xt7c2f7jsx03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jsx03/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1932 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1932 Vol.4 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, April 1932 Vol.4 No.3 1932 1932 2019 true xt7c2f7jsx03 section xt7c2f7jsx03 , E 31 i: EE’E "is; E r
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.3 Published Monthly Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers E , ,E‘e ’. t
E __=____________________._—————-—————-——-——-—- EE ..‘-:
E Volume Four APRIL, 1932 Number Three EE f‘E‘E
___.._———————————-——-________—_—_______ .: j’E :
v V E 'EE -
E . . ..
Dean Of Journalists Celebrates 50th Anniversary E E :4 E
. E ’ ' g ', 5
By ADRIAN A. DAUGHERTY which James Marrs was editor. Most of that day, according to Mr. Sommers. E E f E E
Col. H. A. Sommers, dean of journal- of the papers then barely made ex— 113661 Washington hand presses, which E EE " E '1
ism in Kentucky, Thursday, April 7,. penses. A number of them were run theretofore had been the best presses i E :- E is
E observed his gold-en aniversai‘y as editor as sidelines by lawyeis, and not a few known, being of such excellence and - E E ’ E
of The Elizabethtown News, probably were out-and-out political subsidies. dCing such perfect work that they were E ' ‘E E E F
l the best known community newspaper In response to advertising induce— then used by the government bureau ' ‘3 'I E E
E published in Kentucky. ments from merchants of Horse Cave, of engraving for printing all the pa- ' . ME 7 E EE
E Since 1882, when he and W. W. An— - the Democrat was moved to that latter per urrency. Only three or four Ken— E E E E EZEE
derson bought The News, then already town in 1880. and Mr. Sommers re- tucky papers had better presses. E ; -' " EE
13 years a weekly, from Col. H. M. Mc- moved to Elizabethtown, to which place Other equipment at the outset of the , 3 , E F ‘ ;'
Carty, Mr. Summers has edited it, and came Anderson with whom he bought Sommers regime included a hand press "v . E . "it
E during that entire half—century. he ex- The News in 1882. for large bills and a smaller Gordon ‘EE 7 '7;
. claims with pride. not a single issue Mr. Sommel-s and Mr. Anderson had Price and Chandler job press. (The V 5'.» EE r I E
E has missed the mail. despite the usual been classmates at Rockville, Md, and NEWS tOday uses two Price and Chand— ,4 ix E E. EE
4 run of mechanical break-downs and for several years after that had worked 161“ 10b presses in its jOb department.) . E EE l
. the general undependability of the together as civil engineers with the All the type Was handset in those ., I .. E E
nineteenth century equipment long us— Baltimore and Ohio railroad. days, a disadvantage that many editors ‘ . E E E :2’"
ed by The News. _ . When they bought The News, it was partly overcame by having patent in- ‘ E! E . E E 15
i The News was established August 5, published weekly and had a 01“:qu Side or outside pages, on the opposite .. E E E E ‘EE
E 1869, (during the week. of the total tion of approximately 1,100 The is- Sides of which locally handset news E 1. E fig
. eclipse of the sun, reminisces Mr. Som- sues were four-page folio, nine col- was printed. The News, however. Mr. , I 3 ' ” E E éE
E. mers) by Capt. W. A. Bell. a Confed- umns wide—" ....the same size as Sommcrs complacently informed the E. I sE
i erate soldier, and Judge Wesley Mat— the Woodford Sun is today,” observed writer, has never run a stick of copy 2 EEE ' EErf
this. The paper was published up— Mr. Sommers, referring to the Wood- but what was set in its own office. 2, : 3E, vE EEE
stairs in a building. at the corner of fotd county weekly published by his To set Ithe‘type by hand Mr. Som— 1" ‘ E j» iE'E
l‘tace street and Dune avenue. now the long—time friends, the Bowmar broth- mers maintained _a corps of .31 fore- 6,5. 'E t E E ti
Site of a modern garage. PreVlous Lu ers. The Sun is today the only blank- man and four girl compositors, the E E : ‘ .
E the war between the states there had et—size newspaper printed in Kentucky. latter members of_ which corps picked '1‘, ft _ E ' 1
E been several newspapers in Ellzabeth- The major item Of The News' me— up the disconcerting habit of getting E'E gE -. E
. town. but they suspended publication chanical equipment in 1882 was a married and quitting their jobs, ”So,” E13,; I ‘5',
E 50 that during the W31" and “filmyzae country Campbell press. with a re- he says, ”1 1301131“. a. liDOtYDe. WhiCh E - ‘E
- establishment Of The NEW§',t efl e volving cylinder. which was capable does not get married. . iE E f; E
E town W35,W1t1{911t the famlmes 0 any of making 1,000 impressions an hour. . Advertising. for the most part dis- 3:;
10013311 puthMpltltlelt- M t t R, h 'd ‘It was the best press of that day, play. was not unknown to The News , ,E E EE
L :81 ang .a' E5 53 t1?“ 0 fa m costing around $1.100. Motivating pow— in its earlv days. The paper frequent- ‘ 7 g. ' ' E E
'aiue, W O implove edpape: C13?— er for the press was provided by a ly carried full page advertisemEents, ' E E ‘1
:{derabl}? in? Whto' ac?” “if E) 1‘ large wheel. turned by hand. Steam and more often half-page displays ap- . , 1 i 5 liE
. T “Wu “3” (“11:31.11 1111130151“ man power was available. but impracticable, peared. An interesting“ fact. neverthe- . 7 E ; iE
mfg“??- Affler 31;“? éan te 11:31pm; because it was not slow enough. and [655, iS that there W21? practically no “ 1 l E
a ; 10:. ‘me’ e 5“ ‘ile .ta 5 m {91.0. facilities for gearing the press down legal advertising carried; it did not i 3 . ‘ lE
pa..a.y_sls and had to give 1 up, se mg were not adequate. exceed 50 dollars’ worth in the course ,, ‘ .
t0 Wickliffe Chapman. of Lebanon. M S _ t th t h of a whole year _, 1 E E .Lj.
Cha man in turn sold out to Col. H. r. ommers COHJEC ures a e ' ‘ . i, ,E {l
p . . has used virtually every kind of power In 1885 MI" Sommels assumed full :v ; l :‘E E
M. McCalty, who conducted the paper . control and ownershi of Th N s ., E .E , E.
. a. . ever employed to run a press during ‘ p e ew, 1V , l ‘ ;
until MBSJS. Sommers and Andelson . . bu m. out the interest of And r‘o , t ,. ,1
formed a partnership and bought it in the time that he has been arbiter 0f whyo geturned t W sh' to Sbél’ 1 3 E E E3
. - u 1‘ o a in n, . ., . r .E ,
1882‘ The .NEWSE' dHe begiantwiith tfilggeir whence he had come thrge years be— .: E E E E
° Mr. Sommers had come to Kentucky 130W“ apple as m 1C3 ‘3 m e 1316' fore and where he now lives «.3». 1 f I ; 3E.
., . . . .- . ceding paragraph, and graduated to an . ' - ‘ ‘:
fiom Maiyland foul years mm. to that, . . . . _ In 1902 Mr Sommers bou ht and .. E V.
- - - _ 011 engine, which was fairly effiCient, j . g ' _ ii‘ -. it
in 1878, With two letters of introduc ' m d h‘ 0m int th b 'ldln , s
' _ . 9.: but which backfired occaSlonally and eye is ce ‘0' e 1“ g , 3 E .7,
tion, one to 001‘ Henry watt“1”0n’ - . - which it now occu les at the corner ~' ' ' iv ' “'4
. ~ . - . 1 violently, causmg some little discom- . . p 3 E 'E:
\ epochal editor of the Courlei Journa. . of Dine avenue and Mulber street , E E .;
~ . . _ ~ at fiture to the staff members by eJect— ry , . . .. E‘ ,l . E.
Seemingly thele is no relation bc ween . . aross from the post ofiijce building ’ E t,
the letters and the fact that Mr. Som— ing them forelbly from the office by bein erected _ EEE; .' E "
‘ mers, immediately after arriving in the 1191330115510“ At one time a hy- g . t‘ Th N h (:1 EE E '5, U
Kentucky, established the Hart Coun— draullc motor, run by water .from the In the mean ime, e 8W5 a EEE ‘ ‘1 E
E ty Democrat, at Munfordsville’, He municipal water system, furnished th? changed from a four-page nine-col: EE; I g
had had no newspaper experience prior driving power of the press. When umn paper to an. eight-page of 81x .l, , H E
to that time, and the first line that he the level of the water in the stand- columns. .It continued as a weekly :EE ‘i
ever wrote was his salutatory in his pipe was low and the pressure too paper until 1906 when it was changed it} . E’E
own paper in 1878. At that time, Mr. weak to use. a gasoline engine.” con~ to'a seml‘weeklyv Wlth TUESdaYS find . , 1 iii ,
Summers recalls, there were only two vulsive and fickle as a woman" was Fridays as the days Of publication. { EEE' E
E mghey_makihg papers in the state, utilized. Today electric power does The 111111511211 11111 131;: thangeftgha 56ml; E 3 .I
E Chaddcck’s “True Kentuckian,” at the Work. _ weekly was t at e Slze 0 e pape l] ‘ El} , : ‘
Paris, and the “Danville Advocate,” of Nearly all other Kentucky paper-s (Please Turn To Page Three) i?“ XEJEE E , »
. if} ‘~E‘ ..
it E :‘
it fill l :i
E; E 3E 1 f.
. , ,E E 1’] 1l
‘E‘WE it
« _..',_.:.E'E=I~E i-
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 Tl :; it I till . _ r r . 1
1111117 711 1 ‘e' .7 .
1i; 71 1‘11 23:1 11:: I. . ‘
ii .
“1712' :1 hi :iIE-r
1‘" ‘1 *‘ 44W .
I 3 i if: 'l- .» ‘ Em.
1 5 171‘ 9'} “—4;— ‘ 3
’111l 17 ’1 1:11 th hhhtucm muses
11111 111 RUIes Announc (I one em; ,. “WAN—ix I I
111111 1 17* tut? I932 P . e For betweer: ct’llai published in his P1711932
ill H ii iii if; Five conte'L'le Contests May .1 19:1; 17:71:85 of May 1 193??? paper Shall be Eligible f ____ ‘
11‘1- ? 1' 'r z. s s win , . 1e edit - ’ One 0 ‘o. m .
111“ '7 15111 113 ‘1' ky papers in th be open to Kentuc_ ed on a sheet of f’najl to be past— f the above prizes ore than
11111 11 1111 1 per pr" e annual 1932 n tron of n - papal With the n t The All—Ar
111111 111 {711 11 privileglzg contest and each edgyspg' issue andameflf newspaper dat‘0 a; EVery editor is 011ml Contest ‘1
11 1 11111 111 1111 ' e and urged to , 01‘ ls n d"1 writer’s name v e 0 paper in th' urged to enter h.
1 1 111111 11 '1 in for each COnt Se11d hls entry _e or clipped edit .. ~ 'No ucan- echl 15 Contest. There . IS in,
111 1:111 11 1101112111718 beSt 2111:1770“ EhESe Contests Sidered in this conteztlals Will be con- eaChlzgittoheWSpapers in the 8:15:31 any 1
11 '1 1* II 3" est front 11 neWSpa, Best N ‘ r 1sjust1y . and
1 111 1 11 1111111 711 page best . , per, ews Sthry c duct. 1h . DIOUd of his
,I , ,m , . . nEWS stor ’ edltOrlal b At the re Ontest , . ere are no , .- . pro-
{r t it , . , y, and best ,. _ 1 est ‘ . quest of a the SIZ ‘estllctmn
1111111 1 1111 111 73051110111 adveltlsmg COm- 10152731118 COHtest is Imeer of edi- tio e ?f the paper or th 5; as to
. r .- .g W Th . . petition t ~ Continued f0 n—eveiy one st e enema—
11 1 11 7111 1111 1'" e exhibit this . . his War on 1” Com- In an . ands an equal .
t : t z! . one Of th year promises to b nity news st the best Commu . SW61 to the unst‘ Chance_
1111 11111177171 contest b1B largest and best since the considered 0ry. The factors to b_ tlve merits of the 1011 of the rela-
. fl 11 it Q :E‘t 1.. issuing thégan. The cemmittee a 6 paragraph :8 CtODtentr Sentence ang -paper, tit-e fGHOWmSH-amund news-
11 111 ' 11: ‘7‘ :7: t 15 Call fOr the ire cohe ruc ure, thou ht . Offei'ed; COmments a1.
11 1111 11 17 11 111 0 be Entered, a . newspapers fence, vocabula g , unity, Ger . e .
111 1111 1 111 11 1111 valuable priZes 17d, as In the past, -Community Servic ry, the lead, and firs 391217 .Appearance: Th’ - I
11l i :‘l H l; ruleS and regul E1111 be offered The 1nelude first $156 ialue. The prizeS tht ‘equtsite of a paper a I; ls the '
11 1 711 11 111 f aions f0 - C .. , ; second . Brefore .- B there . .
1 11 1 71: 7 711 0110W. Th 1' Each com; t eltlfiCates C a11d third given the 131., 15 v
11 1 111 11 - 9 papers W'l es t ~ Ontestants , Items COnt" . gest percent . I
l; #1“ ‘ a list it 1; display at the ~ 71 be put on 0 SGlect the best are rEQuired a llbutmg to the b age.
1111 1111 3 1111 11111 mid-Summer m t‘ betwee news story publ' ppegrance Will b est general ..
111 1 1: 1111 111 All-Around 88 mg. n May 1 1931 ished and t V 8 correct ad .
111 11111 11 11111: 11 F ‘ ‘ Contest Each ' and Ma eat com . . Vertism
11111111 71 1 11111111f011§x1v1rg11gud$l$e of the competitors th paper 523113;; t:hbe pasted on aysrlieelt933f1 {”655 work, a 3:13?st ke "up an: .
111 11' '1 7 it t in 1 COnstitut e e notatio ines. Wh- S em of h
111 1111 1 = 11 111 peme a e the ta news 21 ~ . n of ham . lle carto . ead-
1111 111111 11 1117 1111 11: 11 W111 bitiiiiegy Which the naprZIagf tor, Engelhfrige 0? ISSue, name 0f eedh contibute t0 theOgsttiggtvlllustrations '
11111111 1117 ”if 1 :1 G . 3 stor . o the Writer _ g90d general a . Weness and
1111 111 11111 1111711 DEW???” appeararlce, 30 %- local andycou(r)11t311'e3:1 C171").hWEek1y, semi-$291722? hity newspaperp 13:11:15: 9f a 00mmu_ ~
111 1 17 111 ‘11 1 1‘ . , m; ecuntl- '~ a1 "es j , or both - SS10n of 't ,
11 1 7 1 111 1 1 11 5711/11 1 1 y CorreSpOnd Best n the state , W111 not c . e1 her
111 111 11 1'1 ‘1- '. '3 c, personal Items 10 ence, Advertising C - try B1 Ount against a r
1 111 1 171 1111 01” news 1 1 ' 71 %7 farm he Three r' . ornposition . - ack type local . n en- ,
1 1 111 11111 penalmn , t . Ws D 1265 W111 be a Sldered 5 W111 not be
1 1111‘” 71 pl .111 of Sectjo g 0 chief indu t tuCky edit ‘ - _ Warded to K . 3 mar W—he . con-
1 11 7 7 1 1 11111 n Where pubi' sry 015 in this en— tween 1- n Sandwrched
11 1111 7 111 7111111 1 ea] . IShed, 5 - best f _ Contest: . 1V6 new5_ . be-
.a 1,111 1 a 1?: i i111 tOrs Itiwiem, and editorial 203:, :51:— best 111211111222: agvertisement- :5: £3: fetrlmentai to theltgxgralie “Onsidered
111 1111 11 £11 1111 1 1111 , considered - - _ . ' a Vertj ' 'o hav _. appears», .
. ‘1 1 ,1, of In the - for best SEment a e advertlse Let I
3 I111. : t l 1:“ genera] appearan . Scoring . quartehpa , nd $5 page ments on the f‘
11' 111 15 w of front . . Ce Include make- tlsement F ge, or less ad . 0f the first sect" mm; |
1177111111; 171 11 ‘7‘ 1“ and InSIde pa up . actors to , , VGI- the first; a 1011, but no‘ .
1 111 11 1 1 ' gas, adv t‘ - clude t be Jud d . page of th . B 011 l
1 11 7 1 11111 1 11‘ make up and . . er 181mg YDE contest ge in— L e followrn. .
ai :1t'4: .. . schedule ~ compos1t10n h - Value f . , type arran~ 00211 News- Th' g sermons. ’
17 1 11 111 7 , llterar , eadhne 0 Illustrati , gemel’lt of t . ' 13 means 10 . .
111 111 17711171 1 11 11 1 ‘ y eXCEllenCe der onS, selectl0 ’ W0 sticks 0. Cal Items
.‘. 31‘ It? :fit 9 nity serVICe, headli r , 00mmu- and decorative , n of bor— deck h 1 mole emphasized ”‘1
11 11 1111 1 1 trations nes Contents '11 fillment 0‘ material and I eads, or und . With ,
7111 7 g 1111 1111 1 typography and 7 1 Us- V . . L the three f - ”1' range‘ - _ er 11116 head‘ ‘
1 1 1 1 1 “Sm — - Unctmns <1 1n multi 1 s m.
11 1111 1111 1‘1' ‘ Each contestant . Dress work. .91” g attentmn - of ad— clud pe COlumns A1 .
1 11111111 1 3i1- ' ii on 's . 15 required VICtion _ I 1nterest, ‘ es Church n _ ' SO 11‘.-
1, iii i. .: . :5: J e 75116 of his paper from ht” Select Ve t‘ ' The entrles are lim'tand Con_ pital notes d ewst lodge news, 11%—
1? h; , . -::l if , innary and February 1915 files of co‘ tlsements that have b 7 ed to ad- women.s clubeashs’ blrths; SChom nOt
11771 1:11.; ‘ w” - . , ne : . een - i . es, I.,
111 11; 7 1111 1111 i QICh the Judge will scleCt 32, from chin Stants office, ether hand Set in may be collect ems, soc1al, etc, which
”11:". W W! : l1 6:118 to be judged Prizes to bthe best Eaehcompbsition. ‘ 0r ma— ings as Outlinegd under Similar head
111111 . ,' c , -
1 111111111 31 ‘ ll 1 t -,are. first, Silver set. e aWard‘ ve t' COntestant must Se] der his divis' and be consrdered un- 1
11111111111: 1h - 11 hnd, Certificates , SECOnd and y r isement that appeared egt any ad—‘ to be constlon- The Word “localn is
111111 11 l 1 1 car Ma urin rued in . . -
121111? 1:1; 1 3» 1? FactOrstont Page- Content each entfy 1to 1:51 and May 1 gm??? mean news frOm rtfiijlspgstance to |
111 11 11 1 1 1 7 1 , c0 c
1'1 $11 1 ‘ 1‘! .111 ‘ line content; bfieiggged 1nclude head- (t); cardboard withmtchlentrelgt Otn a Sheet tart};1 tgo giecollnmumty territoryOftrig‘lf .
d; . b ,1 Hie sche E nam a ion a p ace of , I A ’-
7111‘1111l1t 374 131 ejiznce, make-up, name Slit: type and nan; Ogfnewspaper’ date of 1:51;: Cpuntry Correspmgggélcfitwns.
1 111111 1171 111 11 ancé press WOrk and inking a and Ju CODtestant. v be Judged and scored 111 cf. Thls W111
11111111 111 710 Of 111u57rat10ns (if an1 )ppeaa A11 ehtrie "9 1° Deadline ment of the items rath ”’01” or the ,
111171 1111 11111 1111 “ ry value, balan y , news S 5 must be in th . number and 1 ‘ er than the
11 117 1'71 f :1 Contrast. Each C Ge, Symmetry, and Eecretary Alcock on Or b f 8 hands of Farm N , é‘igth 0f contributions ,
1M; ‘ 171 ,F ,1 1, select one issue £1712? ls required to 10311121185 can be ineludedeigretgune 10. the interegtksof {11:15 is new devoted to
1 111 117111 11 111 files of Mar h paper from his 8, but each entr 8 Same ha ‘3 farmer and 0
1111171 '111 3 I. N1 wh' c and April 19 1y marked .y must be 1 - v neglected. To m annot
111111 11 1 11 1110h the judge wi . 32, from as to th pain- merits . mat the requi _
111111 1.1 1 1 11 7 11 selevt packa e COntest Of this de . re ,
1 V 1t? l7 r t . Issue to be jud d . c the best ge mUSt be mark (:1 u ' The necema part/merit it is t
l ‘95: ‘ t a g 1 1: ed incl ge - Prrzes to be paper Cont t v. e K.P.A. New _ “.3 ry to have items no
'1 111‘; 1 *3 ‘ :2 ;; i ude: first 5' aWard- re . es, and addres 5 Che head a (301160th under
1 11 1 71 11111 11 and third1 certifiéategver set; SeCOnd Dgrailvsilllel Kcurtis Azlcock SIS/listsgnsfic' that warrantsspfigtiitll ghere are items
111 1 1 1111 1 Bes . ' 7 entu ‘, E 1‘Y Lh . ~ . eadin s_ _
t , L r 1 ‘4; 151 In 0rde t Edftol'ial Contest that the editor 31%;; It Is suggested seftliinlst llttle' or no. farmign g Engage
1 1 1111 11 ”pressing xiii/11171111121709 the Edit-ms 7n iflg that the packag:L hgieybannounc- tion willhifeghief industry of such sece .
1 7 11 11 711 1111 leader 1 1 Hality initi t' order that tfi‘ 9811 sent conSidered in 't _
1 1 7:: 11 1 Ship in th , a We, and 0 e secretar Personal I . , 1 s place.
1 1 1 1 11 1 1111 11'1‘1 the editors 4 S departmEnt Which . “t for the package. 3’ may watch :elative tEms. This means news
1 11 11 7 71: 1111 1 1 Offered i Own, attractive prizes ls Open to Ever N Such of 7311.9 movement of peo l .-
7 111111111 1171 1 1 which will l:hls contest. The factzre Each and every gentevzspaper writeupas fv1s1ting, health mentilzf,
1 1 11 71 11 E1 111 1 ' e consid . Ts every es is - s o individ n,
1 11 711 11 1 1 mg are . ered in th - Weekly or . open to G uals etc NA
1 » . . , . - Subject e Judg- stat, serm—weem . eneral New . ' : ., MESH
11 11 7 1 7 1111 quence matter thou 6- The n y In -th . S- This is u
g z t- : a i . , ght Se- eWS Story . e be that n nderstOOd to
11 171 1 1 11 11 (d- t‘ : community appea] . open to the COntest, 15 also eWs of state 0r nat‘
,. l h a? r 1c 1011, unity figur , rhetoric editor . COuntry dailies acter WhiCh is c 101134 Char-
1 1 11111 71 11 111 11 tuation) ’ es of speech lsurged to . - Every call OUntry news . - l
1 1 11: 1 1 *1 'l , and voc b vPUDC- for Send 1n h‘ . ed upon to . paper is
i '1 ‘= 1' «1 l A, .; fered ar a ulary. pm each cohte t- 15 entries . . I‘eCOgnize ,
1.11 111 11 11 1 1 1 - e: first - Zes of- - 5. Com . Editor 1; . -
£111 11111 111 1111 1111 1 thlrd, CBI‘tificateSsflver set; second and Sigbinielected for gangegzgttestudges subjecteda to Ttgés CEIepartment will be
117171 11:: 1 i 1 .i it Each COntest ' , . i ry will be jud ed . and it Will be c . 059st inspection as
7 11m 1 1 11 7 1 i 1 E ant 15 required to select lotis' Let us make this $1932 on its mer— editor to sggsldfired hecessary for the
1!: j i' if ggest contest of them all ColleteSt the his papeY in; .111 thls department of
7711711111777 - 1 IV‘ ‘ -.. . :
'1'111'11711 1 i 1" ,1‘ 11.11 ° neWS~ leadership, 10Ha11ty, Initiatrve, and ‘1
g . .
11c";\‘\\“1,-,‘\2t ‘17, r

 iii“. «2 .~" 1 -1
' ' 1 u
1 __A_pril, 1932 THE KEN’IlJEKY PRESS Page Three 1 ‘ 11 ,3 1
‘1 i‘ r-‘t
( was not diminished in the least. it established the Leader, making a suc— he was acquainted with so many oc— 131 3 1
1 remaining eight-page and sixcolumn. cess of it financially and in the infiu— cupants of the press gallery, and with 1 1 11
1 column. ence which he wielded through its somany statesmen); he managed Wil— 1 11 f' .1,
1., W. H. Marriot, nephew to Mr. Som— columns} and Urey Woodson, of Owens— liam Jennings Bryan’s first-campaign ,; . 1 1 1 i151
mers, in 1907, at the age of 16, became boro, who converted the Messenger in Kentucky, being state chairman of 1 ‘1 11 1: 1 £23 1
a member of The News staff. He has from a semi-weekly to a daily; he de— his organization. But during all his ' 11 1
been with The News ever since, now served success because he was one of activities he did not neglect The News. -' , 1 - ' s1 1
being associate editor and general the best newspaper men in Kentucky.” Even when traveling abroad for four 1 1 1 1 1 i 1'1
' manager. Mr. Sommers himself has “The Louisville Times and Post,” he months on one occasion he wrote let- 1 1 11 f3 1511‘ 1‘
not worked very much in the plant of digresses still further from the subject ters back regularly and by that meth- ‘ ' , 1 -‘ ! 1
The NeWS for several years; he main- of himself, “both were established 0d guided its course. 1 1‘ 1 .1 ' 1‘11
tains an office in a down town hotel since I came to Kentucky. Both were Because of impaired vision, Mr. Sorn- ‘1 ‘1 11 " 1 1;~.:l‘
1 where he‘ does his work and (from) started with good editors. Emmett mers has not read a newspaper or ; ‘v 1“ 1 1.1;;
1 where, as editor, directs the policy of Logan, of the Times, was the brightest magazine during the past seven years. 1 . 1 1 E
. the paper. paragrapher the state ever knew. Rich— Yet, he has kept up with everything 1 1 , :1
1 During the present editor‘s connec— ard T. Knott, of the Post, next to Wat- that is going on by having news and , 1 " 111 ,f" 1
_, tion with Elizabethtown he has seen terson, was the best editorial writer other matter lead ,to him by his secre— ‘ ‘ 11
1 the arrival, life, and departure of four in the state.” tary. Aided by an uncannily precise ‘ 9 . 11 1
,‘ other papers. The Democrat, Messen- The Elizabethtown News, he "has memory, he is better and more accur— 1‘? 1 f '3’ 1. 1
1 ger, and the Independent all failed, been told” and everyone else knows“ ately informed on current events and 1 1' 13 ‘11 fit
and the fourth, the Mirror, was bought has the distinction that its editorial matters than is the most persistent ‘1 1 11 ;‘ 123111
1 outright by The News and consolidated page and editorial paragraph column reader ordinarily met with. ' , "_,. 11,1 1 21,;
. with it. By the succession of papers are quoted from more than any other “As you know,” he said for the only - 3 r ,3 1‘1
1 . there has been nearly always during paper’s in the state. time that he betrayed to the writer _1 1 11 1?
i The News’ existence at least one rival The writer, apropos of this fact, in- any semblance of possessive gratifica- .‘ 11 ‘11 1",
“ paper; the present one is the Hardin terposed that it was not at all unusual tion in his success, “I am dean of Ken- . :11 ‘1 . ‘1 1111
County Enterprise. for his (Mr. Sommers’) friends, Dan tucky journalism, and my 54 years as ' ' 1111 11 1"“
When Mr. Sommers moved The News M. and A. A. Bowmar, also veteran an editor marks the longest period of _ ' :11 1 1 1 i 1
1 into his own building in 1902 he in— Kentucky journalists, to quote from anyone as an editor in Kentucky,“ ._. 1111 1 11
1 stalled a new press, a Babcock Re— The News columns. His unassuming and matter-0f-fa,ct 11 11 ,
- liance, which was tapeless and much “That's because they‘re good editor- attitude toward himself and his WO‘Sk 1‘11 1‘ 15‘
3 faster than the Campbell, its prede— ials, not because we’re good friends.” is more appositely expressed in the .‘;‘1 51 1,
1' cessor. The Babcock served until two he rejoined confidently. conclusion of his April 3 editorial, re- 1'1 1 ’ 1 :11
, years ago when it was replaced by a The name, Harry A. Sommers, truly marking his golden jubilee as editor: . :11 ‘1 :1
Cranson, with a' speed of about 1.500 has become known all over Kentucky “This is not a remniscence, nether ' :1 111 -11 "‘13
an hour, that being the speed to which and far beyond its borders for his edi- is it a valedictory. It is simply an '1 .111 1 E1
it must be geared'down to be conson- 't'crials. Yet, neWs to chronicle, Harry anthem of rejoicing that the editor, ”=1 11'1” ' 11 1. 1
1 ant with the working tempo of the is not his name. through the providence of God and 21 111 y 11 1
feeders. “Henry Augustine is my name.” he the indulgence of the public, has lived ‘1' , 31 1
r The circulation of The News is now informed the writer, “that Harry is to celebrate with this issue his fiftieth - "j , 1111 1‘ 3‘
1 about three times what it was when only a nickname. My mother used to anhiyegsaiy as the editor of The Eliza- .1 ., ‘11 7 . 1
, Mr. Sommers first became editor. The call me that after my father at home bethtown News." , 1‘ 1 j, l;
1 advertising. ei'lclusive of legal. is about and my brother picked it up. and call- Notwithstanding all that service, Mr. » 1 1: 1 31
five times as much, running regularly ing me that here while associated with Sommers still does not consider his 1 11 : 1 , t1
1 around 80 per cent, as much as it can me in business, others heard it and work completed. He still writes six ‘ , 111.1 1
carry conveniently. It is interesting to picked it up, and it evolved into 001— columns Of editorial matter every week 111 1 11
note that during the week of the edi- onel Harry. But Henry’s my name.” three columns for each issue. He is ~ . 1 1 ‘1‘ 1‘1
. orial ,golden jubilee ‘the paper was Colonel Harry Sommers, then, as he not a disciple of retrospection and 1 ‘ :1111'
taxed to carry 31111751 advertising, there is known has been and is a man 0f resting on laurels. He would probably ‘1 11 ‘ 1‘, 1 1
. being even more Space sold than fer diversified interests, although primar— deny that he has any laurels. , 1 ‘1 ;,
the corresponding period of last year ily and eternally a journalist. He was “I don’t believe in looking back," he 1 1 f 11
1 when business had not sunk quite to elected president of the Kentucky vouchsafed, “I believed in work, in al— 111131
its present low level. Press Association, meeting at Paducah ways looking ahead, no matter how 1 1 1; ,1 1
1 Reminded again by that fact 0f the in 1891. Last year, 40 years afterward, for you get. As long as I can I am 1 :1 1 :1 1
paucity 0f profitable newspapers in he attended the meeting in Paducah going to keep on working_ I suppose 1 ‘11 1 1:1
Kentucky when he came here in 1878. and delivered an address at the asso— the last thing I‘ll ever do will be to 1 1| 1 1 311
_ Mr. Sommers remarked that now near— elation banquet. write!” ' -‘ j , ‘ 1
' ly all Kentucky newspapers more than He served 14 years as vice-president ___.__._————— ' ,' ' 1 ‘ 1:1
‘ make expenses, and that 30 or 40 are of the Federal Land Bank in Louis- The annual Clean Up, Paint Up and 1, ‘1 11“
actually operating at a pI'Ofit- ville, was president of the Kentucky Fix Up editorial deserves an immense 11,,- lg
Tall, hoary, iron—visaged, trimly mus- Good Roads association many years, amount of thought and much careful ‘ 1 11‘ 1 1‘ 11
" tached, erect in carriage, slightly ner— he called the first Good Roads meet- preparation, It is just as important to ' 1|: 1 ‘1
1 vous, the 77—year-old pioneer journal- ing, and was the only one to make dress up your town as it is for the .‘1 1 '
ist is talkatively reticent about him— speeches to amend the state eonsfi- citizens to dress up. The town loafer 1111 1 1'1
self. paradoxically as that reads. That tution to obtain state aid for the high- may get, by on character_ The mm. 1111 1 . 1 . 1
1 15‘ the Dames questions about himse” ways. He is president of the Kentucky shackle building may have historical 1;; 1 1‘ g
i by talking about others whom he has Sunday School association, he has been associations which make it interesting; 1 1,: 13
1‘ known in the field of journalism, say- from its inception at the beginning of but if there is lack of character in an ‘ ' ‘ 1 1 ,1
ing that .there isn’t anything about the war, and still is, chairman of the unkempt citizen, a run—down building , . 1 , . ,1
me that is likely to interest anybody!” local chapter of the American Red or dirty streets and alleys, they are 1 1 j 1
1 “Two remarkable men in Kentucky Cross. about as detrimental to a town as any- ‘ 1111' j:
1 , journalism,” he prefers to recount in He has been most active in political thing could be. When you write your 5 1 1 1
113 his evlen, steady, firmly convincing affairs until very recently; he served editorial combating these plagues, see 1 1 1‘ .1
. *1 voice, “have been Sam Roberts who one year as Washington correspon— that it contains real gospel exhorta- M1 , '1 ,1
1 came to Lexington from Canton and dent for the Louisville Times( because tion. V ‘1111 1 31
1 ,,r 3 1 111 .5
1 - 11:. 9511‘ 1 l‘
111 1 a
1 ' 331‘ 1 1
' ‘ . :11 11‘ 1
. '1‘11 11 '1’,‘ 1:3
- ~ - ,1»; 1

 .II I - :1: 11:1 ~ 1
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2,11 11 11111: .
11': 1,331 1111.‘ ‘ 1
411111 1 #7111
£11: . '1 11111 1
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11 1 1: 111111 1 I.
1131 1‘ 111; 1 , ' ‘I
I 1.1 :1? I I
‘I‘111I‘ 1‘ 11- 511‘ I . ;
' I-r' .1 11 I11 1.
I11; 1 1 I11 I. 1 '
119 i {I
111 1 ,1‘ 11 1 THERE is a new day before us; a day _1 '
‘11 ‘ sin I a: 1
‘ III 11 ' ‘
. 1111-1 111 111 g of change; a day when we must part company 1
f: :1 2 I11 I: . .
111; 1 I1 111 '; wnh much of the past; must put aSIde our worn 1
2 311," _
1; III.‘ 1 {I} I1 1 out tools; must learn new hahlts of thoutrht,new
I.;I1I x 1 :III U 1
a. I' I :II . .
1'; 1 1'1 ‘1 11 3 ways to do thlngs. 50 shall we rebulld. 1
E 1» II 21 1‘ TI '
1 1,11 -I~ 11-I1 1 1
- 1 111 1311121 1I Let us kcc our faces turned toward 11
I I 1 '1‘ ‘11 p ‘
I11 111 1’1 1 if that inorrow with minds open, alert. No tears 1 1
I': II I 1 ‘II I . 1
’1111 I1 111 I111 for “the good old days”; the days to come will 1
‘11 111 1‘ 131 E be different but better. 1 I '
I11 2111 1 .11 1211
.1111. 1.11 1 For more than fifty years, Linotype has . I1
1:11. 5 1 111 31.19
321111 1‘: 5'1 jI 00 aimed to keep a step ahead of the industry it
11: 11 1 1‘11 551 11 serves. Through ceaseless research, it has strlvcn ‘
I :1 I I 1, I f- . r
I; 11; I #1 1 to haveeachnewtoolreadywhen prlnters should 1
31 1:1 - M1 ‘11 {I '
‘1 111 i 1‘ 1,1111: need it. And throu 11 this )olicy of stead 1
I11 I 1 g 1 . Y .
a - : I“: .11 z . . . I
1 1111.1 1 1'11 ea growth, of supplying every needed ald, 1t has 1 I
\ 1. I : M 111 ‘ V 1
1‘ 1» '1 31 ‘.= . . 1
11111 1 1;; Dy 11 1 put an everlnounting share of the world’s prlnt- 1 1
11.,“ ":41 . I 1
:11" 1‘ ‘EI - ;:;1‘ . . . 1
; 111 1.111 111 111. mg on Llnotype slugs. . 1- I
1’13; 1:”:1 . ‘ E
I; l.‘ 1?; II; In For fiftV Tears, the field of the Linotv )e .
1‘I12I1 1,11 ‘:I1,I v) .1
1 :1: 1‘II‘ .
1111111112111 ‘1‘111 has spread, steadily, surely. In the changcful 1
13: I11: :I 1 I%;. 11 . _ 1
11-111 '1‘ ‘ 1‘ 11 days ahead, this field wfll expand at a far swiftcr 1 1
1.11. I
11-11 I1 1111 1 "1 pace. Tomorrow, management will cast a qucs- I
113.1'I '71 . .
11 1‘ 11 ' 1 ~ 11 {I 1 ' tionlng eye 011 every operation and ask, “How
2'1: a . .
1I {1 1 1,: 1 1 can thls he done better, qtucker, more econom-
111'11 11' =1 1 . .
1.11111 .11 1 1311 11 lcally?” Tomorrow, the prlnters of the world
3,15 I1 2111 I‘1
1 1 11: ‘ 11 I11 1 1 ~ will come to Linotype with new and greater dc-
“‘1'1111 I111I I
1" 1' '1 111 EI- 911111ands. '-
11'3"?! “11
1111 ' 111‘ :11 11 Linotype, confident in its record of 1
21'1111‘ 31, ' . . . d
1 1 111 11 13 1: 1 fifty years’leadersh1p,1ts eyes to the future, Wlll .1
I - I I : ‘I.
I 1,111 2 11 I EI i1" be ready to meet them. 1
I 2 - 11 I .I la:
1 1 :j 1; I I
: :3. .1 1
III 1:; :1 I
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1 11 11 v j 1 BRO0KLYN, NEW YORK _
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