xt7c2f7jqz4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jqz4z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-04-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  7, 1944 1944 1944-04-07 2013 true xt7c2f7jqz4z section xt7c2f7jqz4z ON PAGE FIVE


Overseas Veteran Says
Boys Think Of Home




Women's Administrative council,
acted as toastmistress, and introduced special guests and chairmen
of the committees in charge of the

Tapping of new members by various honorary groups on the campus was the highlight of the eve
ning and gave many moments of





Alpha Gamma Delta, social sorority, presented a cup for Its choice
of the outstanding freshman woman
to Bernice Lewis. Theta Sigma Phi.
national women's journalism honorary, presented a plaque to Casey
Goman for having the highest standing and ability of any freshman
woman journalist
Mortar Board presented an award
to Margaret Boone Davis for having
the highest freshman standing.
Alpha Lahibda Delta presented its
senior award to Helen Harrison who
had the highest University standing
for four years. Jane Errickson was
given the Woman's Athletic association award for being the most
Phi Beta, national music, drama,
and the dance fraternity, named
Anita Roos as the outstanding senior woman in the organization;
Mabel Gumm. as having the most
loyalty to Phi Beta; and Lucille
French for future promise.
Chi Delta Phi honorary literary
fraternity pledged the following
women: Betty Anne Ginnocchio,
Lenora Henry. Mary Gordon Gillespie. Nancy Ellen Taylor, Elizabeth
McNeal, Betty Henry, Carol Rauch,
(Continued on Page Three)

Activities Committee . . .
of the Union has set the deadline for signing for the bridge and
bowling tournament as Tuesday,
April 11.
Music Recital . . .
. . . will be given by the students of
the music department at 4 p.m.
Monday in the music room of the
Maxwell Street Presbyterian . . .
. . . church will serve breakfast for


Suit Against
Dean Graham
Board Witholds

Salary Payments
Until Decision



will meet at 7:15 pjn. Tuesday
in mnm 2o of the Union.
CosmoDolitan Club
. . . will have a special program In
observance of YMCA week at 7:30
pan. Saturday in the music room.
Activities Committee
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monday in
the Union.
Bacteriological Society
. . . will meet at 7:15 pjn. Monday
in the Biological Science building.
Alpha Lambda Delta . . .
will hold its first pledge meeting at 5 pm. Tuesday in room 204,
Student Union biuldrig.





For the first time In the history
of the University YMCA,
. will deliver the 1944 commence
have been elected. The
ment address at the University on


Dr. A. C. McFarlan. head of the
Department of Geology, will be the
second speaker in the third annual
lecture series presented by the College of Arts and Sciences Tuesday
night. He will give a discussion of
"A Hobby Grew Up."
Other men selected this year are
Dr. T. D. Clark, acting head of the
Department of History, and Dr.
Alexander Capurso, executive head
of the Department of Music These
two lectures have been postponed
until the fall quarter because of the
heavy spring schedule of events.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of the
Department of Zoology, professor of
and internationally
known entomologist, was the first
speaker in the series. His subject
was "Some Ethnological Factors in
a World Peace."
These men are chosen by the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences for the purpose of promoting
scholarship on the campus and to
honor the outstanding scholars on
the college's faculty.
Dr. McFarlan holds degrees from
the University of Cincinnati and
from the University of Chicago. He
is the author of a book published
by the Haggin fund of the Univer
sity and of other geological publications. He has been a member of
the University faculty since 1923.

Salary payments will be withheld
from Dean James H. Graham of the
College of Engineering at the University, President Herman L. Donovan announced following two sessions of the board of trustees of the
University on Tuesday, April 4.
In his announcement. President
Donovan stated that the salaries
will continue to be withheld "until
the controversy is brought to a conclusion."
A suit, filed at Frankfort, March
17, against Dean Graham for a refund of $14,374 93. which is the total
of his salaries for the past three
years, is to be contested by. the
trustees of the University. In reso- lutions which the board approved,
they stated that it is untrue that
Dean Graham has not fulfilled his
duties as dean since accepting federal employment in April 1941. R.
Mrs, Mabel LaBarre Straub Fa-- ''
C, StoU, Lexington, and Robert Hob-so- n,
Louisville,, have been chosen to quhar, wife of Prbf.E. F. Farquhar
appoint counsel to defend the suit of the University English depart'
and to set n early date for the ment;' died at' 3:10 p.in.," Sunday;'
April 2 at her home, 101 Edgemoor
drive, after a month's illness.
Dean Graham appeared in person
She was the daughter of the late
before the opening session of the
Lameetings of the board Tuesday. The Dr. David Walter and Laura
resolution drawn up at the session Barre Straub, Shenandoah, Pa. She
was educated In the schools of
deciding the contest of the suit statConallegation contained In the Shenandoah and at the Boston
ed "The
servatory of Music. Mrs. Farqunar
suit filed against certain members had been a
resident of Lexington
of the board of trustees that James
since 1909. She was a member of
H. Graham has not since April 16,
1941, performed
any of his duties the Second Presbyterian churchKenthe Woman's club of Central
as dean of the College of Engineer- tucky.
She had been a director at
ing are not in accordance with the
the Public Health center for a numfacts."
ber of years.
A letter was also presented to the
Mrs. Farquhar is survived by her
board written in connection with husband, a son. Dr. Bruce Straub
denouncing Dean Graham Farquhar, Wilmington, Del.; a sisthe suit,
by J. W. Jones, attorney represent- ter, Mrs. Gordon Richardson, Read
ing Henry Harper, Lexington, elec- ing, Pa., and a brother, Lee Straub,
trical contractor, and James M. Berkeley, Calif.
Molloy, Fayette county
With this letter, a 15 page report
on the controversy was presented by Pre-Me- d
President Donovan.
Medical aptitude tests for
Urging the dismissal of Graham
upperclass-me- n
by the trustees, the lettei stated refresh- -.
cent remarks about the dean which
men are to be given April 28 in
(Continued on Page Four)
room 103 of the Health building.
students who are
eligible and interested are requested to see Miss Catherine
Owens immediately for application papers.

Wife Of Professor
Dies At Home




In Oratorio

Singers Conclude
Musicale Season

By Myrtle Weathers
students at the church after the
Fine choral work emphasized the
sunrise service in Memorial hall
Sunday morning. There will not be beauty of Dubois' "The Seven Last
a young people's meeting in the Words of Christ," as presented by
the University Choristers and the
fcuKy . . .
will meet at 4:30 p.m. Monday
in room 205 of the Union for all
members. All tryouts meet at 5 p.m.
in room 205 of the Union.
Cwens . . .
. . . will have a meeting of its
pledges at 5 d m Friday in t h e

Break Precedent

With Tie Vote

resulted In
the recognition of both candidates,
Norman Chrisman and Merle Baker.
Since the loser was to have been
this office will not "be
occupied during the next year, but
incumbent will
perform its duties.
The secretary position will be
filled by Selby Hurst, winner over
John C ashman; and Clinton Wells
automatically will become treasurer,
as his opponent, Bill Embry, deOf
clined the nomination.
Chrisman, immediate past presiU. S. General
dent of the YM, is an Engineering
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, presi
Junior from Pikeville. He is a memdent of Kansas State College and ber of Phalanx fraternity, Pitkin
brother of Gen. Dwight D.
club, of Kampus Kousins, and the
will deliver the 1944 Outing club.
Commencement address at the UniElected to serve on the advisory
versity Friday, June 2, according to board, composed of students and
announcement issued Saturday faculty members, were Gene Whickin
by Dr. Herman Lee Donovan.
er, A&S freshman, Lexington; D. O.
President Eisenhower is an out- Burke, Commerce, Lebanon; John
standing American educator and C
ashman. Engineering
statesman, and was graduated from Hardinsburg; Bill Embry, Comthe college which he now heads In merce sophomore, Lexington; Wells,
1924. He was a member of the staff
resigning and Hurst.
of the college in 1923-2were
Faculty members
at Rev. W. W. Shrader, elected Gentry
to become
Edinburg, Scotland.
Shelton, Prof. E. A. Bureau, Dr.
In May, 1926 he entered the career Henry N. Sherwood, and Dr. W. P.
service of the Federal government Garrigus.
and two months later became assistant to William Jardine, then

Fireside Singers Sunday at Memorial hall. This, the last Sunday
afternoon musicale of the season,
brought the poignancy of the Easter
season to everyone who heard the
The solo work, done by Anita
twos, soprano, Kooert ttumman,
baritone, and C. Hubbard Upchurch,
tenor, was excellent. The dramatic
quality of the music was perfectly
interpreted, and all three voices
were exceptionally good.
The work of the Choristers and
the Fireside Singers was very good.
The voices blended perfectly and
complemented the solo voices.
This cantata, under the direction
of Miss Mildred Lewis, of the music
department, marks the highlight of
the Easter season. Portions of it
have been recorded for presentation
over WHAS Easter Sunday.
Organ accompaniments were play
ed by Mrs. Lela W. Cullis In bar
usual excellent Etyls.


Geologist Will
Give Second Eisenhower
Lecture Talk Will Deliver
McFarlan To Be
1944 Address
Lecturer April

Dean James H. Graham

Hubbard, Faulkner
Namer Treasurer,

Chrisman, Baker







Mortar Board, senior women's
leadership fraternity tapped 13 new
members including Margaret
Huguette Balzola, June Baker,
Charlene Burris, Marge Palmore,
PrisclUa Graddy, Ruth. Pace, Virginia Baskett, Ellen O'Bannon, Lucy
Meyer, Helen Lipscomb, Elizabeth
Faulkner, and Jane Oldham.
Cwens, sophomore leadership honorary, tapped 27 women on the basis
of leadership, scholarship and fellowship, including Barbara Allen.
Betty Broaddus, Jerry Dugan, Nancy
Elmore, Jane Errickson, Betty Ruth
Harris, Lenora Henry, Jo Anne
Kloecker. Mary LeMaster, Melrose
McOurk, Martha Mann, Betty Shelley, Lorraine Turck, Marjean
Prances Wilhoyte, Ruth
Edyth Routt, Kaysa Lund,
Carolyn Hayes, Bernice Lewis, Dorothy Paar, Hazel Kennedy, Phyllis
Watkins, Dorcas Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Allan Thomas. Elsie Nevitt,
and Margaret Boone Davis.
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
scholastic honorary, tapped Margaret Boone Davis. Sue Anne Bradford. Helen Ellis, Betty Brook Ful
ton, Joanne Gorham, Sarah Gay
Halt Martha Mann, Susan Nicholas,
Betty Pardo, Velta Payton. Betty
Scruggs, Elizabeth Allan Thomas,
. Lorraine Turck, Betty Jo Woollum,
Mary Bennett LeMaster, Bernice
Lewis, Dorothy Paar. and Jean Thur-ma- n.


The registrar's office reports
1,250 students have registered for the spring quarter at
the University. Of these, 250
are male students, which is an
Increase of 36 men since last
week's report.
This is a total of 87 more students than were registered for
the winter quarter.

The women's convocation held last
night in Memorial hall was filled
with exciting moments as tapping
exercises of honoraries took place.
Virginia Wesley, president of the


Baskett, Burris Named Heads
In YW Presidential Election;
Elected To YM

Spring Registration

Ceremonies Held

Report From Missouri
What Log U



Honoraries Name Members
At Women's Convocation;
Excitement High
As Tapping













vice-cons- ul

Annual Book Drive
Will Be Concluded
This Week

secretary of agriculture. He became
director of information in the Department of Agriculture in 1928.
In 1938, at the request of Secretary Henry A. Wallace, Mr. Eisen
With books still dwindling in
hower became coordinator of the from far corners of the campus, the
land-us- e
programs of the Depart- World Student Service fund's anment of Agriculture. He also con- nual drive for books for prisoners
tinued as director of information of war is concluding this week.
until 1914. In March, 1942 he was
An estimated 400 volumes have
appointed by President Roosevelt to been collected from University studirect the War Relocation Author' dents by a committee composed of
ity; he organized and directed the WRAP riirnntnr T?ttv Tevis. and
relocation of Japanese - Americans j virglma Baskett, D. O. Burke, and
evacuated from the Pacific coast. Mary Ann Macke. Chairmen in
and as soon as this evacuation was each sorority house and women's
organized and'undeif way, thf PresW residence carried on individual so
dent named Mr. Eisenhower as- -: licitations,
and student-attende- d
sociate director of the Office of Lexington
were asked to
War Information. "He resigned this announce the drive and provide a
position in June, 1943 to become place for congregations to assemble
president of Kansas State College. books.
President Roosevelt sent Mr.
Subject matter of the volumes.
Eisenhower on a special mission to which, after screening and clean'
study refugee relief and relocation ing to pass censorship requirements,
problems in Algeria and Morocco will be sent to American prisoners
in 1942. While in North Africa he in German POW camps, include
also worked out arrangements for technical, scientific and historical
the collaboration of the Army and works plus classics of literary merit
the Office of War Information in
propaganda warfare in the Mediterranean theater of operations.


Students Elected

To Union Board

Red Cross Drive
The campus Red Cross contribution drive totaled $3,400 before complete figures were
termined. Apparently this figure
will be exceeded, according to
Bart Peak,
Dean W. S. Taylor.
Civilian students gave $92.57,
military personnel $322, and the
faculty and staff contributed


Betty McClanahan directed
the civilian drive while Pfc. Bill
Johnson and Lieut. A. A. Erick-so- n
led the ASTP unit.
The sum raised is more than
$1000 greater than that of last
year when the campus enrollment was larger, stated Mr.

Elected at Monday's election to
fill Student Union board vacancies
were Pfc. William Klein, ASTP;
Martha Ringo, home economics
sophomore from Lexington; Doris
Smith, Lexington arts and sciences
sophomore; Marian Yates, arts and
sciences junior from Lexington.
Gwen Pace, arts and sciences
sophomore from Travares, Florida;
Ruthie Dimock, Lexington arts and
sciences sophomore; and Lib Craps
ter, arts and sciences sophomore
from Winchester.

"But I want to be in his class even
if I don't need more work in that
subject." That is what students say
about Dr. Sherwood's classes.
Henry Noble Sherwood, professor
of political science and assistant
editor of publications of the Experiment station, is extremely popular
with his students. This popularity
does not come as a gift but as something Dr. Sherwood really earns
and values.
He was born in the southern part
of Indiana in 1883, the son of a
farmer. He went to grade school
in a country school near Mitchell.
It was In high school ht received
his A.B., B.S. and his B.O. degrees.
Later he received his A.B. from Indiana university, then his B.M. at
Harvard. He went back to Indiana
Pn D- - an;1 1115
to get

Beaver college.
He first taught in a small one
room country school, not so far from
his home. After several more such
schools he taught in his first high
school. From there he went to his
first college, the University of Cin
cinnati; and then to Central Nor
mal school; next to the University
of Colorado; Wisconsin state; Indiana university; Franklin college;
University of Louisville and finally
as president to Georgetown college.
The story of his refusal to be baptized as they wished and his dismissal from the college is famous In
In June, 1942, Dr. Sherwood came
to the University of Kentucky. And
in his own words, "I like It here.
Everyone has been awfully good to
He was married in 1906 to the girl
he had met in school. He has two

Baskett A&S junior
from Casper, Wyoming, has been
elected president of the YWCA for
1944-4Charlene Burris, Paris, has
been elected
Faulkner, Lexington,
and June Hubbard, Covington, were
elected secretary and treasurer, respectively.
Miss Baskett, a member ot Alpha
Lambda Delta, freshman honorary
society and Cwens, sophomore honorary society, is treasurer of Delta
Delta Delta sorority.
She was a staff reporter for the
Kernel and a member of WAA, Pit.jttJg3L::fU Hi imwmtmi
I .. .
kin club, and Phi Mu Upsilon, honorary math fraternity. Miss Baskett
Charlene Burris
Virginia Baskett and
also received the Phi Beta Kappa
president respectively of the YWCA award for the freshman woman with
. . . were elected president and
the highest scholastic standing.
Charlene Burris, Ag junior, is a
member of Phi Upsilon Omicron.
home economics honorary, Kampus
Kousins, Student Union Activities
committee, and Cwens.
Elizabeth Faulkner. A&S senior,
is active in the Student Art club.
Election of ten representatives
She is president of WAA, a member
of Cwens, and Theta Sigma Phi.
to the Assembly of the Student Govjournalism honorary fraternity.
ernment association will be held on
Miss Hubbard is a member of
Tuesday, April 25, according to Jim
and assistant treasurer of KapVacancies
my Hurt,
pa Delta sorority. She is active in
by the quarter rotabrought about
Guignol work.
tion system which causes one-thiof the members to be elected each
quarter will be filled.
Four Kentuckians will receive
Students who wish to run for of honorary degrees bestowed by the
fice must file at the office of the University in the commencement
registrar in the Administration exercises in June, it was announced
building by noon, Tuesday, April 18. Tuesday, following a meeting of the
Dr. Logan Wilson, head of the
To be eligible for office, a student board of trustees of the University.
Sociology department will be the
must have a 12 scholastic standing
Those recommended for the LLD, second speaker In the series of five
and have been a resident at the honorary degree, included Gov. S.
University for at least two quarters, S. Willis, Fred M. Vinson, director open classes to be held this quarter
according to the SGA constitution. of economic stabilization for the in the arts and sciences college.
Dr. Logan will speak on "InterOffices to be filled at the election federal government; and Dr. Franmarriage and Social Structure"
cis Etephenson Hutchins, president
meets his class at the
-- class wom
of Berea college. The list also In- when he
Agriculture: one lipper
Thursday, April 13. in
Jesse Hilton Stuart River-to- n. fourth hour
an replacing Eloise Bennett
poet, and room 106, Frazee hall.
Kentucky, author,
Arts and Sciences: two lower- Dr. Charles E. Snow, assistant
recently inducted into the
class women to replace Maryybelle educator,
professor of anthropology, spoke on
armed forces.
Calvert and"Brewste'r Phelps, one
Recommended by the graduate "A Museum Tour of Kentucky,"
upper-claman to replace Marion
faculty to receive this degree, the Wednesday, at the first class of the
man to reVance, one lower-clafour men listed will take their hon- open series.
place Morrison Swift and one
seventy-eight- h
annual Also scheduled to hold open classes
woman to replace Anita ors at the
commencement exercises, June 1944. are Professor Edward Rannels, head
Also approved at the meeting of of the art department on Friday.
womCommerce: one upper-clathe trustees was the establishment April 21; Dr. Huntley Dupre. proan to replace Margaret Erskine.
of an annual Founders Day to hon- fessor of history, no definite date;
womEducation: one upper-claor the men and women contributing and Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head
replace Lucille Ciark.
an to
to the building of the University. of the department of political sci
Engineering: one lower-claman Dr. Donovan pointed out that the ence, on May 4.
to take the place of Walton Howard. General Assembly established the
Graduate school: one man to re- Agricultural and Mechanical Colplace Ray Garrison.
lege of Kentucky University on Feb.
22, 1865, therefore. Feb. 22 was designated for the celebration.





SGA Announces Election Date

For Eight Representatives

Take Degrees
Faculty Names
Four For Honors


Dr. Logan Wilson
Will Conduct
Second Open Class








Backstage At
The Theatre
By Casey Goman



For three years he was State Sup
erintendent in Indiana of Public
Instruction. Winning this cam
paign with one election speech, he
obtained 60,000 more votes than the
governor. This was his first and
last entrance into politics.
Dr. Sherwood is a popular speaker ail over the state, and widely
known as an author. Some of his
books include "The Life of Paul
Cuffee," "Manual of European
Maps," "Maker of the New World,
Beginning," and
"Our Country's
"Civics and Citizenship."
Dr. Sherwood's policy in teaching
can be summed up in his own words,
"Each pupil means something to
me. I hate not to give them all A's."
He insists on letting the pupil teach
him ax he teaches the pupil. As for
his post war plans he says, "Why,
I intend to teach school."



and nails, boards and
paints, and a little ingenuity all
mixed together by Frank Fowler's
lean hand, becomes the set for "Ac
cent on Youth." Daytime activity
at Guignol centers around the stage,
where scenery is rapidly taking
shape. Bluejeaned and plaid shirt-e- d
University Means to
What the
stage hands (female) are slaving
Me will be discussed by Hazel Ken' to create a New York penthouse in
nedy, Betty Shelley, John Cashman
the center of Kentucky's bluegrass.
and Hugh Collett at 6:30
Said stage hands are doing a good
Tuesday In the Y lounge of the
discern-abl- e
Union building at a meeting of the job too, even to the skyline
In the wing. It isn't every

Students Demand Classes
Of Dr. Henry N. Sherwood
By Wanda Lee Spears


stage crew that would build one of
New York's largest bridges in the
theatre wings.
The gals aren't without their
troubles, though. Some of the gray
paint Just won't stick, and the spray
gun I Don't talk about that to
the poor girls. That gray shadow
hunched over a darker gray shadow
in the corner Is a painter trying to
make the confounded thing work.
Hairpins, nailfiles none of the usual feminine methods had any impression on the machine. Finally,
by dint of much pounding and
twisting and cleaning
the paint
again sprayed on the shelves.
And have you heard the classic
Guignol stagehand story? They told
me the tale of Fowler and the nervous painter as soon as I looked inside the theatre. It seems that a
very nervous frosh was perched upon a ladder painting; there was just
enough paint left in the large saucepan to cover the bottom. Mr. Fowl
er, trusting soul, reclined on tne
lower rung of the ladder. The paint
pan slipped, the frosh squealed, and
Fowler looked up to see what was
the matter. Sure nough, tne pan
landed upside down atop the Fowl- 'er profile, and paint drooled cop
lously down his cheeks,

Dr. Prewitt
Is Guest Speaker
At Medical Society
Dr. George Prewitt, orthodontist,
and University graduate, was guest
speaker at the meeting of the Pryor

By Shirley Meister
By Shirley Meister
Question: Are yon in favor

society at 7:30 p. m. national labor draft?
Thursday in the Biological Science
Johnny Robbina, A AS, sophomore:
He talked on The Growth and De- Yes, I'm in favor of such an act,
velopment of the Human Head and because it has proved successful in
Face, touching briefly on the physi- other allied countries and we
efology as reflected in the anatomy of shouldn't lag behind in the war
bones, and the dental fort I've already ordered my rivetthe cranial
ing gun from Cincinnati.
aspects of endocrinology.
Esther Price. Ag, junior: Yes. if
Following his address. Dr. Prewitt
it will make the war end sooner.
discussed with the p
Howard Kuh, A&S, sophomore:
students the causes and prevention
I'm in favor of it but not for colof dental decay.
Dr. Prewitt graduated from the lege students; they should be alUniversity in 1930, concluded his lowed to continue their studies.
Shirley Ades, AiS, sophomore:
dental work at the University of
Louisville in 1933, and took his M. A. No, because it's too late now to do
degree in Orthodontics at the UniThere would be too many comversity of Illinois In 1935.
Margery Schwartz, A&S, senior:
I believe that men who aren't in essential war Jobs at present should
be drafted into war industries.
freshDick Yonngennan,
A Russian icon, a rare paint ing, man: Being a veteran, I'm highly
was presented to the University aft in favor of it; because it is necesdepartment April 2, as a memorial sary lor our armed force to have
to Mrs. Jean Bullitt Lowry Denny, suSicient materials.
formerly a member of the staff of
Jean Spicer, A 4 3. freshman:
the art department.
Only if it's absolutely necessary for
The icon, the gift of Mrs. Denny's the war effort, because it would be
husband. Harold Denny, war cor- taking away individual rights.
respondent now stationed in LonPfc Saul Halpert Breckinridge
don, was presented at the opening
favor of it if it is a part
Pencil hall: I'm in
of the 12th annual Brush and
of the President's whole program
club exhibition of paintings by local
which includes the soldier vote and
artists. Miss Ann Worthington
not in favor of it
the tax
represented Mr. Denny in alone. bill. I'm
making the presentation and Dr. H.
Owen Lewis, log-- , freshman: Yes,
L. Donovan accepted the gift for
because there wouldn't be any disUniversity.
The icon will remain on rxhibit tinction between soldiers and civwith the Brush and Pencil club's ilians.
Jimmy Molnar, ASTEP, Kinkead
show until the end of April, when
it will be given a permanent place hall: Yes, it would put men In po
sitions where they axe needed most
in the art department libraiy.


Rare Painting
To University


Cal-lih- an

� The Kerml Editorial Page


ia.ter4 at



the Port Offlc

i,.G..a nana natter


Win th

at Lrxlntton.

Art of March








National Editorial Association


rem mationm.








Bfttye McCi.anahn
Vincfnt Spac.nI:oi.o






Odd Heads? So Sorry
If our headlines come out upside down or if
there are great expanses of pure, white spaces
in some editions, please bear with us. At this
just about anything can happen to The
Kemel-a- nd
it probably will.
Edwards, appointed managing editor
hi the beginning of the quarter after a year's
thorough training in her duties, has been ill for
almost two weeks and probably. will not return
to school until Septemler.
In case you aren't familiar with the workings
c.f a newspaper. Miss Edwards writes all the
headlines and decides which stories are to go
vhfie. 'I hen on Thursdays she dons plaid shirt
and joins the editor and news editor in actually


there shall they sic me.
some pf
Now when they were going,
watch came into t he city, and shewed unto
the chief priests all the things that were done.
And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave latge nion-eunto the soldieis.
Saying, Say e, Mis disciples came by night,
and stole him away while we slept.
And if this tome to the governor's ears, we
will persuade him, and seiure you.
So they took the money, and did as they were
"taught: and tin's saying is commonly. xepApfed
among the Jews until this day.
Then the eleven dis iplcs went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
And when they saw him, they worshipped
him: but some doubted.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me in heaven apd'iri

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, bap- ...wi. ...
. v. .. aon, -- Mui ,.r . i. i r . .1 .
I,,,, . .
ui ..it .....j v,..v,
Teaching them to observe all things what- soever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am
with vou alwav, even unto the end of the world.
Malt. 28:1-2Amen.



Yno Make

Kitty Churchill?

3. Dear Campus:

This is to introduce Mary Kassen-tiiueShe will take the blond
for the column. May
v e introduce her as a new
.She sees all, knows all, and tells
iiotl.ing but what she knows. When
ue mentioned that she could get
10 activity points for the job, she







gave up scruples




Box Cars.

jL Kappa House
awes Board and Jim Keighlly
ne giving eacii oilier wonderful
Cnriitmas present


jr 1


-- xp-

fA Log Is


little incident that


Jusf a few lines to let you and UK
Grs wno recently left
rexineton are makinc out We've
an been placed in training outfits
of the Combat Engineers, out here
deep in the heart of the Ozarks.

occurred in
Service Club No. 4 an hour or so
aeo. 0ver the loudsueaker came an
announcement of a long distance
call for a dl (I didn't get the name)

IVlZS Z we.nStel

we use


cSrs of. '


cq. b,

Government association was offic- ially adopted. The document, writ- ten over a period of eight months
by a special committee, was drawn

Something New
Reader Praises
I just received my March 24
issue of The Kernel. As usual,
it's a good paper, but I have a
comment to make.
Whoever did the interview on
Dr. Ratlin neglected to say that,
among all her talents and accomplishments, she is also a
grand person to know. As a '43
alumna of the University, let
me say that I've never come in
contact with a finer leader of
college students. Orchids to the
best "prof" on the campus!


flicts between the old constitution
and the rules which gove
Faculty of the University.
Since that time no attempt nas
By A dele Penman
been made to explain the Constitu- .v,
r ,v,
Introducing Margaret Hollyfieid,
"""'"'f jiavc 11c v ci ami mc uuuiiicijl. iii
new addition to big "A"
Will be the ainv Of this serie&or
n .. J
- ui. ..IlfV I'll .UJU. UUIJIII II
to analyze tne uonsuiuuon
race. Corkie's loyalty proaucea articles WUIallllCUlr UtAfU It.
eignt otner giria oa;a.
ine loity out sincere
It is true that Ben Eubank travels the SGA are expressed pnncip.esthe
first in
from "Gam" to "Gam"?
Preamble, which reads, "We, the
8. ADPi House
students of the TTniversitv of Ken- naming Mamie" had her hair tuckv. aware of both our rights and
mpmhm f the
the sisters are proclaiming
Mattress Week. Anne universitv communitv. and wishine
10 proviae an organization tnrougn
pro and con as to whether she would which our energies may most ef- trip on it, broke down ana removed fectively be directed, do hereby
tne liamnty. uonnaeniauy we iineo. adopt this constitution of the Stu- it the hair I mean.
dent Government association of the
Things must be dull when even University of Kentucky."
McClanahan didn't have a date this
Read the paragraph again. Vou
week-enwill notice that both rights and re- Psychological tests proved that the sponsibilities are mentioned. This
sisters could get a man if they all means that although it is an honor
to pe cnosen to woric lor bUA, it is
watched Mary E. Pumphrey.
also a duty which must be con- 9. Apple Polisher
Jennings Kir by has found a new scientiously followed.
Not only the officers, the repre- way to get by in English. He selects
sentatives. the committee members
a good looking teacher for the subresponsibilities, howev- ject of his descriptions and portrays