xt7c2f7jsv00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jsv00/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-11-13 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 9, November 13, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 9, November 13, 1913 1913 1913-11-13 2015 true xt7c2f7jsv00 section xt7c2f7jsv00  
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University of Kentucky
J Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., NOVEMBER 13, 1913 No. 9_
l RAIIISHES AND NEW KENTIJGKIAN DANBE lllllllllllll Pllllllllls lfllllll TIMES WINNER Illllllillllf lll lllllllllr
I l · ms mn me nu as me scant nr “* ""“"““ *”‘ nr nlm mz: an ““"*" ull **'"”"*'
          Prnldent David G. Frou or Benn,       Lvlnston Hlah ¤cf•at• Loulavllla
l p•·•r•••••· Freeman II 1‘•••tmnt•r at 1914 ANNUAL QETB L°°°‘"`°° °° “Th° P'°b|°m° °' Kentucky Sets High Standard at Na-I Mm. md wudun Mun up
. lnltlntlon lx•rel•••-H. D. Hand- POCKET CHANGE *”• K•”*1•¢'*¥ M°¤¤*•l¤•·" ue"' Deny shew In the "‘° w"”""¤*°” E""•"·
' I•y, H. D. Palmora, G. E. K•lIy, -——— ·——— windy cue ,, _""
O. W. Omlth and J. B. And 8om• Confualon Canned by the Rapid cp-mpg; gxgnggggg ruggpgy ______ RH°°ES ANUSHRAEDER °TAM‘E°
Ar• Taken In Honor. Muslc and Crowded Floor, But uNugUALg_y rug]-gUg·r|v5_ no Dame. c°mpete_8tudeMe of Ae_ Th “"`“‘
-——- l Moral 8ucc•|• Any Way. ,__.. , ' rlcunural college Prepare Ex. A d 6 double blll on Stoll Field, Sat,.
Tau Beta Pl held its Initiation cere- —— The convocation period of Tuesday ' Mbit that Take. High Rank e_ r ay' proved om of me but Offering.
  memes on Mend"' not lu The cnn The Keutuclnen dence given et me morning was Ewen over to President   ___ ln the grldlron llne State has booked
. dtdates were placed under certain re- Armory last Friday evening by the ,.-,-0,;, of pm-“_ who gave a ye,-y M the National Deny Snow which this “°°*°°“* The L°"l"g*°“ High
~ • strlctlons during the day and the tlnal annual stan tor the benetlt, ofthe 1914 nmnnlns nn(n.e” on nnnme Mnununu hm closed at Chicago, the Kentucky School eleven outclassed the neun;.
dose was administered ln the evenlng. year-book was a gay and unusual oc- ,-,-0;,,€m,_·• presgdeut pl-0,,; is con. Coneee of Agriculture wee awarded vm° M°'° High °““‘ in * 15 t° 0
At the conclusion of the ceremonies, casion of fun. lt was the tlrst dance une,-eq one or om- g,-gum amhm-me, eecond prize, e handsome enver medal g“m°* ““d me W“d°°*° ““'“ml’°d W"'
the chapter adjourned to the Phoenix of the session and many took the op- on mountgjn me and mn muuml am,. on cream with R More or nm, also at mmgwn 33 °° 0*
Hotel. where they banqueted sump- portunlty to get the flrnt {earners of ny ne n enenne, coupled wnn me econ bronze medal and a diploma upon The day was chilly and the tleld
tuously on the following articles ot the late college ewrnge, u_n_nmn0nen nemo, meme one an milk, the sample scoring 92-6- The was slippery, but nevertheless n snr-.
MENU of 1¤¤ 1‘¤¤¤t1¤¤ was ¤¤f¤¤1¤¤t to and- nstened to an clear eeunemen ¤rl,,n,,,,,. ,,8,,,,,,, ,,0,,, an ,,,,,n., of nn, °” “°"° “ 1**
Fruit Cocktail ty its promoters and lnsurethe eomtng mennnnn nl, with nn of ns charm, United Smeg and Canada, including Th"; *":¤"• ’°h°°'• °° T¤ '*·
Boullion In Cups publication or at least •, good begin. mmnncny me n“.denn”_ We could not samples from many famous dairies h E e¤;x;¤;ton·Loulsvllle scrap was
Radlnhes Stoned 01vle•,¤tng. Inu; nnmne mn, nmmen in me num owned by millionaires who have ex. t e est ’ ot the snow h-om e
Button Biscuits l There were some on the floor who Among men, eine, nuereenne tnmee pended hundreds of thousands of dol. rtsmaus standpoint. The young-
Rout Turkey were leaving the bounds or correct mm, away, cwmm,4 8 I-me or men ennnnnenn : h°l°v°';° °r°ith° °x°°°°°°° °f °h°
' argue Potatoea New Peas dance door deportmentmnd with some who loveq llneny, accrued forman- The winning exhibit was prepared mg 3;;: °°_;hh gh °l°h°§l f°°t;°°“ in
, ‘ 0•l•r! 8•·l•¤ Jnttilloation. but the music was nn- ne, mg uwnn nen_n_nn.nnnen mn. nevn by the dem students of the Comm I el me- e resn t s owe t at the
Neipolitan Ice Cream necessarily rapid and the floor was The mnnnnnne are men. sacred cnn of Agriculture, under me personal me °°° 8*1 S°*1°°l hn 9111 1*11* ¤ 1-¤¤¤
L Fancy"Cakes filled to a "scr0nge," making grace uels whe", the Stranger, intent on pervienm of PNL W_ D. Nicholls- The Iilutlmnks Tn; the tw° t°°m° {mm
Q CQRQQ and goodness dlmcult to Perform- greed, lg [1€V€I' welcome. 1S0l3u0HIh|gh character Of [hg work of [hg E arger sat r city-
Prof. W. E. Freeman was greatly ap- Until the fifteenth number on the means meditation and m,,dn,n0n|Den,y Husbandry Department of the °"‘ “’““‘“ “l‘°“'°d *° “d"““*°$° in
preciated as toastmaster. The toasts sheet. the character of the step em- means knowledge of Ones self. Dol Agricultural Conege is further emphee °ggr°°°iv° pl"' md "°q“°°uy Mm
were as follows: ployed by the cherublms and seraph- not make fun of the language, customs med by me fact nm the cme nm $°‘1 "“°“ “'°"° “"°d “`°m “°°""
"Welcome to l¤itlates"—W. C. Alm· hlms in their aerial voyages hlther and manners of the mountalneery he year Sent en exhibit to me National my   f:;nbl°°‘
stedt. and you was good without exception- is only the contemporary nkeueee or Dam, Show, wmmng one Silver medal, an 51 Bl ank nn] Louisville, nhs orenne
Response-!-lovey D. Palmore. atleast wltlwnt many exeeptlens, But all of your emudmhere Over eight one bronze medal and 3 diploma in [ b HMI a s pu up ad nat ante e
"A Tour to Tw Bm 1’1"—P¤>f- C- from that v<>1¤t ¤¤111 the <=1<>¤e at one hundred pure Angle-sexes words are competition with etgnty-two denies. Q) in In OEM; W;]-ni; MID U"`
. J- N¤1'W°<>¤· °'°l°°k 1*16 tlde b€°¤111° Y1'¤“11l 1111*1 to be found ln their vocabulary. They ·The splendid success this year proves gg . de lomn im 6 Gam y out-
"lunugnce of Tau BBN Pl"——Prof. L• the floor committee was bafnedv 8011*9 are p€l‘h8pS [IIE pUI°€St stock we ha`€l[]|3,[ KG[l[uCk}` l)I`Odl1f'l.S   not “`ln ; asss {le, \ S t0;S’ audlthe L6x1)¤g·
K. Frankel. leaving stealthlly, some steylng to be tene), in me Western worm of me by chance but on account of their high stnodenewanaj in nnelst tmprlesnaule.
"Memories"—Prof. F. Paul Ander- grinned at by the silly ones ln a still Snnmnn people. what they need in Order of mem. lun in nga is 8; ug`: 3; k ws IIB
gpg, KDOTB BUIY Wise- - not intelligence, llol lD8.l1hC0d, D0! By the monthly bacterial charts is- Enivirsi cla Sp and hi r U as 3
Professor Nollau. Mr. Cassidy and what seemed to ruln the beauty of Socnn training, nut Oppormnnx The Sued by me my bacmriologise me I Y S. U lslpun ing en
Mr. Thornton were also called upon the evenlng was the nttenheur part, wud. me me of me mountains has citizens of Lexington have become fa. LESS ne welrel par cu ary ebect ve.
to speak and all responded with de- When the program was anlehed the given mm A beernlgl e mnndenee, and mmm with me high quam), and pur. 3 1-yar pscemer; was; a enuty,
lightfnl talks. Those present were: dance lost its need and wok sever, e longing for knowledge of me worm uy of me milk produced at me college ink S one on dte esa; le evainldp nele-
Fscult members—Protessor Ander- breaking the thermometer held by the um win make him u worthy Opponent dam'. under me ummm nmmggmem is s ievervpuke rolnu ei e d. R 3
son. Professor Norwood. Professor floor committee, in any phase of human ucevme Their of ml J. W NWN; and it is u matter ensue ye wor F hen le;-, rn; e
Frankel, Protessor Nollau. J. J. Curtis, But conslderlng the manners or the nnnory le e noble one as nnnery win of mug um Lexington Snmnu make 4 ez ‘: g“'“:’ “ ° ° “° "’*‘°""°
• Pwr ¤···1<1y- ¤¤·¤¤¤·1·1·¤ ¤¤¤¢1¤¤ the ems €v¤¤1¤¤ n-0-. rr-er use-1 s fired on- the Sun. .. ...l.-mm     ,-...... r., °"§j\‘ftaQ‘;°‘Q;';‘ me Cowes me me
A°u"° ch“·pt““P’°t· W- E· ""’°’ was mud- yearnlngs of a great race, their ideas succession when pltted agnlnst the I I { it Z f bl [ k
man. J. R. Duncan, W. C. Almstedt, The ladies were groomed in ilnest of num end jueuee nre euen ue been nannns nl Nunn Amermn on y V scorsiw Odwem A EBM ma 6
C. H. Schwartz, R. T. Thornton. C. C. fashion, glvlng formality a wlnk of Teenue deeerined in me Geruluuiee Kemunky is menu), forging ahead  
H°"P· R- L- G"°$°"Y· E- E- J°h““°°· ¤°"°°· Boundless energles he waiting the hl dairy matters and the lntluence or by K€11*“°kY C°“€8° °Y A81‘i°11l111’°·
'°“‘*'°°‘“· °· S"°“‘· “· D· "““°‘ ——-;——— coming or the teacher. me builder and the nr<>¤=¤ ¤1¤<1¤‘¤ ¤¤<1
l°Y· H· D* P"m°"°· 0* E* K°uy• 0* w‘ PRAWE8 T0 THE "$0UN¤· the leader. Shall the people ot our lg rapidly making user; me No mm, diploma on cream and diploma on
B¤1m\»J·G·A¤d· ING BRA8S" THAT ravoped Blue (gms, section bg {mm. in the Union has lnndn greater pro, milk. won by Kentucky College of
*······-’-"‘""'""*"' NERVED THE WWDCATS ferent to the needs of their own blood gress ln dalrylng than Kentucky in AS1‘l°“ll“1‘°·
W- D- ·ARR°w$ wE¤¤E°· ln mentioning the glory of football and kln. Tall and straight as the recent years. Prot`. \\’. D. Nlcholls, of the Dalry
*"‘ victories and speaklng of stars ln gen- pines that grow on the mountains ls During the pnst four years Kentucky Department of the College of Agrlcul-
N°‘" hu °°m° thu W- D- "8h°"·Y" eral, there is a bunch of men who de· his body; bl'l8ht ls his mind as the has carried off the honors in the dairy ture, has the dlstlnctlon of having per-
• B\|‘¥'0W¤ ll ¤U'l`i¤d- BN'¥`°W' nuiihed serve more than special mention. 'I`he water that leaps down the mountains; products class at the Natlonal Dairy \soually supervised the production of
UW ClV1lE¤|i¤°°1‘l¤I °°“"° ind "'°m band has turned out every day, and free ls hls heart as the birds that Show. The following ls a record ot all of the above samples. ln 1910 and
W Ml¤¤¤¤l‘U° Bmw °°*`¤· Th°l`° mul has been ready wlth an "Old Ken- weaken the slumbering echoes ln the winners which no other state ln the\l911 the prizes were awarded to the
l1¤V¤ b¤°¤ |°¤l° °°°°*'¤ |h“°kl¤K" i¤‘ tacky Home" every time the Wildcat twilight glens." Union can duplicate. dairy at Bloomtleld, Ky., of whlch he
¢ld¤¤¢ W W9 bl¤dl¤¢ U9- pep for a moment flagged. and when This ls the first of a series of lec- 1910, silver medal cream won by lis joint proprietor. This dalry ln 1911
-·-—-——-—-·-— the Blue and Whlte has pushed the tures which wlll be glven by President Nicholls Brothers, Bloomfield, Ky. `won the gold medals on both mllk and
Prof. Dantzler, in romantlclsm class. plgskln over the white mark, the Frost and the student body shall look 1911, gold medal on milk, score 99.4, cream. ln 1912 and 1913 the wlnnlng
while asking the explanation of dif- strains of "Dlxle have been sparks forward to his coming wlth great pleas- cream 98.tl, won by Nicholls Brotherslsamples were prepared by Professor
ferent passages ln Wordsworth's to the magazine of the stands' enthus- ure and antlclpatlon. llloomtleld. Ky., these being the high- Nicholls, assisted by hls class ln dalry-
poems.said: "Why does ‘Slr Walter lasm. Its pure school splrlt thut ·—-—-·——;··—···· est scores ever given ut any Natlonulllng. Messrs. J. W. \\’hltehouse and
wips hls face' on toll of Palo 69?" makes the men turn out every Sutur- Professor l·‘arquhar has been lately show before or slnce. I\\'nyland Rhoads, dalry students, de-
___,,............. day and they deserve the thanks of to Columbus, Ohio, at a meeting of 1912, silver and bronze and diploma-serve special credit for assisting ln
P·¤•°¤{.· our Ady•ygj•·“_ the whole school. instructors of public speaking. on cream and diploma on mllk, wouipreparlng the exhlblts.
' €8I‘ I‘lIlSt€2l lll 2lpB ext HBS ily
H G ° °

 • 1
2 T H E ID E A ,
  ''‘‘ ‘ " ' `S ‘ ’ ‘ if. iTiF~—» :1:: -7e777s e:: ;;:·—_· -—.--·,-;;—;~ .   · -1Y-?EE—E·+~ _;¢;-   rr ·‘· T. .7.7. 7,.____,_ _ _ _ _ __ _;_Y . e-- ,  
lll HI(}I{·CI.ASSSI1\t1ING LlI·`E-LIKE MOTION PICTURES REA|,|$*ltl(jh`MT_§[(j "`{  
1 ‘ ` l .
1 1ll*’E1”Y.— H E O R H EU M H EA RE """“"“‘ l ”
- ‘ 5 (TENTS .
I M r1ns‘r.c1.Ass IN zvznv APPOINTMENT. .1. 1-1. srsmean. Jr., Owner ans Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.  
I,EX|N(ii1`()N   7 7 I ji P I
St&t€ I   I S  
University Takesless Shortening QT I u   u   IUI
31:1111- 111 ·—~· _ :...7 . , . _ —__ _:- , _ ‘ ` Q I ·
1 "‘ ‘‘‘‘ ""·""'•-I Emrorrs More. lR¤1-1111-11 111-111 $22.50 lo $35,00 l I
    1111- 111111111inu lIt1t‘Il1 is 11111- ttl- 1111- 1:111-st works 111 X11- 1111-vlns. :11111 111 this}
l l1-l1i1· 111 t‘i|I`II K1-111111-ky 1111-1111-1111111·1·< o1' 1111- 11-r111-r im- 11111-nly tlIRlllH)'¢‘tl. IIIH QUALITY WY)RKMAN>H1l’
Qffers free guitjon in all depart-! D E N I S lstor-1 111 1|11· t‘\0tIl|!¤ ol` 1111- IlI`IIl1-\'IH8Kt‘tI 11111111-1-r Into the throes of the "1lnrk md *`I'I"*I’ARAN'1`Ft1l>
lnpnts except Law tg graduates Illlltl IIIOINIY IJTOIIIIIIU   \\ EIIIIIVI OH ]1lI\IOIIS Oli IIIIITIIRI \'t‘I`N+‘ lIII(I I`(‘R(IH   (‘H\'RI-   T _v“ I E TU·—_—_A-_T___; TA
of Kentucky   SCITOOIB WITO DR. J. `Tl   ('lIIIf"S (III S*1ItII*"1`)“ IT`IHI`(’IIIIIIL III Irllllllltlllll 1r1-1111. It IH lIP(‘\IlI8I‘ to [l()[P that ()||[-         · p
are pycpargd 10 enlcr 11111 Fresh- I27 (—¤h€8P$Id¢ .s1111- 111 1111- 1-1111- 1·r1-11111111 1111- )'tl\l11I1 111111111r has IIDIINIIHI strenztli nt hnnrlltnz the   TTT- __ T——i—T TTT ii
man Class. llours S A. M to 11 1-. 111 l’1l()NE 11111-X ’l-ri·· BIGGEST LINE OF CAPS IN THE
  \l1·. I¤I|‘\illS has 1111- 111-1- 111111 ztlllllilitlll 111 111-1-111111- a r1-puted wrlter 111111 his CITY $l•00
Each county in the State is luims l11l\'t‘ a great s1·11p1- 111 1111- ver1·11111111y (III his llO(‘II(‘ temperament. We are -1 - —- -» — - ~
:2:lledmhrzrémiii0rf;'REE<.1b:r;t;t;;;      tllllllzsstory- 111 v1-1·s1- for 1111- s11pr1-me merit embodied ln tts orderly   &  
and Othcf {CCS, ODE OY ITIOTC T I"1`0Il1 time to IIIIIP I`f'IllIt‘SIS llZI\'t‘ ('OIIIP ITOIII \'I·II`I()\lH SIll(I(·‘IlI1·I {UNI Rlllmhl   E•   Opp. Union  
appointees. _ For All Occasions 111111 at volume o1' 1.111- y1111n1z K1-111111-k1an'1·1 labors be published and ded11-nted  
‘ to 1111- University. II1(‘l11(ll11K llllltlllg Its many 11eaut11’u1 p11-1-es the 1-lass-day     and  
Necessary expenses moderatel ""` 11111-ni he ls preparing 1`or 1111- 1-xervlses next. June. This would be indeed a
,   1·111nmendab1e thing for 1111 who know of his work, being a tlttlng memento and   and   1
For full information regard-l     C0•|s011\‘enlr to crown the 111-st o1' 1-11111-ze rec-o11e1-tions. The Idea ts ready to aid  
ing appointees, courses of study,   ny m vem nt 1 -1 dl .1' tf 111-1 1 d h h. '
cost of ima. ae. apply 10 1 Viégigg-BBAG15 -3.11.12. .. $......I.`..”1`L`J.IZ...[Zi.Z].ZII'.§.. ..Z"I....Z..`Z'l. `.ZQ`Q'I.'Z.`Z.Z.'i "`°°"`"“’“ “ ` “` ` ° $111111Itl-fllltl Fllllllltlll Ptllt _ 1
H.       ..`. . epresentative l . .7 L7 .
LPresident, K   W S G     THE KENTUCKY PIONEERS.     cus I
exing on, y.. • e
, The Sanitary Grocer oun the om upon t e mountains,
T¢I¢PI’t¤¤¢ 638 I 1 Call the settlers from afar.   -
.   PHONE 720   Blaze a trail through trackless woodlands. l
    C0. g(`0l‘. S. Lim€ and Virginia AV€.· Wide the western gates unbar. Jn D,   l
l- —-———-— — ·—· ——~———-—-———---——   Let the hills of old Kentucky (Incorporated)  
_ _ 1 . 5 H th h `ll - , DOROTHY
TOBALCOS, PIPES, ETC.! Kmkead Coal C0. As 1SZZZ.i`$§.'Z`ZZZ..a°§x  mg . ron 11i1)gii1liz1§1HOES 1
Pipes R€pair€d· |AI\tI’\l'3Clt€ and BItIlI\“III`I0\IS Through the valleys wind along.   to   l
l CQALS y Never from a heathen altar. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES '
  °’°" ‘ E 1 “‘"*   L----g---» · K--M--1 ..2-;--.;;*2.-2.2.:01--:;:.:..*:-- FOR -·-~ `
—————-————— Th 8 h h . " ’h b. $4.00 111 $5.00 •
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND l Wh I wht ° °;I°¥° 21 °Y“ Img- d
· \ 1 · t C -1  
.%:*1*:.:11*-:1-11:1:%:*:.21:. lspears & 1111w1111d % 111’..1..‘i1..“.'.T.1.iI.;'1..IZ.;ZZKZL- 1-.,. 11...
A_ B.   1 Shall the growing pageant journey   e   S   k
  S.       }     m   ` To EIIC DHTIE and Bloody Ground. H y 0  
  p y I Lo, the brave adventurous Teutons, Go to I
l YES, { I 211 NORTH LIMESTONE Sr Crowned with honors dearly won. The Lewin Cigar Co. Q
We are St11l Pressmg 4 SUITS for $1.20 1         Weary of their 8¤Cl¢hl homeland, 0pp. lsu Pliqqiilg ; .
_ _ :’“I" _   ON     Travel towards the setting sun.   =  
Billy Bailey S Pl‘€SSlllg‘ Club] ° Let the cowards and the traitors   I 1
AN° °R" °LEAN"`*° W°'*KS °"E" E"EN""°S U"‘T"· 8 °’°'·°°“· Now forsake 111111 fearless band ’
,5, $,,,1,, L1,,,,,,,,,,,e phone 62,.,l _, _._.: I For the lurking savage waits them O" y°‘"£0w“Il°° t°“'“  
 · s pa
C A   I   In this wild and hostile land. The New Pool Roo"` _ ‘ ·
  i Here from many a deadly ambush "6 S
· . J HOT LUNCH AT ALL HOURS‘ Shall the winged arrows fly ou"` Lim.  
Wh ‘11 fi 111 tn - -
°£z.13‘;e“%‘e ¤RUe°é°%RE‘° “ ” G. M. Chapman A-sj- 1*-= lfjy-;-h¤* }‘j-·--·r;g_·*-1="··--=- Joe semckaar, prop-r
Should Have. lee Crea Soda. !559 S. Lime Opp. Ast,. Bldgu oon s· a Ig It t e m1 mght sky. L
MAIN AND WALNUT STREETS. I Onward like 3 mlghty army       `
`—_*___“ '   Led by hopes of courage bred, I.  
  ' Move the deer-skin coated settlers 107 South L1m•st11n•St.,0pp. P1111•11111 M01.;
- O`er the trails with life blood red. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED
See the forests fall before them-— ` ' new
Cabins rise beside the streams—   I
Iimlds °f manu and Ivavmg b°'I°y llot Lunchss stsll hours. Clgsrsslbbsccs U
In the autumn sunlight gleam.
Fast before their deadly rifles w• w•  
Flees the painted savage on, COI’I1¢I' Upp¢I' and BOIIV8I’
And the ox-drawn car of Progress —;%
  1>§Z°`§? ZiQ?1`§ZZ1 `Y.l`QT.lZ.°Z,`E’.1*Z.T.l,Z.‘?°“°’ CALAGIS & C0.
Lives of hardships and of pain, Successor to SARRIS I. CO.
Death and gnawing famine follow   W. MSIII St.
Cl ly 'd gh ` tl" ` ( ' _ BEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE
PAY LESS  .:1;:..::..;..:;:...;-2;::.:--     ¤1~¤  
We are the originators in Lexington of high-class tailored with the Rcdmany, piercing yclhh ' _
garments made to your measure for Loud 111e tumult and the shouting, SGIIBIIKB S calllly KIICIIBII
No No In thelrude log fortress swells. F IIIOCSOUTZH UPPER BT. . O O
Less More Hear their war cry, as they gather. resp 7?dI€$FM8d€ DSIIY.
While the wid0w`s cry ascends, op 0I°lI l'Itt¢l'8.
  “V()I‘th   tu   We   our     "Savage   shall be the fanson]   ‘ '   _`
from the mills eliminating.-; the mi1l1lleman’s profit. All On i¤ R¤¤¤¤¤ and ¤¢=V•‘=¤8¢I   =
garments made here Pressed Free one Year. Load the rilles! Fill the knapsacksl Dr. I.     l
Whet the keen—edged hunting knife!  
I I I Orphan children morn for fathers, Ct N fl 8 k my .
us       0 Eye for eye and life for fathersl" i y I ° ln "
I Lookl again another picture, HAND HAD!
Nobler, grander than the last,
237 W Short St ._. Opp. Court House ldills the soul with sweeter pleasure     IT
I i · I l ` Than the one which we have passed. and  
Next door to University Book Store. hmm the mem hath gone the “nh"__ Mi-. Maui. suv.,-
(Continued on Page Thrse) Plum. 1261 I _ 1.

 • l
1 THE, I ff E A g`
i         R Money Loaned on all goods of Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
' Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Erg, .
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. ll0 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
     I if if if I I I I i me KENTUCKY mow ·
' ° THE STUDENT E::crS“l:”"Cn3’°”-
, , , , . CEI] ll cf
who is paying his way will be interested to know ____ ,__ _ _ f€${·f·}·¤·=·=i '*T·‘E :5-T??_7;T_··:t.-   IIS mellow PIBDIIVC ITIUSIC.      
As the flax sang on the reel.
J T LA"- L M LA"- They have gone-the old traditions, 341 w· Meinl ST- Ph¤¤• 1635-¤
' ' ' ' Vanquished like the stars of night.  1"`_
        Aséxbove the CHQI l'\0flZ0l'h      
V reaks a purer, fuller light. Mlncorporated
' ’ Bthl dh‘bl dh h h d, ""“"°°“'“°'
» "‘*—"‘*‘""’-_*”~““"”`_ "“’”—_ By their valient sons and daughters 136 WEST MAIN $Tn&l;fLY'
• Imported Line of Mackinaws and Sweaters Shall be guarded ever mnre.
Call and let ua make your Fall ault. Yogi:   ico? in ¤:¤8 ;ndd9I*;)W ld NOW Phone 1550-Y 152 3, [|m•;i•n•
al teirmig ty ee s eto P. e
""°E""‘ *'°"Ei- °i"L°"‘° i-E"""°T°"'· "E'"°°"Y And the earth shall hold them dearer rnece1¤.g.3+{{I??)‘§l§tig$ne
  Than famed Ophir`s gems and gold. cI:°';:_ '"“:n md 'M mln Toonnnn
i   Ti“’°“8i" ii‘° °i°'m °“d **'ii° °i °8°°· $v•¢l•liMt•ntl¤ng6iv•n t¤i.nn1•ii’ Tennrinn
I Through the tumult of the yearn, All Work Guaranteed Allaiallcns a Sptclally
    D     Wisdom`s voice shall guide their children,  
i L • H0pes° shall still their doubts and fears.  
Where the sons of Freedom ather -
l 8 . , . ~
l FOR EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. And ih° diums °i wai i°°°°"d’ U    
» i In the forefront of the battle . ·· any ‘ ·
[ FINE CANDIES, STATIONERY AND Shall Kentucky`s sons be found. f, ___gii;_7__}_
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BEST SODA WATER IN THE CITY. "C' E" Bi°`""°'   if- ~ · ’ I  
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