xt7c2f7jsv8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jsv8p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2003 text GLSO News, April 2003 2003 2003-04 2019 true xt7c2f7jsv8p section xt7c2f7jsv8p _"—'f .. « _.__ GAY and
Lexington. Kentucky Apr” 2003
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 4
FAISIES AWARDS 77m 7o: 74%;». , , We:
The Seventh Annual Falsies Awards Th L _ t M , Ch , F'fth
will be handed out Tuesday April 8 at the A 6| Dennis” Fen: , out?“ I ,
Kentucky Theater at 214 East Main Street Tf‘rma Cral‘gb tow ., un'llraiier, h Iden m
in Lexington. Ceremonies will begin at 8 V\|/gd s...d e epra ilog, twé et Teh Bo”
PM and tickets will be available at the door e nes ay, _ p” a . pm a _ e .ar
, . Complex. Jom us for a night of illu5ion With
for $10. Many of Kentuckys favorite per— .
. . . door and raffle prizes tool
formers Will be on hand including Empress Th , 'll ‘th “ t f
XV&XX Natalie Gaye and members of the e evening WI 09“ W a ms 0
Imperial Court's Reign XXl thousands performing Celebration.
. ' Sundae DeLarou e, Tuesda DeLarou e,
Jeanytte Wylde WI” be presented a and Laz DeLargclau e will entertain gou
Lifetime Achievement Award by the 'y _ g , . y
. along With speCial guests including Kelesa
Academy of Drag Arts & Soiences. S d Th Ch t t h _
Considered to the "Godmother of Female an S' e orus pu S on a grea S OW’
. . . ,, . being mu5ic lovers, they choose some
Impersonation in Lexmgton , she started in
. . . unusual and fun numbers.
Evanswlle, and then moved to Lowswlle, _ ,,
. Door Cover Will be $5. In addition to a
then on to Lexmgton. She was show , _
. . . , . great show there Will beachance to WinaTV
director at both the Odyssey and TrlXIe s in
. . . and DVD player and some fabulous door
Lowswlle. In April 1986 she opened the , D 'tf t t' _ f
Showroom at The Bar Complex. She has Erizes. l "on orge your ipping money or
held several club/bar titles and was Miss e girs '
Kentucky/America and Miss lndiana/ ACTQUT Tryouts
America. She was Regent Empress V of Sordid Lives
the Imperial Court of Kentucky. A 'I 7 d 8 t 7
In addition to the Lifetime Achievement _ D” an a pm
award, the Academy will recognize out— Pr'de Center, 389 Waller Ave-
standing achievements in Hair, Makeup,
Best Dramatic Performer, Best Comic Sponsor of the Month
Performer, Best Bartender, Best DJ and
more. Two new categories will recognize
achievement in Wardrobe and Karaoke. SCOtt ACKerman
Proceeds from the evening will benefit the
* Court's charities including Moveable Feast 859-338-8483
The court has several other fun events
in April. The annual Hair Care 2003 will be 7"" W20“ PM! gm W
held on April 13 at ...continued on page 2

 Posh Salon and Spa located in the French Quarter
. ‘ ;- GAY and Shops on Richmond Rd. Stylists from many area salons
- ' LESBIAN will be participating We invite everyone to attend and get
SERVICE you're hair done for a worthy cause. Cuts will be $10 and
"-2," ORGANIZATION cut and styles available for $20.
anton KentUCKY In addition to the ICK, this event is sponsored by L&N
' Communications, and Posh. Profits benefit Moveable F
, Feast and other Court charities. Miss Derby Pride will be I
TGLSO MEWS April 30, see details in Community news on the next i'
Volume 19 Issue 4 page. E
published monthly by AVOL Annual Walk for Life 5
The Lexington Ga?’ L?3b’a" On Sunday April 27, we will walk again to raise money t‘
Serwce Organization for AIDS prevention, support and treatment services in F
389 Waller Ave- Central and Eastern Ky. We need individuals and teams L
of caring people to gather donations and participate in F
Editor this 11th Annual Aids Walk for Life. C
Mary Crone Our theme is “Doing Our Part” in honor of the thou-
Board Members sands of friends and neighbors who have been involved
Terry Mullins, President in some way during the years of the AIDS epidemic, the
Jerry Neff, Vice President unsung heroes who have given of their time and talents V
Sharon Howard, Treas. to provide care to those infected, to do research in ways J
Mary Crone, Editor to treat or prevent HIV, to raise money, or to influence law r
John Ridener, Secretary and public policy about HIV/AIDS. E
Thomas Collins The walk will begin at Triangle Park in downtown F
Cary SUddUth Lexington. Individual and team prizes will be awarded for C
Tom Collins the highest money raisers. Call AVOL for pledge forms E
3'" Chandler and other information at 225-3000.
SigaehNMozlign It is sure to be a fine day for walking, please join us.
Marc Roland
Joan Branon Massage Therapq V
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ Evening classes 5* State licensed f
Newsletter. r0 ram ‘
Individual - $15 600 hr program “a p g 1
Couple - $25 Become a wow-«Eb Small private 2
professional classes. ‘
Opinions expressed in the GLSO massage therapist
News are those of the authors and
don’t necessarily represent those of Competitive tuition rates,
the GLSO Board. Submissions 'are FOI‘ information lease 0311 'I
welcome and'staff reserves the right P 1
to edit submissmns and advertise-
ElifiisiiflrZiéifiiéfifl‘ei‘i’sTe’e°‘ MAMM‘I 01’ Message There?“ E
225-4545 F
GLSO Page 2 H _

.. ommumt .‘News
id Pride Month Planning Soulforce
N The next meeting of the Pride National Action to be held in Cincinnati
lle Planning Committee will be on Sunday, On April 8, 2003 the Rev. Stephen Van
De April 13 at 2 pm at the Pride Center. All Kuiken, minister of Mount Auburn
ext individuals willing to work on some aspect Presbyterian Church (USA), will stand trial
of Pride Month are encouraged to attend. in the Cincinnati Presbytery. A complaint
Organizations are invited to send repre- was filed against Rev. Van Kuiken last year
sentatives. The calendar is filling up with because he publicly stated that he will not
=y the Pride Picnic on the 15th, a Pride abide by the denomination's prohibition
in Reading and ActOut’s production of Sordid against marrying same-gender couples or
15 Lives in late June. If your organization is the Presbyterian Church constitution's ordi-
in planning an event, call Terry at 252-2867, nation standard which prevents the ordina-
days. tion of anyone in a gay relationship.
Because of his stand, charges were filed by
u- _
=d PRIDE MONTHAWHORS REID/N6 the investigation committee, calling for the
,e Please call Kelly at 225-6269 if you trial of ReV- Van Kuiken-
its would like to read/chant/sing your work in The Rapid Response team 0f the
VS June for a Pride Month Reading. You can national Soulforce QFOUP has called for
M read absolutely anything you have written, training and direct action to take place in
everything is allowed. Erotica. Story. Cincinnati on April 7-9. Soulforce will con-
vn Poetry. Fiction. Non-fiction. Just please duct nonviolence training and Spiritual
or come out and read, sing, or perform it preparation at the ChurCh prior to the trial
”5 Date and place wi|| be announced soon. and then plans to conduct a Silent Vigil dur-
ing the trial. We have been asked to invite
. mu flu" M GLBT people and our heterosexual allies to
The Imperial Court Miss Derby Pride come to the nonVlolence training at Mount
. . Auburn at 7 pm. on Monday, April 7. Mount
Will be held on Wednesday, April 30 at Club . .
. . . . Auburn is located at 103 William Howard
141. Applications Will be available after . . . . . . . .
. Taft ln ClnClnnatl. For more information VlSIt
April 1 from Regent Emperor Larry, Empress .
, . www.soulforce.org or call Lex. Coordinator
21 Nicole, or JD Vaughn or Jenna at Club . .
. . Jamie McDaniel at 859-230-5625. (meet-
141. Contestants Will compete in Derby ings continue twice a mo see calender)
Wear, Talent, Evening Gown, and On— '
Stage QueStions' L£x DRESS ANd GENdER AlliANCE
“35173 Theater and Chiiii cook 0.}? The next rneeting of the LexDGA. will be
_ Saturday April 5, at 8pm. For location call
GLSO has Pieni‘ed a Nil/Stew D'm‘er 433-8388, or email LexDGA@yahoo.com.
Theater and chllll cook off for May '21 at For mre information check us out at
The Bar. Call _Terry 'f you W°”_i‘_j_i'ke to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LexDGA
enfir youggazvzrsltée7hgmemade Ch'ii' '” com- LexDGA is a peer discussion group
e l lon. - a s. -
p y Wh'Ch meets ..continued on next page
— GLSO page 3

 monthly to discuss how gender affects our “Pride 'PICDIC
lives and to help members network With . . . _
each other in a supportive casual atmos- The Annual Picnic Will be at Windy Knoll
phere. You are encouraged to dress in any Farm on June 15' Vendors should call
manner you feel comfortable. Kelly to reserve a space as soon as possi-
ble (225—6389), We need volunteers NOW
Men Of A” Colors Together to help us with planing and to raise money
KY Men of all Colors Together (MACT) to make the ”Chic. a great event. We do
is a gay multiracial organization which fos— not Charge admission so we are hoping to
ters a supportive environment where have a Silent auction aswell as a raffle. If
friendships and partnerships can be cele- you WOUId like to partrcnpate, come to the
brated free of racial and cultural barriers. meeting on April 13 at 2 pm at the Pride
For more info email mactky@aol.com or Center. Or call Kelly or Mary (266-5904)
check out our web site a www.mactky.com Volunteers '5 a great way to meet people!
Sistahs in The Life Lesbian Pitta plus Grow
' Sistahs in the Life is a support group for The fifty plus QTOUP had a wonderful time at
Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. Join dinner last month. The Red Seville had 900d
us for provocative discussions about our fOOd and great Spanish music and dancing. Our
lives and experiences. We meet at 7 pm next meeting will be at the Pride Center on
every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. For Sunday, April 5- The group Wi” diSCUSS and plan
information, contact Joan at 859-539-2657 future events.
or email Jweslie@ao|_com Several women who had called in saying
they were coming in March did not show up,
W1 9W4 W141 probably because it is a bit intimidating to go to
Anne Edwards, a lesbian therapist at arestaurantif you have not previously met peo-
the UK Counseling and Testing Center, is pie in the QTOUP- 50’ W9 Wi“ plan some less
offering a therapy group for gay, lesbian, public events including the upcoming meeting.
bisexual and transgender students. The In an attempt to contact women that do not
group is meeting from 1 pm to 2 pm on get the newsletter, we are advertising in the
Wednesdays and is co—lead by Dr. Colby newspaper under “clubs and organizations".
Cohen-Archer_ For information please call Please invite your friends and we Wiii have a
and ask for either Edwards or Dr. Cohen- great time. Call Ginger at the Pride Center for
Archer if you have any questions. 257-8701. more information, 253-3233-
Pet Sitting/ Exercising/ Transporting
APme- 200 Square F0“ Certified in Pet First Aid by A.R.C.
Private Office Space Member Pet Sitters International
Inc shared Waiting Room, .3. Robyn Stockwell, Owner
Bathrooms, and Group Room fits» call 859 273-7202
Call Tumer Counseling r to“ free 1 877 332-8958
269-6497 it Licensed-Bonded-Insured
GLSO page 4 '

 Oil 0 o
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 1% 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 $
LESBIAN vmgo NIGHT missed out on the whole phenomenon.
. . . . Well guess what? THEY'RE BACK!!!
Jom us Friday, April 11 at? p.m. forGia, Join us for the next e isodes of Xena
the 1998 HBO drama about the life of 70's . p.
. . . . and Gabrielle at the Pride Center, on
supermodel Gia Carangi. Angelina Jolie . .
_ , Saturday, April 19th at 1pm. Every third
stars as the Philadelphia teen, whose sew .
. Saturday of the month we Will get together
looks catapulted her to modeling fame dur— . . .
. th I t 1970 Alth h th I d to watch several episodes of this classrc
mg e ae . s. oug. e wor series, in order, commercial free, in the
wanted her, Gia could not attain what she .
wanted _ love This would lead her on a newly Issued DVD format. See for yourself
ath of self destruction what the "lesbian subtext" is all about.
p Costars include Faye Dunaway as It's free and everyone is welcome. We
modeling agent Wilhelmina Cooper, are hoping for a big crowd so bring a friend
Mercedes Ruehl as Gia's mother, and andsome snacks-to share. For more infor-
Elizabeth Mitchell (Dr. Weaver's first girl- matlon call the Pride Center at 253-3233 or
friend on ER) as Gia's girlfriend. The un- email Jane at |adyjaneky@yahoo.com,
rated version, which includes nudity, sex
scenes, graphic drug use and some vio— @Wemlfl
lence, Wi” be shown. The GLSO Discussion/Support Group
GAYMES NlilGrli-HT meets every Wednesday at 7 pm at the
Do you enjoy a good game of cards? Pride Center. We are always open to new
Maybe you like talking with a group of peo- people dropping in to join us. We discuss a
pie about the last movie you saw’? whole range of issues. If you have some-
Perhaps you are an excellent speller who thing that you need to think out loud about,
dazzles everyone with your brilliance on we will listen. For information contact the
the Scrabble board? if you are a serious :2: fjnfgea: 8593:3322?” or Jane at
game player or someone who is just look- I a yj y@y .co '
ing for a fun place to hang out, come to flyt fer Fm)
Saying: N’Limhat :he :r'dé Cehtgolgriday, A free art group will meet on the first,
B?” ‘ edun eEmSt a h. Iii-b”: second, and fourth Saturday, from 1pm to
ringgames an .snac S o S are, u 4pm at the Pride Center through May. The
most importantly bring yourself. goal is to help you release your creative
){ena atthe Pride Center energy that was no doubt squelched by
It's been two long years since Xena the teachers or parents. (Well, the wall may not
, . f have been the best canvas.) Two local
Warrior Princess and her gal pal (“’ka artists will give informal instruction in draw-
Gabrielledtravleleddth: wojrld, fougDht Sid ing, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, oils,
332:]; ogul: sw)1ith Igodacirlessceasm:ndagodso sculpting, or any medium you would enjoy
' ' workin with.
traveled through time, and generally kicked Wegplan to do gallery hops here in town
as;;ivh‘eret:verf:2e:/ wefn)t(.eAre yothare Stl'fl and trips to Louisville and Cincinnati art
2” ml 9:) eoe C S o "X'Vrll/i (v/lr raw: museums. Some art history and apprecia-
r ay e y u are an ' ' gin w 0 tion will be taught. ...continued on page 8
GLSO Page 6

 n. . 1.. .
‘a 7‘ - 9F... . . :
rd 1 . PRESENTS ,
er ‘ , g _‘ ; j
iiC ' i h 1.. ‘ . I
i/e ‘ "‘.Z‘ t it 7'-
' V I; i! I' ‘ J: - 0:57 4'1"“; 1 '
)r- . L ; “ , Em E ‘
,p ”:1: , Anfll 8. 99m . "
,e I state theatre j
aw j $10 donation ; ..
i a -‘ i, I“
e- :z , , .
Jt, ~_’ The ”Best of" Laxmgtow \/L8 for tap honors in. . 5
We , ,- categories such as: ' . _
at ‘
- Annie Cummings Achievement: in. emanating "
st ‘ I Outsta mating Achievement in. Hair '1
i6 1: ;._ impcrLaL Court Lifetime Achievemewt Awa ml j
he . . Niagara Fans Communitg sen/we Award f
V6 _ t . - c ,
by . 5 Mama, mar/L5 morn... ..; -
iot _ 1 I
=a| :_ Come amid for good seating! '
w- I . .
Is, 1. Sure to be a standing room 0M5 crowd! .
0y . ' ' _.
in, it http://lzmtuole‘ .imoourt.org 5
fl . : - .. ‘ ~ ‘ fl
9 8 ' - ‘ " * ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ ' ‘ ' ’
__ . . .. u—Lm~———-—————_—é—LSCD—Page7-

 The group is drop-in, you do not have to Women from Down Under
attend every session. Come see what fun it World and Time Enough
is to enjoy the process of creating without if you have any of these videos
too much concern for what is created. . please bring them home to the Pride
Center Library. You can even slip them
Garage Sale through the mail slot. No fines and no
GLSO has a garage Sale planned for questions asked, we just want them back.
May. As you do spring cleaning, save Videos, books and audios can be
items to bring to us next month. We will checked out of the Library Monday
need volunteers to help sort, price and to through Saturday from 10-3, The Pride
be here the day of the sale. contact the Center is located at 389 Waller Avenue,
Pride Center 253-3233. Suite 100. For information call 859-253-
3233 or email ladyjaneky@yahoo.com
Highlights: Videos "Missing in Action" BOOK REVIEW: DEATHS 0,: JOCATS
One of the most popular parts of the Deborah Barker
Library is our collection of over 75 videos I have read a let 0f Lesbian novels
and DVDs. At any given time over half are and this one captured my heart, 't begins
checked out, and they fly off the shelves as a little SIOW bUt picks UP and becomes an
soon as they are returned. There is every- engrossing StOW- The writing is good
thing from classics like Torch Song Trilogy YOU Wt” care about the characters and
and Desert Hearts to the newer favorites, the retatiOhShipei- It is a murder mystery
Boys on the Side and A Beautiful Thing. but has more depth than the average of
Comedies like She Must be Seeing Things this genre.
and In and Out to dramas like Bent and Jubilee Fellowship
Claire of the Moon. The collection also _ _
includes documentaries, short films, and The Jubilee Fellowship meets most
concerts videos. Thursdays at the Pride Center at 7pm.
But as popular as the collection is we On thé 4th Thursday we plan an activity
have developed a problem ...overdue and at a different location. (Thls '5 a change-
missing videos. We love that the collection use to 00,0” on th? 2nd Thurs.) We be?“
is being used, but other people (who want the “em”? by Singing songs ,Of praise
to watch them) hate when they are not and worship and then read bible pas-
returned. The following titles are currently sages to. study together. You are wel-
"Missing in Action." come to iom us at any time.
BarGirls : . '
Better Than Chocolate " IfiJVéOT%C5%lngo§eVE
Bound BOYS Don't cry ' . MEDICAL-DENTALuHOSPiva
Broken Hearts Club , “SION'LONGTERMCARE _ ,
Forbidden Love . ' ‘ ,
Kiss Me Guido Would. Y0“? .
PrieSt Siren 7 Ir I 1- . $64.95/mm’family
Talented Mr. Ripley (fin? , :. _ ind dammficmrmm.
Tlmes Of Harvey Milk Weigsfifr'ieizwtimztsetdéxttftitt' I I V Ginny Gruike
frr rmr‘ 711M ‘t‘l,".'(-”. ‘ 35‘ 36-5349
GLSO Page 8

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. 1 . . .
1 2 Its almost Derby time! Thunder! The Great Steamboat ‘. 1
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55235535555525. .> ‘ "
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349 551:5: 1'. ..‘.;'2..» .. ”itz‘g‘diflmuft . '.. .. . A 5 .7: 1T . 3.. «frame 22 ..'.:. .' . .2.” It}- .155’75555‘3 ‘. . 7 wafiwfir” i
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GLSO Page 9

 I I I I
QJWWW mat 3})!»th Wanna»
JlIBHEE FEllOWSH/P news on page a A? a Very YOU“?! 396' ' knew ' We an
outSIder Without knowmg why. I was raised
"[7543." by my mother who encouraged me to go
Integrity is an organization for GLBT to church bUt .dldnt forced me to. At
. . . church I questioned why some of the
Episcopalians and other persons of faith. _ _ .
. things they were teaching did not make
Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of sense and as l row I felt thin s
the month from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. at St. . _ g , g were
. , . missmg. I knew I was different because I
Michael s Episcopal Church at 2025 , _ ,
. . . . liked boys better than girls but something
Bellefonte St. in LeXington. The topic for ,
. . . . . else was also lacking.
the April 13th meeting is a continuation of _
. . ,, . . . Around the age of twenty, a friend gave
a discusswn of Christian Perspectives on .. , ..
Dating and Relationships " If you have any me the two" The Power Of Magick by
. ' . Yvonne and Garth Frost. V\fith this book |
questions, please call Rectors, DaVId Boyd be in m search into Wicca For the t
' or Sandy Stone at 859-277-7511 or email 9 y ' nex
Stminte rity@ ahoo com seventeen years, | read every book,
9 y ' watched any TV show and listened to any
Unitarian Universalist Church rag” sh°w that. had any mmg °'°Se to
Wiccan information. On one show hosted
The Unitarian Universalist Church wel- by Lynn Gladhill, I heard Yvonne and
comes visitors any time. There are now Garth Frost speak. | read all of Shirley
two services every Sunday, at 9:30 and Mcleain’s books.
11215. On April 6 there Wt” be a first Then three years ago, I found acoven
Sunday brunch starting at 10315- On other and started to go the Sabbath, esbats and
Sundays there will be socialjustice discus- studies; I really started to grow. During
sions between the tWO services. this time I also found out that egos could
A Course In Miracles StUdY QFOUP hurtthese meetings, and came to the real-
meets from 1 to 2:30 on the first and third ization that a spiritual path is a personal
Sunday afternoons 0f each month. Anyone thing, which can be share but mostly has
is welcome to attend, no prior knowledge to be traveled alone.
or experience necessary. For info call Soon Beltaneldedicated my self. That
Leslie DOdd at 266-9990. For more infor- afternoon at the Coven sabbat | had a
matton CheCk the web at WWW.UUCI.Org. vision of my lord and Lady welcoming me
home. From that time until now my life
WICCAN PATHWAY PART 5 has grown and will continue to grow into
BELTAINE future. By the way, if you are wondering,
By lggie Morrigon is My Goddess and Dagda is My
. . . God.
Beltaine '5 special to me. Three years Beltane is named for the God Belenus,
ago I found my spiritual path iust before .
. . . the God of Crafts. It is also known as
Beltaine, then at sunrise on Beltaine I ded- .
. Mayday, Walburgo (Teutonic). Rudemas
icated myself to the God and Goddess. | . .
. (MeXIcan Craft), Festival of Tana (Strega),
was not sure of their names but I know . .. .
th II' t th II If and Bealtinne (Caledonii). It is celebrate
ey were ca ing me o em a my ie. ...continued on page 14
GLSO page 10

 GLSO News Sponsors 2002
:3 SisterSound......-........................243-0243
At Diverse music for all women
:9 Richardson Vision Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
ar: 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
:g' ScottAckerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055
For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
by TeresaWagoner ..........................494-1831
EX: Russ .Dunn Real Estate
>k, Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
23’ A Charity Organization
ed TheBarCompIex .........................255-1551
W 224 East Main Street
Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
:3 Seeking a Diverse Congregation
TIE Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
al- 1513 Nicholasville Road
"a: WindyKnoIIFarm .........................299-741o
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
n: Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
iife Promoting equality for all people
ito .
ig, Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
Vly Rehearsal every Sunday
is, PegasusTraveI ..........................253-1644
as ’ Donating 10% to GLSO
1: GLSO page 11

 Call number in AP R" 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
4 5
7 pm Sistah's 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fel'OWShlP 7pm Wiccan/Pagan (Call Pride Center Open 10-3
Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center for Place) 'i-4pm A“ For Fun -
7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
(Call for place) 8 Pm LDGA (call for place)
9 pm Rainbow Bowling
Southland Lanes
6 7 8 9 1o 11 12
, 9:30 a 11:15 uu Church 7 Pm GSA (Call for Place) Soulforce Study Group 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 1,," Lesbian Movie Pride Center Open 10-3
Services, BRUNCH10:30 7 pm P'FLAG Berea call Jamie 230-5625 Pride Center Pn'de Center - - 1'49?“ A” For Fun '
P bi” Lb -B - - ”'3“, PM“ Cm" Pride Center
2 pm 50+ Lesbians “ 'C ' rely area 9 m The Falsies 7 Pm Gay/Lesbian AA - - .
- 8 AA Ste Stud 9 ’ 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' m Andrw s plub—
Pnde Center pm p y State Theater (Call for place) (Call for place) fl) . . I C ~ e - ,
6 pm SisterSound (Call) (03” f°l P'ace) 9 pm LMC “Men in Tights" Pride center
5:30 Men’s Chorus - St. Drag Show, The Bar
Michaels Church 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
7 pm Dignity Call for place Southland Lanes .
1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9
9:30 & 11 :15 UU Church 7:30PM Lexington Lyons 7 Pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
12-6 pm Hair Care Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center (Call for place) 1_4 XENA _ P C
2003, Posh Salon 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Wiccan/Pagan
2 pm Pride M°_ Plan _ (Call for place) (Call for place) Pot Luck (Call for Place)
trimmer Wartime.
5:30 Men’s Chorus —St. Mike
6 pm Imperial Court PC
6 pm SisterSound (Call)
20 21 22 23 ' ‘ 24 25 26
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Fairness Steering 7 pm Discussion Group 7 Newsletter folding, every 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
5:30 Men's Chorus - St. (Call for place) Committee Pride Center Pride Center one welcome Pride (Call for place) 1-4pm Art For Fun -
Michaels Church 7 pm GLSO Board Soulforce Study Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Center 7pm Gaymes Night. Pride Center
6 pm SisterSound (Call) Meeting; Pride Center can Jamie 230-5625 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center 7pm Andrew’s ClUb-
7PM Dignity (Call for Place) Southland Lanes Pride Center
7P M l C l . . .
Toggtfiér/EC O ors GSA not meeting this week
27 28 30 . .-
9230 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discusswn Group
Noon Aids Walk for Life 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center ' ' '
mam park (Can for mace) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Meeting at the Pride Center may be abreVIated to PC
5:30 Men’s Chorus - St. (Call for place) .
Michaels Church TBA Miss Derby Pride. .
a pm SisterSound (call) Club 141 Call for Place may be abbreViated to Call
6PM Imperial Court Pride 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
Center Southland Lanes
W— W
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13 .
________________—___—__.—.——_——-—————-—-—--————_._.__eieee ,,4_,.___.,_______.__.fi_____’n .L,. . W , . "A . . cr~w7e~rfl—W

 Remembering Our History that had to be done." "I had been thrown
. . out of a residency because I was gay. I lost
Dr. 10h“ Fryer, Gay PSYChlamSt a job because I was gay," he wrote. "It had
Native 0f Kentucky Dies at 65 to be said, but I couldn't do it as me."
Dr. Fryer received his bachelor's
Dr. John E. Fryer, apsychiatristconsid— degree from Transylvania College in
ered a trailblazer in the gay rights move— Lexington at the age of 19 and earned his
ment for appearing before his colleagues medical degree from Vanderbilt University
at a 1972 convention in a ““85" t0 in Nashville in 1962. He joined the Temple
announce his homosexuality, has died. Dr. faculty in 1967 and became a full professor
Fryer, a Kentucky native and a longtime of psychiatry and family and community
Philadelphia resident, died Feb. 21 0f aspi- medicine. He retired in 2000.He was recog-
““0“ Pneum°nla at A'ber" Einstein nized in 2002 by Vanderbilt University
Medical Center. He was 65- Medical School with a distinguished alum-
Fryer appeared as D“ H- Ano