xt7c2f7jt090 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jt090/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1985 1985 1985-03-26 2020 true xt7c2f7jt090 section xt7c2f7jt090 _________—_________—____—_________—________—__—_

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By JOHN VOSKUHL make a formal recommendation to Cremins, Mike Krzyzewski of Duke, “Any information on that right they got the five of us in a room and off. But he could not say how long ’I
Editor-in-Chief the full Athletics Board. He has not South Florida’s bee Rose. Dave now is just rumors.“ Singletary had each of us put down the top five. the search might take .
andtheAssomatedPress set a deadline for the committee to Bliss of Southern Methodist. CM. said. “l would say that after the probably four would be on every- “It will take as long as it takes.“ '

complete the screening process, Newton of Vanderbilt. Hugh Dur- committee has an organizational body's list. he said. "We want to get the right , 1
President Otis A. Singletary yes however. ham of Georgia. Lute Olsen of Arizo- meeting. there might be more to “Obviously there are people out man for the job. however long that .
l terday appomted a five-member Singletary said yesterday that the na and Sonny Smith. who recently say." there whose names are being ban- takes. ()bwousl." this IS a "9?) SP8“ . , i ' 1'.
COmmiWBe ‘0 help in the 56106th of committee has not discussed any resigned at Auburn. ‘ The committee is expected to died about by the media.“Ihe said. cial place anda very special job." . ' . - . 1 -
_. anew basketball coach. particular candidates. although Others include Leonard Hamilton. meet withintheweek. “Whether or not the committee Will The members of the committee . ' - ,' .
‘ The ad hoc panel, a subcommittee there has been speculation about Lake Kelly and Jim Hatfield, Halls “1 want is to talk about what end up with them orIwhether they who will serve with Hagan are Rot) ‘ - ‘ '
of the Athletics Board, will screen several names insportscircles. three assistants; former Kentucky we‘re looking for," Singletary said. are even interested in the job is ert Lawson. dean of the College of . , - 1 .
potential “06505wa 8- H8“- A few have come up since Hall‘s All-American Dan lssel. now fin- but any discussionsof the matter be- something else. Law and faculty representative to 4 1 - . ,-
' Hall announced his retirement last announcement. including those of ishing his last season with the Denv- fore that meeting would be “prema- the Southeastern Conference and ' . . - .
Saturday morning after UK lOSlIUIO Mississippi State's Bob Boyd. this er Nuggets. and former Hall assis- ture." “I suSpect the person will be nei. NCAA, Dr (‘harles Ellinger. a pro , ,
the 51- JOhn'S Redmen In the semlfl- season's SEC coach of the year. and tant Dick Parsons. who now serves Cliff Hagan. athletic director. who ther anilnkn0wn norasurprise." fessor of Dentistry and L'K's aca- ' ~‘ . '.
.. ' ' Ml round Ol“ 0‘? NCAA W6! Rfiglon- Bobby Knight of Indiana. as the University’s director of de- will serve as chairman of the advi- demic ombudsman. Frank Ramsey. . ' ' .‘ ;
al. IHall Icomplled a 297-100 record Also being mentioned are Gene {erred giving. sory committee, also said there are Hagan did say. however. that it is a member of the Board of Trustees I _-
. during his 13 seasons as UK head Bartow of Alabama-Birmingham. Singletary stressed yesterday that no firm candidates at present. important for the University to fill and a former basketball All~Ameri~ - _ ‘
. COaCll- . . Pat Riley of the Los Angeles Lakers. neither he nor the committee was “It‘s wide open," Hagan said. “I the position as quickly as possible. can; and Neal A. Hardesty. a per- . I '

After "'9 committee makes {'5 Purdue’s Gene Keady, Eddie Sutton formally considering any candidates think each member of the commit- because the April 10 high school sonnel senior and a student rep— - .

recommendation, Singletary w‘" 0‘ Arkansas, Georgia Tech‘s BODby at this time. however. tee will have some names. But if signing date is just over two weeks resentative to the Athletics Board -' , . ‘ -
I ‘ enjoys role I ‘ '
t 1"] f I t“ l .. as teacher ,. -

0 l e or e ec Ion : .I Q. 1 Professor enjoys - . - '
BySM‘HA DEVROOMEN This year nine of the 18 college 3 1- E. ls“ , - ,..-1‘" . .
SeniorStaffWriter candidate. a... running unopposed, 3 r. ii l... -- scenery, students .

Bec oone fled to candidacy comparedtololastyear. S - fix “fl“ ‘ “ “" By-THIJOHVSUV I “

ausen i r I11? I , .1 . . . .
for five Student Government Asso- Freudenberg said he thinks there i h i 5 . . Senior Staff Writer . , .
ciation college senate positions. the are two reasons for the lack of inter- l 9 Q h W . . . . - 2
deadline for applying to those posi- est in the college senator positions. ” : ‘ . g I, - ‘2 I Tune in to Sid-ii M. National Pub- .
tions has beenextended. The first is lack of information. “I . . h . “the ’t lic Radio. between 6 and 8 pm. on . .

SGA President 1'l‘im Freudenberg think they are not sure what the job ‘ r. .. y t 1 4 . Saturday and you may learn some- ,
said extending the deadline for a entails." The other reason, he said. l 1:1. s . i t... . thing abolgt the boyhood of Karl _
few days is not unusual. The new is that students in these colleges l if." If? ltaitzathrofessorIof geography. .
deadlinewillbetodayaupm. tend to think they are busier than . “I * 3 .The program. Prairie Home - -

The five colleges for which no can- other students. l if _- (Iompanlon. discusses community .
didates have filed are medicine. so- 1"” ’. life among theh p309“? of rural IMlll'

WEE” m... some .. our t... m... . .. ~< "stirs...“ - .

mm? economics. Some Of the pro- not only professional students but .. . ‘ F“. \ the program .. Raitz“ said. “I‘m

fessionalerograms have thlstoncal were also honor students.“ Freuden- 1;: _ . from Hector ya we“, small town of _

problem. “Trendenberg‘ “am“ They bergsald' I l200 but it‘s onlv'about 90 miles

are busy With everything they are . , - - . ~ . . . ,

doing and don‘t know what is avail- I .13" . away from Minneapolis and the ILnl

able to them.“ He said the lack of candidates for I. Fit.- ~ . , versity of Minnesota Several things _
if no one files for these positions, all positions l5 “0‘ caused by apathy. 1 1 described on the show describe me.

Freudenberg encouraged the people “It has ‘0 do With how you breed . - n: . . Although R3"?- became interested

in the colleges to write in a candi- leadelship within the organization l M ’ , .. (I? . in geography when his mother _ ,

date at the election The positiom Leadership has to develop. Lead- ! / -- l 3;“ bought him a puzzle of the 48 states. ,

will then be fined through the write- ership outside the organization is l j ,. ff; ,1, I hethlnedtthfi Air l‘orceIout 3f high

' ~1 ' ' geared towardotheractivities." ‘ ,..Q;A;§,Z'1£7“’N”W“ ‘ ..;': ."r- ' ~ sc 00 ms ea 0 gomg on oco ege.

hfifizgfeilhem fiafiaggtgahrhigga lW ' ,M'/. . I, I ", .slgl After four years “l“i“ the Air Pfrcef. .

'0“ the “8 colleges, about two zations and many different issues l “ “ I” * with a bachelor‘s degree in geog.
girds hatve (galldmml lgungton outside SGA. more students also are l . 1- ' raphv - 1 .

ommuni y 0 889 0" y.. 5 one involved outside SGA. “The major ! y,»- . - '_ ~ . , t; .. ~- . . . l . 1 - , .
cam the two mom: issue have been handled this y... 1 -— - . 1. - , r11 missus; sizztsrs‘sasevsz
that case. the election board duh“ orarenotrevolvingaroundSGA." ‘- .’ " ' ~.. ‘ ’ “- ldeclared my major in geography." V , ' " “
lcizgfib‘e‘ h?s:ixd“e““‘“l“f figneolfelgetgg“ ., I ”’ . [3v ‘:“" .'.,““""-1 Raitz said. "“1 was so captivated by , g . ‘
the “ ition is left vacant " “ N0 referendum proposal has been - “' . . . “ _ ‘ . 1.. I, .3. 4.x the instructor and the material of . . .

"p0: candidate wins. throu h a filed yet for this year‘s election ei- ‘“ ' , ' “‘1 ‘ I .' .’ .“1.;“ ,' _',i ‘ . 1 ’3?” ' the course that l eventually enrolled . - .
write-in vote he or she mustgthen ther. L35! year the issue of student . ."- ‘- 1:, 'f, “ . -.. ' t‘i . ' . f3? 9‘" .I. in the master's and doctorate‘s pro- ’

. ‘ . . support for a campus foot patrol " ’ 1.‘ . " _1’-e 7““ .5?“ ram at Minnesota." ' .
hand in an expense report wltlun a . . . & $3. . V . . . , 3 g . _
week Freudenberg said was decided duringtheelectlon. "E O I w .1 :5t’ 9*. .. ' 35,. It was during the doctorate pi:2 . . I

' '“ ' ' “ ' ' - “ 1. " . ‘4' -‘ "e % ' he started thinking ‘ ‘ .

W te—n c ndldates often Win in r ‘ .. , -, I“ " , t 1%“ gram that . ,
elecllons“ or gone” senator position. This yesr. the deadline for propos- . ..' _ ~ "I - -- j; s A I. {1% “g: it»: _ . would enjoy teaching geography at a , . , , .
”Sometimes write-in candidates can ing a referendum will be tomorrow .i. . U..." 1 .. “I; Q .3} .ifiyfi‘gwfl‘ univerSltIy. “All of a sudden. I just , V- . 1 ,
take you by surprise.“ said Freud— 3‘ “0°“- The referendum mu“ be W . ‘~ -. '“ ;t‘ V I .34" “ ”fa: .‘ - F...» .‘ got Em“ 'de? "lat teaching WW.” be . , '-
enberg. who won his first SGA elec- approved by the majority 0f the 580- y . . ' ‘ r, ‘ g. , ‘ h 5 ,._’1 . "hag; -1; fun. he 531d l COUldn t explain the . - . -
tion as an Arts & Sciences senator ate at its meeting tomorrow. The 3:“; '. I R; 1~ .45 3...... 1* . ~ . I“ .. 1, ,. :. ~.—. 3; p.135“ “31 :I" reason forItheIiIdea then and I still . .I . . ,
as a write-in candidate. “Sometimes referendum must be propmed by a ,a “fl-3,“- W, . a ”I . :9; :t r”; 33am; -. .. kggflkg f: 1 can texPlainlt ] d‘ff t . ‘ I
our writein candidates are our best senator. or students can present a - .-. s; h}. x I 1g, f“ e . “rah? a as: u. f. *m‘ 4“; 1‘9“““9J . 1 Afterapplying to severa II erenI . . .
senators." petition with 1.000 signatures to the "“' ‘ . ‘ " “ ' ’"‘ ' ‘ ‘ “a“ SMITHERK~ St II univerSities. LK accepted his appli- .

Only two colleges had no candi~ SGAoffice by noon tomorrow. earcu. / em: a ‘callionfalrdf $232 mined the faculty . , .
datelastyear. ' m” e.a. ° ' . . - ‘ I.
He said that of the 34 senators-at- Or a student can present a bill for Final touCheS last“ ygnseif “3,: azgfindgflov? ‘ 1 “'
largethat “l“ed‘ students WI" beable a referendum to the senate for Iap— Victor Fisher and Derrick Butler, workers in the Physical Plant Division’s paint shop, paste up sy and there was difficult)" at differ- . " I '
to vote for 15 of them. The number proval at tomorrow nights meeting. . . . . . h I ‘11 R d t . ‘t' . ‘th t d ts 'th . -

is down from last year when 52 stu. The deadline for a bill is temorrow greetings for the incoming NCAA fans on the corner of Cooper Drive and MC 0 aSVl e oa . en univerSi ies in Is uIItlzinY M 6 I »
dents filed forthesame lSpositiors. at noon. Seem-OM“ .9886 I . . I
.. 3.. I‘ "‘ 33’ :"I. l . 73‘ .. . :32. O O t f. d I ‘ I. ,
° - - ..... 1: . - . Umvers1 y m s rooms 9 .
e l'lES lSCllSSBS M... . : 111 . _
. . 9.!- .. e e e .
. his . ..
- - - s, a : ~ for Final Four v1s1tors . -
ethlcs 0f medlc1ne V 3* I- . Editor‘s Note: This is the first in a St_ John's was the first university '
. “ two-part series about what UK is to ask for space, while neither Villa- . _ 1
“ " 1' doing to accommodate visitors to nova University nor Memphis State . 1
Surgeon talks about implant surgery a the W W Tournament Tom UnwmnyhaveaskedmrWWI .

. w . row‘s article will deal with activities The tentative length of their stay
3'“ $011“me his new heart felt good. “that was q s. and guide service available to cam- is Thursday through Tuesday.

Senior Staff Writer the highlight of my career at that 4"“ £2 pus visitors. Burch said there is the possibility .
n . .

Artificial heart implant surgeon meeVries said that until the i960; / ' ? gym.” WARD SeeFlN‘ALpageG
323'“ C‘mpe‘l’r-‘es “drlgt-ffih; and mos. me". we" “° guidelines or" , Senior Staff Writer '
status: isms... assesses I 1 , ,,

‘ qm- ' ' ‘ 1 Se en -five residence ha stu-
:tely aflerward. “he now sur“ ““1“?“ :2? talk ME” to being the L l .“ dent: htgve offered extra beds to INS'DE
ace. . . su 3°C expenmen ‘m- - z ‘ ' 1' their counte rts from colleges in . . . . -1 ..

Addressms a standing-men 1‘9“]! That situation has changed. how- \ ‘4 1 1., I a.) the Final For“: who are coming to tu“ . Mg.” ,
crowd lastInight at Seay AuditonIum ever. and now there are three cnte- . . see their schools play in Rupp sh... , _, . gt; 1--.: I I; a
on the ethics of artificuil heart lm- ria that must be met before the , .1 . l“ \ Arena. . I . - ,s IIIIIII or
plants. DeVriesaaidoneImI I “I“ load and Drug Administration will l \ ‘ Meanwhile. UK administrators ’ d V ~ "'I ,. . I . fill
tions that must be court when“ 3 grant permission for experimental .3 _ It‘ . . . . plan to provide space in Alumni mug. I .I
quality of life adequ tIeI you surgery2I The patient must be in I» II, I , , ,t... Gymnasium a ndtheStudentOenter. ” “I"..MIIt III». III
aremmdmmcmm' ‘°““°d' “ must be mm "m ‘ ‘1 , l . ‘ . visiti students will be cho- . inane clam 1.”... .

Concedi that “I don't know what the bend” 1 i * ‘ * h . - The “3 -. seems It...

I. “'3 . .. he .d um h I l“ ”WK“ ”'3 "3'“ “d l 1. l i , I sen by their schools andwill becom- mating“. g- .1._. .
qua “ty “ e u“ if.“ t i re - an we tmd may a an “ .e “ "£3341“ ins in a m accompanied by 3““ 2“ fl .1 ' “g . Misaszm‘ée;

”my “mm“? “‘ l e“ y' “m“ "m. em“§‘b°“"b""‘°d- AW lmmms-n members whowill berespomible for mime-“yr: ~ ._- mm; -»
tions stichogs Can the patient so DeVries said “it‘s interesting to Dr. WILLIAM c. DEVlul-zs them said Dan a, mu Joseph “I...“ I .. ;
swimmuig. are mootIpolnts. be- me that local ethical boards and wouldbe bout 15 .. . . . Burch. They will be required to 1“,;- fiwiffiéiwis‘sw
camethep-ucntscantdotlfines thermdonotaddrmthema mammtochmlosy . a mummiestimmmy mind Mimmummw.m_

likethataiiyway. cost effectiveness or impact on eo- Yufl behind What it IS MY. he- that the (artificial heart) patient tration will know'where to reach

These questions pale beside the clety in determining the merit of a cane researchers would not have had a better chance for livim.“ be- themiftheneedariumheadded.
largerieeuea,hesald.WilliamSch~ newteehnique. beenabletoconductexperiments eel-eoftheextenelverewewpmc- .
roeder was “happy to be alive" thataret-edregularlytoday eea MWMWIWM not; . _ .

“ ' I --“§”§_.-. ; Ifi."’fs~‘_,\
mum When asked drier the lecture HMS-M'WM‘Y'” fit 5%“?th ,
' whetht he W these regida- W' the rqulatiom are b” D'Vl‘l“ W "l0 we 0' the be etaylu in W hall room «,5 jrww‘ §« ’

Am wry i' W W m' “a. m an m M Ma] eflml in wt M .“l‘. in fully 1m 1“” M! d the m m Gym“. M £3“? K lhvawh'fi .3929 “I: ”:“r:\’
gory will do more lurm than good to m DeVriee w it “does evaluating the implications of a pro W W’ first airplane to the said. The me, who can" the get“? *¥""‘fif“”'”"3";
thepetient.DeVriee aaid.WhenBar- my cadre. He said that when he con- t!) (by: that Barney Clark lived m ain't Inn mullet. and g. .3... “Me-Wt ‘1’”
neyaark.thefiratartificialheart ceivedtheartificielheartsmin andimpliedthetlmplantmcyis Mhme Jlln -,.z the.
recipientavueuterlhoperatien Heealdtlntltherqlhle-lled lmJiehadnotfullycomidendva- ji-tanothu'mmmeroadof ”mourn-hutch '1 ’-
andwaenothpaimbuwmd qiptted to early medal experi- rlei- age:- of th Me. “on. Newman. ,, ,.


 I-KWVKM manual. I“
«mamas sous » so v. -~ x .\ ‘ » ~ \‘exi -‘ . ~ ‘ - ’ ‘ ‘ ~2==~"~
V an't and Ft powered ’508 pop giants
pop MC in the ‘5“ was strictly abandon of black music. He was. in and in 1955 it was Berry's rust hit. from the sessions. but gave them
- teen music. Rock ‘n‘ roll stars sang this way. the best vocalist rock ‘n' After that, he was a star. and the littlepromotion; thesongsflopped.
about girls and cars and what a roll ever produced. Of course. this hits continued. He was themost con- Soon after. Holly went_ back to
drag school was. about dances. made him a prime selling point for . yet." sisteiit of all the early rockers. In Lubbock. gathered a few friends and
dreaming. and getting laid. They whites. many of whom would never » A "‘v-iwl practically every single —' "‘30" made the W-lmle trek over to
didn‘t mix politics with their music; have thought 0‘ buying a black re~ , , ~§ Over Beethoven," ‘fRock .h Roll Norm Petty s independent studio in
they didn't claim to be intellectual. cord. (“‘7 , ..'. Music,“ “Sweet Little Sixteen. Clovts. New Mecho. Here. in the
That didn't happen until the ‘60s He made some fine records at .‘ fig 8’ “Johnny B. Goode." “Back in_ the next year and a half. Holly and his
horn the start. it was pure woe]. Sun. but early in 1955. Phillips sold .35 l . U.S.A." — the lyrics were hilarious. group the Crickets recorded about 20
lion. It was loud. it was laced with Elvis‘ contract to RCA for a mere 5 r( ' andhe always had a hint of sarcasm songs. It’all started with “:l‘hat'll Be
explicit sexual imagery. and the fact $35,“. The price was cheap. no. t.” 9/: / in his voice. He boasted. he strutted. the Day. which slowlyclimbed the
that it came out of the straight laced where near a million dollars. but ‘ é To many fans even today, he is rock charts after its release in May 1957.
.505 made it a“ that more exciting. certainly Phillips understood that l _ ' ’1; I, ’n' roll. He had the Vlsmn. he had Holly scored again later the same
Certainly. there was nothing mild Elvis would be bigger than tiny Sun I ’1 I ‘ t , / t .i (f/, the style. And he sure as hell had year with“Peggy Sue.
about the way Little Richard banged Records could handle. 1‘ (r ~ ( / i ‘ l thesongs. _ What made Hollys songs-so popu-
his piano keys. or the way Elvis In 1958 he was drafted into the l ”j .. ’4, . l Qlllte the OPPOSlte from Berry lar was then optimism. HIS quests
Presley shook. army. and though the hits continued . \ u l / 3 ; were . the Everly Brothers. They of unrequited love were neither self.
from RC A's vaults. his best years 1 \\ / 1 //¢ ' 2 were innocent. sweet. They were the pitylng nor angry. Truly. he was in-
. . First. there was Bill Haley and the were behind him. Once he‘d shown l l / ,m/ /”o, f 1. Hardy Boys of rock n roll. and nocent._and m this way. the was
» Comets. In lass. the film Blackboard the world that he was a good boy i / / ,r' ' / iii eve" When they medv “me" was "we" “‘9‘?”me "mt." er 505
Jungle was released and along with after all. he moved on to Hollywood. l ‘ /4: g; often. they were never really threat- stars. He wasnt as flauntingly sex-
it came a single called “Rock where he made over 30 movies in ‘ ,, I' ' .' g 7 enmg. Danceable. but "Ot threaten- ual as Ems or 59".? Lee: He wasnt
Around the Clock." With this. rock the space of a decade. He died in 9 / £3 .« ”/0“; % lll8- . _ . as outrageous as Little Richard. But 4
‘n‘ roll was born on a grand scale. 1977' a drug addict. one of the great l 6;? ‘\ . ii; %/ r/ PM and Don started Singing at an then he wasnt a Wimp hke Pat
' Haley was the first big star and for success stories. albeit one of the l ’j/d ,2 ‘ 'v'ii'r, % / early.age 0" the" parents radio Boone “the? . '.
' that reason alone. many people great tragediesof the modern era. “ // z ) ';',',-.", Z4 '5 show ‘h the late «5‘ my had their The fact ‘5' Holly racked up a h“
. , credit him with starting itall. The best white singer next to Elvis f 1%} 15.}; g . ’ roots in country muSlc — indeed. of firsts that makes him one of the
' Haley had a string of hits. which was Jerry Lee Lewis. who followed 1 ll" "”W/Iu k ’é V " ”mu?" 5mm teams had bee" P°l* "mt mfluenml .early ”eke”- he
usually consisted of Haley shouting the King at Sun Records. As a boy in l f? g Q», 1. i “I” mthatgenre‘foryears. was the fiFSt Wh‘w rocker to “he
’ 4 something like “On your marks." Louisiana. Lewis learned to play 2 'I-‘J ’" é 1" 1957 they SW w1th Cadence most 0‘ h’s own material. the first
. with the Comets answering back an boogie—woogie style piano. He went 1 {it é . Records and §°°nu after bad the" major star to use two electric 8|"-
tiphonally. It all seemed so planned. on to become the greatest white l [1,55 hr“ h'g hit “nth Bye Bye’Love: tars .1" ms band. And he was one 0‘
though. and so uninspired. that piano player in all of rock. ’ , m'l'l‘fil 9 Lateruthat same year, they hitnagaln the first. to have a 10‘ 0‘ control over
Haley most often came off sounding Lewis started out recording coun— y. t 1:,” / with Wake Up, Little SuSIe. Dur- themuSlchemade. . .
like a square. If you didn‘t know bet- try songs. like Ray Price's “Crazy rr / mg their stay at Cadence. they cov- On Feb. 3. 1959, Holly was killed in
ter. you‘d think it was some school Arms." In 1957 he recorded “Whole " ‘ '7" ered everyone from Roy Ohbison to a plane "35h 'h Clear Lake. Iowa.
_ . teacher leading his class in a sing- Lotta Shakin‘ Going On." and it ROI-“muI.I.I~Hernelmomc~ Gene Vincent. M0“ 0‘ the" songs Hewas‘22. .
‘ along. Mostly. Haley just mimicked. went to No. 1. He was mean. he were written by Boudleax and Fe- . Hollys death was the most tragic
' ' He was limp. average. But he was sneered. and he had remarkable man. from Macon. Georgia. He Berry was the best songwriter of the lice Bryant. but the Everlys them indicator that an era had passed.
. thefirst. control of tone. He could take a line banged hard on the piano, screamed 5‘“ and one of the best ever. Critic selves wrote some great songs. I Virtually. all the big stars were out
' Elvis. on the other hand. was like “Shake it. baby.“ and make it till his voice strained. and his songs Robert Christgau calls him the best Wonder If I Care AS Much was 0‘ commissmn by the end 0‘ the de-
never limp. Compared to Haley. he sound like he was close to orgasm. rocked right outofthis world. lyricist next to Dylan. and true. good enough to have been written by cade. Jerry Lee Items was black-
was rock hard. and he could go all He was known as “The Killer." and In 1955‘ he hit it big with “Tutti sometimeshewas even better. Dylan. . . listed. Little Richard was domg gos-
- night. In 1954. Elvis walked into in all his songs there was never any fi-utti." a powerful rocker made up Berry had the hottest band They w?” 3‘ the“ hat “"th the pol. Ahd Chuck Berry sew.“ two
Sam Phillips Sun studios in Mem‘ doubt what was foremost in his mostly of nonsense phrases. “Long around, with a lineup that included balladswke All 1 Have to DO 15 years in pnson in the early 605 for
phis to record a song called “My mind. He was vain as all hell. and Tall Sally.” “Rip It Up." and “Lu- blues great Willie Dixon on bass. Dream. Whlcl" were the Mt show- transporting a _mlll°l' across a state
Happiness" for his mother. At the really. he turned vanity into an art cille" followed. and again. the songs and usually either Johnny Johnson 0355. for the1r perfect harmonies. line: 0'11)’ EIVlSi who was'concen-
time. Phillips was boasting that if he form, were filled with words and phrases or Lafayette Leake on piano. Berry A” '" anv "PC“ 5°“85 .°°"‘3"‘°d “an“ "‘05“? 0“ ’“5 .mf’V‘Pi and
could find a white man who sounded Hits like “Great Balls of Fire" repeated over and over. himself was the finest guitarist of some of the finest melodies of the the Everlys stlllhad periodic hits.
like a black man. he could make a and “Breathless" followed. and for It was all sheer ecstasy. and he the era. a true stylist, Rather than decade. ““15. l'OCk ll roll S golden age
million dollars. So he called loyean a time he was at the top. Then in delivered the vocals with the inten- bury it, he brought the guitar to the Finally. from the Southwest came W35 5th down. 1:0 be sure. there
old Elvis back. and in July of that 1958 he married his second cousin. sity of a gospel singer. This was ap forefront, and turned it up loud. It Buddy Holly - Holly was born In Lub- were still great hits by minor art-
year. Elvis. guitarist Scotty Moore. who was at the young age of 13. and propriate. Supposedly. in 1957. the became his second voice. answering bock, Texas. 1“ 1936, and. "‘_ ms 15‘5- But the b'8 men from the 5th
and bassist Bill Black recorded when the press picked it up. he was plane he was in caught fire and he his lyrics in antiphony. Sometimes youth he had dreams 0f making It as had come and gone.
“That's All Right. Mama." With this finished. No matter how hard he prayed to the Lord that if He would his guitar was so hard-edged. it a country Singer. That .was before . .
one song. Phillips and his trio in- tried. he couldn‘t win back the save him. he would give up his evil sounded likea circular saw hitting a E11115. of course; Elvns changed MATT PATTERSON
vented rockabilly. crowds. In the ‘605. he moved to ways. It meant abandoning rock ‘n‘ knotinapieceof plywood. many peoplescareerplans. Some of the biographical informa—
‘ With Elvis. Phillips dream of Smash Records. and since then he‘s roll; it meantturningaway from his After a stint as a hairdresser. In early 1956. Holly went up to tion for this article was gathered
finding an llnp0rli=lnt While rhythm had moderate success as a country homosexuality. The plane landed Berry went to Chess Records in Chi- Owen Bradley‘s Decca studios in from the Rolling Stone Illustrated
‘n‘ blues singer came true. ElVIS singer. safely and Little Richard turned to cago with a hot little song called Nashville for a few sessions. and he History of Rock ‘n‘ Roll, and from
was the first white vocalist who Another great lead piano player of God. “Ida Red.“ D.J. Alan Freed recorded a dozen or so rockabilly The Buddy Holly Story. by John
could capture the sensuality. the the ‘505 was Little Richard Penni- And then there was Chuck Berry. changed the name to “Maybelline.” songs. Decca released two singles Goldenrosen.
RbrtPl Du D k ‘ti i lif ti ’LP
_ 0 e amer, ran uran ma e WCC na e me
By MARY CAMPBELL get. It is only chemistry. Putting knew we were creating something Palmer met Duran Duran mem- events. starting with meeting on the cords. We listened to the tape; it
Associated Press music down on a tape — I know it is entirely fresh. bers. socially, about five years ago. David Bowie tour. he‘d actually worked perfectly. Then we started
an old-fashioned word — but it is “They weren‘t the usual negative. hooked up with this guy. Andy Tay- really thinking seriously about it.
Music-making situations where ev- nothing but vibes. You can get the .. Another strange aspect is I get cynical people. They liked the whole lor twisted John’s arm to be bold They asked how I‘d feel about sing-
erything sparks happen maybe best people and do a professional on fairly well with the media ‘Duran thing; [enjoyed that in them. enough to ask his hero bass player if ing another one. It became a quartet
twice in a lifetime. says singer Rob- rendition but to get something that Duran doesn‘t Ev bod ' thinks “John and I talked about his idea he would be interested in working on all of asudden."
ert Palmer. mostly known for has excitement. you can‘t try to do the . ’ ery - y - in art school days of what Duran this project.
. . . . . y re pretty faces making Videos. .
rhythm n blues. it or fake it. When you fall into A lot of le are oin to have to Duran was gomg to be, before he ac- . . .
The second time it happened for something like this. you’re driven by ad'ust my recohce gtions when tually met the players and every- “Whe the lled m the had . Instead 0‘. JOhh Taylors original
' him was in making The Power Sta- it, the] , 1' ed p'th the p . . thing changed. We both had full 11 dy cal 59' th y 'dst idea 0' getting different Slllgel'S for
tion with bassist John Taylor and "We were in a situation where you maherg‘ ac WI mUSIc we ve schedules. The last time we talked 3m trachs it,“ “1:5 Inge“? :2 a different songs. Palmer sang them
U guitarist Andy Taylor Of Duran can do what you do to your best abil- ' about it. Duran Duran was doing a myusoo? the?" J0?“ was inter— all. They hired a producer for the
- Duran and drummer Tony Thomp- ity, without anybody breathing down . charity show in London at a football casse . , “he . Video and dalgned the album cover
- . . . . Palmer calls The Power Station . . ested in me domg. I booked a flight before Ca ltol Records reall knew
son of Chic. Bernard Edwards of your neck. This thing took all the .. . - ground. Idflown in from Vancouver - - p. y
. . - , , what we did on our holidays. ba- . . that evening. I carried the cassette whatwasgomgon.
Chic was the producer. players Oier. . n to do this one show. The following -
. - - » ~ .. .. . Sically. Duran Duran went on to . with me and wrote the words to the
Palmer 5 first muSlcal perfect When that happens. it can get out k the them m ic for the next day I had to fly to San Francisco to 0 on the lane I caught a cab
‘ situation." he says. was when he left of control and go out the window. ma e e - us - doashow. 5 ng - p ' - . ..
bands in En land and made his first But Bernard can kee the lid on James Bond mowe. Edwards is pro- from the.alrport to the studio. I Palmer says. Company exec-
, solo albumg “Sneakin' Sally Thru You trust the u to khow the ri ht ducing Palmer’s new solo album. knew sesswns started at8.atnight.l utlves were saying. ‘I didn‘t know
the Alle in 19-4 for 151"“ Re- moves to makeg")! g plus playing bass on it. Palmer has “The next time he called me. he walked in and said. ‘It goes some- the boys were so talented‘ and ‘How
_ ds 3% I a . been producing himself for seven was actually in a New York studio thing like this.‘ They flipped. We did this happen?‘ " Money that's
- COITh'e m . w . e m' d ._ d . . years and has been looking for the doing it. John’s inspiration to play played it and it justclicked. made will be split evenly. six ways.
‘ . niable .. P2515“ 95:“ of Teh: Pin“: thThfb first T’S‘gle' $6131:me right producer. for one thing to help has had been Bernard Edwards. “It was a producer I’d never met Palmer says. among the. four per-
: ' Station released this month by Ca- ea um‘ ‘5 me e 0 - him decide which of his many com- Through a series of wonderful and a drummer I’d only heard on re- formers. producer and engineer.
> pitol Records. “It is beyond all our When they started the project. posmonstorecord.
expectations. We're all rather un- Palmer says. “It made us all sort of (fl
' nerved by it. nervous. It is like starting again to Even before Duran Duran was ’ ,
' . “It isn't as if we‘re green about all the extent you're working on a blind formed. Palmer says. John Taylor ' \
‘ the prevalent aspects of music. But instinct rather than what you know had the idea of blending rhythm ’n' 4%»
, , . you don't know what y0u‘re going to works. But we listened to it and blues dance music withpopmusic. G ES 5"“
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