xt7c599z0p4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z0p4v/data/mets.xml Bradley, J. N. (John Nicholas) 1876]  books b92-76-27211708 English s.n., : [Kentucky : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Great Crossings Baptist Church (Scott County, Ky.) Baptists Kentucky History. Scott County (Ky.) Genealogy. Church buildings Kentucky Scott County. History of Great Crossings Church  / by J.N. Bradley. text History of Great Crossings Church  / by J.N. Bradley. 1876 1876] 2002 true xt7c599z0p4v section xt7c599z0p4v 


1785--I 876.






                     BY PROF. J. N. BRADLEY.

    The Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Great Crossings, Scott county, Ky.,
was organized on Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29, 1785, seven years before
Kentucky was admitted into the Union as a State, while it was yet a part of
Fincastle county, Va.  All the surrounding country, now so beautiful and
yielding so productively to the hand of industry, was a dense forest, frequently
threaded by wild beasts and savages, with here and there a small clearing made
by some settler. So wild and uncivilized was the country, that, when the in-
habitarnts went about their accustomed business, or even when they met to hear
the preaching of the gospel, they were obliged to take with them their trusty
rifles as a protection against lurking savages. It was twelve years after Daniel
Booone first came to Kentucky to live, and nine years after Win. Hickman
preached the first Baptist sermon (if not the first of any kind) ever preached in
our State, under a tree at the big spring in Harrodsburg.
    It was the second or third church organized north of the Kentucky river, and
ab.ut the sixth or seventh in the State. Lewis Craig, a preacher who had suffered
from religious persecution in Virginia, early determined to remove to Kentucky;
and so great was his popularity, that at great part of his church in Spottsylvania,
Va., determined to come with him. They were organized into a church before
starting. and were a traveling church through the wilds of the trackless wilder-
ness, stopping on Saturday. their regular church-meeting day, to transact busi-
ness, and have preaching on Sunday.
    They settled on Gilbert's Creek, south of Kentucky river, and were a
church there. After a while Lewis Craig, with a number of others, left Gilbert's
Creek, and moved to South Elkhorn, now Slickaway, Fayette county, and es-
tablished a church there. This was about 1783, or, as some say, later. In the
year 1785 Clear Creek and Great Crossings, (then known as Big Crossings) were
constituted; but which first is not certainly known. Some authorities say one
and others the ether. On the 28th and 29th of May, 1785, (as mentioned above)
sixteen men and women met, as we have been informed, in an upper room in
the house not far from our meeting-house, formerly owned by Gen. Wm. John-
son, and gave themselves to each other and to God, as at church. The record of
this meeting is as follows, viz:
    "At a church meeting held at the Big Crossing, on Saturday and Sunday,
the 28th and 29th of Mlay, 1785, present, brethren Lewis Craig, John Taylor,
Richard Young, Samuel Deadmon, as helps called for, who proceeded to consti-
tute the following members into a church, to be called the church at the Great
Crpssing, when the Philadelphia confession of faith was adopted: Wm. Cave,
James Suggett, Sr., Robert Johnswi, Thomas Ficklin, John Suggett, Julius
Gibbs, Robert Bradley, Bartlett Collins, Jeniima Johnson, Susanna Cave, Sarah
Shipp, Caty Herndon (or Bohannon), Jane Herndon, Hannah Bradley, Betsey
Leeman. Betsey Collins." This record is not taken from the church book ex-
tending back to the time of constitution; because the records of the church, prior
to the latter part of 1793, have been lost. But it is taken from the second of four
volumes of records in the possession of the writer of this, as clerk of the church,

This page in the original text is blank.


2                 History of Great (C'OhSig.7s    !ckreh.

and is embodied in the report of a committee, consisting of James Johnson,
William  Suggett, Thos. Henderson, John Campbell, and Ben Taylor, two of
whom, Wm. Stuggett, and James Johnson, were the moderator and clerk, ap-
pointed to copy it in said Vol. II., from the original first church book. The
other three volumes contain the same record with some verbal alterations, which
are insignificant. Of these sixteen members, who were in the original constitu-
tion of this church, all died members of it, or were dismissed by letter, except one
who was excluded and afterward restored, Wm. Cave, whose name heads the
list, was a member of Lewis Craig'sGilbert Creek church, and was a preacher of
the gospel. He was moderator of Elkhorn Association in 1788 and continued a
member at Great Crossings until March, 1796, when he and his wife were dis-
missed by letter. Robert Johnson was the father of James Johnson, for a long
time clerk of the church, and at - one time a member of the Congress of the
United States; of Co]. Richard M. Johnson, once Vice-President of the United
States; and of John T. Johnson, who afterward became so eminent among our
brethren calling themselves " Christians " or " Disciples." The descendents of
Robert Johnson, his grand children and great grand children, are too numerous
and too well-known to need to be mentioned. He frequently acted as moderator
of the church, and was an active member. John Suggett was a prominent man
in the church, and was a deacon from June 1801. until May, 1810. He raised a
large family, among whom were Wm. Suggett, so long moderator of the church,
and James Suggett, a man of great prominence as a preacher during his time.
His descendants are scatered over Kentucky and Missouri, and some of them are
now members of this church. Re died in December, 1834, the last survivor of
those who constituted the church  One of the descendants of Julius Gibbs is now
a member of this chureb, viz.: Bro. T. Harrison.
    The Great Crossings Church was in the constitution of Elkhorn Association,
June 22, 1785, and was represented by Wm. Cave and Bartlett Collins as messen-
gers. As has been stated above, the records of the first eight years of the ex-
istence of the church have been lost, and we are obliged to rely upon what we
can gather from others for that period. Elijah Craig removed to the neighbor-
hood of Great Crossings Church during the first year of its existence, and became
her first pastor. " Five years after its organization, in 1790," says Rev. A. C.
Graves, in his sketch of Great Crossings Church, preliminary to his history of
Stamping Ground Church, "Joseph Reding emigrated to Kentucky, and located
near the Crossings Church." It has been said that he at once became the most
popular preacher in Kentucky. Elijah Craig was still pastor of the Crossings
Church, though he had lost much of his earlier zeal, power, and influence, due,
no doubt, to his over-eager attention to some land speculations; for he was a
man of large worldly possessions, which sometimes mislead preachers as well as
    On the other hand Reding was not thus encumbered in his ministry, and
seemed to be just the man wanted by the church at this time. He became the
choice of a large majority of the church, and they determined to secure him as
    His spirit soon led to a division of sentiment among the members, as well as
to unpleasant feelings between Craig and Reding. Craig, with bold and incau-
tious spirit, said hasty things against Reding, and was arrigned before the church
for trial.
    The party of Reding were resolved to exclude him at all hazards, without
allowingf him to defend himself or ask forgiveness. The church meeting was
held at Robert Johnson's. in a small upper room crowded and packed to suffoca-
tion. Party spirit, confusion, loud talking, and everything except order and
forbearance prevailed. A vote was demanded and Craig was excluded.
    The Craig party met the week following and organized what fhey called
the Crossings Church, and expelled the majority, including Reding, the newly-
elected pastor. The majority met in their turn and excluded the minority. Here
were two determined parties, each claiming to be the Crossings Church.


                   History of 6preat Crossings Chure.                  3

     Order and peace was soon restored by both parties seeking the advice of ju-
 dicious and disinterested brethren.
     Craig was excluded January. 1791. A committee Was a p pointed by Elk-
 horn Association, with Gov. James Garrird as chairman, who met at Great
 Crossing-s, September 7, 1791, to adjust this difficulty. The difficulty was settled,
 and Crahi was a messenger to the Elkhorn Association in 1792; Craig and Red-
 ing both in 1793; and Craig in 1794. We have these facts from the minutes of
 U  -horn Association. According to this Reding was pastor-elect at the close of
 1790, but whether he or Elijah Craig served as pastor from that date until 1fi95
 when Craig left the church, is unknown, though the indications are in favor of
 Reding. Elijah Craig was in the constitution of McCornnell's Run Church on
 the fourth Sunday in Septemper, 1795, together with others of the former Cross-
 ings members, all having left the Great Crossings Church. Thus ended the
 pastoral relations of the first pastor of Great Crossing Clhutrch.
     The records of the time of his pastorate are meager, yet enough is known to
 indicate that, with the exception of the difficulty above mentioned. the church
 during that time was prosperous. and some were added to the membership.
 Elijah Craig was converted about 1764-went to preaching salon afterward, and
 was successful in Virginia. He was confined in prison for preaching-once in
 Culpepper, and once in Orange. He came to Kentucky in 1786.
     Speaking of him, Rev. John Taylor, in his " History of Ten Churches,"
says: "Elijah was considered the greatest preacher of the three, (i. e. the three
brothers, Lewis, Joseph, and Elijah Craig) and in a very large association in
Virginia, Elijah Craig was among the most popular for a number of years.
His preaching was of the most solemn style, his appearance that of a man who
had just come from the dead, of a delicate habit, thin visage, large eyes and
mouth, of great readiness of speech, the sweet melody of his voice both in speak-
ing and singing bore all down before it, and when his voice was extended, it
was like the loud sound of a sweet trumpet. The great favor of his preach-
ing commonly brought many tears from the hearers, and many, no doubt, turned
to the Lord by his preaching. He moved to Kentucky at a later date than any
of his brothers; his turn to speculation did him harm every way; he was not so
great a peace-maker in the church as his brother Lewis, and that brought trouble
on him, but from all his trouble he was relieved by death, when perhaps he did
not much exceed sixty years of age, after serving in the ministry some forty years."
He died in 1808.
    Joseph Reding was the second pastor of Great Crossings Church, He com-
menced his labors, it appears, immediately after Elijah Craig left the pastorate,
and continued as pastor until April, 1810. From 1795 to 1800 the church was
in a cold condition, there being only six members added through experience and
baptism. Instances of discipline were frequent. They insisted strongly upon
correctness of Christian walk. Members were dealt with for fighting, swearing,
drunkenness, speaking evil of a brother, gambling, buying lottery tickets, or
managing lotteries, having connection with raci ng, dancing, or anything of that
character. There is record of a brother having been excluded for allowing
'race-paths to be cleared out near his tavern." There is another case of this
brother being advised to "pay nineteen bushels" of merchantable wheat to
another brother on account of a contract. and still later the church insisted
strongly on its members not even attending dancing picnics and barbecues, and
in one case some of the leading men in the church were dealt with on account of
attending a barbecue. And now, when church discipline is generally so loose in
reference to the conduct of the members, it is refreshing to know that the
records of the old Crossings Church show that her members have always been
held-to account for engaging ip the evils above mentioned, and her policv still
remains unchanged; and ml/it ever remain so. Not that now, or in later
years, the church has insisted on going to such extremes in discipline as was
sometimes done, in the period of which we are now treating. But in the main,
her face, has ever been, and now is, set against that whole catalogue of evils
which is doing so much to demoralize the Christian world


History of Great Crossings CPurch.

     In 1797, one brother Willson, was licensed to preach, being " allowed to exer-
cise his gift in the bounds of this church." There is a record bearing date of Febru-
ary, 1798,which brings out a fact not now generally known, viz.: That, even atthat
early day, the church bad a regular subscription list, with the names of the mem-
bers of the church and the amounts, which they were willing to give, affixed, for
the support of the ministry, and also necessary uses of the church. The record
is this, viz.: A list of the members' names to be given to the deacons, and for
them to present it to the members, and for them to set down and pay whatever
they may find free to do, " for the support of the ministry, and for necessary
uses for the church." The idea with some, even of our own members, is that
this is a modern invention. Not only was it done then, but it has been repeated
at intervals, along through the history of the church since that time.
     We come now to the ' Great Revivals " of 1800 and 1801. ", Throughout
the whole country there was a spiritual dearth in all the churches. The same
sad and ]amenting expressions are found in all contemporary writers. All the
churches were in a state of languor throughout Kentucky, such as had never
been seen before. Alarmed at the awful prospect, those faithful men of God
went earnestly to a throne of grace in behalf of Zion."
    At the Elkhorn Association, which met at Bryant's Station, in the year
1800, there were represented twenty-seven churches, whose territory extended
from Tennessee to Dayton, Ohio. "Yet from all these churches there were re-
ported to the Association that year only eighty-two conversions all told. That
was about three conversions for each church:"
    In the year preceeding, 1799, it was even worse than that. The Association
met at Great Crossings that year, and twenty-nine churches were represented,
which reported only twenty-nine conversions, being one for each church I The
latter part of the year 1800, and the whole of the year 1801, however, brought
news never to be forgotten. Says a writer, speaking of that time: "It was dur-
ing this year that the Great Revival prevailed, which wrought such wonderful
changes in all the churches throughout the Mississippi Valley. All over Ken-
tucky its wonderful and stirring power was felt in calling dead sinners to life,
and slumbering Christians to renewed zeal. The great work seemed not to start
up at a single point, and then gradually widen its sway, but it broke out here
and there simultaneously like smoldering flames that could no longer be confined.
At times the revival was rushed into wild extravagance, as witnessed in such
exhibitions as the jerks, rolling and barking exercises, visions, and trances."
Says Collins in his History of Kentucky: " The Baptists escaped almost entirely
these extraordinary and disgraceful scenes, which extensively obtained among
some other persuasions of those days. The work among the Baptists was deep,
solemn and powerful; but comporting with that decency and order so emphatic-
ally enjoined in the Scriptures."
    During this year nearly all the Baptist churches in Kentucky were reached
and aroused by the awaking of the Great Revival. The churches throughout
Elkhorn Association were aroused as never before, and never before did the
cause of God seem to move forward with such overwhelming potency in the
land. It seemed that the whole community was swept before the wonderful
displays of Spiritual power."
    At the meeting of Blkhorn Association at South Elkborn Church, in 1801,
there were reported from all of the churches 3,011 additions by experience and
baptism I with an addition of nine churches to the Association. In 1802, 488
additions were reported and twelve churches were added, so that the Association,
which in 1800 numbered twenty-seven churches, with 1,642 members, in 1802
numbered forty-eight churches and 5,310 members! Wonderful and mighty
power of God ! This was a glorious time for the old Crossings Church. Jos.
Reding was still pastor. The revival commenced in this church in May, 1800,
and continued during the remainder of that year and all of the year of 1801.
During the year 1800, as has been ascertained through the records, 175. were
added by experience and baptism, and during the year 1801, 186 were added in



History of (l'rert Orossinls Oiurch.               5

the same way, making the grand total of 361 for these two years by conversions,
besides a number by letter, though the reports to Elkhorn Association make the
number 402. What a mighty upheaval was this throughout this whole com-
munity ! Not only was it in this immediate vicinity, that this good work was
done, but it extended to fifteen or twenty miles around, so that members were
added to this church who lived as distant as Eagle Creek in the northern portion
of this county.
    So extensive and scattered had the membership become, that it became
necessary to dismiss members to constitute new churches. As has already been
mentioned, McConnell's iRun Church, now Stamping Ground, was established
on the fourth Sunday in September, 1795, with a portion of its members dis-
missed from Crossings Church.
    On Saturday, February 7, 1801, leave was granted to twenty-seven members
to constitute the church at Dry Run, Scott county, which is still in existence,
and is one of our sister churches.
    On the first Saturday in June, 1801, permission was granted to twenty mem-
bers residing on Eagle Creek to constitute "Mountain Island " Chtrch, and in
January, 1802, a letter of dismission was granted to John Rease, who had been
licensed to preach by the Crossings Church in 1801, to take the pastoral care of it.
    In September, 1801. the names of fourteen are recorded as constituting the
church on North Elkhorn, and on the first Saturday in March 1805. permission
was given to nine members to constitute the Long Lick Church.
    Dtring this Great Revival many were added to the church, who afterward
were influential members, and occupied prominent positions rot only in this
church, but also in our denomination at large, and even as citizens in the com-
munity. They continued members with us in some cases until their death, and
their children and grand children have been, and some are even now members
of this church. First among these was James Suggett, who was received in May,
1800. (A notice of him will be given later in this history.) Then followed
James Johnson on the first Fridav, Sarah Suggett on the first Saturday and
Wm. Suggett on tile first Sunday in September, 1800. These were followed
later by Younger Pitts, Sr., Lucy Bradley, Lewis Nuckols, Presley Peak, Sally
Suggett, John Bradley, Thomas Bradley, A. Bradley, Caty Suggett, Harry
Branham, Spencer Peak, and Richard Johnson. There is probably not one in
this list who is not represented by some descendant living to-day. Probably
none of them were more prominent in the church, (though all of them were
strong men and wormen) than Wm. Suggett and James Johnson.
    Wm. Suggett was born in Virginia, April 13, 1778, and at an early age re-
moved to Kentucky with his father, John Suggett, who was in the original con-
stitution of this church. He united with the church, as has been stated above,
on the first Sunday of September, 1800. we was appointed deacon on the first
Saturday in June, 1811, and was elected moderator March 1, 1828, which two
offices he filled until his death, which occurred on the 17tb of December, 1861.
He was elected joint moderator with John T. Johnson, theirs being the first in-
stance in the records, of a regular elected moderator, other than the minister who
generally acted. since the first constitution of the church. except James Suggett,
Sr., vho was elected moderator at the meeting in June, 1785, after the constitu-
tion. Thus we see that Wm. Suggett was moderator of the church for nearly
thirty-three years, ind deacoi for more than fift) years. His life was one of great
activity and usefulness as a church member and a Christian, as long as be was
able to go from home. He took an active part in all the business affairs of the
church, was generally at his post on meeting days, and shirked no duties. He
was moderator of Elkhorn Association for twelve successive years, commencing
with 1830 and closing with 1841, so far as the records show. The year 1833 is
not recorded, but he was moderator both before and after that year. He died
having been a member of Crossings Church sixty-one years, with the bright hope
of Heaven before him.
    James Johnson, the father of Gen. Wm. Johnson, R. M. Johnson, Jr., and
L. L. Johnson, Esq.. united with the Great Crossings Church on the first Fiiday



History of Great Crossinqs Church.

in September, 1800, two days before Wm. Suggett; was chosen clerk, October of
the same year, and continued to fill that office until October, 1825, when he re-
signed to enter the arena of politics, as Congressman from this district. He died
during his term of office in 1826. He was prominent in the business affairs of
the church, and was frequently put on important committees.
    J. W. Bradley, who united with the church during the " Great Revival,"
was a leading member in the church during the time of the brethren mentioned
above. He was a quiet, unassuming man, but an earnest reliable one, and always
ready and punctual in the discharge of his duties as a church member. His
name appears frequently in the business mettings of the church in his earlier
days. But during the latter days of his life he was confined at home by affliction,
and the church lost his services. He died July 11, 1867, the last survivor of that
noble band of brethren and sisters residing in this vicinity, who united with
the church during the Great Revival. Thus it happened that John Suggett was
the last survivor of those who joined in the original constitution of Great Cross-
ings church, and J. W. Bradley, Sr., his son-in-law, was the last survivor of those
who united with the same church during the Great Revival.
    We must now take up the period extending from  1801 to the close of the
Reding's pastorate in 1810. Only eleven were added during that period by ex-
perience and baptism. The church adhered rigidly to its discipline, and also to
its doctrines, as is evinced by numerous "queries" concerning points of be-
lief. The church joined in a movement for the union of Elkhorn Association
and South Kentucky Association, about the year 1801 or 1802, and sent Joseph
Reding and John Rease as messengers to the convention for that purpose.
     In March, 1810, a letter was received, addressed to the church by Jeremiah
Vardeman, Jacob Creath, Ambrose Dudley and others, requesting the church to
send messengers to meet the messengers of the other churches of Elkhorn As-
sociations, to mutually agree to divide Elkhorn Association. The proposition
was rejected; as was also one made at the same meeting that Great Crossings
Church do not identify itself with any Association.)
    While there are many things recorded of the men of the church of those
times which are praiseworthy, one thing noticeable is to be regretted, viz.: That
during the period of which we are writing, and even later, although the church
was strong in numbers and worldly goods, not more than 100, and most fre-
quently only about 40 or 50 was paid to the pastor, and that only by thirty or
forty of the members.
    Joseph Reding, the second pastor of the church, was born in Fauquier
county, Va.. in 1750. In very early life he was left an orphan, and received but
little education. From a wicked, outbreaking young man, he professed religion,
and was baptized in 1771, and immediately began to preach. Possessing a strong
voice and mu-h zeal, he attracted notice wherever he went. In company wit
John Taylor, he spread a Saviours love over a great portion of Northwestern
Virginia. Having spent two years in preaching in his native State, he removed
to South Carolina, and there remained preaching with much success until 1779.
As has already been said, he emigrated to Kentucky, and settled near Great
Crossings. He was pastor of the church, from the time Elijah Craig left the
pastorate, until April, 1810, when he obtained a letter of dismission. In May,
1810, he was again called to the pastorate, but evidently did not accepts as the
records show that James Suggett was pastor before the end of that year. He
went with the brethren of Licking Association-Particular Baptist-and after a
long and useful ministry, died in December, 1815.
    We now return to the year 1810. In September of 1810 the church called
James Suggett to preach twice a month, and to attend her monthly meetings.
In the following month, October 1, Saturday, he was ordained to the gospel
ministry, and entered at once upon his duties as pastor. Success seems to have
attended upon his ministry from the beginning. By the close of the year 1810,
fifteen were added to the church, having professed religion and been baptized.
During the year 1811, twenty-five more were added, making forty, by the. be-



Iistory of Great (iCrossinys Church.

ginning of the year 1812. Among this number were George Viley, Patsey Viley,
Edgcomb Suggett, Gabriel Long, Kitty Long and Richard Quinn. Not only
was the church now at peace within her own borders, but in August 1811, she
directed her messengersto avoid an old dispute in Elkhorn Association. Indeed
her policy, before and after this period, was to avoid, as far as possible, the dissen-
sions and differences which agitated and distracted the denomination throughout
the State.
     In 1811 there is a curious record, viz.: That James Hammon, Jobn I.
Johnson, and James Johnson were appointed clerks to raise tunes for divine
     From January 1812 to January 1818, not much of special interest occurred
in the history of the church. Twenty-four, during that period, were added by
experience and baptism. The church had the pastoral labors of James Suggett,
together with Thomas Henderson, to preach on the third Sunday, during a con-
siderable portion of the time. In March, 1814, Thomas Waggoner, one of the
members, was invited to exercise his gift in exhortation and prayer. In Decem-
ber, 1817, a committee was appointed to raise funds for the purpose of building
a meeting-house. which house was completed in 1825, and is the one now occupied.
The year 1818 was marked as one in which the Lord again blessed the church
by a great outpouring of his spirit in the conversion of sinners. Ninety-seven
were added during that year, and among the number were Reuben Long and
Jordon Peak. During 1819, forty-six were received.
    From the beginning of 1820 to the close of the pastoral relations of James
Suggett in the early part of 1825, nothing of especial interest occurred. Eighteen
professed conversion and were added to the church. Among this number were
John T. Johnson, Asa Payne, and Simeon Branham.
    James Suggett, the third pastor of Great Crossings Church, was the oldest
son of John Suggett, one of the members mentioned as being in the original
constitution. He was born May 2, 1775. He professed conversion during the
Great Revival in 1800, and united with the church at Great Crossings in May of
that year, four years before his brother, Wm. Suggett. He soon exhibited
evidence of his power and fitness for the ministry, and on the 31st of October,
1800, was allowed to exercise his gift. On the first Saturday in July he was
licensed to " preach the gospel; " and although his ordination had been called for
at North Fork as early as 1802, from some unexplained cause, he was not or-
dained until October, 1810, at the call of McConnell's Run (now Stamping Ground)
Church. He forthwith assumed the pastorate of McConnell's Run and Great
Crossings churches, and, except a short while during the war of 1812, continued
in that relation with the latter until September, 1825, when he was dismissed by
letter to remove to Missouri. He preached for McConnell's Run Church about
three years, and, " by his labors, the church was put in better condition than he
found it. There were frequent additions, besides other tokens of prosperity."
He preached at Clear Creek in 1824-25-and, in fact, he preached with great
power and force during the earlier years of his ministry, throughout this portion
of Kentucky, and under his preaching many were added to the church. One
particular characteristic of his labors was that sinners seemed to be converted all
along (luring their continuance, as well out of as in great revival seasons, though
not so numerous. At least this was true of his labors at Great Crossings. John
Taylor once said of him: :j When I see Suggett in the pulpit, I think he never
ought to go out of it; and when I see him out of the pulpit. I think he ought never
to go into it." Out of the pulpit he would keep the company in a roar of laughter
over his anecdotes. In the pulpit he was a man of wonderful impulse, and ex-
celled almost anyone at exhortation. Upon his determination to leave Kentucky,
a committee was appointed by Great Crossings Church to induce him to remain,
but to no purpose. He removed to Missouri where he died.
    Jacob Creath, Jr., succeeded James Suggett as pastor in January, 1826, but
only continued in that relation until September of the same year. Thos. Hen-
derson was chosen to preach on the third Sunday.



fHistory of Great Crossings Church.

    On January 21, 1826, the same day on which Jacob Creatb, Jr., was chosen
pastor, John T. Johnson was requested "to exercise his gifts in this church,
whenever he should think proper."
    On Saturday, March 4,1826, there appears the first record of the purpose of
the church to hold public religious service on Saturday, church-meeting day. It
appears, that previous to this time, that day had been employed in attending to
business of various kinds. Four were received for baptism in 1826; among them
was Polly Nuckols.
    We come now to the time which is an era ever memorable in the history of
Great Crossings Church. It is of peculiar interest to us to-day, because it was
the time in which the oldest living members of our church were brought to the
blessed Saviour; and with them many others dear to both them and us, who,
blessed be God, are now in the church triumphant above. A few of this bra are
still lingering on the shores of time, awaiting the summons of the Master to
call them home. They still cheer us with their counsel, and give us the benefit
of their ripened experience and wisdom, and we look to them with love and
reverence.   -
    On the first Saturday in January, 1827, Silas M. Noel was chosen pastor of
this church. Thos. Henderson having refused to serve on the third Sunday,
John T. Johnson was invited to attend on that day and exercise his gift in
prayer and exhortation. During the year 1827, twenty-one were received after
baptism; among them were sisters Susan Branham and Maria Brooking, on
the first Saturday in January, and on October 6, James Mason, in reference to
whom is given the following record, viz.: " said to be one hundred and one years
old ! "-there was also received one Choctaw Indian.
    We come now to the year 1828, one of the greatest revival interest ever
known in the Great Crossings Church, not even the Great Rev