xt7c2f7jt00q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jt00q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1977 1977 1977-11-29 2020 true xt7c2f7jt00q section xt7c2f7jt00q Volume LXIX. Number 71
Tuesday, November 29. 1977

The weekend snow shower brought a revival of that
great winter sport, shoveling snow. UK employee

Associated Press Writer

FRANKFORT, Ky. Lexington
mayor-elect James Amato met with
Gov. Julian Carroll yesterday to
discuss several issues on which
Amato campaigned.

Carroll and Amato said the
discussion centered on UK faculty
and staff salaries and various road
and traffic problems in Lexington.

The two, along with Transporation
Secretary Calvin Grayson and
Carroll's executive assistant Jack
Hall, talked for about a half-hour in
private and held a joint news con
ference afterward.

“I think it is unique that Jim has
expressed a special interest in the
UK budget," Carroll said, “Par-
ticularly concerning funds to raise
the salaries of faculty and staff to
the benchmark” in other states.

The governor said that will be one




an independent student newspaper 1

Donors are scarce



—-Becky I.ulgart

Donald Winburn brushes up on some rather small
drifts on the plaza by the Patterson Office Tower. It

may be a long seaon.

Amato, Carroll discuss
traffic ills, UK salaries

of the major priorities of his 1978-80
executive budget, but declined to be
more specific, saying the budget
pr0posal still was being formed

Carroll announced that Amato,
who defeated Republican Joe
Graves Nov. 8 with the governor’s
support. will serve as co-chairman
along with Commerce Scretary
Terry McBrayer in hosting the Mid-
West Governors conference in
Lexington in July.

The governor said he was “looking
forward to my remaining two years
in office to a positive and close
friendship with Amato." The ties
between the two political allies will
“greatly benefit the people of
greater Lexington,” Carroll added.

Carroll and Amato outlined
several highway and street projects
slated for improvement soon, in-
cluding: —An experiment with
reverse traffic lanes on Limestone
and Broadway during peak hours to
help reduce snarls.

~~Widening to six lanes a six-mile
stretch of Interstates 64 and 75 on the
city's east side. Carroll said the
state hopes to have the south junc-
tion of the dual expressway widened
by March, 1979.

Amato. who will officially assume
the mayor‘s post Jan.2, said Mon-
day‘s meeting with the governor “is
a great start for a new ad-

“We‘rc going to try to start a new
era of cooperation with state
government," Amato said. “We
have been assured the state is
willing to help us on these projects
but initiation has to come from

Amato, who fashioned ‘himself an
advocate for his alma mater during
the mayoral campaign, said he was
satisfied with the governor's
response concerning UK faculty and
staff salaries.

“I am confident he. Carroll has the
same interest as i do in maintaining
the stability of UK," Amato said.




University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

for blood drawing

Kernel Staff Writer

“Highly discouraging" is how the
chairman of Student Government‘s
Blood Donor Committee described
yesterday’s drawing at Haggin Hall.
Steve Petrey said that 75-100 donors
had been the goal. Only about 20
students gave, however.

Students will receive another
chance to donate, though, because
the drawing, sponsored by Student
Government and operated by the
Central Kentucky Blood Center
(CKBC), will continue today and
tomorrow at the Complex Commons
lounge from 2 p.m.-9 p.m.

Yesterday’s drawing, which also
had been scheduled for 2-9, was
ended around 8 pm. when CKBC
staffers and UK student nurses
decided that no more students were
likely to donate.

“I don’t understand it," Petrey
said of the poor turnout yesterday.
“We were here twice last year and
had good drawings." But Petrey did
suggest that bad weather prevented
students from showing up and that
students possibly have not gotten
back in the swing of things following
the Thanksgiving holiday.

Petrey said that a recent plasma
drive for the United Way. sponsored
by Haggin Hall, might have
exhausted interest in donating
blood. “It's unfortunate that these
are the only days we had during
which to draw," he added.

One donor, a Haggin resident,
agreed that the plasma drive
reduced interest in the blood drive.
“From what I‘ve heard in the dorm,
most people able to give blood, gave
plasma in the past two weeks,” said
Doug Knight, chemistry freshman.
“They think they‘ve already done
their part and probably didn’t feel
like getting stuck again so soon," he

The Blood Donor Committee and
the CKBC are hoping for sizeable
drawings at the complex to make up
for the poor showing at Haggin. “We
hope to draw 150 pints each day,"
Petrey said. He said at least 100
pints must be donated each day at
the complex in order for the three
day drawing to be “realistic."

Blood drawings on campus may be
discontinued, Petrey said, if student
response doesn‘t improve, even over
the next two days.

Despite the discouraging response
to yesterday’s drawing, those
students who did donate reacted
favorably. Phil McIntosh, civil
engineering freshman, said he had
“never even thought about giving
blood before." He said he donated

v a a1¢V'1W€"W'D"*W*-


—-Brvky I iiigail

To give blood. it helps to have trust in whoever’s on the other end.
Forestry freshman Bill Spreen was a model of confidence at the Central
Kentucky Blood Center drawing at lIaggin Hall yesterday. while Nursing
major Holly Gabel observed the one-pint limit. Sponsors of the drawing
said the response to yesterday’s appeal was discouraging.

yesterday to fulfill a fraternity
pledge project which requires
communityservice activities.
McIntosh added that giving blood is
similar to “getting your finger
pricked, like a shot in the arm."

Doug Knight, who said he had
given blood before, described
donating blood as “a pretty good
thing, as far as helping people out.”

Bill Spreen, forestry freshman.
said, although he had never given
blood, he had donated plasma. He
agreed with the other students
questioned in saying that he would
be willing to donate blood again.

Petrey said 1,100 students donated
during last year‘s blood donor
program. That was a 60 percent
increase over the previous year.
“This year we're getting more
ambitious«we're hoping for 2000,"
he said. During a two-day drawing
at the Student Center in October, 250
students gave.

“A lot of students would give blood
if they thought of it and if it was
convenient for them," Petrey said.
The drawings today and tomorrow
will be conveniently located at the
complex. Petrey and the rest of
those involved in the program hope
that students will think of giving





YESTERDAY he is prefiling a measure which would
remove the 5-cent sales tax from all utility bills for

Under the proposal the levy would be taken off
electricity, natural gas, fuel oil and other fuel for
household use.

Hopkins who has served three terms in the House,
said at a news conference that his bill would give
Kentuckians a 828 million annual tax break.


are so convinced that Bigfoot is roaming nearby that
some are carrying gum or moving out.

“I couldn’t stand it‘s running around shrieking all
night," the Rev. Angus Long Elk said of the coyotelike
screaming noise attributed to the legendary creature.

Sowith others. the Long Elks are moving away from
Little Eagle until the Bigfoot furor settles down. Some
who have decided to stay are carrying rifles or
tranquiliser gum.

Many of the 60 Little Eagle residents fear that
Bigfoot—or several of the creatures—are hiding in the
thick scrub cottonwoods that surround the community.

The creatures have been described as between six
and nine feet tall and weighing 600-900 pounds.

NATION ‘S WORST TRADE MONTH on record, as the
nation bought $3.1 billion more in goods than it sold
abroad, the Commerce Department said yesterday.

A trade deficit can interfere with production and
employment at home, but the administration says
most of this year‘s imbalance is caused by imports of
Middle East oil.

The administration said other countries are unable
to buy us. products because they are recovering more
slowly from the worldwide recession.

Every category of exports declined except soybeans
and aircraft and spacecraft. The largest declines in
imports were in iron and steel and beverages and

CLEI.LAN OF ARKANSAS. the Senate lost the
chairman of its powerful Appropriations Committee
and the chief sponsor of most of the major anti-crime
legislation of recent years.

The 81-year-old senator. who announced a week ago
he would not run next year for a seventh six-year term,
died in his sleep in his apartment in Little Rock.

McClellan was a conservative pillar of the Senate
establishment and was renowned for his investigations
of corruption in and out of government.

He became best known as chairman of the Senate
permanent investigations subcommittee, a unit of the
Government Operations panel. He directed headline
making probes of labor racketeering, organized crime,
the TFX aircraft contract, illicit operations in overseas
military clubs. the rash of riots that erupted in big
cities and on college campuses in the late 19605, and in
many other areas,


ISRAEL yesterday formally accepted Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat’s invitation to a preliminary
peace conference in Cairo and named two top aides to
represent Israel.

The United States will participate in the proposed
Cairo conference on the Middle East, but it is holding
off on any formal announcement of the decision, ad-
ministration officials sald yesterday.

Sources indicated it was the Carter administration's
belief that any public announcement of the U..S.
participation would solidify opposition to the con-
ference among militant Arabs at a time when there
were signs that opposition might come.

Syria announced it intended to attend an anti-Sadat
mini-summit called by Libya for 'I‘hm'sday while Iraq
unexpectedly announced it too would host a conference
of Arab hardllners in Baghdad.

NATIONALISTS BASES in Mozambique, killed at
least 1,200 guerrillas and destroyed large quantities of
war material. the Rhodesian government said

The most devasting raids Rhodesia has conducted
acrosss the border came as Prime Minister ian Smith
was making plans to meet with moderate black leaders
inside the country to discuss eventual majority rule.

One Rhodesian soldier was killed and eight were
wounded, the government said The raids, the fourth
operation into Mozambique officially acknowledged by
Rhodesia. were conducted “in the interests of self
defense," the military command's communique said.

Intelligence sources said both of the camps were
strategic bases for quernllas of Robert Mugabe's
Zimbabwe African National Union, largest of the two
guerrilla armies fighting to topple Prime Minister Ian
Smith’s white minority government.


COOL WITH RAIN TODAY. Highs in the low 40s.
Cool with rain likely tonight. Temperatures remining
in the low 40:. Rain likely tomorrow. Highs in the upper
40s. Probabilities of measurable precipation 90 percent
today and 70 percent tonight.

Compiled from Associated Press dlspatches



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d editorials 89 comments

News Editor

W In allot MPH-grail" Copy Editor!
a... m Simone Durham run Klght
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Imaging W Mal-to Idler Sports Editor Lym rm
m 3.5.1.] Marlo Illtchell David man may yum
Phil Rutledge
my um. lull Artist flu Idler
Jo: Kemp Mlllam route Mu Clark

It’s decision time for Israelis, Arabs

New York ’Ilmes
News Service

JERL'SALEM— The time has
come for sharp transition—fmm
rhetoric to diplomacy; from the
public exchange of arguments to the
private exchange of pr0posals; from
the useless question, “Whose fault is
it?" to the essential question, “How
do we find remedv'?“




Whatever Arabs and Israelis have
to say to each other to illustrate their
own exclusive virtue and each
other's unlimited guilt has been said
over and over again The aim today
is not to score debating points but to
attain a higher level of mutual un-
derstanding. One of the greatest
obstacles has been the absence of
direct human discourse. This has
never been a mere trocedural defect
capable of remedy by meditation. It
has been both the cause and the
result of deeper irrationalities with
long roots in history.

It is a common attribute of Arabs
and Israelis that they give unusual

reverence to the past. But history is
the enemy of Arablsraeli recon-

ciliation. The past is the adversary of

the future.

The vision that Arabs deduce from
their history has never included the
idea of a Jewish sovereignty in the
heart of the Middle East: a society
impregnated with Jewish memories,
saturated with Hebrew ideas, and
inspired by a legacy outside the
Arab experience.

In the Arab historical drama,
Jews appear always as the objects of
tolerance and intolerance, never as
the bearers of an autonomous
political identity or as the heirs of a
specific territorial heritage.

In order to accommodate the idea
of Israel‘s statehood, Arabs must
make an effort of innovation, not
merely of memory. Their in-
tellectual torment is authentic, and
should not be taken lightly.

Similarly, the Jewish past, by
virtue of its deeply tragic character,
compels a spontaneously traumatic
reaction to every situation. Many
things in Jewish history are too
terrible to be believed, but nothing in
that history is too terrible to have
actually happened.

Israelis, as the products of Jewish
history, are more prone to see the
dangers than the opportunities

inherent in every set of cir-
cumstances. When the cold, stark
refusal of contact is added to these
historical burdens, reconciliation
becomes objectively unieasible.
That is why Anwar el-Sadat’s
presence has a significance in its
own right, irrespective of whether it


ii New Vo-lr TIMES/Mlcha Bar-Pm

has any operative results in the
short term.

Even if the historic current were
to stop where it is, we should have to
conclude that something of im-
portance has happened and that the
Middle East will never be quite the
same again. There are territorial,
stategic and human components in
the Arab-Israeli conflict, but these
have never been its root cause. It is

essentially a collision between two
contradictory visiors of the Middle
East in history.

In the Arab imagination, Israel is
a symptom of discontinuity, a
violation of the natural regional
harmony. In the Israeli con-
sciousness, Israel is a rosumuption
of a primary current in the history of

The Middle East is not a monolith
of a single Arab color. It is a
tapestry of many colors, of which
the central thread was woven by
Jewish experience centuries ago. It
is hard to see how peace can be born
in this world of contrasting visions,
especially if its prospective parents
never meet.

When the Pmident of Egypt
initiates an envounter with a
sovereign Israel in its capital, the
literature of denial becomes ob
solete overnight. The alarm of the
Arab hard-liners is understandable,
and even logical, within their own
terms. A Middle East without Israel
is a revolt agairst history and the
law of nations. With President
Sadat‘s decision, the revolt comes to
an end with incivsive dignity, and
the Arab world comes face-to-face
with a reality that it would have
preferred to ignore.

For Egypt is not just one of 22
Arab states. It is nearly half of the
Arab world in population, the only
recognized center of its policy and
culture. It is only because of Egypt’s
strength—and d Anwar Sadat's
daring in 1973—that the Arab world
has a credible military option.
Without Egypt it is dwbtful whether
it is doubtful whether the Arab world
can make either war or peace.

A single visit does not replace the
need for patient, weary negotiation.
But if it reduces, the exclusive
pretensions of mediation no harm is
done. Even at its best, external
mediation suffers from inherent
limitations. It involves the Middle
Eastern states in the predictaments
of the mediators—in global tensions,
in strategic rivalries, in the cold war
or detente, in parliamentary
maneuvers of intermtional agen-
cies, in the energy problem, or in the
American-Soviet dialogue.

The Israeli Government can
prosper to the extent that it tran~
slates the slogan ”Eyerything is
negotiable" into credible attitudes
and terms.

Abba Eban, a former Israeli
Foreign Minister, Is a labor Party
member of the Knesset.

Acting two-bit parts can tax sanity

NEW YORK—The two kick wee
eating spaghetti. Good, eat rmre of
it. I said to myself.

It was 9 o‘clock in the morning arrl
it was only the second take of the
scene for a rmvie. I knew that we
would be doingthesanesoeneall
morning and well into theafternom.



Once you do smiething in the first
take, like eat spaghetti, then you
have to do the same thing in all the
other takes. I foundout whenI todt a
puff on a cigar in a scene in a bar a
couple of days ago. I wound up
having to use 11 cigars. A woman
named Lillian made me puff each
cigar down to the same length as the
one I had used the first time.

By dusk, my rmuth was a hot
towel. And now here were these two
kids into the spaghetti. I didn’t like
either of the kids, and I couldn’t wait
to see the faces on both of them
when, oh, about 3 in the afternoon,
they found out that they had to eat
still more spaghetti.

The minute I met them at 7 am, I
knew we weren't going to get along.
The girl, dark-haired, was maybe 10.
The boy. light-haired. appeared
younger. As their nnthers helped
them out of their coats, the two kids
were reciting their lines. They knew
them so well they didn‘t even seem
to be saying linesfroma script; they
were talking naturally.

I was standing with a script in my
hand. I had read the thing eight or

nine times and there were at least

four key phrass that I could not
remember. The two kids watched

me as I looked up at the ceiling and
tried to recite the lines without
looking at the sript.

“Don’t you know your lines?" the
girl said.

“Leave me alrm," I said.

“I know all my lines," she said.
“Do you want to see me dance while
I say my lines?”


”Why don’t you know your line!"

I walked out of the room. I went up
to Joe Brooks, who was running the
movie, and said, “I don‘t like that
little girl. If I want kids to bother
me, I can stay borne at my house on
a rainy day.”

“I like her on the screen," Brooks
said. He said it nice. He meant that if
you didn’t like the girl, then you
could stick your head into an oven.

He likes group work. He asked me
to play the part of a man who books
musicians. I read the part, saw there
was no way to wind up looking bad,
and said yes. When I said this, the
movie was a long way off. I was
ending a book that was at least as
important to me as my blood supply.
I proceeded to make the end of the
book longer. And the time between
me and the movie date shortened. So
here I was early in the morning, in a
loft on 19th Street in Manhattan, and
I had makeup on my face and lights
in my eyes. Getting famous while
my work doesn’t get done. And
facing these two kirk.

They sat at tins kitchen counter.
The room fell silent, the camera
started and the nan in the back of

the room barked like a dog. The little
girl put spaghetti into her mouth,
automatically making sure to have a
couple of strands hanging from her
mouth so she would look cute. She
turned around, lodted for the source
of the noise, turned to the table and
said, “What’s that?"

In one part of the scene, the little
girl asked me a question and I gave
her an answer. But when she asked
the question, she did it too soon.
Everything had to stop and we went
back to the beginning of the scene
She made the same mistake three
more times. She's so smart. Each
time we went back to the start and
each time I watched like a warden
as the two kids put more spaghetti
into their mouths. Along about ll :30,
I saw they were chewing more

In one part of the scene, the little
girl whose movie father writes
jingles for commercials, thinks for a
moment, then lifts up her head and
sings out a line that helps her father
finish a commercial. When she did
this, in a great clear voice, her eyes
shining, she always finished looking
directly at me. Match it, she was
saying to me.

At one point, when they had to stop
to reload the cameras. the little boy
wondered around the room and his '
eyes widened, when he saw a
shopping bag filled with games.

He ran over to the little girl. “We
can play those games," he said. As
he was about to show her where the
games were, the cameraman called
everybody back to the cormter. The
two kids went right away. I stayed
behind. I was tempted to pick up the



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games, walk them over to the
window and let go. Instead, I took
them into the next room and hid
them behind a box. I went back to
my position at the counter. At the
next break, I watched happily as the
two kids wandered around the hot
room looking for the games.

Somewhere around 2:30 in the
afternoon, I heard the boy sigh as he
looked. at the spaghetti. Then the
little girl looked up and said,
“Water, I need a glass of water."

Nobody heard her. They were all
too busy discussing the next camera
angle. So I made out as if I were in

"You get no water," I said to the
little girl.

“I‘m thirsty," she said.

“Well, you can’t have any water
until we finish," I said.

She looked around the room. "I
want water," she said. Everybody
was too busy to listen to her.

“You get none," I hissed again.
Suddenly, they were ready to shoot
again. Good. Before anybody could
hear the little girl complaining, they
put her back in action with her lines.

A light-haired woman walked over
to me and said hello. “I’m your wife
today," she said.

I was a little drunk

Sorry about that

The pace of life in the bizarre
seventies. has indeed been rigorous,
especially since Mick Jagger and
Hunter Thompsm made ”nihilist"
something everybody could be.

Leading by exanple, Thompson
and Jagger—among others—helped
make the slobbering, arrogant, drug
gobbling, booze ginzling boor a chic
figure among members of the “hip"
pop culture. It may not be fair to
blame it on these two alone, but none
can deny that in some circles,
“r-ioi" equals “mannerless” these

Granted now, "cool may be going
out of style, and courtesy may be
making some sort of a comeback,
but there remains with us—and I
fear it will be with us for a long
time—one important vestige of the
iuckitallanyway mentality. Read on.

Think back, if you can, to say, the
summer of 1975. That was the
summer of the last American tour
by the Stones—a sort of last stand
for nihilistic chic. Since then, a lot of
“kouth” things have come back into
style: “preppy“ clothes and what-
have-you. Life magazine says we’ve
even become “sensitive and

Remember that last big party of
the summer of ‘75? Remember that
guy who made a lot (1 noise; or who
tried to beat up the band; or who
grabbed your date by the ass and
shouted “hey sweetpea; wanna do
the razzmatazz?"; or who bung fom
the, chandelier in the party room and
tarted at the guests? Remeber when
you saw him the next day andhewas
real sorry? Remember his excuse?

"Sorry about that man—I got I
little drunk."

Those last five words could very
well be the epitaph for an entire
generation: All d in who were old-
protest-the-war TV babies, raised on






$=, 5



Alice Cooper and the Beverly
Hillbillies, who inherited “Let It
Bleed" and “Sgt. Pepper" from our
older brothers and sisters and had to
grapple with the last real moral
arguments against pot in the eighth

As soon as we were old enough to
have friends in the tenth grade who
could buy us Little Kings down at
Foley's or Post Time or Nu-Way, we
learned it was okay to get drunk and
say silly things a- “tell the real
truth" or “go ahead and put the
move on her." After all, man he was
drunk—he wasn‘t really in control.

It was great, wasn't it? The hell
with learning any manners. Just
have a few drinks or take along a
six-pack when ydi went out on
Friday night and everything you did
was cool. After all, you were drunk.

The trouble with that was—and

“on, now do you do?” I said to her.
“What have you been doing with
yourself lately?”

“Commercials, 1 do
mercials," she said.

“Which ones?" I asked her.
“Oh, -I do the Geritol com-


The little girl, sitting on the floor,
looked up at me and giggled.

(c) 1977 by JIMMY BRESLIN.
Distributed by The Chicago Tribune-
New York News Syndicate, Inc.

how could we see it coming'I—we
really never did bother to learn any
manners. We never bothered to get

used to relating to one another.
Anybody who liked to discuss real,
personal things was “weird”; he
made us all uncomftrtable because
we couldn't handle genuine in-
terpersonal interactim.

That’s the way we are today, too,
for the most part: an arm's length
and a glass of beer away from even
our closest friends. What would we
do if we had to go to a party without
a keg? How could we enjoy all those
dances and formals if we couldn’t
get sloshed silly beftrehand?

“Sorry about that man—I got a
little drunk."

How many times have you said
that this semester? How many times
did you and your roommate laugh
like hell after you said it? How many
times have you stopped and thought
about it?

Charles Main is a lournallsm
sophomore. His column is “just
about people I've met" and appears
every Tuesday.

Letters to the editor

Give blood

The Student Government Blood
Donor Committee world like to urge
all students to give blood today and

Donor sites will be located at the
Commons Complex Image from 2
pm. to 9 pm. both (hys.

Studs! Government
Blood Dmor Committee

Good writer

I should like to extend my ap-

peciation concerning “It is learning
that makes us men." It had been
quite a long time since an editorial
as intelligent and as educationally-
oriented as this one has appeared in
the Kernel at a most pertinent time.

Charles Main is a person of whom
you should be paid. Though we
may never meet, I extend my thanks
to you, Charles. Keep us going with
your writing: Keg) the good work

Around Ross [locker
Fine Arts producer

an... ..







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Book losses cost $90,000
Library offers $1,000 to stop thieves

If you can come up with a
better way to trap a book
thief, the nation‘s litrarians
will beat a path to you door,
and you can pocket the $1,000
prize in a contest sponsored
by the UK library and the
Center for Developmental
Change (CDC).

Tom Ford, directrrri CDC,
said the prize would be given
to any member of the faculty,
staff or student body who
submits the best planto deter
the theft of books from the

Theft of library barks and
documents is an ever-
growing problem at
university libraries across
the nation. UK Director of
Libraries, Paul Willis,
estimates that book leases at
UK libraries, as a result of
theft, amount to nearly
$90,000 a year.

The highest loss rates,
Willis said, are in the “p0p”
areas, subjects in vogue,
which attract students as
topics for term papers.
Reference book also attract
thieves, he added “In some

libraries, 20 percent of all
new books vanish in less than
a year.

Willis said the cost of
replacement of the berks lost
at UK was estimted to be
approximately $45,!!!) each
year. “If we add to this the
processing cost, con-
servatively estimated at $15
per volume, the annual cost of
book losses would total

Branch libraries included
in a UK survey of the iroblem
included geology, chemistry-
physics, mathematics.
agriculture, engineering and

Lewis W. Cochran, vice-
president for academ'c af
fans, said losses of booksand
other documents to theft and
otherwise are not un'que to
UK. “This is generally the
case with academic libraries
throughout the country.”

“As the cost of replacing
lost documents increases,
fewer dollars are available to
purchase new publication,“
he said, addding that he
believes that within the



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university community “we
have the needed expertise to
develop such ytens of

deterrence if adequate in-
centive could be rx‘ovided."

The rationale for tie [size
is two-fold. [n additim to the
possible generation of a
number of ideas leadirg to at
least a partial solution to the
problem, Cochran said that

Heart disease rate
is improving in U.S.



he and UK President Otis
Singletary agreed tint there
would be a good chance of
securing outside funding for
an anti-theft project, because
of the magnitude of library
losses throughout the nation.

Thefts from libraries
nationwide amount to more
than $250 million amually.

Cochran said that if the
contest attracts a nun’ber of
proposals, which he beleives
it will, then he would suggest
the organization of a

multidisciplinary team to
develop a more extensive
project proposal that could be
submitted to one or more
funding agencies for support.

Contest Judges will be
appointed by Ford am Willis
with the counsel of the
University Senate library
Committee. The judging
committee will be made up of
representatives from the
library, plus faculty nem-
bers and students.

Representing the library
system will be Ed O‘Hara of
the (Tollection Developmnt
Department, and Larry
Greenwood. who heads the
Circulation Department.

Ford said the contest is now
open and that the deadline for
submitting entries is anday,
Jan.30, 1978. Entries hould
be abmitted to the office of
the director of the library.
Additional information may
be obtained from the director‘s
office. Employees of the
libraries and the CDC are

Other rules of the contest,
said Ford, are:

The proposed method
should be economically
feasible. It must not cost
more to instill or implement
than the university can
reasonably be expected to


It's Happening at

AP Science Writer

MIAMI BEACH, Fla—More and more
Americans are living their way into
freedom from heart attacks and strokes,
health statistics show, but heart specialists
can't pin down exactly what people are
doing right.

Educated guesses ab0ut the healthy
changes in lifestyles include less cigarette
smoking, less eating of fatty foods and
chloresterol, more exercise and earlier
and better control of high blood pressure
Dr. Antonio Gotto Jr. told the American
Heart Association's annual meeting

A basic cause of heart attacks, strokes
and other cardiovascular diseases is
atherosclerosis-the plugging of blood

vessels with fatty deposits, or plaques,
containing chloresterol.

Studies with monkeys and other an-
mimals have produced definite proof that
the disease can be reversed in heart ar—
teries Plaques grew smaller or disap-
peared in animals fed food containing a
good deal less fat and chloresterol than the

average Amercian consumes.

Such experiments were conducted and
described by Dr. William Connor of the
University of Oregon Health Services
Center in Portland and Dr. Robert W.

Wissler of the University of Chicago,.

The evidence for reversal of
atherosclerosis in humans in still indirect,
said Gotto, of the Baylor University College
of Medicine at Houston.

He cited figures from the National Center
of Health Statistics showing that the death
rate from cardiovascular diseases has
dropped more than