xt7c2f7jr851 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jr851/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1986-11-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 7, 1986, no. 491 text The Green Bean, November 7, 1986, no. 491 1986 1986-11-07 2014 true xt7c2f7jr851 section xt7c2f7jr851 UNHTRSHH’OF KENTUCKYIJBRARHB'NEWBLETTER
N0. 491 —-—-—————————--——————-—-————%&¤¤m&m¢—47—1986
A _     .   A ,.   . h;. A      4 . 4,;   . ;%   i.,..,{ . V ,:;i:   . .1 ...»       y H - , . ,
November 7 U Gallery Series: "The Pleasure of Horror."
Lecture and a/v demonstration by Dr. Greg
Waller, Department of English.
November 11 Veteran's Day.
November 13 Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 — 1894.
Scottish Author.
November 14 Gallery Series: "Saving Lincoln From
Himse ." Lecture by Dr. Mark Summers,
History Department.
November 18 LS/2000 workshop: Patron Fines and Fees. _
November 18 Louis Daquerre, 1789—1851. French
scientist and inventor of the photographic
plate Daquerrotyf.
November 18 Mickey Mouse, 1928-.
November 19 Gettysburg Address, 1863.
November 20 LS/2000 Workshop: Patron Fines and Fees]
November 20 Selma Lagerlof, 1858 - 1940. First woman
to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature
November 2l Galler Series: "Clouds and weather Here
and There: A Photo Tour of Clouds on
Earth and Other PlanetsJ' Lecture and
slide demonstration by Dr. Michael
Tortbett, Department of Physics and
Next Green Bean: Friday, November 21, 1986
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, November 14, 1986
Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Scott Lutz;
Printer, Cecil Madison.


Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, the Green
Bean is a week late (our printer was on vacation). I'm almost
hesitant to put in the schedule for the LS/2000 Training
workshops after muffing it TWICE! But, I'll try. My apologies -
to the Training Committee for the seemingly endless typos.
As many of you know, we are fast approaching our 500th
edition of the Green Bean. Many people have felt that the name
was unsuitable for a publication of this sort, and I agree. with
the upcoming landmark of Number 500, and the fact that we're
about to run out of paper, there's no time like the present to
seize the opportunity and make a change or two.
The question is, what do we change? The content of the
Green Bean is unlikely to change, but the title (and certainly
the color!) are prime candidates.
Most library newsletters have the sort of names gou would
expect: News, Newsletter, Focus, Source, Library Progress,
Access, Pers ectives, Communique. I like to thin UK is a unique
place, so I think our newsletter should also be unique (though
probably not as unique as the Green Bean...). I had a few ideas,
such as Odds & Ends, or Etc.. However, because this is your
newsletter too, piease fill out the ballot below and may the best
name win! => Speak now or forever hold your peace!
Please vote for one of the following titles listed below, and for
one color. Return your ballot to KERRY KRESSE, CHEMISTRY/PHYSICS
(Note: The phrase "M.I. King Library" will probably not be part
of the title, but will appear on the title page.)
TITLE (vote for one)
Etc. __ Notes
Ibid A Odds & Ends
_ Memos , Vertical File
News Other (specify)
COLOR (vote for one)
white · —~——*‘ pink off~white
yellow _~ blue
_____ green _MmM_m grey

 WELCOME ABOARD!! NEW STAFF student employees who have not
seen this presentation are
Jemum Trmmle especially encouraged to
....... Special Collections attend.
The East Tennessee Online
**Tuesday, November 18 1-3 pm Users Group and the Southern
**Thursday, November 21 1-3 pm Appalachian Chapter of Special
Libraries Association are
jointly sponsoring a
KDMAAPHHNUHNTS miniconference on CD-ROM
systems entitled "CDs:
Christina Hanson has been Investment for Referance." The
named Director of the State keynote speaker will. be Mary
Library Services Division. Ann O'Connor, President of
Richami N. Belding has Compact Discoveries, Inc.
been named S ate Arc ivist and Other activities will include
Director of the Public Records vendor demonstrations from
Divisuxn companies such as Silver
Platter, UMI, and NewsBank.
The conference will be at the
PROMOTION AND TENURE Q&A University of Tennessee in
Knoxville on November 19.
There will be a meeting on Anyone interested in attending
November 5 at 10:00 in the should contact Mary Vass (7-
Gallery of all non-tenured 1351) for further information.
faculty. The meeting will be a
question and answer session
concerning promotion and tenure PC LEARNERS GROUP FOR LIBRARY
policies and procedures. A EMPLOYEES
document will be mailed out to
non-tenured faculty prior to Since so many libraries on
the meeting. If any non- campus have received a PC as
tenured facilty have not part of the Ls/2000 project,
received a copy of this the idea of establishing a PC
document, please contact Judy users group to help everyone
Sackett at 7-8387. learn how to use their PC and
maximize its potential use has
been discussed. On November 5
PRESERVATION BEGINS AT HOME at 3:00 in the Gallery, the
first meeting of the group will
The Preservation Committee be held. Our objectives are:
and Staff Developmenttymmuttee to begin with the basics and
invite the library faculty, keep the discussions as
staff and student employees to nontechnical as possible (at
attend a slide/tape least until we all become
presentation, "Care and expertsi); to establish a forum
Handling of Books," on November for the exchange of ideas,
G 10th at 8:30 a.m. or November skills and techniques; to
Z 11th at 3:00 p.m. in the Peal demonstrate different software
Gallery. Library staff and p a c k a g e s a n d t h e i r

 applications; and to maintain a these students hands-on
collections of sources for PC experience with skills and
software, freeware, etc. knowledge that will enable them
The first meeting will be to identify problems and
an organizational meeting and resources in their own .
we will also discuss how to community. If you know anyone
choose software and sources on who would be interested, please
campus to use in making contact the Center at 257-4851.
choices. Tentative topics for
future meetings will. be DOS,
word-processing, communications ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
software, file management
programs and downloading and MEET THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES
reformatting. We hope to bring LIBRARY
in some of our local staff (by Joanne Goode)
experts to share their ideas
and experience. Everybody is The Mathematical Sciences
welcome - please call Mary Vass Library houses collections in
(7-7977), Joanne Goode (7-8365) the areas of mathematics (pure
or Bonnie Cox (7-5895) if you and applied), computer science
have any questions or comments. and statistics. This
See you there! collection have been developed
with the primary focus of
supporting the research and
STAFF ACTIVITIES instructional needs of faculty
and graduate students in these
Mike Markiw has published departments, as well as related
an article 111 the Proceedings departments on campus. The
of the 49th ASIS Annual collections also contains
Meeting, vol. 23, p. 190-193, materials for undergraduate use
1986. The title of the article as well as nmterials used to
is "Foreign language stopword provide general reference
lists in the design of an service to the campus and
online public access catalog," community. The collection
with the online catalog total 28,389 volumes and the
mentioned being, of course, library subscribes to 455
LS/2000. journal titles.
Collections which may be
of special interest are a
BROWN BAG BON APETIT permanent reserve collections
of programming languages titles
November 14 12 noon. Rm 128 and a textbook collection which
Erickson Hall (HOm€ Economics) is especially useful to
"Men and Women in Retirement" individuals who would like to
by Laurie Haujn Sociology. review areas in Algebra,
Geometry, etc. we also have
some guides to locating and
APPALACHIAN CENTER buying software in the
reference collection. Come
The Appalachian Center is over for a tour! We are
t looking for undergrads from the located in the basement of the
Appalachians to participate in Patterson Office Tower right
a Leadership Program. The near the elevators.
programs purpose is to provide

 MEET THE COMPUTER SEARCM charged at rates ranging from
SERVICE $15 to $300 per connect hour;
(by Karen Cobb) any fees for printing the
information found (either
Among the advantages of during the search session, or
computer—based reference in offuhe nwde to be sent
services are rapid retrieval through the mails); and a 10%
from large, comprehensive surcharge for our overhead.
online files; the ability to Any reference librarian can
combine concepts or impose schedule a search; we do prefer
limits in ways unavailable in a day or two lead time to think
conventional printed sources; ak¤o11t tlie tc>pi.c, tlie
and the day—before—yesterday appropriate database(s), and an
currency of the information efficient online strategy. The
found. Computer Search requester should be guesent
Services (called Data Services during the search, si ce one of
until 1984) are offered at a the advantages of computerized
dozen or so searching sites in retrieval is the ability to
the library system, with modify a search strategy while
librarians in the various one is interacting with the
departments and branches cmmmter.
accessing those commercial The CSS coordinator in
databases appropriate to their R e f e r e n c e h a s t h e
subject specialization and responsibility for leading the
their patrons' needs. As a effort to promote the service;
unit within Reference, the CSS for unit recordkeeping and
thus conceurtrates on the system—wide invoice processing;
disciplines in the social and for keeping the
sciences and humanities served documentation for the various
by King Library, and in. systems and databases current,
general, news—oriented, and well organized, and widely
interdisciplinary databases. circulated. (Each of the
Most of the databases several hundred databases
searched are bibliographic in available has its own peculiar
nature, and what results from a features in terms of contents,
search is a list of references coverage, and indexing
customized to a patron's topic practices.) The coordinator
of interest. Some of the also represents Reference‘s
databases we enter may provide searching center on the
statistical data, directory Literature Searching Committee,
information, or the full text which advises on overall system
of a source document rather policies, contracts, marketing,
than citations to a particular training, and the like.
literature. Patrons must _
absorb the direct costs of the
search performed, which
typically includes the `
following: telephone charges
for access to a vendor's remote
` computer (DIALOG, BRS, and VU-
‘ TEXT are the vendor systems we
use most often); the connect
time to a particular database
is usually only minutes,

The Library has subscriptions to certain periodicals (see
below) for the purpose of keeping library personnel informed and
up-to-date in their areas of librarianship. A list of people
desiring to see a particular title is attached to each issue of
that title upon receipt. The issue is then routed to the first
person on the list, who, in turn, routes it to the second person,
The journals routing service is available ix: all staff
members in King, branch, associate libraries, and the Medical
Library. The only requirement for receiving the service is that
you agree to hold issues no longer than 3 days before routing
them to the next person on the list. In consideration for the
others on the list, ELEASE do not keep the journals more than 3
Please make your selection from the list below. In
anticipation of a heavy response, we ask you to select only those
titles that are of primary interest to you. If you select more
than five titles, please indicate which five are your top choices
-— just in case we need to establish a limit. Please remember
that library faculty and staff are also eligible for the Tables
of Contents Service, which might suffice for titles of secondary
Return the list below marked with your selection by November
25, 1986 to Nazee Depp, Central Serials Records. If you have any
questions, please call me or Mary Welch at 257-8388. Thanks.
ALA Washington Newsletter
American Libraries
Chronicle of Higher Education
College and Research Libraries
Journal of Academic Librarianship
Kentucky Libraries
Library Hotline
Library Journal
Library Quarterly
Library Resources and Technical Services
_ Publisher's weekly
Serials Review
Southern Librarian
` Special Librarian
wl Unabashed Librarian
_ Wilson Library Bulletin

A new SPEC Kit, #127: ALABAMA
Interlibrar Loan in ARL
Libraries, Has Been received in Associate Dean of Libraries
the Reference Department. (Collections and Information
Online ILL systems, staffing, Services). University of
policies, procedures, fees, Alabama. Salary: $36,000
cooperative agreements, trends minimum. Deadline: December
and issues are among the topics 12, 1986.
Associate Dean of Libraries
(Access Services). University
PROFESSIONAL READING of Alabama. Salary: $36,000
(submitted by Rob Aken) minimum. Deadline: December
12, 1986.
Com uters and Communications:
A Vision of C&C. By Koji CALIFORNIA
Kobayashi. Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1986. TK5103.7 .K6313 Public Health Librarian.
1986. University of California at
Berkeley. Salary: $24,012-
The Economics of Managing $32,232. Deadline: December
Library Service. By Bruce P. 1, 1986.
Schauer. C icago: ALA, 1986.
Z683 .S33 1986. GEORGIA
Fee—Based Services in Sci-Tech Head, Conservation Department.
Libraries. Edited by Ellis Emory University. Salary:
Mount. New York: Haworth $19,843—$22,318. Deadline:
Press, 1984. Z675 .T3 F28 November 15, 1986.
A Guide to Collecting
Librariana. By Norman D. Director of Libraries. Loyola
Stevens. Metmuzhen, NJ. University. Salary: variable.
Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1986. Deadline: November 30, 1986.
Z665 .S814 1986.
Custodian of the John M. wing
Management Information Systems Foundation. The Newberry
and Or anizational Behavior. Library. Salary: $24,000-
2nd ed. By Pat—Anthony $30,000. Deadline: December
Federico. New York: Praeger, 22, 1986.
1985. T58.6 .F35 1985.
Plannin Academic and Research
K Library Building. By Keyes D. Reference Librarian/U.S.
Metcalf. Second edition by History Bibliographer. 4
Philip D. Leighton and David C. University of Kansas. Salary:
weber. Chicago: ALA, 1986. $18,000—$22,000. Deadline:
Z679 .M49 1986. November 30, 1986.

 Cataloging Librarian.
University of Kansas. Salary:
$18,000—$22,000. Deadline:
November 28, 1986.
Cataloger, Sci-Tech/Social ‘
Sciences. Princeton
University. Salary: variable.
Deadline: November 28, 1986.
Art and Architecture Subject
Specialist. University at
Buffalo. Salary: $25,000 · _
minimum. Deadline: none
TRLN Systems Librarian.
University of North Carolina.
Salary: $18,000 minimum.
y Deadline: November 10, 1986.
Collection Development/
Reference Librarian for Social
Sciences. Rice University.
Salary: variable. Deadline:
none given.
Manager, Automated Cataloging.
University of Houston. Salary: .
lower $20,000's. Deadline:
January 31, 1987.
. S o c i a l S c i e n c e
Librarian/Bibliographer. v
University of Houston. Salary:
$17,000 minimum. Deadline:
January 31, 1987. `
Coordinator· of Bibliographic
Instruction. Virginia
- Polytechnic Institute and State
University. Salary: variable.
Deadline: December 1, 1986.

l`I.i<`ll_il.l·7.Y $§l1l.|l\Jl·.`l` llSl·,ll5 (}l{Ull1’ M
The fall meeting ol llne I'··nlu¢·l~y f1·»lln··t l’e:¤·r:: Group will be held on Friday,
November 21, 1986. l·.lc will be l|l•'t'l1l1g at the University of Kentucky in
1.ee»;l11glon, Kentucky.
Our program is as follows:
8:30 - 9:30 Registration ~— UK Center for the Arts
9:30 — 9:35 Mr. Paul A. Willis, Director, University of Kentucky Libraries
9:35 - 10:00 Business meeting and election
10:00 —`10:30 Steve Baughman, SOLINET
10:30 — 10:45 Break _
10:45 — 11:30 Ms. Tari Keller, Systems Librarian, University of Kentucky
"LS2000 — The University of Kentucky experience"
11:45 — 1:15 Lunch, UK Center for the Arts reception room
1:15 - 3:00 "LS2000 — Patron and staff training", panel discussion with
(break from Laura Rein, Reference Librarian, Patty Powell, Extension Librarian,
2:00 — 2:20) Joanne Goode, Staff Librarian, Teresa Burgett, Head, 0n~line
Cataloging and Conversion
3:00 - 4:00 On your own for closer inspection of subsysv·ms——Circulation,
Technical services, and Reference departments
Registration deadline: Monday, November 17, 1986
Parking is in the BLUE lot of Commonwealth Stadium. A "CATS BUS" will make
several trips beginning at 8:00 a.m. near the intersection of Alumni Drive
and University Drive. No stickers are necessary. After the meeting, the
double decker bus "OLD BLUE" will transport you back to the parking lot.
please detach
KENTUCKY SOLINET USERS GROUP MEETING, University of Kentucky, November 21, 1986
Name ______________________w__MMW________“__W__m___;___________________
Library _________________*__m_______________________w_H____________________
Institution ___
H Address ` _
Registration: $12.00* ; $15.00 non—members -
KSUG 1986 Fall meeting: _ _m_ $12.00
_ __ $15.00 3 "
KSUG Annual·dues : wm__ $ 3.00
TOTAL :____*______
Please make check payable to Kentucky SOLINET Users Group
c/o Melissa Laning
Ekstrom Library
. University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
*personal membership 502-588-6756