xt7c2f7jsz3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jsz3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1971 1971 1971-03-30 2020 true xt7c2f7jsz3d section xt7c2f7jsz3d ,.
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Tuesday, March 30, 197l University of Kentucky, Lexington Vol. LXll, No. lll ”19;! I f I
‘ o “'5': V ' ~. . ‘ c - _. . : ' ‘1 ' e
Election Iou'uv ‘ 4 , 3“ '.
_._____.__‘____ ” “ — ,4 If? I. I- ."_ ' A. .
c d' - w 4-
"I” .. I mg"? IIIIIIIII I . . II: .IIII. ',
ran idates end campawns, . _ ~,
./ W4MT'V'h-II: ’5‘.” i. flea: _ .. ..'. .I f‘. ‘I;
. «Mr . .11.; Mame - g.‘ , ~ 4-, I. .. I . ;
fear small turnout at polls «i —
By MIKE SCHULKENS student to see how much requirement as tildlill} “to f . - -‘ (iv, . ~ 3
AND progress he was making: touards e til igh t c it a n d b r oatle n "I. ' f _ {4'15 ' '- 1' '.
CHUCK WRIGHT graduation and not end up a few under standing of .i notliei a3} 5" . eff/.44 - 1‘ - . " j
Kernel Staff Writers credit hours short. country ” lyctlci'c called lot .. “j; . ' . . . ‘ ' ' . IfI
As Student Government During a question and answer substituting policy where .4 a» '" ""4, WW . {-7
presidential hopefuls closed out period. presidential candidate anthropology and other c't taxes “I. gg , ' , . .I i. s.
their campaigns Monday night. Scott Wendelsdorf explained would satisfy requirements. ' w." a: , v't‘I' ‘. : '
their main concerns seemed to that he was not "against" Legree also discussed student I. a” . " ’ NT '3' i I .- , 'I . in I51”; '.‘
be the expected small turnout at athletics at lTK. advrsing and cutting the number i; , i3 3 " ', 5 W I ..
the Dolls today and tomorrow. A ‘ ‘ l f students want to of credit hours necessar} ‘w h l “ r , - ‘ I f I . V V. -
total of only about 70 students participate in athletics it is the graduate from 133!“ ill). 5' ‘ ' 4 4’ ? . if - I l l ' I
attended the four forums. all University’s ditty to provide the Skip '1 aylor. a presidential , ‘- .3: . I , . . . 4’ .. ,w
held in the Complex. facilities.” Wendelsdorf said. candidate describing himself as ’ W i 3 i i. : - ‘
Mat k Rubin. campaign However. he cautioned. “We’re an "average. common student.” _ , " II - '
manager for Skip Taylor and his here primarily to get an also spoke. His remarks were ~ .4 I If’I . . .. . . _ ,3 . ‘
vice presidential running mate education." In this vein he limited and concluded. “We are " V " ' ‘ '
Len Medley. said that “if only explained he was against funding in this thing to win really." Student government presidential candidate Jerry Legere makes a 'i t- " f
25 percent of the student body a Rupp Arena if it meant llandouts supporting Donald point last night at the Complex. Students will decide todzn and
turns out to vote. why should withdrawing money from more Duck as a write in candidate tomorrow among Legere and three other candidates on who will l‘c 3 ‘I l’. f
the administrators or Board of academic pursuits. were also circulated. but he was the next president to replace Steve Bright. (Kernel photo by Jim If." "-f- ,
Trustees care about student In the core of his speech, not present to speak. Wright) iI.‘ .
gripes; or why should the Wendelsdorf said that he felt :' . " ~ '
legislators in Frankfort do Student Government should 0 o [1 'i V‘. '
something for us?" serve three major purposes. The Ju r fl nds ralle v "ullt/‘f - f‘. v.-I
The remainder of the evening. first is to serve as a y U ' J a ‘l' 7 . '-
the candidates reiterated their representational base so that the ./ ,3. .
platforms and placed stress on legitimate gripes of students will u . . . “The thing that makes My Lat brought at My. H“. 4...... :i..=:.:: - .i Ij
what they felt were the most be made known. The second VPIIJII} so unique. it wusu mm” tragcth phase. '2 H
important issues of theIelection. purpose is to serve as a in a small place.“ he said m 3;] Whatever (mg; a”. 3.”... MIMI La; , pm.--
Ben Fletcher, candidate for propaganda base so that phile‘ interview with The Associated he show“; none ()1 p m mu” \ I'
president, once again stressed neglected problems and Press. “For once. man was 31.14. giggle} man. 5-1mm} and r.i;‘1«ll‘: .
that he 311d 1115 running Imate. conditions can he made known I ,u' . to see all the hells of war at losing the hair that earned 't:ii.. 'I- ' 5
Dave LeMaster. conSidercd to the. public and the legislature. H {—l “S once.“ the nickname “Rtists he , :
academic affairs as constituting This would be done through the In court this afternoon. ramrod straight .h the ienint :‘ .I
the mostIimportant plank of various news media. The third FT.BF.NNING. (1a. (APL (3110334. 70-year-old ““4“ was inttmcd in .2 t3:t--.-:'t:: :.:. F-
the” platform. In the area Of and final purpose “to fund”)? Shaken by a verdict he didn‘t pleads with the jury to spare the i‘ms‘s‘tl‘th "1 '
academic affairs they call for as a legal base SO that students expect. Lt. William L. Calley Jr. 37-year-old bachelor lieutenant's But in ll” ”ll-WW“ 11* k"? .' '1~ ' ' '
more scholarships to needy rights can be defended m the returns to the courtroom today life. The Iawver. George Lattiner Lid‘imm‘ “tilt ”is illlaik‘f‘\‘~l’1il1l‘ I .. " ' '
students. better student advising. courts. He noted that this would for a lit‘e-or-death sentence than of Salt Lake tit». ”In” had it be held mm] Im” m4. “WWII? 'I I I ‘. .
establishment Of a literary only be used as a last resort. “15 can be tempered only by a long called (‘alley a pigeon. “the he was philosophicai about in. IiI J
Journal and an end to the running mate. Rebecca string of reviewing authorities. lowest officer on the totem pole chain m. events ”I“ brought IIIII a
present foreign language Westerfield. expressed the (16.51“? After his conviction Monday in this whole business." ”Om CWHMI \‘Oltllt'r ‘0 ”Ni \ ' e '} ff)» ‘.
requirement. . . . to workIWiIth the administration, of murdering 22 civilians at the The jurors will be int‘oriiied by mass murderer. I; I
__ Concerning adv1s1ng, they said but pomting to the Student South Vietnamese hamlet of My Judge Reid Kennedy that under Latimer is permitted II .' . .
a written statement 0f (,ode conIItroversy she Lai, Calley spent the night in the military law their choice is only PTCSCT“ WltHCS-‘C‘ “‘7 $1.," 5"
com m itment should .be commented, thereIIare places stockade—his first time in between 1ij in prison and death. "extenuation and mitigation" iii ~ ‘ g’ .
- €513thth between the adViser whererou 1.11“ can t'. confinement since he. was Five of the jurors must agree to the sentencing phase but doesn't . " r I:
and the adVisee. This would PreSidential candidate JefrIy charged 11/2 years ago. a life sentence, all six for death. plan to do so. VI .'
insure that the students Legcre emphasized academic He is the first American Should there not be five votes. ()ften ’d PMCDL C1059 “‘l‘dll‘k "5 5‘
requirements COUId not be affairs. Explaining the purpose accused in the massacre;the first for at least life. the jury would or friend will appear in the ,' A. LI". -'
changed. and ‘t WOUId enable the Of 3 foreign la nguage to be convicted. be disbanded and another Scntt‘m‘k‘ PhilSC 1“ 4mm" ‘0 tl‘w , ', '
ggg ;; . I defendant‘s character. I'Ii 'ng
' 5:5 55 s. ‘9 Q' But (‘alley‘s father. a Navy 3 . '_ .
fig; :1 ‘93,. at; . . veteran who lives in (iainesnlle .4’ .~ .3
3f: ""K :1 g “’8 4III ‘ ' , . Fla.. has not been at tht ‘-I' a 5’" '_‘ "
.. i " " " " v 5 5E3” ' I . 1; four-months-long trial of ll‘.‘ i- ' . I.
I. ‘ . "P “3 ' it _ ‘V‘ it ' , '4 .. . ‘ only son among four children. ~ .'
. III, “M‘s m . 1" 44.: II ,- \4 . I”, . . -;"“.J.’=; a "-‘ . lyrgn [W I“Tllllt‘s between the h") “144; II . II'IIzIII I;.I-II
’ ., , :é' *7 . 3‘95“ ./ ’ ' =;- . . '5‘". “‘3' , - . } “g'b’ ‘..- «2-: l‘” mm '“mm W ”" .'
_ ..‘ ' .v saga." ‘ ~ “ , , '15:. .;. XIII if“? ‘3. “ \ -. ,.. . 4- . 4, " I “2', isn‘t my place to tell him h I -II
4:. ,I‘ \ ..« f . g ' it.» I-'-‘§¢5 5% fl g,- "" 4 i. .- M .‘..i=':- §2 , come.” (falley's mother died ,; -' . ,‘ -, -'
4 "..4..,'..:2'?" p v .- I ' 3‘ cm v. - K f . ‘/ \ ’ ~. ;_ 3% :. .I tamer m 1 Wm. tlh 3t -.. x I I
‘5 . - ‘R‘ a”, ~. b,- ” . . ‘ ‘ s4;- . ‘1» ' h .;".€¢4 .5" 5' .434 " ' it ' » lt (Kille‘i t‘\ll.ltl\l\ tithing ‘, .- ‘:_ '4 '
i 53 J 5 3‘ i ' . 442‘ t F $.24! ’ »- W ' r ' " rummu‘ 1“. “m g“ i“, w” .' -,' T- '
”" 4 l ,4 f3... . “W ' t 4 3% ”A. j; ”é . ‘ _' federal eout Is to the \2ptet‘1e ‘ ‘ I. ‘
0:" .. "1‘” I .1 ~ ' ..I-_.,;, r , ' .. I” ”4:... 3 g ‘g I”? ”v, 215 Court. \nd. tiii.ill_\. an} ileatl‘. ' l. ’
I4, «Vii; . .' / y§4;« a ' ~ I .. '“ t :f“ it ‘3 { .4... ' 3 sentence must lie .i; ;~:w\ ed by -I ’ ’
’ vs‘ “‘4”: . J I ‘ -. 3 '> fi 2; the President of I‘ve l titted ' ', - ‘
.454». "ii . i. .Z .. .... c ~ .. I; 4 ;{ ... States. lhe last \\\'illlli'l‘t ' II '. . .t
. I ‘1" 55:1: I ‘1’ WWW“ ”El." “0.. ' a . " ' 34'.» ' 1 [n w 0 g Q d ]\ \ l y] \ y‘ li" \I II ' l I . ‘
:V ”Er” € 1 T .0 ‘31“!ng , ,p "i i "' .itilt in NH ll \ 1 mill"! l i . I :'
. ,s. 3592‘ ’32: "W a. . 3' k‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 4' I i
‘ § ”' Tvfi‘m” J5: f e- I.-. w 3‘ 4 laliniei i .illIed tht ‘lllO‘Y‘IL .‘ . - IiI ‘
’ t S :5 .4. .3" mm. “-I j; *4...“ W .9 f r Hugh and. twire'ido:i~_ .lY‘Li = . "u. I
- - , . . W ~ ., e . «Med ,‘ - .'
"5.4 4".“ l ° kn“ i V. : envy." .4 «Ar . “In“ . ilk-1356:: I. I. it; ”F: (‘ontinuvtl on l"lL‘t' ti (‘ol ‘ 'I V. ‘ I i
" 51:; . -. ' .. » . 444% “~— ”a ~44. . 32‘ ‘ ' ' " ~ _ . -
“4'1"..“5 .-'I, . . 4; f; . .’:“3‘»j;,??‘?" .~'“¢ » 4, I» , . .. I .I.I g rigs . , -I
3, . W ~ ' 3,3?!“ ,,,--,----,,-,-,,,,,-, .I . . .
- “ {A ‘:~ . 4 . . a " mt” ' gbv /" 4, 7 I , \\ ('illlit‘l' =.
i . f I‘Q‘ : ‘I 4-5.; ,' .. . .. .4, ' flit“ " "‘ $4.34“ 333:; ' F: Forecast for [cuneion .Hltl I . . .
I ‘ ‘ ill”? ’9'? V , "L Iifg‘ I'.-"‘3‘«>" 5‘3‘; 14:33 49-5? 57;?" : Vicinity. Sunny and cool tod.i\ 4 I. ‘ . f
‘ ' ‘i' . l ‘I -, is "3.t\ ~" “é? 6i” $2": mm a lugh "wln'wm' m. ”N Ii.“ . "
, I .w . , “-4..“ g 'I ' ' ’ v‘V " "ijfiiév 50‘s. (‘lear and cold tonight with j _ "
" ‘K i ‘ ‘ ‘ l ‘ ' ' HM " a low of 32. Sunny and warmer ‘ ,
This time of year means. among other things, Spring Training for tomorrow with a high ill the mid - i
. o . . football. Yesterday head coach John Ray was out with next year‘s 00's. Precipitation probabilities
Ray ralSlng a reVlval.’ crop of players hoping to get off on the right step and bring about a are near zero percent today. I
revival in UK’s football fortunes. See story on page 7. (Kernel photo tonight and tomorrow.
by Ken Weaver) ,-----------~--~-.~- ‘

 ‘1 , 1111‘ kl‘\ l‘l ( k\ KFR\'FI.. Tuesday. \lari'li ill). l‘l7l ___________.______________________________——-—-—————————————-
I "" ‘
6 t] d ('1' d 01' 3118011 9
a l 6 .1 66
l (is \_\(.} 1 | s t \I‘) \ lle \itltl he kneu of no Jury The judge has the power to news erne S -
iiiry acting after the ile‘lt‘iitl.i|ils sequestered ioi so loikiglilu Ipill!i reduce the death penalty to lite _.
. - . . . . . - . * v ’ -' ; . ‘ 0k ini irisonnieiit
were eiccttd toi .ini-r\ through sogicat itis c I . g
' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' p . i -. ». _ . 4 ) r .
shouts \londa} decreed death tlieiii tht) could dis_nss thc mm The action climaxed a Fr()l" AP 1" I)()r’3 hi
‘ . in San Quentin l’rison‘s gas with anyone. but were under no nine—mo nth. two-part trial $1
‘ . ‘ . '7 . » ‘ , \ ,. . . . s I) cg , n, 1' ', ’ n _
Ullillllhcr l‘lr ( liarles ““15”” ”nd Oblig‘ilmn IO ‘LIH iiilLHlLWS tabbed the longest such criminal MURRAY. Ky. ( ontroversial attorney ‘3 illidm . lsunstlcr CO
1 li re e \\ omen followers 011% . lhk‘.‘ Wild 3“”pr proceeding in California and said Monday night [hilt Murray State Univers1ty president. l)r. l pa
, . coiiVlcted “i' [m savage murders p u b l i s h a d d U ring; llllk ir perhaps the nation. Harry Sparks. and the Murray board of regents would feel pr
. T > ~ ' ‘ anil‘lbixr r'\ ;/\I\ ‘1! .‘tlli \A)\' . , ' _ ‘ l '
of Sharon late and ‘vI-‘x OWNS. -~‘i"¥»‘l“"*"“'~ ”\ “““‘ ‘“-“ . . ., .. . right at home in the Sovrct Linton.
. I \ \ “ LISK, th . , ’1
‘ i “hen the tiny came to court ”light Ull‘lk‘F-‘léllld why ”193' “W" 11‘“ “12““1‘1‘ put 0;] :1: L trial The comment came in an address on Court Square to about ~4
. in my afternoon after 10“ than 10¢de up m long. i?" lguiiltt Illa“ 0 iialt)‘ phase 2.000 people, mostly students. The Murray Student (ouncil ‘ g
. l - . h .- .. ' - .. - ‘ ,. It“ 11“ O W pe . ‘ . ' ,- ~ " . . i) ' ' durin the school‘s third annual
2 ‘ m” lull “Li-H 01 d‘hbgl‘mom' “N “”3 5. M51510“ .10ll0ch was a parade of confessions from Edd .mefd ktmstlcrto 51 eak l.d 12),:4 *d 1»l it ‘s w‘ck 3 Wh
.\l;iti\oii. 3t». shoutedlu-tore any to hours of deliberations over the women—each said they Insight lecture seiics, which 1a ‘ lccdn slc 33.1%,? t 1L :m l gu
. o r t h e penalties were two days. after an eight-week killed—over the objections of Last week. however. Sparks cancet. tic sun; 0 prc 1:» ‘ l
I i ‘“”““”‘“‘l3 119114311X trial. By Wlm'fi-‘t- their attorneys. Kunstlers appearance. (ontracts With three otter spca crs .
“I don‘t see how you can get deliberations for the convictions. 'd M' also were canceled. _ y
' by with this. You don‘t have no which followed a chQn-nlonth The . state SJL'H’ . ansonl ;
' \ ss v\ x ’ 1‘ ' ~ w .. i ‘ . ‘ ' )
authority over me. You're not trial. took 42 hours and 40 U’nkUWfl “ll“ 1f 1318‘? flit DPTROITMFord Motor (Q has recallcd ”5 mil“
' nearly as good .is mtg This is not minutes over 1 1 days. ”“10er 1‘15 robot 01 9‘35”“? production of subcompact Pmtos to correct an engine detect t
lllt‘ l‘t‘ill‘lk“!\'\‘UHI‘II'UUHI-“ Surerior (2mm [Mimi (‘h'irles do them. The women 5‘” I“ which. the company says. could allow gasoline fumes to
x \ ‘ x, ‘ ' -' ‘ ,~ I) i x \' r L ‘
"HI” m“ ““12“ ”NHL“ him ll 01] l " "t \ i 'l 1*) i' )l' torm'il hump “kn HR” ulm’ W. 1 it accumulate and explode under the hood.
out t he 0 three \\ omen ' t “I I“ J l n 1 f) 1 mt” ”W." called “VOl‘YCL” slayings The company began sending certified letters Monday to
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘n 'ii‘ing am i\ -' J .2. . 1 ~ 2 . , r. , . ..
. codetendaiits. their long mm. motion: . l to 111;.“ crispicitintrttiin a tamil} owners of Pintos built between the time production staittd
' ' ._ N n . . i .2 . ~ . . -4 memier arrestec in ie 1111”“ “1' last summer and March I? when \roduction line
\lmt Pd! $10“ [tul‘lklllllb'kl‘ MI A trial Judge 11‘” the power to of 'l \l’tlll‘ll physician. They said modifi itions \\ rt m'idc H ‘ ‘g‘oi
- i 1\ (t".l\'1ti1‘..\\iiek‘tlll . . .. , .. i . ‘ ‘_ i.- .. " ‘ _ C; . ’c ‘ c ‘.
‘ - , .‘. {km ,1! ~ \ l lii m d .. e d l‘dl‘F‘ ‘1 with l mindhimlii 11;: ”N." Wm”d pig 0” ““1”: f” Between ”0 and 100 explosive backfires were reported. a Lm
\ ‘ “ -' *2 tin iris siiiiien . ‘u \‘L! i U ~ . . ' . ' '~ . - - ' ’ .. '-
- e .iniseix es,“ \.ll\i l‘a t rich: 1 I ”(y . l 1‘, . ()1 l .1 1.. wntb ”‘ ll“ Malibu ””lrd‘r' l“ ”m“ l‘ord spokesman said. with damage ranging from a scorched aii ca .
’. . , v .. - 2 12“ ”“l‘h ~ ‘“ e‘ ‘ ‘ “‘ ~ police think the killer still was at ~ ‘4 ‘ , , .2 .. ,1), - , 1~ tl . .. front ‘nl “10“.“va .
. kieiminkei. -n. ll \ flt’lmd 'h'mi'ed to 1m. ‘niiirisonnient ., l clcancr to leLllbl\L c .airing o it on s t k. 5111
, _ .. . c t 5 - I .r ~ il'L‘c‘. . . . _ _
., , . , g- . _ .. 2 ‘ ~c )‘K '1 ur‘s. '
. c\« ilk down [limit ricd 1Siism death penalty against \Mw} Lee The chief prosecutor Vincent in re; )rtct ini it (1“
. t ins. -_. “ oc.‘ \our toors. .‘ y . , _,_‘ . _ ; . a”
= l‘rotcct \our kids]: Aim-r the “247".”‘gm'l‘..317 [‘35: “infill, Buglml- “ad ‘1‘” WWW”: . ciiARLizsrox. W.VA. ~William Wallace Barron. West ai'li
- llldt‘k‘ ”1'31”le 1‘” “I” and 3}” 11;}:ursed Rigmdginfiiui) dwsrc “I" view 0' the nightmarish Virginia's 1961-65 Democratic governor. was sentenced to 1
. . 2 ' shouted: ”Remove \ourselt . . 2 , 0 , i It 3, ,. . Id "‘1 murders. 1h“ dL‘nh ”'1‘”th ,“d” federal prison Monday just minutes after he pleaded gurlty to .-\ll(
~ -2 . - I .. sleeping. ”“ d "3””) 91‘ uni uestionablv the right 1 'b' 1.?" . . f l‘ “d‘ 1 . - . . ~. , - , .
ironi the lace of the carth. . ‘b . l . in mg tic orcman o tic tc cra court Jury which acquitted elm
, ' , , . . g.. 2 .‘ ,, died of urns. verdipt .. . . . g 8 b "b , ‘ . . W .1 ~
g s . \ou re all tools. Leslie \an Under California law the jury - ~ . ‘ him ma 1 6. r1 cry conspiracy trial. Lin.
. ' ' llouten. 31- W115 “5““er 01” 1115‘ that returns convictions 0'“ Asked what “‘15 ”‘9 most Barron. 59. was sentenced to 25 years. the maxnnuniunder “ml
V . after muttering. “You‘ve all inst .. ’ ,‘ d'll'm“ thing about trying I” the three counts of conspiracy, bribery and obstruction of (13.,
. ' ' ' - . ‘ first-degree murdtr or case BugliOSi responded. - .~.,t ,1~.} 1 1"d‘d , ‘lt
' 2 Jlldtlk‘d )‘0UTSClWN . .3- , . 2 must sit at a tenaltv “ * . . s , , Justicc o w iici ie p ea c gui y. H“
» ‘ « The outburst was reminiscent “in“ lr‘lg'xlrm‘ tcstimody and Convmcmg the jury Of this Imposition of the maximum sentence at this time was ”0
' ' " < of others that have peppered the l 1d“ ) L g 1 ,1 't 'd , "d “501”“ heltcr Sktlter motive 0‘ mandatory because Federal Judge John A. Field Jr. granted a My,
' - -. .. .- . . ‘ .irgumcnts to l“ p l “I C Charles Manson. I feel this case .~ , . , d 11 'd‘ fB' ~ .. , d - '
. , long trial. causmg tlu dutcnddnts b e t ween death and life _ defense motion for a stu y to )c ma c 0 arron 5 case urmg wm
‘ t0 be Cjk‘cft‘d repeatedly. - 1 ris inment WI“ undoubtedly reach the UHS the next 90 days. Judge Field said the sentence he imposed 1; rs}!!!
‘ As the first of the women‘s m P t ’ - _ , , SUNNY”) Court. Thls jury would be subject to “review and revision" at the end of that 1 lie\'
' The law prov1des ”0 standards deserves a pat on the back from - -
death sentences were read. two . ~ . . .- .- ‘ ‘ . time on the basrs of the study. R.
. or guidelines for the dccision, ., l f,.1 t1 , 1 ‘t
, women jurors appeared to be 1'=""""r ;. =“t""-l' ’t .um” LVCTYOHC- C} 1‘. Vin“ com
. ~_ blinking bat-k tears. When each (3312;21:11; “11111:. ycxiétungdl {our reflects Community feeling. LEXINGTON. Ky.—~7Tliirteen motions seeking to invalidate .( also
' ' was pullcd US 10 whether the women in the p891 De fen se attorney Paul and dismiss five bribery charges against Lexington Mayor Pro . be ,-
" 4 verdicts were theirs. all clearly Slain Aug 9 1969 with Miss Fitzgerald. representing Miss Teni Tom Underwood were filed by attorneys in Fayette .5 ”k,“
——---—> ‘ _ announced. “Yes." Tate ‘6 pregnant blonde wife Krenwinkel. said: “l fail to see Circuit Court Monday, I E l{;\(
» . . - - -— ~ , . . . . . ‘ . “ 4 .‘ y
. . , Tht‘ 111(1th thanking jUTOl'S of movie director Roman how it helps anything—this Underwood was indicted Feb. 18 on two counts of taking 3:? stud
" ' PTOlUSCIY “Nd shaking ”10 “Md Polanski were four visitors to country. this society. The or agreeing to take” two separate $500 bribes and on three ét;
- 01' each. said if it “'0” P0551“? her mansion Jav Sebring 26 community that kills its problem counts of “common law solicitation" in connection with city E
. _ 2 to give. out medals of honor he Hollywood hair stylist: Abigail children denies itself”the access building permits and sewer fees.
~ would bestow one on each for 1501”“ ‘6 coffee heiress: to inglghts‘ solutions. h ‘
_ . what he called a trying ordeal. Wojieiech l-‘rykowski. 37_ Polish . ~
. ‘ __ , playboy and fiance of Miss F d . t ‘ . : ::
' : ' ' " .v2.;;_.:.f::..:_; liolger. and Stephen l’arent. lb‘. 00 111 Spec 0]. S 83 § 11101 ‘ . 1166 e(
‘ . _. " Wm’fi fifiggfifiéfi 3333'“ ’-g§{§§i‘.§'_g a friend of the caretaker. Slain a o :13”
' '3 " ' ‘. '13}: -,‘,"’§°‘."f¥¢"1 "‘2" $.53?” night lids" “1 lllk‘ll' home “”9 W .\ S H l N (i T () \ metal fragments and. coffee eoiitai‘iiinants. But the recalled ‘ at.
‘ " ' ° .'.5 :1:i-' . , ‘, ., . . . . . . . . . i2:
‘93; 33:1": . \lt- \md “W L011” lalllhmhb (A Pl (1 o ye rn m e nt food whitener and pieces of glass in items illustrate the continuing . .p.
. . 1- 2 f: EVCI'y if): J. 3 wealthy market owner's. inspectors say there just aren‘t cereal are among the more sanitation problems in the if"
. * litter b" 5.3% , 1" WWW illl"lllk‘.\-‘ Jl‘llk'ill‘k‘l enough of them to go around so dramatic instances of additiacs processed food industry. 1"“
7 y 2 i «it; hurts you 3.3;. 2"” '2 shaken l‘f» tllk‘ death I‘\‘“¥llllk"i~ d a n ge i ous contamination showing up over the past six T h e i e g u la r 1 t y of ; 2,14.
J Q ' ”33.5. . ”J 323' , lllk“ lml JVM‘tl WWW lHI’ "ills c o n t i :i u e s i o i urn u 1‘ months in recalled products as contamination in portions of the C.”
‘ l ‘ Emmi 9», ~ m 2352'?» a", ' 33.11? "i llll' “’1 lllk‘ (lk‘lk‘llflillll‘- occasionall‘. in the nation‘s food reported b\ the limit and l)ru.‘l industry. fro/en onion rings. for ‘1'“
' 2 33’ 333%??? +22%: '37:? r ' “mm” “‘“l‘ l""l‘“l‘_ “““l‘l ‘l'l‘l “ilt‘l‘lB- :\tlltillilSlllelOll. example. h.i\c led to a selective if. i,
y 1 Fifi-3:525} ‘bsflfif‘sfi' 5:23.22 Om" * ' ll” “ll“llbl“ “W“l ll“ RV“ 51"” Lubricating oil in soda pop. The vast iiia_iorit_\ of foods are. stiffening of l l).\ enforcement.
’ ' ———‘———-——"‘ lllL‘ \~'“ll~l‘- pesticide iti cheese and iiomllcs. of course. tree of such /\s 2! “NH“ ,1" ”MIN,” ”M the
- ‘ ‘ goyei‘niiicnt . is instituting . HIDE
. ', ll]tlll.\'ll_\-\\HlL‘. \oluniary putt:
. . IV)”
guidelines that each producer isiizi
I ‘ ' . /:\W/E\RDS N IGHT must follow. The guidelines (‘71:.
' 3 - » replace so called voluntary 3,1151
- ‘ . . , | . , ...i..—
, _ _ S d U A I 4 compliance when c.1cll plant ' ,:
. ~ LEADERSHIP Uh G 7 I {Dri was responsible for setting and “‘3:
. l S d C T R AM watching over its own sanitation mm
i , -. lLlI'll
" \ CONFERENCE tU ent en er BILLY G I \H standards. 2 'N
- " 2 y y . G d B H CRUSADE The FDA says voluntary
. 2 . Friday, April 9_._6 pm. ran 0 room compliance is necessary because PIAN
~ ‘ i . . v a .. . All
. 206 Student Center April 25-28 8 p m thc govunmcnts 55 field Sm).
. 3 ' ‘ inspectors are too few to check Dam
‘ Coliseum regularly the 64.000 interstate
‘ ~ food iroccssinr ilants sub’ect to
. 2. Student seots reserved until . l .31 2'. ma
2 ' ' - . . , federal superVision. The primary 6 cyl
. 2 ‘ 3O mantCS before beglnnmg sources of food contamination Cari
" ‘ - / ' ‘. . '.., , . - ‘ . 2 ends.
. 2 KARN I GRAS Of serwces. |D S must be in tactorrcs are rodcnt and lliStLl f ,, .
2' - h 1 Cl infestation. unclean tood 11:12:“;
. s owno oor }. 2 .. --
iandlers. mechanical br'akav‘ - ‘l
- . Monday and Tuesday, . .. . ,, ‘ k“ illfla
. y and machinery breakdown.
2 April 12/ l3__SlOH Fleld Rodent or insect-caused recalls k7::,r
,' starring the in the past six months include ltit'll
. . ‘andv bars popcorn cornme'il ' ~
2 l l? k . ~ _ 7 « “or.
WOLFE BROTHERS’ Apr! ' L K D CONCERT and party dip. Ironically. one Hg“
' ' ‘ ' producer contaminated a batch ' cum;
. . . . ”Hum
. of noodles wrth the pestiCide it
2 . PRESENTS POCO was using to control insects. —
. . . o 0 Food handlers are usually I
' F‘V‘RUI‘y/l Friday, April l6—8 p.m. resnonsible for salmonella
2 . ~. . contamination that can cause
. Memorial (.oliseum . . . _ C
y , Art BUChWOld T RTL RBY . intestinal infection. Salmonella .
" U E DE Tickets go Oh sole March 3l recalls have included whipping ”1
Wednesday, April l4 Thursday April 15 Central Information Desk cream. pecans. olives. and onion
2 . - rings.
2m.~-— r nd 8 Hr om ’ __ _‘ N
8 p G O 0 O 12 noon SC POTlO $300 $25U $200 The breakage problem was
2 illustrated recently when the
Entry Fee $l.00 any student Pillsbury company called back (
organization some boxes of Farina cereal
. ’ . contaminat d w'
Entry Deadline. April 13 .e ".h gm“ from. a
broken light fixture in its
Springfield, 11].. plant.

 4 . ' . V ‘i
,1 I ,' i ,
_________..__________.___.__ . _ llll kl \ It ( M tel It \l i i... at.” w... i. M l'tTl : fl! .
o o o _ . . . _' f , : . _
- ()Vlet m1 Ital‘ 7 6 ates Wll )‘ll'lV (“H (‘|"' "'
c / . c ,c I! III)
v :. ._ i: ,5.
- By WILLIAM L. RYAN WCW Sulltt‘t'ittiL “:1”th Alldtk‘i oi" the Soiiet state” tilll'} .ittei most nap um: ., i . . , ~ » , . ' ' ' - ‘ p
.3 AP SpecialCorrespondent A. .(lrQCilb;). 'Ithtc dctllcnw calling attention to the He praised the in . ' ' -, a , ' ' . .‘i ',
. . minister, pait trim e to iose jm tortan -- (,i r‘,‘ ”u ti . . . it t (,. M .u 37 , . , . .. ' '_ ._ ’3 ‘j. ‘.
A meaningtul debate scents to ... . . t‘ . l . _, .1 . .1 l . '9‘ 1" e 1‘ “m“ ll" w‘” "v " - ' l -' ~ ' w .2 ." . ' .fi ,
- , Stklltmb 0 1m U5“) W “Lt people s living standards. in tact. clct ironic. "UV-cl ..'21:'Lt‘.c';i.f.:‘ .1_ . , ~ , ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' , ' -‘ r '..,r
have been gomg on between the .. "d l _ . \d . H1 ) .. _ _i . . i . . , _ ,
. Soviet military industrial 5”“ l 1k “mt forces “L1 lravda seemed a [mile sharp iii and [‘l'c'c l\l|‘-ll .1 .tiii inqiii sa' .. .. . ' r. H' r“ . -_ . 7.,
» ’ g ' A . .. . . t' ,
. SITICC the last con'ress tivc tears ' o ( . -. ’ ‘ ‘ .. .‘i .y -. .i .: .-. ,, .' . _, . : . .. . .
. complex and the Communist ago 5 3 ‘r‘klk‘milt' It 11ml tltud toi Ia lfitdttslttts toi manliln, t. e ruin“; ,. . . . . _ ,
- » “ ‘ “L K .' 1H)" ' ' ‘ at" " 'aai -i It , - -
party leadership as the party Praised consumers [Stun i re int TL t is ici I} l rtatil dottels \llttl1_ l. . .th Isl. ilti ;.. . .‘ ,, '1; . _ .
- ' . . . . . H) ‘ ; ,. - » - . ‘ n c, i I. .. H,” ._ L., " v . .
prepared for the opening, 0t its ‘ .. . . )l , . o cct n‘oniic int socia tic opiiitnts iii the lkitl o. .iv_.. l.. ( ..i . .. . a‘. .. '_
”34”] Congress today ()n th“ 5‘1"“ day lravda. the problems. in l .s .s i l e — a l' in e d nuclear called ll: main, :_:..::!..-7 'v. . »,r,_ .H j j
‘ , party “CWSWPCT, {”2115th ”10% (irechko. writing in the armed submarines. supersonic Ittlllliil} (‘tliy‘lev wt ltt-S'tal.iii/ai.wi.. .i ’ ' .fi‘ .4‘
‘ On the eve of the Congress, sections of lttdllSer servmg the forces newspapei. Krasnaya aircrat't. various missile s)slct‘.‘.\ the ltnh under Khrudth v >
t While the 5000 delegates and demands 0f the CONSUHWL It Zuezda. or Red Star. made no and so forth. All this. he wrote. 1050 was known as the (Limit, .. .2 ‘- ' -- ,..i
1 V A J ) ' j “ ‘ \I l s. v 4 . , , ‘ ..‘ Y .‘ i- > . ‘.
l guests trom 3” UVU tht world mentioned ”11 defense Ldl’dtlt) bones about what he considered was in the interests ot peace. ot l)e«Stalini/atioii. ', _;‘ .1 '.
l A warning? One reason tor this st it: wt ~ 'f .f
' 1 Was that some kind ot attairs ma} lie that the ;\ti.'scttl .- ‘v .'- '-
* n 61 gl 0111]. Paper sa es ru 6 S warning? Do the military men collectne running the l'lillfif.’ .' ,' ,
: teel the civilians have gone too Politburo is weak. ‘c‘ssk'lll.itii:.. .f "t“? 3 c
. far in trying to trim niilitari The members are igiiisi, l?.i.;: *I ' W , -
to be tested In 811 reme C t sails‘.’ Are the} continuing to average age l\ (K3. and own b; h.
p our insist on their priorities'.’ It is ('enti'al (‘oniiiiittcc- l‘eliind 1".» '. '. . '_ - ', ‘ ' j.
notable that on paper. tor the Mct‘agcs Jl‘H‘ll ht). Young-e: :r.-;:. . ‘_ -
College Press Service publications 0t two student D.W. Suttle) on Sept. 3. 1070. first time. the lite-year plan to are ;‘ttsl‘itt‘:j_' t a clitztl .; ‘rt ,4
WASHINGTON, l).C‘.~—Rules organizations. the Radical Media Their decision was rendered in be adopted by this (fongress ladder. . . p: ' ,‘ ".4.
governing th e sale of Protect and the New Left the case of the New Left ; . ' '2 J a, '1
‘ ‘ u nu u t ho r i z e d ’ ’. o r Education Proiect. tidinggiigim I’roJiggt .ma gnrcmcmi | “‘——————_‘_—f ____________;__———— . '. . _.
underground. newspapers on The RAG countered by filing parties against the tmgml oi “ : i . ~ I
- ~ - ' f . . I . "x' ,_ . . ., 1;,
ca mpus will come under sun August 1. 1969. in the regents ot the tllll\'c‘l'$1l_\'. ' ‘. ‘ ‘ 5' ’
Supreme Court scrutiny if it federal district court to prevent The memorandum opinion I t. . . , . ‘ . -'
decides to take jurisdiction in an prosecution of the case in state held that the regents" rules W , i ‘5‘ “ " .
appeal l‘.‘ the board of regents court. claiming that l’irst and against hawking til inwspapers 'iili' ".. ‘. - '
of the l'niversity or Texas. Fourteenth amendment rights and restricting the nexupapers to iiiiii ' l' . » ' ’ '-
Thc regents. through the State Were being itttftnilk'tl tlt‘tttt. \ \‘Yl‘l l“? llli‘k'lili‘~ " *"llii’th‘l A PPLY FOR A JOB I“ 0w iii”: i. 1 Ti.
' ~ L ’ ” I. ‘ t t l iii ’. l L ' ~
Attorney (ieneral s ottice. tiled lhc tederal court disiiiiss‘ed \\ i t:: tiic liist \tllc :it’i'msrit . v . Li:.,~’ . ., t‘..~ ..". A
5”” Jill} L). 1909. in district without l‘i‘ejttdicc the R.-\(i suit l-‘reedoiiis ot \\\t‘ul.tilt>l‘i. l‘iess will -' i F“ ._ 'i -
_ . W. .. , .. . .. . ._ ,~
court ictlttesting a itcinianeiii dilitmd li-‘s‘ YET—'1‘?“ Wt ”so 1 it‘Tt-l “Fm-'71. if “"11 ad " .;‘ Alr FOI‘ ROTC ‘ \ ? .__. '-
inuiiictioii against the sale and NO". the rules at 'it-1 EELtist lil\l i ce 1 t‘. - ."
distribution til the R \t. Distiict .liidge l lil.ic'~.\\ell \ :1' _ i. c. 91:? {rec-.1- . --
t . , ‘-. . 9’ i.
t.-\us‘tiii\ ill‘i ‘ci‘Ltroiind i‘a wt) or granted the tll‘l‘. t‘l‘Ml‘x a dctieii tow ‘. i', .. .h :1 c i ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ~‘
._ .. ~ gt -, .. _. . . . -. . F .. .. . 203 Barker Han—257-1681 : .-
othe: :iewst‘alteis and reiiztdiiit} iinuncii'n haiiiiing :idiiiinzst..i‘ i 'i.‘\i '1i.i‘, 'l‘i ga'es " ‘ -‘.: ,‘
}‘Hl"ll\.itil =iis . , . l \cept iii RV; sales m. cai'tgmis l’-h. IF. were ""ilttl, iia'jx ‘ t W ‘= ,‘ . L,"_'
, coiiiiiliance with the rules and 1"”). In his \l'c‘sisl‘tli Blackue‘i oveitxxiit‘. “ Consider these pOSSibilfties H ’ t ‘i‘
t regulations ot‘ the 't‘iiixeisit} or said. "i tind the said solicitation The \ 5 ~12" mined . . ' 4. 1 V‘
i l’c\as.” 'iiles and itgtiiatioiis tilk‘ \lai’eh l :4, “an: t :si ii.ii i I . over 581500 “am"? 50/0” ' .‘ " "-
R “1‘ 9" l V rules L."‘.".L"c‘."l‘.ll‘.:.‘ Y‘$:~t‘!‘.::"‘le regulations ‘2: cahii‘as decidi ii :: .ll 7..}\\ lilli‘\ii~_ tit 9 TWO p’oniotnons HI three years t-"- " ‘.
commercial solicitation generali} Conduct." He found them not l‘ntii lite Stirreine ( om't ittlk’\. l 0 Over $73,000 after three wears TI ;, i i '
‘ also specitj. that. newspaper sales disci'iiiiiiiatois run in \io‘ation the R \H can be sold is". saiiiiuis. ”I” .7; i J I, - l z X ..
be restricted to designated at'cas. ot' the l‘iist .i-icl lliiii’teenth \Vhih giiohitvim‘ win; ! I”? W“?
' Detcndaiits names were the \iiiendiiients. selling the R \h eariictl the Tth (find more CC”. DC fig“; flfi";:ii>lcf’" the iii-i ‘ ‘V. - -
RAH. L |l.\l l,l:\(}lf and seteral The sale but was lil'tcd hi. :1 masthead stateirient: “l iitoiiied ‘llill 3., i
y _ - . ‘ l » l w ' . l’ u “ A; F F QOTC 2 Y 7 n”! ililil . J ‘ 5 ~;
Tfi students associated with the iliree—iuuge tedei'ai panel t( ii‘cuit trom selling on campus. It mm .r ORG t " €C‘ Vi 3(3er r1]; .- '. .
#5 Judge llomer ’l‘hornbcriw and carries tl e statement: "l tlltt'xilfL‘ Illtli f--. -' - 'j_'. ~ ’» -‘
3f:- ‘OO”’~'”O'O’O””""q _ ~ ‘ l ' Y I. _ .. > - s ______—_._.___—————————-————————Ji}iii I, 7 . .' . . W
3’ \ t l)istiict .liiiiges .lacr. Robeits and selling Hn campus. I1: -I- “s . s '
. . ~ ; . : ‘.‘ , . .2,
3 Cl iii d ‘ "WWWW—W*flm _ ,_ , . , _ .. 1
. ass e t . .
t ‘ r I ‘ "f f,
ko’to’MN’W’ ' g ’ ‘;‘ . » . :. 1 . :
i o””””oo’~ooo’o”l '. :4 - ‘ n'. I 4
‘ . FOR RENT . _ ‘ .1.
; ’o’oo 'o”oo”l~’~'”” ' ." ‘. . f - -' . " i. ."
. MODERN furnished eiiu'it‘iicy .mai't— , ' ‘- i' " "
Cd ir.i::t- rim. .‘ ours.» trots. L'K . . i V '
4L"; \ : l’t -~ l‘..".‘.(‘tiiltlt‘ or» . . ‘| .' .1 -.', ,' .
“(:1 i. ‘;;ia:.t;. o; rulil'flt‘i .i iii in l Low )3, .' g ‘I
he twist: iigigigi. t 23449414 «Hit: 1 fl f (i t d . .7 .- .. 3
ion scxixiia: tar-mam: mu iu-a— . 0“ ma“, cups 0 a 0m e ' I -. , »' 5-

. » -- ~ a: 1.4-»: vary» » o; -. - (1.53.4 _‘ . . .-
)1 ; Tenant: .e‘ l: viii sti,‘ i'iis‘t. . . 'k 3' 1' . z ' "1“ '
he L use—inn. zqiiai call y0u 1"“ e een . . g . ; ‘. ~*
or siti'iiaiitii ii-iFTNT-x’t. 7 iairirisisea a ‘ 1 . o 'r . .. . t
\‘ floicziais l’iitt'1.\. :75 {Mi ititiiitli. \Valk ~ 0“ In and am a Fla 9 . . . I ‘ .' . . 1

L‘ to same. on. anti 9 pin. 253-1237 , _ . .‘ W .\ J
l k 3ii‘,t__.\5 - . , ., , .. ‘ . :_ . i 4 .' ‘1

I Mo",~’~'l”"~’”4 ‘ ,l . ' J I : ‘
ilk‘ “VANTED For free ‘4’ 1“: _- _ , ,: Z. . W i.
m """"”"""'N."" . .- ’ . . ‘ . .. , . X g .'

* RIDERS I‘l' hart expenses oi cuiii— .. _ a . W, . . g .
t\' muting to 2nd >t’\\lttli suiniiier >(‘l‘ittt'l ' , 7 U , r _- . _. ‘ -s. ‘ .\ , ‘, . . . . .
J from Louisnlle. Call «159-9153 :Lou- . _ . on tour “ ‘1) IO )ottr FlOlld'd. Eds‘Lr blL‘lk‘ (\LT} . 3 ' .‘ ‘ , ‘ .‘
“r mm" “‘th 2031"“ 1 '