xt7c2f7jt359 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jt359/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 2008 2008 2008-03-27 2020 true xt7c2f7jt359 section xt7c2f7jt359 SMALL SCHOOL BIG SCREEN: Georgetown grad’s
film based on college premiers tonight Sea POP, Page 3





first day at
online polls

8: Katie Salt;

In the first year students are able
to vote online from any computer in
spring Student Govemment elections.
more than 1,500 students voted by 2
pm. yesterday. Last year. L677 stu-
dents voted at nine campus polling
locations at the end of the first day.

SG adviser Todd Cox said he did
not know the exact number of voters
when the polls closed at 6 p.m.. but
he said the numbers had “grown sub-
stantially throughout the day."

“(Wednesday) was a huge success
for online voting." Cox said.

There have not been any major
technical problems with the election
so far. said Katelyn Wallace. the 50
Election Board chair.

“The only problems we have had
is with people logging in and there
have been very few of those." Wal-
——— lace said.

log in to the
voting page
using their
myUK user—
name and
p a s s w 0 rd .
T a y l o r
Wehrle, a
had a techni-
cal problem
casting his
vote from a
polling loca-
tion. but he
said SG was
prepared for
the situation.

“It went really smooth." he said.
“And I got a cool ‘I Voted' sticker."

Each polling location has paper
ballots on hand in case students have
a problem with the computers. The
paper ballots can also be used if a
student wants to write—in multiple
candidates for colleges with multiple
Senate seats.

Students who used the two on-
campus polling locations in White
Hall Classroom Building and W.T.
Young Library said voting was fairly
easy. Violet Brittain. an international
studies junior. said it took almost no
time to cast her vote.

"The process was really simple."
Brittain said. “I didn‘t have any prob~
lems and it took maybe three min-

Though online voting is conve—
nient because it can be done from
anywhere. Brittain said she thinks the
polling locations are easier for stu-
dents who are already on campus.

“It think more people will vote at
the polls than online because they are
already here." she said.

Passing the polling locations on
the way to class makes it hard for stu-
dents to have an excuse not to vote.
Wehrle said.

“I voted because I think it'd be
stupid not to." Wehrle said. “If you
are walking by the Classroom Build-
ing and got nothing going on and you
don't vote. you are denying yourself
a right as a student and wasting a

The Classroom Building polling
location brought in more voters than
the location at W.T. Young library.
said Naorin Motalib. a psychology

See Election: on page 5

ing bythe


nothing going on

and don't vote,
yourself a


psychology sophomore



Hit l\‘\l ) \\ MARCH 27, 2008




One arrest made in Greg Page burglary

By Alice Hlmgfl!


UK police arrested a man Tuesday
night on charges of first-degree bur-
glary and kidnapping in connection
with a Monday incident at Greg Page

Charles Earl Mason Jr.. 2], who
was arrested. and Roderick Andre
Reese. 20. who is being sought by po-
lice. were identified as the two sus-
pects under suspicion for the incident
where two men took cash and a Dell
laptop from a Greg Page resident. who
is also a Bluegrass Community and
Technical College student. according
to UK police.

Neither Mason nor Reese are stu~
dents. police said. They are both origi-
nally from Radcliffe. Ky.

Police found Mason. a Lexington
resident, in town late Tuesday night.
said interim UK chief Maj. Joe Mon-
roe. UK police convinced him to come

to the headquarters where he was
charged. Monroe said.

There is a warrant out for
Reese‘s arrest on charges of first-de-
gree burglary and kidnapping. but
police are still searching for him,
Monroe said.

“We do know he is trying to
avoid us." Monroe said. “We don't
know if he‘s headed back home, but
it‘s possible. We have reason to be-
lieve he’s probably left the (Lexing-
ton) area."

On Monday. two men entered the
apartment armed with a knife and a
miniature baseball bat. After taking
the Greg Page resident‘s laptop and
the cash on hand. the men forced the

victim to drive to a local bank to
withdraw more cash. After dropping
them off near W.T. Young Library. the
victim was allowed to return home.

The incident was isolated. Monroe
said, and there is no reason to believe
the men committed any additional rob-
beries. The men did not know the vic-
tim. he said.

Mason was being held at the
Fayette County Detention Center last
night on a bond of $35,000. He will
appear before Fayette County District
Court on Tuesday.

UK Police continue to search for
Reese. and anyone with information
about his whereabouts can contact the
police at (859) 257-1616.




Elaine Collins, an English sophomore, hugs Jon Bellwood, a journalism senior, yesterday evening at the Take Back the Night event. Participants walked from Memorial Hall down
Limestone Street, and down Rose street to raise awareness about sexual violence

A venue for ending the silence

By Robin Pircher


Students and community mem-
bers. victims and supporters threw
up their hands and screamed as they
circled around the amphitheater be-
hind Memorial Hall last night.

The scream represented the end
of silence on the abuse
of women and the end
of silence on sexual
violence. It was a
scream to end fear and
initiate awareness.
said Dorothy Ed-
wards. director of the
Violence Intervention
and Prevention Center.

The participants of
the third annual Take
Back the Night. a
march designed to
raise awareness of vi-
olence toward women.
held a silent march
down Limestone Street. circled
around campus and ended with a
celebration of women sharing their

have to

intervention and

"To reduce vio-

take action."


director of the Violence

stories and an empowennent con-
cert to encourage victims.

About 26 victims of sexual vio—
lence and their supporters shared
personal stories. poems and inspira»
tional words in front of 2.300 pic-
tures of local women — also people
affected by violence — that were
projected on the wall behind the
stage. Each woman was
someone affected b)
some form of violence.

“I encourage these
victims to honor their
joumey in its own time."
Edwards said. "There‘s
no right way to do this.
Take these steps when
you're ready."

Posters of drawings
and words of encourage-
ment. tables of informa-
tion for victims and paint—
ed T—shirts were available
for the crowd of nearly
200. who were dotted
with buttons that read “mother." “sis
ter." “friend." “daughter" and “girl—



Night. including the empowerment
concert. help show women that
there is support and awareness sur«
rounding victims to help them rc-
covcr. Edwards said.

stay on the front bumer." Edwards
said. “To reduce violence. people
have to get involved. then take ac~
tion. (Take Back the Night) pro—
vides a venue."

dent volunteers and Abigail Weid-
huner. a Spanish freshman. said
people can continue to get involved
with the cause on campus after the

"One in three UK students will

encounter violence before gradua-
tion.“ Edwards said. These actions
of violence can include sexual or
physical abuse. assault and stalking.
she said.

Events like Take Back the

"I would tell victims to always

The event was organized by stu—


“Thc VIP center is where these

people can come feel safe and 0th
ers can volunteer to help." Weid-
huner said. “You can make sure the
future is different."


Two-year-old Grace Ellis-Hawley holds a srgn in
last night‘s event, Take Back the Night


UK robot to be tested for moon readiness in earthly conference

81 Jennifer Miles

A small group of engineering stu-
dents have taken on the challenge of
building a robot designed to retrieve
minerals from the moon.

UK‘s student branch of the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Inc. will enter the robot in an April 5
tournament during the IEEE Southeast-
Con conference in Huntsville. Ala.

Several organizations are in compe-
tition to retrieve these minerals and re-
turn them to earth.

Peter Ferland. an electrical engi—

neering junior and the chair of UK's ro-
bot contingent. said the team is com—
posed of half a dozen engineering stu-
dents. They began building the robot in

“The contest offers engineering stu-
dents a chance to tackle a design prob-
lem start to finish. providing valuable
experience for future engineers." Fer-
land said.

In the tournament. each team must
build an autonomous robot that will
perform on an earth-bound course. col-
lecting colored wooden blocks repre-
senting moon minerals and returning
them to its home base to score points.

The block‘s color determines the num-
ber of points the team will receive.

The eight teams with the most
points after three preliminary rounds
advance to play in a toumament to de-
cide the overall winner.

UK’s robot has two decks of plastic
with a gripper in front for collecting
blocks. two drive wheels and a caster.
Ferland said.

“The bottom deck has the gripper.
the motors for the wheels and a large
battery pack." Ferland said. “The up-
per deck has the logic board and sen-

Regina Hannemann. a lecturer in

Electrical and Computer Engineering at
UK and the IEEE Student Branch
Counselor. served as an adviser to the
students. She said the competition is
held annually. with a different task to
solve every year.

“UK has panicipated in the compe-
tition for a long time." Hannemann
said. “So. it is kind of a tradition to go
to SoutheastCon and have a robot in the
hardware competition."

UK has not entered for the last
three years. Hannemann said. even
though some effort was made to build
robots. This year's team has been work-
ing hand. she said.

“They‘ve worked on it a few hours
per week since the beginning (of the
fall semester) and put in some extra
hours now over spring break to gel the
mbot finally done." she said.

Ahmed Abdalla. chair of UK‘s
branch of IEEE. did not help directly in
building the robot. but served as a man-
ager. The electrical engineering senior
organized the construction by ordering
parts and organizing the trip to the con-
ference. He said he is excited about the

“We are representing UK and we
get to compete with big schools like
MIT and Virginia Tech." he said.

Newman: 257-1915; W 257-2872




Wreik'ioir ’riioiiimNnt vourgcar

a museums"

By Linda c. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 — Follow a person who has
a strong, positive vision for the fu-
ture. You and your team can over-
come whatever's in your way. You're
hot, and getting hotter.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 5— Mistakes and misunder-
standings are easy to make. so
watch where you're going Take
care of your own business and let
others take care of theirs.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
is an 8 —— With the help of a part-
ner, a dream can now come true
Get the right person for the job It's
a great day to interview.

Cancer (June H — July 22) Today

Today’ 5
Sponsored By:

s a 6 7h There doesn't seem to be
a replacement for good, hard work.
The tricksters and phonies will be
revealed. Be honest and practical,
and you'll do just fine.
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today lS a
9 A You'll confront many obstacles
in this endeavor. Don't be intimidat~
ed or dissuaded for a moment. Stay
on course, watch where you're go—
ing, and success is assured
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today is
5 . Great imagination and team-
work are required, for a while Luck-
ily, you're surrounded by people
quite capable and adept Utilize
their talents
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
an 8 You're compelled to suc-
ceed, but don‘t let that make you
nervous It you can dance like no—
body's watching, you'll put on a bet-
ter performance
Scorpio (Oct 23 — Nov. 21) Today
IS a 6 W It's best to avoid a contro-
versral subject for a little while.
Think about your position longer be-


Restaurant and Loun 1-


Spree Boutique &

Season’s Salon and Spa

Spring fling
fashion show, Friday!

816 Euclid Ave.

your _da_i|y_~ dose of Verrtgflainment, pop culture and fun ma ‘ Ql

Collision Center

Accepting all insurance claims.
170 Dennis Drive (2 miles from

campus) 277 1972

fore trying to sell it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 —-— Not everybody
agrees with your conclusions, but
that's OK. They have a right to their
own opinions. Just make sure you
don't have to pay for their mistakes.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 5 — The more you learn,
the more you realize you didn't
know. That's the downside of con-
tinuing your education. The benefits
come next.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 7 _ You may feel like be-
ing generous, but that's not a great
idea Exercise self-discipline or
you'll spend more than you can af-
ford The latter could happen quick-
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To-
day lS a 5 w The pressure's really
on How will you perform? Well, ace
tually, it looks like you'll do quite
well Conditions turn in your favor
right at the very end.


When: 8pm Friday March 28th
Where: Gusto’s
Call for Reserved Seating

Be the first to get a sneak peek of

this spring’s must have, hottest items.


oFREE w/ Ticket Purchase or $10 @ door





The dish on Padma

1119 “SH

The glamorous 'Top
Chef’ host gives Us
her recipe for success

Don‘t hate Padma Lakshmi
because she‘s impossibly gor-
geous. Hate the former model
because. as host of Bravo's hit
"Top Chef“ (Wednesdays, 10
pm), she gamely cats every—
thing from chicken piccata to
souffles. yet doesn‘t seem to
gain an ounce. (She loves hot
dogs too.) "I always pig out."
she proudl “but I exercise
my ass off! The single Indian-
bom NYC resident. 37, breaks
bread with Us.

Q: What was your high-
light of this season?

A: For me. filming in Chica—
go. I'd never been there! You'll
see some sporting-event chal-
lenges and neighborhood cul-
ture. It's a big food town.

Q: As noted by the deep-
dish pizza challenge.

A: That was my worst day
on the job! I had about 65 bites
of pizza and felt really sick. So
much heavy dough. Some of it
was just not good.

Q: So let’s hear about the
exercise regimen.

A: I box three days a week
for an hour. and I lift weights.
Also. I do cardio every day,
whether it’s running on a tread-
mill or skipping rope. I‘m the
only Indian who never got into

Q: You're a former Food
Network host who has pub-
lished two cookbooks. How

00] Nine6

has “Top Chef" influenced
your culinary style?

A: I‘m much more adventur-
ous. I was always curious about
food. but now I‘ll try weird
things like elk. rattlesnake and

Q: During dates. do you
judge a guy based on his food

A: No. but I can tell a lot
about people based on what they
eat. And I‘m turned off by a guy
who doesn't have an appetite.

The Hunks of ‘Stop-Loss'

A few goodomen! Us gets
the scoop on the hot movie's
sexy soldiers.

Ryan Phillippe: Life imitat-
ing art? The Delaware native,
33. and father of two (with ex
Reese Witherspoon, 32) met on-
off love Abbie Cornish. 25,
while romancing her in the film.
but told Us she didn't end his
marriage: “I had difficulties in
my relationship long before 1
ever met her."

Channing Tatum: “He
taught me more than any acting
class," the Alabama native. 27.
says of Phillippe. Offscreen, the
actor is dating actress Jenna De-
wan, 27: “My girlfriend liked
seeing the pictures of me in uni-

Timothy Olyphant: The
Honolulu-bom actor, 39, is the
voice of authority when the sol-
diers are called back to duty.
“I’m the lieutenant colonel who
is saying. ‘We've got to go
back,‘ " the married father of
three has said.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Be-


OBooth Reservations
oBottle Service

fore playing a soldier with post-
traumatic stress disorder, the
single L.A. native. 27, costarred
on “3rd Rock From the Sun." Of
his new role. he has said. “He’s
having trouble. but he's got his
brothers to help him."

Marissa's Big Weight loss

From Broadway to ball-
room! Marissa Jaret Winokur
— who won a Tony award in
2003 for her lead role in “Hair-
spray" -— is taking center stage
on “Dancing With the Stars“
(ABC. Mondays and Tues-
days). The married New York
native, 35 (who shed 40 pounds
before starting rehearsals), talks
to Us.

Q: What made you want
to do the show?

A: I basically begged them.
I have been a fan since the be-
ginning, and last year I was
watching and said, “Wait, I want
to do this!"

Q: Do you and partner
Tony Dovolani get along?

A: We are having a blast. He
is an amazing teacher - once I
let him be the teacher and I took
on the role of student! We only
butt heads when I want to stop
for lunch!

Q: How are your friends
supporting you?

A: Ricki (Lake) calls me al-
most every day to see how it's
going. I actually called her be-
fore I was allowed to tell any—
body I was doing the show. We
were screaming.


m. a... .. w. ,. ,, e—u cm W W .Wt.

II. 714- W [mm you In en this yet!) ’


Doors open @ 8 PM
$20 in advance

$15 w/ student ID

purchase tickets @ venue

or by calling (859) 254—5000



u. I. —-,...u

March 27,


Emily Coovert
Features Editor

Phone: 2574915

el'nel “




I was registered in school under the name
Regina Fischer. so in the first homeroom
every year they would call out ‘Regina
Fischer’ and I’d be like. ‘lt’s Jenna.’ But
one day in fifth grade, we had a substitute
teacher. She said. ‘Reg—eye—na.’ So all the
kids on the school bus that day called me
Reg-eye—na Vagina.”

— Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam on "The Office”


Writer takes small college to the big screen

81 Autumn Rubicon


Some familiar places and
faces will grace the silver screen
when a locally produced movie
makes its debut.

“Surviving Guthrie." a dark
comedy partly shot in Lexing-
ton. premieres tonight at 7:30 at
the Kentucky The-

The film tells
the story of Caner
Guthrie — a drunk


"We made
something that

misunderstanding between the
crew and police officers that in-
terrupted the shoot. Harris said.

“They thought we were
shooting a porno.“ Harris said.
“We brought them up and
showed them the script. They
were really nice and just doing
their job."

Many of the ,actors in “Sur-
viving Guthrie" are
from the Lexington
area. Lead actor Joe
Gatton of Lexington

as been in many

hard- to— deal- with lOOkS and sounds commercials and pro—

professor at a fic-
tional liberal arts
college — and his
daughter Ally
whom the dean has
threatened to expel
if she doesn‘t stop
her father from act-
ing out.

Jesse Harris. a 2006 George-
town College graduate. wrote
“Surviving Guthrie" for a
screenwriting class while he was
still a student.

The film is really about the
fine line between being authen-
tic and acting to please others.
as well as themes like relation-
ships and pushing limits too far.
Harris said.

“When you get right down
to it, it‘s a man getting to know
his daughter that he‘s never tak-
en the time to." he said.

Several locations around
Lexington were used during the
filming — which. at one point
while the crew was working at a
house just outside town, led to a

the cost of a
Camry. "
Jesse HAniiis

local screenwriter

ductions around
town, and the female
lead. Jesse Penning-
ton. has starred in
several of George—
town‘s theater pro-

Other George-
town students played
a lot of the smaller parts in the
film. Harris said. and UK stu-
dent Dane Diekmann worked as
the sound editor.

Music from local bands. in-
cluding Much is Given and The
October. is also used in the film.
Dustin Burnett. one of the mem-
bers of The October. wrote the
theme. “Change the World."
which plays during the credits.

The film had a small budget.
and actors volunteered their
time. Harris said.

“We made something that
looks and sounds like a movie
for the cost of a Camry." he

“Surviving Guthrie" is defi-
nitely a college movie, Harris




B( )l "riot it OF ii iii: \Vlin’



Who: Spree
Where: 490 E. High St.

to 7 pm.
Price Range: Mid-range

Ramsey‘s on High Street.



Spree boutique is located on East High Street
and offers a variety of unique clothing, hand-
bags, jewelry and accessories.

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday. ll am.

Why it’s cool: Spree receives new ship-
ments weekly and has new lines of spring
dresses coming in regularly. The store fea-
tures designers such as Miss Me. Rubber
Ducky and Soda Blu. Spree also boasts a
large collection of contemporary costume
jewelry. This boutique is connected to





1. Fine wine



WRFL 88.1 FM

Most-played albums of
the week
1. Beach House "Devotion"
2. Black Mountain “In The Future"
3. A Weather "Cove"
4. Elf Power‘ 'In A Cave'
5 Mahiongg' 'Kontpab"
6. Times New \riking' 'Rip It Off"
7 Vampire Weekend ’Vampire Week-

8 Mae Shi 'Hl”l|yh
9 Various' 'Independent Music

10. Dengue Fever "Venus On Earth"






SURVlVlNE Bll'lllRlE


‘:-"gt ssgcrcrprii irtor




The feature film from Jesse Harris' screenplay' 'Surviving Guthrie" premieres tonight at the Kentucky Theater As of yesterday afternoon over 500 seats

had been reserved

said. with scenes and types of
people that will be familiar to

“The people talk like stu-
dents. not like it‘s ‘Dawson‘s




The Talon Winery and Vineyards will be hosting a fundraiser to benefit Mc—
Connell Springs the site where Lexington was named. The Barrel Tasting tor thc
Springs' will take place from ll a. m. to 4 p. m on Saturday. The event will fea-
ture six participating wineries and the cost is only $2 for the day. All proceeds go

to support development and improvements at Mc( onncll Springs. for more in l
formation call 971- 9797

2. Pork party
Equus Run Vineyards will celebrate the beginning of spring with music. food and
wine on Saturday as a pan of its “Cork. Pork & Blues“ celebration. The party will
take place in the Tasting Barn. and will feature Patty Butcher and her acoustic 1
blues combo. Tickets also include a tasting of six wines. including all three of thc ‘
2008 Derby wines. You must be 2] years of age to attend. and advance rescrva» l
tions are required. Tickets cost $15 per person. E-mail admint’d cquusrunvine»
yardscom for reservations.

Creek‘ and everyone sounds like
an English major." he said. “Not
that i didn‘t watch ‘Dawson‘s
Creek.‘ "

Harris said he's been im—

\'l‘L'RliS BRIE]:


Stand—up show on
campus tonight

Laughs won’t be hard to find i

w”’“‘ l

tonight as UK welcomes comedian
Jen Kober as a pan of the Student
Activities Board‘s Laughs on the
Lawn series.

Kober. known for her stand~ i
up comedy routines. will pcrt‘orm .l
at 7 pm. at the Memorial Hall i
Amphitheater. Kober has per-
formed with famous comedians
Dane Cook. Chris Tucker. Wayne
Brady and Carlos Mcncia.

Kober has been l‘caliircd on the
TBS show “Stand Up or Sit Down 1
Comedy Challenge." and hCl‘ stop 1
at UK is part of a nationwide col»
legc tour.



pressed by the level of support

he ~s seen for

"People have really gotten
behind this project." said Harris.




7:30 pm, Headliners, lOUiSi/ille
Tickets cost $21.

People Noise w/ Idaho, Alaska
3 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost

FRIDAY, March 2 7'

Very Emergencg w/ The indi—
cators and The wift Retreat
9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost

Corey Smith

8 p m, Headliners, louiswlle
Tickets cost $16 iii advance, $19
at the door

Sonny Landreth w/ Tony Farta-

830, The Southgate House, New-
port. Tickets cost $17 to $20

SATURDAY, March 2 8

Monte Montgomery w/ Chris

7 p m, The Dame Tickets cost

8 pm, Headliners, luiiiswlle
Tickets cost $21.

Xiu Xiu w/ Why? and Theo
Nguyen & the Get Down Stay

lVlfkRCl'i 29"

“I‘m thrilled to death."

Tickets for the premiere can
be reserved by calling The Store
at Georgetown at (502) 863-

the week of
M a e “ «‘ 26

9 30, The Southgate Hause, New-
port Tickets cost $10

Trampled by Turtles w/ Velvet

10 pm, The Danie Tickets cost

SUNDAY, March 29

Cabin w/ Seabird and Watson
9 pin, The Dame Tickets cost

MONDAY, March ll)

Sonset Down

/ 30 p m , Headliners luiiiswlle
Tickets cost 39 iii advance, $10 at
the door

Delta Spirit w/ Port O’Brien
9 p m, The [Tame Tickets cost

TUESDAY, Mart it til

8 pm Headliners, loiiisyille
Tickets cost $18


Shooter Jennings w/ Eddie

9 pm, The Dame Tickets cost
$15 in advance, $17 at the door

Grand Buffet w/ DJ EMpirical
930 pm , The Soathgate House,
Newport Tickets cost $8

C(iMl’lllD BY FlATllRFS lllllllll lMllY lillliVl 1T1

Open till 3am Thurs — Sat

Uk Campus - 544 S Upper St



 PAGE 4 | Thursday, March 27. 2008


Study links big-belly
weight to dementia

McClatchy Newspapers

FRESNO. Calif. w Going into
middle age with a big belly could set
the wheels in motion for dementia in
later life. a new study says.

Scientists have known for some
time that belly size is associated
with an increased risk for diabetes.
stroke and heart disease. but this is
the first study to show a connection
between mid—life abdominal fat and

"People need to be concemed not
only about their weight. but where
they carry their weight in midvlife."
said Rachel Whitmer. a research sci—
entist at the Kaiser Pemianente Divi-
sion of Research in Oakland. Calif..
and lead researcher of the study.

“The person who carries weight
around the belly is at greater risk than
the person carrying it around the
hips." she said.

Kaiser researchers studied 6.583
men and women in Northern Califor—
nia who had had their belly-fat den«
sity measured when they were ages
40 to 45. Some 36 years later. l6
percent had been diagnosed with de~

Dementia can be caused by a
number of disorders. including
Alzheimer‘s disease. that affect the
brain. On average. it affects 13.9 per-
cent of the American population. ac-
cording to a National Institute of
Health study.

The study found the risk for de-
veloping dementia was 2.3 times
greater for men and women who
were overweight and who had a large
belly than for those with a normal
weight and belly size.

The chance of developing demen—
tia was 3.6 times greater for people
who were both obese and had large
bellies than people with normal
weight and belly sizes.

Even people of normal weight
overall. but who had large bellies.
were at greater risk — almost two
times higher -~ than for those of nor-
mal weight without abdominal fat.

The study was published in yes-
terday‘s March 26 online issue of
Neurology. the medical joumal of the
American Academy of Neurology.

The study controlled for high
cholesterol. high blood pressure.
heart disease and diabetes. Whitmer
said. “And we still found an indepen-

causes 60 casualties

dent effect of belly size on demen-

Researchers measured the dis-
tance from the back to the upper ab—
domen. midway between the top of
the pelvis and the bottom of the ribs.
to determine belly fat.

The question remains as to how
belly fat affects the brain. Whitmer
said. But it is known that belly fat
the fat that wraps around organs ._
is "a lively fat. a very toxic fat. and it
secretes a lot of substances." she

More research also needs to be
done to detemiine if reducing belly
size can lower the risk factor for de-
mentia. Whitmer said. Researchers
don‘t know if the study participants
who had large bellies in their 40s lost
the fat before developing dementia in
their 70s. she said.

But other studies have found a
positive effect on high cholesterol
and fasting glucose levels with a
smaller belly size. Whitmer said.

Where someone carries 'weight is
genetically determined. Whitmer
said. But there is good news for peo—
ple who have big bellies.

Belly fat is easier to lose than
other fat. Whitmer said. "You can
get rid of it with moderate exercise
and diet." she said. “This is a modi-
fiable risk factor for people in mid—

Kathy Daly. 43. of Madera.
Calif. said belly fat was her biggest
"trouble spot" before she dropped 80
pounds in the past three years. Daly
didn't know about an increased risk
of dementia when she decided to lose
weight. “I had turned 40 and was
concerned about my health." she

But now that she's heard about
the Kaiser study. she has more moti—
vation to keep "on the path that I'm
on." she said.

Two of Daly's aunts on the mater-
nal side of her family suffered from
dementia before their deaths. Both
her aunts were overweight. “It was
very sad. You saw someone you
knew a certain way and saw their
brain deteriorate." she said.

Kaiser researchers found those
most likely to have big bellies were
non-whites. smokers. people with
high blood pressure. high choles-
terol or diabetes and those with less
than a high school level of educa—


Democratic presi-
dential candidate
Sen. Barack
Obama addresses
a crowd gathered
for a town hall
meeting at the
Greensboro Coll»
seum in Greens-
boro, N.C., yes-


Clinton too tied to status quo, Obama says

Mob Christensen

McClatchy Newspapers

Barack Obama said yesterday that his
chief rival. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clin~
ton was too closely tied to the Wash-
ington status quo to bring about

“She takes more money from lobv
byists and special interests than any
candidate including John McCain
Obama told about 2.400 people at a
town hall meeting in War Memorial
Auditorium. “That shows she doesn't
have the sense that things need to
change in Washington."

During a 90—minute speech and
question and answer session. Obama
criticized McCain‘s stance on the hous‘
ing crisis. talked about his (‘hristian
faith. and sought to downplay the
provocative comments of his former

This was Obama‘s second trip to
North Carolina in the last week. and it
underscored the intensifying pace of
the May 6 Democratic presidential pri-
mary. Clinton will make a campaign
swing tomorrow through Wake County.
Fayetteville and Winston—Salem. Her
husband. former President Bill Clinton
will tour the western part of the state on
Friday. and their daughter Chelsea
Clinton is expected to attend a Young
Democrats Club meeting Saturday at
the Sheraton Imperial in Durham.

Speaking before a crowd that in-
cluded many college students and had
the atmosphere of a pep rally. Obama


Bristle Fédel
McClatc hy Newspapers

BAGHDAD l‘.S. aircraft
supporting an Iraqi government

offensive against Shiite Muslim 75km

militias bombed suspected mili-
tia positions south of Baghdad
amid intense fighting yesterday
in parts of the Iraqi capital and
in the southern port city of Bas-
ra. Iraqi police said.

Spokesman Muthanna
Ahmed of the Babil province
police said ()0 people had been
hit btit that he couldn't gi\c a
breakdown of dead and wound-
ed. The l‘ S militaiy was look-
ing into the report but couldn‘t
confirm it yesterday evening.

I' S. forces also ltllnk‘d Iraqi
troops in Baghdad to fight radi-
cal Shiite cleric Muqtada al
Sadr‘s Mahdi Army militia. and
police said that at least 30 peo-
ple had been killed in the Sadr
(‘ity neighborhotxl. a stronghold
of aI-Sadr‘s backers

Ma}. (ien. Kevin Bergner.
an American military
spokesman in Baghdad. de-
scribed the offensive as an Iraqi


75 mllu

Fighting in Basra ®\t

15.000 lraqr troops try
to suppress rival Shiite g . Nfllaf
militia g