xt7c599z0p13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c599z0p13/data/mets.xml Taunton, Thomas Henry. 1901.  books b98-44-42034319v2 English Sampson Low, Marston, : London : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses Pedigrees. Horse racing Great Britain. Thoroughbred horse. Herring, J. F. (John Frederick), 1795-1865. Marshall, Benjamin. Stubbs, George, 1724-1806. Some celebrated racehorses of the past centuries  : with their respective pedigrees and performances recorded in full (vol. 2) / by Thomas Henry Taunton. text Some celebrated racehorses of the past centuries  : with their respective pedigrees and performances recorded in full (vol. 2) / by Thomas Henry Taunton. 1901 1901. 2002 true xt7c599z0p13 section xt7c599z0p13 



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             RECORDED IN FULL




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            hfis juvenes discant, et ament memzinsse seniles.

     (Here the Young may learn, and the aged love to remember.)

T   HIS publication is designed not only for those more or less
      acquainted with the history of the Turf, and who may have
acquired an abiding interest in all that concerns it, but for such of the
general community as may desire to know something of those equine
celebrities which have figured, in the most captivating of all our national
pastimes, as winners of the three great classic races, of the Ascot,
Goodwood, and Doncaster Cups, and of other cups, stakes, and matches
at different race meetings throughout the kingdom, during the past


:k I ;,.1 ! " 1  , ,     ,

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TOWARDS the end of the eighteenth century, we find Mr. B.
T     Marshall and Mr. J. Scott as the painter and engraver of the most
famous horses of that period. These, comparatively, in point of artistic
talent, were inferior to the productions of their later years, as will be seen
by reference to their works, in the S/rring Magazine. " But for that
publication," Mr. Marshall was wont to say, "I should have remained in
obscurity, as I should never have seen myself so beautifully put in black
and white as Scott has placed me ;" and, " But for it," rejoins Scott, " I
should never have known how to delineate racehorses, and other animals,
with that true character, boldness, and spirit, which I learned from
Marshall, and for which the world has given me so much credit in
  During a twenty years' residence in London, chiefly in Beaumont Street,
Marylebone, Marshall enjoyed the ve'ry best patronage: His Majesty
George III., the Pripce of Wales, the Dukes of York and Gloucester, and
several of the nobility and sporting gentlemen in the kingdom, employed
him to the very utmost of.his wishes; and yet, in the midst of all this
patronage, so often sought and so seldom obtained, Marshall very suddenly
quitted town,andlocated himself at Newmarket. " But why," asked several
of his friends and patrons, " why plant yourself at Newmarket, the most
barren spot on earth for the fine arts"  'The second animal in the
creation," replied Marshall, " is a fine horse; and, at Newmarket, I can
study him in his greatest grandeur, beauty, and variety."
  After residing thirtee!n years and upwards at Newmarket, Marshall
returned to London, being moved thereto in order that his son, who he
intended should succeed him in his profession, should profit by an inter-
course with the arts in the Metropolis, where the best materials for


                MIR. BENJAMXIN MARSHA L L.

instruction and study can be found. Mr. Marshall painted an extra-
ordinary quantity of pictures. His hunters and hacks are innumerable.
There is scarcely a sporting family of distinction in the kingdom who
does not possess some. The late Mr. Henry Villebois had several of his
hunters and hacks; Mr. Richard Gurney possessed one of his finest
specimens of a hunter; Mr. Thomas Thornhill had three portraits by him
of his racehorses, "Sam" (winner of the Derby in iSi8), " Shoveller"
(winner of the Oaks in 1819), and " Sailor "winner of the Derby in 1820).
Mr. Fulwar Craven's "Longwaist," by Marshall, is perhaps the most
admired of all his racehorses;, as, apart from the truthfulness of shape and
character of the animal, which are beyond all praise, the picture itself is so
beautifully arranged. When his son was about to paint the portrait of
" Sultan," on his becoming Grand Seignior Qf the Burleigh Seraglio, old
Marshall said to him, " Now take the greatest care and pains with your
subject, for you are about to paint the Apollo of horses."
  The portrait of Mr. Marshall was painted by his son, Mr. Lambert
Marshall. and engraved by Fry.

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                       (From an o/d-fashionedprint.)

      HE DRUID," in "Scott and Sebright," referring to the regular
   "TMonday Feasts, with which the elder Richard Tattersall and
his brother Edmund were wont to regale the great John Warde and
other sporting friends, observes, that " On these occasions, the
Doncaster Cup, of the two horse-handles, won by Crookshanks, in 1781,
always held the punch."
  The early history of Doncaster has so often been recorded, that it need
only here be mentioned that, in 1 68 1, the Corporate body of that town voted
a sum of five guineas, for five years, to encourage Eve sport on the Town
Moor; and that the meetings were originally held in July, until they
finally settled down into September, about the year 1750.

[ siF-,iIi-.  

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 . 26
 . 29
 . 40
 . 48
 . 65

Galata .
Vespa .
Pussy .
Queen of Trumps
Sheet Anchor
Bay Middleton
Irish Birdcatcher
Miss Letty
1Harkaway .

         . 120
         . 128
       . 135
         1. 44

   ,    . 202
         , 205
         . 208

Miss Craven
The Colonel
Bessy Bedlam
Sir Hercules
Albert .
The Saddler
St. Giles



Cruiskeen .226
Amato                              231
Industry .234
Don John .238
Grey MoMus                         241
Beggarman .245
Bloomsbury                         247
Deception .251
Charles XII.                       256
Euclid                             260
Hetman Platoff .263
Little Wonder .266
Crucifix .269
Launcelot.                         2 72
Vulan .275
St. Lawrence .280
Theon                              285
Corn          . ation              287
Ghuznee.                           290
Satirist.                          292

AlicelIaw-horn                     :96
Attila                             302
Our Nell .306
Blue Bonnet .308
The Widow.                         31
Cotherstone .314
Poison .318
Nutwith.                           321
A British Yeoman                 . 324
Orlando . .         .     .        326
The Princess                     . 332
Foig-a-Ballagh     .          .335
Joe Loell. ..                      338
IThe Emperor. .          .        340
The Merry Monarch              . 342
Refraction .344
The Baron .347
WVeatberbit.                      352
Sweetmeat .355
Miss Elis .359


r                  -

i - 

F  V




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SOUVENIR was a bay filly, bred by Alexander Nowell, Esq., of
     Underley, in 1824, and sold, when a yearling, to Mr. Scott-Stone-
hewer. She was got by Orville, out of Dulcamara (Waxy's last foal),
out of Witchery, by Sorcerer, out of Cobea, by Skyscraper, out of a mare
(Mrs. Barnett's dam), by Woodpecker, out of Heinel, by Squirrel, out of
Principessa, by Blank, her dam, by the Cullen Arabian, out of Grisewood's
Lady Thigh (bred by Mr. Crofts in 1731), by Old Partner, out of a mare
by Old Greyhound.
  Old Greyhound was bred at Hampton Court, and got by King
William the Third's White Barb, Chillaby, out of a natural Barb mare,
named Slugey (which, in Barbary, means Greyhound; as being the
highest bred and fleetest of its kind in that country). Slugey was in
foal with Greyhound, when both she and Chillaby were purchased in
Barbary by Mr. Marshall (stud groom to King William), and brought
into England.



                    SOUVENIR'S PERFORMANCES.

  At Newmarket (Second Spring), for two years old, colts 8st 5lbs,
fillies Sst 21bs, ran second in a sweep of 25 gs. each, won by Mr. Rogers'
br. c. Nonsuit, by Smolensko (W. Wheatley); three ran. At Swaffham,
8st 4lbs 'J. Robinson), won a sweep of 25 sovs. each, beating Lord
Orford's b. c. Monops, by Manfred, 8st 6Ibs, and two others.

  At Newmarket Craven, 8st 21bs, ran fourth and last in a sweep of
1oo sovs. each, h. ft., won by Sir John Shelley's br c. Maresfield, by
Antar (a son of Haphazard). At Epsom, not placed in the Oaks,
won by Gulnare. At Goodwood, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 21bs
(J. Robinson), won the Drawing-Room Stakes of 25 SOVS. each, &c.
(value  645), beating Maresfield, second (W. Wheatley), and five others.
At Newmarket (Second October), received 70 sovs. (compromise) from
the Duke of Grafton's ch. f. Chloris, by Partisan. S. mg., 6st 81bs
(A. Pavis), won the Garden Stakes, of  6oo, beating b. f. Babel (alias
Lilias, now Mr. George Payne's), four years, 8st 61bs, second, the Duke
of Grafton's b. c. Turcoman, by Selim, three years, 6st 21bs, third, and two
others. At Newmarket (Houghton), 8st 41bs each, D. L., match for IOOsovs.
(J. Robinson),beat Mr. Irby's br. f. Toso(winner this year of  65o, at New-
market First Spring, by Rainbow (Frank Buckle), easily, by three lengths.
S. mg., 6st iolbs (A. Pavis), won the Audley End Stakes of 30 sovs.
each, &c., beating Colonel Udny's b. c. Amphion (one of the handsomest
horses ever seen at Newmarket, winner of the Oatlands, at Newmarket
Craven, in 1828), by Partisan, three years, 6st 3lbs, Lord Wharncliffe's
b. m. Pastime, by Partisan, five years, 8st zolbs, and three others; 6 to
4 against Souvenir, 3 to X against Amphion, and 6 to I against Pastime.
The Audley End Stakes, the sixth and last race of the day, was a very
interesting one; Souvenir, a very stout animal, in the sense of stamina,
though small, physically, in parts where strength would naturally be
expected to be found, won very cleverly; Pastime, at the Duke's Stand,


looked like winning, but two stone to so good an animal as Souvenir,
with heavy holding ground, was too much for her in the last struggle.


  At Newmarket (First Spring), w. o. for the King's Plate. S. mg.,
8st 41bs each, D. I. (J. Robinson), match for 200 sovs., beat Amphion
(now Lord George Cavendish's), ridden by William Arnull. At Ascot,
7st 13lbs, ran second for the Cup, won by Mr. Molony's br. f. Bobadilla,
by Bobadil (son of Rubens), three years, 6st 7lbs, beating, not placed,
Lord Verulamn's b. f. the beautiful Brocard, by Whalebone, four years.
7st 13Ibs, Chateau Margaux, six years, 9st 31bs, Fleur-de-Lis, six years, 9st
(J. Robinson), Rapid Rhone, four years, 8st 21bs, and His Majesty's br. h.
Mortgage, six years, 9st 3lbs. The following account and remarks, in
reference to this race, ate taken from the Sjfonting Magazine for July.
1828: "Seven horses came to the post; and, after duly parading before
His Majesty's Stand, they got together and were started; Souvenir
(A. Pavis) took the lead, followed by Rapid Rhone (W. Arnull), and
Brocard (P. Conolly), the three making the running at a tremendous pace;
Bobadilla (T. Lye) came next, ready at any moment to join the leaders.
It was a very fast-run race; and, at the turn, Bobadilla, heading Rapid
Rhone and Brocard, came up to Souvenir's head; and so near a dead
heat was it, at the finish, that Lye, who was brought expressly from the
North to ride Bobadilla, had recourse to a stratagem that I never before
saw practised, and which, beyond a doubt, gave him the race. He was
on the further side of the judge's chair; and at the instant, before coming
to the winning-post, he suddenly threw himself forward  in order to
catch the judge's eye. It had the desired effect, and Bobadilla was
declared the winner by a short head. Brocard, though unplaced, was
third, Chateau Margaux (Geo. Dockeray) was fourth, Rapid Rhone
(Wm. Arnull) fifth, His Majesty's Fleur-de-Lis     (Robinson) and
Mortgage (John Day), sixth and seventh. Neither Fleur-de-Lis, who

v This was a very favourite dodge of little Arthur Pavis, and the author has seen him
put it in practice dozens of times; Pavis had also a remarkable way of lifting his horse at
the finish, which had the appearance of being thrown or jerked in.
                                 B 2




must greatly have gone off her running, nor Mortgage, could live at the
pace, which was tremendous all through. Most of the talent lost their
money, standing, almost to a man, on Souvenir. The betting, at
starting, was 6 to 4 against Souvenir, 7 to 2 against Fleur-de-Lis, 5 to i
against Rapid Rhone, 6 to X against Chateau Margaux, and 8 to I
against Bobadilla, who, with Souvenir, carre out of the same stable; and,
whenever they were tried together, Scuvenir always proved herself the
better of the two. Pavis made too free with Souvenir, and so lost the
race. Lord Sefton purchased Bobadilla, after her victory, for 2000 guineas."
  At Bath, 9st zlb, not placed in the Somersetshire Stakes, won by
His Majesty's ch. f. Maria, by Waterloo (son of Walton), four years,
8st Albs (John Day), beating twelve others. S. mg., 7st 131bs, won a
Silver Tureen, value  150, beating His Majesty's b. c. Windermere, by
Whalebone (ridden by F. Boyce), four years, 8st 21bs, in a canter. At
Brighton, 8st Albs (F. Buckle), ran second for the Gold Cup, won by
Lord Mountcharles' (late Sir John Shelley's) br. c. Maresfield, by Antar,
who won the Brighton Stakes on the preceding day, four years, 8st 3Abs
(John Day), beating Chateau Margaux, six years, 9st Albs (W. Arnull),
last; 6 to 4 on Souvenir. At Goodwood, 8st 61bs (J. Robinson), w. o.
for the Goodwood Stakes, of 25 sovs. each, &c.    At Newmarket
(First October), 8st 9lbs, match for 200 sovs., h. ft., received ioo sovs.
from Lord Sefton's br' c. Johnny, by Little John (son of Octavius), and,
also, divided 50 gs. with Lord Tavistock's Demon, by Amadis, and was
now sold to Lord Sefton.


  At Newmarket Craven, 8st i ilbs (J. Robinson), ran third in the
Oatlands (handicap), of 50 sovs. each, &c., won by Mr. Rush's b. c.
Jenkins, by Merlin, three years, 7st 41bs (J. Robinson), beating Mr.
Roberts' b. f. Locket, by Blacklock, three years, 7st i fibs (T. Goodisson),
second, and br. f. Toso, four years, 7st i2lbs, last.  At Newmarket
(First Spring), qst 41bs (J. Robinson), R. C., won the King's Plate,
beating the Duke of Grafton's br. f. Turquoise (Oaks winner in 1828),
rising four years, 8st 41bs (F. Buckle); betting even. At Ascot, 8st 12lbs,


                         SOU(CVENIR.                             5

two miles, match for 500 sovs., was beaten by His Majesty's ch. m.
Maria, by Waterloo, 8st ilb (J. Robinson), both rising five years old;
5 to 2 on Maria. At Ipswich, l Ist 7lbs, heats four miles, for the King's
Plate, was beaten by Lamplighter, six years. IISt 121bs, and was now
transferred to Lord Sefton's Stud.




MARIA was a chestnut filly, bred at Hampton Court in 1824, and
M was got by Waterloo (son of Walton and Penelope), out of Bel-
voirina (bred at Hampton Court in 1813), by Stamford (son of Sir Peter),
out of Lord Foley's grey mare, Sister to Silver, by Mercury, her dam, by
Herod, out of Young Hag, by Skim, out of Hag, by Old Crab, out of
Ebony, by Flying Childers, out of Old Ebony, by Basto, &c.
  Maria was purchased, when a yearling, by H.R.H. the Duke of York,
who, dying in 1827, did not live to witness the close of her grand per-
formances. Up to the end of the Newmarket Craven Meeting, in 1827,
;he ran in the name of Mr. Greville, the manager of His Royal Highness'
Stud, when she was sold to His Majesty, George the Fourth, with whom,
to the last of that monarch's days, she was a prodigious favourite.
Latterly, indeed, His Majesty was as fond of the stock of Waterloo as he
had formerly been of ihat of Trumpator and Gohanna. It wasacommon
saying, by trainers, that " it would take twice round the Ascot Cup course,
at the very best pace, before Maria would blow out a rushlight."

                     MARIA'S PERFORMANCES.

  At Newmarket (July), 8st 5lbs each (Wm. Arnull), match for ioo sovs.,
beat General Grosvenor's bl. c. Sparkler, by Blacklock (F. Buckle, Jun.),
both two years old; 2 to I on Maria. At Newmarket (Second October),
for two years old, colts 8st 5lbs, fillies Sst Albs (R Boyce), won the
Prendergast Stakes, of  65o, beating Lord Exeter's ch. c. Atticus, by
Comus (W. Arnull), second, Mr. Thornhill's ch. f. Mustard, by Merlin

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(S. Chifney), third, Sparkler, and three others. Betting, at starting, 6 to 4
against Atticus (winner at Newmarket, July, of a rich sweep of ioo gs.
each), 2 to X against Mustard (then known as the Merlin filly), and 4 to
i against Maria. The Sporting Mfagazine for November, 1826, has
the following remarks on this race: " Had His Royal Highness, who at
this time was very ill, seen the race, it would have done him good; for
Maria is a most beautiful little creature, and her style of running quite capti-
vating; Atticus was a good second, and the Merlin filly a good third.
Both of these were great favourites, and were backed for large sums.
The pace throughout was very fast, and the race very truly run. Young
Dick Boyce rode Maria with a degree of patience and judgment equal to
a veteran jockey. He was highly commended by Mr. Greville." At
Newmarket (Ho.), 8st (Richard Boyce), match for 200 sOvs., beat Lord
Egremont's b. c. Tom Thumb (winner of the July Stakes at Newmarket),
by Whalebone, in, as the Sporting iMagazine says, " the commonest of
canters." S. mg., 6st 121bs (A. Pavis), match for 5oo sovs., beat Lord
Exeter's br. c. Recruit, by Whalebone, three years, 8st 5lbs, very easily
(J. Robinson).
  At Newmarket Craven, colts 8st 41bs, fillies 8st ilb, ran third in a
sweep of  65o, won by Lord Jersey's b. c. Chrysalis (second to the
Duke of Grafton's b. c. Turcoman in the 2000 Guineas), by Orville
(J. Rdcinson), beating Mr. Geo. Payne's b. c. by Rainbow, second, and
one other. Maria was now sold to His Majesty, and, at Ascot, 7st rlb
(A Pavis), won the Swinley Stakes, of  2oo, beating Mr. Haftenden's
b. c. Trumpeter, by Waxy Pope, three years, 7st 41bs, Mr. Ramsbottom's
ch. c. Agamemnon, by Hollyhock (son of Master Bagot), four years, 8st
iolbs, Lord Mountcharles' b. c. Royal Oak (winner this year of the Surrey
Stakes, at Egham, in August, and the Abingdon Stakes, in September),
by Catton, four years, 8st, iolbs, and Mr. Rogers' b. c. Monarch, by
Comus, four years, 8st iolbs, last. The .Sorting Maagazine for July,
1827, observes: "Maria won her race in beautiful. style. The boy Pavis
is a rising jockey, and showed himself in this race to be no mean per-
former. Robinson, on Agamemnon, kept him fully on the alert, and His
Majesty was in ecstasies." Arthur Pavis was not a boy at this time, but





a young man, and had already established his claim to be considered the
best light-weight jockey in England; but he was fearfully conceited.
S. mg., for three years old, fillies only, 8st 41bs each (J. Robinson),
won the Windsor Forest Stakes, beating Lord Mountcharles' b. f. by
Tramp; only these two ran: 3 to i on Maria. The S or/ing Magazine
remarks: " The laurel was nearly snatched from Maria, so severely was
she treated by the Tramp filly; 5 to I on the Darling made many tremble
in their shoes." At Abingdon, 7st 2lbs (A. Pavis), ran second in the
Abingdon Stakes, won by Royal Oak, four years, 8st 7lbs (John Day),
beating Mr. Dilly's b. f. Maldonia, by Fungus, four years, 8st slbs
(Jas. Chapple), last. S. mg., 8st 31bs (A. Pavis), won  165, beating
Mr. Fulwar Craven's b. c. Pandarus (J. Robinson), by Whalebone, three
years, 8st 2lbs, and two others. At Newmarket (Ho.), 8st 9lbs (J.
Robinson), match for 200 SOVS. (A. F.), beat Mr. Hunter's ch. c. Lutzen,
by Gustavus, three years, 8st 4lbs (F. Boyce).

  At Ascot, June 3rd, 8st (J. Robinson), two and a half miles, ran second
in the Oatlands of  220, won by Mr. G. Payne's (late Mr. R. Watt's)
br. h. Belzoni, by Blacklock, five years, 8st 3lbs (T. Goodisson), beating
b. h. Dervise (also His Majesty's), five years, 8st 6lbs (A. Pavis), third,
and Mr. Bacon's bay colt Dandelion, by Merlin, four years, 7et 6lbs
(Conolly), last; 5 to 4 against Maria, and 2 to X against Belzoni. The
Oatlands, so named out of compliment to H.R.H. the late Duke of York,
opened this meeting, and for this race His Majesty had entered his little
favourites, Maria and Dervise. Two others only, Belzoni and Dandelion,
came to the post. At starting, Dervise made very severe running, to
serve Maria. In descending the hill the second time, Belzoni went up
to Dervise's head, Robinson, on Maria, being close at hand. At the half
distance she challenged Belzoni nobly, but the horse pulled through with
great difficulty, winning only by half a neck; Goodisson's riding was the
theme of general admiration, ever quick and steady, losing no point in the
  At Ascot (Second Meeting), June 17th, 8st 21bs (J. Robinson),



won the Windsor Oatlands, beating Lord Brabazon's ch. h. the Vicar, by
Master Goodall (son of Sir Solomon), five years, 8st 7lbs, easily, two
miles and a half. In this race Maria was thrown completely down; but,
springing to her feet, she quickly reached and headed the Vicar (ridden
by Geo. Dockeray), winning by five lengths. S. mg., 8st 7lbs, three
miles, in running for the King's Plate, won by b. h. Monarch (now Mr.
Maberley's), by Comus, Maria fell very heavily, and was out of the race.
James Robinson escaped without injury.       At Bath. 8st 3lbs (John Day),
two and a half miles, won the Somersetshire Stakes, of  860, beating Mr.
Haffenden's b. c. Trumpeter (winner this year of the Glo'stershire Stakes,
at Cheltenham, and the Clearwell Stakes, at Newmarket, in 1826), by
Waxy Pope (son of W;ixy), four years, 7st 2lbs (A          Pavis); also (not
placed) Mr. Rdwlinson's ch. f. Ruby (dam of Coronation), by Rubens,
three years, 6st 8lbs, Mr. Geary's br. m. Arachne (dam of Industry), by
Filho-da-Puta, six years, 8st i3lbs, b. f. Souvenir, four years, 9st tlb,
and nine others. At Egham, August 26th, won 50 sovs., and also on the
28th, 8st 5lbs (J. Robinson), won  195, beating Tom Thumb, by, Whale-
bone, four years, 8st ilb (T. Lye).


  At Ascot, 8st ilb, two miles (J. Robinson).

   This was a memorable meeting, as it was the last His Majesty ever attended, and one
that ruffled his temper greatly. He came on to the course, on the 28th, in an open barouche
and four splendid bays, attended by Lord Albemarle, the Master of the Horse, mounted,
and by the King's side was Mr. Delme Radcliffe. As soon as the 1arouche drew up in the
centre of the course, opposite the stand, His Majesty rose erect from his seat, and, turning
towards the ring, in loud tones offered to lay 6ooo to 4000 on Maria. The author, at the
time, was standing not more than ten yards from His Majesties equipage, and he will now
state what occurred in the race to account for the King's irritation. The shape of the
course at Egham is, or was then, oval, and about the centre of it was a dip, in passing
through which the foremost horses, at least, were momentarily lost to sight. Now, in this
particular race, Robinson started Maria at a medium pace, and, to the astonishment of every-
body, Tommy Lye just lifted his horse into a slow canter, strongly resembling the action of
a rocking-horse. Just before entering the dip, Robinson looked round and saw Tyom
Thumb fully 200 yards in the rear. The instant Robinson turned again, Lye, with his head
below the horse's withers, applied whip and spur to Tom Thumb, making up the lost ground,
and entering the dip just as Robinson emerged from it, and getting close to Maria's qJuarters,
and with his head still in the same position, about the middle of.the horse's shoulder.




10                   CELEBRA TED RA CEHORSES.

Robinson again looked back; but, seeing nothing of horse or jockey, thought Lye had gone
clean off the course. In making the last turn, for the straight run in, Lye got himself and
horse well together, and rushed past Robinson like a whirlwind. So amazed was Robinson,
who had been riding leisurely along, that he pulled Maria short up, but speedily recovering
his presence of mind, he set the mare going again at her best pace, but Lye had gained
so many lengths that Robinson was only able, by dint of the most resolute riding, to win on
the post, by a short head. The King was furious, and vowed on the spot that Robinson
should never ride for him again, a resolve never carried out. The portrait of Maria was
painted by Barenger, of Tattersall's, and engraved by James Webb, and it is but justice to
the reputation of that talented artist to observe that he has been as eminently successful, in
the fidelity of the resemblance to this famous mare, as he was in his portrait of Cadland,
painted for the Duke of Rutland, who testified his approbation in an autograph letter to Mr.

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BROCARD.                             I  


  BROCARD was a bay filly, bred by the Earl of Verulam in 1824,
      and got by Whalebone, out of Varennes, by Selim, out of Canary
Bird, by Whiskey or Sorcerer, out of Canary, by Coriander, out of Miss
Green (bred by Mr. Tattersall in I787), by Highflyer, out of Harriet, by
Match'em, out of Flora, by Regulus, out of a mare by Bartlett's Childers,
her dam, by Bay Bolton, out of a mare by the Belgrade Turk. Brocard,
like Ely in more recent times, was distinguished by the epithet of
" beautiful: " she was a prodigious favourite with the public, and was as
good as she looked; but it was her lot to live in the days of many first-
rate horses, and, though she could not always beat the best of them, she
could always run close up to those who could. The portrait of Brocard,
by Benjarin Marshall, was taken at the Houghton Meeting, just before
her final race.

                     BROCARD's PERFORMANCES.

  At Newmarket Craven, colts 8st 7lbs, fillies 8st 4lbs (W. Arnull),
won a sweep of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., five subscribers (net val.  7oo),
beating the Duke of Portland's br. c. Hostage, by Abjer (John Day,
Senior), second, Lord Exeter's ch. c. by Soothsayer (J. Robinson), third,
and the Duke of Grafton's b. c. Paramour, by Merlin (F. Buckle), la.'t.
S. mg., 8st 41bs (W. Arnull), won a sweep of ioo sovs. each, h. ft., five
subscribers, beating Mr. Prendergast's br. f. Garnish, by Comus, 8st 41bs,
both three years; 6 to 4 on Brocard. S. mg., 8st ilb (Arnull), won a
sweep of  400, beating Mr. Rush's b. c. by Merlin, 8st 21bs, second,


12               CELELA'A TED IAACEhORSES.

and two others. At Epsom, not placed in the Oaks, won by Gulnare
(which see). At Ascot, w. o. for the Albany Stakes (value of forfeits
 225).   At Newmarket (Second October), 7st ,lbs, ran second in the
Oatlands, won by Lord Wharncliffe's b. m. Pastime, by Partisan, five
years, 9st 6lbs (John Day), beating Lord Exeter's br. c Recruit, by
Whalebone, four years, 8st ilb (Frank Boyce), third; also (not placed),
Lord Egremont's gr. h. Stumps (winner, in 1825, of the Cup at Brighton,
 2oo at Lewes, the Goodwood Stakes, the Trial Stakes and         Town
Plate, and  50, at Newmarket, in     1826, at Newmarket (July),  50,
the Brighton Stakes, the Goodwood Stakes and Goodwood Cup, and the
King's Plate, at Newmarket), by Whalebone, and      three others.   At
Newmarket (Houghton), 8st fib (Wheatley), match for 200 sovs., beat
Colonel Udny's b. c. Amphion, by Partisan, three years, 8st 71bs
(F. Buckle). S. mg., 8st 6lbs (Wm. Wheatley), match for ioo sovs., was
beaten by Lord Egremont's b. c. Gaberlunzie, by Whalebone, three years,
8st 3lbs; 6 to 5 on Brocard.

  At Newmarket Craven, 8st 21bs (P. Conolly), in the Claret Stakes,
of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., for four year old horses, was beaten by Lord
Geo. Cavendish's roan colt Rapid Rhone (winner also, this year, of a
sweep of 200 sovs. each, at Newmarket First Spring, and the King's
Plate, at Ascot, in 1829), by Partisan, 8st 7fbs (W. Arnull); even
betting. At Newmarket (First Spring), received 50 sovs. forfeit from
Mr. Forth's b. f. Translation (winner of the Woodcote Stakes, at Epsom,
and second to Gulnare in the Oaks), by Interpreter. At Ascot, 8st flbs
(P. Conolly), won the Swinley Stakes, beating Mr. Molony's b. f. Zoe

   Newmarket Houghton Meeting, 1827. In the match for 200 Sovs. the Antiope Colt
(Amphion, by Partisan), tried to give Brocard 61bs across the Flat: but, when it is re-
membered what Amphion had been doing, at the back end of this season, and what Brocard
had shown that she could do, the thing appears to be next to impossible. Amphion (then
named the Antiope Colt), was unplaced in Matilda's Doncaster St. Leger: he afterwards won
the St. Leger Stakes, at Newmarket First October, beating Glenartney and four others;
and, subsequently, ran a good second to Souvenir in the Audley End Stakes. So satisfied
were the betting men that Amphion could not give away the weight and win, that they
freely offered 7 to 4 on Brocard. Both jockeys rode admirably, each doing the utmost for
his horse.

                          BROCARD.                             I3

(winner of the iooo Guineas), by Orville, three years, 7st ilb (A. Pavis),
in a canter, and one other. S. mg., 7st 13lbs, not placed for the Cup,
won by Mr. Molony's br. f. Bobad