xt7c2f7jsx1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jsx1p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1929 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1929 Vol.1 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, July 1929 Vol.1 No.6 1929 1929 2019 true xt7c2f7jsx1p section xt7c2f7jsx1p : 11s? I
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2» ' 3i
THE KENTUCKY yum mm w "‘1 S l
* PRtb *-
3 Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers - I
: W
. Volume One JULY, 1929 Number Six ;,
. W i
l ‘ ' ‘ l
.—.____ , -- n .
-————- Keynote of August Retailing ” “
Hickman Courier, Leitchfield August Is the dullest month In the The Gateway City Gives Editors :
year for some merchants, not so much . . . l
Gazette, Anderson News because so many are out of town, but Splendid Outing at Mid- ;
‘ other Cup Winners , because of the general enervation due Summer Meeting '
’ to the heat, and to the fact that many 1‘
. have already provided themselves with !
Great interest was expressed by the their summer needs. Merchants who We came, we saw—and. were con-
, editors of the state in the Seventh merchandise aggressively and exploit quered! That is'the errpression of every
‘ Annual newspaper contests, Whlle: at timely merchandise appear to be able 89”"? who availed himself 0f the m' .
the same tlmq the entry hst was rath— to swell the volume of sales, The very Vltatlon extended by Ashland and at-
er disappomting as regards to quan- fact that people can be induced to buy tended the mid—summer meeting 0f
tityathe quality was 0f the bESt- Ac— furs in August is proof that there is the KPA- From the. minute the guests
cordingly, the Judges had a task to.de- business to be done if the public can into that gateway City of eastern Ken-
termine the Winners in the various be intereste. tucky, they were royally entertained by
contests. _ _ August Sales Events the citizens for a three-day round of
. In the community contest. which Pure Food Shows; Summer Sale neazure and profit. ,
was held for the nrst' time this year, Of Furs; China and Glassware Sale; .Editor‘B .F. liorgeyand his able as— ‘
six papers sent in their entries: Ban- Carpenters and Builders’ Sale of 5151381113, Jimmy Norris, had prepared .
V1118 Messenger, Rl?hm0hd Register, Tools; Sale of Linens, Bedding, Towels, a splendid program 0f entertainment, '
Jackson Times, Leitchfield. Gazette, etc; Final Clearance Sales; Advance ably aSSISted by the. good people of .
Kentucky .Advocate _(DanVille), and Showing Fall Merchandise; Vacations; their town—a splendid tribute to the i l
Berea Citizen. The Judge, Professor Furnitiure and Housefurnishing Sales; editors of the Independent who are l
Dantzler, head of .the univer51ty de— School Openings; Store Remodeling Ell/mg Ashland an up—to-the—minute i,
, partment 0f EhghSh: worked many and Decorating Sales; Summer Com- newspaper. Th? slangy head .011 thls 3
i hours to select the final Winner in fort Sales; Traveling Goods Sales; article gives Just a faint .idea of ; ;
this contest—his report .is published Home Coming Sale. the good things that the editors en- g
elsewhere. The Jackson Times received August Window Suggestions Dyed. We can only express our appre- - a
the beautiful iovmg- cup, and Miss Out-door sports: Vacations. Bath- 912mm and. we are sure. the appremaw . i ,
, Frances Holliday, the Winsome editor, ing Scenes; Hot Weather; Traveling; tion of all the members of the _K.PA to
. was a blushing, tho happy, “301131th Clearance Sales; Advance Style Show- our hOStS for the three day v1s1t.
at the _Ashland 1unc_heon._ ings; Home Coming Window; School Entertainment l’lus ‘ '
Hickman Courier Wins .Cup Opening Window; Room Outfits; Kit- Space does not permit a_ lengthy é
, The Judges 111 the remaining three chen Needs; North Pole Fur Window. story Of thls “$be W9 W111 try to l I
contests, Professor Griffin, Don Grote, Advertising Pointers give some of our impressmns 'of Ash- g , .
foreman of the Kernel shop, and Pro- Dog Days; Vacations; Summer Re— land _in thls manner—the Wlde and E 1
fessor Portmann, spent the better part sort Scenes; Bathing Girls; Traveling, beautiful streets—Editor Forgey’s grin ; j
of two days in the elimination 0011- Motoring, Excursions, etc.; Clearance and address. or welcome—'the prof- t
teset. before they could arrive at the 53135; School opens early in Septem- itable and interesting limp to the I 3
deCISions. Eight. papers were entered 130:; Home Coming of Summer Hom- Al‘meJ plant—Jimmy Norris always on g
in the Best Editorial contest: Berea crs; Regular Merchandise exploita- the JPb—the. 1100?! day luncheon—the ‘
Citizen Marion Falcon (Lebanon), tionj; Fui's; Furniture, Housefurnish- beautiful residential section—the coun- 9 ‘
Anderson News (Lawrenceburg), Ohlo ingi. Blankets, Notions, etc.; Bargains. try club and the banquet—the bridge i ' "
(County News (Hartford), Kentucky Events Affecting Business and dancmg afterward—the golf tour— 5 z ‘
{titliiclard (Barclfi‘town), Hickman Cour- Vacations; Hot Weather; sports; nament—Carl Johnson, of Pans, was j? 5
ier, Jackson Times, and LEItchfield Travel; Returning Home; Approaching too {much for the re“ .Of “St—the 'E l
gazette. The Winners. 11] this contest $3,001 ope-mug; Opening homes that blushlng. speech_ of the wmner of the ' 1
were. LOVIDQ‘ cup, Hickman Courier; have been closed all summer; Clear- community serVice cup—the address 9f ‘ i
Ohio County News, second DI‘}Z€; and ance Sales; Advance Fall Style in our former senator Stanley—the 'bUSI- ;
Kentucky Standard, thud'prlzg, Merchandise. ness program, instructive, educational, -
J “A‘nillexen entries \veie received in the Compiled by, and printed here, enjoyable—the Wide—awake appearance ;
‘ . - ‘ iound P3139! contest. Somerset through courtesy of The Advertising 0f the stores and 1011519955 houses— g ‘
Journal, Commonwealth (Somerset), World, Columbus, Ohio. Forgey and NOI‘I‘IS, untirmg—the hos- l ,
. gleam; 00$”? gringo?) Turtles, fifen- pticahtty t1(13f che (gtizenS—ttiie wide ,5 ‘
c an ar 7 10 oun y ews, ::::_::: s ree 5—— e enry ay 0 e, an ex- l, 3 ‘
News—Journal Cam b 11 vill — . cellent inn in ‘ — r I
, son News, Beiea git‘iztfn, (Beitlzhlggld 1380;: cm 87% to 71% out Of a pOSSIble ride over U. S. (glfggincgghngog'safi? f 2 J!
Gazette and Marion Falcon M ‘ . ' - . S 01158, an or ' n— ' ‘ , a i
The points on which this cohtez‘t‘nfis The scoring m the from page contest EAshland, thaetlheault‘fffllngtth: 111110523);le3 - i I? ,
gudged was (1) general appearance, 33123? 5210031 11351;; f‘gé%vgln§n§°3flflt§:rg§‘ able—thanks, can we come again? E 3i i‘“
. 0%, (2) local ne 5, 2 , .“ ,, ’. ’ ' . ’ . ' __ _ l ‘ a ‘
I correspondence, 5%], (4)5tgjersghalcilégigg mg, Wlth the factors Judged: Headline ‘ 3 i ‘
, 10%, (5) farm (chief industry) news, schedule, headline content, subheads, BY-LAWS T0 APPEAR SOON “Rf , t l
5%, (6) general news, 5% and (7) edii type balance’ milkeful’i name 101an ' . . 5 ' - 3
, torial, 20%. ’ _ ears, press work, inking, appearance of Our secretary, J- Curtis _A1090k,_ IS , '3 : “
‘ > The winners in this contest were cuts, news story content, news story prep aring the CODY 0f the constitution t
3 Leitchfield Gazette silver loving cup. value, folding, and general appearance. and by -laws 0f the assoc1ation and W111 I 3‘ .
Ohio County News, second and Som: The contest was very close and only a Eggnnfgsufie theHsa‘me ”-1 bogk gormtlflor t3 1‘
: , . ’ , . - m rs. e romises o ave is
eiset Journal, thlrd- The scoring rang- (Please Turn to Page Three) ready within the Iliext week or two. I E 3
. l r r"
. . 4? iii
, i ! / ,

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. I; » .‘g;;;;;;. '1‘ THE KEN ‘
.._ 5M. K E 4 PRESS ‘
1; 1mg; N I U C K Y p ”Y 19 :
~ EMS * Official p R E S S if“? cm in ma
' 9‘ it. - . 9W5 nce ‘
; x 3]“ “bllcatlon of the K stiCKgaEer. agopts thag‘yStem. Until a ‘
= “W1: we SS prosperoalti1n my OpinioSXSt-em’ and .t
r ”ENDS: VICTOR R SS 'A iation Mr- leailtdfhomd DYOSDer1t calm” g ?
_ H. mm; - PORTMANN minimum er explained ' th
;..; 02233;, Pub ”Elf-:13: ' the S number of at no
~: Exigi; “Shed by the Depart. ' h‘“ requirtjcfetadopung the XBVBVSpapers in
:1‘. LI; ‘1; - men: f ' - 0 put 0 and't '
‘ vault"; . 0 Journalism tlon’ Which the audit in 1 ls }
;i mm Puntmi by Th ' Univemty of K the Servi ’ you Understand to Opera- f
I . mM 9 Kern I Cntucky Le - t - Ces of , Calls f v
,1» HM ——'—————-—-e——Pr:— , mm“ W106 a year If ah water once or i
' 3, mafia; Application p ers have thé merely a few DUb- 0’ t
i gym“ '.—————._.————_ ending for Entry as S geheve it Wilfograge t0 t"ry it 113:1}; L
‘1‘ niH-iii —.—.____ econd Cla “116 unt'l e only a I '
1;; Mr; _._________S Ma“ ' 1 all he matter I
g WM P1“; er In K . Wspa e 0f :
l" 3‘1"“ J M ”55 ASSOCIATION OFFICE __ not, intfiiclggiglll ad0pr; f: gag; While {
,, v "m: . , e ’ B. '—____ .g e, b . _ co I‘
-, 1‘; in“; 3- Hemdon 2 Cynthiana Belmont, P;- S gig; idvertismge 13:15:}; Increase uilg E
;‘;:_ {WWW . J06 T. Lava“, M Vans» Pineville Sun v’ice :ldent Stallationwguf1501t1;?1Wing the asgyesttélrllfy first ;
Wu J . “my Ledge. T- ’ ' eeident believe wém ere should b S "1' 3
;I;;l:;'l 'Cm'hs Al ‘ "hes Ch th - d be; ver ‘3’ and I l
I :‘ : [VII #W Wig £211git Year 0n_y figgeresults fmm g ,
i; “ » ’ s°°'°‘m-Treasm, retary of $3 Ewe-r up Witrflikr’zgmers .
I; 51;; 315153135“ b'ghis issuffgclfemom ___#_ EgnuSOfdthe ”25031033120: or the 011:: i
11;» W; a g s o . __ . om .
, 1’! 33; H1: 3 r reyla'ted, four 3. ur readers In an deVOtEd t0 talks - Januar o Somethmg abou m}ttee and I
1' f 3; w; 5 ggfinsed to DUblier: 5:3 form. We had correspondent .dlrected to the co t Attegd meetlng. t 1t at the I
, .«‘g‘ M ‘ S and - . e m' publ' - 111 part‘ 1‘“ Ty ance a “
; d I. a» ‘ meetm - lnutes 0f t 10 m lcular Wa t the A
”WM of the Pr g m thxs J he ho general 0n ; and the _ S excellent , Shland m -
J.» ”Ml. ie e55, but In uly numbe W to write ‘ news gath . dlstan I COns1deri Eetmg ;
Wax. nCy fr 115‘? 1318 r Such news t erlng Ce fl'Om ng the
3 ;.; W; l c0 Om our r ad for 1 progra : e 0., etc 9 ’ Kent Southe great,
g ; g. M ck on eadersg S en- fit ms be of - -- Would . ucky wh rn and
l I‘“ NH. ; ’. aCCount ecl‘etary A 1;0 y0u9 1nterest, tlon Ere man WEStern
L E .51 M ‘1 relatlve of the death 1- co - Could , aIld pro— HSWSpa y 0f the A -
: ~1 Nu‘m; ; th ' has been of a near untry COres you 1ndUCe represe ' pers are publ' SSOma- V
1.; am ; e draft of th “hable to com 1 and profit t pondents to “1' YO“ hu a ntamves drove lshed' some ‘
i! 1‘ MM“ presS time B mlnutes up t p Bte “ColTes hereby? Would lsten in" K n red miles and as far as fOu
. i we; must; WM; so_ the cofllplet _0 our dat p_ondent lunch ,, you hold a €3ntucky am", members in c r g
" title: pape 1. unm the A 9 minutes es Wlth a rad' 93°“ 0n th - mlles Th 8 two hundr entra1 .
. J , a “£3231 . rs glVen at ugust issue letter to t .10 bemde th 6358 Su . ey Were Well ”ed 01‘ more ‘
, . m»— g W111 b . the Asma ' The - he ““0 6 table? A re the A ' ' repald f ' ‘
1.3 M; - e DUbllshed ' nd meet' ' every ed1t r Of the P be“ $500151th , or I am
II ‘ =5; .;; m as We do In near fut - In; gest' or of the St 11355 from er DYOgram has enjo d
: .:: um; “Ct W ure 15511 1011 Would ate on th. Was d I and th ye no .
2 ;:. m: tu°ky editor ant any of es, ge t" be ap e ' IS sug— ehghtful e enteNa'
‘ A“ 213:3; S to g the K _ s IOns 0 pr Clated_ fro ~ Ashlan - . lument
;%3‘ i“ papers that Were Iggertlltleed many gggd filafidly reciiv‘éfim‘fignts wouldAEivsiuig Shigt 12f gefltluc” progrégslgtghggore'
J13] m; ‘ 3 t ,. ' mVersity is h ’ mEmber the hearti e highest t' 01 ”en"
; ;;‘5j' 14m"; THE NEW People ere to Serve ’ state f" ness of W91“ 5 andard_ Th
, m It W SPAI’ER c °f Kntuck you and th '10“ was ' ome to th ' e
, Eat; w; as gratit i ONTESTS °Ver the rad' 3" If We ca e has gamma and ‘ ‘ e Assocm‘
E M“ $11.31 EXCEHent ent ' y ng to read th for yo 10, as in 0131'! n ('10 SO Passed, Our graCIOus_ A W ,
I . 4;;le the new “es that Were 9 many ‘1 to command er Ways it i I am surpri ”Changes ar ‘ eek '
3 .‘ WW . reCeiv d . - Who W - ’ S giV Sed at the . 6 1n and
. ;l m " Judged Spaper , 00ntests e m * a , rltes first!) en the me . pauclty of . z
E '11 {SHE land and prizes that Were UNBUSINES - Chan ed etlng. Perha . notlce I
, ;. «gin; - The 0 1 preSeIlted S'LIKE P g ' Perha p5 tlmes ha
; ; ;;,\ :W‘; her ‘ny draWbac at Ash- . __ RACTICE “Qt Consid P5 neWSpa e ve ‘
% L‘g W” test s0f entmes received 1:33;: Else HUm— magi): fKentucky Press tainmem Bathe; receptiog inglggtedo
; 2 I: ‘: é: ‘ ' - I - n - _ '
§ ,1 M 3131:]; The Communit ur con‘ newspagélrowmg n_ote from a w 1 gohgteyer me reasgrrlalf l'nte'reSt' Burt
i ‘ 13 ”Wt :11? annual featugecontSSt will he made receiVed aggv‘irtlsing agency gélgrifwn auditing-times no menzfo brlef and hi
I ; e Other c , an , to t . yOu f . am f . een )3 Ssociat- , n of Ashl
: r ‘ My ' Ontests ge her Wlth 01‘ pub] . ' Orwardm - the 0 - Ions SB - and
a , I w‘ entry Into , We want is calm {Canon 1n g It '50 plum“ Our ssmns’ I am :
i , :. :; gear in cm. 33231 g an, mugging] 6:1; efiecfigaatctlfgtmn to thetlgalggge that Iangféstake. Simplfgwcsggfiers haVe mag: ;
- 2 xx; r in th 0m eVe T ' e may ' esy dem V
; u»; e state W W newS he not anded
. 1 M; the Kent ' .e do not b - pap" - 8 reads‘
in {heir pap‘e‘fé‘yofidigmg £33323”? mg? £33; in °“r Checking a ' if?“
; :1 3%;114; leve that, {h a thay no 0 lies a ”f the Kent apart‘ CAR
; .1 :3}; Class” rath 85’ are in th 5101‘: be- m are printing d ucky Week- D PRICES TO
I ,g ‘ BEN-1 _ , . er We k e Contest ents_ Thes ead adv . ‘ __ 0 LOW ;
;» ‘1“: Editors 81th now that; 1; th e are an s ertlSe- Ed“;
; . 3.2;»; h er procr - he same 556 plates . man Sho s - or Be“ J h '
x ‘ 441‘». aVe the t, astmate t0 fi are eVld p and V1119 S O n5011 of ~
; ml Plan . 11he to send - I 01“ do not 11 Space - ently Stuck - ~ tar Passes the SteWart
; _;I’,12;;;:: rxght now 1; In their pa damage ‘1; Withou'v I‘Bali - 1“ prlces Char along an id -
; II ;:;;;3; When the 0 send in Ders. . e 1 does to t Zlng the fes ' ged by man ea that
i» M y are call . your entr' Vertlsmg b t he value - slonal card 3’ papers to
4 I w; 1; Contest Th ed for In 165 0 h SO fa. of ad- 5a . S are ent‘ 1' pro-
; ; m; . - e m next , papers a . r as 0th ys- “91y t001 ‘
» . :ilg; Jud e ore the . years 901 thls a . 91' news- II ; OW’ and
fi 1W; insieifle always “gluii‘fglefror” the 3033 35”" is w§§32¥ifisg‘-’?’i°emed- 335519153 matter that lots of '
; ., we * pun- ay b - 1 here - °Wn o Wblish- ‘
1 W 1;»;;;‘{; We Overhea State P y WhICh the K IS en0ugh f - I1. They d ’
‘;:»,;:;;; Statement rd One edito sto ress Associati enmeky that or the“ busine 0 not g“ "
l . WM - pas at Ashland r make a p to these On can put One paper ‘35 Cards. I S
I 3M; ;‘ S on for c that We W. nBSS-ike newspaper ' a that head adVErtnsgS d 86 ‘
; HEW; He said ;. omment to 15h to methods. 5 unbusi- w at $2 per a 5 under
‘ [Hai' I , The A . , 3 Our read If y0u W-l . OrSt I hav year. That ‘
I ; «921m . a rule SSchauon em I 11maul $5 -' e seen‘ M IS the
> .7 :c m: ;I . ' fro mth' . Ought to Should 1‘ ge me for or M, 051; fellow I
; “g M U edltor ls t1m e pasS K Ike to ur a moment a Per year. I 5 Charge .
, WHJ m . ShOuld b A . On, that entucky P ge membe 1 nd haVe f get $10.40 V
I I; wink; I Prlze in th e e11glble t . no ser‘ ' r955 Associ t' rs of the 341101 or a long ti per year
I‘ W; \ e Conte t o receNe 1011le the :1 Ion to C ' doctors 21 me, The la ‘
l :I M; But at the S 3 unless he - 3‘ audit ab advanta Onslder Th . re well am Wyers
. . I W . g _ , 1y ges of an A ere 15m; 8 to pa, ,,
1 - ; I . pnze." w mmmg to .15 Pres at t set forth b B C 02. d any re 5" t°°‘
; , “Mt-1“ hat do YOU . re(Halve th he meet‘ y MI" Ch .r S Should ‘ aSOn Wh
. j 1.2m: II ' thmk e AShl mg 0f the ' andler “Sin not brm y such
; . .. 153}; “ RADIO; . .. about it memii‘fislast Week- Regrgsfgmanon in persgriige qt the papegr tggdfulladvm
Ii iiéfliiI ' t As you know tgngRAMs The cost ‘E’S’Eom present to‘fiia‘flfhme' are 5““ Sgfiilfueg {Eat faét Thrcx’lszs‘ctfia- ' L
s . ; 2;»;I:i' ucky s ' niversi Week__ . Small—o ' - at t is SOr I - at
‘ l I prograni’%‘$:‘:’%vafgteenmifué’: £23;- advamfifé? azgwld detggyn: $311” a “1330?? s35“? Sh°ufid°fcoar9s¥3€m§g .
. . “11.5 3525: you be i‘ltpr each no 0 CUrin ’ 1 e from 8. An $881011. It’ 1' r.
; ;..F;.;; - ~ ested - . °n-Wou1d .g a Iar eventual s a good 0
; .‘;_~. I‘M: g._ “A“ 8.... ‘ w» I In hav Ve - . ge Volum _ y 58‘ _ - 119. g
- j ». 1,33; , “m Wm, 01' at sggggdonei pro- torffigegytfisfihe forciigofofme‘gh ad- flmess-
1 ,1‘ g plmofls’ a 331313; bail: s(qubscription acglgfigghers If Its news of the K j
l 1M; 5% he foundation of wife? paper fraternitm the pintuCky “eWS'
, send it 1“ ess wants i" 3 '
. .;~.~=2’:~:;=‘-.\ ; ' ' E

 1: E V fit>l
' l iii L
t ‘ ‘E
. ‘I , E
July, 1929 . THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page 3 E
E JUDGE GIVES REPORT ON cure a 'Zvater Sgstemt and playeld ha medium it should be. One Minnesota El E
arge par in ma ing i an accomp is - publisher tells how he handles the r0- 1
E COMMUNITY CONTEST ed fact. This work was a community cery store advertising each week.gI-Ie E E
. —-—-—— service of lasting value. The Times save the spoiled papers as the come ‘i E
My. victor R. Portmann, support of schools was constant. It from the press, and cuts out all of the 5 E
University of Kentucky. has made the county acquainted with current grocery ads. These he pastes E '
’ ;. :7 dear Mr. Portmann: the work of Lees Junior College and on a nice card, and takes several of E

i I have studied with as great care as has aided in placing it upon a solid these pasted ads to each advertiser im- » i

E I could command the newspapers sub— foundation. mediately after the paper is out. A E

E initted to me in the Community Serv- The Times has worked for roads and fine idea—and a real service. This E

E ice Contest sponsored by the Kentucky the road will soon be open—an accom- saves the merchant from cutting out E ‘

L . Press Association, plished fact. An examination of the the ad—and gives him an idea that E

E It was a great pleasure. It opened copies submitted justify their claim. you are interested in his business and EE

E my eyes to the great work being done “Through the efforts of this paper want to help him make his advertising ‘

E by the newspapers in the various coun- many prominent .men outside of the profitable. .

E ties in the state to the service they are State have been interested and have _ -

E rendering in promoting improvements lent their aid in helping us to get our ————————'“———fi

5 in their communities. I congratulate roads.” (Continued From First Page) .

3 you in your part in the work, the Ken- And lastly the editorials. The Times E

E tucky Press Association in sponsoring has praised when praise was due, and few points separated the Winners from

" ' it and the various newspapers that has not hesitated to censure when it the other entries. E

; have entered into it with such zeal. had fault to find, but its criticisms The Anderson NEWS. Lawrenceburg, i

i -It was not an easy task to decide have been in such a tone as to con- won the silver loving cup for first E

which one deserved the decision. The Vince readers that its aim has been the place. the Leitchfield Gazette, second, i

{ best interests to be promoted at any promotion of the best interests of and the Kentucky Standard, Bards— .

i one time in one community are not Jackson and Breathitt county: town, third. Other entries include the
necessarily the interests to be pro- I think the Jackson _1mes is worthy Commonwealth (Somerset), Hickman '

‘ moted in another; and further it is the prize offered by the Kentucky Courier, Jackson Times, Georgetown E
not easy to decide what are the best Press Associaltgon. News, Crittenden Press (Marion) E
interests. We have noted the various espectfully, _ . ’ E ‘

1 movements fostered and have attemp— L. L. DANTZLER. NEWS Journal. (Campbellsvxlle), Berea E
ted to arrive at the best conclusion our \ E Citizen, Marlon ' Falcon (Lebanon),

% judgment dictated. Rendering service to our advertisers Gallatin County News (Warsaw), and

. We tabulated the various enterprises is part Of making our newspaper the Ohio County News (Hartford). V

promoted and then as they were em— E
phajsed in editorials and in the news FH—WWWWM E ,

' columns until they were finally g . 2

brought to accomplishment. ‘3 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED :. E E E

It seems to us that one worthwhile x: g E l .

community improvement begun by a PAPER : E E l

“3.13; and persistently supported in . . 3 . E

gearson and out of season, possibly in Mr' Ed_1t0r- .Your CUStomer: a paper user, reads E i E E

i the face of a lukewarm public until .. abOUt certall’l nationally advertised brands of paper in ° , E E .
; iiiigugfimfilivegggier Schiggilllgm 11:3: 3 every 9magazme. Do you take advantage of this adver— f . E l i ;
‘ the paner than to merely give publicity g t1s1ng.- Do you supply your customers With this paper : . E

. to numerous undertakings that may (3 on the1r orders? It costs you no more than the other E 2
have originated _in other quarters. I if: trade marks. Why not stock the advertised bonds and I . ‘
could not at all times determine g secure them from_ g E
whether a project was inaugurated or 3% z i .

. merely supported by the newspaper. I g L. (1 TURNER : . .

‘ attempted therefore to weigh the in— . . _ g E . ;

E~ fluence the newspaper had in general g Lexmgton Representative E . ,
in furthering community welfare. é WHITAKER PAPER COMPANY : E

I wish to comment particularly upon h ~ : a E
the editorials. There were fine ones :: C. A. WALSH FRANK PUND g . E E
in all the newspapers submitted—a g Western Kentucky Eastern Kentucky 3 , ' E E

. blazing attack upon excessive tele- E3 : . E

, phone rates, a ringing appeal to sup- .JENIWWWMM E E E
port a better 5011001 movement, a plea % ‘ ' ‘ E
to parents to guard the health of chil- , ,3
dren, a can to clean up the home ‘ i E

‘ premises, certainly they were fine edi- (yet Your 1E ‘ E

- torials. And one deserves a place in the , , E E

‘ history of American humor; the editor IMPERIAL . ‘

3_ suggests that every Kentuckian upon _ . M91331 Direct From . E E
leaving the State might bear upon his Clncmnati, Louisville, or Nashville Warehouses i E '

. back a placard announcing, “Kentucky . E 3
£31” Progress.” The Imperial Type Metal Company manufactures nothing but type .

. And now finally the decision. That metals. This specialization has resulted in quality and uniformity, . ‘

j newspaper is rending immeasurable hitherto unknown in type metal mixtures. , .

- gcfvice to its community if it promotes This paper that you are reading, the Louisville Courier-Journal, the .
health, education, and good roads and Lexmgton Herald and the Lexington Leader, as well as a majority of ’ E
does so in an efi‘ective way to produce other papers in the state, are consistent users of Imperial Metals and ‘ iE
certain results. A newspaper cannot the P1115 PE3D-_ . .E

. give 1greater service than to educate the The next time you need metal, get Imperial and compare the results. ' ,E

. peop e, encourage them to health hab- E
its and endeavor to give them good CINCINNATI NASHVILLE LOUISVILLE i

. roads. The Jackson Times has com- McHugh EXP- 00- Robert Chadwell Dickinson Co. I '1
paigned for each of these. It gives un— 220 W. 3rd St. Trans. & Storage Co. 119 N. 4th St. . ‘1" l

. stinted support to Dr. Smith in his Main 1150 101 B’dway Tel. 6-8572 City 7951 E . l? l

, enthusiastic health campaign in edi— - i ,: E

E torials and in news columns. This work Imperla’l Type Metal CO‘ f ‘ E

1', reached into the farthest corners of Philadelphia New York Chicago Los Angeles li ‘

5 - the county. In line with this health - E;

‘ campaign The Times worked to se- %— ig

. E} » _ M E 3 .j
' :fii
- ' i it
* "2’ ill
. . E,- . . .

 ., ‘11 r i i ' ' ' """” ., : -::;‘:-; :2 '1‘: r: .
é 7
iv l
I 3 - July, 1929 Page 4 i
I I 4‘ 4 9’ 4 I
i” I - ' I -
I IIIII' H 0w profitable Will y our I
I III: 2:; busmess be m five years ? i
| : :“gIIII '—---~--I4’./ :-' I
‘ in: I 4‘95 11“,. *“""‘i"iii“iIr“i i
i ii i‘I Vii/"1|: / . MANY a ublisher in circumstances similar to g
‘ : I: Iiiiii‘7:ii 5-2552?" 2' / "1'5===.53.~2i:5=‘:§:::‘5§5.=235.1:~‘:::5Z=:‘z:‘5:é~1€i-' P . . I
I z IIiI“ your own wished he had installed a Linotype five ,
i I i ' ' The jobs that could have been handled—the 1
II E I IN I profit that could have been earned—the increased
'iL III, _‘ productive economy Linotype assures—~all have
I i {I Ii been forfeited . . . “Because.”
i ii III“, , A Suggested Equipment “Because” is an alibi. Alibis don’t pay divi- L
f gI : II I 7 for [Wodel 14 dends, alibis won’t make your paper a profitable ,1
I ‘1; :1 . property—adequate productive facilities will. -
1 I t I “I , THE LINOTYPE COMPOS What are you doing now to assure a profitable .~ -m
i If “I1i I TEE ENOTYPE COMPOSES’,JU§ business in 1934? Model 14 isn’t a cure-all. Its
I I IiiiI i T e lnotype composes, Jusu acquisition won’t make you rich over night. But
L iii} ii I THE LIN OTYPE COMPOS it will hel on to attain the satisfactor state that ’
. iii' i-‘I’E'IIEI : . . . P): . Y
13 I II I The Linotype composes, ]lLStl many pubhshers find themselves In now, who
I IiiIII i ' ‘2 "‘ E°“iii;'i'iiniiiéiizsmu cm 3‘3th fiVe years ago. é
' :‘I IiiII I , . Heads, ads, text—you can handle them all on '
{I i I111 i 1 THE LINOTYPE COMP _ Model 14. And a surprising amount of job work, 3
1 Iiii‘ I The Linotype composes, too. You will find the machine paying for itself 1;
.' E 551!le 3. d b tl vinvs it ffect —b the - ,
, I 1 111,11! 1 every ay y 1e sa D e s y pro .
I 1 I , THE IfIN OTYP E COMP ductive capacity it affords—by the volume of 1
: Iii 1 The Lantype composes, work it literally “eats up”—and the ease with ‘
I . I“ I ” ”gem:"iaiiniA‘é'iTziN'em'c which it does it. i
I: i 3 ' This page shows one typical Model 14 equip- 1:
l . “413i L TYPE CO P SES, JU . ' ,
é : i I $I11§Lihbcitoype compolk/hsg’ustifies, ment. Many others are avallable—one exactly
f iiiii ‘ I THE LINOTYPE COMPOSES, JU fitted to your business. Ask the nearest Linotype1 ° 1-
II iii i The Linotype composes, justifies, agency for facts and figures, have a representative 1
f iII I a "‘ ”mini; iaiiifiniiiiuim "D' 2 call and go into your situation thoroughly—with-
I i II is i , out any obligation, of course.
I IIII I THE LINOT Investigate, at least, in 1929. It may be well ’
I IliI I worth your while in 1934. :
- I i I i |||||“llIllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllIllll|||l|Illllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIII II “III" ~
5 : iii: ,1 = . E
, I :j I: ‘ LINOTYPE, LI M ITED, TORO NTO 2 : Representatives in Principal Cities of the Wbrld E
. 2 'iiiiii