xt7c2f7jt46f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jt46f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1910-02-01  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 1, 1910 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 1, 1910 1910 1910-02-01 2020 true xt7c2f7jt46f section xt7c2f7jt46f  

State University of Kentucky.

February 1,1910.

The faculty met in the President‘s room in anticipation
of the regular meeting,which should occur on Friday next,
at 5:50 P.M., those present being President Patterson, Professors
White, Patterson, Pryor, Anderson, Mathews, Miller, Pence,
Wilson, Zembrod, Tuttle, Rowe, Frankel, Corbusier, Maxson, Hooper,
Jones, Terrell, Snow.

The minutes of the meeting of January 14th were read and,
after a verbal correction,approved. President Patterson ex»
plained that he had called this meeting in part at the request
of Vr.8toll in order that the faculty might consider the question
of certain honorary degrees and present them to the Board of
Trustees at their meeting to be held a few days later in anticipam
tion of conferring these degrees at the commencement in June/1910.

The regular committees of the faculty were then called for in

Professor Miller for the Committee upon Entrance Rc1uirements
and Accredited Schools reported that the Committee of Kentucky
Colleges had in their meetings decided upon a provisional list
of accredited schools and that the joint committee was now pres
paring circular letters to the preparatory schools of the State
explaining the basis of accrediting them. Professor Miller further
stated that it was the plan of the joint committee to make
several classes of accredited schools and that to obtain a position
in the first class the preparatory school must have at least these
teachers doing high school work exclusively. To secure eligibility
to class B the high school nmst offer a three years' course and
have not less than two teachers giving their entire time to the

Committee 2 upon Courses of Study reported through Chairman
Pence that they had discussed the matter of military drill for
students of the law school and the committee had decided that the
present situation of the case should continue for a year-longer,
namelylthnt such students should for this period be exempt fnom
military drill. Professor Pence also reported that certain
questions relating to the Summer School work had been discussed,
such as eligibility of students to the Summer School work and
the amount of credits that should be allowed for such work.

These questions had after some discussion been referred to a sub~
committee consisting of Professdrs Jones, Wilson, and Davis.

Upon motion of Professor Anderson, seconded by Professor
Rowe, it was ordered that hereafter chairmen of committees submit
their reports to the general faculty in writing.

Professor White for the Committee upon Calendars and Bulletins
reported that work upon the catalog was in progress, that the
schedules had been placed in Professor Miller's hands for elabora»
tion. He reported also that it was proposed in the Publication
of the forthncoming catalog to return to the origins, size of
six by nine inches, as the smaller size had been found in some
respects unsatisfactory.

Some discussion arose concerning the question of retaining
or omitting the list of alumnifiin the catalog, but without
any final action following.





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Minutes of the Facultym February 1,1910.
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Professor Anderson for the Committee upon Diplomas and
DQSTQGS reported that not having anticipated th.§“meeting of
the faculty his committee was not ready to submit theifiiroport.

President Patterson then presented to the faculty the
names of the following persons concerning whom it was Mr.Stoll's
wish that the faculty should take action looking to the con“
ferring of honorary degrees in June nextze

John Blair MacAfee, Ardmore,Pa., Doctor of Engineering.

J.Levering Jones cl Philadelphia, LL.D.

Alex P.Humphreys of Louisville, LL.D.

In an informal discussion which followed some objection
was raised'not to the specific candidates named,but to the
procedure which seems to increasingly prevail 0f having
recommendations for such degrees come from members of the Board
of Trustees rather than originate with the faculty, in whom the
charter explicitly vests the right of naming candidates for
such degrees.

Professor Anderson then moved that Meesre.Jones and
Humphreye be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the
honorary degree of LL.D. to be conferred in June next. A
motion was then made and seconded that in accordance with the
regular procedure these hares should be referred to the
Committee upon Difilomae and Degrees for consideration and
recommendation to the faculty. The motion carried. After
some further consideration of this matter, it was ordered upon
motion of Professor White, seconded by Professor Zembrod, that
the action taken as above recorded be re—eoneidered.

President Patterson presented to the facwlty upon his own
initiative the names of Mr.W.W.Finley of Washington,D.C. ind
Mr.henry Clews of New York City for the honorary degree uf
LL.D. Tie following named persons were then upon motion of
Profcseor Anderson, chairman of the Committee upon Diplomas and
Degrees, presented to the faculty as candidates to be recommended
to the Board of Trustees for the conferring of honorary degrees
in June next:

Henry Clews LL.L.

Alex P.Humphreys LL.D,

WZW.Finley LL.D.

John Blair MacAfee Doctor of Engineering.

J.Levering Jones LL.D.

Profeseor Anderson then recommended and moved that hr.Wm.R.
Cornish, who finished the greater part of his work last June,
be recommended for the degree B.M.E. and considered a member of
the class of 1909. The motion carried.

Committees 5,6,”,8 and 9 offered no reports.

Professor Miller, chairman of the Athletics Committee, in»
quired if the committee appointed by the Board of Trustees, conm
sistinn f Profeseor White and Hr.Stoll, had yet reached a
decision as to the relation of the AthletiCe Committee to the
work of the young women's basket ball team.Professor White
for this committee reported that while he had had some conference
with Mr.$toll the matter was not settled, and it was therefore
assumed that the situation would remain as before,until the
present situation was revised by the action of the committee.

It was then upon motion ordered that it be the sense of this
faculty that the Girls' Basket Ball Team be in charge of the

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Minutes of the Faculty. Frabrruwv 1,1911).
LtthtjCS Committee but hat the physical eligibility of may“
bars of the team he passed upon bv the Physical Director of
Women.“ The ggqmgfiary was; requested ”CO communiorme this (101377.071
to WrS.Stout.
Prgsijent Patterson than made an informal report of hie
Visit to New York relative to his conference with the officers
of the Cainegie Foundation, nfficr which the meeting adjourned»
Praaiaent of the Universitv.
@21/ L /L g ,
Secsetary of the Facuit”.
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