xt7c599z0q50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z0q50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-04-mar21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-04-mar21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-04-mar21-ec. 1917 1917-04-mar21-ec. 2011 true xt7c599z0q50 section xt7c599z0q50 

             _ M-R_1 1              _1

      The Board met in President Barker's office and in the
 absence of Chairman Nichols, Mr. Johnston presided with the
 following members present, Messrs. Johnston, Stoll, Brown
 and Brock, Mr. Nichols coming in later and taking the chair.

      President Barker read the following report which was
 ordered spread upon the minutes:

                                March 21, 1917

Executive Committees,
     University of Kentucky.

Gentl em en:

      Since your last meeting, everything pertaining to the
University as an educational institution has been going
forward in the most satisfactory manner.

      In undertaking to execute your suggestion with regard
to the spraying of the trees and beautifying the campus,
I found difficulty, which grew out of the fact that Professor
McFarland seems to have overlooked the rights and duties of
his superior, Professor Mathews. As soon as I found this
friction existed, I called the Dean of Agriculture, explained
the situation to him, and required, at his hands; a satis-
factory solution of the whole matter, which would carry out
your orders and at the same time get rid of all friction.
This he has done in a report to you this morning, which will
be read to you and which, I think you should adopt.

     I had the impression that the memorial unifying the
College of Agriculture, which was sent to you sometime ago,
had been adopted by the Board. I understand that it was only
received and filed. I am quite sure this Board intended to
adopt this memorial, and I have acted upon it as a law of
the University. I hope you will now adopt it as of the date
it was filed,

     In adjusting the matter of appointments in Extension,
I have ruled, based upon the memorial above referred to, that
all appointments of officers, agents or employees in Extension
work shall first be recommended to the Dean of the College of
Agriculture, who, if he aooroves theip, will recommend them to
me, and shall make them subject to your approval and, if
necessary, to the ap~)r6val of the Extension Committee. I think
there is a little vagueness as to the authority of the Extension
Committee which meets at Frankfort, and of which his Excellency,
the Governor, i.s Chairman. This Committee meets tonight, and


I desire to have them ratify my ruling as to appointments In
the Extension service. This will unify and harmonize all the
Agricultural authorities and get rid of any friction along the
line indicated.

     Professor Roberts sets forth a statement of what the
Experiment Station zan do in furnishing funds for Extension
service next year to meet the requirements of the Smith-ghever
Bill.  I commend this Dart of the report to you as an exposition
of how we can meet the terms-of the Smith-Lever Bill in full
and thus give to the Deonle of Kentucky the benefit of all funds
furnished by the State and the United States Government.

     In establishing Home Economics as an indetendent department
sometime ago, we overlooked the fact that Miss Mary E. Sweeney
was only an Associate Professor. In order to give her a proper
rank, T now suggest that she be made a full professor without
any increase in pay. This entails no additional cost of the
University but completes the symmetry of this Independent de-

     In arranging for the athletics for next year, I find that
it will be much to the advantage of the University to retain
Doctor Tigert as coach. I therefore, request that his leave
of absence from the Chair of Philosophy be extended another
year. This will leave the matter in statu quo, entailing no
expense on the University, and the work be done Just as satis-
factorily as last year.  I hope you will adopt this suggestion,
as I think, under all circumstances, it will redound to the good
of the whole institution.

                            Very %espectfully,

                                  H. S. Barker. President.

     The regular order of business was suspended and Professor
F. Paul Anderson, Chairman of the Committee of Deans appeared
before the Board and made the following report:

                    THE COMMITTEE OF DEANS
                    UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY.

                                 Lexington, Ky., Mar. 5. 1917.

The ExeciwAtive Committee,
Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucay.

     The Comnittee of Deans, having been directed to make
recommendations regarding the adoption of the military system.
known as the "&Reserve Officers Training Corps", w hich system


is embodied in, the Hat-ional Defense Act, an Act of Congrees
of June 3, 1916, do therefore respectfully make recommendation
as follows:

1.   "hat the proper authority of the "niversity of Kent'acky
make to the War Department an application to have established
and maintained at the Institution an Infantry Unit of the
Senior Division of the Reserve Officers Training Corps in
conformity with existing Federal law and the regulations as
promulgated by the Secretary- of War, especially as modified
in respect to land grant institutions of learning.

2.   That, in connection with the above recommendation, the
course in Military Science leading to the degree B.S., hereto
an-endead and marked "A". being adopted as part of the regular
curriculum of the University.

3.   That proper steps be taken to have both of the foregoing
recommendations put into full force and effect aftdr the end
of the present academic year and before the beginning of the
academic year 1917-18.

                          F. Paul Anderson, Dean,
                          Colleze of Mechanical & $lec. Eng,

                          Arthur M. Uiller,
                          Dean College Arts & Science, Secy.


Your sub-committee, appointed to make recommendations con-
cerning a course in Military Science, submits the following
for your consideration:

(2) That a course in Military Science be self-contained
and under the direction of the headef the Military Department,
now designated by the `ar Department as the Professor of
Military Science and Taetics in the University of Kentucky.

(1) That a course in Military Science be offered in the
department of Military Science at the University of Kentucky.

(3)  That the following course of Military Science be re-
conmMended for adoptions




(First Se mester)

En gl ish
Chemi et ry
Spani sh
Mil. Science

3   College Algebra
1   Composition
I   General Inorganic
I   Uodern Language
I   Theoretical
I   Drill, Infantry
I      0   Physical


Lab.   Iredits
 4         5
 3       1.5
 2      .1
         21 5

(Second Semester)

Ma th.
Engl i Sh
.Span i oh
Chemi stry
Mu. Science

2  Trig.eplane & Spherical
I   Como00sition
I   Modern Language
2   General Inorganic
I   Theoretical
I   Drill, InfantrY
I   Drill, Physical


4        5
3        1.5


Span Ii  
mech. Eng.
Hygi ene
Mil. Science

    (First Semester)
I   General El ementary
3   Physieal Measurement8
5  United States
2   Modern Language
    Mechanical Drawing
1   Gen.. & First Aid
2  Theoretical
    Drill, Infantry
      it  Phy Icaal

Spant sh
Mach. Eng.
Hygi ene
Milu Sca&nce

    (Second Semester)
1   General Elementary
3   Physieal Measurements
5  United States
2   Modern Language
    Mechanlcal Drawing
2   Military & Camp Sant'n
2   Theoretical
    Drill. Infantry
      i    Physical



4        2
4        2
3       1.5
2        1










NCoh. Bug.
Neeh. Zng.
Span i sh
Engl i sh
M41.. Science

    (First Semester)
    Field gngIneering
    Descriptive Geornetry
3   Modern Language
3   Theoretical
    Dr11l, Infantry

(Second Semester)

Mech. Eng.
Civil Eng.
civil HEg.
Spani sh
Agri culture
Engi i sh
MSU. Science    3

Oonstruction, Demolition
Mil.Tonog. & Map Reading
El ementary Surveying
Modern Language
Hippol ogy
Advanc ed
Drill, Infantry


2        2
3     - 1.5

   F esieor--Uar

(First Semester)

Hi story
Spani 8I
Mil. Science   4

fgl  tary
General (of the World)
Modn, Language
Theo ret i cal
Drill, Infantry


3       1.5
        20 5

(Second Semester)

Pol. Science
Spani sh
Mil. Science

    Amer. Government
    Mod. Language
General (of the WorldL)
4   Theoretical
    Drill,9 nfantry






     The successful completion. of the abo-e courses will
put the graduate in a fair way toward obtaining a commission
in the Army from civil life; every required subject In the
examination to that end, being included therein.

                            F. Paul Andersen, Dean,
                            Colle-ge of Mechanical & Elec. Eng.

                            Arthur M. Miller, Dean,
                            College of Arts & Science

John C. Fairfax, Captain,
Infa*try, D.O.L., Cuomandant,

Lab .


lredtt s
  21 e 5


     Professor Anderson detailed, after submitting his repo*tt
the outline of study and discussed for the enlightenment of
the Board, various phases of a recent enactment of Federal law
affecting Military Training in Universities as set out in
General Orders #49 issued by the War Department at Washington.
Dean Anderson then discussed fully for the understanding of the
Board that part of his report which also recommended and out-
lined a new course of study in the UTniversitytobe known as
"lMilitary Science Leading to a Degree of B.S." and the benefits
which in his judgment the establishing of such a course in the
University would bring, both to the institution, the students
and the Federal Government.

     Dean Anderson s interpretation of General Orders No. 49
was briefly; that drill work wauld continue for two years thra-
out the Freshman and Sophomore years as it does now but that
the government would, for these years, assume the expense of
uniforms for students so drilling; that at the close of the
two years required by all Land Grant Colleges, the student
might then elect to proceed with Military Training for an ad-
ditional two years, the government agreeing if he did so eleot,
to continue to furnish the student one uniform a year and pay-
ment of 30 each day he drilled.

     Dean Anderson explained the limitation of the eourse in
Military Science which his Committee had recommended as an ad-
ditional department in University Training. He said that the
student taking such course and electing this as his major,
would be required to complete to the satisfaction of the various
instructors involved, the course outlined, in the renort aDzended:
that uniforms would be furnished for students throughout the
entire four years by the government and that when the student
had completed the course outlined, he would then be In linefr
official duty in the U.S. Army.  He said that as matters now
stood such student would be expected to take a Federal Examina-
tion if he desired to enter the Army, but that he VelleVed that
as soon as matters asumed more definite form, the government
would see it s way clear to accept graduation in the course here
outlined as final credentials for entrance upon official duty
in the army; that this official duty would carry with it the
usual army salaries.

     Details of the Military Training cowrse were di-susssed
freely among members of the Board. Mr. Stoll then moved that
the report of the Committee of Deans Military Training be
adonted ind coursas of studr provided for therein be estab-
lished; that the Committee of Deans with the Commandant addied
be authorized to direct professors and instructors in this in-
stitution to teach the subjects recommended as nart of their
regular instruction duty, tiat the Commandant be designated
as Head of the Department of Military Science and that Presil
dent Barker be directed to fill out and forward to the Adju-
tant General at the War Department in Washington the application


required in General Orders No. 49 which in words Is as follows:

               APPENDIX III.

T~oi The Adjutant General, United States A_1'My.
Subject: Apniltcation for establishment of unit or units
          of Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

1. By direction of the governing authorities of
University, I hereby slkbmit application for the establish-
ment of one or more units of the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps at this institution.

2.  Should this application be accepted by the President,
the authorities of this university hereby agree to estab-
lsh and maintain a two yearst' compulsory course of mili-
tary training as a minimam for its physically fit male
students, which eourse when entered upon by any student
shall, as regards such student, be a prerequisite for
graduation; to allot a minimum of an average of three
hours per week per academic year to military training and
instruction during the first two academic years and to
arrange for five hours per week during the balance of
such studen;ts course, and to u1se their endeavors to
promote and further the objects for which the training
corps is organised.

3. The authorities of this institution also agree to
conform to the regulations of the Secretary of War re-
lating to Issue, care, use, safe-kee-ping, ;!nd accounting
of buch government property as may be issued to the in-
st it1utien.

4. Attached herewith is a statement giving particulars
with reference to the institution.

                       STAT EMT

1.  Grade of Institution and degree It confers:

     (a) Land Grant
     (b) Collegiate
     (c) Number of years of academic study necessary
         for a degree
     (d) Preparatory institution

2. Number of students not less than 14 years of age en-
    rolled in the institution (inclose last printed catalog
    if not already farnished.)


     3. The number of male students the Institution is pre-
     pared to instruct at one and the same time (capacity of
     buildings, apparatus, and instructors).

     4.  Namber of cadet cacm-anies, troops, batteries or-
     ganized at present date.

     5.  Details (material, dimensions) ofetorage facilities
     for arms, equipment, etc. (St-able facilities and shelter
     for forage and for guns and caissons in case mounted arms
     of service are to be organized).

     6.  Devignation of governing body (heard of regents,
     trustees, etc.)

                (a) Number of members of same.
                (bW Official designation of the head of the

     Mr. Stollts motion was ad-opted unanimoU-sly, Mlessrs. Stoll,
Brown, Johndon, Brock and lFtchdea, the last named of whom had
come in after the meeting had convened, voted in the affirmative.

     Dean Miller of tile College of Arts and Science was called
Into the room and aEsked concerning the arrangement by which
Doctor j. J. Tigert was given a leave of absence for one year
to take charg e of the football team.  Dean Miller reported In
response to questions by -Doard members, that since Doctor
Tigert's retirement from the chair of Philosophy which he held
at the time the leave of absence went into effect the chair had
been filled by Doctor Gflanville Terrell to his and the entire
satisfaction of Professor Noe, Head of Department of Education,
Asked whether the work done in this chair by Doctor Tigert had
been satisfactory, Dean Miller explained that during the time
that Doctor Tigert was giving his entire attention to teaching,
hii work was eminently satisfactory but that when it became
necessary to divide his attention between football on one hand
and the chair of Philosophy on the other, his teaching work
had not been entirely satisfactory. This question had been
precipitated by reason of the fact that Doctor Tigert desired
a definition on whether he could come back to his chair, Dean
Miller said further that if Doctor Tigert insists on returning
to that work, he ie entitled to come back to the chair of
Phil oaophy.

     Dean Millar:  I had only satisfactory reports of Doctor
                   Tigert's teaching when he gave that teach-
                   tig his full attention.

     Mr. Brown:    Can the chalr be eliminated and the work
                   be continued satisfactorily Under the pre-
                   sent arrangement?

     Dean Miller:  It could be satisfactorily continued under
                   the arrangement that now obtains.


     Dean Miller said further, "if Doctor Tigert should return,
Doctor Terrell would handle the classics.  In that event we
could get along without Miss Pollitt. Eliminati~n of Miss
Pollitt would bring about a saving of $800 difference in
salaries. She gets $600 now and I have recommended $800. Doctor
Tigert's salary would be $2000 .8

     Mr. Johnston: Would Doctor Terrell be willing to continue
                    as matters now stand in case Doctor Tigert's
                    leave of absence were extended another year?

     Dean Miller:   I am satisfied that Doctor Terrell would
                    not object to Continuing.

     Dean Miller at this point said that he was opposed to
indefinite leaves of absence because in his judgment such
leaves had a tendency to cause the work of teaching to dis-

     At this point, Mr. Stoll moved that the question of con-
tinuing Doctor Tigert's 'leave of absence be referred to the
Committee of Deans with a request that they report at the
next regular meeting of this Board. Without objection, the
motion was adopted.

     After discussiyg details of the proposed purchase of
certain property lying East of the University and belonging
to the estate of the late James H. Mulligan, which purchase
was authorized by the Board of Trustees in a meeting at
Frankfort January 31, 1917, Mr. Stoll offered a resolution
which was as follows:

          WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the University of
     Kentucky has heretofore authorized the Executive Oommittee
     of the University to purchase the property belonging to
     the late James H. Mulligan and lying between the Campus
     of the University and Rose Street and extending from
     Winslow Street to Washington Avenue and to make whatever
     arrangements might be necessary to com-plete the said pur-
          AND 'WHEREAS, the Attorney General for the State of
     Kentucky has by letter advised the President of the
     University that the Board of Trustees can not lawfully
     incur any indebtedness in the purchase of said property,
     but may lawfully use any surplus f:unds which the University
     may have accumulated or may hereafter accaumulate from time
     to time in the pDhase thereof, which letter is in part
     as followste wit:

               "I am of the opinion that some one may purchase
          the property as Trustee and hold it for the University,
          and the University may pay as much on the property as
          It can out of surplus funds, or it may furnish the
          Trustee money to pay part of the purchase price."


     AND WHEREAS, the Phoenix & Third Trust Company, of
Lexington, Kentucky, has offered to plurchase said oro-
perty and hold the title thereto and hereafter convey
the same to the University of Kentueky under and in accord-
ance with the terms of a proposed agreement, -which is as
follows, to wit:

     THIS AGREEMEOT made and entered into this          day
of March, 1917, by and between the University of Kentucky,
a corporation, part of the first part, and the Phoenix and
Third Trust Company, a corporation, of Lexington, Kentucky,
party of the second part,

     WITNESSETH9 That whereas first party desires to our-
chase the following real estate, to wit:

          The property known as the Mulligan home
     and the lots on Rose Street all in one tract
     of land and fronting on Winslow Street about
     310 feet and extending in a southerly direc-
     tion along Rose Street a distance of about
     1900 feet to Washington Avenue, bounded on
     the North by Winslow Street, oan the east by
     Rose Street, on the south by a small strip of
     land on Washington AveW-te, and on the wst by
     the property of the University of Kentucky
     and the property of Professor Sherfius, being
     the property formerly owned by James H. Mwl-l
     ligan, deceased, and now owned by the heirs
     of said James H. Mulligan,

     AND waEREAS, said property is now owned by the
heirs of the late James H. Mulligan, some of whom
are under age by reason whereof the entire interest
in said property can not be transferred except by
order of the Payette Circuit Court in a suit to
sell said land,

     AND WdE-REAS, it is understood that L. J. Mul-
ligan, James J. Mulligan, Alice P. Molloy, Mollie M.
Stevenson, Dennis M. Mulligan, Marian Mulligan and
Kathleen Mulligan, together with the husVands and
wives of those who are married, are ready and will-
ing to enter into a written contract with second
party to convey or cause to be conveyed to second
party for the sum of Forty housand ($40,000) Dollars
the property aforesaid and to institute said pro-
ceedings as may be necessary to affect a judicial
sale thereof.

     AND WHEREAS, the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000)
Dollars now stands to the credit of the Fertilizer
Department of the Kentucky Agricultural Expoeriment
Station, which sum may be lawfully used on and towards


the purchase of said property by the University of
Kentucky, cmd if so used. will ma-ke it necessary for
the second party to pay out on the ourchase of said
property the sum of only Twenty Thousand ($20,000)

     AND WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to enter
into an agreement whereby the secon& party shall -our-
chase and acquire the title to said property and
whereby first party may secure the use and enjoyment
of said proverty until such time as said first party
may have on hand funds sifficient to purchase the
same and to require second party to convey the legal
title to said first party, and whereby said second
party may be fully reimbursed for all moneys expend-
ed by It in making said purchass, together with all
expense and cost which may be reasonably inwred In
or about this agreement and the purchase of said pro-
perty by second party and the subsequent conveyance
of said property by second party to first party, and
whereby said second party may be protected and secured
against any loss on account of said matters;

     NOW THEREFORE IN CONISIDERATION of the premises and
the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar cash in hand paid by
second party to first party, the receipt of which is here-
by acknowledged, and the further consideration of the
mutual stipulation and covenants hereinafter set out
it Is agreed by and bwtween the parties hereto as follows,
to wit

     1. The second party agrees to enter into a contract
forthwith with the above named heirs of James H. MSul-
ligan and the husbands and wives of those who are mar-
ried to  purchase and pay for said property the sum of
Forty Thousand ($400o00) Dollars provided said heirs
will procure a judicial sale thereof whereby second
party shall acquire a clear, perfect and unencumbered
fee simple title to said property.   Said agreement shall
before its executivn be approved by the Chairman of the
Executive Committee of first party.

     2. First party agrees that it will be proper reso-
lution of the Executive Committee set aside the sum of
Twenty Thousand ($20,000) Dollars out of moneys now to
the alkedit of the Fertilizer Department of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station to be paid and applied
in the purbhse -price of said property, and will direct
the business agent of first party to py said sum to
second party whenever requested by second party and
ordered by the Chairman of the Executive Committee to
make said payment, provided second party shall then be
required to make payment of the purchase price of said


     3. Second party agrees that it will furnish such
sum as may be necessary to complete the payment for
said property at the purchase price of Forty Thousand
($40,000) Dollars, and in the event it may become nec-
essary to bid at the sale of said nroperty in excess of
the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,000) Dollars In order to
obtain the same, then second party may purchase at such
increased price, provided the Chairman of the Executive
Committee of first party shall give written approval

     40 First party agrees to be made an examination of
the title-to said property and to furnish second party
with an abstract thereof, and second party shall be un-
der no obligation to take the title thereto or to Day
any part of the purchase price anless it is satisfied
with said title.

     5. In the event and as soon as second party shall
under this agreement become the purchaser of said pro-
perty and entitled to the possession thereof, then
second party agrees that first party shall have and re-
ceive at once full possession of said property under a
year to year lease until the          __day of         1923,
and the right to purchase the said property at said time
and require a conveyance of the tible thereto under the
following terms and conditions, to wito

       (a) Second party shall render to the Chairman of
the Executive Committee of first party as soon as prac-
ticable after the completion of the prchase of said
property a statement showing the total amount paid by
second party on the purchase price and in addition there-
to any expense which second party may then have incurred
on account of said purchase or under or on account of
this agreement, which statement when ap-proved by the said
Exeautive Committee shall be deeme   and considered the
amount paid by second party on said purchase price.

       (b) First party for the first and occupation
of said property under such year to year lease and as
annual rental therefor shall pay to second party an
amount equal to six Der cent of the purchase price paid
by second party as ascertained in manner aforesaid,
which annual rental shell be paid semi-annually, the
first payment to be made six months after the date of
the payment by the second party of the agreed purchase
price of said property or the execution of bonds for
said purchase price.   First party shell also be bound
and here by agrees to keep the improvements on said
property in a reasonable state of repair and in as
good repair as the same now are without expense to
second party, and first party shall also and hereby


agrees andDigds itself to pay all taxes, charges, and
assessments which may be made ox levied against said
property from time to time, if any, and will further
keep the improvements on said property insured in
good and solvent insurance companies in the name of
second party so such an amount as maaay be revquired by
second party, and will further pay any expense that
second party may reasonably ineur on account of said
property during said lease.

        (c) First party shall 'e under no obligation
to rent said property for any period longer than one
year. but shalll notify second-party three months in
advance of the expiration of each year's lease shall
constitute an election by first party to renew said
lease for the following year.

        (d) First party shall have the right and ortion
at any time prior to and including the             day
of          1923, to require second party to execute
to it a deed to said property, provided first party
shall have paid the annual rentals which may have ac-
crued as aforesaid, including all taxes and assess-
ments, and shall havd taken out insurance as afore-
said and paid the premiums thereon, and shall have
paid all ex-oenses incurred by second party as afore-
said, and shall then pay to secondparty the full
amount which second party shall have paid or expend-
ed on account of the purchase of said property ascer-
talned as aforesaid.   It is agreed and understood,
however, that first party shall be under no obliga-
tion to Day to second party the amount paid by it on
the purchase price of said property as aforesaid, but
such p-aymernt shall be optional with first party.  If
first party shall fail to require a conveyance of
said pro-perty to it by second party, or shal have
failed to perform any of the conditions precedent to
its right to require such conveyance as hereinbefore
set out on or before the ___     _day of       _     1923,
then second party shall have the right at any time
thereafter t- sell said property at either public or
private sale on such terms as second party may deter-
mine, and after paring to itself-cat of the purchase
price all expenses incurred by it as aforesaid and
all expensee incurred. on account of such resale and
the amount paid by it on the purchase of said proper-
ty, together with six per cent interest thereon, cal-
culnted semi-annually as aforesaid, after crediting
thereon such rentals as may .have been paid by first
party, (it being the intention and purpose of this
agreement that second. party shall be fully and com-
pletely reimbursed without loss or expense to it),
said second party shall pay the balance of the
amount realizel on such resale to first party with-


out any other or farther liability to first party.

     6. First party shall have the right to make to
second party at any time and from time to time, par-
tial payments to be applied on the purchase price
of said property, provided said -Dartial payments
shall be nct less than Five Hundred ($500) Dollars
each, and provided further that if any partial pay-
mentse8,611 be made by first party then first party
shall receive an abatement in the-rental aforesaid
on the basis of six -oer cent interest on such -oar-
tial payment.

     7. This contract shall be executed in duplicate,
each cony to have the full force and effect of an

     IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the University of Kentucky
hereunto sets its hand by the Chairman of its Execu-
tive Committes and has caused his act to be attested
and its corporate seal to be affixed by Enoch Grehan,
its Secretary, and the Phoenix and Third Trust Company
hereunto sets its hand by ite President and has caused
his act to be attested and Its corporate seal to be
affixed by its Secretary as of the day and year first
above written.
Attest:                     UNIVERSITY 0? KENTUCKY

        Secretary          Chairman of Executive Committee

Attest:                    PHOENIX AND THIRD TRUST COMPANY


     N0OV THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive
Committee of the University of Kentucky as follows,
to wit:

     First:  That the contract aforesaid be and the
same now is hereby approved, and the Chairman of the
Executive Committee is directed to execute said con-
tract for and on behalf of the University of Kentucky,
and the Secret&ry of said Committee is directed to
attest the act of said Chairman and affix the seal
of the corporation.

     Secend: That the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000)
Dollars now standing to the credit of the Fertiliser
Department of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi ment
Station be and the same Is now hereby set apart sep-
arate and distinct from all other funds of the University,


     and the business agent