _ .;f= Lal-"% i _ V ’    
·xperti»l ‘ ?.;,: = » _ _' "   _, (
ic tratlit ,   »     `''` A _ I _ Y
c, mctl;     t .4 _ _ ·~ if A __
argedt `   V » I ‘   A , V `
.oral sti, it .   i 5   ·  
m‘*> i     · A 1*   s-   *   » l
ianceqr ii ‘i,··-_‘·.   · . ·: \ £j3(¥;`Z . __ .j‘  
social .i »   ii.: '_ ·       ° L
' · in _ M _A 'H . ,____ l` in ·» t
.s a ha~A A    V {   `    
inned. i~   if     if V {A ‘ i A 4
se who    •° ·‘ _  , V _ .
mplaim A
·d to tl, viablg arm gf Clmylgg has [wm; {hy EaS;C,·,; Ken- munication patterns among the poor and the influ-
vt n<‘<‘~*· icky Resources Development Project aclministeretl ¢‘¤€€ ef EK-’0gFHPhi€&l facters On the Partlcilmtion Of
tielllalrt y fhg [ly]ir;(·r,g·ify of Kgyrfugky and (rn])(){L·(>;·g([ by tilt? pOOI‘ il] €\'€HtS d€SigI}€d to XTl€€t tlT€iI' €‘XpI'€SS€d
rh. All [nds from {lip \\’_ l(_ Kgllrigjgg Fonnrlygjgyr A needs. These and other research questions. when
ar troll. mdamgnml olijgpriyy of EKRDP lm.; bggn {hp answered. will enable the scholars and their students
llUm1U`|iU€1'Ll" economic and institutional rlecelopment for to reflect on the “other Americans” with more
·r with 30-county tleprcssccl area of Appalachian Ken- sensitivity and depth of understanding than was
the pr icky. A team of technicians employed and located possible before.
id of rei the area—concentrating on l1ti.sine.s·.s· management. The Eastern Kentucky Resource Development
ne con— idustrial development. tourism, and family eco- project sponsored by the Kellog Foundation is
their t=.;·omics—are searching out and stimulating "p0cl